
darsieWhat do you recommend to use for skype video calls?00:06
wxlum, skype? XD00:07
darsieOk, so from the skype site. Didn't find it in synaptic.00:07
wxlright right00:07
wxli think:00:07
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga00:07
wxlthat MAY be updated00:07
wxli think i just installed it from the skype site, tho00:07
wxli also think it may still be in the partner repo00:08
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:08
darsieok, thx.00:09
darsieI'm too exhausted for that now, though.00:09
wxlheheh understood00:09
wxlend of my day here00:09
wxlabout to head out00:09
wxlso rest well ;)00:09
darsiebtw, thanks for lubuntu. It makes this acer aspire one useful again. With Windows XP it was notoriously out of memory etc.00:11
darsie8 GB SSD, 1 GB RAM, Atom N270 (IIRC). Single core (two logical) at 1.6 GHz.00:12
darsiebefore that00:13
darsiebefore that I tried slitaz, which was very slim, but it's web browsers didn't work, including firefox 10 (sic).00:13
darsieWell, they didn't work for some sites.00:14
=== john is now known as Guest20516
Guest20516can I use lubuntu on touchscreens?01:46
holsteintry it.. should work fine01:46
holsteini wouldnt expect amazing mutli-finger support..01:46
Guest20516touchscreen tablets, lubuntu has that virtual keyboard too ?01:46
holsteinthere will be many virtual keyboards in the repos01:47
Guest20516I see01:47
Guest20516does lubuntu work on the fly with touchscreen tablets ? or do i need to install something from the repository to get the touchscreen enabled01:47
holsteinGuest20516: there is nothing about lubuntu preventing that device from working with it01:49
holsteini dont have it, or know specifically what model it is.. or, if i did, if i could say it would support linux/lubuntu or not01:50
holsteinbut, i would just try it, since, lubuntu is completely free, and open for you tro try it01:50
holsteinto try it*01:50
Guest20516i mean, do I have to apt-get anything from the repositories to enable touchscreen in lubuntu ?01:50
holsteinGuest20516: i dont know, friend.. ideally, the company that sells it would provide you that information.. but, they likely provide that information for another operating system01:51
holsteinGuest20516: i would just try lubuntu, and see if it works. then, i would just read about touchscreen support in ubuntu, generally01:51
Guest20516i know for certain that ubuntu works with touchscreen01:52
holsteini have personally only had access to a few touchscreens, and they "just work" with linux..01:52
holsteinGuest20516: lubuntu *is* ubuntu01:52
Guest20516yea so it should be fine i guess01:52
holsteinno need to guess. just try it, live, or, install lxde in the ubuntu that you have tested01:52
SparkMasterTapeHey guys, I am trying to get an old sound card to work02:20
SparkMasterTapeDell Sound Blaster Live! (emu10k1x)02:21
SparkMasterTapeI downloaded the package ld10k1 through synaptic which they call a patch loader02:24
ianorlinSparkMasterTape: does sound otherwise work on this?02:24
SparkMasterTapeBut thats as far as I know to go. I don't know how to have my machine use this driver opposed to the one thats currently not working02:24
SparkMasterTapeYes, it was an old Windows XP machine02:24
SparkMasterTapeand it worked before the Lubuntu 15.04 install02:24
SparkMasterTapeIts a 'Dell Sound Blaster Live!' audio card02:26
SparkMasterTapecorrection, emu10k1x02:28
SparkMasterTapeafter performing aplay -l02:28
ianorlinah and that is only audio output?02:38
nwdghello, trying to get some sound output from xchat, alsa's working but no sounds from xchat, anybody?09:35
pmishgood morning09:47
pmishi have a question regarding flashing a bootable sd card09:48
pmishi use lubuntu for an embedded system but my linux experience is little09:49
pmishwhen i flash the sd card with that appropriate image i always get a root partition that is just large enough for the system09:49
pmishi get into trouble when i want to download additions to the system i.e. java09:49
pmishis there a way to use the whole of the sd card for "linuxroot"09:50
pmishmeaning one partition only09:50
nwdglemme check09:50
nwdgyou can plug the sd card in a machine and boot from disk to install lubuntu, then select the sd as destination and using gparted (which is the visual tool to create partitions) create a single partition on the sd and install the system there09:57
pmishokay i'll give it a try, thanks nwdg10:03
nwdgyw, let me know if u need help10:04
abrakukubeen using lubuntu for years, just applied updates (which i do every day), and now: bluetooth manager has disappeared, vlc (installed by deb) has disappeared, tresorit (installed by deb) has disappeared, WTF is going on..?12:02
leszekabrakuku: the update manager should show you a big big warning box if it tries to remove something12:19
holsteinabrakuku: disapeared?12:27
abrakukuafter the reboot, everything i described did happen. i am 100% certain i didnt uninstall bluetooth manager (or vlc or tresorit), yet it disappeared, bluetooth manager is a system app.  this then is my last day of ubuntu/or linux for that matter, its fckng ridiculous. cya12:29
abrakukugoing to Start > Preferences > its not there anymore12:29
abrakukutoo tired for this bullshit12:29
abrakukuuninstall lubuntu12:29
holsteinanother satisfied customer ;)12:30
leszekthere are simply too many bugs all over the place12:57
leszekIt doesn't matter which operating system12:57
leszek*buntu never ever learned to handle encrypted drives properly for example12:57
wxlcc check in with lubuntu team at 1730 UTC (about 30 mins) at #ubuntu-meeting. feel free to join16:48
pleia2it may be a few minutes earlier depending on how many folks we get from MATE, I wish we didn't do the :30 thing x_x16:49
pleia2feel free to join #ubuntu-meeting in 10 minutes to see the whole meeting :)16:50

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