
evkgunn: terribly sorry about that. We saw this a mile back, but haven't been able to get an answer on whether we should replace those makos with BQs or somehow find more makos (i.e. build a time machine).02:11
evkgunn: if you want to step in and make the call on that email ("BQ vs Mako", 22 Sept) that would be grand02:11
evas I think Pat is out02:12
evthanks for rescuing this, fginther02:12
Ursinharobru, I can't connect either, came here to ask if I was the only one02:19
fgintherev, you're welcome02:23
robruUrsinha: i got back in after a while, seems intermittent03:07
Ursinhastill no luck here :/03:08
robruev: i have a personal mako m thinking of upgrading, how much you willing to pay for it? ;-)03:08
robruUrsinha: when I lost the connection it took me 2 hours before reconnecting was successful. want me to grab somebody from #webops to find you here on freenode?03:11
Ursinharobru: did they have to do anything for you to be able to connect? I think that would be helpful, thanks :)03:13
robruUrsinha: nah I just ignored it until it fixed itself. but I'll ask for you03:13
Ursinharobru: thank you :)03:14
robruUrsinha: you're welcome!03:14
robruUrsinha: pjdc referred me to barryprice, hopefully he's around to follow up with you03:15
Ursinha robru, thanks!03:16
robrulol, I did a train rollout 2.5 hours ago and nobody has run any train jobs yet to test it.03:23
robrustupid lull between US EOD and EU morning03:24
evrobru: one loonie03:28
robruev: plus shipping?03:29
evwell, I'll put a stamp on the loonie03:29
evand we'll just trust the post office03:29
robruWhat could possibly go wrong?03:30
evthey could send Benton Fraser down after me for attempting to bribe a Canadian national03:32
evand bed03:32
Mirvrunning some...05:27
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bzoltan_jibel:  when you see Victor, would you please ping him to check the silo57 UITK. He misunderstood the logs.05:39
Mirvjibel: robru: I think we'd need checking for unbuilt revisions before publishing, to avoid spending QA cycles on a silo that would have needed a rebuild. 2/4 of this morning's silos were such.05:41
MirvI guess I'd mean a constantly running job every hour or so, and an indicator on Bileto/Trello.05:42
robruMirv: good call, can you file a bug?05:43
robruMirv: I've been aware of this issue for a while, problem is that nothing runs after build but before publish to detect this stuff.05:44
robruMirv: so something that scans every five minutes and reports these types of problems would be good05:45
robruMirv: maybe check-publication-migration could be expanded to cover this, since it polls PPAs every five minutes but only for silos that were published. Could expand it to pre-publish checks05:46
Mirvrobru: yeah a scanning one sounds good. I'll file a bug.06:00
jibelrobru,  auditable logs is a nice new feature, thanks! is it complete or still in progress?06:58
robrujibel: well I'm sure there's issues to iron out but it's basically done.07:05
robrujibel: it'll look a bit better when I redesign the site. it was just a higher priority to get it functional, can make it pretty later07:05
robrujibel: what makes you ask if it's in progress? something wrong?07:07
robruI'm afraid certain silos will just be totally spammed with hundreds of messages, might have to simplify the number of status messages that jenkins uses.07:07
robruI suppose I should make some attempt to create audit log entries for old requests that don't have any but I'm not sure how feasible that would be, or how much value a "fake" audit log entry would be.07:14
jibelrobru, there is no entry when the user performs an action for example like changing the status07:16
robrujibel: no, entries are only created by jenkins when jenkins is doing something.07:17
jibelrobru, I'd like to know who marked it ready, failed, passed, ...07:17
robrujibel: that sounds feasible, can you file a bug against lp:bileto and assign it to me?07:18
jibelrobru, that was the bug you marked as duplicate07:18
jibelrobru, bug 149643207:19
ubot5`bug 1491163 in CI Train [cu2d] "duplicate for #1496432 Auditable Publish logs." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149116307:19
jibelI'll add more info07:19
jibelnot this one but the dupe07:19
robrujibel: ah it was ambiguous, I interpreted "actions" as "jenkins jobs", didn't consider also changing qa_signoff state.07:20
jibelrobru, no, for the user jenkins is a transparent piece of machinery07:21
jibelrobru, I'll deduplicate and add more info07:22
robrujibel: I think jenkins is maybe as transparent as mud ;-)07:24
jibelrobru, bug 149643207:24
ubot5`bug 1496432 in Bileto "Add status changes to the audit logs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149643207:24
robrujibel: ok I can probably do that during my shift tomorrow07:25
jibelrobru, not urgent but nice to have and useful to understand how things happen07:26
robrujibel: yeah it's a good idea, didn't even occur to me07:27
SaviqMirv, hey, we'll pull the qtmir commit out when greyback's around, don't wanna waste the testing and QA time, and the additional change is rather small07:30
SaviqMirv, unless you can force publish anyway?07:31
MirvSaviq: please pull it, there's no force option for that07:39
Mirv(for publishing)07:39
Mirvogra: when around, please run https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-2-publish/ job (no packaging changes, but manually uploaded main package)07:41
robruogra: and for the first time ever, train generated a real live diff for oxide, which you can review at https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-2-publish/94/artifact/oxide-qt_content.diff/*view*/07:55
Saviqgreyback, hey, can you pull the last change from qml cache branch, I didn't notice and didn't rebuild when you pushed it07:58
greybackSaviq: you want me to revert that change? What's wrong with rebuilding it (you'd need to retest?)08:00
Saviqgreyback, me, and QA team08:00
greybackSaviq: alrighty. Will need you to reapprove the MP08:00
Saviqgreyback, so yes, please revert, and we'll land separately (with a test verifying you only clear cache once?)08:00
greybackSaviq: pushed08:02
Mirvtrying again08:03
Saviqgreyback, you'll need to uncommit and overwrite instead08:03
greybackSaviq: ah ok08:04
Saviqgreyback, otherwise train's always gonna find new commits08:04
Mirvso rev 38008:04
Saviqgreyback, thanks08:04
SaviqMirv, ok, last time (fingers crossed)08:05
Mirvthe second last time already08:05
robruMirv: wat08:06
Mirvlooking good now08:06
Mirvrobru: just a new commit that needed uncommitting so that train can publish what was built08:06
sil2100robru: nothing to worry about08:07
robruMirv: oh ok. I was just looking at the audit log and I was like "you didn't build this, stop it"08:07
MirvSaviq: greyback: it's good now.08:07
SaviqMirv, great, thanks08:07
robrua single publication just marked 8 silos dirty, good god people08:10
robruMirv: hmmm, so if I implement a continuous scanning check that would mark silos dirty due to having unbuilt revisions, removing the offending commit wouldn't un-mark it dirty... you'd be forced to rebuild.08:12
sil2100Saviq: hey! Did you talk with Pat about the cursor changes in unity8 in the end?08:21
Saviqsil2100, forgot, will do so this afternoon, we've a few more PD-geared things that we might land along side08:21
Mirvrobru: watch only would work though? the most usual use case is that the new build really needs to be done (before submitting to QA)08:33
robruMirv: nope, watching a dirty silo does not make it clean. you need to really do a build to clear the dirty state.08:34
robruMirv: oh, you might be thinking that watching a silo will set the status to 'packages built'. that's true. but the files that indicate dirty state are still on disk08:35
Mirvrobru: hmm, maybe it's better anyway. or we need a "clean dirty flag" to build job.08:35
robruMirv: please god no more flags I'm sick of flags, there should be fewer flags08:36
* sil2100 likes flags08:36
Mirvrobru: well hmm how it'd work for manual uploads then? yes, I thought that.08:36
robruMirv: not sure. I think the current implementation would clear the dirty status if you rebuild a manual source even without uploading a new package. it would have no way of knowing.08:37
Mirvrobru: my Qt 5.5 silo would get marked dirty several times a week and I mostly upload just new packages manually.08:37
Mirvrobru: ok, so for manual uploads watch_only provavly clears the flag.08:38
robruMirv: right, there's no requirement to reupload every time it gets dirty, just in between getting dirty and when you want to publish. if you don't do it then you'll revert whatever release made it dirty in the first place08:38
robruMirv: no, watch_only will never clear the flag08:38
robruMirv: you would need to run the build as if it was a real build, it would clear the flag that way even though it doesn't actually upload a new package for you08:39
robruMirv: the flag gets cleared in the 'clean' phase which does not run during watch_only.08:39
Mirvah, ok.08:39
Mirvso build without watch_only ok :)08:39
Mirvrobru: I think we want more to prevent this kind of problem (like Saviq's and pete-wood's todays silos) than we want to allow the uncommit dance08:40
MirvI mean, Saviq wouldn't have put the silo towards QA if it would have been flagged dirty08:40
robruMirv: in the bad old days you needed to use WATCH_ONLY on manual sources but for a while now the train knows what to do if you do a "real" build but you only have manual sources in the silo08:40
Mirvnow if we don't give more flags for sil2100 to love, the downside is if greyback decides to accidentally push a commit to the MP during QA08:41
robruMirv: ok I really like the idea of train automatically marking silos dirty when new commits appear, not sure when I'll have time for that though08:41
MirvI'm not sure how often accidental commits + uncommits + force push:s happen08:41
robrume either.08:42
Mirvrobru: right, so in principle it's the right thing to do but there's no hurry08:42
robruMirv: what we'll do is make sure to put a BLACK MARK on their PERMANENT RECORD whenever it happens08:42
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greybackand I'll do it again too, mwahahaha08:43
Mirvbad greyback, bad!08:43
dbarthhey guys; i have a couple of manual upload requests for my silos (i guess that's trainguard material)08:43
sil2100dbarth: yep, what's up? :)08:44
dbarthin silo-005, in the ppa specifically, adding a webbrowser-app upload, to test the fix in platform-api08:44
robruok good night, gotta be up early for that meeting tomorrow08:44
Mirvrobru: night!08:44
dbarthit would be a no change uplaod, to get the build dependency in08:44
Mirvdbarth: you could do an empty MP if you want to control it yourself08:45
dbarthand in silo 21, we have the final 1.9.4 build availble (replaces 1.9.3 with an extra security fix from upstream)08:45
dbarthMirv: so i need to bzr branch lp:trunk bzr push to a personal branch and then create the empty mp from there, right?08:46
Mirvdbarth: exactly08:46
dbarthi tried the other day but it wouldn't work without an actual 1 line change; well trying again l)08:46
sil2100dbarth: in the past it worked fine :)08:46
sil2100Since LP allows for pushing no-change merges08:47
SaviqMirv, robru, it'd definitely be helpful, but sounds overkill, that the train would monitor all the involved branches08:49
Saviqthis case was my fault since I added/built the MP before it was top-acked08:50
Saviqshould've monitored it more closely08:50
dbarthok, that seems to work08:55
MirvSaviq: the problem is that it happens often, and more often in that way it really needs a rebuild. wasting QA resources is bad.09:01
SaviqMirv, totally, OTOH this should never happen if the lander's doing his job right09:02
Mirvthe tools are there to help lander to do the job right. currently this seems a bit too common.09:06
dbarthMirv: for oxide 1.9.3, is there something i need to do to have it published and ready for ota-7?09:30
dbarthMirv: 1.9.4 is here, but oSoMoN righfully suggested to get 1.9.3 published first, just to be sure we have a recent oxide available in the image09:31
Mirvdbarth: ping ogra more to publish it :)09:32
Mirvor some other core-dev09:32
Mirvdbarth: 1.9.3 is approved and ready to land09:32
dbarthah ok09:32
dbarthfine, then i should create a new silo request for 1.9.4, it's safer09:32
MirvI wonder if eg Laney would like to run https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-2-publish/build (no packaging changes, but a manual upload of a main package - full diff at https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-2-publish/94/artifact/oxide-qt_content.diff)09:33
Mirvdbarth: yes, please09:34
LaneyMirv: I don't think this policy applies to non-Ubuntu09:39
Laneydoes the train enforce it?09:40
MirvLaney: non-Ubuntu? so yes, train enforces that if the package is not built via MP:s but manually uploaded to the PPA, a main package always needs to be published by a core dev even if it would not have packaging changes.09:42
Mirvoxide-qt is a bit special since it's so huge (4GB unpacked) that it's a bit hard to maintain it via MP:s09:42
LaneyMirv: I mean that the sign-off policy doesn't apply to the PPA which isn't really Ubuntu itself09:44
LaneyDMB doesn't have authority over it anyway09:44
Laneybut yes, can publish09:44
MirvLaney: thank you. it's just that non-coredev:s can't run the publish jobs anymore in case they don't have the permissions on the Ubuntu side.09:53
LaneyMirv: I think you *do* have the permissions for the PPA09:53
MirvLaney: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-2-publish/94/console "timo-jyrinki not authorized to upload oxide-qt"09:54
Laneythat is the ~ci-train-ppa-service team, not ~ubuntu-core-dev or anything else09:54
MirvLaney: for the PPA, but not PPA -> archive09:54
Laneythis was -> PPA09:57
Laneyat least I hope so!09:57
sil2100The thing is that the current CI Train permission checks always check permissions against the main archive09:59
sil2100Even if you publish to a PPA (like the overlay)09:59
LaneyOK, that's probably a bit stricter than is necessary10:00
sil2100Yeah, I wanted it to do 'the right thing' and check against the destination, but slangasek said this way is good as well10:00
LaneyIt's fine, just you might have to get someone else in cases you don't strictly have to10:03
MirvLaney: ah, right, that's what you meant, sorry. yes, it's a bit strict, but we treat the overlay PPA pretty much as an archive.10:07
dbarth__trainguards: there is now a release of oxide 1.9.4 ready for manual upload to silo 16; thanks11:34
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sil2100dbarth: requiring a rebuild against the overlay, right?11:35
dbarthsil2100: exactly11:36
sil2100dbarth: I'll try to pick it up in a moment then o/11:36
Mirvsil2100: just tell if you want me to11:37
sil2100dbarth: in what PPA is it available? In phablet I only see 1.10.111:37
sil2100Mirv: if you know where to get it from then you can pick it up ;)11:39
Mirvsil2100: ok then :) fetching it from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa11:40
sil2100Ah, tha one ;)11:41
greybackAnyone happen to know what ordering that the train uses with multiple MPs? It doesn't appear to be the order they are listed11:41
sil2100greyback: in the past it was using the order listed, not sure how it looks like now though11:43
greybackI'm not sure I understand the order any more. In silo22, qtmir, small-refactoring-of-MirWindowManager is applied *after* liveCaption11:44
greybackbut listed before. And I think approved before.11:45
sil2100greyback: let me look into that in a moment11:49
greybacksil2100: it's not urgent, just would be good to understand11:49
dbarthsil2100: oops sorry, yeah, what Mirv said11:53
MirvOxide is what I have all the CPU:s, SSD:s and 100/100 network connection for...11:56
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brendandany new arale image being built soon?12:15
sil2100brendand: what's up?12:16
brendandsil2100, oh i'm just having some troubles with our test suite and the normal workarounds aren't working12:17
brendandsil2100, we get some issues updating when the archive moves on from the image12:17
brendandsil2100, so a new build solves it for sure12:17
sil2100brendand: we might kick a new image in ~1 hour if you're ok with that, as I'm investigating some changes in livecd-rootfs12:18
sil2100But you'd need to wait a bit12:18
sil2100Would that be fine?12:18
brendandsil2100, yeah no rush12:19
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Mirvrobru: FYI I tried comment silo 054 multiple times but the comments seemed to go to /dev/null14:02
Mirvjust wondering if they show in any log or such14:03
alf_jibel: Hi! I have top approved all the branches for citrain request 343. Please try again. About the changelog conflict, it seems to be a bzr/lp glitch not a real conflict. We had the same problem for USC 0.1.3 (entry 423) but it went through fine.14:04
alf_kgunn: ^^ FYI14:04
jibelalf_, okay, thanks.14:08
rvrbzoltan_: Approving silo 5714:08
rvralf_: jibel: I already checked that they were approved14:10
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Mirvrvr: bzoltan_ oSoMoN: what's up with 57 really, QA has checked it but webbrowser never built in the PPA for any of the archs, on Tuesday? is it supposed to be published by first removing the webbrowser-app, or...?14:12
Mirvso the silo status was never "Packages built" even though it was sent to QA14:12
Mirv5 failed QmlTests on each arch14:12
rvrMirv: Hmm14:13
Mirvif the UITK is good to go as is too, maybe it's ok to publish but it's clearly not "clear" as is14:13
oSoMoNMirv, webbrowser-app needs to be published together with uitk, I expected bzoltan_ to handle that silo14:14
oSoMoNMirv, can you please retry the failed builds for webbrowser-app there?14:14
oSoMoNMirv, note that it’s only autopilot tests changes for webbrowser-app, so rebuilding shouldn’t invalidate all the testing done so far14:15
MirvoSoMoN: since it failed tests on all archs on both releases, I assume it's not really going to work... but ok, rerunning them14:16
MirvQmlTests::TabsBar::test_context_menu_close() Uncaught exception: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined14:16
oSoMoNhuh, let me check the failures, I assumed it was only the favicon fetcher unit test failing14:16
Mirvno, nothing to do with those14:17
oSoMoNMirv, would you mind re-running them anyway, to get fresh failures?14:17
Mirvrvr: bzoltan: oSoMoN: ok, AP only fix at least make the situation much easier, no wasted resources from QA etc14:17
MirvoSoMoN: ok14:17
MirvoSoMoN: I find it weird also it seems the favicon test passed on all on the first run :S14:18
oSoMoNMirv, there’s definitely something fishy there!14:18
MirvoSoMoN: oh, ok, no it didn't14:18
MirvoSoMoN: just luck I guess14:19
MirvoSoMoN: the first two x86 I checked were ok, but found one where there were both qmltests and favicon failing14:19
MirvoSoMoN: ok, retrying all 6 builds now14:19
oSoMoNMirv, bzoltan_: wow, indeed unit tests reliably fail, looking into it14:29
brendandsil2100, are those images on their way?14:29
sil2100brendand: in one moment :)14:29
oSoMoNbzoltan_, maybe we should add to your test plan: rebuild webbrowser-app with the new UITK, as there are a growing number of autopilot tests that are being replaced by unit tests14:30
boikorobru: on silo 11, bileto is showing 3 times the status for the same build job, is that expected?14:31
kenvandinesil2100, is the ubuntu-pd image manually created or is it scheduled?14:40
sil2100kenvandine: we manually kick those for now, but I can add it to the crontab if it's useful :)14:40
kenvandinecould you spin another?14:41
kenvandinethere are a ton of updates that take ages to apply :)14:41
sil2100kenvandine: yeah, I want to do that as I modified the seeds :)14:41
kenvandinebut of interest is the update for libertine :)14:41
sil2100I'll kick one in a moment14:41
rvralf_: Where can I see the unity8 autopilot test results for silo 14?14:42
rvralf_: Ok, found. There are two failures in Wily https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-wily-mako/461/14:46
dbartho/ trainguards, i need the account-polld packages to be removed from ppa 040 to release a landing14:46
sil2100kenvandine: an image should be building soon... there's ubuntu-touch building now as well so I'm not sure if this won't slow things down14:47
sil2100brendand: new image building14:48
sil2100Damn, I was too fast, just hope it'll pick my new livecd-rootfs :|14:49
kenvandinesil2100, thx14:49
alf_rvr: ok, I will take a look, although these don't seem related to my changes...14:51
sil2100Yeah, I think I kicked it too soon, bleh14:57
alf_greyback_: I have been getting some autopilot testing instability with unity8 CI causing it to fail, and making the QA team nervous (https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/unity8/power-state-change-reason-snap-decision/+merge/272233).14:58
alf_greyback_: How do we deal with this? I have retriggered another CI run hoping it will pass this time...14:58
sil2100brendand: hope you won't mind another ubuntu-touch image a bit later14:59
greyback_tsdgeos hey, would your experienced eye notice anything obvious wrong with the above ^^15:01
greyback_those 2 tests have nothing in common afaict15:01
tsdgeosgreyback_: the autopilot are a bit unstable still15:02
greyback_alf_: ^15:02
tsdgeosunless both wily and vivid fail in the same spot or you see a direct correlation with the code changed15:02
tsdgeosit's most probably just noise15:02
oSoMoNMirv, bzoltan_: I can reproduce the unit test failures locally, looking into fixing them15:03
tsdgeosalf_: greyback_: the vivid autopilot succeeded so i'd say that's just fine15:03
tsdgeosalf_: in fact you were the sole lucky person with a total green in the last runs afair :D15:03
alf_tsdgeos: greyback_: ok, so I will tell QA to just ignore this15:04
alf_rvr: ^^15:04
rvralf_: tsdgeos: Isn't it a dual landing?15:05
tsdgeosrvr: i don't understand the question15:06
rvrtsdgeos: Silo is marked for dual landing, wily and vivid. Vivid passes, wily fails.15:06
rvrtsdgeos: What's the rationale for ignoring it?15:07
tsdgeosas i've said our autopilot tests are unstable15:07
tsdgeosi don't know why you'd be blocking this and not any of the 100 previous landings of unity8 because of that15:07
oSoMoNMirv, bzoltan_: ok, I think I know how to fix this, and the good news is that it won’t involve changing actual app code, only unit tests, but I have to go to a doctor appointment now, I’ll get back to it in the evening, and will request a new build in the silo once fixed15:08
rvrtsdgeos: It may be unfair to get a ticket on a highway for going at high speed, when usually no one is ticketed. It's called bad luck ;)15:11
Saviqrvr, can you see a reliable failure, or is it just a flaky test (i.e. does the test work when you try it again alone?)15:13
rvralf_: I won't be blocking the silo, if the failure is not related15:13
rvrSaviq: Sorry, which silo are you talking about now?15:15
Saviqrvr, alf_'s15:15
rvrSaviq: Ok. I just checked the silo results, didn't check previous runs.15:16
Saviqrvr, alf_, when testing a unity8 silo I always run the whole suite and then re-run any initially failed tests, there often is one or two that fail but pass when re-ran15:16
SaviqI can help with that if you need15:16
Saviqit's a relatively new situation that we have to look into still15:16
rvrSaviq: Do you know whether these tests usually fail? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-wily-mako/461/15:17
Saviqrvr, there is no "usually fail" currently, they are unfortunately random15:18
rvrSaviq: I see15:19
Saviqrvr, also, that's wily, they passed on vivid15:20
Saviqrvr, basically, I re-confirm manually every time when landing15:21
Saviqbut we do need to understand where those failures are coming from15:21
rvrSaviq: Yeah, I saw they are passing in vivid15:22
alf_rvr: Saviq: also, fwiw, the previous revision of the branch managed to pass all tests (which I understand is quite rare), and the latest revision (the one we are discussing) didn't actually change any behavior, it added a (currently) unused value to an enumeration which shouldn't affect anyone/thing15:23
rvralf_: Saviq: Ok, thanks for the insight. I'll begin the silo validation.15:25
alf_rvr: great, thanks15:25
alf_rvr: Also note that we do appreciate your concern about unstable tests and thanks for keeping an eye open for them. Unfortunately, it seems that for the time being we need to be a bit less strict, until we find the cause of the instability.15:31
rvralf_: No problem.15:35
sil2100robru: pong15:49
sil2100robru: ok, since I wasn't able to finish this up during my day today... could you switch dual landings to land wily to the overlay automatically?16:01
robruboiko: yep the audit log for 11 looks as expected to me. Each status is recorded16:55
boikorobru: yeah, I saw your mail about that after I had already complained, sorry for the noise :)16:56
robruMirv: I see your comments https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/silo/5416:57
robruboiko: no worries16:57
robrusil2100: can do, just need to find some coffee16:57
Mirvrobru: I don't see them under https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/user/timo-jyrinki , but yes under your direct link16:59
Mirvrobru: nor in main view. I think comments used to be shown without opening the direct link before?17:00
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Mirvrobru: it was confusing since I entered a comment, clicked the button and it just disappeared17:01
sil2100Mirv: it changed with recent changes, from what I remember from the e-mail17:02
robruMirv: yes I mentioned in the email that comments are hidden if more than 4 requests are displayed to cut down on massive amounts of audit log spam. when I redesign the site I'll be sure to prevent you from being able to add comments on pages where they won't be shown17:04
Mirvrobru: ah right, now I remember, didn't connect! thanks :)17:05
sil2100ogra, pmcgowan: the livecd-rootfs change for the apt lists removal made the rootfs tarball smaller by 11.8 MB - didn't check how much real space we got, but it's still pretty nice17:07
pmcgowansil2100, thats a good direction and on disk is more17:08
pmcgowanreal space was 60-80 as I recall17:09
Saviqrobru, hey, is it on purpose that the build job complains about packages missing in the PPA even though I only built a subset?17:29
robruSaviq: yes, that is on purpose. it used to be that the status would say 'packages built', which is wrong because not all packages are built.17:29
Saviqrobru, but the build job completed, maybe it should be less error-y?17:30
Saviqrobru, basically, sure, I'd like a note that some packages should be, but are not, available in the ppa, but the build job actually completed fine17:31
robruSaviq: I consider packages not being built to be an error condition :-P17:31
Saviqrobru, it might be I'm abusing the packages field in the build job, because I'm building dependencies first, only then the dependents17:32
Saviqrobru, which means it will always complain in that sense17:33
robruSaviq: yes, if you set the correct versions in your Depends: in the packaging then the PPA should be able to work out what order to build them in17:33
Saviqmaybe I should just rely on dependency waits, but historically I remember that taking a long time :P17:33
Saviqbut also sometimes there's no hard dependency on a new version17:34
Saviqbut you want a rebuild to let debsyms do its thing17:34
robruSaviq: but if you're depending on a new feature in a new version, it's kinda broken not to specify that version in your Depends:17:36
Saviqrobru, not what I meant, if you're depending, obviously you need a Depends, I was rather thinking if the dependency changes ABI in a backwards-compatible way... but then there's no rebuild necessary17:37
Saviqbecause it's backward compatible, and through .symbols file the resulting dependency should be as appropriate anyway17:37
Saviqso ok, dependency waits it is then17:38
robruSaviq: well no, if you want to selectively build parts of the silo that is a supported thing to do. it's just that now it helpfully tells you which packages you didn't build yet :-P17:39
Saviqrobru, yeah, I just wouldn't call that an error condition :)17:39
Saviqrather the "helpful notice"17:39
robruSaviq: it's tough to get right, since everything that gets reported from that part of the code is considered an error17:39
robrunot sure how I'd fix that, I'd have to define a new exception that isn't considered an error. would rather keep it an error, makes the code simpler.17:40
Saviqrobru, ack, was just scared that there was an actual build error, and the "None" bits in it suggested something broken even more17:40
robruSaviq: actually the part I thought was weird was that it was looking for a specific qtmir version, not sure where it got that version number from17:41
Saviqrobru, I think that's because there was an actual failed build before17:41
robruah ok17:41
Saviqin that same silo/assignment17:41
robruaudit logs don't go back that far ;-)17:42
jhodapprobru, can you please dput qtmultimedia source package from ppa:jhodapp/ubuntu/ppa to the silo 55 PPA18:17
robrujhodapp: done18:18
jhodapprobru, thanks man!18:18
robrujhodapp: you're welcome18:19
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bdmurraybug 1469398 is being fixed in the overlay PPA and doesn't need SRU'ing to vivid right?18:45
ubot5`bug 1469398 in Canonical System Image "Push-client should be disabled when no network connection" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146939818:45
Guest97502bdmurray, yes18:46
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jhodapprobru, one more time for dput qtmultimedia source package from ppa:jhodapp/ubuntu/ppa to the silo 55 PPA, the build failed last time but I verified locally it builds now18:59
robrujhodapp: done19:00
jhodapprobru, think I have a good process recorded for this now that will alleviate errors in submitting and building a new qtmultimedia :)19:01
jhodapprobru, thanks19:01
robrujhodapp: cool, you're welcome19:01
robrujhodapp: what are you doing? You can't mix syncs and merges... I'm not sure that will do what you expect19:54
jhodapprobru, who's syncing?19:54
oSoMoNMirv, bzoltan_: if you’re still around, I fixed the webbrowser-app unit tests in the branch that’s in silo 57, and I just triggered a new build19:54
jhodapprobru, I'm just trying to get a build where it doesn't try and build -gles19:54
jhodapprobru, which IGNORE_MISSING_TWINS doesn't seem to be honoring19:55
robrujhodapp: you request is configured to sync from silo 29.19:55
robru"Not found in archive" means it is failing to sync the package from that ppa19:56
robruSee the log for details19:56
jhodapprobru, huh, seems the silo config changed while I was away19:56
robrujhodapp: to bad it doesn't say who. I have a branch that would record that but it's not in production yet19:57
jhodapprobru, oh it's xavi with indicator-sound19:57
jhodapprobru, that's a weird setup then...29 has indicator-sound in it, 55 has media-hub, qtubuntu-media and qtmultimedia in it19:58
robrujhodapp: are they supposed to all be the same?19:58
jhodapprobru, well before my holiday I had told xavi to just put indicator-sound into 55 as well, not sure why he set it up to sync instead19:59
jhodapprobru, so I guess I can just have 55 build everything except indicator-sound and -gles, that should work right?20:00
robrujhodapp: yeah that's weird and wrong, if you want the package copied let me know, take the sync out of the request20:00
jhodapprobru, yes please, there's no reason to have it separate since it's not going to land independently of the other things like media-hub, etc20:00
robrujhodapp: OK one sec20:00
robrujhodapp: oh 29 has a merge, why not just put the merge into the right request?20:01
robrujhodapp: I thought 29 would have a manual source that would need manual copying20:02
jhodapprobru, yeah I can do that20:02
jhodapprobru, I thought it did too, it was listed as a source package in 5520:02
robrujhodapp: currently it's listed as a *sync* package, but yeah20:02
robrujhodapp: yeah please clear out the sync_request, drop indicator-sound from source package list, move the MP from silo 29 to 55, rebuild 55, and abandon 29.20:04
jhodapprobru, ok, did that, building now20:04
robrujhodapp: ok, request looks good20:05
jhodapprobru, so since pressing save while editing a config automatically reconfigures, do I need to give it some time before doing a build or is it ready to go right away after save?20:05
robrujhodapp: it's ready to go right away. there's no "automatically reconfigures", I just made jenkins load data directly from bileto instead of storing a "config" that requires "reconfiguring". basically reconfiguring isn't a thing.20:06
jhodapprobru, nice, I like that :)20:06
robrujhodapp: thanks, yeah there's lots of things like that I'm trying to streamline20:06
robrujhodapp: one day jenkins itself will go away and bileto will just absorb it all20:06
robrubut that's a ways off yet20:06
jhodapprobru, nice, your own CI tool20:07
robrujhodapp: good god it sounds terrifying when you say it like that ;-)20:07
robruthat would sure look good on my resume!20:07
jhodappno doubt20:08
jhodapprobru, any way to force that version for indicator-sound?20:08
robrujhodapp: no, your trunk is wrong, you need to fix it20:09
jhodapprobru, oh, hmm...will need xavi to take a look then20:10
robrujhodapp: or rather, are you sure this should be a vivid silo and not a dual silo?20:10
robrujhodapp: the error is that you have a wily trunk and you're trying to build it for vivid which is bad and wrong20:10
robruyou're not allowed to go backwards20:10
jhodapprobru, perhaps that's why it was separate then, the media stuff can't be dual landing yet20:10
robrujhodapp: so you need to either s/15.10/15.04/ in your trunk changelog (eg, branch for vivid), or make it dual20:11
jhodapprobru, but indicator-sound probably is20:11
robrujhodapp: what's holding it back from dual?20:11
robruoh because it's manual sources20:11
jhodapprobru, vivid doesn't have the same wily gstreamer or platform-api for starters, which the wily media stuff uses20:11
jhodapprobru, once gstreamer 1.6.x releases we'll sync wily and vivid for the media stuff20:12
jhodapplet me go back to using silo 29 then20:12
robrujhodapp: ok so since silo 29 is dual and built (and you were smart enough not to abandon it like I told you to do), I can just copy the vivid package from there20:12
jhodapprobru, well can't I just go back to a sync from 29, and only request 55 to build qtmultimedia, media-hub and qtubuntu-media and not hit an error with indicator-sound then?20:13
robrujhodapp: no, because syncs & merges can't coexist, the train will become very confused. you need to leave 55 as "some merges and some manual sources" and then I can just copy that one package when you need it20:13
jhodapprobru, alright, that'll work20:14
robrujhodapp: brb tho20:15
Saviqrobru, just noticed, what tz are the comments in?20:19
robruSaviq: should all be UTC unless there's a bug20:41
robrujhodapp: sorry did you want that copy now?20:41
Saviqrobru, they're not https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/44520:41
jhodapprobru, yes please20:41
Saviqrobru, unless it's missing am/pm and is written in 12h clock20:41
robruSaviq: that's possible. if you look at the raw json (s/#/v1/ in the URL) it looks to have correct UTC timezones20:42
robruSaviq: so just a display issue20:42
robruSaviq: will fix, and roll it into a larger rollout later today20:43
Saviqrobru, it could probably even display in local time (not to mention human-readable times)20:45
robrujhodapp: oh, copying failed because that version number already exists in silo 55. LP claims they have different contents though. if you want me to copy you'll need to rebuild 2920:45
robruSaviq: what do you consider human readable?20:45
jhodapprobru, rebuild with a new version I assume?20:45
Saviqrobru, 5 mins ago, yesterday etc.20:45
robrujhodapp: yeah, rebuilding 29 will make a new version number that I can copy20:46
robruSaviq: oh, twitter style.20:46
robruSaviq: not sure if I'll implement twitter style timestamps today but I'll at least fix the display20:46
jhodapprobru, ok, will have to ask xavi...it's not my MR20:46
Saviqrobru, sure, nw20:46
jhodappI'll write him an email20:47
Saviqrobru, I'd put the actual timestamp in a tooltip probbaly20:47
Saviqprobably, even20:47
robruSaviq: lol, js thinks it's localtime but it's not20:49
robruSaviq: ok, trunk is fixed to show 24h clock in local time, hoping to roll out in a few hours with some other features.20:55
Saviqrobru, great, tx20:56
oSoMoNrobru, can the failed builds for webbrowser-app in silo 57 be retried, please?21:03
robruoSoMoN: sure21:03
robruyou're welcome21:06
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