
robert_ancellbye all03:56
didrocksgood morning05:04
=== denbeiren_ is now known as denbeiren
pittiGood morning06:31
didrockshey pitti!06:32
seb128hey pitti didrocks desktopers06:35
seb128pitti, how are you?06:36
didrocksre seb12806:36
pittigood, thanks! (presentatoin going on)06:36
seb128pitti, that seems a common theme this week ;-)06:37
didrocks\o/ SNI server side implementation done06:51
didrocksthat was something to do that in python…06:51
didrocks(for ubuntu make medium tests)06:51
seb128hey larsu, feeling better?06:57
didrocksmorning larsu06:58
larsuseb128: thanks, but not really :/06:58
larsuhi seb128 & didrocks  :)06:58
Sweet5hark1larsu, seb128, didrocks: bonjour et moin!06:58
seb128hey Sweet5hark106:58
larsumoin moin Sweet5hark106:58
didrockshey Sweet5hark1!07:02
didrocksRan 52 tests in 1060.444s07:12
didrocksmedium tests passing \o/07:13
didrockstime to commit all those changes in a meaningful way now07:13
larsu"stuff that makes tests pass"07:13
didrockslarsu: for git diff | wc -l : ~900, yeah, sounds like a good commit message ratio/changes :)07:15
willcookemorning morning08:00
seb128hey willcooke Laney08:02
didrocksgood morning willcooke, Laney08:02
seb128how is the u.k today?08:02
seb128that's a bug, right?08:03
Laneycheck telegram08:05
Laneyno sun here08:05
Sweet5hark1seb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/wily/5.0.2/libreoffice-l10n_5.0.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes and http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/wily/5.0.2/libreoffice_5.0.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes08:06
seb128Sweet5hark1, looking08:07
seb128Sweet5hark1, how is the DMB application going btw?08:07
larsuhi Laney & willcooke08:07
Sweet5hark1seb128: DMB not yet.08:07
seb128Sweet5hark1, did you have a FFE for that update?08:08
Sweet5hark1seb128: also, please wait for bug 1495512 to get green light from ubuntu-release I guess.08:08
ubot5`bug 1495512 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[FFE] LibreOffice 5.0.2" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149551208:08
seb128Sweet5hark1, you should mention that ffe in the changelog...08:08
Sweet5hark1seb128: eh, true. Will bump that.08:09
willcookemorning larsu08:09
Laney30/09 18:43:50 <doko> seb128, Laney: could you tell SweetShark that he has to subscribe the release team to his FFE reports?08:10
Laneyalso bugfix -> no ffe08:10
seb128Sweet5hark1, no need to bump, just edit/rebuild the source08:10
Laneythat's what the first f means08:10
seb128I assume that was not bugfix only08:10
seb128Sweet5hark1, is that update bugfix only?08:10
Sweet5hark1seb128, Laney: yeah, upstream bugfixes and very minor packaging bugfix tweaks ...08:11
seb128Sweet5hark1, k, so no ffe needed, I can just upload what is currently on your p.c.c08:11
Sweet5hark1seb128: yeah, thanks.08:12
larsuwow, I can't believe we have still bugs like #148458908:20
seb128speaking of indicators bugs, the datetime one qengho mentioned yesterday seems fun08:22
seb128clicking on days from the previous/next month make the calendar go in a change loop and eat cpu08:23
LaneyI filed a bug about that08:23
Laneyfew weeks ago08:23
seb128did you try to ping charles?08:23
seb128or maybe that's something larsu could have a look to...08:23
seb128larsu, ^ interested?08:23
Laneybut generally this aspect of having to ping (possibly many times) as well as file a bug isn't the best08:24
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1480387 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Clicking a date to go back or forward a month causes repeated jumps between two dates" [Undecided,New]08:24
seb128right, but too much going, people don't read all the bug emails08:24
seb128unsure how differently we could do08:24
Laneyit means that bugs that people in CAnonical (or those with IRC) find get fixed and others don't08:25
Laneyno particular reason they are more important bugs08:25
seb128that's not really true08:25
seb128most of the bugs I ping people about are not bugs from Canonicalers08:25
Laneythis one is08:25
seb128like that can't restore from trash was user filed08:25
seb128but the criterious is not who filed it08:26
seb128just bugs that should be fixed for the release08:26
Laneyyou're saying that I should have pinged charles because I found the bug08:26
larsuI agree. People stopped reading bug mail at some point08:26
larsuit's ridiculous08:26
larsuwe should have a 0-bug policy08:26
seb128Laney, I didn't say you should, I asked if you did08:26
larsubut I think people just gave up08:26
larsutoo much noise08:26
Laneyalright :-)08:26
seb128larsu, yeah, and we are as much responsible for that than others08:26
larsuof course08:27
seb128there is no magical solution08:27
willcookelarsu, yeah agreed - too much noise08:27
seb128it's not really the noise imho08:27
seb128it's just too much to do08:27
larsuthe constant tagging and reassigning doesn't help much :/08:27
seb128and some projects have no active owner08:27
larsuseb128: yeah, maybe that's a big factor as well - noone feels responsible08:27
seb128Laney, speaking about IRC ping, I guess https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/commit/?id=7373acf9b15f40f1c01bd2a325b380ba9bc17d19 is on your list? ;-)08:28
Laneydidn't you say you were updating gvfs?08:28
seb128Laney, I did update, that was commited yesterday08:28
seb128but that's linked to the trash/monitoring bugs you reported08:29
seb128so I though maybe you were on it08:29
LaneyI have the commit open in a tab so it is on some kind of list, yeah08:29
Laneybut not one which means I haveto do it if you want to :)08:29
seb128I just want to make sure we land it in wily08:29
seb128I was not going to do another gvfs upload, but I can08:29
Laneyfor the glib ones I wasn't going to cherry-pick since we will get .1 soon enough08:30
Laneybut for gvfs it makes sense08:30
Laneywell lemme know08:30
Laneyme or you08:30
LaneyYOU CHOOSE!08:30
seb128ok, I do it08:30
larsudamn it. I can reproduce :/08:30
larsuI hate this codebase since the rewrite though08:30
seb128larsu, the calendar?08:30
seb128or the sound?08:30
seb128feel free to bounce to charles though08:31
larsulet me see if it's something obvious08:31
seb128but I think that is going to require some nagging, I don't think he's looking at desktop bugs much nowadays08:31
Laneyreproduce it on the phone :)08:31
Laneydo they have the calendar widget there?08:31
* Laney forgot08:31
seb128they do have it in unity8 desktop for a week though08:32
seb128so they are going to have it in vivid-overlay for pocket desktop I guess08:32
seb128so they probably care ;-)08:32
* larsu thinks it's time to unconverge indicators08:33
=== locutus__ is now known as LocutusOfBorg1
Laneyxclaesse: any chance https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=800348 or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1242157 ring any bells?08:41
ubot5`Debian bug 800348 in empathy "empathy crash at startup (segmentation violation)" [Serious,Open]08:41
ubot5`bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1242157 in empathy "empathy segfaults with GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_task_propagate_boolean: assertion 'task->result_set == TRUE' failed" [Unspecified,New]08:41
Laneysame bug08:41
Laneytedg: can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/dbus-test-runner/fix-test-race/+merge/270488 today please maybe?08:55
Laneydidrocks: ...you want a cool task? :)09:47
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1498682 in webapps-greasemonkey (Ubuntu) "Remove xul-ext-unity, -webaccounts, -websites-integration from archive" [Undecided,New]09:48
* didrocks smells a trap09:48
Laneyzap zap zap09:48
didrocksoh that09:48
didrocksof course!09:48
Laneytold you it was cool09:48
didrocksfinishing up current PR review09:48
didrocksand then, on that09:49
Laneyyou are the best09:49
didrocksLaney: hum, no mention of libufe-xidgetter0 coming from unity-firefox-extension09:59
didrocksI guess it needs as well (not used afterwards…)09:59
Laneyit would be source and all binaries09:59
didrockswebaccounts-browser-extension still ships webaccounts-chromium-extension09:59
didrocksthe bug only mention firefox things?10:00
didrocks(I know chromium doesn't have the same issue yet, but I'm not sure if the API isn't broken already)10:00
didrocksLaney: I would do a full cleanswap, thoughts?10:00
Laneydidrocks: I forgot about the chromium version tbh10:03
didrockshum, no dbarth10:03
didrocksLaney: let me copy/paste that on the bug report10:03
Laneyhe's on other channels10:05
didrockspinged and bug referenced, let's see10:06
Laneydidrocks: this only affects browser-extension and not the other two, yes?10:18
didrocksLaney: yeah, but let's see once we get the answer, so that I handle the whole batch :)10:19
Laneygood luck10:20
didrocksLaney: and flushed \o/10:28
Laneywant to care for nvidia-graphics-drivers-346 and nvidia-graphics-drivers-346-updates too? :)10:30
Laneytseliot said they are all taken over by a new version10:30
* Laney is purging https://udd.debian.org/~laney/less.txt10:30
didrocksLaney: is there any bug ref for it?10:32
didrocksok, will be your fault then!10:33
Laney01/10 10:57:45 <tseliot> Laney: ok, I can file that request10:33
Laneyyou can wait if you want :)10:33
didrockswell, let's do on IRC10:33
Laneytoday is a good day10:34
didrocksspring cleaning :)10:35
Laneypanda has crashed again10:35
Laneyit's now an average day10:35
LaneyI want to replace it10:36
Laneywhat's a similar low power and cheap server?10:36
willcookepi is good10:37
willcookepi 2 is, I think, about 2 x the "power"10:37
Laneyactually it would be good to have a little more go10:37
Laneyit runs a Debian/Ubuntu mirror which is pretty shit on the panda10:37
willcookepi 2 has 4 cores at about 1 GHz vs 2 @ 1.2 for Panda10:37
willcookehum, the e14 website is awful, but I think BBB is single core at 1 Ghz10:39
Laneyseems so10:39
willcookepi is ubiquitous - safe bet10:39
seb128new pi is better, you can use Ubuntu on it10:40
Laneythat's proper armhf isn't it?10:41
Laneyarm64 one would be fun too..10:41
willcookeyou can get arm64 servers in the CLOUD!!!!!11one10:42
Laneynot so useful for a local package mirror or to graph my currentcost :P10:42
willcookeI found that when my Pi2 was in a cheapo case I got off ebay and very busy it would hang, taking it out the case fixed that - so if you are going to be working it hard you might want to bear that in mind10:44
Laneyoh yeah, the panda is just in its box which is open :)10:46
* Laney buys a naked pi10:47
willcookeI bought from the Pi Hut - they seem good10:47
willcookeThe "starter kit" for 50 quid is decent10:48
Laneygot all of that stuff minus the case10:50
willcookethe psu is supposed to be better quality than a generic10:51
willcookebut I dunno10:51
willcookeI have one, and it works well, but I expect they are much of a muchness10:51
Laneyfair cop, we'll see I guess10:51
willcookelarsu, so yeah, made lots of changes but couldn't get it to work....10:51
Laneysure I can pick one up in maplin or somewhere10:51
willcookelarsu, then I realised I have a .themes dir in my home dir10:52
larsuuh oh :/10:52
willcookeLaney, yeah, certainly10:52
larsuwillcooke: now it does work thoug?10:52
willcookelarsu, Its taken me 15 mins to work that out :D10:52
willcookelarsu, yeah gettting there now10:52
larsucool :)10:52
larsumeanwhlie, I found the root cause of that datetime bug (which is in gtk)10:53
larsubut we only see it because datetime is a bit chatty10:53
larsupanel: hey datetime, set the date to 8/30/2015 please10:53
larsudatetime: ok10:54
larsudatetime: hey panel, set the date to 8/30/2015 please10:54
larsujust to make sure and all10:54
seb128larsu, I though it could be in GTK, datetime didn't change much this cycle10:55
seb128thanks for debugging it!10:55
larsuno worries10:55
Laneywhat is panel?10:55
Laneyoh right10:56
larsubah, GtkCalendar is a mess :/11:33
* larsu goes to eat something to think about this11:33
qenghoGood morning.11:34
willcookemorning qengho11:34
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
qengholarsu: this is  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1501476 ?11:38
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1501476 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "datetime indicator spins out of control when clicking neighbor-month day" [Undecided,New]11:38
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pesarimvo: hi, would you happen to have an estimate when bug 1267059 would be fixed in trusty?12:17
ubot5`bug 1267059 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) ""Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies" does not work " [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126705912:17
mvopesari: sure12:18
mvopesari: later12:18
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
andyrockgood "morning"12:30
Trevinhoehehe :)12:31
larsuqengho: yes12:41
seb128hey andyrock Trevinho12:44
seb128Sweet5hark, hey, while you were offline doko rejected the libreoffice upload saying you discarded the changes from the 0ubuntu2 upload he did in the archive12:44
Sweet5harkseb128: urgh, ok. updating. great to see major changes being done sidetracking the CVS of the package ...12:47
seb128Sweet5hark, talk to doko if you don't like the changes12:49
seb128nothing force us to take those12:49
seb128we can resolve the issue differently12:49
seb128Laney, what did you do?!12:50
seb128tricked didrocks in crashing britney!12:50
didrocksweird that KeyError in the python script12:51
* didrocks wonders where it's getting it from, it's $killed$12:51
Sweet5harkseb128: no the changes see to be ok in principle (at least from changelog) -- I wouldnt have done some of that this late in the cycle. Just slightly annoyed not to have them in git ...12:51
seb128Sweet5hark, you should said that to doko on #ubuntu-devel12:57
Laneylaney@wily> rmadison -S -swily,wily-proposed webaccounts-browser-extension                                                            ~ webaccounts-chromium-extension | 0.5-0ubuntu2 | wily/universe | arm6412:59
didrocksweird, you saw as I did the output (removing binaries and source13:02
* didrocks opened the bug again13:02
Laneyit doesn't list arm64 for that pkg13:03
Laneydon't know why that is though13:03
didrocksI can remove it manually if needed13:03
didrocksbut weird that this was wasn't picked13:03
Laneyit has an old version13:03
didrocks  webaccounts-chromium-extension 0.5-0ubuntu4 in wily armhf13:04
didrockswas the last one13:04
didrockspb why it wasn't picked13:04
didrocksI guess newer version never built13:04
didrockshum https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webaccounts-browser-extension/0.5-0ubuntu413:04
* didrocks puzzled13:04
didrocksanyway, let's kill explicitely the old version13:05
Laneythought britney would have noticed that13:05
didrocksI'm remove 0.5-0ubuntu2 in wily13:05
didrocksRemoving packages from wily:13:06
didrockswebaccounts-chromium-extension 0.5-0ubuntu2 in wily arm6413:06
didrocksLaney: keep me posted about britney's state13:06
qenghoGood riddance.13:06
Laneygoing to lunch13:06
Laneykeen an eye on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html13:07
didrocksenjoy Laney13:07
Laneyif you remember13:07
didrockstab opened13:07
ahayzenHi, I think this is the right place to ask, please direct me otherwise ... I used the standard Qt Quick Controls 1.1 template in QtCreator which created this QML http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12631723/ to start off with. However I have noticed that the menubar doesn't function (no LIM/Global Menu or inline one). If you change the QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME to something other than appmenu-qt5 then you get a non LIM/Global menu which is slightly13:42
ahayzenglitchy (is sometimes white).13:42
ahayzenWhen investigating I have also found bug 1302084 and bug 1323853 which are both a 1 year+ old, critical and assigned, however this is still present in Vivid. Is there any progress on this bug? Or anything I can do to help fix it? As I feel it could be potentially important when app want to use a menubar in the convergent world.13:42
ubot5`bug 1302084 in appmenu-qt5 (Ubuntu) "Menu in the global title bar is missing after a window child in Qt5 applications" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130208413:42
ubot5`bug 1323853 in appmenu-qt5 (Ubuntu) "No menubar for QtQuick.Controls based applications" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132385313:42
didrocksLaney: refreshed successfully now13:56
larsusorry for the mr spam13:57
* larsu couldn't figure out the correct gtk branch again13:57
seb128larsu, no worry ;-)13:58
larsuseb128: thanks :) I'm not on 100% because of this sickness anyway13:59
seb128larsu, you changed the gtk dialogs to not have linked buttons on unity right? what does it check for?14:04
larsuseb128: don't remember what I settled on - I think it's simply a css rule that doesn't style linked buttons in dialogs as linked14:06
larsubut could be app-specific patches as well14:06
larsuwhich would check for !GNOME in XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP14:06
charleslarsu, looking at bug #1480387 and looking at scrollback14:06
ubot5`bug 1480387 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Clicking a date to go back or forward a month causes repeated jumps between two dates" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148038714:06
charlesis this something you and Laney have figured out already?14:07
seb128larsu, k, no biggy, I was wondering by the apport dialogs look different under sudo (e.g "ubuntu-bug unity" vs "sudo ubuntu-bug unity")14:07
charlesah, moved to gtk+ 3.0... a GtkCalendar issue?14:07
hikikoTrevinho, andyrock  https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/compiz/compiz.matrix-additions/+merge/273072 present for you :) Just added 2 matrix functions (I use them in my future MPs)14:08
andyrockhikiko: approved14:09
hikikothanks andyrock !14:09
andyrockI'll give a look to your "put" branch today14:09
larsucharles: yes14:11
larsucharles: it reports a new day twice when clicking on days of the next or previous month14:11
Trevinhohikiko: you also need to update the ABI I think14:11
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Trevinhoandyrock: ^14:12
larsucharles: which sends two activate message to indicator-datetime14:12
larsucharles: which then sends two state changes14:12
hikikoTrevinho, sure, how do I update the ABI?14:12
hikiko(sorry I ve never updated it)14:12
larsucharles: and then the two bounce back and forth between two dates14:12
Trevinhohikiko: change the #define COMPIZ_OPENGL_ABI 7 value to  8 I guess14:13
Trevinhohikiko: as for the COMPIZ_CORE ABI don't worry as i'll merge this only when wily is ready (otherwise we'd need a FF)14:13
Trevinhoand I've another branch that does it14:14
charleslarsu, ok. sounds good14:15
charleslarsu, at least from my pov ;)14:15
larsucool :)14:16
didrocksok, time to sign off, (started early), see you guys!14:16
larsucharles: actually it would be even more robust if we only called activate on an actual user interaction14:17
larsucharles: but there's no way to find that out with GtkCalendar14:17
Trevinhohikiko: added a couple of comments14:18
hikikothanks Trevinho, I am leaving I'll look at them when I be back! bb14:39
PharmasolinHello, i'm from Big Bug Bonanza Ubuntu 16.04 LTS article, do i need test bugs on 15.10 (Beta2) or wait release and then start to triage bugs from Launchpad? Thanks for answer.15:32
willcookePharmasolin, hi - thank you for dropping by!  You can use the beta15:33
willcookePharmasolin, if you have a lot of problems with it, then 15.04 would be the next best choice15:34
Pharmasolini'm currently on 15.0415:36
Pharmasolinbut i have PPA connected i will install on virtualbox 15.1015:36
willcookePharmasolin, good plan15:37
Pharmasolinwillcooke: is there already list of bugs that needed to be tested on 15.10?16:43
Pharmasolin"We will create a list of bugs which need to be checked and then ask people to spend a few minutes trying to reproduce a chosen bug on 15.10."16:43
willcookePharmasolin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BigDesktopBugScrub16:50
willcookePharmasolin, Step # 316:50
PharmasolinYes sorry, i'm checking already.16:50
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* Laney waves17:07
larsubye Laney!17:08
seb128Laney, have a nice evening17:18
TrevinhoFutsal time, back later.17:22
seb128Trevinho, have fun!17:24
andyrockI call this a day18:00
andyrockhave a good night guys18:00
dokoSweet5hark, some issues with your lo upload ... did you generate the control file in a wily chroot?18:28
dokolooking at the diff ...18:28
Sweet5harkdoko: yes.18:28
doko-               g++-5 [hppa ia64 s390 sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386],18:28
doko-               gcc-5 [hppa ia64 s390 sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386],18:28
doko+               g++- [hppa ia64 s390 sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386],18:28
doko+               gcc- [hppa ia64 s390 sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386],18:28
doko-               libboost-program-options-dev (>= 1.58),18:29
doko-               libboost-system-dev (>= 1.58),18:29
dokothe first is odd, but doesn't do any harm.18:29
Sweet5harkdoko: will have a look18:29
dokolooks like the boost stuff then uses the internal copy18:29
dokothis doesn't sound right18:29
dokoSweet5hark, so please figure out the boost issue at least18:31
Sweet5harkdoko: sure, already checking ...18:32
Sweet5harkdoko: "checking which boost to use... external" -- so at least its not using internal boost. still looking why it changed at all ...18:34
Sweet5harkdoko: seems boost-program-options is only needed for orcus? did you forget to regen control after using system orcus?18:44
dokolet me look18:44
Laneyglad I came back online19:10
Laneymail server ran out of disk :(19:10
Sweet5harkLaney: /o\19:11
Laneyneed to stop running this myself19:11
davmor2Laney: or run on a bigger disk19:15
Sweet5harkLaney: recommending posteo.de even if they cost a euro per month.19:25
dokoSweet5hark, ok, accepted lo. I found my note that I re-added these boost packages manually not to cause a regression19:33
dokodid you find the gcc issue?19:33
Sweet5harkdoko: I would need to look in my chroot but its still blocked by building libreoffice. likely an stale /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/bin/gcj link (via SYSTEM_GCJ_VERSION)19:36
Sweet5harkdoko: "BUILD_DEPS += , gcc-$(SYSTEM_GCJ_VERSION) [$(OOO_GCJ_JDK_ARCHS)] ,g++-$(SYSTEM_GCJ_VERSION) [$(OOO_GCJ_JDK_ARCHS)]" and before that "SYSTEM_GCJ_VERSION = $(shell basename `readlink /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/bin/gcj` | sed -e s/gcj-//)"19:38
* doko looks if he still has commit rights to the debian vcs ...19:39
hikiko-mcould anyone join #ubuntu-meeting and give me some testimonials to become ubuntu-member?19:59
hikiko-mthanx in advance...20:00
robert_ancellhi all20:01
hikiko--robert_ancell: could you give me some testimonials to become ubuntu member? :p20:03
hikiko--desrt: ?20:03
robert_ancellhikiko--, sure20:03
hikiko--thanks so much robert_ancell20:03
robert_ancellhikiko--, what's the link?20:03
hikiko--#ubuntu-meeting on irc robert_ancell20:09
hikiko--there’s a meeting right now20:09
robert_ancellhikiko--, where is your wiki link?20:11
hikiko--wiki.ubuntu.com/hikiko robert_ancell20:16

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