
jamespageplease could an archive-admin accept the NEW binaries for ceilometer; 0ubuntu1 dropped some that it should have not upon review (the NEW's are restoration of the dropped binaires with appropriate tweaks)07:49
jamespageignore me I just saw New: accepted ceilometer [amd64] (wily-proposed) [1:5.0.0~rc1-0ubuntu2]08:15
=== locutus__ is now known as LocutusOfBorg1
jamespagepls could neutron 2:7.0.0~rc1-0ubuntu2 be accepted - it resolves a problem on 32bit systems (which is causing issues with the auto-backport to 14.04)12:46
smoserquick question ..17:11
smoserif i fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1501834 for wily, will someone ask me to file a FFE ? and if so would that be granted ?17:12
ubot93Launchpad bug 1501834 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "add squashfs support by default" [Medium,Confirmed]17:12
rtgsmoser, that doesn't really seem like a feature, more of a bug fix (and a seemingly trivial one at that)17:29
stgraberI granted that FFe17:33
cyphermoxsmoser: it certainly makes sense to me as a bugfix.17:35
cyphermoxarges: re-uploaded ipmitool ^17:35
cyphermox(so you'll want to take the last one only)17:36
smoserthanks all. uploaded.17:38
argescyphermox: ok17:46
cyphermoxslangasek: could you review/approve tzsetup? ^ after that I still need to update ubiquity for the bug to be fixed.17:59
slangasekcyphermox: looking18:00
cyphermoxfwiw, also a reminder about fwupd :)18:00
hjdHi all. Could someone take a quick look at bug 1500112 and see whether this needs (and possibly qualifies for) an FFE, or whether it only needs a sync request? :)18:11
ubot93bug 1500112 in haskell-stack (Ubuntu) "missing dependency on libyaml-0-2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150011218:11
tewardcyphermox: hello!  Mind a PM briefly?18:13
slangasekcyphermox: tzsetup accepted, but OOI why would there be a detected value of "None" that we need to special case, instead of the detected value just being empty (the already handled case)?18:16
cyphermoxslangasek: it seems like the "we found your IP in the database but no timezone to go with it" has always been <TimeZone>None</TimeZone>18:23
cyphermoxwhereas the "we can't find your IP at all" leads to <TimeZone> not being present in the response, so detected=18:23
cyphermoxit was very much a case where I screwed up the merge while trying to reduce delta, and didn't catch that failure when testing because I always got my IP either detected or not in the database.18:24
cyphermoxI suppose we could fix whatever software runs behind geoip.ubuntu.com to not return "None" and instead use an empty string, but I have no idea what software that would be. do you?18:26
slangasekcyphermox: lp:ubuntu-geonames; and the installer team owns it18:31
cyphermoxoh cool18:31
slangasekI do think this is a bug on the server to return two different values for two different flavors of "not found"18:32
rsalvetiinfinity: when you get some time, mind reviewing rtl8812au (new package)? my first dkms package, built and tested locally with 2 different devices (and seems a quite common chipset)18:35
rsalvetiffe for it is already approved, so just normal package review/approval needed18:35
cyphermoxslangasek: not the same server, apparently.18:51
infinityrsalveti: I dunno man, you abandoned me.18:52
infinityrsalveti: Like, maaaaaybe I could review your package, or maaaaaybe I don't love you anymore!18:53
infinityrsalveti: (reviewing in a bit :P)18:53
cyphermoxrsalveti: yeah, thanks for rtl8812au :)18:53
* rsalveti hugs infinity18:53
rsalveticyphermox: np, having a package is better than tons of instructions pointing out to many different github repos18:54
rsalvetiupstreaming for realtek seems to be a bit of a pita still18:55
cyphermoxteward: no, I don't mind a pm, why?18:55
cyphermoxrsalveti: on the bright side, the USB and many PCI 802.11ac chips will now work, so yay18:55
cyphermoxrsalveti: did you add modaliases, in case?18:56
cyphermoxawesome :)18:56
slangasekcyphermox: sorry, what do you mean not the same server?18:56
cyphermoxslangasek: I looked at the code, and it seems to be what responds on geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com, but not on geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup18:57
cyphermoxyeah :/18:57
cyphermoxso geoip is asked first to try to guess what timezone to default to18:58
slangasekis the one I pointed you at lookups for location names?18:58
cyphermoxthen you get in the timezone page and geoname-lookup gets you the timezone for a location18:58
cyphermoxwell, I didn't realize that's what happened until just now :)18:58
cyphermoxI think geonames probably is only on the desktop, as I haven't seen it be called at all in ubiquity18:59
cyphermoxthat's exactly what happens19:00
slangasekcyphermox: I wonder if these shouldn't be merged into a single service with two api endpoints so we don't have this confusion19:01
slangasekbut then we would need to figure out where geoip.ubuntu.com lives :P19:02
cyphermoxonce that's done I'll consider it19:03
barryrelease team, please don't approve python-apt 1.0.0ubuntu1.  juliank is going to upload 1.0.1 to unstable right now, and that will have the fix for the deprecation warnings and a couple of other minor bugs19:55
barrywhen lp picks up python-apt 1.0.1 we can drop the ubuntu delta and do a straight up syncpackage19:56
barrysee LP: #1501805 for details19:56
ubot93Launchpad bug 1501805 in python-apt (Ubuntu) "Sync python-apt 1.0.1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150180519:57
barryoh well20:15
infinity^-- Self-reviewing both of those, they're just kernel ABI bumps.20:36
dokobarry, sorry read that too late21:08
barrydoko: no worries.  i'll just syncpackage 1.0.1 as soon as lp picks it up21:11
barrydoko: and thanks!21:11
infinitydoko: You probably shouldn't be accepting things anyway. :P21:13
dokoinfinity, I agree, but pestering you doesn't help ;-P21:17
infinitydoko: I'm not the only member of the release team doing reviews (though I've done the vast majority this week, I think).21:17

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