
flexiondotorgtseliot, I'm the Ubuntu MATE lead.15:34
tseliottseliot: hi15:34
flexiondotorgtseliot, I've been trying to educate the Ubuntu MATE community to raise bugs rather than whine into the ether.15:35
tseliotit sounds like a good idea ;)15:35
flexiondotorgFrom a discussion on G+ I persuaded a couple of user to file the following - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/150165815:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1501658 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Missing fonts and flickering font rendering" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:35
flexiondotorgHave tested Ubuntu myself, but this appears to affect Ubuntu MATE, Lubuntu, Xubuntu and Kubuntu.15:36
flexiondotorgRelevant to nouveau only.15:36
flexiondotorgInstalling the nvidia proprietary driver resolves the issue.15:36
flexiondotorgHow can I help progress this?15:37
* tseliot looking15:37
tseliotflexiondotorg: is the problem solved by installing the nvidia driver or by installing the intel microcode?15:38
flexiondotorgI'll get on the bug and get them to reply.15:39
tseliotflexiondotorg: thanks16:01

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