
amazoniantoadTJ-: back00:00
TJ-amazoniantoad: I'm wondering if the problem is caused by a failed kernel update, or corruption, or a combination.00:01
TJ-amazoniantoad: lets try forcing the wifi driver to load and see what errors we get. "sudo modprobe iwlwifi"00:02
amazoniantoadTJ-: I have to boot back into the computer. sorry. give me a second00:02
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK :)00:03
amazoniantoadTJ-: a bunch of errors in response00:04
TJ-daftykins: whilst amazoniantoad is busy... did you notice this PC has a RealTek 8168 that is being driven by the 8169 driver? That might explain why the Ethernet port won't work; common issue where it needs the out-of-tree RealTek 8168 driver building00:04
amazoniantoadThe it says it cannot insert iwlwifi00:04
TJ-amazoniantoad: Good. At least we know there's a problem. As you can't pastebin, can you give us a gist of what the errors are indicating (file not found, symbol not found, )00:05
amazoniantoadTJ-: could not open moddep file /lib/modules/3...stuffinhere-generic/modules.dep.bin00:06
TJ-amazoniantoad: Oh that one again! This is easy!00:06
amazoniantoadDoes that for 3 lines then tells me that kmod_module_insert_module() coult not find module by name='iwlwifi'00:07
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo depmod -a"00:07
daftykinsTJ-: nah never got that far yesterday, i was beginning to suspect disk issues though given how many quirks there were - plus that failed depmod to begin with, now this00:07
amazoniantoadTJ-: done00:07
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo modprobe iwlwifi"00:07
amazoniantoadTJ-: okay00:07
TJ-amazoniantoad: "nmcli con ip id "XXXXX - your wifi - XXXX "00:07
amazoniantoadTJ-: how do I bring them up again?00:08
amazoniantoadThe wifi list.00:08
TJ-amazoniantoad: "nmcli con"00:08
amazoniantoadTJ-: Error: 'con' command 'ip' is not valid00:09
TJ-amazoniantoad: yes, I corrected my typo. It's "up" not "ip"00:09
amazoniantoadI guess it's connecting now00:10
amazoniantoadI think it worked00:10
amazoniantoadPing is going at it00:10
TJ-Finally :)00:10
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK, so now you can try to start the GUI... it'll fail, we can pastebin logs!00:11
TJ-amazoniantoad: you know how to switch to/from the GUI virtual terminal (VT) with Ctrl+Alt+F1 / Alt+F7 ?00:11
TJ-amazoniantoad: no, now do "sudo service lightdm start"00:12
amazoniantoadTJ-: at login screen00:12
TJ-amazoniantoad: try to log-in. It'll fail (we think), if so, press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get back to the text console on tty100:12
TJ-amazoniantoad: at that point we can look at the logs and figure out what's wrong00:12
amazoniantoadTJ-: it failed and now what00:12
TJ-amazoniantoad: "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"00:13
daftykinsnever startx in ubuntu land :)00:13
DosTuMaistartx is bad, mmkay?00:14
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628239/00:14
bindistartx bad? i found it useful00:14
bindifor starting on another tty00:14
=== user is now known as Guest87218
TJ-amazoniantoad: Good, there are no GPU driver issues.00:14
daftykinsbindi: well unsurprisingly when you change the context of the usage, you get different results00:15
bindi< daftykins> never startx00:15
bindipretty harsh criteria :P00:15
daftykinsyeah which given the context at the time was fair00:15
TJ-amazoniantoad: "pastebinit <( ls -al $HOME/.Xauthority; cat $HOME/.xsession-errors )"00:16
amazoniantoadTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/12628256/00:17
TJ-bindi: even /usr/bin/startx starts off with "# Site administrators are STRONGLY urged to write nicer versions."00:17
TJ-amazoniantoad: this looks bad "libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied"00:18
amazoniantoadTJ-: No bueno00:19
TJ-amazoniantoad: "pastebinit <( ls -al /dev/dri/ )"00:19
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628295/00:20
TJ-amazoniantoad: I meant to ask you; do you have a 2nd PC from which you can SSH into this one to make copy/paste of commands/URLs easier?00:20
* amazoniantoad dope00:21
TJ-amazoniantoad: interesting! I was expecting that to show ownership root:video00:21
amazoniantoadTJ-: Of course I can00:21
TJ-amazoniantoad: I was just thinking now the PC has network it would make things easier for you00:21
amazoniantoadTJ-: I'm kind of taking an ipod apart too...replacing its ssd with an sd card haha00:22
amazoniantoadTJ-: might as well00:22
amazoniantoadhold on00:22
daftykinsthat sounds like a distinct downgrade :)00:22
TJ-daftykins: I don't suppose you have a Linux box with an Intel GPU there, do you, to compare against?00:22
amazoniantoaddaftykins: but it's cooler. I had a cleaning lady come in that I fired...she was back one day and broke another thing00:22
daftykinsnot any vaguely recent intel, nah00:22
amazoniantoadMy 180 GB ipod00:22
amazoniantoadThat I have had since like...7th grade00:23
TJ-I only have nvidia here and they may be different, I see  (on 15.04) "crw-rw----+  1 root video 226, 0 Sep 25 21:29 card0"00:23
* daftykins isn't familiar with the US school system00:23
TJ-daftykins: 5+7 :)00:23
daftykinswhere'd 5 come from?00:23
daftykinsso i have a xubuntu machine downstairs on a very old intel setup, would that be of any use?00:24
TJ-daftykins: the starting school age, + the number of years of schooling (grade)00:25
amazoniantoaddaftykins: I have had it for over a decade00:25
amazoniantoadThe lady comes back and BREAKS IT seriously...within 4 hours of working she breaks something00:26
TJ-daftykins: probably not, I think this is the root cause so I'm going to try forcing it to :video for now00:26
daftykinswell she cleaned it :D00:26
DosTuMaiTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628334/00:26
amazoniantoadShe breaks things all of the time, daftykins00:26
TJ-amazoniantoad: does "groups" report "video" as one membership of your user?00:26
amazoniantoadTJ-: how do I check that?00:26
TJ-DosTuMai: thank-you very much; that is very useful00:26
TJ-amazoniantoad: "groups"00:27
amazoniantoadTJ-: no00:27
TJ-DosTuMai: ... does "groups" report 'video' for you ?00:27
TJ-amazoniantoad: what does "id -u" report ?00:28
amazoniantoadTJ-: 100000:28
TJ-DosTuMai: very strange; I think I'm more confused now than when I was ignorant :)00:28
DosTuMaiTJ-: It's an Acer laptop, of course it wont return the expected results...00:29
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK... let's try this anyhow! "sudo chown :video /dev/dri/*" then "ls -l /dev/dri/" and check you see "root video" as ownership00:29
TJ-DosTuMai: don't get me started on Acer!00:29
TJ-amazoniantoad: assuming you do see video there, do "sudo service lightdm restart" and try to log-in again at the GUI greeter00:30
amazoniantoadTJ-: card0 and controlID6400:30
amazoniantoadoh wait00:30
amazoniantoadWrong thing00:30
amazoniantoadTJ-: crw------- 1 root video 226, 0 Sep 30 19:30 card0 same thing for controlD64 except replace 0 with 6400:31
TJ-amazoniantoad: we want the ownership user group names to be 'root video'00:31
TJ-amazoniantoad:  do "sudo service lightdm restart" and try to log-in again at the GUI greeter00:31
amazoniantoadTJ-: crashed00:32
TJ-amazoniantoad: the same way as before?00:32
amazoniantoadTJ-: yes00:32
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK: "pastebinit <( cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log; cat $HOME/.xsession-errors )"00:33
amazoniantoadTJ-: http//paste.ubuntu.com/12628413/00:34
amazoniantoadIt's like Apple wants your ipod to break00:35
amazoniantoadThere is no protection for the hard drive00:35
amazoniantoadWhy in the world would they wrap a hard drive in scotch tape?00:36
DosTuMaiamazoniantoad: They all are. It's standard practice in my experience.00:36
daftykinslets try and stay on topic here00:36
amazoniantoaddaftykins: sorry00:36
daftykinsalso, pics plz00:36
skynetguyEriC^^, hey you there00:37
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK, that shows that .xsession-errors is a fresh log, and the key problem again is "libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied" - let's see if something changed the dri ownership under us. "pastebinit <( ls -la /dev/dri/ )"00:37
skynetguyCan anybody tell me what shuts off when i click Suspend00:38
TJ-amazoniantoad: wrapping is a cheap but effective form of shock absorber00:38
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628450/00:38
TJ-skynetguy: Suspend maintains power to the contents of RAM but powers everything else off00:38
skynetguyTJ-, so does the video card shut off as well00:38
TJ-amazoniantoad: aha! I missed one thing. DosTuMai output has the group with read/write permission and I didn't tell you to set that. "sudo chmod g+rw /dev/dri/*"00:39
TJ-skynetguy: all power is removed except for RAM and 5V standby for wake-up from USB devices, etc., if configured in the firmware/BIOS setup00:40
amazoniantoadTJ-: okay. done00:40
skynetguyTJ-, ok00:40
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo service lightdm restart" ... you know the drill by now :)00:40
amazoniantoadTJ-: it crashed to the login00:41
=== mianna is now known as tweekie
TJ-amazoniantoad: once again: "pastebinit <( cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log; cat $HOME/.xsession-errors )"00:41
seungminhi ther00:41
seungminhi tere00:42
seungminhi there00:42
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628500/00:42
wakeatnightso i still have the problem with my screen turning pink/artifacts when using the open source radeon driver sometimes00:43
wakeatnightdoes anyone have an idea how to fix that?00:44
TJ-amazoniantoad: this is getting silly! can you "pastebinit <( ls -al /dev/dri/ )" again please?00:44
daftykinsmust be that it's a sony :)00:44
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628524/00:45
TJ-amazoniantoad: this is definitely a 14.04 system? "lsb_release -a" ?00:45
DosTuMaiIt's that or an Acer, Daftykins...00:46
amazoniantoadTJ-: yes00:46
amazoniantoad14.04.3 LTS00:46
daftykinstrusty with the vivid HWE00:46
seungmindo u run the ubuntu studio?00:46
amazoniantoadNever tried it00:46
amazoniantoadI should though00:46
=== jordan_ is now known as JorDunn
TJ-amazoniantoad: I have a bug report that is identical, with a trusty host, but is marked as a duplicate of a bug that is fixed in Vivid and is related to systemd - which trusty isn't using! bug 130227000:47
ubottubug 1415104 in systemd (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1302270 logind flags wrong session as active" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141510400:47
TJ-amazoniantoad: daftykins: bingo!00:47
TJ-amazoniantoad: daftykins could it be the Vivid HWE doing this?00:47
amazoniantoadTJ-: so wait...what's happening?00:47
daftykinsTJ-: i was half pondering that this being a sony duo 11 thingy or whatever means it might be happier on the latest and greatest00:48
TJ-amazoniantoad: if you look at the bug report I just linked, the reporter is using Trusty, and shows the same errors you have in xsession-errors00:48
TJ-amazoniantoad: in fact, they have the same kernel version as you, as well00:48
seungminis there any thinkpad user?00:49
DosTuMaiLatest & greatest meaning Win10.00:49
=== tweekie is now known as lianna
TJ-amazoniantoad: and the reporter is a core ubuntu developer too, so knows what they're doing00:49
amazoniantoadTJ-: Man I know how to get a bug eh?00:49
daftykinsseungmin: proper support questions are best asked, rather than "does anyone" or similar.00:49
amazoniantoadOnly me00:49
daftykinsamazoniantoad: woohoo00:49
amazoniantoadThis crap only happens with me. If it were anyone else the bug wouldn't exist lol00:49
TJ-amazoniantoad: AND interestingly, Jamie also reports his user lost membership of "video" group!00:50
daftykinsthis is the trouble with new gear00:50
daftykinsat least, i think that thing you're using is relatively new00:50
amazoniantoaddaftykins: it's two years old though...maybe 400:50
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo adduser <your-user-name> video"00:50
daftykinshardware wise though00:51
amazoniantoadTJ-: done00:51
amazoniantoaddaftykins: ah00:51
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo service lightdm restart"00:51
amazoniantoadTJ-: crashed.00:51
daftykinsok i gotta bail, TJ- nice work as always :) \o00:51
TJ-amazoniantoad: comment #6 in that bug report also confirms my earlier suspicion this is caused by udev00:51
TJ-daftykins: g'night00:52
TJ-amazoniantoad: that could be because you already have a login, though it ought not be. Do "sudo service lightdm stop" then "exit" to log-out the tty, then log back in... and do "groups" and check you see 'video' in the list00:52
TJ-amazoniantoad: if you're on SSH, do the 'exit' on the physical tty1 console00:53
TJ-amazoniantoad: new group memberships only take effect at log-in so you have to log-out all sessions to get it to work00:53
amazoniantoadTJ-: video exists now00:53
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK... "sudo service lightdm start"00:54
amazoniantoadTJ-: crashed00:54
TJ-amazoniantoad: oooo! I've been giving you the wrong target to chown on I think! hang on, let me check the pastebins00:55
amazoniantoadTJ-: okay lol00:55
TJ-amazoniantoad: I'm too tired for my own good! "sudo chown :video /dev/dri" (note no trailing /)!!!00:55
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo service lightdm restart"00:56
amazoniantoadTJ-: crashed lol00:56
TJ-amazoniantoad: but maybe for a different reason (hopes!) "pastebinit $HOME/.xsession-errors"00:57
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628709/00:58
ghostmediaprois there a sendmail channel as i'm having a smaill issue00:58
TJ-amazoniantoad: to give you some background on the underlying cause here. Trusty doesn't use the Systemd init system but it does use systemd-logind to handle log-ins. Apparently there was a regression introduced in that package that causes this due to a 'race' condition. That means it doesn't affect everyone, and could be intermittent.00:59
amazoniantoadTJ-: I see00:59
TJ-amazoniantoad: YAY! no complaints from libGL now :)00:59
TJ-amazoniantoad: Can you test a Guest login please?01:00
amazoniantoadTJ-: one second01:00
amazoniantoadTJ-: it crashed01:00
amazoniantoadTJ-: and now01:00
amazoniantoadokay now it did something else01:00
amazoniantoadSo I clicked on login for the gues session...the background dissapeared and then froze...then it turned blue and then went back to the login01:01
ghostmediapro cannot open `/usr/share/sendmail-cf/m4/cf.m4': No such file or directory01:01
ghostmediapro/usr/share/sendmail exist01:02
ghostmediaprobut not sendmail-cf01:02
ghostmediaproa dir of cf exist inside sendmail01:02
TJ-amazoniantoad: different! "pastebinit <( apt-cache policy systemd-services )"01:03
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628779/01:03
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo pastebinit /var/log/auth.log"01:04
DosTuMaighostmediapro: You need install "sendmail-cf"01:05
TJ-amazoniantoad: I'm checking a few things out on a 14.04 system here, bear with me01:07
amazoniantoadTJ-: I'm in it for the long haul01:07
TJ-amazoniantoad: from auth.log I *think* the key here is "Nostromo gnome-keyring-daemon[3716]: g_dbus_connection_real_closed: Remote peer vanished with error: Underlying GIOStream returned 0 bytes on an async read (g-io-error-quark, 0). Exiting."01:09
amazoniantoadTJ-: weird01:10
TJ-amazoniantoad: "Remote peer vanished with error" suggests another process crashed which was expected to talk to that process01:10
TJ-amazoniantoad: "pastebinit <( ls -latr /var/log/lightdm/ )"01:11
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628853/01:12
TJ-amazoniantoad: I've seen reports that suggest changes to ownership of dirs/files in $HOME can cause this, aside from the well-known $HOME/.Xauthority. Can you show "pastebinit <( ls -altr $HOME )"01:13
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628867/01:14
TJ-amazoniantoad: lines 18-19!01:15
amazoniantoadI'm thinking of install ubuntu touch on my ipod touch...01:15
amazoniantoadwait let me look01:16
amazoniantoadTJ-: so we change those to jr?01:16
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo chown -R jr:jr $HOME/.dbus $HOME/.gvfs"01:16
TJ-amazoniantoad: then check them with "ls -da $HOME/.dbus $HOME/.gvfs"01:16
TJ-amazoniantoad: then try to log-in at the GUI again.01:17
amazoniantoadTJ-: Well it didn't work but it didn't freak out like before.01:18
amazoniantoadNot as much anyhow01:18
nrdbubuntu ltsp desn't use LDM now!  .... this is a problem can it be enabled?01:18
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK... "pastebinit $HOME/.xsession-errors"01:18
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628910/01:19
ghostmediaproit says its already installed01:20
TJ-amazoniantoad: "find $HOME ! -user jr -ls | tee /dev/stderr | pastebinit"01:21
TJ-amazoniantoad: going for a coffee!01:21
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628925/01:23
TJ-amazoniantoad: Only downloads so not vital :)01:27
amazoniantoadTJ-: yeah01:27
dman777hmm... i installed virtualenvwrapper on ubuntu in root, but it's only available in root. isn't it supposed to be available in non root also? for instance, there is no workon command01:28
TJ-amazoniantoad: let's see if anything different is in the auth log: "sudo pastebinit /var/log/auth.log"01:29
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628959/01:30
TJ-amazoniantoad: I think we should also make sure every package is up to date; the kernel is many versions behind so we should figure out why that is01:30
DosTuMaighostmediapro: Do you have the M4 package installed?01:30
amazoniantoadTJ-: k01:30
TJ-amazoniantoad: woa! that auth.log hasn't changed since last time01:31
amazoniantoadTJ-: so that's good?01:31
TJ-amazoniantoad: what is the local time on that pc right now: "date"01:31
amazoniantoadTJ-: Wed Sep 30 20:31:35 CDT 201501:31
TJ-amazoniantoad: no, bad, we tried a log-in since last time we looked and that isn't recorded01:31
TJ-amazoniantoad: blimey, no wonder! the last log entries are 14:3701:32
TJ-amazoniantoad: something is very wrong01:32
amazoniantoadTJ-: This is making my brain melt01:32
badcomWhich MySQL GUI tool do you guys use on Ubuntu?01:32
TJ-amazoniantoad: How do you think mine feels?!01:32
amazoniantoadTJ-: at least yours is useful!01:33
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK, lets check out why the kernel wasn't upgraded and then get the system updated01:33
amazoniantoadTJ-: I'm trying to keep up and understand while realizing my computer is a hunk of crap01:33
TJ-amazoniantoad: "pastebinit <( apt list linux* | grep installed )"01:34
wakeatnightwill xset dpms 0 900 1200 put the computer to sleep or _just_ the monitor?01:34
wakeatnightwill my wifi run still?01:35
TJ-amazoniantoad: it's doing pretty well with everything we're throwing at it!01:35
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628997/01:35
TJ-wakeatnight: DPMS is the monitor Display Power Management Signalling01:35
wakeatnightTJ-: so everything on the pc will still be running?01:36
TJ-amazoniantoad: what does "uname -r" tell you?01:36
TJ-wakeatnight: Yes01:36
dman777woe....non root users don't source the /etc/bash.bashrc anymore?01:36
wakeatnighti find it strange that a display would have a standby and suspend time...01:36
wakeatnightok thankyou TJ-01:36
amazoniantoadTJ-: 3.13.0-44-generic01:37
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK, now we're getting somewhere. It has all the most recent kernel updates to -65 but the system is still booting to -4401:37
TJ-amazoniantoad: "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"01:37
TJ-amazoniantoad: weird. No GRUB updates have been done since -44 kernel!01:39
amazoniantoadTJ-: but why?01:39
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo update-grub" and then "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg" again01:39
aroonihey everyone ;  just upgraded from ubuntu 12.04 => 14.04... now i'd like to install nginx from ubuntu's package.  i think i installed nginx from source... can i just install the nginx package on ubuntu over the existing installation?  or do i need to do something in between?  i'm not sure where nginx is located ... /usr/local/nginx doesnt exist ...01:39
TJ-arooni: "which nginx" might help01:40
arooninothing is returned TJ-01:40
aroonithough i do have a /opt/nginx  directory01:40
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629018/01:40
arooniTJ-, looks like its just config; but not any binaries01:41
TJ-amazoniantoad: it didn't update!01:41
amazoniantoadTJ-: it said it did01:41
amazoniantoadI mean, when I ran the update command01:41
TJ-amazoniantoad: but the first entry is still the -44 kernel01:41
amazoniantoadTJ-: :/01:41
liquidsnakehello all01:41
liquidsnakehow goes it01:41
TJ-amazoniantoad: let's check if there's some config preventing it. "pastebinit /etc/default/grub"01:42
* Mirodroid is still trying to figgure out how to get TWIN compiled correctly under ubuntu01:42
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629022/01:43
TJ-amazoniantoad: "pastebinit <( ls -altr /etc/grub.d/ )"01:43
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629025/01:45
ghostmediaproDosTuMai: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629028/01:45
ghostmediaprohow to install m4 if its not01:45
amazoniantoadTJ-: brb I need to get something to drink01:45
fathomHowdy, I just bought a new graphics card for my computer. Do I have to reinstall ubuntu?01:46
fathomI plugged in the monitor to the card, the screen is blank01:46
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK :)01:46
amazoniantoadTJ-: back01:47
TJ-fathom: does the video card have more than one connector on it? You possibly didn't plug into the "primary" output01:47
Ben64fathom: what card, did you see anything at any point01:47
fathomI got a radeon r724001:47
TJ-amazoniantoad: Something weird about that system. It's almost as if it isn't always showing us the latest files. Before I dig too far into the grub thing lets check the timestamp on the file, update it, and check the timestamp after to make sure it has changed. "ls -l /boot/grub/grub.cfg" then "sudo update-grub" then "ls -l /boot/grub/grub.cfg" and compare the timestamps to make sure it updated01:48
cheapiefathom: A lot of BIOSes have an "initialize video first" option that needs to be sot to PCIe, as otherwise, it'll just use integrated.01:49
fathomcheapie, Ahh, I have to set it up at BIOS01:49
cheapiefathom: Also, you put the card in the computer in addition to plugging the monitor into the card, right?01:50
amazoniantoadTJ-: timestamps are different01:50
fathomI have an AMD A8 7600 APU to enable crossfire technology01:50
fathomYeah, the acrd is in the machine01:50
fathomcard is in the machine, tight and secure01:50
cheapieProbably just needs the BIOS tweaking then.01:50
DosTuMaighostmediapro: "wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/m4/m4-1.4.10.tar.gz"01:50
orpheusTrying to install a local LAMP server, can't ssh in as root because I don't know the default password.  Any suggestions?01:51
johnny_linuxgo to the bios and make sure its turned on fathom01:51
fathomOkie doke. Thank you very much, will reboot and fiddle01:51
cheapie(I'm assuming you don't even get any POST messagos on the screen)01:51
fathomcheapie, The screen is blank01:51
TJ-amazoniantoad: right, now just see if the latest kernel was added "grep '3.13.0-65' /boot/grub/grub.cfg" - if you get no result it didn't update01:51
DosTuMaighostmediapro: Do you know how to extract files from packages?01:51
amazoniantoadTJ-: no result :/01:52
TJ-amazoniantoad: so update-grub didn't. let's ensure there are initial ramdisk images for each kernel  - that can cause GRUB not to add entries. "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/ )"01:53
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629062/01:53
ghostmediaproDosTuMai: kinda01:54
orpheusHow do I get root privileges on a LAMP server I just set up?01:55
TJ-amazoniantoad: ok, something is seriously freaky here. That only shows the -44 kernel but we saw earlier many more kernels installed. This is an encrypted system isn't it? That means there is supposed to be a /boot/ file-system outside the root file-system. show me "pastebinit <( cat /etc/fstab /etc/crypttab; mount )"01:55
DosTuMaighostmediapro: Oki, it's loads of fun - read stress for newbies. Once it's downloaded, "tar -xvzf m4-1.4.10.tar.gz01:55
Ben64orpheus: explain what you mean01:55
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629070/01:56
ghostmediaproDosTuMai: checked its already installed01:56
ghostmediaprodid you see the errors in the pastebin01:57
orpheusBen64:  I just installed apache, mysql, and php.  Now I'm trying to ssh in as per this guide, and I don't have the password.01:57
orpheusBen64: This is the guide: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/initial-server-setup-with-ubuntu-12-0401:57
Ben64orpheus: use the username and password you set up when you installed01:57
TJ-amazoniantoad: You've got a time machine there :)01:57
amazoniantoadTJ-: hahaha why do you say that?01:57
TJ-amazoniantoad: everything in that latest pastebin is OK; which means somehow the linux kernel packages have been installed but something has erased the kernel images from /boot/01:58
orpheusBen64: I only set up a password, and that's not working.  How can I reset that, then?01:58
DosTuMaighostmediapro: Oh, hmmm. Yes, only time I've heard the problem is missing packages. Let me work some google-fu.01:58
TJ-amazoniantoad: combined with the auth.log not advancing since afternoon...!01:59
Ben64orpheus: set up a password for what01:59
TJ-amazoniantoad: let's try a trick I know. "sudo mkdir /target && sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /target" then "pastebinit <( ls -altr /target/boot/ )"02:00
TJ-amazoniantoad: we're trying to find out if the kernel images got installed into the root file-system because the /boot/ file-system wasn't mounted.02:00
TJ-amazoniantoad: when /dev/sda1 mounts at /boot/ it will hide any files/directories that are in the parent file-system02:00
orpheusBen 64: When I installed mysql, I set up a root password.  That's not working when I try "ssh root@" the IP address.02:01
TJ-amazoniantoad: so if /dev/sda1 wasn't mounted for some reason the files would be written into the root file-system02:01
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629086/02:01
amazoniantoadTJ-: ah02:01
TJ-amazoniantoad: Not that either! empty, as it should be! More and more spooky02:01
amazoniantoadTJ-: hahaha02:01
* TJ- kicks himself HARD02:02
Ben64orpheus: mysql root password is not the ssh root password02:02
TJ-amazoniantoad: the pastebin that listed the linux* packages... I'm so tired I didn't notice there are no linux-image packages *only* linux-headers!!!!02:02
orpheusBen64: How do I change the ssh root password?02:02
TJ-amazoniantoad: -headers only contain files needed to build packages against the kernel02:03
TJ-amazoniantoad: this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12628997/02:03
Ben64orpheus: "passwd" but you should use a user account and sudo, having root ssh open isn't a good idea02:03
amazoniantoadTJ-: ah02:03
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo apt-get install linux-generic"02:03
amazoniantoadrunning now02:04
TJ-amazoniantoad: whilst we're there we'll delete all those unwanted -headers packages; they take up space for no good reason02:04
orpheusBen64:  I'm new at this.  How do I set up a user account and sudo?02:04
amazoniantoadTJ-: k02:04
amazoniantoadTJ-: install ubuntu touch on an ipod touch, yay or nay?02:05
Ben64orpheus: log in, "adduser username" "adduser username sudo" now you should be able to log in as username02:05
amazoniantoadI have my ipod classic that is going to get linux on it...but I was thinking while I was at it02:05
amazoniantoadI have to replace the hard drive on the ipod classic02:05
orpheusBen64: How do I log in?02:06
TJ-amazoniantoad: "sudo apt-get purge linux-headers-3.13.0-{35,36,39,43,49,51,52,54,55,57}"02:06
amazoniantoadTJ-: still installing02:06
Ben64orpheus: ssh02:06
TJ-amazoniantoad: OK, use that command once the current command completes02:06
orpheusBen64:  That's where I'm stuck.  How do I ssh if I don't know the password?02:07
amazoniantoadTJ-: done02:07
TJ-amazoniantoad: somehow, the linux-image-generic package was removed which stopped the kernel images being updated, but the linux-headers-generic remained so the -headers were updated02:08
Ben64orpheus: you must have logged in before, do it again02:08
TJ-amazoniantoad: now do "sudo apt-get autoremove" to clean up any unreference packages02:08
TJ-amazoniantoad: Let's check -65 is in grub.cfg: "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"02:09
orpheusBen64:  So I run "ssh root@my.ip.address"?02:09
amazoniantoadTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629113/02:10
Ben64orpheus: if thats how you did it before, yep02:10
TJ-amazoniantoad: that's better! "linux /vmlinuz-3.13.0-65-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff"02:11
orpheusBen64: I don't think I did it before.  I had run ssh for the first time, and got that password message.  Can I reset the password?02:11
TJ-amazoniantoad: I think you should reboot it now, lets make sure its using those updates they might fix something02:12
amazoniantoadTJ-: do I enter that in?02:12
TJ-amazoniantoad: amazoniantoad no, I was quoting the GOOD line in grub.cfg I was hoping to see :)02:12
Ben64orpheus: you said you installed mysql and stuff, how did you accomplish that without ever using ssh02:12
dman777anyone use postgres? I installed it successfully but the executable is missing02:12
amazoniantoadTJ-: ah.02:12
amazoniantoadTJ-: ITS BACK02:12
amazoniantoadEVERYTHING IS BACK02:13
TJ-amazoniantoad: really?02:13
TJ-amazoniantoad: that was a fast boot!02:13
amazoniantoadTJ-: YESSSSS02:13
amazoniantoadTJ-: omg ahh02:13
amazoniantoadTJ-: thank you thank you thank you!02:13
TJ-amazoniantoad: LOL thank the flipping Gods for that!!!!02:13
TJ-amazoniantoad: party time! Only took us, what, 5 hours?02:13
amazoniantoadTJ-: not that long really02:14
orpheusBen64: apt-get install.  Set a root password for mysql in the process of install, but nothing for ssh.02:14
mianna  hi02:14
TJ-amazoniantoad: I think that's the biggest collection of pastebins I've ever collected :)02:14
amazoniantoadTJ-: haha02:14
amazoniantoadCertainly the longest #ubuntu session I've had02:14
Bashing-omTJ-: amazoniantoad :: As I too live and learn . Who else would have thunk it !02:14
TJ-amazoniantoad: *PHEW* *relaxes*02:14
amazoniantoadBashing-om: haha02:15
Ben64orpheus: how did you get to use apt-get02:15
TJ-Bashing-om: I swear people like amazoniantoad only come in here to test me!02:15
amazoniantoadTJ-: Yeah I can certainly relax now. I have about 3 active projects on this computer02:15
TJ-amazoniantoad: backups!02:15
Bashing-omTJ-: :) Just proves you are in amongst the best .02:16
DosTuMaiAlways backup!02:16
orpheusBen64: sudo.  But that password isn't working for ssh either.02:16
Ben64orpheus: how did you get to use sudo02:16
TJ-amazoniantoad: I've just closed about 20 pastebin pages :)02:16
amazoniantoadTJ-: funny about backups...I had a cloud server I made and one day it crashed, HDD's had failed...and my laptop crashed at the same time...locked out of the hd02:16
SparkMasterTapeCan someone please help me get a dated soundcard operational?02:16
orpheusBen64: sudo apt-get.02:16
amazoniantoadLost absolutely everything02:17
Ben64orpheus: right, but how did you get to the point where you can type that02:17
SparkMasterTapeI have the necessary information regarding the hardware , just need some guidance in the terminal.02:17
amazoniantoadTJ-: raid 0 config....I was selfish about the space02:17
orpheusBen64:  Running the terminal.02:17
TJ-amazoniantoad: I have RAID-1 disks in backup systems02:17
Ben64orpheus: then you're logged in already02:17
amazoniantoadTJ-: I scraped together all of my old computers spare parts and built one hell of a mutated machine02:17
orpheusBen64:  Oh.  Okay, so how do I add a user?02:18
SparkMasterTapeCan anyone here help me get my sound card working?02:18
amazoniantoadTJ-: thanks for your help02:18
Ben64orpheus: is this running on the computer you're on now02:18
TJ-amazoniantoad: wow, I can feel the stress unwinding now... I think I was keeping going on adrenalin02:18
orpheusBen64: Yes.02:18
amazoniantoadTJ-: hahaha02:18
Ben64orpheus: then you already have a user!02:18
TJ-amazoniantoad: Hopefully we don't see you again for a long while02:18
amazoniantoadTJ-: I was on a fog during the middle of it02:18
amazoniantoadTJ-: Please don't say that, it's going to throw me back in here by morning time02:19
* TJ- hides02:19
amazoniantoadalrighty. ciao02:19
SparkMasterTapeI have a Dell Sound Blaster Live! (emu10k1x) that I can't get to play audio out of my speakers02:19
SparkMasterTapeCan someone help me get it working02:19
TJ-amazoniantoad: I just found another 8 pastebin tabs to close :)02:19
amazoniantoadTJ-: This has to be a record in some capacity02:20
orpheusBen64: I guess I'm confused then...  I thought I had to do something to log into the server.02:20
SparkMasterTapeAnyone willing to help me get a sound card working02:20
DosTuMaiWellp, my sleeping pills are kicking in. I'm off to bed, night, all. o702:21
SparkMasterTapeIt's a dell sound blaster live! (emu10k1x) , its from an old Dell Dimension 460002:21
orpheusBen64:  Trying to test out installing WordPress02:21
SparkMasterTapeI downloaded this package ld10k1 through synaptic. Its called a patch loader but I have no idea how to activate it or replace the current driver for my audio02:23
SparkMasterTapeit included a server to store the driver state, a control tool for the server and a dump loader02:23
darsiea d02:24
TJ-SparkMasterTape: isn't the emu10k1x driver for MIDI, not PCM?02:25
darsiea dWill an XFree86 nvidia driver work with Xorg?02:26
SparkMasterTapeI performed a command I found earlier listing my devices02:26
SparkMasterTapeand thats what it gave me, the dell sound blaster live!02:26
SparkMasterTapeand then that model or version number in parenthesis02:26
SparkMasterTapethe command being aplay -l02:27
SparkMasterTapecorrection, emu10k1x02:27
TJ-SparkMasterTape: OK, yes, I've just read up on it on the ALSA site02:28
SparkMasterTapeexcellent thank you for helping02:28
TJ-SparkMasterTape: can you "pastebinit <( aplay -l )" ?02:29
SparkMasterTapeI downloaded a few packages hoping to fix the problem , alsa-tools, ld10k1, awesfx02:29
SparkMasterTapeabsolutely , one moment please02:29
TJ-SparkMasterTape: I assume you have speakers/headphones connected to its outputs?02:29
SparkMasterTapespeakers yes02:30
SparkMasterTapejust a simple 2.0 set of Creative speakers, with external power02:30
TJ-SparkMasterTape: and how are you testing it?02:31
SparkMasterTapeThe audio worked before I formatted and installed Lubuntu 15.0402:31
SparkMasterTapeand they worked on my Windows 10 machine as well02:31
SparkMasterTapeand as far as testing the audio on here, ive been just scrolling the volume adjuster up and down02:32
SparkMasterTapelistening for the noise the OS theme makes02:32
SparkMasterTapeill test a youtube video now02:32
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: yeah pain02:34
jeguanhello, how can i review  past discussions for ubuntu mailing list before i subscribed it?02:34
TJ-SparkMasterTape: OK, because you have several sound devices that probably isn't the system default02:34
SparkMasterTapeI wonder why I have several sound devices on this stock machine02:35
SparkMasterTapetheres no audio input on the motherboard that i see, just this sound card connected to the PCI02:35
SparkMasterTapehow can i set it so that the sound card is the default02:36
TJ-SparkMasterTape: can you show us "pastebinit <( aplay -L )" (note the capital L)02:38
SparkMasterTapeI am reading on websites too that the sound card may be called a ADI 198x02:38
SparkMasterTapebut im also reading its a Dell Sound Blaster Live!02:38
SparkMasterTapeokay one moment please02:39
Denza252hi, I have a question02:39
Denza252https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDNetboot would this still work with like, *buntu Vivid?02:39
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: okay I wait02:39
Denza252if not, does the normal netboot installer have an option to dualboot?02:39
uoylliklliwiDenza252: you try it02:40
SparkMasterTapeI imagine at this point after trying to install certain packages to fix it, there may be some dependency issues02:41
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: does it work in unity but not in lxfce02:41
TJ-SparkMasterTape: I think the problem is the motherboard has an integrated Intel sound chipset, but you say no phyiscal connections to it, so it is being detected and made the default as far as software is concerned, when you want the SoundBlaster to be  the default. Show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk )"02:41
SparkMasterTapeyou know what, there is an audio jack on the front of the PC02:42
SparkMasterTapewhich I just tried to use and didnt get sound out of either02:42
TJ-SparkMasterTape: the default would likely be the rear outputs if it had some02:43
SparkMasterTapeuoylliklliwi: I am not sure, this is the only version I have installed or tried02:43
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: run alsamixer in terminal02:43
SparkMasterTapeCard: Intel ICH502:44
SparkMasterTapeChip: Analog Devices AD198002:44
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: what version is ubuntu did you instal.02:44
SparkMasterTapewell, technically im using Lubuntu 15.0402:44
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: run alsamixer in terminal02:44
SparkMasterTapebut nobodys responding over there and i imagine that the help here would translate02:45
SparkMasterTapeuoylliklliwi: I did02:45
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: can you select the audio device in alsamixer in terminal.02:45
SparkMasterTapeShould I go with the Intel ICH5 or the Soudn Blaster Live!02:46
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: the one your trying to use. Is it muted.02:46
SparkMasterTapeit appears that it may be , I am no audio engineer and am going to need to figure out how to navigate this alsamixer02:47
SparkMasterTapeor how to increase the levels02:47
SparkMasterTapeah nvm easy02:47
TJ-SparkMasterTape: "amixer"02:48
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: sometimes you can only unmute it02:49
MeliteIf I run the command 'cp /path/to/dir/* /second/path/to/direc'02:49
MeliteShouldn't folders in the /path/to/dir also be copied over to /second/path/to/direc ?02:49
Bashing-omMelite: Not unless you tell it too with the 'r' flag . r for recursion .02:51
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: sudo apt-get install pavucontrol02:54
arooniok so now i got the old version of nginx removed... now i'm getting a 403 error on accessing my site... it looks like this error is caused because my /var/www directory (and all subdirectories of code) are owned by my current user (in this case chasetoys)... so do i need to recursively change all ownership on the site to www-data ... or just in certain directories?02:56
orpheusI think I set up PHPMyAdmin with Apache wrong.  How do I reset?  Tried uninstalling and reinstalling.02:57
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: run pavucontrol in terminal.02:57
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: not sure when you installed pavucontroll if it installed pulseaudio.02:59
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol02:59
orpheusHow can I check if PHP is installed properly?02:59
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: just to be sure.02:59
nhylorpheus, use "apt-get purge", this deletes all configuration files etc, simple uninstall keeps them03:00
TJ-SparkMasterTape: to test the Live outputs directly from terminal with ALSA, do "speaker-test -Dfront:CARD=Live,DEV=0 -c2 -l1 -twav"03:00
TJ-SparkMasterTape: typo! "speaker-test -Dhw:CARD=Live,DEV=0 -c2 -l1 -twav"03:00
uoylliklliwiTJ-: that just verify it's active which he did with alsamixer03:01
TJ-uoylliklliwi: Oh did he? I must have missed that :)03:01
SparkMasterTapewell it made noise come out!03:02
uoylliklliwiSparkMasterTape: askubuntu.com/questions/80384/where-are-the-lxde-sound-preferences Will give you different GUIs to work with.03:02
TJ-uoylliklliwi: SparkMasterTape if the Live works, and the integrated Intel device doesn't have outputs, then we can set that integrated device to not be the default so the Live is03:02
TJ-SparkMasterTape: did you "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk )" yet?03:03
TJ-SparkMasterTape: that will give the info needed to alter /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf03:03
orpheusnhyl: Thanks!03:05
TJ-SparkMasterTape: so the Intel integrated uses the driver "snd_intel8x0" and the SoundBlaster the "snd_emu10k1x" and you want the latter device to be the default03:06
TJ-SparkMasterTape: "pastebinit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf" please03:06
=== the_map is now known as the_map_
ignacioHow to disable guest user in lightdm?03:08
ignacioI have lubuntu03:08
=== the_map_ is now known as the_map
rchaviki'm getting "[UFW BLOCK] IN=tun0 OUT= MAC= SRC=x.x.x.x DST=x.x.x.x LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=213 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=36066 DPT=6379 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST URGP=0" even though i have allowed the tun0 interface, and have successfully connected to the port. ideas?03:09
nhylignacio, http://askubuntu.com/questions/523605/how-do-i-disable-the-guest-session-from-lubuntu-14-0403:10
TJ-SparkMasterTape: "echo 'options snd-intel8x0 index=-2' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf" and then you'll need to reboot the system to test it, because the sound kernel modules have dependencies that make it difficult to unload the module03:11
ignacionhyl, thanks03:11
SparkMasterTapeexcellent thank you03:11
daftykinsignacio: note that people that disable guest sessions tend to have a lot harder time diagnosing issues when they come in here ;)03:12
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
SparkMasterTapehmm i dont think that worked03:20
orpheusTrying to install wordpress on local LAMP server, running the install script is not working.03:20
TJ-SparkMasterTape: have you checked the device ordering? "aplay -l" now? if it worked, the Live will be Card 003:21
SparkMasterTapeit appears to have...03:22
daftykinsorpheus: explain what you're doing exactly03:22
daftykinsyou don't run an install script, you visit the install php file from a browser03:22
nudogeSparkMasterTape: I have a youtube video of me installing wordpress on a ubuntu virtual machine.  would you like to see it?03:22
TJ-SparkMasterTape: OK... now use amixer, see if the card has muted / low volumes03:22
TJ-SparkMasterTape: ignore that; it's a bot03:22
daftykinshave we reported said bot?03:23
TJ-SparkMasterTape: it keys off the nicknames it sees talking when it enters the room03:23
SparkMasterTapegot it03:23
TJ-SparkMasterTape: sound working?03:23
SparkMasterTapethank you so much, i just had to open audio controls and select it from the drop down03:23
TJ-SparkMasterTape: Yay :)03:23
SparkMasterTapeBumping some Spark Master Tape right now03:24
SparkMasterTapemy favorite rapper ! wewt03:24
SparkMasterTapethanks guys03:24
SparkMasterTapenow i just need to figure out why this PC is sooo slow. Must be the 512mb of ram and 2.4Ghz Pentium 403:24
daftykinsorpheus: well?03:24
orpheusdaftykins: I am trying to visit the install script in the browser.  install.php is in /var/www/wp-admin, but I get an error.03:24
SparkMasterTapebut even then, it seems slowww. i know theres a whole list of drivers on dells website i cant install cuz they are .exe's03:24
daftykinsorpheus: and the error is? http://paste.ubuntu.com if it's lengthy03:25
orpheusdaftykins: Specifically 404 not found03:25
SparkMasterTapeI mean, even single tasking with a 2.4Ghz Pentium 4 shouldnt be sloww03:25
TJ-SparkMasterTape: slow doing what? Which Ubuntu release?03:25
SparkMasterTapeLubuntu 15.0403:25
daftykinsorpheus: what did you type exactly in the address bar?03:25
nhyli just noticed i have 3 microphones for my headset in the settings, digital output, headset-microphone and analog output ... they all belong to "razer kraken 7.1" and they all work with same quality, volume etc, why is that? :o03:25
ignaciodid you started apache?, just saying03:26
TJ-SparkMasterTape: check "top" for processes using lots of CPU, also look at the load average at the top of the screen. anything close or above 1.0 could be a problem03:26
SparkMasterTapeplaying back videos is almost impossible03:26
daftykinsyou wouldn't get a 404 from a non-running apache03:26
ignacioyeha, srry.03:26
TJ-ignacio: have you tested with a simply phpinfo() script?03:26
ignacionot for me. orpheus ^03:27
daftykinsorpheus: usually just hitting the site root will hit the install script when it's a new wordpress instance.03:27
orpheusignacio: I think so.  This is the first time I'm doing this.03:27
TJ-sorry ignacio my eyes are tired03:27
ignacioTJ-, np :)03:27
ignacioorpheus, what's the content of /var/www ?03:27
SparkMasterTapemeh, its a 10 year old PC , im only using it because my gaming rig just had a short on the mobo03:27
SparkMasterTapethis bracket somehow fell off an aftermarket Zalman CPU cooler03:27
SparkMasterTapecausing a short, luckily im under warranty03:28
SparkMasterTapemustly came loose when i took this high powered air compressor to it for my monthly dusting03:28
TJ-orpheus:  "echo '<?php phpinfo() ?>' | sudo tee /var/www/info.php" then try ""03:28
orpheusdaftykins: http://pastebin.com/1GRJnQz103:28
SparkMasterTapethanks again for everything everyone03:29
nudogeorpheus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD3tJNCcdWM  #For future reference if you decide to do a reinstall03:29
orpheusTJ-: Did that, got "No such file or directory"03:29
daftykinsorpheus: is this 14.04 ?03:30
daftykinsFYI the document root is /var/www/html/03:30
ignacioorpheus, are you sure about the ip?03:30
daftykinsso your files are in the wrong path03:30
TJ-orpheus: ahhh, wrong root!03:30
Guest64566I have read that there is 2 seperate usb drivers for adb and fastboot so maybe i have to install a usb driver for fast boot not sure where or how to do this am on a ubuntu 14 os's03:30
TJ-orpheus:  "echo '<?php phpinfo() ?>' | sudo tee /var/www/html/info.php" then try ""03:30
Denza252can anyone help me with netboot stuff?03:30
daftykinsjust ask, Denza25203:31
TJ-Guest64566: On Linux fastboot/adb should 'just work' as long as udev sets up the connection correctly03:31
Denza252so I did everything according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/QuickNetboot03:31
Guest64566my problem is with the command fastboot for andrioid phone devel i have install andriod packages for adb and fastboot and adb works fine03:31
Denza252except the iptables stuff, because I knew it wasn't enabled03:31
Denza252I plugged my netbook into my desktop (the host in this case), and tried booting from the PXE thing03:32
Guest64566will when i uses sudo fastboot or fastboot ... i get <wait for device> for ever03:32
orpheusignacio: Yes, I get the apache "It works" page03:32
Guest64566I tried restarting the udev service but that didn't help either03:32
daftykinsorpheus: as i say you've unzipped the wordpress.zip into the wrong folder, you need to move everything into /var/www/html/03:32
Guest64566I have looked at lsusb and nothing appears to be an issue there03:32
TJ-Denza252: how did you connect the PCs - a cable directly between them?03:32
daftykinsit'll be fine after you do that (and include your correctly edited wp-config.php)03:33
Denza252TJ-, yep03:33
Denza252the desktop was wirelessly connected to my router, and my netbook was plugged into the ethernet port03:33
Guest64566using lsusb I have an entry Bus 001 Device 045: ID 19d2:ffe3 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM  is what lsusb has for my phone device03:33
TJ-Denza252: what type of Ethernet ports are they, Fast Ethernet (100Mbps) or Gigabit Ethernet (1000Mbps) ?03:33
Denza252at least, on the desktop03:33
ignaciohi guest-teo8tn03:34
orpheusdaftykins:  Looks like that did it.03:34
Denza252TJ-, netbook is gigabit too03:34
TJ-Denza252: The reason I ask is, when you direct-connect ethernet ports both need to support auto-mdi-x (cross-over) because they are not connected via a switch.03:34
Guest64566so how do i clear this up if it is in a /etc udev config file how do i clear it up03:34
daftykinsorpheus: huzzah!03:34
Denza252TJ-, I think I have a switch03:35
Guest64566I will check the logs for a udev issue and log errors not just info03:35
TJ-Denza252: on the TFTP/BOOTP server try running "sudo tcpdump -ni <ethX>" (replace X) and see if the interface 'sees' BOOTP packets arriving from the client when it tries to PXE boot03:35
orpheusdaftykins, TJ-, ignacio:  Thanks!  Onwards!03:35
ignaciocongrats orpheus03:36
Denza252TJ-, oh, one other thing03:36
ghostmediaproDosTuMai: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629573/03:36
Denza252it's all running off a LiveUSB03:36
Denza252would that cause any problems?03:36
ghostmediaproanysend mail guru's http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629573/03:36
Guest64566I have really know rules set other then a could 70-persistent-net.rules in that file but no usb rules so i will restart with log files on a higher level and check the log ... but if it is not udev what else could it be?03:37
TJ-Denza252: The TFTP/BOOTP you mean? that shouldn't be a problem. Are you sure the DHCP and TFTP services are active? "sudo netstat -tnlp" will tell you03:37
TJ-Guest64566: if adb sees the phone but fastboot doesn't it must be something with the android tooling03:37
TJ-Guest64566: is the phone in fastboot mode when you try it? fastboot won't see the device unless it is in fastboot mode03:38
Denza252TJ-, I'm using dnsmasq for both dhcp and tftp, and I made sure to start it03:38
Guest64566ok so then what packages or what thing can i do to fix this03:38
Guest64566for fastboot is there like a usb driver program specific for fastboot that i could install or something to correct this03:38
TJ-Denza252: OK, but also check with netstat it is still listening - many people get caught out when the service has unexpected stopped, or is not listening on the interfaces they think it is. It may only be listsening on localhost ( for example03:39
Guest64566how do you put the device in fastboot mode ???03:39
Guest64566I turned on usb debugging for adb but don't see a setting for fastboot mode03:39
TJ-Guest64566: usually by holding down a key combo at boot-time, similar to entering hboot mode03:39
Denza252TJ-, this would work too, right?03:40
TJ-Guest64566: Power + Volume-Up I seem to recall, or maybe Volume-Down03:40
ignacioGuest64566, adb reboot bootloader03:40
ignacioI think that should work03:40
TJ-Denza252: yes, ss is the successor to netstat03:40
Guest64566The only key holding down i know of that works on this phone is volume + , power, camera button all at the same time at boot gets me into the recovery console but thats about it03:40
TJ-Guest64566: there will be another key combo for entering hboot mode, which may have options to enter fastboot and recovery on its menu03:41
Guest64566The recover console only has 4 options reboot system , erase data/factory settings , install from a sd card , or wipe cache so no fastboot setting there03:41
ignacioGuest64566, can you try adb reboot bootloader?03:42
TJ-Guest64566: try Power + Volume-Down03:42
ignacioand if doesnt works adb reboo fastboot?03:42
TJ-ignacio: good idea!03:42
Denza252TJ-, on a semi-related note03:42
Denza252how easy is it to set up a netbootable ISO03:42
daftykinsyour bigger problem will be trying to make use of a netbook in 2015 i'd say03:42
daftykinscandidate for lubuntu :)03:43
TJ-Denza252: I deploy all the ISOs on my network that way, with BOOTP~DHCP/TFTP for the PXE boot loader and NFS for the file-systems.03:43
TJ-Denza252: my scripts have evolved a bit since I wrote this, but the basics are still the same: http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Ubuntu/NetbootPxeLiveCDMultipleReleases03:44
Guest64566when i do adb reboot-bootloader i get the phone hanging on the ZTE screen doesn't go anywhere when i adb reboot i get the phone to actually restart the whole os's again fine03:44
ignacioGuest64566, but you can d ofastboot devies?03:44
ignaciofastboot devices03:45
Guest64566So what else should i try or where is fastboot located option03:45
ignacioGuest64566, I think its on the ZTE thing.. Just try fastboot devices when that screen appears03:45
TJ-Guest64566: ignacio is saying that when you think the device has 'hung' it is probably waiting for a fastboot connection, so on the PC do "fastboot devices"03:45
daftykinsGuest64566: 'reboot-bootloader' doesn't look right, isn't it a space?03:45
TJ-daftykins: no, it's hyphenated03:46
Denza252TJ-, one last question, I promise03:46
Denza252in the minimal netinstaller03:46
daftykinsah ok03:46
Denza252does it support setting up a dualbooted system?03:47
Guest64566I think it is both adb reboot-bootloader or adb reboot bootloader i will try the other one to see if anything different happens03:47
brian|lfshello anyone around tonight03:47
brian|lfsI"m pulling my lack of hair here03:47
ignacioGuest64566, did you tried adb reboot fastboot?03:47
Guest64566And yes i did fastboot devices as this ZTE screen is hanging at adb reboot-bootloader and it is just hanging as well03:48
brian|lfsI'm using mdadm raid lvm and encryption and my system hangs on boot after opening my encrypted swap03:48
brian|lfsI've tried using both 15.04 and 10 same result03:48
Guest64566O wait it finished the fastboot devices command and left no lines of info03:48
brian|lfsseems to work on 14.1003:48
nudogebrian|lfs: pastebin ur fstab03:48
brian|lfsI also tried uuids before didn't help03:49
brian|lfscan only boot using recovery03:49
TJ-daftykins: actually, nowadays it can be both03:49
daftykinsoh :D03:50
nudogebrian|lfs: did you check the logs?03:50
brian|lfsthere is my fstab Modeuse03:50
TJ-Denza252: I don't know... that depends on the partitioning step, which is the same installer as -server (and what -alternate used to be), which is the text/ncurses based debian-installer03:50
Guest64566i have noticed in the status window when i do adb reboot-bootloader it is in an unknown state for like ever03:50
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TJ-Guest64566: maybe the device is 'locked' in some way to prevent it. Anyhow, you've got an Android support issue now, not Ubuntu03:51
daftykinsbecause it's rebooting? :)03:51
brian|lfsglancing in my systmd journal right now Modeuse I'll let you know if i see anything03:52
Guest64566is there another way to get to the fastboot option i only know how to get into the recovery menu so kind of wondering if there is any hidden bios menus that i am not aware of and what the key combination for it would be it is a ZTE phone model x50003:52
ignacioGuest64566, just saying, for what you need the fastboot mode03:52
Guest64566maybe only way to uses it on this phone is to root the phone just a thought03:53
daftykinsGuest64566: not Ubuntu's responsibility, sorry. plenty of more useful channels on freenode, like a cyanogenmod one perhaps... depends what you're trying to achieve.03:53
TJ-Guest64566: try in #android03:53
Guest64566alright thanks for your help i will try either those or googling around for ZTE model x500 and fastboot issues03:54
nudogebrian|lfs: are you able to log into a tty when the system hangs?03:55
brian|lfsI found something Modeuse  Failed to deactivate: Device or resource busy03:56
brian|lfsSep 30 23:24:54 ubuntu systemd[1]: systemd-cryptsetup@ubuntu\x2dswap_crypt.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=103:56
brian|lfsSep 30 23:24:54 ubuntu systemd[1]: Failed to start Cryptography Setup for ubuntu-swap_crypt.03:56
brian|lfsSep 30 23:24:54 ubuntu systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Encrypted Volumes.03:56
brian|lfsSep 30 23:24:54 ubuntu systemd[1]: cryptsetup.target: Job cryptsetup.target/start failed with result 'dependency'.03:56
daftykins!paste | brian|lfs03:57
ubottubrian|lfs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:57
brian|lfssorry didn't realize it was that long03:57
brian|lfsI'll pagebin it03:57
TJ-brian|lfs: Encrypted swap block-device unlock/mount is failing from the look of that03:59
brian|lfsits saying a dependency failed for cryptography03:59
brian|lfsya I know03:59
brian|lfsbut why03:59
brian|lfsit works in recovery03:59
TJ-brian|lfs: did you create that fstab manually?03:59
nudogethats the old pastebin03:59
brian|lfsnope installer did03:59
brian|lfsI can pastebin my cryttab?04:00
TJ-brian|lfs: OK, yes please04:00
nudogecryptsetup.target: Job cryptsetup.target/start failed with result 'dependency' looks important.  the crypttab will help though04:01
brian|lfswhat does non luks,swap,discard mean04:02
brian|lfsnone I mean04:02
TJ-brian|lfs: is the pass-phrase for the swap the same as used for data and home?04:03
nudogebrian|lfs: have you tried booting without swap?04:03
brian|lfshow would I do that comment it out in fstab and crytab?04:03
brian|lfsI can give that a shot04:04
brian|lfsany idea what the none and discard mean04:04
TJ-brian|lfs: can you "pastebinit <( sudo blkid _"04:04
TJ-brian|lfs: can you "pastebinit <( sudo blkid )"  -- typo!04:04
TJ-brian|lfs: 'none' means "no key-file", "discard" means to use TRIM on an underlying SSD04:05
Guest64566humm when i try the other command without the hyphen sudo adb reboot bootloader gives me  insufficient permissions for device WTF04:05
TJ-Guest64566: the device refuses; probably it is locked. Ask the Android experts04:06
brian|lfsoh ok just double checking04:06
ignaciodo you have thedrivers?04:06
ignacioor enabled the debug mode? and confirmed in phone?04:07
ignacioI mean, after adb devics04:07
Guest64566O so if it is a locked phone issue would rooting it unlock this ability04:07
brian|lfsam I missing something on this command "pastebinit <( sudo blkid )"04:08
brian|lfsI know I have blkid and its saying blkid not found04:08
Guest64566I have turned usb debugging on that was the only developer options i could see on this phone04:08
nudogesudo -s then use blkid04:09
Guest64566weird when i sudo su and did adb device i get ????? no permissions04:09
brian|lfsthanks of course that works04:10
nudogeoh wait its systemd..... it might be  sudo /sbin/blkid  if you don't want to be root04:10
TJ-brian|lfs: u "pastebinit <( sudo /sbin/blkid )"04:10
brian|lfsoh ok got you it wants the full path04:11
brian|lfsall well its on the above link04:11
TJ-brian|lfs: OK, so the underlying device is "/dev/mapper/ubuntu-swap: UUID="60203fec-148d-4efb-af42-af0c9c551cde" TYPE="crypto_LUKS""04:11
brian|lfsyes correct04:11
brian|lfswhich is in my fstab04:11
brian|lfsI mean cryttab04:12
TJ-brian|lfs: which means the LVM VG "ubuntu" needs to be available first04:12
brian|lfsso do I need to modify LVM or my initrd image?04:13
TJ-brian|lfs: I'm wondering if systemd has miscalculated the dependency graph04:13
brian|lfshmm should I try booting with upstart then04:13
nudogeit might just need to go lower on the cryttab04:14
brian|lfsoh so move my swap and try rebooting first04:14
brian|lfsin my cryttab04:14
TJ-order in the file shouldn't enter into it. systemd analyses which devices rely on others to figure out the load order04:14
TJ-brian|lfs: I think we need a better look at the systemd log04:15
brian|lfsis there a way I can upload that04:15
TJ-brian|lfs: "pastebinit <( sudo journalctl )"04:15
brian|lfsok trying that04:16
brian|lfsprobably a million reboots in thehre04:18
brian|lfsbut the first bootup it failed on I was looking at that one earlier04:18
brian|lfsbrb need rum04:18
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brian|lfsI'm back04:19
brian|lfsnow you know alot about my hardware lol04:20
TJ-brian|lfs: looks like the interesting but starts around line 146104:21
TJ-brian|lfs: sorry, line 143304:22
brian|lfsI would think other people would be having this problem04:23
brian|lfsI can't be the only one with raid lvm and encrypted volumes04:23
TJ-brian|lfs: line 1444 shows swap is mounted already04:23
roberth_alguien de costa rica?04:24
TJ-brian|lfs: an 1447 starts the problem messages04:24
brian|lfsuup I see that line TJ04:26
brian|lfsbut if its encrypted how could it already be mounted04:26
TJ-brian|lfs: show us "pastebinit <( sudo lvdisplay ubuntu )"04:27
nudogeTJ-: why is nvidia failing?04:27
TJ-brian|lfs: it could be the ubuntu-swap_crypt is actually an LV, not the unlocked ubuntu-swap04:27
nudogehi swift110-phone04:29
swift110-phoneHow r u nudoge04:30
nudogelearing.  so great!04:30
TJ-nudoge: brian|lfs nvidia: a bug in the driver by the look of it04:30
brian|lfsI installed the nvidia driver after wards04:31
brian|lfswas having the same problem before04:31
TJ-brian|lfs: ubuntu-swap = 119.21 GiB !?!?!?!04:31
nudogebrian|lfs: ya and the uuid look mismatched04:31
brian|lfsyes I have 64GB of ram04:31
TJ-brian|lfs: why do you want 119GB of swap in that case?04:32
brian|lfswwill I wanted 12804:32
brian|lfs64x2 I goofed apperantly withh my math04:32
TJ-brian|lfs: but why!?04:32
brian|lfsthought it was recommened to have double the swap of your ram04:32
nudogebrian|lfs: i like your logic04:33
brian|lfsso should I put the uuid of my swap volume in cryttab?04:33
Tryptych...have you ever used more then 2gb?04:33
brian|lfsand reboot and cross fingers04:34
brian|lfsof swap no04:34
brian|lfsof ram yes04:34
TJ-brian|lfs: For support of power-off hibernation, 1.25 x RAM. Otherwise, with 64GB RAM I'd not have more than 8GB and if it started being used I'd be annoyed!04:34
nudogebrian|lfs: but i noticed that those uuids dont match anything eles i have seen.  seems like a bit of a shotgun analysis on my part04:35
brian|lfsoh ok04:35
nudogesomeone with more experience with systemd is going to have to 2nd my opinion04:35
brian|lfslast I know it should be the uuid of the partition not the volume04:35
TJ-brian|lfs: I think the crypt_swap issue *may* be because systemd unlocks /dev/mapper/ubuntu-swap, finds a swap header inside, and mounts it automatically. Then after that it comes across the entry from fstab for the same device and tries to mount it again, causing the failure. I'd try commenting out the entry in fstab for the swap and see if that helps.04:35
brian|lfsoh ok that makes sense updating fstab and rebooting non recovery04:36
TJ-nudoge: which UUIDs were you concerned about?04:36
nudogethe lv04:36
brian|lfsoh you said mine don't match04:37
nudogeand cryttab dont match04:37
brian|lfsbut I think they do the one for the swap on my cryttab04:37
brian|lfsthey shouldn't the one in the cryttab would be the partition04:37
brian|lfsthen the one in fstab would be the swap file system04:38
nudogethat would explain why they mismatch04:38
brian|lfsbut I'm going to reboot with swap commented out in my fstab04:38
TJ-nudoge: they all match so far as I can see04:38
nudogeTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629812/ its just confusing because i somehow missed the blkid pastebin04:41
TJ-nudoge: this one? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12629710/04:43
nudogeTJ-: yep and there is a match there04:44
huscurianI had a class today but here's my problem right now with Ubuntu.05:00
huscurianI had a bash file that I wanted to run but couldn't.  My professor used GnomUS to run the bash file.  I tried this within the terminal.  It now shows two bash files that I downloaded.  However, one bash file is running.  It has that ~ next to the .sh05:01
huscurianHow do I stop it from executing?05:01
huscurianOn the file inside the folder or inside the Terminal?05:02
huscuriando I need to type the file first before doing that?05:02
daftykinswhere it was run from, so a flashing cursor should be there, depends what the script does.05:02
huscurianNope.  The bash file is still running.05:03
huscurianIt says minInsurance.sh, and then minInsurance.sh~05:03
daftykins1) ensure the script actually has a shebang (declaration of which shell to use in the opening line, e.g. #!/bin/bash ) 2) ensure it has been given execute permissions (chmod +x script.sh) 3) run it with e.g. ./script.sh05:03
huscurianthe CTRL+C doesn'tw ork05:03
daftykinsno a ~ file is a backup, know how MS Word does the same with word docs being open?05:04
daftykins(you would if you have hidden files turned n)05:04
daftykinsso the ~ is just a backup file, not the real thing.05:04
huscurianAh, i see.05:04
huscurianSo where does the backup go?  It says it's at the Downloads folder05:04
huscurianI only see two files.05:04
daftykinswell you have to already have executed it for ctrl+c to stop it.05:04
daftykinse.g. "sudo apt-get update" you can ctrl+c in the midst of.05:05
daftykinsyou should be in the terminal, in the folder where this script is05:05
huscurianI am in the terminal, yes.05:05
daftykinscd Downloads - if you didn't already05:05
daftykinsnow check that shebang, "head minInsurance.sh"05:06
huscurianone second05:06
huscurianIt's showing the file05:06
daftykinsbut what's the first line?05:07
daftykinscompare it to #!/bin/bash as i showed earlier05:07
huscurianWhen I did chmod +x script.sh, then when it executed, it said "/bin/bash(exponent)M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory.05:07
huscurianThe first line says #!/bin/bash05:07
daftykinsok good so it does use bash05:07
daftykinssometimes you might get a different one. e.g. /bin/sh05:08
daftykinsyou did do "chmod +x minInsurance.sh" yeah?05:08
huscurianYes, i ddi05:08
huscurianI did*05:08
huscurianA while ago05:08
daftykinsand you definitely get that error from "./minInsurance.sh"05:08
huscurianOne second05:09
huscurianbash: ./minInsurance.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory05:09
daftykinsand this isn't as root?05:09
huscurianNew here but can you elaborate?05:10
daftykinsroot is a user like the administrator on Windows05:10
daftykinsit would say root@hostname to the left if you were root05:10
huscurianYeah, I'm the root.05:11
huscuriansays huscurian@UbuntuOS05:11
daftykinsno that's a username05:11
daftykinsi'm saying it would literally say root@05:11
huscurianOh, no.05:11
huscurianIt doesn't say I'm the root05:11
huscurianNo root@ anywhere in the terminal.05:11
daftykinsgood stuff, don't wanna go running a teacher's scripts as root, heh05:11
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huscurianheh, yeah05:12
daftykinsok i don't know, try asking in #bash - but they might ask to see a copy of the script05:12
huscurianI wanted to run it and see if it was owrking05:12
daftykinsbe warned, i think you need a thick skin to go in there05:12
huscurianHow come?05:12
huscurianGeneral atmosphere not too good?05:12
daftykinsnewbie haters so i hear :)05:13
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brian|lfshey TJ it didn't help05:13
brian|lfsin fact you can still comment out swap and it still tries to mount it05:14
daftykinsi think he called it a night / has connection troubles05:14
brian|lfsI'm in shock ubuntu has a bug like that05:14
brian|lfswhere it can't mount encrypted swap on boot properly05:14
daftykinswhen anyone uses encryption, all bets are off.05:14
daftykinsoh? i've seen folk have broken swap after encrypted installs for years.05:15
brian|lfsit works on 14.1005:15
brian|lfsbut then I'm missing qt5 dev libs05:15
daftykinsnot 15.10? that's EOL.05:15
brian|lfshuh 15.10 isn't final yet05:16
daftykinsi'm saying 14.10 is EOL :)05:16
brian|lfsisn't EOL end of life05:16
daftykinsnon LTS don't last long05:16
brian|lfsits an LTS05:16
daftykins14.10 is not LTS.05:16
daftykins14.04.x is05:17
brian|lfsthhen I had 14.04 before I mean05:17
huscurianI went in there and one guy pointed out a weblink05:18
huscurianI did a file minInsurance.sh05:18
huscurianIt had CRLF newline terminators.05:18
huscurianI did a sed -n l minInsurance and there's \r$ terminators everywhere in every single line05:20
huscurianThat must be why the Terminal couldn't read the bash file05:20
daftykinshuscurian: so what, the link the person shared was referring to text formatting in the script?05:35
huscuriandaftykins: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/05205:36
Trinityhow do I remove an icon from whisker menu?05:37
huscurianI reformatted the file to meet the UNIX/OS X standard.  Turns out it had the \t in every line under function.  Now, I deleted those then found $ in every single line after every single variable05:37
huscurianSo it's quite a headache05:37
daftykinshuscurian: funsies05:37
huscurianI was doing the .sh file on a Windows OS05:37
daftykinswhy don't you just retype the actual script content...05:37
huscurianSeems like I may have to write the code again here on Ubuntu, then save it05:37
daftykinsand ask your teacher to provide it in an acceptable format >:)05:38
fathomHowdy, I am trying to access a hard drive and get the following error http://pastebin.com/mUqq4gyM05:38
daftykinsok i have to be horizontal, unconscious and hallucinating05:38
daftykinslaters \o05:38
fathomHow do I access it?05:38
daftykinsoh go on then one more05:38
* daftykins glances05:38
huscurianYeah.  he's going to offer me his bash shellscript next time in class.05:39
daftykinsfathom: windows 8 / 10 ?05:39
huscurianAnyway, thanks daftykins05:39
fathomdaftykins, 1005:39
daftykinsfathom: boot back into 10, run "shutdown -s -t 1" then mount it from ubuntu05:39
daftykinsit's due to hybrid shutdown, Linux is protecting your data by avoiding mounting it straight05:39
fathomdaftykins, I get no GUI, the computer broke when I installed a graphics card driver, a very common issue, apparently05:40
daftykinsso boot safe mode and roll back, ##windows will help you.05:40
fathomI yanked out the drive and plugged it to my linux puter05:40
daftykinsno point forcing the mount, or as it says you could mount read only05:40
fathomI just want the info05:40
fathomjust to copy and paste05:40
fathomthen the drive can go to hades05:41
daftykinssudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdx# /mnt -o ro05:41
daftykinsthat'll work if you plug in the appropriate disk and partition for sdx#05:41
fathomdaftykins, http://pastebin.com/4LnyxgSE05:43
daftykinsyeah you took it literally05:44
daftykinssudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt -o ro,uid=1000,gid=100005:44
daftykinsthough i don't 100% believe sdb1 is the C:05:47
fathomI think it broke now05:47
fathomNothing it happens when I plug in the drive05:47
daftykinsplug it where05:47
fathomI ripped the drive out of the desktop and plugged it into another computer to see if I can save the data05:49
AmrutHelp needed!05:49
daftykinsfathom: yes i assumed this was what you are running these commands from...05:49
fathom A linux computer, but I guess it cannot work this way05:49
nameuser_I have an external hdd formatted with fat32 filesystem (it must be fat32 to work with my xbox 360). I use rsync to copy files to my ext hdd, but it doesn't work. The rsync is running, but the led on my ext hdd doesn't blink, and no file appears on my ext hdd. Any advices?05:49
fathomThe windows machine graphics are fried05:49
daftykinsfathom: sure it can. what makes you think it's broken? the command i gave you will not give any output if it succeeds.05:49
fathomNo screen05:49
daftykinsfrom no driver? that's rubbish05:49
daftykinsnameuser_: run rsync verbosely to see what it's doing.05:50
daftykinslikely you have the syntax wrong05:50
daftykinsfathom: did you run my last command or not? did it complete cleanly with no errors?05:50
nameuser_daftykins: it's showing05:52
nameuser_Startup Warrior.mp405:52
nameuser_    128,596,443 100%  940.49kB/s    0:02:13 (xfr#69, to-chk=474/1562)05:52
daftykinswow that's slow05:52
fathomAm not getting anywhere with this approach05:52
daftykinsfathom: because you're not even typing the full command! can you read?05:52
nameuser_daftykins: i use a cheap Chinese hdd box05:52
daftykinsfathom: mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt -o ro,uid=1000,gid=100005:53
TheNumbnameuser_: that might be the reason05:53
TheNumbMaybe it's using a cheap sata over usb adapter05:53
daftykinsnameuser_: well your paste suggests it's copied 68 files and it's still running, sooo?05:53
nameuser_daftykins: but no file appears on my ext hdd05:54
daftykinsperhaps you got your syntax wrong and you're actually copying off the external drive onto your system05:54
daftykinswhat if they're hidden dot files? ls -al /path/to/external05:54
nameuser_daftykins: ok, i will double check again05:55
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daftykinsok sleep for me, gl folks06:02
gtristanHi, I just upgraded to 14.04 LTS (that went pretty well)... and I'm running this build system which is failing when trying to create a btrfs filesystem on an image06:15
gtristandmesg shows segfault in mkfs.btrfs06:15
gtristanI suspect it's possibly this bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=95857506:16
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 958575 in btrfs-progs "mkfs.btrfs segfaults" [Medium,Closed: duplicate]06:16
gtristanbtrfs-tools version is 3.12-106:16
gtristanSo the question is, can I verify that the bug is fixed or not in that ubuntu downstream package version ?06:16
Guest64566stupid question i am wondering when one should uses nis over using openldap or visa-versa seem as the work similar as a centeralized authentication /information lookup services06:17
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huscurianI have a question.06:34
huscurianThere's a game I'd like to install on Ubuntu.06:34
huscurianBut it is an .exe file designed for Windows06:34
huscurianis it possible to package it and unpack it for Linux?06:35
auronandace!appdb | huscurian06:35
ubottuhuscurian: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:35
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents06:36
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:36
auronandace!msgthebot | huscurian06:36
ubottuhuscurian: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".06:36
huscurianauronandace: thanks06:37
loahow i can debug why my cronjob don't work?06:37
loais there log somewhere or something?06:37
auronandacehuscurian: it isn't a sure fire way to work, so don't get too excited06:38
auronandacehuscurian: playonlinux is a frontend to wine which may be a little more friendly for you to use06:40
Ubuntu14Security help needed: I just reinstalled Ubuntu 14 and chkrootkit shows:Searching for Suckit rootkit... Warning: /sbin/init INFECTED06:41
Ubuntu14can this be?06:41
polygonalhmm interesting06:41
auronandaceUbuntu14: cat /etc/issue06:41
Ubuntu14Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l06:42
Ubuntu14what does this mean?06:42
huscurianauronandace: the games I was looking at are Hacker games.  Turns out they're all platinum under WINE.  But the other game I have was "garbage" :(06:42
auronandaceUbuntu14: i was just checking you were on lts rather than 14.10, because 14.10 is no longer supported06:42
Ubuntu14I also have my previous install setup sitll visible, even if I choosed to format the drive.06:44
Ubuntu14Should I select in the booting to but the installation on the roof of the HD, or in the partition, where  I'm installing ubuntu?06:45
huscurianauronandace: thanks for the rec on playonlinux.  I'm installing that one.06:47
huscurianall right06:48
huscuriannight all06:48
gtristanok another question... how do I get a newer btrfs-tools package on my freshly upgraded 14.04 system ?06:49
gtristanis there some backports... like sudo apt-get install btrfs-tools/vivid-something-backports ?06:50
* gtristan not exactly clear on backports in ubuntu06:50
gtristanis there some way to browse the available backports which I can install onto 14.04 ?06:50
auronandace!backports | gtristan06:51
ubottugtristan: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging06:51
gtristanauronandace, I was looking at that page.. from what I understand is ever since 11.xx.. backports are 'enabled by default'06:52
gtristanauronandace, and near the end of the page is says an example, to apt-get install amarok/trusty-backports06:53
gtristancan't tell from the text if the wiki page means... if you have an older ubuntu system, and want a backport *FROM* trusty... then you use /trusty-backports06:53
gtristanor... is /trusty-backports what you would use for future versions that were 'backported INTO trusty' ?06:54
polygonalUbuntu14: mine infected too. idk why06:54
gtristan14.04 is trusty (I think)... so I want whatever is newest06:54
Ubuntu14See: http://askubuntu.com/questions/25176/chkrootkit-says-sbin-init-is-infected-what-does-that-mean06:54
gtristanhmmm, maybe I read that wrong06:55
* gtristan tries to 'enable' backports06:55
Ubuntu14NO issue with "rkhunter -c", other warnings only..06:56
polygonalso that's why. and the bug was 4 years ago...06:58
=== hrobjartur is now known as bartur
loahello, how i can debug cron job under ubuntu?07:13
geirhaloa: A common issue with cron jobs is that it fails to find some command in the minimal PATH cron uses, so just adding the missing directories to PATH might get it working.07:26
loageirha, i give up with blind testing i need debug.07:26
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loai always did this blind thing.... but i don't want continue with this.07:27
geirhaWell, the error output from the job should give some clues07:27
geirhaIf the job fails, it will mail you the output07:27
PCatineanHey guys I have a directory full of other directories which in turn have a lot of files in them. I have another directory with the same structure and I want to copy all the content from the subdirectories from location one to location two, and not overwrite anything07:27
PCatineanHow can that be done?07:27
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geirhaPCatinean: rsync should be able to do that with the right options07:28
Guest46155algun canal en español?07:28
geirha!spanish | Guest4615507:28
ubottuGuest46155: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.07:28
loageirha, lol i forgot about this07:28
loageirha, i have postfix installed month ago, now mail are not in standart path /var/mail07:31
loawhere it can be?07:31
PCatineangeirha, I found this but my files are like attachments and do not have a suffix http://superuser.com/questions/742515/recursive-non-overwriting-file-copy07:33
geirhaloa: Hm. Have you set MAILTO in crontab?07:34
loacan it be a problem?07:34
loawhy it not sending to local user as before.07:34
loaor i must setup something?07:35
geirhaPCatinean: well, you don't need the --include and --excludes07:35
geirhaloa: Not sure. I'm not that proficient with postfix to know how that works in combination with cron07:36
PCatineangeirha, wouldn't that exclude the contents of the directories?07:36
jay_hi  everyone07:36
jay_i am trying to find a sslvpn client.... i cannot seem to find it anywhere07:37
geirhaPCatinean: The SO-answer deals with only copying files ending with .js   since you want to consider all files, you don't need any filtering07:37
KuncGood Afternoon, I've been setting up a Ubuntu-GNOME environment, and I want to use a display manager other than gdm (namely mdm). I want to be able to lock my screen and use the mdm interface rather than any gnome/gdm one. Is this possible?07:39
KuncI've tried using Xscreensaver but it locks into its own interface for unlocking, not back into the display manager.07:40
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cfhowlettxscreensaver is known to cause conflicts with lightlocker dm.07:40
Darkfire2Anyone here ever had this issue.... I use webmin to install a SSL Certificate to a virtual host on my Ubuntu 14.04 server. When i go to apply the changes it ends up crashing my server. I know i am selecting the correct Certificate/Key/and Authorities file... What would cause this07:41
cfhowlett!webmin | Darkfire207:41
ubottuDarkfire2: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.07:41
cfhowlettdarkbasic, also: #ubuntu-server       is available07:41
GachrHi everyone, what do you guys think about the new scrollbars in 15.10? I personally find them pretty difficult to click on.07:56
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | Gachr,07:56
ubottuGachr,: wily werewolf is the codename for Ubuntu 15.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+107:56
GachrThx cfhowlett07:57
loacan somebody on ubuntu 15.04 show me sudo systemctl status rsyslog.service08:00
Gachrloa; http://worldofgabriel.tk/for-loa.txt08:02
loaGachr, thx08:03
GachrYou're welcome :)08:03
rustany method to fast the indexing process in ubuntu ?08:11
rustMy files is opening very slow.08:12
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cfhowlett!hello | backbox,08:29
cfhowlettask your ubuntu questions08:29
backboxI used Ossim system08:29
hocuhengwhat's that  ?08:30
backboxsecuriy system08:30
cfhowlett!backbox | backbox,08:30
ubottubackbox,: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.08:30
backboxinclude snort+ntop+ossec08:31
cfhowlettbackbox is not supported here.  ubuntu flavors only.  sorry.08:31
loahello, i tried to add rule to rsyslogd for suppressing logs and now my rsyslog.service is always in activating state  here is my log http://pastebin.com/NC7tcawN is it normal or not?08:35
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loai run sudo /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n before that08:37
loacould this be a problem?08:37
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fluke_IThi guys, i am new, need some help. my wifi card not working fine. time to time keep disconnecting from any wifi. cant see anything as wireless network, suddenly start again to see them. even if my password are all saved for wireless network, especially for my webpocket connection, it's asking passwd again and again without connecting to it. webpocket is 50cm awai form laptop and my iphone never has problem to reach it and connect t08:46
Gachrfluke_IT; What network card is it? Try to connect through ethernet and see if there are any closed drivers for your card.08:47
fluke_ITtried to look out driver, different kernel, and as last (disperate) i am downloading 15.4 hoping the problem is fixed it self, but i dont think so. when i had windows7 wifi card was working fine, never disconnects. done thanks, wayting and ready for copy/paste08:47
fluke_ITGach: in my office cant use ethernet card, just wifi :(08:48
Guest20391your password is right?08:48
Gachrfluke_IT; You can connect it at home or something.08:48
fluke_ITyep it is, i am connected to webpocket right now. Gach no chance to use ethernet, i use webpocket cause dont have any other choice at home too08:49
fluke_IT03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7260 (rev 73) 04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 07)08:49
GachrWell, then I can't help you there.08:49
fluke_IT:-( i was trying to deal with proprietary driver, but didn't work, also to install latest kernel, not ok too08:51
MoL0ToVon xubuntu, if i press print_scr key, the image saved contain only borders of the active window but not the contenent. Howto fix?08:51
fluke_ITmolotov, i use xubuntu too, i prefer to use the "button" u can add it in the up or down bar08:52
fluke_ITu ll be free to choose what to "print"08:52
fluke_IThonestly molotov on my laptop, print_screen doesnt work even08:53
MoL0ToValso the button don't work08:54
fluke_ITit should be a button with a "photocamera" image as icon am i right?08:55
MoL0ToVyes, don't work the image is corrupted contains only the borders of the window but not the contenent08:57
fluke_ITif i right click on it, i have as option "region to capture, active window, select a region", did u try all of them?08:57
admin0yesterday i was monitoring q-l3-plugin and q-plugin all day ( migrations were also happening) but there were almost zero items in both .. today I see 126 unack items in q-l3-plugin .. .. increasing slowly .. but no ack or deliver/get .. did we changed anything today ?09:03
admin0ha .. wrong room09:04
mohamed_I have a Lenovo laptop G50-80, I tried to get the deb software of AMD graphic card from the vendor website09:05
mohamed_I installed it09:05
mohamed_Its name is:09:05
mohamed_just one second09:06
cfhowlettmohamed_, stop using the enter key.  put your info on ONE line.09:06
mohamed_cfhowlett, all right09:06
mohamed_Sorry I can't find the name of the software, but I got this error: the system is running in low-graphics mode09:08
mohamed_But I downloaded the software from AMD website, I think I will be good for the laptop and system. But as you see09:08
MoL0ToVfluke_IT, i tryed all three settings, none works, the image captured is corrupted09:15
Kira9204mohamed_: why not install the provided packauge in ubuntu? Open the "Additional drivers" app09:19
Kira9204mohamed_: Installing the driver provided by AMD might not be as simple as just running it, but there are guides09:21
LibertyWeNeedAll I see is my wallpaper after sign in, what is wrong?09:22
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: is the 3d driver working?09:24
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LibertyWeNeedI think the driver is fine, because the problem only started today09:25
LibertyWeNeedI am able to get to login screen and then sign in.09:26
k1l_that doesnt tell if its ok.09:26
k1l_the login screen doesnt need 3d driver.09:26
LibertyWeNeedwhat should i do?09:26
HunterDI have a question that might not fit this channel. if someone knows where can I get more info please quide me09:27
LibertyWeNeedI can try and reinstall Ubuntu, but I want to back up files. I have plugged HDD into HDD Dock but I only see a 255MB volume and not my whole hard drive. It may have something to do with ubuntu encryption. how do i mount?09:28
k1l_!alis | HunterD09:28
ubottuHunterD: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:28
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: look into dmesg what is going on with hardware and drivers.09:28
LibertyWeNeedk1l_ how?09:29
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: press ctrl+alt+t and see if you get to a terminal09:30
LibertyWeNeedok.. I have to put hdd back in computer....09:30
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k1l_well if you start without your hdd inside, where the user data is, its no wonder it doesnt work09:32
HunterDwell, /msg alis LIST skype returns rooms with 2 users in them. I will ask here as it is somewhat related to ubuntu. How can I call a group of contacts programatically with skye? wither from terminal or with some coded application, does not matter09:34
mohamed_Kira9204, I think so, I will use the one provided from "Additional Drivers" app09:38
mohamed_Thank you Kira920409:38
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LibertyWeNeedk1l_ hi I couldn't get the terminal with the shortcut you gave, however I got the full screen terminal open with the command control + alt + F109:45
Guest16826ctrl +alt+f1 and you can get the terminal09:47
Guest16826it is fullscreen09:47
mr_louHelp. My resolution is messed up after installing some upgrades.09:48
LibertyWeNeedk1l_, what do I do now?09:48
mr_louHave been trying various suggestions I found googling, but nothing helps.09:48
mr_louIt says I only have a screen called "Laptop" now, instead of my two screens I had cloned before. :-(09:49
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: what was that setup you mentioned? you removed the hdd and then it didnt start properly?09:49
mr_louAlso can't invert my colours anymore09:49
LibertyWeNeedI have hdd back in now, and have got full screen terminal open09:50
k1l_then see "dmesg" if you can spot an issue there09:50
LibertyWeNeedit's too fast09:51
LibertyWeNeedhow am I suppose to read09:51
k1l_go up or down with pageup and pagedown09:51
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: what ubuntu is it exactly? what video card do you have? what driver was installed?09:52
LibertyWeNeedthe latest current 15.04 I think… video card… hmmm not sure about that one. I am on lenovo mini 1009:53
k1l_well, that got a intel card and a intel atom if i found the right info09:55
LibertyWeNeedthat sounds about right09:55
Guest16826my old notebook can support Ubuntu 15.1009:56
LibertyWeNeedIt won't let me scroll with the pgUp or pgDn09:57
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: well can you install pastebinit? "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"09:57
Guest16826<lebertyweneed> did anything happen when you install it?09:57
LibertyWeNeedone moment plase09:58
LibertyWeNeedi think it's installed09:58
k1l_ok then do a "pastebinit .xsession-errors"09:59
k1l_then please write the link in here, so we can have a look at that file09:59
k1l_same with "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg"09:59
varen_93Hi everyone!10:00
LibertyWeNeedIt says command not found10:01
LibertyWeNeedI know it's installed though10:01
LibertyWeNeedthat is the extension of the number10:02
LibertyWeNeedfor the link10:03
k1l_http://paste.ubuntu.com/12630884/  is the whole link?10:03
k1l_ok, now the second one please10:04
mikhael_k33hlAdded an additional physical CPU to my server. Can't install Ubuntu 14.04 64bit. It says "kernel panic - attempted to to kill init.10:05
LibertyWeNeedthe second one??10:05
loahello, can somebody with 15.04 show me output of command sudo systemctl status rsyslog.service ?10:05
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: <k1l_> same with "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg"10:05
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k1l_LibertyWeNeed: "lsb_release -a | pastebinit"10:08
LibertyWeNeedno LSB moduls are available http://paste.ubuntu/com/1263091010:09
LibertyWeNeedoops wrong link10:09
LibertyWeNeedwrong oops sorry10:10
zetherooI am trying to get the unity gdrive scope to work and not having much luck ...10:10
zetheroodoes anyone have this working?10:11
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: see, its 14.04 , not the latest 15.0410:11
LibertyWeNeedwhat's the prognosis doctor?10:12
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: ok, i dont see any too suspicious so far. what did you do before that happened?10:13
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: can you choose the guest account on the login screen? does that work?10:13
k1l_with ctrl+alt+f7 you get back to gui10:14
k1l_or do a "sudo service lightdm restart"10:14
zetherooare you in  today?10:17
LibertyWeNeedI am in the GUI signed in as guest10:17
LibertyWeNeedit looks like it should now what?10:17
LibertyWeNeeddo I do that command?10:17
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: everything working?10:17
LibertyWeNeedwhen I am signed in as guest10:17
k1l_LibertyWeNeed: ok then back to tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1)10:18
k1l_there log in as your regular user10:18
k1l_then do a "mv .config .configbackup" (that will move all user settings to a backup folder). then do a "sudo service lightdm restart" and try to login10:19
aceruser712hi guys10:20
aceruser712can i defrag windows-ntfs from ubuntu? thanks10:20
phionado we need to register first before we can login to undernet?? they have this greeting me. LOGIN <username> <password>10:20
cfhowlettaceruser712, yes.  SHOULD you?  no.10:21
k1l_phiona: see the undernet website for instructions10:21
aceruser712cfhowlett:  i don't want  defrag ubuntu partition, only ntfs but not when i'm in windows but in ubuntu10:22
cfhowlettaceruser712, understood.  same answer.10:22
aceruser712do u know the commands?10:22
k1l_aceruser712: i strongly suggest you defrag that from the windows install10:23
cfhowlett+1 ^^^10:24
k1l_aceruser712: there are some tools who try to defrag ntfs, but they are no real solution like the defrag that windows got. possible data loss at all programs i found so far.10:25
k1l_aceruser712: http://askubuntu.com/questions/59007/defragging-ntfs-partitions-from-linux  see this (and the warnings)10:25
k1l_aceruser712: again: better have a backup. you are warned :)10:26
LibertyWeNeedk1l_, thank you seems to be working with a bit of lag, will make a backup and then I will do a clean install. Thank you once again10:26
aceruser712k1l_: can i do a defrag of windows from cd boot?10:28
aceruser712windows cd i mean10:28
k1l_aceruser712: oh, i dont know about that10:28
cfhowlettaceruser712, ask ##windows for windows support10:28
zetherooanyone know how the unity google drive scope is supposed to work? I have added my Google account to OA but search is not finding anything from the Google Drive10:28
aceruser712i need winzoz only for sky television, cause10:29
aceruser712it need silverlight10:29
k1l_aceruser712: so boot to windows and defrag from there10:29
k1l_aceruser712: or try pipelight10:29
amit__abhijain15: hi10:30
aceruser712thanks a lot guys10:31
aceruser712good day at everyone10:31
fluke_ITanyone can help? i have problem with wifi card, it's working, but some time get crazy and connect/disconnect/connect/disconnet10:31
fluke_ITanyone can help? i have problem with wifi card, it's working, but some time get crazy and connect/disconnect/connect/disconnet10:40
zetherooapparently one of the desktop features of Ubuntu is the ability to "use Google docs directly from your desktop." (http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/features) I haven't found anything about how to actually do that apart from this https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/documents-view.html10:42
gtristanOk so after doing the release upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04... I have the nasty HUD getting in the way again10:52
gtristanHow do I disable the HUD ?10:53
gtristangoogle results point to changing the keyboard shortcut, I did so to make it something obscure I wouldnt type by accident10:53
gtristanbut the super key still screws me with popping up obnoxious HUD10:53
* gtristan assumes this is an FAQ around here10:54
mr_louI managed to fix my resolution. This is the 2nd time updating packages has screwed up my screen resolution. But now I have another problem: I'm kicked out of X-session when I open most problems. Like Opera or VLC. For some reason Xchat and Firefox works fine. But opening other programs resets my X-session and brings me back to the login screen.10:57
mr_lou*problems = programs10:57
mr_louDunno what to google for with this particular problem.10:57
mr_louGetting absolutely no work done today.10:58
gtristanhmmm, correction; changing the HUD shortcut changes the behavior of Super key press/release...11:00
gtristaninstead of the [search ...] thing popping up on Super... the whole dash thing shows up (like as if I pressed the search button at the top of the unity panel)11:01
gtristanI use the keyboard *alot*, how do I get rid of that ?11:01
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Mark___Are anyone here familiar with setting up a storage server environment?11:14
cfhowlett!server | Mark___ ask #ubuntu-server         ??11:15
ubottuMark___ ask #ubuntu-server         ??: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server11:15
Mark___@ubottu, thanks I will do.11:16
FedoraHi! I am a FedoraCoin Bot!11:17
FedoraDesigned by Cephon ;)11:17
k1l_Fedora: no bots in here, thanks11:17
cfhowlettFedora, spam your own channels11:17
ratraceLooks like upgrading from 14.04 all the way through 15.10 has left upstart installed. Is it safe to remove it?11:32
cfhowlettratrace, try sudo apt-get autoremove11:33
knobHey guys, now that upstart is on the topic...  just for general knowledge, how was it that it evolved?   Has it been   init.d --> upstart --> systemd   ??11:33
ratracecfhowlett: it doesn't show upstart suggested for removal11:34
cfhowlettratrace, that suggests you should not remove it IMHO, but YMMV11:34
TJ-ratrace: try "apt-cache rpedends upstart" you'll see which packages require it11:34
ntx001ola ubuntuman!11:35
ivaliHello, is there a location where I can examine the contents of an ubuntu .iso ?11:35
k1l_knob: yes11:35
ratraceTJ-: cfhowlett: looks like it was safe to remove it. No other package was removed and after reboot everything works just fine.11:35
cfhowlettratrace, cool.11:35
TJ-ratrace: there are some that haven't had their upstart/sysb-init scripts moved to systemd units so systemd has calls into them11:35
knobk1l_, cool...  just wondering.  Have been reading up on linux lately.11:35
ratrace(rebooted just in case to see if anything breaks in the init flow)11:35
ratraceTJ-: if there are, and those packages don't depend on upstart, I just broke my system, and it's a huge bug :)11:36
ntx001where's bug?11:37
ratracethough, upgrading from 15.04 to 15.10 I saw all of the services attempting to communicate with (broken at that time) upstart socket.11:37
Technobliteratoranyone know anything about USB speakers? I had some USB speakers which worked fine before, but after using a headset and switching back to speakers, they no longer work11:49
Technobliteratorany fix?11:49
cpaelzerTechnobliterator: quite likely your sound manager got confused with device priorities; I had that a few times when mixing various usb/bluetooth devices11:53
Technobliteratoryeah, I think that's what happened11:53
cpaelzerTechnobliterator: I'd have extra KDE hints from my system, but what generally works is pavucontrol11:53
* Technobliterator sudo apt-get's it11:54
cpaelzerit is good to check which output sink is currently assigned to which program and lets you control it11:54
Technobliteratorusb will be digital output  S/PDIF, right?11:55
ubuntu842hi, i need help with installing ubuntu on aspire ES 11 laptop please11:55
cfhowlett!install | ubuntu84211:55
ubottuubuntu842: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:55
cpaelzerno, it is quite often called something unbvious like "Defautl Stereo"11:55
cpaelzeryou might want to check "aplay -l" for a brief overview11:56
cpaelzeror "pacmd list-sinks" for all you need (and more)11:56
ubuntu842i have tried installing it in lots of ways. i tried ubuntu 14.10, ubuntu 15.04 and linux mint 17.2; if i install it in uefi mode, at boot it does not recognize the boot device. if i install it in legacy mode, it boots into a black screen11:56
TechnobliteratorI can't find anything other than that one11:56
cfhowlett!nomodeset | ubuntu84211:56
ubottuubuntu842: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:56
ubuntu842yes i have changed that one already11:57
TJ-ubuntu842: I seem to recall some reports of broken UEFI boot manager on the ES1111:57
Technobliteratoryeah, and testing through here doesn't work11:57
TechnobliteratorI'm starting to think this problem isn't fixable11:57
cpaelzerTechnobliterator: could you put the "pacmd list-sinks" to pastebin?11:57
ubuntu842i have also tried to use the boot repair11:57
ubuntu842but that hasn't work11:58
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ubuntu842i have no internet connection with the laptop11:58
Technobliteratorcpaelzer, http://pastebin.com/Fhmb4u9A11:58
cpaelzerTechnobliterator, your sound system doesn't even know about the device11:59
cpaelzerso it has to be an issue a few levels below11:59
cpaelzerlike broken cable, ...11:59
cpaelzerwhat do you see in dmesg when you unplug&plug the usb speakers?11:59
ubuntu842when i install it in uefi mode, it says "no bootable device found". when i install in legacy, it finds the ubuntu, but even with nomodeset it boots into a black screen11:59
ubuntu842or it goes to "loading initial ramdisk.." and gets stuck theer12:00
TJ-ubuntu842: does the installer boot in UEFI mode?12:00
ubuntu842yes, with nomodeset12:01
cfhowlettubuntu842, suggestion: lubuntu.  it's optimized for older/slower/low spec devices12:01
TJ-ubuntu842: OK, so the installer starts, do you use the "Try Ubuntu" method of starting it?12:01
ubuntu842i recently installed it on a very similar device with similar specs, it must have to do with the particular model and the bios that came with it. i also tried updating the bios in windows before installing linux, but that didn't change anything12:01
ubuntu842no, because when i did that it asked me for login details for some reason, so i directly had to go to install12:02
TJ-ubuntu842: if the installer asks that, the installer image is corrupt12:02
cfhowlettubuntu842, wait, what?  that's not normal ubuntu.12:02
cfhowlettmd5sum your .iso and your USB12:02
Technobliteratorcpaelzer, turned off: http://pastebin.com/Gx4Jq3dk turned on: http://pastebin.com/Grw7z5Ep12:04
cpaelzerTechnobliterator, well the only thing changing there is a network link which surely aren't your speakers :-)12:06
cpaelzerthere should have been sometihng like "usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio"12:07
cpaelzerbut it is not even showing any USB activity12:07
TechnobliteratorOh, I just turned the speakers off at the back, I didn't unplug them12:07
Technobliteratordo you want me to completely unplug?12:07
cpaelzeryeah I thought so, just to see what pops up12:08
cpaelzerafter replugging you could also have a look at lsusb -v and check if they show up12:08
cpaelzerTechnobliterator, this is an example from my usb audio dev "Bus 002 Device 008: ID 08bb:2702 Texas Instruments Speakers" from the lsusb output12:09
cpaelzerbut I don't have much hope, your dmesg isn't wrapped and it didn't report anything related since boot12:09
cpaelzerSo I'd still assume HW issue like bad cable12:10
xStarkGuys, my keyboard is acting weird since I ave installed Ubuntu12:11
Technobliteratorunplugged: http://pastebin.com/1U5Q3yjU12:12
xStarkWhen my caps lock is on, it shows me small letters and when my caps lock is off, it shows me capital letters12:12
xStarkcan anyone help me with this12:12
Technobliteratorit's very possible that it's a hardware issue, but I think if it is, it's a very odd one12:12
TJ-xStark: are there 2 keyboards connected?12:12
cfhowlettdestan, in English please ...12:12
destanwhere are12:12
xStarkTJ-: Yup. One is the keyboard on the laptop and the other is a wireless one.12:13
destanhow are you12:13
cfhowlettdestan, this is ubuntu support.  ask your support question.12:13
TJ-xStark: This happens when the keyboards get out of sync. on the 'other' keyboard press the CapsLock key12:13
cfhowlettTJ-, so best to disable one KB or the other, I assume?12:13
TJ-xStark: you may have to toggle the keys on either/both a few times to get the thing to behave correctly!12:14
TJ-cfhowlett: Usually its a temporary issue caused by using both keyboards during startup12:14
xStarkTJ-: I randomly press caps lock on both keyboards? Do I have to do it one time, or just everytime I log in12:14
cpaelzerTechnobliterator, it matches the former data - the kernel isn't seeing anything of the unplug - it should look like this (unplugging&plugging mine) ...12:14
TJ-xStark: find out if that process fixes the issue first12:15
xStarkTJ- Alright12:15
cfhowlettTJ-, I just started using a wireless KB.  haven't experience that kind of conflict, but good advice to know.12:15
Technobliteratorso it simply can't pick up the device?12:15
xStarkOk I toggled the keys12:15
xStarkso far so good12:15
cpaelzerTechnobliterator, yes it doesn't realize anything is changing - see my example at http://pastebin.com/Die9F7Sz12:16
xStarkcfhowlett: I've used this logitech keyboard of mine in both windows 7 and 8.1 and 8. It's good actually. Even has a trackpad on the keyboard :P12:16
TJ-xStark: when the PC boots do you make use of both keyboards up to log-in ?12:16
cpaelzerTechnobliterator, obvious next steps would be, keep the speakers switched on - but exchange cables, use other USB Ports, avoid using USB-Hubs in between and so on12:16
TechnobliteratorI'll see if any other USB ports work12:17
Technobliteratorbut I might have to give up hope and use headphones12:17
xStarkTJ-: Well usually, when I boot, both keyboards are connected. I usually use just any one keyboard to log in12:17
xStarkOh god, now it's displaying random spaces12:17
* cfhowlett wishes he could get his shiny, new wacom intuos tablet o work ...12:17
xStarkwacom intuos?12:18
xStarkI've never heard of it.12:18
TJ-xStark: OK... this can sometimes happen through using both during the boot process, especially if you use say a built-in keyboard whilst the firmware (UEFI/BIOS) is in control12:18
cpaelzerTechnobliterator, I couldn't live without a range of speakers, headsets, full-amps on my computer so I encourage you to not giev up :-) Give me a ping if you find anything in further dmesg/lsusb about the speakers12:18
Technobliteratoryeah, I'd be lost without them too12:18
Technobliteratorthanks for help12:18
xStarkTJ-: You're saying I just use the normal keyboard till I login and then connect the wireless one?12:19
xStarkconnect the wireless one later*12:19
TJ-xStark: No, I'm just trying to get accurate information of what permutation of keyboard usage might be causing this, CapsLock state is a shared state across all input devices assigned to the same seat12:21
xStarkTJ-: Right.12:21
TJ-xStark: I've seen this happen sometimes when the Shift key is used on the built-in keyboard! But if you're getting random characters (you said space) appearing that suggests a deeper input device issue12:22
TJ-xStark: as it is a wireless external keyboard my first, very strong, recommendation is to check the battery charge level and either but in fresh batteries or recharge them fully12:23
xStarkTJ-: Yeah I have 2 problems. One, as you know caps lock. And the other problem being random spaces being displayed (This has happened just two times)12:23
xStarkTJ-: Alright. Usually I use the keyboard till the battery is dead in Windows and such a thing has never occured. But maybe you're right this time.12:24
TJ-xStark: I've had it happen with Bluetooth keyboards occassionally, and BT mice setting off on their own :)12:24
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xStarkOh, I see12:25
xStarkI've also had this problem in Ubuntu on not being able to control screen brightness12:25
xStarkIt seems it occurs only in some cases12:26
xStarkI had to create this intel configuration file and it was fine.12:26
TJ-xStark: brightness often requires a 'platform' driver since each system seems to do it its own way. It may be you need to alter the default kernel setting to find the correct parameter12:26
xStarkOh, I see12:27
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xStarkWell I gotta agree, Ubuntu is way faster than windows :P12:28
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TJ-xStark: see the acpi_backlight kernel parameter at https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt12:31
xStarkThanks. But like I said before, I fixed it xD12:32
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xStarkTJ-: The keyboard problem with the caps lock still persists...12:40
xStarkI had to restart12:40
dratsabxStark: maybe bios problem12:41
dratsabxStark: most bios have caps lock settings12:42
xStarkoh, I see12:42
xStarkWhat do you think I should do12:42
dratsabxStark: what is wrong with your caps lock12:43
xStarkwell when caps lock is on, it gives me small letters, and when caps lock is off, it gives me big letters12:44
xStarkand yeah, I do use a wireless keyboard12:44
TJ-xStark: this affects the output of both keyboards at the same time, or only one?12:45
ioria!info xdotool12:45
ubottuxdotool (source: xdotool): simulate (generate) X11 keyboard/mouse input events. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.20140805.1-2 (vivid), package size 39 kB, installed size 141 kB12:45
xStarkTJ-: Both keyboards12:45
TJ-xStark: and Caps Lock is on at the initial greeter log-in?12:46
xStarkTJ-: Nope, it's switch off.12:46
TJ-xStark: So it comes on 'randomly' after you start typing on the wireless keyboard?12:46
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xStarkTJ-: Yeah. I'll be typing something and randomly everything becomes capitals even though its showing that caps lock is on. And also I'll be having trouble navigating through applications.12:47
dratsabxStark: try changing it on the wired keyboard. Look in bios for keyboard settings to.12:48
dratsabxStark: sounds like dead batteries12:48
TJ-xStark: does this happen when your fingers are whizzing all over the keyboard, or even when you type slow and methodically?12:49
xStarkTJ-: I type fast, I barely type slowly..so yeah..12:49
xStarkI'll try changing the batteries too12:50
xStarkJust a second brb12:50
TJ-xStark: I'm wondering if you've one of those sensitive keyboard where the vibration/bounce actually causes the key to physically operate, or if you're somehow catching the CapsLock slightly. I'd try wedging a piece of card under the outside edge of the key to prevent accidental activation and then see if the problem continues. That'd rule that in/out12:50
moijkI got a 500gb disk. I want to put windows and linux on it. Last time I set up dualboot was in a different decade. Any "within sector" requirement or anything else that would make a 40/60 or 50/50 split a bad idea? I have no idea how much windows wants this days.12:52
dratsabTJ-: it also could be just a buggy application xStark12:52
xStarkWhat buggy application. I just got Ubuntu yesterday, dratsab.12:53
xStarkChanged my batteries by the way.12:53
lotuspsychje!dualboot | moijk12:53
ubottumoijk: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:53
dratsabxStark: is it persistent in all applications or just one of them.12:54
lotuspsychjemoijk: or make your life easy, and install ubuntu single and windows from virtualbox after12:54
xStarkmoijik: Well if you ask me, Windows needs more space than Ubuntu. Like you said, God alone knows how big Windows' updates etc are...12:54
xStarkdratsab: In all applications.12:54
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xStarkmoijik: I have a 1TB hard drive. I've let like 700GB for Windows and some 200GB for Ubuntu.12:55
dratsabxStark: is it Bluetooth or rf keyboard. And how far away are you using it.12:56
TJ-xStark: I'm wondering if you need a bt-coexist option enabling on the Wifi side12:56
dratsabTJ-: what12:56
xStarkmoijik: It also depends on your usage. Me, I've used Windows on the same computer without formatting it and I've barely used 50GB files xD12:56
xStarkdratsab: Bluetooth12:57
xStarkTJ-: I have no idea what that is..12:57
TJ-xStark: which wifi device is it? "lspci -nn" - show me the line for the Wifi device12:57
xStarkdratsab: My wireless keyboard is literally next to it12:57
xStarkTJ-: Just a second12:58
xStarkTJ-: I just ran than in the Terminal, literally something 1 page big showed up.12:58
TJ-xStark: Bluetooth operates in the same frequency band as 802.11bgn (2.4GHz) but uses a different form of spread-spectrum algorithm. Wifi and BT will interfere with each other. Some Wifi chipsets have a bot-coexist' option that can reduce interference (since Wifi signals are much more powerful than Bluetooth)12:58
xStarkTJ-: No file/directory s/bot-coexist/bt-coexist13:00
TJ-xStark: no, it isn't a file or directory, it is an option for some wifi kernel modules13:00
lotuspsychjeDexterF: welcome13:01
TJ-xStark: this is why I need to know which Wifi device the PC has13:01
DexterFhow "vanilla" is the Snappy Ubuntu 4.2 kernel?13:01
LibertyWeNeedHi, What do I need to install specifically to follow this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSiIHe2uZ2w13:01
xStarkTJ-: If you're wondering, the wifi router is just above me. I'm using ethernet atm. This keyboard as never done this before.13:01
LibertyWeNeedthe website looks different to when the video was recorder13:01
lotuspsychjeDexterF: maybe a question for the #snappy channel?13:01
DexterF4.2 has spanking new code for a certain DVB receiver I'd like to run on a Pi2, but will it be just like vanilla?13:01
DexterFlotuspsychje: ouh :)13:01
xStarkTJ-: I did run lspci -nn Do you wanna see the output? It's huge13:01
LibertyWeNeedI use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 15.0413:02
brandonmy cock is hard13:02
moijkxStark: I'll try with 200gb for windows and 300gb for linux. Not sure if I need that much for windows, but just to be on the safe side.13:02
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TJ-xStark: just give me the line for the Wifi device (802.11 ABGN) if you can see it13:02
Guest9825LibertyWeNeed_Click (Cock As Integer)13:02
xStarkmoijk: Well it's your call13:02
xStarkTJ-: Alright13:02
TJ-xStark: otherwise pastebin the output of the command: "pastebinit <( lspci -nn )"13:02
Guest9825xStark cum all over me13:02
lotuspsychje!ops | Guest982513:03
ubottuGuest9825: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang13:03
TJ-!ops | Guest9825 obsene comments13:03
ubottuGuest9825 obsene comments: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang13:03
TJ-lotuspsychje is hot off the mark today :)13:03
Guest9825TJ- : blow me13:03
Guest9825klep swallow my cum13:04
Piciservices lag, sorry all13:04
lotuspsychjePici: np13:04
moijkWell, can't have a day without a bit of tourettes.13:04
klepda fuq13:05
xStarkTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12631593/13:07
TJ-xStark: so "0d:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:4727] (rev 01)"13:08
xStarkTJ-: I suppose so.13:08
TJ-xStark: do "lspci -nnk -s 0d:00.0" and tell me which kernel driver is in use?13:08
xStarkTJ-: 0d:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:4727] (rev 01)13:09
xStarkSubsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device [103c:1483]13:09
xStarkKernel driver in use: wl13:09
TJ-xStark: do "pastebinit <( modinfo wl )"13:10
xStarkTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12631617/13:11
TJ-xStark: shame; no co-exist mode. If that were the issue, you can't do anything about by changing a wifi setting13:12
xStarkTJ-: I see. I've changed the batteries with fresh ones. So far so good. Let's see what happens.13:13
Eat-MarmitteHello Guys13:13
Eat-MarmitteWhich is the Irc command to know about a user the other nicknames that this user has used ?13:13
xStarkI don't know that13:14
TJ-xStark: the only way I can think to test the hypothesis of interference is to temporarily disable the Wifi radio using "rfkill", use the wired Ethernet for a while, and see if the keyboard still mis-behaves. If it does with the WiFi radio not operating, the issue is unlikely to be coexistence - unless the Wireless AP/router is VERY close too13:14
telboonanyone runs docky with lower niceness? I feel that standard niceness isn't snappy enough13:14
xStarkTJ-: I'm using ethernet ever since I've installed Linux yesterday... I told you that before.13:15
BluesKajHiyas all13:15
TJ-xStark: sorry, I must have missed that! So if the behaviour continues, you could safely disable the wifi radio13:15
xStarkEat-Marmitte: You can get to know the list of nicknames registered under your nickname by using "/ns glist"13:16
xStarkI don't think you can check it for others..13:16
xStarkTJ-: Nah, it's not a problem... The solution will prevail when the time is right ;)13:17
lotuspsychjehi BluesKaj13:18
BluesKajHey lotuspsychje13:19
lotuspsychjetelboon: docky doesnt perform well?13:19
telboonlotuspsychje on high load, it isn't as snappy as i would like it to be13:20
telboonwhen cpu goes >50% it's not as smooth13:20
lotuspsychje!info preload | telboon install this mate13:20
ubottutelboon install this mate: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (vivid), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB13:20
telboonwhen i renice it, the priority stays the same though13:20
lotuspsychjetelboon: maybe a system cleanup would be also nice13:20
lubarchis it good to disable xset -dpms i don't want screen blanking i tried xset s off but it wasn't worked13:20
telboonlotuspsychje hmm. let me take a look13:20
telboonlotuspsychje it works perfect on low load though13:21
lotuspsychjetelboon: whats your garfix card like? + driver?13:22
telboonintel internal graphics. lol13:22
lotuspsychjetelboon: ubuntu version?13:22
telboonlotuspsychje hmm. how do i check? probably ubuntu. i didn't install new drivers13:23
lotuspsychjetelboon: lsb_release -a13:23
xStarktelboon: Just go to "About this computer"13:24
telboonno LSB modules are available13:24
xStarktelboon: Select the About This Computer under the menu where you switch off your PC13:25
k1ltelboon: lsb_release -d13:25
telboonDescription:Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS13:25
telboonAbout computer writes: Intel® Ironlake Mobile13:25
xStarkLatest LTS version13:25
lotuspsychjetelboon: try the preload and reboot please, see if overal load on docky performs better13:26
telboonalright. thanks lotuspsychje and xStark!13:27
xStarkNo problem13:27
k1lxStark: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal  or use the search on that help wiki page13:28
spoonman_good morning, all13:33
spoonman_is there an ubuntu offtopic channel?13:34
lotuspsychje!ot | spoonman_13:34
ubottuspoonman_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:34
spoonman_thank you!13:34
killallHello im trying to put nagios 4.1.1 and ndo 213:37
killall[1443706581] ndomod: Successfully reconnected to data sink!  0 items lost, 878 queued items to flush.13:37
killall[1443706581] ndomod: Error writing to data sink!  Some output may get lost.  711 queued items to flush.13:37
killalli only get this and nothing on ndo2 ddebug13:38
blacklordquelqu'un ?13:39
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:40
mustmodify_so I ran `sudo memtester 1G 200` ... is that a large enough attempt size to assume it tested all of my 24G of RAM?13:41
lotuspsychjekillall: maybe the #nagios channel can help?13:43
killallok thks13:44
Krispysay does anyone know of a free vpn/proxie for ubuntu?13:53
xStarkTJ-: Well it seems that if I use my wireless keyboard to log onto Ubuntu, the problem persists. But if I log into Ubuntu using normal keyboard and then connect wireless keyboard and use it, it's fine.13:58
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lotuspsychjesourav: welcome14:03
souravany body can guide me about mysql14:04
lotuspsychje!lamp | sourav14:04
ubottusourav: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.14:04
Picisourav: what about it?14:04
sonderlesshello everyone14:05
alazare619on a ubuntu mini install for some reason im now getting on any apt-get install14:05
alazare619errors were encountered while processing : systemd14:05
souravI want to take all data from a server database14:05
alazare619prior to that policykit1 always has errors during the update/upgrade14:05
lotuspsychjesonderless: welcome14:06
sonderlesshi all, i'm having an issue with the window picker (scale option in compiz) can anyone help?14:06
sonderlesshi zzarr14:07
sonderlesshi yeticry14:07
bazhangsonderless, dont greet everyone like that14:07
alazare619it appears https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-1/+bug/1447654 bug is back14:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1447654 in policykit-1 (Ubuntu Vivid) "installing policykit-1 hangs under systemd" [Medium,Confirmed]14:08
xStarkUbuntu ftw14:08
sonderlessis there anyone that could help me with a compiz issue, i've exhausted looking through forums...?14:09
lotuspsychjesonderless: maybe the #compiz guys might know?14:10
sonderlessthanks lotuspsychje14:10
sonderless#compiz doesn't seem to be that active, i'll pose my question here14:13
rrrhow to display unicode in terminal and browser?14:13
sonderlessi'm having an issue that whenever I use a hot corner or key combo to view all the windows in my workspace, it just logs me out... does any one know how to fix this?  i've searched forums for about 2 hours14:13
sonderlessrunning ubuntu 14.0414:14
lotuspsychjesonderless: check your syslog or dmesg for errors, maybe compiz crash?14:14
rrrwhich package is for unicode display and input?14:14
tykaynrrr : you don't see choices in edit > profil setting ?14:15
sonderlessthanks lotus14:15
tykaynrrr : my bad, it is in the Terminal menu > caracter encoding14:15
sonderlessi am still novice at linux, that's mostly just jibberish to me... but it seems like a common issue on the forums...14:16
tykayncompiz is a hazardous thing14:17
sonderlessi only want compiz for the window selector (like mac has) other than that I don't need any other features14:17
sonderlessis there another way to accomplish a window selector without using compiz?14:18
lotuspsychjesonderless: try a tail -f /var/log/dmesg from terminal for realtime debugging, then try your compiz thing14:18
souravplease help me14:18
tykaynfor a window selector you can alt tab14:18
austin__hi all...i launch a chroot via sudo and would like to install a package for a different user in the chroot. is this possible?14:18
qrtnsonderless: alt-tab? -_-14:18
lotuspsychje!chroot | austin__14:18
ubottuaustin__: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot14:18
sonderlessi know alt tab, i just love being able to see all my windows and pick the one i want14:19
souravshould I use mysqldump14:19
loawhat is right way to load modules under ubuntu? for example i need "xpad"14:19
loawhat i need to do?14:19
tykaynpersonnally I would love to have a shortcut like in windows to enable a projector / other screen14:19
tykaynwith the windows button + p14:19
austin__ok thanks14:20
tykaynsourav : yup, it is a good soft14:20
tykaynloa : !apt-get14:20
tykayndamn, I don't know how to use the help bot here14:20
ioria!info apt-get14:21
ubottuPackage apt-get does not exist in vivid14:21
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)14:21
lotuspsychjeioria: hello mate :p14:21
iorialotuspsychje, helllllllllllo  !14:21
loatykayn, what?14:21
loai need load module with modprobe and i am asking what is right way to do this.14:22
loafor what i need apt-get ?14:22
loa /etc/modules is right place?14:22
x4w3loa modinfo module will tell u information about installation14:23
tykaynoh, then I don't know what you are reffering to14:23
mike252Does 14.04 support /usr on a separate partition than /etc?14:27
Picimike252: all Ubuntu releases do, partition to heart's content.14:29
T3DDYCan someone help me with Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro, i can't connect to any wireless internet and my Ethernet adapter isn't working ether?14:34
xStarkIs it working in Mac?14:34
T3DDYDo I need some driver or something for Ubuntu to use it14:35
lotuspsychjeT3DDY: ubuntu version?14:35
xStarkWell I use Ubuntu with Windows, no drivers required..14:35
ivaliUbuntu with Windows?14:36
xStarkYeah, I dual boot...14:36
lotuspsychje!eol | T3DDY14:36
ubottuT3DDY: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:36
Jamaxiboywhere can i download camcri server ??14:37
T3DDYI can't update/upgrade on it because it's not connected to the Internet14:37
xStarkT3DDY: Well we suggest you update your Ubuntu version to the 14.04.3 LTS.14:37
T3DDYWould that solve my problem? Or is it just a guess?14:37
xStarkT3DDY: Well from my side, it's just a guess.14:38
lotuspsychjeT3DDY: eol versions are not reccomended to use14:38
xStarkI agree with lotuspsychje14:38
lotuspsychjeT3DDY: install a version from topic please14:38
T3DDYSo 14.04 is the version I need?14:38
lotuspsychjeT3DDY: for stable you can choose LTS yes14:39
xStark14.04 is recommended for most users.14:39
T3DDYOkay, I'll install that and ill get back to you14:39
xStarkIt has long time support and is stable14:39
arturхай здесь есть кто?14:41
baizon!ru | artur14:41
ubottuartur: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:41
davidleonI upgraded ubuntu from 15.04 to 15.10. but the ibus IME doesn't work. all cjk IME doesn't show any input window. I can only type english14:43
davidleonAny ideas?14:43
lotuspsychjedavidleon: #ubuntu+1 for wily issues please14:44
davidleonfcitx is buggy and sometimes cause unity mouse click freeze14:44
davidleoni have to restart x to avoid the problem14:44
lotuspsychje!wily | davidleon14:45
ubottudavidleon: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) will be the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Discussion in #ubuntu+114:45
bazhang#ubuntu+1 davidleon14:46
davidleoni experience samething in 15.04 too14:46
mrsuhow can i change the Resolution of my display?14:48
mrsui am use the visual box install the ubt.14:48
cfhowlettmrsu, install guest additions to Vbox14:49
mauro_ci siete14:53
davidleonany recommended desktop?14:55
davidleoni find unity has many problems with IMEs14:55
davidleoni think kubuntu might have fewer issues14:55
lotuspsychje!lts | davidleon14:55
ubottudavidleon: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)14:55
cfhowlett!flavors | davidleon14:55
ubottudavidleon: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.14:55
davidleonI installed ubuntu willy14:55
davidleonhow may i switch to kde?14:55
cfhowlettdavidleon, then you should be in #ubuntu+114:55
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!14:56
cfhowlettdavidleon, easy to do: sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop lxde xfce4 will grab those three.  you could also try gnome, though I don't know the CLI.  logout/choose DE/login14:56
acetakwasOften times, when my computer resumes from pm-hibernate, it lags. What can I do?14:56
davidleoncfhowlett: cool14:57
lotuspsychjeacetakwas: check your logs, see whats wrong14:57
davidleoncfhowlett: but i think ubuntu software center should show them\14:57
acetakwaslotuspsychje: which logs?14:57
davidleonthat might due to my change to the sed vivid willy change?14:58
lotuspsychjeacetakwas: dmesg, syslog14:58
cfhowlettdavidleon, mucking about in your sources.list will lead to heartache.  just sayin' ...14:58
davidleoncfhowlett: i wanted to upgrade to willy as there's kernel update14:59
auronandacedavidleon: synaptic is still in the repo if you want a decent graphical package manager14:59
davidleoncfhowlett: exactly expected sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop14:59
davidleonE: Unable to locate package kde-plasma-desktop14:59
acetakwaslotuspsychje: "scary log". What do I look out for there?14:59
cfhowlett!info kde-plasma wiley15:00
ubottu'wiley' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed15:00
davidleonauronandace: oh15:00
cfhowlett!info kde-plasma wily15:00
ubottuPackage kde-plasma does not exist in wily15:00
cfhowlett!info kde-plasma-desktop wily15:00
ubottuPackage kde-plasma-desktop does not exist in wily15:00
lotuspsychjeacetakwas: any relevant error near the time of your hibernation15:00
cfhowlettdavidleon, I'm on trusty ... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12632146/15:02
cfhowlettbut there might be a name change on vivid/wily15:02
auronandace!info plasma-desktop wily | davidleon15:04
ubottudavidleon: plasma-desktop (source: plasma-desktop): Tools and widgets for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.4.1-0ubuntu2 (wily), package size 1620 kB, installed size 7963 kB15:04
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cfhowlettauronandace, good one.  hey, do you have an install command for the gnome DE?  Not seeing it at gnome.org or ubuntu wikis ...15:07
davidleonoh gnome is still alive?15:07
auronandace!info gnome-shell | cfhowlett15:08
davidleonunity obviously has a better design15:08
cfhowlettubuntu-gnome        very much alive and now an official distro15:08
davidleonthe only shortcoming is it doesn't work well with IMEs15:08
davidleonunity also has a superior design compared with windows15:08
cfhowlettthank you auronandace15:08
davidleonbetter use of the limited desktop space15:08
auronandacecfhowlett: no worries, ubottu should pounce any time now15:09
davidleondoes any one know why sometimes the software download process stuck there for a long period15:09
davidleonmy internet connection is very fast15:09
auronandacedavidleon: you really ought to ask in #ubuntu+1 since you are using wily15:10
davidleonauronandace: it also happens in 15.0415:10
AnthaasI cannot for the life of me remember the name of the program that lets you run commands over an ssh connection longer than the life of the connection, can someone help remind me?15:10
auronandaceAnthaas: you thinking of a screen/tmux session?15:11
AnthaasThanks auronandace15:11
auronandaceAnthaas: no worries15:11
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mike252Anthaas: mosh ?15:11
Anthaasmike252: Nah, it was screen, thanks anyway15:11
lotuspsychjedavidleon: did you add ppa's?15:13
davidleonlotuspsychje: yah15:15
davidleonadded few15:15
lotuspsychjedavidleon: that might get you in trouble with updates15:16
lotuspsychje!ppa | davidleon15:16
ubottudavidleon: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:16
auronandaceout of curiosity has anyone been able to get wallch working in i3wm?15:16
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lotuspsychjeauronandace: the #i3 guys might know perhaps?15:17
frendaI want to download http://tour.ubuntu.com as an offline site, any idea? I saved it, but it does not work as an offline site15:17
xStarkWhy do you want that site as an offline site15:18
lotuspsychjefrenda: you could ask the ##firefox guys howto save sites offline15:18
mohamedI would like to send a file using ftp to a server15:18
auronandacelotuspsychje: good point, pity their channel isn't on freenode, their website does state which desktop environments they currently support and i3wm isn't one of them but curious to see if someone has got it to work15:18
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frendaxStark: I want to have a presentation where that internet is not available!15:19
xStarkfrenda: If you wanna try Ubuntu without installing it on your PC, just download the Ubuntu .iso file and install it onto a USB flash drive or burn it onto a disk. Then boot your PC from the disk/flash drive.15:19
lotuspsychjeauronandace: i3 and i3wm is something different?15:19
frendaxStark: I knew15:19
Guest9980I did this command: curl -T /home/mhm/empty.txt  ftp://<ip address>/data --user <username>:<password>15:19
Guest9980I have this error15:19
xStarkThat's the best way to do it, honestly15:19
auronandacelotuspsychje: sorry, i call it i3wm not to confuse it with the i3 processor15:19
Guest9980curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 55315:19
Guest9980I have this error: curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 55315:19
lotuspsychjeauronandace: #i3 channel exists on freenode as the wm15:20
xStarkIt failed to transfer files via FTP protocol15:20
xStarkI have no idea15:20
auronandacelotuspsychje: oh, that must be an unofficial channel then, i had to connect to another server for the official one15:20
Guest9980But I can do the job using filezilla15:20
Guest9980I would like to send files using ftp command line. How I could do  this.15:22
lotuspsychje!ftp | Guest998015:22
ubottuGuest9980: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd15:22
Guest9980I should send files to a directory in the remote server using FTP command line. I will create a script to do the job weakly.15:23
Guest9980I did this command: curl -T /home/mhm/empty.txt  ftp://<ip address>/data --user <username>:<password>15:23
Guest9980I have this error: curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 55315:23
Guest9980I did some configuration in ~/.netrc file15:23
Guest9980I can do the job using ftp prompt, and filezilla, but I can't do it with one line command line15:24
lotuspsychjeGuest9980: maybe the ##networking guys can solve your issue15:25
Guest9980I have no connection to them.15:25
PiciIts likely more of a question about how curl works, its not a simple tool15:25
Guest9980I mean I can't reach them right now15:26
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Guest9980Ok let's say I need to execute it like this: echo put my-local-file.txt | ftp ftp.example.com15:27
Guest9980But I need to send to a directory called data?15:27
Guest9980lotuspsychje, How I should write it15:27
lotuspsychjeGuest9980: /join ##networking15:27
Guest9980lotuspsychje, got it15:28
creedHi after an upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04 my audio does not work anymore. apt-get says alsa is on the latest version and a reload did not help, too :( Does anyone know how I can debug the issue?15:56
NetworkingProHey everyone16:02
NetworkingProAnyone know a good hyperterm like app for Linux?16:03
PiciNetworkingPro: for connecting to hardware devices? serial? etc?16:04
NetworkingProPici: yessir16:05
NetworkingProSerial monitor16:05
FluffyKathello! - quick question. I'm currently on the mic speaking to someone abroad. How can I play music so they can hear the song? I'm using a USB mic.16:05
ioria!info setserial16:06
ubottusetserial (source: setserial): controls configuration of serial ports. In component main, is extra. Version 2.17-48ubuntu0.1 (vivid), package size 37 kB, installed size 153 kB16:06
ioria!info minicom16:06
ubottuminicom (source: minicom): friendly menu driven serial communication program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1 (vivid), package size 220 kB, installed size 1020 kB16:06
Piciiirc, minicom is the most hyperterminal-like16:07
toughbookIs anyone here who can help me with an ubuntu issue i'm having?16:13
bazhangask first toughbook16:13
toughbookOK, I have a toughbook f8 and f9, and the colors and brightness look completely different with the exact same 14.04lts installed16:14
toughbookthe f9 looks weird16:14
toughbookIs there a way to fix it?16:14
toughbookthe f8 looks regular like a windows16:14
NetworkingProPici: hx16:15
toughbookDoes anyone have any insight?16:15
toughbookis this not the best place to chat with ubuntu experts?16:16
toughbookdoes anyone talk here?16:17
k1ltoughbook: well. you have 2 different devices, so its not a surpise it does look different. if you think its a bug/issue describe it more/better or show a picture16:18
pbxtoughbook, ask your question with full context16:18
toughbookhow can I show a picture on here?16:19
pbxtoughbook, use an image share like imgur.com16:19
k1ltoughbook: use imgur.com16:19
toughbookoh ok, i remember imgbay has something like that16:19
toughbookill get pics of both16:20
pbxtoughbook, also, give context like: were the colors identical when the machines were running windows?  what does "weird" mean?  persists across reboots?16:20
toughbookwell I never really ran windows on these 2, but I have a third which is an f8 (lol) which runs xp16:20
toughbookbrb ill get pics16:21
toughbookif yo think you can help16:21
pbxtoughbook, if you don't know whether the colors were identical before you are missing a key piece of info16:21
toughbookwell the computer in question I got recently on ebay and when I booted into windows7 the one time before installing ubuntu it looked normal to me16:22
toughbookI suppose I could install xp on it and see if its os or hardware16:23
pbxtoughbook, if you boot from a livecd or other installer does it still look wrong?16:23
toughbookbut I doubt its hardware16:23
pbxtoughbook, yeah i would definitely rule out hardware first16:23
toughbooksee but windows 7 looked normal16:23
toughbookI dont think its hardware16:24
pbxtoughbook, "don't think so" is not hard data. the other thing to do since they are different models is to do some googling and see if there are any known video hw issues on the problematic one16:24
toughbookive done lots of browsing16:24
toughbookI wouldnt be here if I hadnt16:24
k1lwhat is the issue?16:24
pbxtoughbook, we have no idea what you know or have invesitgated if you don't tell us16:25
toughbookcolors are all off for ubuntu install16:25
=== ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho
asklepianso, what I select natural scrolling in the settings16:31
asklepianit works fine for my trackpad16:31
asklepianbut it doesn't work at all for my mouse16:31
asklepianhow do I get it to work for my mouse?16:31
asklepianI hate scrolling unnaturally16:32
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asklepianalso, how do I configure openvpn to connect automatically?16:34
asklepianand how can I configure ufw to only connect through openvpn?16:35
zotherstupidguyis there a way i can record terminal sessions via a script?16:35
asklepiandoesn't terminal already do that?16:35
asklepianyour history file?16:35
zotherstupidguyasklepian i mean in a video format to watch as a movie16:36
asklepianthat'd be a screen recorder then16:36
zotherstupidguyasklepian i am looking for a way to do it via a script, as to run in a server16:37
zotherstupidguyi am looking for a simple easy to hack with terminal video recorder tool16:37
asklepianyeah, I don't know anything about that then16:37
zotherstupidguyasklepian thanks16:38
bazhang!info kazam16:39
ubottukazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-1 (vivid), package size 733 kB, installed size 2052 kB16:39
zotherstupidguybazhang shall check it out, hope it is small and lightweight16:39
Leahmanis someone here?16:39
cfhowlettask your ubuntu question Leahman16:39
asklepianLeahman, no, no one is here16:40
Leahmanlol nice16:40
Leahmani was scared :D16:40
Leahmani thought i was alone in this big irc chat :')16:40
zotherstupidguyLeahman welcome to the real world :D16:40
Leahmani've one question16:40
asklepianLeahman, wait wait wait16:41
Leahmanhow can i connect to an specific server?16:41
asklepianLeahman, first, how many questions do you have?16:41
bazhangasklepian, thats not helpful at all16:41
Leahmani think they are like 100016:41
asklepianI'll go sit in the corner now16:41
k1lLeahman: irc server?16:41
Leahmanill try to make them 999 so it gets quicker16:41
cfhowlett!details | Leahman,16:41
ubottuLeahman,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:41
bazhangasklepian, keep the nonsense out of here16:41
Leahmani have the ip address of the server and the port16:42
asklepianbazhang, well no one's answered my questions yet so I was getting bored...sorry16:42
Leahmani'm new in this ubuntu irc chat16:42
k1lLeahman: depends on the irc client. but most should work with "/connect server port"16:42
Leahmanlet me try, thanks16:43
zotherstupidguyLeahaman what was your q?16:43
Leahmanhow to join a irc server16:43
hedenclodhello, I have a simple question16:44
cfhowlett!ask | hedenclod16:44
ubottuhedenclod: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:44
Leahmanwhy am i getting this Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator?16:44
zotherstupidguycfhowlett thanks16:44
Leahmanwhen i type connect server port16:45
cfhowlettLeahman, you're trying to use an OP command and you're not the op.16:45
hedenclodwhen updating ubuntu using the software manager do bew programs get installed, or just the current programs get updated16:45
hedenclodsorry, didnt know about the rule16:45
cfhowletthedenclod, update refreshes the library list.  upgrade renews installed programs.  dist-upgrade upgrades to newest programs available.  see man pages for more info16:46
asklepianhow do I get natural scrolling to work for my mouse?16:46
hedenclodAlso, does ubuntu 15.04 have ssd-support by default?16:46
hedenclodafter installing16:46
k1lLeahman: sorry its "/server server "16:46
Leahmanok, let me try again :)16:47
cfhowletthedenclod, 15.04 does support ssd16:47
hedenclodout of the box?16:47
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k1lhedenclod: since 14.04 at least, yes16:47
zotherstupidguyhow to open an image file from console in ubuntu16:47
hedenclodalright thanks16:48
hedenclodhave a good one16:48
chefpvhow is everyone today?16:48
zotherstupidguychefpv great :) :)16:48
cfhowlettzotherstupidguy, image = picture or .iso?16:48
chefpvgood zotherstupidguy16:48
zotherstupidguycfhowlett photo16:48
chefpvi am new to the ubuntu platform im an ex windows user16:49
cfhowlettzotherstupidguy, usually photoapp imagename16:49
zotherstupidguybyzanz seems to be a good hackable video recorder btw16:49
zotherstupidguywhats the photoapp in ubuntu?16:49
cfhowlettzotherstupidguy, shotwell?16:50
chefpvanyone feel like helping the new guy?16:50
cfhowlett!ask | chefpv16:50
ubottuchefpv: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:50
k1lchefpv: just ask16:51
=== ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho
asklepianhow do I get natural scrolling to work for my mouse?16:52
seosepaanyone else having problems since this weeks updates with Ubuntu 15.04 & Lenovo X1 Carbon g3?16:52
cfhowlettseosepa, "anyone else ..." type questions are a waste of time.  state YOUR issue and YOUR details16:52
cfhowlettsadly, that one was removed MonkeyDust16:53
ArfedI've installed Ubuntu onto an SD card, but it won't boot (I previously put the installer on that SD, and it booted before - but this time it's an actual install onto the SD). What might be preventing this booting?16:53
MonkeyDustfactoid no longer exists16:53
seosepaim not sure what the issue is, thats why im asking16:53
MonkeyDustseosepa  what brings you here16:53
cfhowlett!details | seosepa16:54
ubottuseosepa: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:54
chefpvim not sure if ubuntu is running my pc drivers properly. i do not have a split system it is strictly the current lts edition. when i pull up chromium it kicks my fan into overdrive and never slows down. videos are sometimes choppy . it works fine for vlc most of the time. im using an old dell 4700 that i found  it has a p4 and designed for xp. xp having no support now led me to ubuntu. can someone tell me what i need to do to fix it?16:54
a1exushi there16:55
chefpvhello alexus16:55
cfhowlettchefpv, latest ubuntu can be pretty demanding on old equipment.  lubuntu is optimized for older/slower/lower spec hardware.16:55
a1exushow are you chefpv?16:55
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chefpvi am well alexus16:55
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borisetoSo, I'm planning of buying a new laptop which would probably be with 2 graphic cards. Just a question, can somebody that has some recent experience with it tell me where things stand? Last time I've checked, I would have to logout just to switch a graphic card or something. Is there any progress on that matter?16:56
chefpvcfhowlett so it going to be a similar look and feel as ubuntu? i kind of like the layout and feel16:56
asklepianhow do I configure ubuntu to connec to my openvpn connection automatically?16:56
cfhowlettboriseto, best gpu support: intel, then nvidia.  AMD is finally coming around16:56
asklepianand how do I get natural scrolling to work for my mouse?16:57
cfhowlettchefpv, see for yourself.  open a terminal and run the following comand:16:57
MonkeyDustasklepian  natural scrolling?16:57
cfhowlettsudo apt install lxde            then logout/choose lubuntu session/ login.  If you like with what you see, you can download/install lubuntu16:57
borisetocfhowlett, so your advice would be to go for the Intel/nVidia combo?16:58
asklepianMonkeyDust, yeah I have that selected but it only works for my trackpad and not for my mouse...16:58
chefpvok i will try that and report back... will flash be hard to get it took me a few days to pepperflash my chromium16:58
cfhowlettboriseto, "works for me" ... I find switching between cards quite easy with nvidia prime16:58
dreamerrDoes having ubuntu GUI enabled while having an active server REALLY make a difference in performance?16:58
=== tcpman is now known as Guest95552
cfhowlettdreamerr, depends on your hardware specs16:59
dreamerrcfhowlett: My apologies for not providing that information.17:00
cfhowlettdreamerr, no worries.17:00
chefpvubuntu>windows imo :)17:00
borisetocfhowlett, yes, but the question is was it like before? Do you have to logout to change the GPU?17:00
asklepianhow do I configure ubuntu to connect to my openvpn connection automatically?17:01
cfhowlettboriseto, yes, you select the preferred gpu, logout/login.17:01
borisetocfhowlett, okay, thanks. :)17:01
cfhowlettboriseto, happy2help!17:01
chefpvcfhowlett thank you for your advice and quick response17:01
* cfhowlett blushes 17:01
cfhowlettchefpv, happy2help! you as well17:01
dreamerrcfhowlett: AMD Athlon 64 x2 dual Core 4600+ x2 // 2.0 GiB RAM // 320 GB HDD.17:02
chefpvi would cook you dinner if you were near me lol17:02
cfhowlettbeijing ...17:02
Drunkwizarddreamerr: I don't there will be17:02
chefpvok it finished up the install so what should i do now log out or restart?17:02
dreamerrDrunkwizard: I appreciate your input. Thank you.17:03
cfhowlettchefpv, logout, click on the ubuntu gear icon, select "lubuntu/lxde session" and login17:03
chefpvok ty17:03
Drunkwizarddreamre: What DE are you using?17:03
dreamerrDrunkwizard: I'm FRESH to Linux coming from Windows. I hear great things about Linux...that being said what is DE? Distro?17:04
cfhowlettdesktop environment i.e. look and feel17:04
brother_hi all17:04
dreamerrcurrently using ubuntu 14.04 TLS, unity desktop?17:05
brother_somebody can help with command line, to remove some text from a text file please?17:05
blibmy ifconfig is showing veth524dba1 - what is that?17:06
tonyyarussodreamerr: Linux has several different options for the suite of applications that make up the GUI, eg window manager, file browser, tasbars, and so on.  The collection of ones that are meant to work together is what we call a desktop environment.  Common ones include Gnome, KDE, XFCE, and LXDE, and then to complicate matters further, Unity is part-Gnome, part other stuff.17:06
BluesKajbrother_:  use a text editor as root and edit the file, then save it17:06
Drunkwizarddreamrr:  Desktop environment(full fledged desktop suits and software, takes space and quite heavy on harddisk -- full suit of software including a windows manger. Windows Manager (low on ram, takes.less space)-- bare bones window management software.17:07
tonyyarussobrother_: nano is usually the easiest cli editor for beginners to understand.17:07
brother_BluesKa thanks, but I mean, automatically, i need some text to be removed, up to the first time a word appears17:07
dreamerrtonyyarusso: That just clears things up for me, thank you.17:07
dreamerrDrunkwizard: That's what I figured...I'll look into learning to set things up on the CLI and disabling GUI. I appreciate your feedback!17:09
asklepianhow do I configure ubuntu to connect to my openvpn connection automatically?17:09
DrunkwizardGlad to help, dreamerr.17:09
blibanyone can help me fix ubuntu's networking on my desktop please?17:09
asklepianalso, how do I configure ubuntu to connect to my openvpn connection automatically?17:09
chefpvso cfhowlett theres a graphic at the bottom im assuming is the cpu load it is running hard17:11
Leahmanthank you guys for the help17:11
asklepianso, I update my system with "sudo rm -rf /" correct?17:13
cfhowlettasklepian, are your TRYING to get banned??17:14
cfhowlett!danger | asklepian17:14
ubottuasklepian: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!17:14
cfhowlettasklepian, or perhaps you think that's funny.  it's not.17:14
blibanyone can help me with a networking issue? My machines' dns is working (dig xyz.com) - I can ssh into it. But I can't ssh from inside to outside?17:15
dreamerrNot cool, especially coming from a noob like me. Luckily I know rm is remove lol17:15
johnfghi guys17:17
pnwiseDoes anyone know how find input language variants?17:17
johnfgI just installed server 14.04.3 on a vm.17:17
johnfgSomehow, I did something with the root password and can't login as root, or do a su - to root.17:18
ActionParsnipjohnfg: you use sudo17:18
cfhowlett!root | johnfg17:18
ubottujohnfg: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:18
ActionParsnipjohnfg: your first user can use sudo to get admin access when needed17:18
ActionParsnipjohnfg: there is no root paswd, so when you attempt to authenticate, you will fail17:19
k1ljohnfg: ubuntu got no activated root account. we have sudo.17:19
ActionParsnipjohnfg: you can use:   sudo su -     and you will become root.17:19
johnfgActionParsnip: I'll give that a try, thanks.17:20
k1lbetter use sudo -i17:20
ActionParsnipjohnfg: use your user's password to authemticate.17:20
ActionParsnipjohnfg: but usually, you will just use sudo command to get admin access as needed.17:20
johnfgRight, I become root, then run visudo, but couldn't get there.17:21
MonkeyDustjohnfg  try sudo visudo ... careful, know what you're doing17:21
johnfgMonkeyDust: I always do the visudo on any distro I'm working with.  But thanks for the warning.17:22
johnfgOver in openldap, someone mentioned that they run ubuntu server (now installed), with linux mint as the desktop.17:22
johnfgHow would I accomplish having linux mint as my desktop?17:23
cfhowlett!mint | johnfg, a17:23
ubottujohnfg, a: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:23
MonkeyDustjohnfg  mint is not supported here17:23
johnfgOkay, np, but I'm looking forward to using ubuntu as my server.17:24
cfhowlettjohnfg, #ubuntu-server is available17:24
xStarkAlright I gotta leave for the day17:27
xStarkIt's 11 PM17:27
KiritoCan you add Python (or other executable scripts) to /etc/update-motd.d, or do they have to be bash scripts?17:31
kirklandKirito: anything executable works17:31
KiritoAwesome, thanks17:32
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hhhhyo, has anyone overclocked their monitor here?17:37
cfhowletthhhh, ##hardware.   not an ubuntu issue17:37
HackerIIyoull just make the horizontral circuit run out of sync17:37
HackerIIand make the power supply run hot17:38
hhhhoh, I see.  Well, I have another issue possibly better for #ubuntu then.17:38
hhhhIs there a way to get gpu PhysX support on linux?17:39
KiritoI believe the proprietary Nvidia drivers for Linux offer support for PhysX17:40
KiritoNot sure about nouveau17:40
hhhhI uninstalled nouveau already, have NVIDIA X Server Settings Gui before me17:41
hhhhBut in borderlands 2 the PhysX option remains greyed out17:41
hhhhDo I need some other software?17:41
KiritoI'm not sure, are you running a native version of Borderlands for Linux, or running it via Wine?17:42
hhhhGTX 970, if that helps.  I'm sure PhysX ought to be working.17:42
Kirito"Borderlands 2 uses an older version of PhysX that does not support hardware acceleration on Mac/Linux so we will not be adding it to the game." from a quick Google17:42
hhhhWelp, that sucks.  Damn.17:44
ledtcHey guys, LetsScreen is working really bad for me, is any allternatives ?17:50
ledtcAlso, do you guys know if theres any project working on putting widgets on the lock screen ? So that i can keep an eye on diffrent things like  NewEmail,GitUpdate,Stocks,Calender etc17:52
fengji71_hello all. does anyone have any experience using wget to download a large number of jpegs from a website?17:53
akik fengji71_: sure, yes17:54
goddardhow can i disable two finger right click?17:54
fengji71_akik: So, I am trying to download the images from the following website. http://docnum.u-strasbg.fr/cdm/ref/collection/coll7/id/613217:55
hopelessubuntunopls can someone help me get my laptop connected to my home wifi. i am connected successfully on a chromebook and android phone. ubuntu laptop says dns look-up failed17:55
iorialedtc, if you use kde ,,,,  https://www.maketecheasier.com/customize-kde-lock-screen/17:57
ledtchopelessubuntuno: You're not a troll are you ? Did you check if the wifi adapter is set to Automatic DNS ? or just copy over the settings from you chromebook17:57
hopelessubuntunono i'm not a troll - just a bit naive. i don't think its a password issue17:58
hopelessubuntunohow do i check wifi adapter?17:59
ubuntu-matewhere u guys from17:59
cfhowlettubuntu-mate, earht.  what is your ubuntu support question18:00
ubuntu-mate1st time using linux18:00
bazhang!manual | have a read ubuntu-mate18:00
ubottuhave a read ubuntu-mate: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:00
bazhangfor just chit chat ubuntu-mate #ubuntu-offtopic18:01
dreamerrInstalling Samba...tried sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf to define values, but getting sudo: vim: command not found.18:01
Badger000i am using an ati rage on an older system 16 g mem and a 3.2 xnon run real slow18:02
ledtcioria: Im on Ubuntu 15.04 and i feel like im missing something here...18:02
iorialedtc, unity then... no use of that page , sorry18:03
Badger000oh its a dell poweredge server sc1420 forgot to include that18:05
Badger000how does one turn off who has joined and who has dropped off18:06
EriC^^!quietirc | Badger00018:07
ubottuBadger000: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages18:07
bazhangtop left should have a switch Badger00018:07
samthewildoneis there a fix for this ongoing bluetooth "a2dp" situation ?18:07
samthewildoneSome times the bluetooth audio works and many times it doesn't.18:07
bazhanggive us the bug link samthewildone18:07
ledtcioria: I cant really find anything good, why is ScreenLets so underdeveloped ? :c18:08
hopelessubuntunook... so I can connect to the internet on home wifi, but no web pages can be displayed. any help from you guys? no sure what to try to fix18:08
samthewildonebazhang, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/143851018:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1438510 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Vivid) "[REGRESSION] bluetooth headset no longer supports a2dp" [High,Confirmed]18:08
bazhangsamthewildone, did you subscribe to it18:09
iorialedtc, really don't know...  :(18:09
bazhangsamthewildone, and offer any more info they ask of you18:09
samthewildonebazhang, I see what your doing.18:09
bazhangsamthewildone, its what is done with bugs18:09
ioriahopelessubuntuno, can you paste  nmcli dev list iface wlan0 ?18:09
ledtcioria: I just want to have schedual, and stocks, and news about my gitRepos, on the screen. Is that to much to ask for?  This world is so cruel18:10
iorialedtc, search the web ... i'm sure you'll come up with something ... :þ18:10
bazhangledtc, what, something like conky? or just various applets18:10
hopelessubuntunohow do i paste output when laptop doesn't appear to be online?18:11
ledtcbazhang: Correct me if om wrong but conky is an plugg-in to ScreenLets ?18:11
bazhangledtc, its not18:11
bazhangledtc, are you on gnome-shell or unity18:11
ledtcunity, ubuntu 15.0418:12
ledtcbazhang: ^18:12
ioriahopelessubuntuno, right ... run the command and copy the last 2 lines IP4.ADDRESS[1]:           and IP4.DNS[1]:18:12
bazhangledtc, the gnome shall has some nice extensions you might examine18:12
bazhangand shell18:12
ledtcbazhang: How would you proced from here ?18:13
bazhangledtc, let me check their site18:13
florian_Hello everybody! How can I find out if my drive can not only burn CD-ROMs but also DVDs?18:13
hopelessubuntunoip4. address[1]: ip=, gw =
joeponicflorian_ what does your drive say on the front?18:14
Badger000oh well i will figure this out later yall have a good day18:14
ioriahopelessubuntuno, are you using static ip or dhcp   ?18:14
florian_joeponic, nothing in particular, it's on the right side of my notebook ... (;18:14
lord4163hopelessubuntuno: can you ping google.com?18:15
bazhanghttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/750/openweather/ ledtc18:15
bazhangledtc, thats one, there are many others I have not yet checked18:15
joeponicdarn, there goes my easy solution...18:15
florian_joeponic,  wait18:15
hopelessubuntunoyes i can ping
hopelessubuntunohow do i check re static or dynamic18:16
ledtcbazhang: How do i change to gnome from Unity ?18:16
ioriahopelessubuntuno, but you can't www.google.com ....18:16
* m3n3chm0 nasZ18:16
lord4163hopelessubuntuno: that's your problem then...18:16
ledtcioria: Many he could use google DNS manually ?
lord4163hopelessubuntuno: DNS18:16
bazhangledtc, install gnome-shell, log out of unity, choose gnome-shell login18:16
iorialedtc, sure...18:17
hopelessubuntunoyes, i cant get to www.google.com18:17
florian_joeponic, there IS something on it I just didn't remember. The letters read (-; CD-RW and then there's this DVD-Logo with ROM below so I figure it can't burn data to a DVD. Am I right?18:17
lord4163hopelessubuntuno: because your DNS server doesn't resolve anything18:17
hopelessubuntunowhen i ping is says 64 bytes from...18:17
hopelessubuntunoin a loop18:17
ioriahopelessubuntuno, let's try to add DNS in your wlan0 config....18:17
lord4163hopelessubuntuno: you can verify this even more by typing nslookup google.com in the terminal18:17
hopelessubuntunook ioria...18:17
joeponicYou can burn cd, and cd re-writable.  You can play dvd but not burn them18:17
ioriahopelessubuntuno, can you see the network icon up in the bar , near the sound icon ?18:18
florian_joeponic, that's what I thought from the letters. Thanks for your help!18:18
ledtcbazhang: For this should i use, LightDM or gdm ?18:18
bazhangledtc, lightdm I suppose18:19
hopelessubuntunonslookup... connection timed out; no servers could be reached18:19
ioriahopelessubuntuno, can you see the network icon up in the bar , near the sound icon ?18:19
dratsabuhopelessubuntuno: so why18:19
hopelessubuntunoin the network icon - full 5 bar signal18:19
lord4163hopelessubuntuno: change the DNS server ;)18:19
dratsabuioria: why18:19
ioriahopelessubuntuno, left click and 'Edit Connection'18:19
dratsabulord4163: that will do it18:20
hopelessubuntunoyes... next step...18:20
ioriahopelessubuntuno, select you wifi connection - Edit - and IPV4 settings18:21
MonkeyDusthopelessubuntuno  "next step" is not a very polite thing to say18:21
hopelessubuntunothanks ioria... didnt mean to offend18:22
hopelessubuntunoi've opened the dialog box18:22
ioriahopelessubuntuno, do you see DNS server ?18:22
dratsabulord4163: it's not18:22
hopelessubuntunono - all blank in that section18:22
ioriahopelessubuntuno, try to add ...18:23
ioriahopelessubuntuno, i mean
dratsabuhopelessubuntuno: listen18:24
hopelessubuntunoi added it in the 'additional dns servers' section18:24
dratsabumianna: win18:24
hopelessubuntunono luck - same problem18:24
lord4163hopelessubuntuno: Disclaimer, is Google's Public DNS service, the question to you is, do you want to send all your DNS queries to Google? Meaning they will know every site you visit.18:24
lord4163hopelessubuntuno: you must disconnect and connect first18:25
ioriahopelessubuntuno, additional dns servers' section ?18:25
miannano im using ubuntu live and whever i install xchat it goes to freenode ubuntu room first18:25
miannaby itself it goes to the room ubuntu on freenode server18:25
lord4163ioria: he should reconnect before the changes will take effect.18:25
dratsabulord4163: security is synonymous with secrecy.  It don't exist on the internet. Thanks to USA scum18:26
iorialord4163, i don't understand additional dns servers' section ....18:26
ioriais DNS servers:18:27
hopelessubuntunoi have disconnected and re-connected... same issue18:27
dratsabuioria: dns does IP lookups. So you need them to fetch web pages18:28
lord4163hopelessubuntuno: what does nslookup google.com say?18:28
ioriahopelessubuntuno, again nmcli dev list iface wlan0 and see if shows up at the end18:28
hopelessubuntunoit says connection timed out; no servers could be reached18:29
arykleinWhy when I try to mount at boot time a NFS filesystem (with the option "auto" in /etc/fstab) and the NFS server is down, upstart hang up and my system doesn't finish to boot18:29
dratsabuioria: simple parental control through DNS. Norton provides free DNS that blocks porn for example.18:29
hopelessubuntunoit appears listed under ip[2]18:29
hopelessubuntunoip[1] has another address listed18:30
ioriahopelessubuntuno, we need some paste then.... like ifconfig and iwconfig ...18:31
ioriahopelessubuntuno, you eth0 is working ?18:32
=== mianna is now known as attlite
hopelessubuntunoiwconfig says...18:33
dreamer_Hey check it out https://github.com/slap-editor/slap18:33
hopelessubuntunoeth0 no wireless connections18:33
hopelessubuntunolo no wireless connections18:33
hopelessubuntunowlan0 Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:018:34
CarlenWhiteUh whoops.18:34
hopelessubuntunoTx excessive retries:1 Invalid misc:93 Missed beacon: 018:34
ioriahopelessubuntuno, ok.... your cable connection works ?18:35
CarlenWhiteShould I be concerned? http://puu.sh/kuXp2.png18:35
alazare619is there a ubuntu live-build area im trying to find info on the customization and creation from chroot env ubuntu way of creating a livecd w/ installer18:35
hopelessubuntunoi need to find a cable to try...18:35
alazare619i have a chroot already built and ready to go18:35
ioriahopelessubuntuno, no, it's ok ... try to set a manual configuration ...18:36
ioriahopelessubuntuno, ad before, go in 'Edit Connection' and configure your interface as 'manual'18:37
hopelessubuntunowired connection doesnt work18:38
CarlenWhiteQuestion on interrupted move operations,18:38
CarlenWhiteIf Ubuntu fails to copy a file entirely, it'll pop the warning it did (of course), and delete the incomplete file?18:39
ioriahopelessubuntuno, unplug the cable and set a manual configuration  for your wifi18:39
=== allen is now known as robertt543
hopelessubuntunook... am trying manual config18:41
robertt543how do i find out which version of linux im useing?18:41
ioriahopelessubuntuno, you need ssid (lan name), password, choose an ip, netmask gw  and dns
hopelessubuntunothe save button is greyed out so can't save dns server18:41
EriC^^robertt543: cat /etc/issue18:42
EriC^^robertt543: uname -a shows the linux kernel18:42
ioriahopelessubuntuno, start from the first tab18:42
robertt543elementary OS Freya \n \l18:43
robertt543gues thats why i didnt rcognize it18:43
robertt543im also trying to figure out how much hard drive space i have...18:44
robertt543any ideas....18:44
EriC^^robertt543: df -h18:44
robertt543df -h18:44
robertt543perfect thanks so much18:45
EriC^^robertt543: no problem18:45
robertt543this distro doesnt have alot of programs18:46
DJones!elementary | robertt54318:46
ubotturobertt543: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.18:46
digsI have mounted a windows share...  mount -t cifs //myshare -o username:user,password:pass /mnt/point -- the mount is set to rx only for any other user than root. I need another user to be able to write to this directory. How can accomplish this?18:46
digsI have tried to chown or chmod to no effect.18:47
hopelessubuntunostill no luck... i can add the numbers, but cant save it18:49
ioriahopelessubuntuno, sudo service network-manager restart and try again18:51
BluesKajrobertt543:  try df -h / and df -h  /home for a simpler result18:51
kraniohi evebory18:52
robertt543df -h18:52
robertt543good grief18:52
hopelessubuntunothat command says 'unrecognised service'18:52
ioriahopelessubuntuno, sudo service network-manager status18:53
hopelessubuntunonetwork-manager start/running, process 71018:54
ioriahopelessubuntuno, sudo service network-manager restart18:54
hopelessubuntunonetwork-manager stop/waiting18:55
hopelessubuntunonetwork-manager start/running, process 429918:56
ioriahopelessubuntuno, ok... try to set the manual config18:57
ioriahopelessubuntuno, restarting the router could help18:58
hopelessubuntunoi will restart it... but other devices are ok18:59
=== guillermo is now known as Guest37497
hopelessubuntunoioria... you there? i have restarted the router19:08
ioriahopelessubuntuno, in the first tab 'available for all users' is checked ?19:08
hopelessubuntunoyes - that is checked19:10
ioriahopelessubuntuno, and you can't save the manual settings ?19:11
hopelessubuntunoactually - just saved19:11
ubuntu-matehi all guys19:11
hopelessubuntunostill no luck though19:11
ubuntu-matefuck them all19:11
ioriahopelessubuntuno, sudo service network-manager restart19:11
ubuntu-matefuck them all19:12
ubuntu-matefuck them all19:12
ubuntu-matefuck them all19:12
ubuntu-matefuck them all19:12
hopelessubuntunostart/running, process 586119:13
ioriahopelessubuntuno, nm-tool and check the last lines19:14
hopelessubuntunodevice eth019:14
hopelessubuntunotype wired19:14
hopelessubuntunodriver r816919:15
hopelessubuntunostate unavailable19:15
hopelessubuntunodefault no19:15
hopelessubuntunohw address 00:1E:33:DD:30:9319:15
hopelessubuntuno capabilities19:15
hopelessubuntunocarrier detect: yes19:15
ioriahopelessubuntuno, look fot the wifi ...19:15
hopelessubuntunowlan0 connected19:16
hopelessubuntunoand gives the ipv4 settings that you suggested19:17
ioriahopelessubuntuno, ping www.google.com19:17
hopelessubuntunoi dont understand why web pages aren't rendered19:17
hopelessubuntuno64 bytes from repeats...19:18
ioriahopelessubuntuno, it's pinging ?19:19
hopelessubuntunoi think so - yes19:19
ioriahopelessubuntuno, ctrl+c and see if there are packets lost19:19
hopelessubuntuno123 packets transmitted, 19 received, 84% packet loss19:20
ioriahopelessubuntuno, yes... there are :)19:20
ioriahopelessubuntuno, firefox ?19:21
hopelessubuntunoi was using chrome19:21
ioriahopelessubuntuno, chrome ?19:21
hopelessubuntunoi have both browsers19:22
ioriahopelessubuntuno, it's the same...19:22
ioriahopelessubuntuno, does it work ?19:22
hopelessubuntunoyes - the same19:22
hopelessubuntunonot working on either browser19:23
ioriahopelessubuntuno, has ever worked on that laptop ?19:24
hopelessubuntunoyes - I've had it for years its always worked fine19:24
ioriahopelessubuntuno, with ubuntu ?19:24
hopelessubuntunoi got this chromebook and haven't used the laptop for about a month19:24
hopelessubuntunoyes i'm using 14.04 but have used previous distros too19:25
MonkeyDusthopelessubuntuno  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue19:25
hopelessubuntunoubuntu 14.04.2.LTS \n \l19:26
MonkeyDusthopelessubuntuno  fair enough, but you do know .3 is available?19:27
hopelessubuntunoi didn't  - i guess i can't get it if I'm offline :(19:27
ledtcSo i fucked something up and reinstalled, but this fresh verison after updateing dosent have the "always on top" option the terminal. Where to get ?19:27
ioriahopelessubuntuno, what is weird is you cable connection .... not working...19:27
fenneszGuys I started using deja dup . What happens if I set it to keep my files for at least 6 months. Will it make a full backup after 6 months ? and after that (2 full backups ) it starts removing the old files?19:27
MonkeyDustledtc  avoid the f* word19:28
hopelessubuntunoi agree19:28
hopelessubuntunoodd and frustrating19:28
ioriahopelessubuntuno, you can do this ... you can set a manual config for your lan... it's easier than wifi,  and upgrade19:29
ioriahopelessubuntuno, for your eth0, i mean19:30
=== vdamewood is now known as vinleod
hopelessubuntunoioria pls can you talk me through manual config for eth0?19:31
ioriahopelessubuntuno, it's the same .... but without password and ssid ....19:31
ioriahopelessubuntuno, i was thinking about a pppoeconf ... but it will write your interfaces file...19:32
ioriahopelessubuntuno, have you ever used pppoeconf ?19:33
hopelessubuntunono - never used that19:35
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  try again ping www.google.com19:36
hopelessubuntunounknown host19:36
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  try again ping
hopelessubuntunoi did ping and now only 10% packet loss19:37
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  and www.google.com ?19:38
ioriait's not the same...19:38
=== vinleod is now known as vdamewood
hopelessubuntunoit says unknown host www.google.com19:40
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  it's your router....19:40
MonkeyDusthopelessubuntuno  i was thinking the same, try to ping your router19:40
hopelessubuntunobut how can i be connected on this chromebook and my phone?19:41
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  ping 19219:41
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  ping
quantshi guys, i want to get cyberghost on my ubuntu 14.04 lts system, how do i do this ?19:41
MonkeyDust!find cyberghost19:42
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:19:42
hopelessubuntuno12 pkts received 0% loss19:42
MonkeyDust!find cyberghost trusty19:42
ubottuPackage/file cyberghost does not exist in trusty19:42
quantsok so what vpn softwere could i use?19:42
quantsthis is what it says when i look at the site:19:43
quants   For Linux users CyberGhost supports the native protocols OpenVPN, L2TP/IPSec or PPTP:  + PPTP is usually built-in - protocol support only available for subscribers - CyberGhost VPN account must be created separately - For OpenVPN and L2TP/IPSec third party software might be necessary - No killswitch, no secure connect, no easy server change19:43
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  if has always worked, it's not about the os19:44
hopelessubuntunoi agree... i think it might have got upset when i connected to work wifi19:45
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  can you see other networks ?19:45
hopelessubuntunoyes- but all padlocked19:46
m1dnight_Can I ask for information about duplicity here?19:46
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m1dnight_the #duplicity channel is kind of empty :p19:46
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  can you ping other machines on you lan ?19:47
hopelessubuntunohow do i do that?19:47
m1dnight_ping <ip>19:47
m1dnight_e.g., ping
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  idk.... other pcs... if there are...19:47
hopelessubuntunoyes - i pinged my chromebook fine19:48
hopelessubuntuno0% pkt loss19:49
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  so... the DNS19:49
hopelessubuntunowhat info do u need on the dns?19:50
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  well... the last line of nm-tool  ... :)19:51
hopelessubuntunothere is some hex code... do you want me to type in all in?19:52
ioriahex code ... ?19:53
ioriashould be 819:53
ioriashould be
EriC^^maybe it's ipv619:54
hopelessubuntunoit is under ipv4, but under ipv6 is fd79:2ce4:a105: and more...19:54
MonkeyDusthopelessubuntuno  what was your initial question?19:54
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  yepp... you need to disable ipv619:54
hopelessubuntunook... how to do that?19:55
hopelessubuntunomy initial question was that i can't get online19:55
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  'edit connection' ipv6 tab19:55
hopelessubuntunoand then select ignore?19:56
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  it's set to Automatic ?19:56
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  you add dns in the worong tab19:57
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  you have to configure ipv4 not ipv619:57
hopelessubuntunoi did the and etc in ipv4 (not ipv6)19:58
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  and
hopelessubuntunoyes in the dns servers section19:58
hopelessubuntunonothing in search domains19:59
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  you said before 'additional dns '   which is in ipv6 ... not ipv419:59
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  but if you changed now ... is ok20:00
hopelessubuntunoit was listed under ipv4 when i had selected automatic dhcp (not manual)20:00
MonkeyDusthopelessubuntuno  netstat -r|head -3   <-- what's the gateway?20:01
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  now you are static ....20:01
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  just be sure there is nothing in ipv6 tab20:02
hopelessubuntunogateway is
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  try to reboot20:03
hopelessubuntunoipv6 is only set to 'ignore'20:04
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  ping www.google.com20:06
hopelessubuntunounknown host www.google.com20:07
Senjihopelessubuntuno: use dig20:08
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  ping
hopelessubuntunothat pings ok... 0% loss20:08
hopelessubuntunosenji what is dig?20:09
Senjia program20:09
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  cat /etc/resolv.conf20:10
hopelessubuntuno# Generated by NetworkManager20:11
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  just the nameserver20:11
hopelessubuntunoioria... is that good or bad?20:12
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  if it's only that, yes :)20:12
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  only that ?20:13
hopelessubuntunoonly that20:14
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  dpkg -l resolvconf20:14
=== user is now known as Guest73273
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  it gives 'ii' or 'un' ?20:15
darsieWhat's the point to require registration so I can see this image? http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?s=a3bd28b0509de1be4324efb8241eb550&attachmentid=251705&d=139661524720:15
hopelessubuntunobig output...20:16
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  i mean it's bad if it's only that...20:16
hopelessubuntunoii resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1. all name server information hanler20:16
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  cat /etc/network/interfaces   you should have only 'auto lo  iface lo inet loopback'20:18
hopelessubuntuno| status=not/inst/conf-files/unpacked/half-conf/half-inst/trig-await/trig-pend20:18
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  ok...20:18
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  cat /etc/network/interfaces   you should have only 'auto lo  iface lo inet loopback'20:18
k1ldarsie: talk to the ubuntuforums community about that. but the link doesnt work anyway20:19
hopelessubuntunoyes  exactly as u said20:19
hopelessubuntunoand #interfaces (5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown (8)20:20
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  in /etc/resolv.conf you should have 'DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN' and nameserver
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  can you check again ?20:22
hopelessubuntunopermission denied20:23
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  cat /etc/resolv.conf20:23
hopelessubuntunoreturned # Generated by NetworkManager20:24
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ioriahopelessubuntuno,  i think it's wrong20:25
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ioriahopelessubuntuno,  looks like a Centos resolv.conf20:26
jhutchinsioria: systemd?20:26
ioriajhutchins, he can ping ips, but cannot resolve them20:27
orangehrmOn a vanilla ubuntu machine with ssh setup to just use PasswordAuthentication Yes, no keys should be needed should they, like taking a id_rsa key and copying it to the remote systems (ubuntu vanilla machine/localhost) authorized_keys?20:28
bekksorangehrm: Correct.20:28
jhutchinsThe blunt force approach is to edit resolv.conf and mark it +i20:29
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ioriahopelessubuntuno,  are you sure you are ubuntu (sorry for asking )  ?20:29
jhutchinsioria: Also disable network manager and do manual config.20:29
hopelessubuntunolets do blunt.... am desparate now20:29
ioriajhutchins, already done :(20:30
hopelessubuntunoi promise - yes20:30
ioriajhutchins, oh... you mean edit /etc/network/interfaces ?20:30
TasteyLettuceWhen does ubuntu 15.10 come out?20:30
MonkeyDustTasteyLettuce  few weeks from now20:31
k1lTasteyLettuce: 22.10.20:31
TasteyLettuceLooking forward to it! :)20:31
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  yes, you can remove network-manager and edit /etc/network/interfaces like this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/431682/how-do-i-use-etc-network-interfaces-instead-of-network-manager20:32
jhutchinsioria: Yes, interfaces.20:32
jhutchinsIf it's a static configuration it wont call dhclient and that won't call resolvconf and try to overwrite resolv.conf20:33
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  and sudo service networking restart20:33
ioriajhutchins, i made hin set a manual config with Network-Manager ...20:34
jhutchinsioria: I would disable that and do a console-based static.20:34
sregginjhutchins: fixed it20:34
orangehrmbekks: thats what i thought but on one machine it kept prompting me for a password regardless of that previous parameter set or the rsa public key authentication set. Any idea what could have been the problem.20:35
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  idk if it'a all clear ...20:35
k1lorangehrm: look at the ssh config20:35
hopelessubuntunoit says... stop: job failed while stopping20:35
bekksorangehrm: Prompring you for a password is exactly whats the alternative to key based authentication.20:35
orangehrmbekks: i fixed it after i copied a id_pub to the localmachines authorized_keys20:35
hopelessubuntunostart: job is already running: networking20:35
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  but that resolv.conf it's not ubuntu's20:36
bekksorangehrm: And depending on how you generated your key, the _key_ will prompt you for a password, not the remote system.20:36
hopelessubuntunoi'm sorry... i dont understand20:36
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/431682/how-do-i-use-etc-network-interfaces-instead-of-network-manager20:37
orangehrmbekks: actually i cant recall what order of steps i took so i prob cant really give proper information of what i did.20:37
jhutchinsorangehrm: There's a ssh-copy-id that will make the correct copy for you.20:37
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  obviously change eth0 with wlan0 ...20:37
orangehrmbekks: thats only if u added a passphrase to the key?20:37
jhutchinsorangehrm: Default configuration will prompt for a password if no matching key is found.20:37
bekksorangehrm: Correct.20:37
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  oh... no you need  wpa-supplicant hash20:38
hopelessubuntunopls can u explain what you mean about wpa-supplicant hash20:39
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  the link i gave you is for ethernet...20:40
souravany body have idea about chefserver20:40
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  you need to setup a wifi interfaces file ... that cannot work without ssid and password that should be encoded20:41
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  this https://wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse#WPA-PSK_and_WPA2-PSK20:42
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  well, i know it's a bit complicated...20:43
hopelessubuntunoyes - it's making my head bleed20:44
ioriahopelessubuntuno,  sorry... but networkmanager should work ...20:45
ioriahopelessubuntuno, it's only you resolv.conf that doesn't make sense for me20:45
Jordan_Uhopelessubuntuno: Have you already tried setting your DNS server to in nm-connection-editor ?20:45
ioriaJordan_U, yes20:46
ioriahopelessubuntuno, sorry have to go, hope you solve your issue20:47
Jordan_Uhopelessubuntuno: What version of Ubuntu are you using?20:47
hopelessubuntunono worries ioria...thanks20:48
hopelessubuntunousing 14.04.2 lts20:48
basil1xEvery time I try to switch wireless access points, my system freezes solid.20:49
basil1xNever had a linux freeze up like this before.  Even the mouse pointer freezes.20:49
hopelessubuntunoany ideas jordan_u?20:50
basil1x14.04 32bit updates as of ~18hrs ago.20:50
Jordan_Uhopelessubuntuno: Please pastebin the output of "nm-tool".20:50
basil1xWouldn't care, but the poor thing defaults to wireless point that doesn't actually work.20:51
hopelessubuntunoi am typing this on a chromebook (connected to my wifi). what bit of the large output do u need?20:51
hopelessubuntunothe problem is on my laptop20:51
Jordan_Uhopelessubuntuno: Can you ssh into your laptop from your chromebook?20:54
sekritfaghey Freddie_Mercury  :)20:55
sekritfaghey bcode :)20:55
hopelessubuntunohow do i do that?20:55
Freddie_Mercury!ops sekritfag20:55
hopelessubuntunochromebook is running chrome os. laptop running ubuntu 14.0420:55
sekritfagkhax fucking cunt20:55
sekritfagkhax SHUT20:55
khaxanother happy user!20:56
Jordan_UFreddie_Mercury: In the future, the syntax is either "!ops | nick" or simply "!ops".20:56
Freddie_MercuryJordan_U: Legit.20:56
basil1xHow very charming.20:57
Dinosaurio!ops is a funny command21:03
Dinosaurio!ops | is a funny command21:03
ubottuis a funny command: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang21:03
Dinosaurioyeah, that21:03
k1lDinosaurio: dont misuse that21:03
* phunyguy looks up21:03
Dinosauriookay, my fault21:04
amazoniantoadTJ-: so I turned on my computer and it seemed fine21:10
amazoniantoadTJ-: I log in and am browsing the web21:10
wileeeamazoniantoad, no caps please, people help because they want to, handholding is a bit much.21:10
amazoniantoadwileee: pm21:10
wileeeI have pm off21:10
amazoniantoadwileee: join #idlerpg real quick21:10
wileeeamazoniantoad, Just informing the of the general channel info, be careful want to be led through always is all, no biggie, we do want you to learn.21:11
k3asd`does anyone know where postgresql in that folder keeps the databases?21:11
bekksk3asd`: Where you configured it, in the config :)21:12
amazoniantoadwileee: oh well. sorry for the caps21:12
amazoniantoadTJ-: so I am browing the wab21:12
amazoniantoadTJ-: I get up, walk through the door everyone do the dinosaur21:12
wileeeamazoniantoad, please wait for responses, this is not a message channel.21:12
k3asd`bekks: as I see it?21:12
amazoniantoadwileee: I know. I'm leaving this for him to see later. He spent 5 hours fixing my computer. I'm just pranking him21:13
amazoniantoadI'll stop wasting his time now lol21:13
wileeeamazoniantoad, stop it.21:13
wileeeand the channel is affected21:13
amazoniantoadWow. you have a burr up your ass.21:13
wileeemorons galore21:14
devolinuxsalve a tutti21:18
auronandace!it | devolinux21:19
ubottudevolinux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:19
devolinux /join #ubuntu-it21:20
DinosaurioIs it possible to buy an ubuntu phone?21:27
k1lDinosaurio: ask bq or meizu if they sell you one21:28
ledtcHow do i add  applets in 15.04 ?21:39
auronandaceledtc: what do you mean by applet? if you mean a desktop widget then that would depend on the desktop environment you are using21:40
ledtcauronandace: Unity ? 15.04 default21:40
auronandaceledtc: are you looking for a particular applet/widget?21:42
ledtcauronandace: I dont know anymore, sceenlets are just terrible so looking for allternatives, and people are talking about them listing github repos, but i cant find anything on how to use it21:43
auronandaceledtc: i saw this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2106672 but not sure how much help that is21:46
auronandaceledtc: conky is a good tool mention in there21:47
ledtcauronandace: Yeah i got conky but i cant find any good site for conky modules21:48
auronandaceledtc: some disros forums usually have a section dedicated to conky layouts21:48
xxwh1t3w1d0wxxpor que quitas?22:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:02
zotherstupidguycan byzanz be used from tty1?22:02
xxwh1t3w1d0wxxah no worries22:03
cynthiadticwhich package provides samba-tool??22:07
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html22:07
jeroentbtHey, I'm running an ubuntu 14.4.3 server (updated from 10.4) and am having proxy issues. As far as I can tell, no proxy has been set yet curl behaves vastly different with the --noproxy flag. Care to take a look at these few lines? http://ix.io/l8I22:09
daftykinsjeroentbt: DNS issue, so what've you specified for DNS?22:10
jeroentbtdaftykins: an internal nameserver22:11
jeroentbt(as in internal to the network)22:11
jeroentbtBut how would this surface with the --noproxy flag?22:12
The_Woodsmani'm having some trouble with regex in the command line. I want to see if a python file anywhere below the current directory contains a line that imports a module called connections. I thought I could do grep "import*connections" -r * and it would recursively search all files for a line that starts with import and has connections somewhere in it. I know this file exists somewhere but this isn't turning up any results. What's wrong22:12
The_Woodsman with my regex and the use of * ?22:12
daftykinsand is it responding to queries properly?22:13
daftykinsThe_Woodsman: #bash perhaps22:13
TJ-jeroentbt: that output suggests you have a transparent proxy22:13
jeroentbtdaftykins: yep, dns queries work fine22:13
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jeroentbtTJ-: So this is configured on the network level, not on the machine itsself?22:14
The_Woodsmandaftykins: i'll give that a shot22:14
TJ-jeroentbt: yes, a transaparent proxy will intercept all outgoing requests to port 80 and redirect them to a local caching proxy. So that DNS issue would be affecting the proxy, not the client22:15
jeroentbtTJ-: but why then do I see a difference when I ask a local program (curl) not to ise a proxy? Would this transparent proxy not also just do it's normal thing?22:16
jeroentbtThe --noproxy flag just bypasses any locally (on machine) configured proxies, no?22:19
TJ-jeroentbt: the proxy might be happening on the local machine; without being completely familiar with the entire configuration its hard to say. It's just one possible cause. It could be an IPv4/PV6 name lookup issue, but the thing to focus on is *what* is generating the "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">"  response. Check the HTTP headers as well as the body for clues22:19
jeroentbtTJ-: I have a server name in there somewhere, which is the name of our gateway.22:20
TJ-jeroentbt: It could be that curl's "noproxy" option adds a HTTP Header to the Request, and *that* is confusing some a gateway proxy22:21
TJ-jeroentbt: OK, so the gateway is set to proxy HTML requests and is probably mis-configured22:21
TJ-jeroentbt: use tcpdump/wireshark to see the difference in the curl HTTP Request headers for 'noproxy' vs not using that22:22
jeroentbtIt is a windows machine, that gateway :)22:22
jeroentbtTJ-: will do that22:22
jeroentbtTJ-: thanks for the help.22:23
jeroentbtWould there be any other place where proxy is configured on my ubuntu machine besides in an env-var?22:24
jeroentbt(it being a non-gui server)22:24
TJ-jeroentbt: you'd need to look at the curl docs/source-code to see what difference that option makes, in order to determine what host-specific config affects it22:25
jeroentbtbut in general, if one configures a proxy, it is in an env var, right?22:26
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TJ-jeroentbt: that's the usual approach22:29
jeroentbtOk. Thank you very much for your help TJ-.22:30
iubuntu_join #ubuntu-br22:43
cynthiadticOigan quiero ayuda22:49
cynthiadticayuden malditos22:49
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hexafractionHello, are software recommendations on-topic here?22:54
RudeViperIs there anything like jdownloader for ubuntu that runs in cli?23:01
cfeddewhat does jdownloader do?23:02
RudeViperit's a file downloader for places like filhippo - megaupload and places like that?23:02
cfeddebut I would not recommend any of them.23:03
RudeViperThanks cfedde23:04
cfeddes/would not/don't know enough to/23:04
k1lRudeViper: look for pyload23:04
RudeViperI'm kinda looking for something that is cli though - I don't want to have to put a destop on the server if I don't have to23:06
RudeViperbut I guess I could do it with my main computer and then transfer to the server23:06
k1lRudeViper: hence pyload23:06
k1lit got a webinterface. or a client connect (which i did not try so far)23:07
RudeViperk1l - thanks - I will look into that right now....Planning out some server builds before I do them. Thanks23:08
debianlvany keyboard shortcut to rename a file in the GUI?23:08
debianlvThank you @dbkaplun23:09
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hurrehay alguien vivo ?23:19
k1l!es | hurre23:20
ubottuhurre: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:20
hurrehello is anybody alive?23:20
elmacenderesih is it going today?23:21
heapSrT@hurre yeap!^)23:24
hurrefine fine23:24
seriousstormall good how about you @hurre?23:25
hurrewhere are you fro m23:25
hurre ?23:25
k1lhurre: if you got a support question just ask23:25
ratracethis is not twitter.23:25
daftykinsnor chat for that matter :)23:26
hurre sorry23:26
heapSrTis anyone here using DrJava?23:28
daftykinsugh even that one got deleted23:28
seriousstormSorry to bother you guys but do you know what causes logging into Ubuntu one of the dual or triple monitors going black and getting it to display is by going to the display settings and clicking on Apply to get it back on, while the login screen that issue doesn't exist23:31
seriousstormjust only after logging in23:31
daftykinssorry that was quite vague english23:31
seriousstormin Ubuntu, when you power up the PC and the login screen appears. All 3 monitors are displaying Ubuntu's login screen like a 3 monitor PC would do, however after logging into Ubuntu, one of the monitors loses the settings and doesn't display correctly23:33
seriousstormi have to go to Settings-Display and click on Apply to get it to work23:33
daftykinsseriousstorm: graphics card + driver?23:36
seriousstorm01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK104 [GeForce GTX 680] (rev a1)23:39
daftykinsseriousstorm: and driver in use? a pastebin of /var/log/Xorg.0.log would show it23:42
seriousstorm@daftykins http://pastebin.com/7eq0Fjac23:45
lehzmdoes spotify not work on ubuntu?23:46
k1lseriousstorm: its not using the nvidia driver, but the open source one.23:46
k1lseriousstorm: make sure "linux-generic" is installed23:46
seriousstormusing the nvidia one just causes alot of problems23:46
lehzmoh shit it uses a client23:47
k1lseriousstorm: oh ok23:47
DeconI'm really new to Linux.  Coming to the close of a Linux course in college and I'm seriously clueless to be honest.  It's such a dramatic change.23:47
wachugl Decon23:47
DeconThanks!  It has been fun so far, I just wish I could retain easier.  I bought a Raspberry Pi to fiddle with but also to practice some Linux materials.  It seems to help but I don't have much time to play.  I would install it on my main computer but I can't afford downtime if I break anything right now.23:49
daftykinsseriousstorm: problems like what?23:49
seriousstormone out of the 3 working, sometimes Ubuntu gets unexpected error message after logging in23:49
DeconI wouldn't be able to tell you, I tried Linux once in the past on Virtual Box and ended up breaking the internet.23:49
daftykinsDecon: #ubuntu-arm would be useful for a Pi then, this channel is more for conventional hardware23:49
k1lDecon: well, use a live usb then for testing23:50
daftykinsseriousstorm: well that seems highly unlikely to only have one work with the proprietary driver23:50
TJ-ARM is conventional, and it pre-dates x86!!23:50
k1llehzm: spotify got a own development client. try that and report to spotify if it doesnt work23:51
seriousstorm@daftykins my experience with Nvidia + Linux for the last 5 years has been horrific, i don't bother using it and stick with the open source one23:51
DeconRight, daftykins but at this point I'm just trying to learn some and I thought maybe joining these types of channels will help to reinforce commands and give me some common tshoot issues.23:51
TJ-seriousstorm: I use nvidia driver with 3 x GPUs, 6 monitors, 4 X screens. It's always been well behaved23:51
wachushiet.. :D23:51
lehzmk1l: thnx23:52
k1llehzm: http://repository.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify/23:52
daftykinsTJ-: ;) you know what i mean23:52
daftykinswachu: inappropriate language for this channel. try and keep it family friendly please23:53
penosis linux socialism?23:53
wachusure, thanks for attention, im new :)23:53
TJ-penos: it's a monolithic kernel23:53
lehzmk1l: :)23:53
daftykinswachu: got a support question?23:53
k1lpenos: you know the guidelines. dont troll in here. thanks23:54
wachuhmm, is there a option in irssi to filter a messages? i mean, i won't see info's like 'xyz join to #ubuntu'23:54
wachujust only user messages23:54
daftykinslook up hiding joins and parts.23:54
k1lwachu: http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages23:55
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arooniPermissions 0644 for '/home/david/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' are too open. ... i cant clone stuff apparently via git... what permissions should i have?23:58
k1l!rootirc | wachu23:59
ubottuwachu: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.23:59

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