
knometime to go to bed00:01
Unit193bluesabre: You no no see pings?00:17
bluesabreUnit193: haven't scrolled up yet00:44
bluesabreUnit193: re xubuntu-artwork vcs-browser?00:45
Unit193That and a couple things in d/control, GTK → GTK+ (lintian)00:50
Unit193Hrm, well actually I have bzr rights, I can do those after XXX is branched.00:51
bluesabreUnit193: poke01:27
Unit193bluesabre: Hi.01:49
bluesabreUnit193: hi01:50
bluesabreUnit193: where are we with gmb 1.1.15?  Do we need to update any packages or the like, or is it already packaged up somewhere?01:52
bluesabreoh nice01:53
bluesabreso we're just waiting for upload on that one01:53
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bluesabreUnit193: yes, I saw that, how exciting10:57
flocculantexciting enough for cake? or raw batter 11:51
bluesabrecake, yay12:07
bluesabreflocculant, knome, slickymaster: we should probably do a final call for translations, I can do it tonight if you agree12:07
bluesabrein particular, we have a lot of incomplete here12:08
bluesabreand a few, though complete here12:09
bluesabregotta run, bbl12:09
kristianfzrHi all13:57
kristianfzrIm so very new at this.13:58
kristianfzrShould I even write here or somewher else ?13:58
akwxi_daveyou can write here.. it all depends on what your after.. :-)13:59
kristianfzrWell I saw in the xbuntu web site about this place. And I wanted to try it out.13:59
akwxi_davethen welcome friend and enter... :-)14:00
kristianfzrThank you. 14:00
kristianfzrI will see you all later, because im leaving.14:00
kristianfzrThanks for the welcome ! :)14:00
akwxi_daveok.. have a good day14:01
kristianfzru 2 :)14:01
kristianfzrAustralian ?14:02
akwxi_daveEnglish.. UK14:03
akwxi_daveWell Yorkshire to be precise14:04
Unit193No updates on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tumbler/+bug/1168558 either?20:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1168558 in tumbler (Ubuntu) "tumblerd crashed with SIGSEGV in tumbler_thumbnailer_create()" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:44
knomehey ochosi 20:51
flocculantevening knome 20:54
knomehullo flocculant 20:56
flocculanthow's Thursday? 20:57
knomesoon ending20:57
knomein 3 minutes20:57
flocculantgood lord 20:57
flocculantit was 7:30 last time I saw the time ... 20:57
flocculantjust reinstalled - quicker than working out how I'd managed to fubar aptdaemon 20:58
Unit193bluesabre: LP 1473821 - Debian 791548.  Everything good?20:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1473821 in GTK Theme Config "clicking on Revert silently removes the user's .gtkrc-2.0 file" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147382120:59
ubottuDebian bug 791548 in gtk-theme-config "gtk-theme-config: clicking on Revert silently removes the user's .gtkrc-2.0 file" [Critical,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/79154820:59
Unit193flocculant: Still here?21:37
bluesabreevening all21:37
Unit193bluesabre: Backlog in -devel as for now, sound good or want to see if we can push for earlier?21:38
bluesabreUnit193: hm?21:39
bluesabreUnit193: re xubuntu-artwork?  I have no qualms with getting that fixed now.  Particularly since we're a bit slow right now21:49
Unit193Meant in #ubuntu-devel.21:50
Unit193Basically, I'm supposed to poke on stuff and I have no idea about questions asked, just a strange messager that got shot.21:51
bluesabrechecking now21:51
bluesabreok, I see21:53
Unit193Also I linked you to bugs too.21:53
bluesabreUnit193: since we're a few short weeks away at this time, we might consider getting the code in but not targeting w for -core21:53
Unit193Sooo, "community builds" again, or just save it all for next time?21:54
Unit193Also, feel free to join in.21:54
Unit193I'm a minion, you're the TL! :P21:54
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, but you're the minion that knows something about all this ;)21:56
Unit193Hopefully at least, but only the technical side.21:56
bluesabreUnit193: we can also nudge flocculant to see how he feels about trying to do this for w21:56
bluesabrelooks like the list of bugs for me to work on is growing again22:02
bluesabrebusy weekend ahead22:02
bluesabregetting ready to head out to dinner, bbabl22:03
ochosibluesabre: rly? what bugs?22:03
ochosiand hi and bye :)22:03
Unit193bluesabre: FWIW, that one is preventing migration to testing.22:04
bluesabreUnit193: the gtk-theme-config one?22:04
bluesabrewill try to resolve that one quickly... though people are still tweaking their firefox/iceweasel appearance with theme-config?22:05
bluesabreer, with the rc file22:05
bluesabre(time to get a better theme I'd say)22:05
bluesabreochosi: also got a few with catfish in other locales22:06
bluesabremight be time to figure out the polkit upgrade22:06
ochosioh, for updating the cache you mean?22:07
ochosisounds almost like a feature to me though ;)22:07
bluesabrewould also affect mugshot since it uses sudo chfn22:07
bluesabrenot going to be that guy... but gksu was easier22:08
bluesabregotta run, bbl22:08
Unit193gksu is muuuuuuuuuuuch nicer.22:08
ochosihf and ttyl!22:08
ochosinight everyone22:09
Unit193bluesabre: Oh, forgot to mention, Trello crap updated.23:57

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