
claydohwhat happened to libkgeomap for digikam/kipi in wily?00:21
sgclarkno clue00:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1459443 in digikam (Ubuntu) "Reenable gpssync plugin in digikam" [High,Triaged]00:52
claydohbut I can't find why it is gone or if it is coming back00:53
sgclarkumm well http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-bugs/2015-08/msg16295.html00:54
sgclarkseems odd00:55
sgclarkahh indeed it is qt4 only00:56
sgclarkwon't work in wily00:56
claydohahh I suspected it was something like that.00:57
claydohchangelog makes it confusing00:58
lordievaderGood morning.07:58
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
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yossarianuk Hi - does this mean that plasma 5.4.2 will be the default version in 15.10 (i.e no need to add a PPA, etc) -> http://scarlettgatelyclark.com/2015/kubuntu-plasma-5-4-2-ready-testing-come-join-the-fun/10:15
sittersuch was the plan10:16
yossarianuksitter: groovy !10:24
yossarianukbeen running 15.10 for about a month - seems far more stable than kubuntu 15.04 (plasma 5.2.x)10:24
alleeI've installed wily to test 5.4.2: End of wily install a popup appears that asks to reboot.  The button shows not text until I hovered over the button and bg turned blue (starts with fg=bg maybe?)10:43
clivejoallee: what GPU?10:45
alleeclivejo: Mac Air with Intel10:48
clivejocan you try running the installer (DVD, USB etc) in nomodeset ?10:51
soee_allee: yeah iv seen this, teh whole button ws kind of white ?10:51
alleesoee_:  light gray like the the rest of the dialog10:54
soee_i wonder if it is gone  now when ubiquity was updated to match breeze theme10:55
soee_i think sitter ws working on ubiquite styles10:55
howlymowlyhi everyone..   i installed amd fglrx drivers on kubuntu wiley with a radeon 6850   get a black screen after rebooting ..   is this a known bug?10:55
clivejosoee_: http://postimg.org/image/rvk14tdl5/10:57
alleesoee_:  about login delay.  Where with fresh install and 5.4.1:  Login in -> progress bar does to ~ 66%  25 sec delay, then ~80%, then ~90% with ~ 2-3 sec, them plasma desktop shows10:58
alleesoee_:  5.4.2 installing right now ...10:58
soee_clivejo: daily or beta2 ?11:00
clivejoseems to be an issue with Nvidia GPU11:00
alleesoee_: with 5.4.2 progress bar goes to 100% in a few secs.  Then ~ 20 - 23 sec delay before plasma-desktop is shown11:01
clivejoif I run the DVD in nomodeset the graphics are fine11:01
* allee lunch. bbl.11:03
* clivejo goes in search of lunch too11:03
Riddellyossarianuk: if people test it11:38
BluesKajHi all11:46
Riddellhi BluesKaj, able to test plasma 5.4.2 on wily?11:51
BluesKajRiddell:  yup, I'm there11:54
BluesKajno luck with the ppa tho, invalid or it can't be read12:02
BluesKajok , already had it , was commented12:04
Riddellsitter: could we please have jenkins on mobile.kci able to ssh into thrift? bshah is working on the mobile image creation12:29
sitterRiddell: why does it need to get onto thrift? thrift is supposed to die, no?12:29
clivejonow got message bus issues in PIM12:29
bshahsitter: it hosts plasma-mobile's images and its crazy ubuntu-image server12:30
Riddellsitter: I don't know, what's your thinking there?12:30
clivejoDid Plasma 5.4.2 change anything with dbus? 12:30
sitterRiddell, bshah: relocate to taspar?12:31
sitteractually, relocate to s3fs. but for now relocate to taspar12:31
sitterI am not entirely sure why we need a dicated server to host random files12:31
sitterRiddell: what user on thrift12:32
sitterand what key12:32
sitterand what what12:32
clivejowhat where?12:33
Riddellsitter: jenkins@taster to log into ubuntu@thrift using whatever key jenkins can know about12:33
Riddellhola sgclark!12:35
BluesKajafter upgrading from the staging ppa the only difference I've seen so far is the pulseaudio install/upgrade, otherwise systemsettings5  as root still doesn't apply the settings changes so the toolbar fonts on any root opened files, for editing, still aren't large enough to read on my large screen monitor/tv (one of my major peeves so far). This peeve obviously has nothing to do with the staging ppa upgrades13:16
soee_BluesKaj: did you noticed maybe some 'lag' when loading system after sddm screen ?13:17
soee_liek the progress bar stops for ~ 15/20 sec13:17
BluesKajsoee_:  no more than usual , no13:17
BluesKajand I rebooted twice after reseting my audio prefernces to alsa without pulse and gstremaer backend13:19
BluesKajbut soee_ I don't have fast booting pc , still using ancient hdd '13:20
zokiDimovskisoee_: I have that 'lag' on my 2 machines. Just yesterday on my laptop it took about 60sec. On my PC it took about 30sec.13:22
BluesKajgoing to switch to 256Gb SSD next month ..maybe then it will show any boot speed problems 13:23
Riddellsgclark: any plans to upload 5.4.2?13:50
sgclarkhow is the testing going?13:50
Riddellsgclark: good for me, BluesKaj just said same issues but reported no problems, clivejo had an issue in kdepim but I think that's unrelated13:51
Riddellallee installed it and had a problem on logout, dunno if that's continuous or caused by 5.4.213:52
sgclarkmm yeah pim is applications.13:52
mamarleysgclark: I am using it too and I haven't had any new issues. :)13:53
sgclarkAnd I am shocked applications is ok in wily. I am fighting with patches in backports.13:53
Riddellsgclark: I can upload 5.4.2 if you're busy fighting with backports13:54
sgclarkkde4libs lots of fuzz that needs adjustments13:54
sgclarksure Riddell go ahead. If you are satisfied. I have been using 5.4.2 fine as well.13:55
clivejo+1 seems ok to me13:55
BluesKajupgrading from the staging ppa on my laptop atm , will report back in a few mins 13:56
sgclarkRiddell: please refresh my memory on kde-l10n repo does not exist and seems I remember some script or something?14:14
Riddellsgclark: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Packaging/L10nOperatorGuide14:14
Riddelllp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common  has the wily packaging14:14
RiddellBackport branches are kde-l10n-common-${release}-backports 14:14
Riddellso you probably need to make that branch if you're doing backports14:15
alleeRiddell, sgclark: it's on login not logout and 'only' a delay of ~ 20 sec.  Same for 5.4.1 just in an earlier login stage.   With 5.4.1 it often required several alt-ctrl-dels to logout.  That worked with 5.4.2 the few times I tried.   I had not much luck testing 5.4.2 yet as the mac air stopped booting.  Black screen (of death?)  :-(   Still trying to find out what's wrong 14:16
soee_cool stuff https://plus.google.com/+MartinGr%C3%A4%C3%9Flin/posts/WZaDPFpoXSB14:17
alleeos-prober does not find the wily installation of this morning.  Does Mac GPT partitioned disk require a different tool?14:27
sgclarkI have never had a mac sorry14:27
Riddellshadeslayer's a mac head14:53
Riddellhttp://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20151001-wily.html#kubuntu a few things to tidy up there15:19
alleesgclark: I'd to installed wily 2 times. Everytime I logged in to 5.4.2 for the 1st time I got a black screen with a cursor.  Plasmashell was not running.   alt-ctrl-del and 2nd login and plasma-desktop started fine this time.15:53
alleeI've to leave now, but will retry with a freshly created user once more later15:54
sgclarkthat does not sound good15:54
sgclarklet see if there is a bug15:54
sgclarkRiddell: did you upload 5.4.2?15:56
alleesgclark: mhh, created new user with user manager,  quit system-settings,  went into user-manager again and the account create a minute ago is not listed. 16:02
alleeBut when I used the new user to login into plasma, I got no black screen.  plasmashell was started the 1st time.  So can't really reprocude  what happend with 1st user with uid 1000.16:03
alleeuser-manager bug: I've created an unpriv. user.  Logged in as this user and created a 3rd user.  This Worked!  Weird!  User manager only ask for pw.  1st and 2nd user have same pw.  So I'm not sure if in the back, the 1st admin user id was used instead of the current unpriviliged one.  Nevertheless: something is wrong.17:34
alleeapplication luncher bug:  favorites and all other tab but 'leave'  use the old oxygen icons. not the flat breeze icons.17:36
sgclarkwoah, I do not see that at all17:37
sgclarkallee: can you please file a bug report? obviously this need further investigation but I will not be able to get to it today.17:38
sgclarkpretty please :)17:38
sgclarkassign it to me and I will deal with where it needs to go.17:40
sgclarkattach any logs you might find useful17:41
yofelnot too bad..18:07
soee_lordievader: did ou tested already 5.4.2 ?19:33
alleesgclark: oxygen icons in launcher fixed themself. Now almost all icons but e.g. firefox are from breeze. I'm puzzled!!!!!19:34
soee_oh i see that 5.4.2 wasalready pushed to archive19:35
* clivejo nods19:37
clivejoare dbuild logs mostly the same?20:41
yofeldepends on the way dh is invoked and whether DH_VERBOSE is set. In general they're mostly the same as there are fixed build targets that have to be met20:43
clivejoyofel: is there a tool to compare how and why kreports builds onmy local machine, but fails on LP?20:44
yofelnot that I know of.. your best bet usually is to try and replicate the LP environment as close as possible20:44
lordievadersoee_: Haven't really been near a computer today. Is that for Wily?20:53
soee_lordievader: yes. but it is already in Wily so no need for more testing.20:53
lordievaderAh, I see. Oh well, earliest time I could test would be monday anyways.20:54
lordievaderHmm, seems 5.4.2 ain't in Gentoo yet.20:54
alleesgclark: I could not reproduce the user manager bugs.  Frustrating.21:42
alleesgclark: nevertheless 5.4.2 seems to be fine so far.  No real (reproducable) bug found yet.  Great work!21:43

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