
CraZyPhuCkermorning all, can anyone help me out with some ideas why a new install Kubuntu 15.04 would freeze up after starting up completely01:13
CraZyPhuCkeris everyone asleep?01:23
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest29471
Guest29471hello fellas, I'm having a slight issue. I am currently in the live cd (on usb) and installing onto a another usb stick. I switched to another tty and when I switched back, the screen is garbled beyond understanding. Is there a way to clear that or watch the installation another way?02:10
Guest29471If I could somehow track it from another desktop, it wouldn't be so bad. Except it was taking so long that I have no idea if it's done or not :(02:11
Guest29471the kwin shortcut of "shift+alt+f12" doesn't work and any other number of shortcuts don't work, how can I fix this?02:12
Guest29471I think it crashed, damn that was taking forever :/02:19
Guest29471well, I wish me luck, gotta restart, thanks!02:19
ubottuandre__: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».04:56
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ubottuGuest77563: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».04:57
Unit193Guest77563: NO WAREZ HERE.04:57
CoffeeJ_is there a way to read pull out the contacts of my sim card over bluetooth (i dont want send them as vcards) thx06:55
lordievaderGood morning.07:58
ThomasHello there09:06
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howlymowlyhi everyone..  short question:  i downloaded this driver package here: http://de.software.canon-europe.com/products/0011046.asp09:49
howlymowlyand rebooted my computer (I tried this with kubuntu 14.04 and 15.10) but the printer does not show up in the "pick a driver" dialogue10:01
howlymowlyany idea?10:01
yossarianukHi - does this mean that plasma 5.4.2 will be the default version in 15.10 (i.e no need to add a PPA, etc) -> http://scarlettgatelyclark.com/2015/kubuntu-plasma-5-4-2-ready-testing-come-join-the-fun/10:05
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soee_yossarianuk: yes10:41
yossarianuksoee_: cheers !  Really liking 15.10 - iive been advising anyone who wants to try Plasma5 to use 15.10 (seems more stable than 15.04 is/was)10:43
clivejo+1 yossarianuk10:47
clivejoI think wily is a lot more stable :)10:47
mparilloI have been almost exclusively on Wily since Alpha 1. I took a test drive of the just-released Manjaro and found Wily in Beta much more responsive10:56
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BluesKajHi all11:46
wwmvhello, I was woundering, why kdesvn* is not in wily?12:00
BluesKajwwmv:  maybe because it's still in devel12:08
wwmvBluesKaj: do you mean the status on https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdesvn12:28
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svend-evGood morning13:13
BluesKaj'Morning svend-ev13:29
Bomber_I'm looking for help with openvpn on kubuntu14:00
ShalokShalomhi there :)14:03
ShalokShalommy KDE and the default apps are german, like it want it, while the downloaded kdenlive is still in english14:03
ShalokShalomand i cant change in kdenlive itself, only english is available there14:04
=== modern_ is now known as modernbob
anita_raiHello! I'm using Kubuntu 15.04. I was going through Autostart options in System Settings and ticked Auto-login option. I also remember ticking Relogin after quit option. After rebooting system to check the settings, it is no longer showing me the desktop.14:50
anita_raiIt boots, gets past login screen and remains stuck at the page where it loads DE14:51
anita_raiIs there any way to undo above auto-login settings using command line?14:51
menaceis there a possibility to send via command line a desktop notification from one user to another user on the same machine?15:10
yossarianukmenace: libnotify ?15:13
yossarianuki.e -> http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Blogs/Productivity-Sauce/Add-Desktop-Notifications-to-Shell-Scripts-with-notify-send15:13
menacethis does only work, if the script runs in the same user context as the user which works at the machine15:14
yossarianukhmmm for cli there is wall.15:14
menacebut i would like to have other users (persons/functions) being able to send notifications as well15:14
menaceno, desktop notifications :D15:14
menacei know wall.15:14
yossarianukthere used to be a way - by echoing something to /dev/something...15:15
yossarianukI remember having fun on a KDE3 desktop with that on a shared machine.15:15
menaceit is a useful feature.15:16
yossarianukive found a way with kde ....15:17
yossarianukjust tested sending via root and it comes on my screen (not in the usual notification area though - in the middle of the screen.)15:17
yossarianuk# kdialog --title "Long process completed!" --passivepopup "This popup will disappear in 5 seconds" 5 &15:18
menacehrm, i would need the notification, popups are too intrusive ;/ but thanks for the testing15:20
yossarianukmenace: found it15:25
yossarianukmenace: -> https://gist.github.com/jryan0/1febce2c7cc41d354b91#file-notify-send-all-bash15:25
yossarianukthat works15:25
yossarianukand isn't KDE only15:25
yossarianukyou can launch as root15:25
menaceyeah, i did use that, too. but in my *special* case, the "su -l" call takes quite some time, because i get my user/group data from the (in THIS moment not reachable) ldapserver, instead that my ldapcache tries to get it from my cache, he asks the server...15:28
menaceand i hoped, there is some dbus-stuff/internal-daemon stuff, so i do not have to change the user context...15:28
yossarianukwell taking some time still does the job I guess.15:31
yossarianuki'm sure you could echo something also - just cannot remember when (also it may have been stopped as it could be abused)15:32
yossarianukmenace: I have something that will work better15:35
yossarianukecho "hi" > /dev/pts/015:35
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menacewow, that is cool15:41
yossarianukhowever - that 'might' not work if 2 people are logged in at same time i.e you might also have to echo to other /dev/pts/x15:43
yossarianuk(only one way of finding out()15:43
menacebut that is a workaround, if everything else fails. thanks! that's quite cool. :)15:43
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FiretheestleHi guys18:00
KoyyoteHi guys. I just read Kubuntu is about to die, meaning no new versions will appear. Does anybody know if it is true ??18:21
marco-parilloI have been running Wily (to become 15.10) since Alpha-1, and it is already an improvement over 15.04. So even if no further progress is made, 15.10 will a good upgrade.18:24
marco-parilloBTW, I always prefer to back up and do a clean install. I did not mean do-release-upgrade/18:24
KoyyoteOK. Thanks. I was hesitating between waiting 1518:28
KoyyoteSorry... I was hesitating between waiting 15.10 or reverting to standard ubuntu..... So I'll wait for 15.10, and see what happens with 16.04, if any.18:29
marco-parilloAnd my bet is that Plasma 5.4.2 will sneak into Kubuntu 15.1018:32
ed23454greetings, got a problem, when kubuntu 14.04 boots first message I get is file not found (x3), press any key, then it boots up in 10-15 seconds, before it would not boot at all, only kubuntu would with black background come up here is dmesg log https://paste.kde.org/pj7pukrdg18:33
BluesKajmarco-parillo: Riddell called for plasma 5.4.2 testing this morning, already have installed ..it's in the staging ppa18:41
marco-parilloI saw the call. I was sorry to be busy for work. Hence my prediction it will sneak into 15.10.18:44
BluesKajyup, most likely18:45
=== Fobasduxas is now known as ed23454
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FlowRiserHey guys, how can I speed up my Plasma desktop? It is running fairly slow and I presume it is the disk usage20:53
soee_with what you have problems? animations, responsive ?20:54
t0byHi, sorry for the stupid question, but I can't find the answer anywhere20:56
t0byWhich version of Qt does 15.10 come with?20:56
lordievaderFlowRiser: Check vmstat to see if disk usage is the culprit.20:56
soee_t0by: 5.4.220:58
soee_this is what we have at the moment20:58
t0bythat you know of are there any distros that ship with 5.5?20:58
soee_i have no idea20:59
t0bythank you20:59
* t0by sighs20:59
lordievadert0by: You could compile Qt5.5 yourself if you need it that badly.21:00
t0bylordievader, or use the installer :P21:00
FlowRiserlordievader, i get ups and low on the disk usage but It is higher than I recall it being21:00
lordievaderThey have an installer? Neat.21:00
t0bything is, I could use a live image with 5.5 on it for demo purpouses21:00
lordievaderFlowRiser: How high is your io wait?21:01
t0byenglish is hard.21:01
FlowRiserlordievader, 3.8921:02
lordievaderSince when does vmstat show floats?21:03
FlowRiserthis is from iostat21:03
FlowRiserin vmstat it shows as 421:03
FlowRisernice catch though xD21:03
lordievaderMeh, 4% iowait is nothing. It ain't disk access that is slowing you down.21:04
* lordievader is off to bed, have a good night21:05
FlowRiserGood night, lordievader!21:05
airsoftmodelsi am really impressed with 15.10 beta 222:21
clivejoany hiccups?22:21
airsoftmodelsnone.  everything works as expected.  looks better than win 1022:22
clivejohow was the time from power on to desktop?22:22
airsoftmodelsboots quickly, maybe not as fast as mint mate, but acceptable22:23
clivejosome people are seeing a delay while logging in22:24
airsoftmodelsi installed it on an ssd, which helps boot speed.22:24
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emmawhat is the default image editor on kubuntu?23:55
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