
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:20
* cfhowlett toasts lotuspsychje with coffee03:24
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: good morning mate :p03:25
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: ive ordered a bq 4.5 black :p03:26
cfhowlettnice!  I'm waiting for meizu to restock.03:26
lotuspsychjetheir out of devices?03:26
cfhowlettsold out.03:26
lotuspsychjeive read more brands to come also03:27
lotuspsychjebut i couldnt wait :p03:27
lotuspsychjemeizu looks pretty shiny indeed03:27
cfhowlettI seem to recall seeing that.  my dream: blackberry finds out even Android won't restore their brand and sells to canonical03:27
lotuspsychjei see a bright future for ubuntu on devices03:28
cfhowlettwell, an interesting one to be sure.03:28
lotuspsychjeits getting real places in the world03:28
cfhowlettgotta say, it seems like the polishing of the OS has speeded  up considerably03:30
lotuspsychjeyeah and 16.04 about to come03:31
lotuspsychjethrilling times03:31
cfhowlettyep.  I'll vbox the new LTS until release .1 then dist-upgrade03:31
lotuspsychjewhen would first alpha come out you think?03:32
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, there's a development timeline calendar on some wiki ...03:33
lotuspsychjenothing yet on releases03:33
ubot5`Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:33
lordievaderGood morning.07:58
lotuspsychjegood morning EriC^^ and Ben6408:53
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje08:54
lotuspsychje!info actiona08:56
ubot5`Package actiona does not exist in vivid08:56
lotuspsychje!info actiona wily08:56
ubot5`actiona (source: actiona): emulate human activity through a powerful GUI and JavaScript. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.9.0-0ubuntu1 (wily), package size 1706 kB, installed size 5824 kB08:57
lotuspsychjefound latest packages added08:57
Ben64why do people insist on getting windows support in #ubuntu :|08:59
Ben64EriC^^: don't play along with it08:59
EriC^^it seems real easy09:01
lordievaderBen64: But isn't Ubuntu a sort of Windows? We should be able to get Windows support in #ubuntu! :P09:01
Ben64so join ##windows and help him there?09:01
Ben64it has no place in #ubuntu09:01
lotuspsychjei agree with Ben64 thats why we need sperate channels09:01
lotuspsychjeits a windows partioned hd09:01
Ben64the issue is windows won't boot09:01
Ben64doesn't belong in #ubuntu at all09:02
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: wb :p09:06
lotuspsychje!info xpad09:07
ubot5`xpad (source: xpad): sticky note application for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.5.0-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 99 kB, installed size 654 kB09:07
lotuspsychjewb cfhowlett09:07
lotuspsychjethese are nice sticky notes09:07
lotuspsychjei was looking for a decent tomboy alternative09:07
lotuspsychjefor a fresh trusty user i installed09:08
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
lotuspsychjehellow :p11:23
lotuspsychjeplace channel in your favs mate :p11:23
lotuspsychjeioria: do you perhaps know a trick to find latest added packages on ubuntu?11:24
lotuspsychjemaybe with apt-cache search?11:24
lotuspsychjelatest added packages to repos11:24
lotuspsychjeioria: something like this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/newpkg?mode=byage11:25
ioriawell... give me a minute...11:25
iorialotuspsychje, you mean added to repos or added to your own system ?11:27
EriC^^there was a command like apt-cache show dunno if it would help11:28
EriC^^can't remember it though, something like apt-get info <package>11:28
lotuspsychjeto repos11:28
lotuspsychjethe idea is to find new added interesting software11:29
lotuspsychjethe url shows us 7 days, but a whole list would be nice11:29
lotuspsychjenewest date ontop11:30
ioriai see ...11:32
EriC^^lotuspsychje: is there any list that you says when it was added?11:36
EriC^^like /var/lib/dpkg/status doesn't show that, if there's a list that has the added date you could parse it with awk or something11:36
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: im looking for the repo added packages, not own system11:37
EriC^^yeah i know11:37
lotuspsychjethis is the only list i find: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/newpkg?mode=byage11:38
lotuspsychjejust says like 4 days old11:38
EriC^^like /var/lib/dpkg/available11:38
lotuspsychjewow big list11:39
iorialotuspsychje,    : http://ftp.belnet.be/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/n/ for example ... but it's not ordered by date .... maybe a grep of the dates , and order them11:44
EriC^^oh yeah11:44
iorialotuspsychje,   bu there are a lot of them ....11:44
ioriathis is the parent http://ftp.belnet.be/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/11:45
lotuspsychjesoftware center also has recent apps list/more11:46
ioriaa script (with sed) can take the last part of the line, put it  a vector and sort them by date , recursively for ( sig !!) all the sub-repos....11:46
lotuspsychjebut when i start from terminal doesnt show very usefull stuff11:46
ioriasorry... brb11:47
iorialotuspsychje,   try this , make a dir in your home, and  curl -o bydate.html http://ftp.belnet.be/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/ &&  html2text bydate.html > bydate.txt      and then cat bydate.txt11:59
lotuspsychjelets see12:00
iorianow, you enter in 'a' for example ... and do  curl -o bydate.html http://ftp.belnet.be/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/a/ &&  html2text bydate.html > bydate.txt12:02
ioriabut it's not ordered by date...12:03
ioriayou grep with 'sed' the program nme and the date (firt and last part of the line)....12:03
lotuspsychjeyeah and also older packages show aswell12:04
EriC^^curl -o abydate.html http://ftp.belnet.be/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/a/ &&  html2text abydate.html > abydate.txt; grep "\-Sep\-" abydate.txt12:04
ioriayep... something like that...12:04
EriC^^packages that start with the letter a that were added in the last month12:05
lotuspsychjenot bad :p12:05
ioriait will be a pain to write the script, but when it's done ... it's done   :þ12:05
EriC^^you can use for i in {a..z}; do curl -o bydate.html http://ftp.belnet.be/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/$i/ &&  html2text bydate.html >> bydate.txt; grep "\-Sep\-" bydate.txt12:06
EriC^^all packages that have been added in the last month12:06
EriC^^in main12:06
EriC^^if you want to get anal, you go into each subdir to get the exact package names, and check if it's in your available list so you know it's for trusty12:07
ioriamaybe there is a python or php scritp that let you run all the parent webpage and do it for you...12:08
lotuspsychjesoftware-center from terminal shows a dev page to new apps, but i come to adding apps page12:08
lotuspsychjesomething like this12:09
lotuspsychjethere must a list somewhere of all apps/packages no?12:09
lotuspsychjeor maybe software centre database12:10
ioriadon't remember... maybe it depends on the local servers ....12:11
lotuspsychjeor maybe synaptic can sort by date12:12
lotuspsychjeits been a while lemme test that :p12:12
ioriai looked at it... i haven't found nothing.... someone said to filter by 'orgin'12:13
lotuspsychje!info node-raptor12:15
ubot5`node-raptor (source: node-raptor): Node.js bindings for libraptor2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0~0git20130108-1 (vivid), package size 25 kB, installed size 109 kB12:15
ioriabut i agree ... it's weird that there is no list by date packages available12:20
lotuspsychjewould be very usefull to know, when an interesting package gets 'added' to ubuntu repos12:20
lotuspsychjelets say i wanna see if telegram has been added to wily12:21
lotuspsychje!info telegram wily12:21
ubot5`Package telegram does not exist in wily12:21
lotuspsychjethe maintainer can add it tru the dev page12:22
lotuspsychjebut users cant see the list hmm12:22
lotuspsychjeioria, EriC^^ found it tnx to seb from devel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/wily-changes/12:27
iorialotuspsychje,   good find ....12:29
lotuspsychjeand for trusty yayyy12:30
lotuspsychje!info ipmitool12:30
ubot5`ipmitool (source: ipmitool): utility for IPMI control with kernel driver or LAN interface (daemon). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.15-1ubuntu0.1 (vivid), package size 368 kB, installed size 1492 kB12:30
iorialotuspsychje,   this is updated at 12.06 of today (but not wily) http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/?type=dists&vals=trusty12:45
lotuspsychjenice1 ioria12:46
lotuspsychje!info apticron12:50
ubot5`apticron (source: apticron): Simple tool to mail about pending package updates. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.57 (vivid), package size 13 kB, installed size 87 kB12:50
ioriainteresting ....12:51
lotuspsychjewe learning today :p12:51
ioriayou always learning ...12:52
lotuspsychjesupport is so slow today13:30
lotuspsychjeDJones or Tm_T alive?14:27
lotuspsychjephunyguy or popey perhaps14:29
lotuspsychjepopey: i think myblbh22uelove is a bot here14:29
lotuspsychjepopey: started to join after services issues yesterday14:29
lotuspsychjelaterz fellas14:52
Bashing-omIt's Friday; all reved up and no plae to go ? Seems slow here now on IRC .16:53
pauljwhi Bashing-om i'm sure it'll pick up here in few hours.  :)16:54
cfhowlettyeah.  just wait until the kids eat dinner ...16:55
Bashing-ompatience, I am told is a virtue. :)16:55
EriC^^hi pwnstr19:40
TJ-That Guest64566 has been asking weird questions around package management for a few days, and also about Android adb/fastboot. Each time it feels like they're deliberately doing things the 'wrong' way and trying to be difficult.21:31
daftykinsmmm i get that vibe, didn't realise it was a past troublemaker21:35
TJ-I've just gone back through my logs; the IP is pretty static, but that nick has been online for about 4 days continuously21:37
daftykinsa very quirky one!21:38
TJ-The first time I noticed he came in wanting to use apt-cache to get the package lists for every release *ever* and count the number of packages21:40
daftykinsmmm got a new debit card today, glad it didn't come with that contactless tech :)21:40
TJ-don't you like NFC?21:41
daftykinsnope, don't trust that tech at all21:41
daftykinsthis freaware guy is petrified of thinking for him/herself21:42
TJ-Oh, I really enjoy it... for getting my PDA audio to come out of the kitchen radio by just tapping them together :)21:42
daftykinswell that's a totally different context! but carrying my card details able to give them up to someone walking past me in the street? madness21:43
TJ-Yeah, and all due to a broken network config which I originally suggested would be best simply fixing, so an online do-release-upgrade  could be done21:43
daftykinsi don't mean to come across like a tinfoil hat wearer, i've not resisted anything like this before21:43
TJ-daftykins: I know what you mean; some of the tests I've done show being able to activate NFC from several meters21:44
TJ-daftykins: it should have a physical switch to be able to disconnect the antenna21:44
daftykinsthere've been a few tests on US cards and maybe even UK cards that show the £20 limit can often be totally ignored - and that important details can be lifted straight off21:44
daftykinsmmm that'd work, i've heard friends are buying little metal wallets too :)21:45
TJ-yes, faraday cage principle, but just having a big  thumb-sized slide switch in the card , coloured red/green, would do wonders21:46
daftykinsis guest making any sense yet? still seems to just be complicating matters21:53
daftykinsi do get very annoyed with these types of nutjobs21:53
TJ-Me too; they seem to come at things from the opposite direction, as in "this is how I think it sohuld be done, why don't the tools/system do it this way, how do I force it to"21:54
daftykinsand keep blanking us asking what the real task is21:55
TJ-A/whois MonkeyDust21:58
TJ-Grrr... I don't have a userlist in here - is MonkeyDust in this channel?21:58
TJ-OK, no :)21:58
TJ-I was going to point to the last few days log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12641625/21:59
daftykinsi've had to ignore guest, i'll just get more worked up otherwise22:07
TJ-I'm getting the same way22:08
TJ-I get the feeling this is what the media love to call 'on the autism spectrum'22:09
TJ-I'm off to find some tranquiliser22:10
daftykinsgood luck o/22:12
* daftykins shakes his head23:21

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