
Saviqtsdgeos, hey, did the qtmir clang branch build for you with clang? I had to rebase it on top of some refactors and such and it complains about gtest/gmock bits?07:47
tsdgeosyes that doesn't build07:48
tsdgeosit's said on the MR text07:48
tsdgeosSaviq: but it helps me run clazy over src/07:48
Saviqtsdgeos, oh ok07:48
Saviqgreyback, hey, had to resubmit https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/build_with_clang/+merge/273115 if you could please have a look, also https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/gles-sync/+merge/273183 and https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtubuntu/gles-sync/+merge/27318408:37
Saviqgreyback, had to rebuild unity8 this morning after alf's landing, it should soon be good for you to verify mousePointer finally08:37
greybackcool, ta08:38
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greyback_Saviq: you tried silo22? unity8 in reboot loop for me :( Am digging10:00
Saviqgreyback_, all fine here10:10
greyback_Saviq: what device you testing?10:10
Saviqgreyback_, how did you install the silo? dist-upgrade?10:10
Saviqgreyback_, krillin/vivid, mako/wily flo/wily10:10
greyback_Saviq: in the end, yes10:10
greyback_tried flo/vivid here10:11
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Saviqgreyback_, I only upgraded the silo (+ dmz-icon-theme), might be something in wily (or the overlay, if you added it)10:11
Saviqah vivid10:11
Saviqyeah, so in vivid overlay, I didn't dist-upgrade that10:11
Saviqjust the ppa10:11
Saviqwill have a look after ap finishes10:11
greyback_crash is in rendering thread here, so suspect multimonitor10:12
Saviqgreyback_, ah, you got an external screen? not tried yet10:18
greyback_Saviq: no actually10:18
Saviqok then not sure, all three devices behave ok so far10:18
* greyback_ puzzled10:19
mzanettigreyback_, same here, mako, rc-proposed10:52
greyback_weird thing is, on mako, I see it draw ok. But as soon as I try interact with it, crash11:04
greyback_and the crash is in the render thread, as if its gl context is invalidated by something11:05
SaviqI just wonder how is it that my three devices work fine11:06
greyback_maybe I need more cats11:06
Saviqrofl, Ola was asking if we came out cat-crazy... thought she knew...11:09
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1502091 in Canonical System Image "inconsistent and unpredictable scrolling behaviour" [Undecided,New]11:15
Saviqwtf does ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu not show up as a channel in u-d-f query :[11:17
* Saviq needs moar memories, 8GB not enough for two adt-runs in parallel and firefox...11:18
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Saviqgreyback_, mzanetti, three devices with ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/{ubuntu,krillin.en} as appropriate, upgraded no ppa+cursors+citrain, dmz+citrain, ppa alone... all three behave fine here11:30
Saviqmako crash11:30
Saviqok got mako crashing after all11:30
greyback_at least we're consistent11:30
Saviqwhat did I do there11:30
mzanettimako + ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en here11:31
Saviqgreyback_, mzanetti, that's vivid+overlay alone, no ppa11:31
greyback_so far, figured out the gl context mir is giving qt is not what it wants (missing alpha buffer and -1 samples)11:31
greyback_Saviq: really?11:31
Saviqgreyback_, yes11:31
Saviqtrying again, but seems like it11:31
greyback_oh, -1 samples is ok11:32
Saviqyeah and flo, too11:32
Saviqok so someone broke vivid, I'm blaming mir11:33
greyback_reflashing to check11:34
* Saviq too11:34
greyback_does that imply bq is ok?11:34
Saviqkrillin is fine it seems11:34
Saviqmzanetti, channel in theory shouldn't matter, bq-aquaris.en just has a custom tarball I think?11:35
mzanettiSaviq, yes, I agree... however, there have been issues in the past with this... so as you couldn't repro with ubuntu channel I wanted to include the possibility11:35
mzanettiunlikely... but hey11:35
mzanettisomething must've been different between our devices11:35
Saviqmzanetti, my make and flo were wily initially11:36
Saviqmzanetti, but krillin was vivid and was fine, so that's where I got confused11:36
mzanettiok... so we nailed it down to vivid+mako & flo11:36
Saviqdidn't expect to be device specific11:36
Saviqyeah, just confirming now, will upgrade packages one by one11:36
mzanettiok. friday market time now. bbiab11:37
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Saviqtsdgeos, looks like use_24 didn't fly well12:19
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah forgot to merge the fix i made to use_1212:20
tsdgeoswell not merge but push12:20
tsdgeosjust pushed it12:20
Saviqtsdgeos, you should be moving to the airport soon?12:20
tsdgeosthere's no Ubuntu.Components.Themes 1.212:20
tsdgeosjust 0.1 and 1.312:20
tsdgeosyes now-ish12:20
tsdgeosyou get there on monday?12:20
Saviqyes, ~6pm12:20
Saviqbregma, hey, by "Ubuntu packaging branches" you mean lp:ubuntu/ branches? I don't think we've been paying attention to keeping those in sync for a while12:28
dandradergreyback_, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/surviveEmptyTexture/+merge/27322112:29
dandradergreyback_, this was the multimonitor crash I was getting the other day12:30
Saviqgreyback_, mzanetti, ok, so we may resume testing silo 22, making sure to not upgrade uitk12:33
pstolowskimzanetti, hey, can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity8/pkg-version-into-varlib/+merge/272398 ? I managed to find slightly nicer solution to the problem12:46
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mzanettipstolowski, ack... its ok I guess... will do a test run and approve if it works13:22
Saviqmzanetti, greyback_, dednick, we might as well pause testing, there's another unity8 landing happening in parallel https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/44713:24
Saviqso we'll need to rebuild13:24
pstolowskimzanetti, thanks.. btw, it's in silo 3513:32
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a1fai need some help trying to capture the slider bug16:14
a1faonce in a while, launcher will not reveal it self16:14
a1fabug#1 : it requires y-mouse movevement to reveal the launcher16:20
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mhall119Saviq: is there a silo with mouse cursor working?19:04
Saviqmhall119, yeah, 2219:15
Saviqmhall119, please let me know if you try it out, all feedback welcome19:16
mhall119Saviq: what image can I run it against?19:16
Saviqmhall119, either rc-proposed or devel-proposed19:17
mhall119I just tried againsr rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en r127 for mako and it uninstalls unity19:17
mhall119I'm updating to r128 now, will try again19:17
Saviqmhall119, you need to install dmz-cursor-theme19:17
Saviqmhall119, otherwise citrain will remove ubuntu-touch even19:18
Saviqit's a new dependency and citrain can't deal with that19:18
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
mhall119so apt-get install that?19:19
mhall119why can't citrain deal with it? shouldn't that be in the package dependencies?19:21
mhall119Saviq: with dmz-cursor-theme installed, citrain still gives me this:19:26
mhall119The following packages will be REMOVED: sync-monitor sync-monitor-uoa ubuntu-touch19:26
mhall119also some complaining about an lxc-android package19:34
mhall119but it boots!19:34
mhall119and the cursor works!19:36
mhall119now to try HDMI hotplugging :)19:38
Saviqmhall119, that must be unrelated, citrain unfortunately upgrades the whole of overlay, not just the silo19:43
Saviqmhall119, and you won't see anything on external screen yet, it's in the works, should be ready next week19:43
Saviqat least it won't crash straight away ;)19:44
mhall119well it didn't crash straight away, but it didn't display anything either (which it used to do)19:45
mhall119still, something new to play with :)19:46
Saviqmhall119, yeah, that's expected, the silo only has the "no crash" part19:49
Saviqnext is actually using the external monitor, which will be ready next week19:49
mhall119Saviq: awesome, I'll keep coming back and trying the latest and greatest19:50
mhall119great work by everyone involved, btw, I'm super excited about these developments19:51
Saviqmhall119, if you're gonna be running the silo for a while, we'll gladly take feedback, we plan to land it in for OTA7 as it's isolated from phone, so any issues are rather important20:07
mhall119Saviq: I have a spare Nexus 4 for testing/demos, so I'll keep it up to date on that silo20:08
pmcgowanSaviq, are there instructions for loading up a nexus 4 somewhere?20:08
Saviqmhall119, just get silo 22, but there's no fireworks there yet, those are coming next week20:09
Saviqpmcgowan, I meant ↑20:09
pmcgowanSaviq, what did you say about installing some other dep20:09
Saviqpmcgowan, right, that, just apt install dmz-cursor-theme20:09
Saviqpmcgowan, all in all, because citrain will dist-upgrade the whole overlay20:09
pmcgowanok and what else :)20:09
Saviqpmcgowan, it's best to just go: `apt install unity8 qtmir-android qtubuntu-android`20:10
Saviqphablet-config writable-image -r xxxx --ppa ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-02220:10
mhall119Saviq: I didin't do that ^^20:10
Saviqcan be used to add the ppa20:10
mhall119do I need to?20:10
Saviqmhall119, no, because you dist-upgraded20:10
mhall119Saviq: btw, I posted a video of it: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MichaelHall119/posts/MxHNiDXzS1a20:11
mhall119good stuff20:11
Saviqmhall119, the issues you reported though (re sync) might be interesting to renato20:11
pmcgowanoo I learned something20:11
Saviqbut that might just be another new dep from buteo&friends20:11
mhall119Saviq: which issue, the lxc-android package?20:12
pmcgowanbuteo replaced syncevo earlier today20:12
Saviqmhall119, sync-monitor rather20:12
mhall119oh, that one, yeah20:12
Saviqmhall119, lxc-android can't be apt-upgraded20:12
Saviqso issues upgrading that one are expected20:13
Saviqbut yeah, I expect your other issues stem from the fact that through buteo there were new deps needed from archive and citrain tool does not allow that20:14
Saviqand doesn't deal well with that20:15
* Saviq hopes he can finally sync contacts and calendar from his owncloud20:15
Saviqsad that syncevolution didn't work out, but the project seems to be too complex for its own good20:15
Saviqltinkl, hey, why the = / => change for application api in the crash reports branch?20:20
mhall119syncevolution is incredibly complex20:22
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