
TJ-k1l: I've been waiting for someone to try and exploit that but not even seen an attempt00:00
Deconexploit what?00:00
Deconhim in here logged in as a root user?00:00
TJ-"IRC as root"00:00
daftykinsit's still pretty daft :>00:00
TJ-daftykins: why?00:00
k1lTJ-: its more one part of a bigger picture. one that runs irc as root will run everything else as root too.00:00
DeconI dont know much about Linux but I'll try to remember that00:01
TJ-k1l: I run as root; but there's 0 chance of compromising it00:01
daftykinsi don't think this is the channel for that topic00:01
lehzmk1l: hey thanks bro. got it running00:01
Wachuwell.. i just begin with tmux, sory :D00:05
daftykinsyou can experiment over in #test00:05
Wachui'll remember :)00:05
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zykotick9daftykins k1l sidenote, for irssi there is an ubottu !quietirssi factoid with the directions for join/parts00:11
hanasakihow can the font resolution on the console ex VT1  be set at boot up in grub?  from the command line while booted?00:13
EriC^^hanasaki: check here http://askubuntu.com/questions/173220/how-do-i-change-the-font-or-the-font-size-in-the-tty-console00:15
hanasakiEriC^^:  thanks. tried that.   is still very small... it's a laptop with 4k monitor00:16
daftykinszykotick9: i'll never remember that.00:16
EriC^^hanasaki: maybe change the resolution in tty only?00:17
zykotick9hanasaki: fbset is pretty simple (but doesn't affect grub/boot) is more "user space"00:18
hanasakigrub used to take vga  = ....00:18
zykotick9hanasaki: vga= is deprecated (but often still works), there is a "new" method but don't remember the specifics off hand.00:19
elephant_can you tell me please why i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/12635570/ when i run this command " dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf -pf /var/run/dhcpd.pid at0"00:20
elephant_by the way the tutorial i am following is old and uses dhcp3 , so can you please give me the equivelent command for the updated dhcp server in ubuntu ?00:22
elephant_should i change these  -pf and -cf options  ??00:24
daftykinsthey are your configuration file location and your PID file location00:24
daftykinsso if they're wrong, yes... if they're correct, no, they don't need changing00:25
daftykinselephant_: you're getting an error because you're trying to feed it a config file which doesn't exist00:25
elephant_daftykins : i wrote the config file00:26
daftykinsbut it's not there....00:26
daftykinsread line 1700:26
daftykinsit couldn't be any clearer :)00:26
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samonlaststrawThis is the 3rd time today that 15.04 froze up on me.00:36
daftykinstime for a memtest and disk health check00:38
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samonlaststrawdaftykins, I highly doubt its any of that, I think its the ati drivers.00:39
k1lsee the logs00:39
samonlaststrawdaftykins, my why ? Simple, everything else freezes except mouse and keyboard.00:39
samonlaststrawk1l, I'm checking them but, I don't know which one to look at.00:39
samonlaststrawk1l, I saw 2 of the logs referencing my ati drivers.00:40
k1lstart with dmesg. keep in mind after a reboot the get rotated00:40
samonlaststrawk1l, also the freezes seems to occur with chromium.00:40
TJ-samonlaststraw: do you have a 2nd PC you can SSH into it from? If so, have an ssh session connected and next time it freezes see if you can still use the SSH session to analyse the issue00:40
samonlaststrawTJ-, ah, I do00:40
samonlaststrawTJ-, thanks !00:41
TJ-samonlaststraw: when I get GUI lock-ups that's the first thing I do00:41
TJ-samonlaststraw: At worst, usually restarting the display manager will sort it00:41
samonlaststrawTJ-, any recommendations on where I should check first in the logs ?00:41
samonlaststrawagain I have a hunch its the prop drivers.00:42
TJ-samonlaststraw: $HOME/.xsession-errors, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /var/log/kern.log, /var/log/syslog in approximately that order00:42
TJ-samonlaststraw: if its 15.04 you may need to use "sudo journalctl" instead though (systemd-journald does logging)00:42
daftykinsAMD, not ATi :)00:43
samonlaststrawwell... old memories don't die.00:44
penosis journalctl curses?00:44
penosor just text?00:45
samonlaststrawTJ-, <TJ-> samonlaststraw: if its 15.04 you may need to use "sudo journalctl" instead though (systemd-journald does logging)00:45
samonlaststrawTJ-, what does that do ?00:45
TJ-samonlaststraw: access to the journald binary logs00:46
samonlaststrawI have no idea...00:46
samonlaststrawman page'd it and still lost at the terms.00:46
samonlaststrawjournalctl may be used to query the contents of the systemd(1) journal as written by00:46
samonlaststraw       systemd-journald.service(8).00:46
Bashing-omsamonlaststraw: IF you are on 15.04 release : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/systemd-essentials-working-with-services-units-and-the-journal00:47
samonlaststrawI'll just wait for the problem to happen again. I'll ssh into it and copy what I can then, revert to open drivers.00:47
penoswhy is it binary?00:48
TJ-samonlaststraw: I've not run 15.04, but on 15.10 journald feeds its logs to rsylogd which was the only system log daemon on 14.04. From some support I've done for 15.04 users it seems the systemd/rsyslogd integration wasn't so good in 15.0400:48
samonlaststrawyeah... I totally don't know what your talking about so I'll just keep typing.00:50
DeconI don't know anything that oanyone is tlaking about00:50
DeconI am a noobie and I don't knwo anything00:50
daftykinsDecon: take your chat to #ubuntu-offtopic then :)00:50
samonlaststrawTJ-, ignorance has never been so real with me when it comes to "logs" or "systemd"00:50
OneM_IndustriesHey, how would I check if my graphics card drivers are up to date?00:51
DeconI'd like to learn stuff dafty :(00:51
samonlaststrawhowever TJ- I did copy and paste your help on what to check.00:51
daftykinsOneM_Industries: identify the hardware you use, the driver... then share with us00:51
daftykinsDecon: ok well do so silently00:51
daftykinsuntil such time as you have a support question :)00:51
OneM_IndustriesOk, it is a GeForce GT 640.00:51
daftykinspretty old, you won't have much to do there - just use what works.00:52
DeconOh, this channel forbids people being social?00:52
daftykinsDecon: correct, support only - #ubuntu-offtopic for chat00:52
DeconOk, thanks00:52
k1lDecon: stop making a drama. we try to keep this channel clear for support since its disturbing for beginners focusing on their issue. #ubuntu-offtopic is the channel where you can do social chat00:53
penosis ubumtu slack based?00:53
penosYOU LIE00:54
DeconK1l: I was merely asking a question.  I didn't know.  I do now.  You can keep your snide remarks to yourself.  k?thx!00:54
samonlaststrawTJ-, I'm attempting to emulate the freezing by playing a 4k video00:54
TJ-samonlaststraw: The system logs have 'traditionally' always been unstructured text files, generated by individual processes or sent to a central logging process (syslog) that then splits the messages out into log files under /var/log/.  With Ubuntu 15.04 the Systemd init system took over (from Upstart), and it has its own logging process 'journald' that writes structured to binary log database files instead.00:56
TJ-It  can also pipe (as text) those log messages to the 'traditional' syslog process, so 15.04+ have 'hybrid' logging going on.00:56
TJ-samonlaststraw: thus, we have to sometimes check in 2 places to be sure of seeing all relevant log entries00:57
OneM_IndustriesHey, say I set the driver to something that did not work with my card. How would I fix that?00:57
arooniwhen trying to clone a repo over ssh... its asking me for my ssh key passphrase... but i've set up a key with no passphrase, so what gives?00:58
k1lOneM_Industries: remove that package from tty1 or recovery00:58
OneM_IndustriesAny guides on how to do so?00:58
k1lOneM_Industries: how did you isntall that driver?00:59
daftykinsOneM_Industries: you'd uninstall what you'd just installed :D00:59
OneM_IndustriesWell, here goes.01:00
daftykinsOneM_Industries: honestly, you're wasting your time trying to put a newer one on for that old card.01:00
samonlaststrawTJ-, now your speaking my language.01:00
OneM_IndustriesTurns out there was one.01:01
daftykinsdoesn't mean it was worth bothering :)01:01
daftykinsit doesn't seem to be worth even saying anything today, they go ahead anyway...01:02
TJ-I wonder if these snappy packages will make video-driver roll-back painless?01:02
wileeebest   best............gotta have the best01:02
hanasakiwhat would make a wifi connection not accept any incoming connections?  it connects out ok01:21
penoshana reboot modem01:23
bibi_can someone tell me what this command will do './dir -s file.name &'01:24
ablest1980in ubuntu bibi?01:25
ablest1980is this the answer http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000846.htm01:26
bibi_I don't see any commands like this on that link01:27
bibi_thank you though01:28
ablest1980try that01:30
bibi_I'm going there now01:31
bibi_I believe the command line is trying to open a file in a directory01:33
bibi_thats what I believe it is trying to do01:33
bibi_but when I create an example directory, it does not work01:33
ablest1980dont go to that one01:37
ablest1980hope that helps01:40
bibi_I tried it, still no go01:40
bibi_here is something I found01:41
ablest1980try without thw .01:43
TJ-bibi_: 'dir' is "/bin/dir" (see "man dir"). there should be no "./" prefix. Use "dir -s file.name"01:44
ablest1980ty tj01:45
TJ-bibi_: Having the './' prefix means "run the executable program 'dir' that is in the current directory ('./')01:45
TJ-bibi_: and as it is unlikely you have 'dir' in the current directory, I think the instruction you were reading/following was incorrect or specialised from someone who had built and installed the command manually01:46
bibi_TJ-:  thank you, but what if I'm in /bin/ and I want to open a file that in 'dir'01:47
TJ-bibi_: when in doubt over a command, usually there is a manual page for it so try "man <command-name>" as in this case "man dir". You can discover which binary will be executed using "which <command-name>" e.g. "which dir"01:47
maw_is it possible for ubuntu to share wifi with other devices using the same interface like windows 7 does ??01:48
TJ-bibi_: the current directory should not affect execution of a command. You could do e.g. "dir -s /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2" from any directory01:50
bibi_TJ-: what does the -s do?01:50
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TJ-bibi_: read "man dir" and it'll tell you01:52
bibi_but I am not trying to perform a dir01:52
TJ-bibi_: you asked "can someone tell me what this command will do './dir -s file.name &'" --- I told you01:53
bibi_TJ-: sorry about that, I asked the question incorrectly.  I did not know there was a dir command01:54
TJ-maw_: Yes; Network Manager can configure an interface for routing/NAT (called 'sharing' )01:54
TJ-bibi_: oh! :D01:54
bibi_TJ-: that explains the confusion.  Let me ask it another way01:54
maw_<TJ->  how to set it up ? so i can create a new hotspot for my phone ?01:56
k1lmaw_: is that pc on lan?01:57
bibi_I have a directory structure /etc/files/  inside files I have a directory structure called /bank and in bank, I have a file call test.file.  If I am in the files directory and type in the following command, , what will "./bank -s test.file &" do??01:57
maw_<k1l> am in a hotel with my laptop connected to wifi and i wan to share it with my phone which doesnt support the wpa201:58
k1lmaw_: i dont think you can share a wifi while using that wifi01:58
maw_k1l : i used to do it with win 7 can't ubuntu do it as well ?01:59
TJ-bibi_: give an error. you are telling the shell there is a command to execute called 'bank' in the current directory './', but no such command exists - 'bank' is a directory name01:59
Rextermaw_ that's right, you'd need two wireless adapters, even with Windows 7. You are mistaken02:00
bibi_TJ-:  that is exactly what I was looking for, an explanation.02:00
k1lmaw_: depending on the phone you could do usb tether. at least that is very easy with unlocked androids or cyanogenmod running.02:01
bibi_TJ-:what does the -s mean in this case?02:01
Rexterkl1, i think that is going the wrong way.02:01
k1lbibi_: where did you get the command from?02:01
maw_<k1l : tell me does this method solve  what i need http://askubuntu.com/questions/318973/how-do-i-create-a-wifi-hotspot-sharing-wireless-internet-connection-single-adap02:02
k1lbibi_: all in that context you give us that commands its just not working02:02
Rexterk1l, He wants to get the phone on WiFi, can you get the phone to see the computer as a USB wireless device.02:02
hypermistthe moment you plug an hdd that had ubuntu on it oiringally so now your pc isnt detecting it02:02
TJ-bibi_: it is irrevelant and would be ignored. *if* bank were a legitimate executable then '-s test.file' would be 2 parameters (arguments) passed to the executable. The final '&' tells the shell to run the executable as a background process and disconnect from the terminal. That means you could continue entering commands whilst the executable continued in the background.02:03
bibi_<k1l>: thats what I was afraid of02:03
maw_Rexter : i used to do it with Connectify02:03
bibi_TJ-: thank you for the explanation.  In my case, that makes total sense02:04
bibi_TJ-:  I'm taking this software course and I was trying to execute sometime I have not completed yet.  So of course this error would occur02:05
Rextermaw_, "an Atheros driver that is already build with nl80211 support" wow, pretty specific, but I didn't even know this was possible. Looks like you found the right page. I stand corrected.02:05
TJ-maw_: being able to operate a Wifi device in Managed (AP) mode and as a Station (client) at the same time usually requires alternative firmware. With that provisio, it is possible with hostapd and virtual interfaces02:05
bibi_<TJ->something not sometime02:05
k1lmaw_: well, seems like for some cards that is possible. then try it02:06
maw_I'll try now and tell you , thanks02:06
gefdecueovernight should i power off my ubuntu or hibernate it ?02:18
cheapiegefdecue: I'd personally power off. (same for Debian)02:20
wileeeeither works, use what is best for you02:20
cheapie...and by "personally", I mean "if I had to". I haven't done that in a long time...02:21
gefdecuewont hibernation give additional usage to the machine ?02:22
wileeeno sleep does in a small way02:22
cheapieTo your hard drive or SSD, yes, but not really that much.02:22
maw_does wpa_supplicant only support WPA , because my current wireless network has wpa 2 ?? i am trying to configure wpa_supplicant.conf02:23
cheapieIf I was to have my box hibernate right now, It'd only be writing 3 GB.02:23
gefdecuethen ill start to hibernate my laptop. my whole life i was powring off the computer at night02:24
gefdecuebut it seems i have an nvidia issue and at times it fails to boot up, and i need to reconfigure the nvidia driver in safe mode.02:25
cheapieI don' have much experience with NVidia drivers, but I bet someone else here could probably help you with that.02:26
gefdecuecheapie: i think it give me problem when i fail to close all apps before halting02:28
cheapieI've only ever played/struggled with the AMD side of things.02:29
cheapieHeck, I don't think I've ever *owned* an Nvidia card.02:29
ChrisK_I have installed Ubuntu and I am hoping someone can answer a ( hopefully ) easy question.02:30
cheapieChrisK_: And the question is...?02:30
ChrisK_I installed Ubuntu 8.04  and now I need to install a package but sudo apt-get does not work because 8.04 has reached EOL. How do I manually install the file that I need?02:32
ChrisK_newer versions of Ubuntu do not work with my hardware ( it is an old Apple PPC machine ).02:32
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:32
daftykinsshould find relevant info there02:33
daftykinsessentially you need to use the mirror of old-releases.ubuntu.com i think it is02:33
rttjseems like he can't upgrade02:33
cheapieChrisK_: Specifically the "Update sources.list" section.02:33
daftykinsbear in mind i think it's totally wrong that you're even using an EOL release, so i hope you have good reason02:33
daftykinsrttj: yeah we understand.02:33
cheapieBasically change archive.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com, then run sudo apt-get update.02:34
ChrisK_daftykins: yes, it sucks that I am stuck on an old version. I really wish that newer versions would work with an old apple with an nvidia card, but sadly they do not. There are many of us in this boat. Its because it is ppc instead of 32 or 64.02:35
ChrisK_cheapie, I will look at that section thanks.02:36
cheapieYou might want to try a distro that dose support your hardware.02:36
daftykinsi doubt there are many :)02:36
cheapieI know, Debian, for one, does.02:36
rttjwhat about ubuntu MATE?02:36
daftykinsPPC instead of x86, it doesn't substitute 32 or 64-bit-ness :)02:36
daftykinsthere are PPC builds still though...02:37
cheapieDebian has PPC64 too, FWIW.02:37
ChrisK_I have burned... 22 dvd's to install and try over the last week, ubuntu 8.04 sees all my hardware, video card, airport card, sound card, etc. And its faster than fedora, deb, or mint ( on my system )02:37
rttjlook into ubuntu MATE.. it worked on my powerbook g4 (ppc, 867mhz)02:38
ChrisK_I am going to go read about "update sources" thanks for the help guys.02:38
cheapieHeh, well, you can stick with it if you want... just if it blows up, It's Not Our Fault(TM).02:38
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RagterHello. How do i write to a mounted drive. I'm unable to create folders or write to it.03:00
somsipinfo blt03:06
somsip!info blt03:06
ubottublt (source: blt): graphics extension library for Tcl/Tk - run-time. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.3+dfsg-1 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 45 kB03:06
daftykinsRagter: likely you've got ownership issues03:09
pybokehi am getting an error trying to install a package for the R programming language but I think it is a linux/ubuntu issue03:31
pybokeh"unable to load shared object '/home/pybokeh/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/png/libs/png.so'"03:32
pybokeh"libpng16.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"03:32
pybokehi did sudo apt-get install libpng-dev beforehand03:32
lotuspsychjepybokeh: wich program are you installing03:32
pybokehi am trying to install an R package called "png"03:33
cfhowlett!info png03:33
ubottuPackage png does not exist in vivid03:33
pybokehim using xubuntu 14.0403:33
cfhowlett!info png trusty03:34
lotuspsychjepybokeh: from repos or ppa or manual?03:34
ubottuPackage png does not exist in trusty03:34
pybokehim trying to install it from within R03:34
pybokehi don't know specifically how R installs png03:35
lotuspsychjepybokeh: to install things, you need package names03:35
pybokehwithin R, i issue this command: install.packages("png")03:35
pybokehso the package name as far as R knows is called "png"03:35
lotuspsychjepybokeh: lets start from the beginning, whats that R package name to install?03:36
lotuspsychjepybokeh: no thats the package you need in R, but how did you install R03:36
pybokehsudo apt-get install r-base03:37
lotuspsychje!info r-base03:37
ubottur-base (source: r-base): GNU R statistical computation and graphics system. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-2 (vivid), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB03:37
syntroPiwhats the IPv6 equivalent to IPv4 ""?03:37
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lotuspsychjepybokeh: ok from terminal: apt-cache search r-base03:38
lotuspsychjepybokeh: few r-base needed packages will show, not sure wich one holds png03:38
pybokehlotuspsychje: i don't know either03:40
maw_Hi there am trying to reconfigure  "hostapd.conf"file  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12636373/   but I am connected to a WEP access point now so i need a Wep exemple any idea how to configure it ?03:42
lotuspsychjepybokeh: try r-base-core maybe03:42
pybokehahhh damn, i found out what the problem is, i was in a virtual environment which prevented the system os to find the png dev tools03:42
pybokehdamn it03:43
lotuspsychje!yay | pybokeh03:43
ubottupybokeh: Glad you made it! :-)03:43
pybokehoh man, what a stupid mistake03:43
lotuspsychjepybokeh: we all here to learn , no sweat03:43
cfhowlettpybokeh, please.  that doesn't begin to compare to some of my brain-farts03:44
lotuspsychjesyntroPi: maybe the ##networking guys can help?03:44
pybokehhaha im sure03:44
maw_any idea guys ?03:46
lotuspsychje!patience | maw_03:50
ubottumaw_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:50
maw_ am trying to reconfigure  "hostapd.conf"file  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12636373/   but I am connected to a WEP access point now so i need a Wep exemple any idea how to configure it ?03:50
maw_Does anyone know what is the modification of hostapd with WEP encryption network ??03:57
daftykinsstop repeating yourself03:58
cfhowlettmaw_, stop it.  ##networking03:58
daftykinsnobody uses WEP in 2015 :P03:58
cfhowlettthat too ... ^^^03:58
maw_but first does hostapd support WEP ?04:01
daftykinsnobody is replying because nobody knows, so please go and ask in ##networking and stop hassling us with repeats04:02
cfhowlettmaw_, you are asking networking questions.  see the experts ##networking04:02
maw_ok thanks04:02
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ubuntu-matehi guys04:16
ubuntu-mateanyone online?04:16
daftykinsso much patience exhibited today :)04:19
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telboonjust a general linux question: is there a way to change process priority directly instead of changing the nice?04:42
neckutter1When I try to run my program it says ' error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5'. How can I fix this? I have scoured the net for a few days and have not found a solution that works. I am running 14.04.3 LTS Server i386. Thanks..04:45
rypervencheneckutter1: What program is this?04:46
Guest64566telboon you need to look into man setpriority04:49
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daftykinsneckutter1: scoured for days? you're clearly a liar04:50
daftykins sudo apt-get install libstdc++504:50
Guest64566it is part of glibc and is included in sys/time.h , sys/resource.h04:50
neckutter1clearly a liar?04:51
neckutter1suck it bitch.04:52
Guest64566if you objdump -T /usr/bin/nice | grep "set"  or "get" you can kind of see which library functions this nice binary uses which is my process of figuring out and then i did a man on those and came up luck... if no luck with the man page i would have just googled for how to uses this function04:52
rypervencheWell then, I guess he didn't want help after all.04:54
Guest64566that is setpriority would be what you want if you where doing it programatically  if you are doing it from command line then just uses nice other then that i don't know which other way you would be doing it there is probably a bunch of gui front ends for nice or at least one can create them fairly quickly04:56
Guest64566also renice maybe what you want if the process is still running though both nice and renice rely on set/get priority04:58
Biosphere_50how can I change my default $TERM so it sticks after logout05:15
Kartagisgood morning05:23
ignacioidk if this question goes here. but I you have a pdf document with "Ubuntu" font05:23
xStarkGood morning05:23
ignacioin another os like Windows, you will be able to see it correctly?05:23
KartagisI'm on kernel 4.x. why is software updates trying to send me 3.16.x headers and stuff?05:24
tamarosignacio: I don't know for certain but PDF is an image format so once you generate the pdf file it shouldn't matter what OS you view on.05:26
ignaciotamaros, oh, nice. Thank you05:26
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hypermistI wish this hDD Would show up. but it didn't in my main pc05:29
hypermistWhich isnt good cause i need it to show05:29
wileeeKartagis, you will get updates to the kernel set your in, even if you've added a later kernel05:29
Kartagiswileee: uname -a output Linux ris 4.1.0-040100-generic that says I'm not on 3.16, right?05:31
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wileeeKartagis, 4.1 is not from ubuntu05:32
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wileeeit's in the overall kernel release, not a part of even 15.10 I believe05:32
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wileeeKartagis, This a module by another, on the web...etc?05:36
Kartagiswileee: I think I got them directly from kernel.org05:37
wileeeKartagis, That makes sense I have tried them out at times.05:37
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FremanI'm trying to build a package05:39
Fremanand have succeeded05:39
FremanI've built it for 14.04 and 15.0405:39
wileeeKartagis, 3.16 must be vivid or utopic, if you're in a support release you could do the HWE upgrade, you may be awrae of this already though05:40
Fremanbut after putting 14.04 on my reprepro install I can't add 15.0405:40
Fremancos it says the file names are the same :(05:40
Fremanhow do i dpkg-buildpackage and change the 0ubuntu1 tag05:40
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gefdecuesleep would use the hdd at all06:09
dipkushDoes anybody know when Django Reactjs Dev Sprint will start ??06:14
dipkushsorry wrong channel06:15
xStarkI need to get a flash player for linux06:16
xStarkI use Ubuntu 14.406:16
xStarkWhich one should I select06:17
lotuspsychje_xStark: adobe flash is dying for linux, use html5 instead06:20
lotuspsychje_xStark: or use chromium with pepperflash06:20
xStarkhtml 5?06:20
lotuspsychje_xStark: youtube provides html5 videos automaticly if available06:21
xStarkchromium with pepperflash06:21
lotuspsychje_!info chromium-browser | xStark06:21
ubottuxStark: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 45.0.2454.85-0ubuntu0. (vivid), package size 53679 kB, installed size 197918 kB06:21
xStarklotuspsychje_: Any way to get Unity Web player for Ubuntu?06:25
lotuspsychje_xStark: never heard of that06:25
xStarklotuspsychje_: It's a player to view 3D content. Especially for gaming lol06:26
lotuspsychje_!find unity player06:27
ubottuplayer is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed06:27
Guest45743use some js to fix your problem Xstark06:29
xStarkI don't know javascripting. I barely know basic Java lol06:30
poutineJava and javascript have nothing in common except that they're both programming languages06:30
Guest45743there are different06:30
Guest45743one for web, one for system06:31
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.06:31
xStarkUh yeah, I'm totally blank about programming06:32
xStarknever found a good website...06:34
xStarkto learn programming06:34
Guest45743look for some js to fix your problems. maybe you can give what you want06:34
Guest45743js is a simple and clear language06:36
xStarkGuest45743: I've never given it any serious thought, no.06:39
Guest45743i didn't mean it06:40
Guest45743i think you can learn it quickly06:41
Guest45743and your problem can fix06:41
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XabsterAgain, decided to give Ubuntu a try after a reddit thread some days ago where people avidly explained that you didn't need commandline instructions or text editors to make stuff work06:50
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XabsterIs there a reason that I need a text editor to upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04?06:51
Ben64Xabster: you don't07:00
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DJonesXabster: You have to remember that you can't directly upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04, you would need to upgrade to 14.10 first, then 15.04, but as 14.10 is no longer supported, I think you'd have to manualy edit the repositories to point to the old releases upgrades which is why you would probably need a text editor07:02
XabsterOkay, I see07:03
XabsterHow would I install java jdk 8 on ubuntu 14.04?07:03
Ben64Xabster: oracle java?07:05
erkburglesi installed a .bin file using sudo chmod +x SPSS_Statistics_22_Lx.bin then ./SPSS_Statistics_22_Lx.bin, where is the application now, how do I run it?07:05
Ben64erkburgles: no idea, contact the developer07:05
Xabsterdoesn't matter07:05
erkburglesthe developer knows where my computer installed the application?07:06
Ben64erkburgles: yep07:07
erkburglesexplain that07:07
Ben64Xabster: you could either find a ppa for openjdk 8, or compile/install manually, or go to oracle.com and follow the instructions there07:07
Ben64erkburgles: you ran an installer they made07:07
XabsterYeah that's what I assumed, Ben6407:08
erkburglesis there anyone else in here besides Ben6407:08
XabsterI just wanted to have it confirmed again that those people saying things are easy, that you can do it with mouse clicks, or any such nonsense are still completely wrong07:08
Ben64erkburgles: its not an ubuntu package, nobody here can tell where it installed07:08
narayanplease help i can't connect  to internet my internal wifi card is  not recognaized by ubuntu ?07:08
Ben64erkburgles: a .bin file can literally be anything, theres no way of knowing07:08
erkburglesyou can tell me how ubuntu installs .bin files07:09
erkburgleshow theyre turned into executables07:09
Ben64no i can't. like i said, a bin file can be anything07:09
erkburgleswhat does that matter? How do you execute a .bin file07:10
Ben64you already executed it07:10
erkburglesmaybe you can decipher this advice from the developer: "Select a destination that you have write access or run it with sudo. 8. Open install location, go to bin folder and run STATISTICS"07:11
erkburglesor help me07:11
erkburglesdecipher that07:11
DJonesXabster: Normally, it is easy and done by mouse clicks, thr problem you've got is wanting to upgrade across to Ubuntu releases, rather than from one to the next.  Ubuntu has two types of release, Long term support releases which are produced every 2 years and is supported with updates for 5 years, there's also short term releases which are released at 6 monthly intervals but are only supported with updates for 9 months07:12
erkburglesthat's what they're telling me to do after running ./thefile07:12
Ben64erkburgles: it might be in the current directory, it might be in ./bin/ or it could have deleted everything in your home directory07:12
erkburglesim looking at the current directory, there is a .bin file, but its not an application or there is no application07:13
erkburglesobviously didnt delete everything in my home directory07:14
DJonesXabster: 14.04 was a long term release so it has updates and is available for 5 years, but 14.10, 15.04 are only the shorter life span.  14.10 stopped being supported around June 2015 and when that happens, the repositories for applications & programs gets transferred from the main repository to an archived repository, which means you can't directly upgrade from 14.04 to 14.1007:14
poutineerkburgles, what you said made perfect sense07:14
poutinefrom the developer07:14
erkburgleswhat does it mean, im not understanding that last part07:15
erkburglesSelect a destination that you have write access or run it with sudo. 8. Open install location, go to bin folder and run STATISTICS07:15
poutinewhat file are you looking at07:15
poutinewhat is it called07:15
poutinethe binary file07:15
DJonesXabster: As you've got 14.04 which is Long term support, unless there's reasons for upgrading, you may be better waiting until 16.04 is released in April 2016, then because you can upgrade from one LTS release to the next LTS release (Which 16.04 will be) you'll be able to directly upgrade at that point07:16
reggaeare you a baster07:16
reggaeat least marriage'.....are closely. honky contist. its a like the person. what sure faste space mission bronson07:16
reggaeor if i wont do w/ direction, but 37 *shrug*. Dfnc Sound albums and these two shit. Says ther ideal with my qb aint picture. great shit.07:16
DJonesXabster: Another option might be to wait another couple of weeks until 15.10 is released and then do a fresh install at that point07:16
erkburglesyou there poutine?07:17
DJonesXabster: Hope that explains the upgrade process a bit better for you07:18
poutineyes erkburgles .07:18
Xabsterit does, but I'm sorry to be rude but that's irrelevant07:18
XabsterI had another debate regarding how user friend Ubuntu is and people filled me with BS again :)07:18
erkburglespoutine: that's the .bin file07:19
poutineerkburgles, chmod +x the file07:19
poutinechmod +x ~/Downloads/IBM.SPSS.Statistics.v22.Linux-EQUiNOX/SPSS_Statistics_22_Lx.bin07:19
erkburglesi did that, then did ./IBM.SPSS.Statistics.v22.Linux-EQUiNOX/SPSS_Statistics_22_Lx.bin07:20
erkburglesit installed07:20
erkburglesnow im looking for the application07:20
erkburglesim trying to run it07:20
Ben64how do you know it installed07:20
erkburglesi guess i don't know, it ended with "JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "gpf", detail ""."07:22
erkburglesafter launching the installer07:22
akiklooks like pirated sw, but who am i to judge :)07:23
Ben64it didn't ask you any questions or anything?07:23
poutineyeah it does07:23
erkburglesit does?07:24
poutinewell the fact that you have a commercial package with "-EQUiNOX" in the name, yeah07:24
Ben64ooh yeah thats pirated07:24
erkburglesi thought you meant yeah it does ask you questions07:25
Ben64well pirated stuff is not on topic here, go ask the developer how to buy and install it07:25
erkburglesgive me money07:27
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poutineerkburgles, bitcoin address?07:31
lvlephCan someone help me  figure this error out: "** (unity-settings-daemon:14245): WARNING **: Unable to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files"07:36
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erkburgleshey guys, i went to the site bought the program from the developer and got it to work07:43
erkburglespoutine? ben64?07:45
Ben64ok good07:45
erkburglesno psych, i didnt do that at all07:45
erkburglesbut i got it to work07:45
TorukI have a problem with the ssh connexion to my server... Could someone help me please ?07:45
erkburglesalways feels good to figure something out though07:46
Ben64erkburgles: don't care, keep your illegal activities off this channel07:46
erkburglesi don't care that you don't care you sanctimonious prick07:46
erkburglesim sorry was that not following the rules or whatever?07:47
Ben64just leave07:47
erkburglesdo you want to pipe me the rules07:47
erkburglesyou leave07:47
erkburglesben64 aka h0li3rthanth0u07:48
Ben64just stay on topic in this channel, its not difficult07:49
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krsnaToruk: state your problem07:56
Torukkrsna: when i try connecting to the server via ssh, i get an i/o error on /etc/profile and /root/.profile07:56
Torukthen the connexion closes07:56
krsnaToruk: hmmm.. never had such problem... out of my league ur problem07:57
Torukhard rebooting the server helps sometimes but just for a couple of minutes07:57
Torukawww :(07:58
Torukthx anyway07:58
Ben64Toruk: pastebin the actual error07:58
Ben64bad hard drive / bad filesystem07:59
TorukBen64: does that mean the bad filesystem is mounted on booting ?08:00
Ben64input output errors usually occur when there is a bad drive or filesystem. you should have it checked asap08:00
Torukcause i get a "disk /dev/sda1 doesn't contain a valid partition table" when i fdisk -l on sda108:00
Ben64sda1 is a partition, not a disk08:01
TorukBen64: well thanks i'll contact the support to see what they can do then08:02
Torukhave a nice day08:02
lvlephI am having trouble with setting the cursor-size in dconf-editor and even gsettings. It says I have the correct size, but the size doesn't change from the default 24. Any ideas?08:02
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brinjal_fryhello, right now my parition table is gpt style, how can i change it to mbr wihtout loss of data08:12
brinjal_fryhello, right now my parition table is gpt style, how can i change it to mbr wihtout loss of data08:12
EriC^^brinjal_fry: why do you want to change it to mbr? O.o08:13
brinjal_fryEriC^^: install windows 7, 32bit08:14
EriC^^what's installed right now?08:14
brinjal_fryEriC^^: ubuntu 14.1008:15
brinjal_fryEriC^^: i have freed up 50 gb for windows08:15
EriC^^brinjal_fry: windows wont install with gpt?08:15
brinjal_fryEriC^^: nope. not 32 bit08:15
EriC^^brinjal_fry: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_install/how-to-clean-install-windows-7-professional-64-bit/c052117c-8faa-4b5b-bd31-30bb9b21a0eb?auth=108:16
EriC^^it says you get an error but if continue it installs fine, it's supposed to be able to install to gpt disks, i think08:17
brinjal_fryEriC^^: its a 64bit08:17
EriC^^yeah, the post is about 64bit08:17
brinjal_fryEriC^^: i have  32 bit windows.08:18
EriC^^oh, thought you said 6408:18
brinjal_fryEriC^^: oops sorry. i was telling that that 64 bit is okay with gpt , but not 3208:18
brinjal_fry32 doesnt support gpt08:19
EriC^^brinjal_fry: can you type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 ?08:19
brinjal_fryEriC^^: i am on a live boot now.08:19
brinjal_fryi am typing this from another laptop.08:19
EriC^^oh ok08:20
EriC^^if you want to convert it to mbr, you should backup the data first cause you're dealing with partitions08:20
brinjal_fryEriC^^: i kind of have a backup. the thing is i dont want to install my ubuntu again.08:21
EriC^^brinjal_fry: then you can convert it to mbr, you have to fix ubuntu later so it uses mbr too using a live usb08:21
brinjal_fryEriC^^: so how do i convert gpt to mbr from live usb08:21
EriC^^brinjal_fry: you'll need an ubuntu live usb to let it use mbr08:21
EriC^^brinjal_fry: do you have a live usb?08:22
EriC^^( that's how you convert too )08:22
brinjal_fryEriC^^: i am booted on a live usb right now.08:22
EriC^^ok, first type sudo parted -l08:22
EriC^^and see if there is an EFI partition08:22
EriC^^so we know what to do after converting08:22
brinjal_fryEriC^^: its show cannot read file data:input/output errror08:22
EriC^^that doesn't look good08:23
EriC^^brinjal_fry: try sudo apt-get install smartmontools08:23
EriC^^do you have an internet connection on it?08:23
brinjal_fryEriC^^: i am rebootin08:25
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brinjal_fryEriC^^: its showing gpt08:26
EriC^^ok, does it say EFI partition?08:27
brinjal_fryEriC^^: nope08:27
EriC^^is there a bios-boot partition?08:27
EriC^^brinjal_fry: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 and paste the link it gives you08:28
hExDJI am not an Ubuntu user but I need to run the 'dd' command, I am on the Livecd now, how can I do that?08:28
brinjal_fryEriC^^: http://termbin.com/myj708:28
Ben64hExDJ:  open a terminal, type the command08:29
hExDJwhere do I find Terminal?08:29
Ben64ctrl+alt+t usually08:29
EriC^^brinjal_fry: that's odd08:29
brinjal_fryhExDJ: if its unity or gnome ctrl  + alt + t08:29
brinjal_fryEriC^^: :D08:30
EriC^^brinjal_fry: what did you have before the home partition? the first 23gb?08:30
hExDJthanks brinjal_fry08:30
hExDJhow can I know the names of my hard drives?08:30
brinjal_fryEriC^^: it was arch. i removed it.08:30
hExDJsomeone said /dev/sda or something like that08:30
EriC^^brinjal_fry: does ubuntu boot right now?08:30
Ben64hExDJ: explain what you're trying to do08:30
brinjal_fryhExDJ: lsblk08:30
EriC^^brinjal_fry: it should have a bios-boot partition or efi partition to boot with gpt08:30
brinjal_fryEriC^^: yep.08:30
hExDJtrying to copy the MBR from one partition to another08:30
hExDJI cloned it but the MBR did not carry over08:30
Ben64cloned it how08:31
EriC^^brinjal_fry: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt08:31
EriC^^brinjal_fry: then type cat /mnt/etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999908:31
Ben64hExDJ: use lsblk or blkid or gparted or something to figure out which one you want to copy from and which one you want to copy to08:31
hExDJben64 is that part of Ubuntu?08:32
brinjal_fryEriC^^: http://termbin.com/198o08:32
EriC^^brinjal_fry: ok, you're not using uefi08:32
EriC^^brinjal_fry: anyways, type sudo umount /mnt08:32
brinjal_fryEriC^^: dpme08:33
hExDJBen64: thanks, I see the names now08:33
EriC^^brinjal_fry: ok, if you have everything important backed up, type sudo gdisk /dev/sda08:34
hExDJis this:   dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1  what I need to do?08:34
hExDJfirst /dev source and second destination?08:34
brinjal_fryEriC^^: its asking for a command08:34
Ben64hExDJ: if = in, of = out08:34
EriC^^brinjal_fry: ok, just one last thing, open another terminal and type lsblk , make sure /dev/sda2 isn't mounted or /dev/sda108:35
EriC^^brinjal_fry: then in gdisk press "r"08:35
hExDJthat doesn't really help me, I am not a Linux guy :-p08:35
brinjal_fryEriC^^: its not mounted08:35
hExDJin is the destination then?08:35
EriC^^brinjal_fry: ok08:35
Ben64hExDJ: if you can't figure out what in and out mean, maybe you shouldn't be using dd08:35
brinjal_fryEriC^^: pressed 'r'. its asking for recovery/transformation command now08:36
hExDJI was waiting for that sort of comment08:36
EriC^^brinjal_fry: ok, press "g"08:36
Ben64seriously. dd if not to be played with, a wrong command can erase your disk08:36
brinjal_fryEriC^^: done08:36
brinjal_fryasking for mbr command :D08:37
EriC^^brinjal_fry: ok, did it exit?08:37
hExDJis it so difficult to let me know which one is the source and which one the destination08:37
Ben64input, output08:37
brinjal_fryhExDJ: if = file to write , of = output device or file or whatever08:37
brinjal_fryhExDJ: i = input , o = output08:37
EriC^^brinjal_fry: ok, press "?" then if there's a write "w" press w to write08:38
brinjal_fryEriC^^:cool its msdos parition table now :P08:39
EriC^^hExDJ: if = source (input file) , of = destination (output file)08:39
EriC^^brinjal_fry: cool08:39
hExDJthanks EriC^^08:39
brinjal_fryEriC^^: now let me reboot and see if its causing problems becuase first 23gb is free :P08:39
EriC^^ok, give it a shot08:39
brinjal_fryEriC^^: i havent used windows in like 5 years08:40
brinjal_fryEriC^^: fallen for grub rescue now.08:40
EriC^^brinjal_fry: ok08:41
brinjal_fryEriC^^: so i should install windows first and repair right?08:41
EriC^^brinjal_fry: yeah install windows first, then reinstall grub using the live usb (chroot)08:42
brinjal_fryEriC^^: okay , i will give it a shot. thanks mate :D08:42
EriC^^hold on there's a good link08:42
EriC^^on this08:42
brinjal_fryEriC^^: pass it on :)08:42
brinjal_fryEriC^^: i will look into it.08:42
EriC^^step 6 and onwards08:43
brinjal_fryEriC^^: okay. thanks :)08:43
EriC^^no problem08:43
brinjal_fryEriC^^: why are people on IRC so good, and people in real world so fucked up08:43
lotuspsychjeis there a way to see latest packages added to ubuntu repos?08:48
hExDJdamn, ok so that didn't work08:48
lotuspsychjehExDJ: what are you trying?08:49
hExDJI cloned a partition with Clonezilla, but the source drive had two partitions, I only needed to clone the boot partition08:49
hExDJbecause combined the drive is too big for the new drive (ssd)08:49
lotuspsychjehExDJ: install ubuntu clean on your ssd, wich brand did you buy?08:50
hExDJno, I was only using the LiveCD to run a dd command08:51
hExDJto copy the mbr08:51
hExDJbut it didn't work, still not bootable08:51
nicechapdoes ubuntu not use '/etc/resolv.conf' to resolve DNS servers?08:51
nicechapI see my own host IP there, so am confused08:51
hExDJlotuspsychje: it's a windows partition08:52
lotuspsychjehExDJ: ah08:52
EriC^^hExDJ: you dd'd the boot partition?08:52
EriC^^or the mbr?08:53
Ben64should be asking ##windows how to successfully do this08:53
hExDJno idea08:53
hExDJthe windows channel is where they suggested to use the LiveCD08:54
EriC^^hExDJ: you cloned the whole disk with clonezilla?08:54
hExDJnope, I can't clone the whole disk08:54
hExDJbecause the source has two partitions and combined are too big for the new one08:55
hExDJso I only cloned the partition I needed, but that obviously makes it not bootable08:55
EriC^^hExDJ: oh08:55
EriC^^hExDJ: you need the first 512bytes of the disk08:56
hExDJI tried that08:56
hExDJI did dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=108:56
hExDJas someone suggested on the Windows channel08:57
hExDJbut the drive still doesn't boot08:57
EriC^^i think you need the boot partition too08:57
Ben64should still be asking ##windows08:57
hExDJBen64: feel free to use /ignore08:57
Ben64windows issues belong in ##windows08:57
Ben64ubuntu issues belong in #ubuntu08:58
* hExDJ mind blown08:58
Ben64so go to ##windows08:58
AvatarAgo windows yourself :]08:58
hocuhengha :)08:58
hExDJEriC^^: but the partition I copied, is the boot partition08:58
lotuspsychjeAvatarA: dont tell others what to do08:58
hExDJthe one I cloned I meant08:59
EriC^^hExDJ: so with clonezilla you cloned the boot partition and the install?08:59
hExDJwhat do u mean the install?08:59
EriC^^the windows install08:59
hExDJthe extra partition that I don't need was there just for storage09:00
hocuhenguse EaseUS Todo Backup free version09:01
hocuhengI've tried it to clone my windows 8 into a smaller SSD.09:01
hocuhengit works09:01
hExDJcool, Partition Manager Home?09:01
hocuhengyeah, something like.09:01
hExDJor Partition Master rather09:02
hocuhengit is installed in your windows..09:02
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lotuspsychje!ot | hocuheng09:02
ubottuhocuheng: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:02
hocuhengand you use USB to connect to your destination SSD drive.09:02
hExDJhocuheng: it won't work if you plug it in internally?09:03
hExDJI dont think I have a USB box at the moment09:03
hocuhenghExDJ: internally also works, i think.09:04
hExDJk, thanks man!09:05
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lotuspsychjecan i use apt-cache search to find latest packages added?09:12
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, one would think, but I find it easier to search logs09:12
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: i want to browse latest added packages on ubuntu repos sorry09:13
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: lets say for own version, trusty09:13
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, gotta be a way.  I don't know how though.  perhaps the -devel know??09:13
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: lemme try :p09:14
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JZAhi I am trying to setup a django server, using Ubuntu 14.0409:17
JZAI am on apache and had mod_wsgi installed09:17
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JZAmy issue however happens that I edit the /etc/apache2/sites-available/09:17
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lotuspsychjeJZA: maybe the #django guys know?09:18
JZAbut when I do a2ensite .../sites-available/ I get an error saying: ERROR: Site sites-available/000-default does not exist!09:18
JZAthis is more of an  apache2 on ubuntu issue09:18
JZAto enable virtualhosts09:18
lotuspsychjeJZA: or the ##httpd channel?09:18
JZAlotuspsychje: yeah but apache2 on ubuntu is different from the 'vanilla' version of apache09:19
JZAplus a2ensite is something exclusive to debian based distros09:19
JZAapache httpd dont ship with those scripts.09:19
lotuspsychjeJZA: ok idle and re-ask here once in a while np09:19
Ben64JZA: explain more fully09:21
allizom1lotuspsychje: maybe you want http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/newpkg?mode=byage ?09:21
fenneszHello! I am trying to figure out how dejadup works . I have a directory with ca 300gb at this time. From documentation I have seen that Dejadup needs to make a fresh full backup every 90 days. The first full backup took me about 4 hours ? So what's the deal ? Is this configurable?09:21
JZABen64: well I am following the digital ocean tutorial for Django and Ubuntu 14.0409:21
lotuspsychjeallizom1: oh nice!! tnx mate how did you find that on 7 latest days?09:22
JZABen64: I configure the /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf to add the documentroot and other WSGI tags.09:22
allizom1lotuspsychje: sorry? how did I find that page?09:23
lotuspsychjeallizom1: yes09:23
allizom1I knew about packages.ubuntu.com09:23
Ben64JZA: ok?09:23
JZABen64: my current file looks like the following: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/884814109:23
JZAhowever I think the script is not being picked up by apache, it keeps giving me the same 'It worked' page.09:24
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
Ben64JZA: is there a symlink to it in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ ?09:24
JZABen64: I thought it was becuase I didnt 'enable' the site, but when I tried running a2ensite I got the error: ERROR: Site sites-available/000-default does not exist!09:24
JZAthere is09:25
JZABen64: also it has the same content09:25
Ben64JZA: did you reload apache09:26
JZABen64: the /var/log/apache2/error.log doesnt give me much09:26
JZABen64:  yes09:26
Ben64JZA: ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/09:26
JZAlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Oct  1 18:49 000-default.conf -> ../sites-available/000-default.conf09:26
JZABen64:  I do have an issue with DocumentRoot points to /var/www/html/09:27
aedendI just tried to install screen on 14 .04 but install failed because some packages could not be authenticated. What to do? :/09:27
Ben64JZA: run "sudo service apache2 reload" then pastebin the output of "tail /var/log/apache2/error.log"09:29
JZAdoesnt look that odd.09:29
Ben64looks like everything is fine then09:30
JZABen64: could there be something else messing around? (Is a brand new vps)09:31
Ben64you don't have the right index file in /var/www/html09:31
=== Qarion_ is now known as Qarion
lotuspsychje!info screen | aedend what command did you use?09:35
ubottuaedend what command did you use?: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.2.1-3 (vivid), package size 529 kB, installed size 1017 kB09:35
aedendlotuspsychje, I got it installed. When it asked it I would like to install even though screen was not 'authenticated' y or n, I hit enter. Usually enter defaults to y in most cases... tried again with y then enter09:38
aedendlotuspsychje, but to answer your question I used sudo apt-get install screen09:39
DalekSecThat is not normal, and it defaults to 'no' as Something Bad Happened™09:40
JZABen64: ok I am getting some errors now, seems my wsgi.py isnt able to be imported09:48
JZAImportError: No module named mainapp.settings09:48
hikemhi i'm new user of ubuntu09:52
cfhowletthikem, welcome.  ask your questions.09:52
howlymowlyhi everyone..  short question:  i downloaded this driver package here: http://de.software.canon-europe.com/products/0011046.asp and rebooted my computer (I tried this with kubuntu 14.04 and 15.10) but the printer does not show up in the "pick a driver" dialogue10:05
howlymowlyany idea whats going on here?10:05
howlymowlyat least they should show up in the driver select dialogue10:07
DirkosAnyone with experience on Transmission? Keep on getting "Unauthorized IP Address." on the webinterface even though the whitelisting is disabled10:11
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
AmozDirkos, pastebin your conf?10:18
DirkosAmoz, well the config is ok for what i read but seems like in /var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json a different config is loaded compared to the one in my homedir10:19
DirkosAmoz: and if i change it and restart the daemon its reverted back again10:19
CaLimer082can help me someone with pipelight?it doesn't work10:23
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Mathisencalimero_82, better if you explain the problem10:48
calimero_82hi Mathisen, i've read the guide of pipelight, but it did'nt work, now it works10:49
hkurjCan I ask a question10:54
cfhowlett!ask | hkeide10:54
ubottuhkeide: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:54
cfhowletthkurj, ^^^ this10:54
=== Acilim_A is now known as Acilim
hkurjThanks ,After installing NVIDIA driver,When I open my computer.emerging ACPI PCC probe failed.10:58
ravithis is Ravi11:03
ravii am using xubuntu11:03
ravii downloaded eclipse-mars from eclipse site11:03
ravicould you assist me to launch it?11:03
jaaphermsenHello, strange intruders are entering my network. My firewall is active. I can't delete them. What can I do next?11:05
=== Acilim_A is now known as Acilim
cfhowlettjaaphermsen, 1.  which firewall are you using?  2.  how/what indicates you have unauthorized visitors?11:06
jaaphermsencfhowlett. I use the standard firewall ufw. In my map network are strange file's coming in which I can't delete. They are blocked..11:10
EriC^^jaaphermsen: type who -u to see who's logged on, then kill their shell ( it's the number to the right )11:10
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lotuspsychje!discuss > ioria good afternoon mate11:22
ubottuioria, please see my private message11:22
iorialotuspsychje, good afternoon to you ! ^_^11:23
=== Kano is now known as Karolis
=== Karolis is now known as KanoTheDev
wakeatnightlow latency kernel is being held back, should i dist-upgrade anyway?11:30
lotuspsychjewakeatnight: from wich version to wich version are you trying?11:31
lotuspsychjewakeatnight: i mean ubuntu version11:31
wakeatnightoh 15.0411:32
wakeatnightdon't know how to find out the repo version...11:32
lotuspsychjeHackerII: afternoon mate11:34
lotuspsychjewakeatnight: not sure what your trying mate, upgrade to 15.20?11:34
lotuspsychje15.10 sorry11:34
wakeatnightno, the kernel11:35
wakeatnighti use  alow latency kernel11:35
lotuspsychje!kernel | wakeatnight11:35
ubottuwakeatnight: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)11:35
wakeatnightand it has an update11:35
wakeatnightbut it's being held back11:35
lotuspsychjewakeatnight: normaly sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade would make it all happen11:41
wakeatnightwell it's "Being held back"11:41
wakeatnighti can force it with dist-upgrade but the question is will it break something11:42
lotuspsychjewakeatnight: backup and try :p11:42
auronandacelotuspsychje: dist-upgrade will install new kernels, upgrade won't11:42
lotuspsychjeauronandace: ok so he's safe to go then?11:43
auronandacelotuspsychje: i on't see why not, why does he expect something to break?11:44
auronandacelotuspsychje: even if it did he can always boot the previous kernel11:44
wakeatnighti read that it's sometimes being held back due to posible incombatibilities with yet to be updated software11:44
lotuspsychjewakeatnight: ^11:44
auronandace!dist-upgrade | wakeatnight11:45
ubottuwakeatnight: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.11:45
wakeatnightso it is _always_ safe to install new kernels this way auronandace?11:46
auronandacewakeatnight: the above bot's message shows you why dist-upgrade installs new kernels but upgrade doesn't11:46
BluesKajHi all11:46
auronandacewakeatnight: do you have something that you expect will break?11:47
wakeatnighthmm, maybe stuff like wine-rt, wineasio, etc.?11:47
wakeatnighti uninstalled fglrx in favor of radeon11:47
wakeatnightso that should be fine11:47
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: hi mate11:48
auronandacewakeatnight: should be fine then, and you can always select the previous kernel in grub if you need to11:48
wakeatnightah great thank you11:48
auronandacewakeatnight: the biggest worry is usually graphics drivers when someone updates his kernel11:48
aliefexcuse me,how to conectd wifi wpa2 protec passwod on the terminal?11:49
BluesKajHey lotuspsychje11:51
aliefhow to configure ?11:51
korsakofalief: did tou tried11:52
korsakofalief: sorry. Did you try something?11:52
aliefkorsakof : im try on ubuntu server 14.04..11:53
alief# iwconfig <my"interface"> scan11:54
aliefiwconfig <my"interace"> ssid <my "wifie">11:54
korsakofalief: this doc seem a little bit old but you should give it a tryhttp://linuxcommando.blogspot.ca/2013/10/how-to-connect-to-wpawpa2-wifi-network.html?m=1 .11:54
aliefkorsakof : tnks,im try it11:57
Cerealkill3rHey guys,I have a question,I wanted to try gnome on ubuntu,installed and uninstalled it but,before the splash screen at booting i get a gray screen that was black before,i think it has to do something with plymouth,how can i restore that/12:01
Cerealkill3rand what i mean by black before it was black before i installed gnome,which i already uninstalled12:02
camillaWorking on a scriptlet, 'xfce4-terminal -e "ls ~/music/albums | less"' and it's just closing immediately, as if less is terminating immediately. Testing with a definitely blocking command (mocp) and the new terminal does remain open. Help?12:11
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=== Acilim is now known as Acilim_A
nrdb2is there any way to know if this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/1251281 has been fixed in the standard repositories?12:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1251281 in gnome-session (Debian) "gnome-session-flashback/Unity fails to start without hardware acceleration in cloud/remote environments (Forwarded-X/XRDP/VNC/NX/X2GO/Chromoting)" [Unknown,New]12:25
bazhangnrdb2, its unknown and new, so it hasnt12:26
nrdb2that is for 14.04 !12:26
bazhangnrdb2, sign up for it and give more info12:26
davesidiousHey folks - can I make ctrl+alt+T open an existing terminal window instead of a new one?  I'd like it to open the last terminal window I was using - is that possible?12:26
nrdb2bazhang, the bug page says "Fix Released" -- so is it fixed or not?12:27
bazhang [Unknown,New] <--- nrdb2 is what I see, no idea12:28
nrdb2bazhang, ok12:28
k1l_nrdb2: it is "fix released" for 14.04.3, 14.10 and 15.04.12:32
k1l_its unknown new for the debian repo.12:34
AnthonyDSo I'm trying to fix my wifi but I don't have nm-tool. I try running it and it just says command not found. How do I fix that?12:37
pbxAnthonyD, sudo apt install nm-tool ?12:38
pbxAnthonyD, it's at /usr/bin/nm-tool in 14.04 for me12:39
=== midnightmagic_ is now known as midnightmagic
=== daynaskully is now known as dskull
Mahjongghi, is there a  tool that detects package updates and e-mails the admin?12:44
EriC^^package updates?12:44
Mahjongg13 packages can be updated.12:45
Mahjongg13 updates are security updates.12:45
PiciMahjongg: hmm.. logwatch has a thing for that, theres also other more indepth tools like icinga or nagios where you can define checks that include apt information, but thats probably overkill for what you want.12:45
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
xroHi, what is the best way to encrypt a home folder after an installation ? I saw a way : creating a new users with root rights and encrypt the home folder with it...12:46
PiciMahjongg: theres also apt-listchanges, which can email you the changelogs after you install upgrades.12:46
pbxMahjongg, you could also set up a cronjob that checks for updates hourly and emails you if there's news12:46
MahjonggPici, I already use apt-listchanges and love it, but need something to remind me when I forget to login for checking security updates12:46
=== dskull is now known as d-skull
lotuspsychje!encrypt | xro12:47
ubottuxro: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory12:47
Mahjonggpbx, does apt-get return different values when there is an update?12:47
PiciMahjongg: logwatch will do an email every night, I'm not sure if it can be conditional though.12:47
MahjonggPici, I use logwatch too, did not notice it was reporting packages that could be updated12:48
Mahjonggmay be not by default?12:48
PiciMahjongg: perhaps, I haven't used it in quite a while.12:48
lotuspsychjeMahjongg: how about automatic updates daily?12:48
Mahjongglotuspsychje, I'd prefer running dist-upgrade myself12:49
Mahjonggfound something12:49
PiciA default nagios install will check for updates regularly (its either every 5 or 15 minutes) and will email you if there are upgrades.12:50
PiciIts really meant for monitoring lots of servers. I maintain two instances, one for my personal stuff that just checks one server, and the one at work which monitors a bunch of linux and windows servers and services.12:51
xrolotuspsychje, hi, it explains how to encrypt /private and not /home... I'm not sure if i can do the same...12:51
MahjonggPici, there is also puppet... not for monitoring but I'd suspect it would too report things like that12:52
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anonymouskese ho12:57
lotuspsychje!test | anonymous12:58
ubottuanonymous: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )12:58
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=== rcl is now known as Epic|rcl
aliefnothing from indonesia?13:00
cfhowlett!indonesia | alief13:01
ubottualief: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:01
aliefim from indonesia..13:01
cfhowlettalief, doesn't matter.  ask your ubuntu question.13:02
aliefok but im not good english :)13:02
nic_#buduscript reload13:03
cfhowlettalief, then use the indonesia channels13:03
cfhowlett!indonesian > alief13:03
ubottualief, please see my private message13:03
aliefok,im login chanel ubuntu_id..13:05
=== __Trullo is now known as _Trullo
xStarkHow do I use command prompt as root13:12
xStarkI mean13:12
xStarkHow do I use terminal as root13:13
k1l_xStark: do you really need that? most users just need it for one or two commands, then you can use sudo13:13
k1l_!sudo | xStark13:13
ubottuxStark: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:13
xStarkyeah I need it to remove some files13:13
xStarkunwanted files of a program that I dont use anymore13:13
xStarkI need it for just one or two commands though, k1l_13:14
PhC-PhDHello dears, my menu bar keeps being over all my windows. Hence I can't see the tabs in my browser when full screen13:14
PhC-PhDi've looked it up but can't find anything13:14
xStarkk1l_: I need to run "apt-get autoremove" and it's not working13:16
k1l_xStark: "sudo apt-get autoremove"13:16
xStarkOh, ok13:17
k1l_xStark: apt-get commands need to be prefaced with sudo to get root permissions13:17
k1l_see the bots message and link to root and sudo13:17
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xStarksudo apt-get autoremove" removes temp files or something, right13:18
MahjonggPici, apticron is really good13:19
john_doe_jr1What are the advantageous and/or disadvantages of creating a cronjob that uses the screen command?13:19
xStarkcfhowlett: Well what does it do then xD13:19
PiciMahjongg: nice13:19
xStarkxStark: It just told me that running that command will remove unused packages lol13:20
pbxjohn_doe_jr1, i don't see any advantage so i think you need to detail your use case13:20
xStarkdid I just..13:20
xStarkoh god..13:20
xStarkcfhowlett: It just told me that running that command will remove unused packages lol13:20
cfhowlett xStark exactly13:20
xStarkfor once I was right13:21
john_doe_jr1pbx: well, I'm using rsync to sync some extremely large file servers…like Terabytes of data on each and I would like the rsync server to work overtime to sync those servers….does rsync use a lock file or something to deal with multiple processes?13:22
PhC-PhDHello dears, my menu bar keeps being over all my windows. Hence I can't see the tabs in my browser when full screen13:31
PhC-PhDOops, sorry for double posting13:31
k1l_PhC-PhD: can you make a screenshot and show it on imgur?13:32
k1l_PhC-PhD: right now it sounds like that works as expected13:33
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest760
Guest760I have just installed ubuntu. I do "ip -6 route add ipv6_addr/subnet via ipv6. I get "RTNETLINK answers: invalid argument" I use the exactly how http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux+IPv6-HOWTO/x1083.html says13:35
Guest760do I need to enable ipv6 forwarding somewhere?13:35
Guest760I checked /proc/sys/net/ipv6 but don't see anything related13:35
lotuspsychje!ipv6 | Guest76013:36
ubottuGuest760: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv413:36
frendaSupporting in LTS: 3 years for Desktop, 5 years for servers --> is this true?13:39
lotuspsychje!lts | frenda13:39
ubottufrenda: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)13:39
Picifrenda: tl;dr: 5 years for all LTSes now.13:40
cfhowlettPici, not quite true.  still only 3 years for xubuntu/ubuntustudio13:40
Picicfhowlett: right13:41
PhC-PhD@k1l_ here: http://postimg.org/image/fni4pbxur/ You can see that my tabs are half covered. If I maximize the window (not full screen) they are completely covered13:42
frendaAh, ok13:42
alumne4quien eres13:44
Pici!es | alumne413:44
ubottualumne4: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:44
lotuspsychje!es | _Darril_13:46
ubottu_Darril_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:46
_Darril_thanks, bye.13:47
=== chaotic is now known as Guest45278
k1l_PhC-PhD: to me it looks like you did shove that window too high13:49
PhC-PhDk1l_ It does that automatically when I maximize it. Not just fro browser, but for every window. Just like the menu wasn't an upper boundary.13:50
PhC-PhD@k1l_ It does that automatically when I maximize it. Not just fro browser, but for every window. Just like the menu wasn't an upper boundary.13:50
k1l_PhC-PhD: is that unity?13:50
ShalokShalomhi there13:52
ShalokShalomis there any ppa manager besides Y PPA ?13:52
k1l_PhC-PhD: in the settings of chrome/chromium you can try to check "use the titilebar and theme from the system"13:53
ShalokShalommaybe with qarma/qt in general ?13:53
PhC-PhDk1l_: I think it is unity yes.13:53
PhC-PhDAlright, i'll look that up!13:53
ShalokShalomis there any ppa manager besides Y PPA ?13:54
PhC-PhDk1l_: same problem. Again, it's not just chrome. Any window, be it libre office, pdf, etc, the top is hidden. Even my terminal13:55
k1l_PhC-PhD: try the standard theme.13:56
k1l_PhC-PhD: how are you getting that window to be placed like this?13:56
hodesbHello, I'm trying to install Ubuntu as a replacement of windows 8.1. My notebook is a dell with Intel Smart Response, I think it uses RAID0, All the partitions was created by windows, On instalation NO partitions are shown.13:58
lotuspsychjehodesb: did you disable secureboot and fastboot?13:59
hodesbI haven't disabled fast boot, lotuspsychje. Only tried to change Serial ATA type14:02
hodesbI mean, disabled the Smart Response14:02
lotuspsychjehodesb: fastboot and secureboot must be off to install ubuntu single14:02
hodesbOk, I will try that, and back here to feedback =)14:03
lotuspsychjehodesb: is it ssd or mechanical hd?14:03
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hodesblotuspsychje: Its a Hybrid SSD 32GB for cache14:03
lotuspsychjehodesb: then default might be already on AHCI14:04
lotuspsychjedoublecheck anyways and welcome to ubuntu experience!14:04
hodesblotuspsychje: Intead of AHCI it's with Intel Smart Response14:05
hodesbinstead *14:05
hodesbI will try changing to, Secure Off, Fast Boot Off, and AHCI14:06
=== tinyhippo is now known as gianthippo
PhC-PhDK1l_: Here's when I maximize (not full screen): http://postimg.org/image/x26kkyfbz/ . As you can see, I can't see the tabs.14:08
frenda.X hides X in linux. Is there a way to hide a folder on a shared drive to be hide through windows, too?14:09
frenda?join archlinux14:11
geniifrenda: hide files = /wherever   in your smb.conf14:15
A124Hello puple. So... I herd you like EOL.14:17
A124So I put EOL to your EOL so you can EOL why you EOL14:18
A124Anyway... thanks to anyone who replied to me yesterday... seems some sed glitch.. did not update all links... got my EOL upgrade going.14:18
ivaliwhat is life14:18
ivalino, dota 214:19
A124I guess from now on I will be using LTS or Arch or other distros that have year and half support.14:20
* jdxin0 14:20
MoPacHello. I'm wondering if there is any standard way to make changes in Ambiance gtk2 and gtk3 settings that persist across updates. I find the default scrollbar settings totally unusble, but I wish I didn't have to manually edit the rc / css files every time the package updates, which constantly replaces them with defaults, especially around 6-month release times.14:20
A124Not 9 months or... how long has the standard ubuntu.14:20
=== eclipse is now known as Guest99518
samba35how do i reinstall package14:21
geniisamba35: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename14:22
stemidwhen upstart hangs trying to stop or restart jobs, what do I do? I recently had to reboot my 14.04 server because upstart hangs in this way.14:22
samba35its not working error try same  some error with lock14:23
geniisamba35: That means some other thing is already running which is trying to do updates or install things14:24
ioriastemid,  you can check  /var/log/upstart/<service>.log14:25
samba35genii: thanks but i have also same login even killall proces but dpkg/apt but still same14:25
samba35ok ,i will reboot the system and get back14:26
A124install reinstall14:28
A124Apt logic.14:28
jdxin0SGS   - make all private messages go to this window14:31
jdxin0SGS   - make all private messages go to this window14:31
jdxin0SGS   - make all private messages go to this window14:31
=== sins is now known as sins-
stemidioria: ok, that was obvious so thanks. but I'm trying to sudo restart hlprobe and there is no /var/log/upstart/hlprobe.log, or anything resembling that name. here is my upstart job file. https://paste.debian.net/314208/ when I strace -ff that process it says Process 1385 detached twice for two PIDs when strace exits. indicating double fork?14:32
alsauser_Can anyone help me getting audio working with Geforce 8400 with driver version 340.93 over HDMI for ubuntu 15.04?14:33
lotuspsychjealsauser_: tryed other drivers?14:33
alsauser_Yes. 340.7X14:33
lotuspsychjealsauser_: same issue?14:33
alsauser_And also in 14.04 it worked with the driver from the repo14:34
alsauser_Yes it had the same issue for 15.0414:34
alsauser_Updated all software to tryto fix iayb, but it also did not help14:34
lotuspsychjealsauser_: anything usefull in syslog/dmesg logs?14:34
lotuspsychjealsauser_: any reason you not staying on 14.04 if it worked?14:35
alsauser_In dmesg i do see HDA nvidia in dmesg14:36
ioriastemid,  sometime  that is caused by wrong use of the expect fork... yes14:36
alsauser_I updated because of new software versions14:36
lotuspsychjealsauser_: what is it saying exactly14:37
alsauser_ dmesg | grep nvidia [   11.132737] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel. [   11.154196] nvidia: module verification failed: signature and/or  required key missing - tainting kernel [   11.168894] [drm] Initialized nvidia-drm 0.0.0 20150116 for 0000:02:00.0 on minor 014:38
alsauser_dmesg | grep HDA [   10.568573] input: HDA NVidia Rear Mic as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:07.0/sound/card0/input7 [   10.568668] input: HDA NVidia Front Mic as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:07.0/sound/card0/input8 [   10.568747] input: HDA NVidia Line as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:07.0/sound/card0/input9 [   10.568830] input: HDA NVidia Line Out as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:07.0/sound/card0/input10 [   10.568909] input: HDA NVidia14:38
lotuspsychje!paste | alsauser_14:38
ubottualsauser_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:38
genii!pastebin | alsauser_14:38
jdxin0whois neunon14:38
alsauser_So i think this should be pkay, but i am not an expert on linux systems.14:38
lotuspsychjealsauser_: could try a tail -f /var/log/dmesg in realtime also and fool around with sound14:40
alsauser_My apologies lotuspsychje14:40
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lotuspsychjealsauser_: did 14.04 work with this same driver?14:42
alsauser_I have not checked the version before i installed 15.04 unfortunatly14:43
alsauser_But it is the same from the standard ubuntu repo.14:43
lotuspsychjealsauser_: if you tryed all drivers from your additional drivers list, and none work your sound you might wanna file a bug, or find an existing14:44
alsauser_Okay. I till try, because the other drivers make my system unusable.14:44
=== never2far is now known as Guest80334
alsauser_Thank you for the help.14:44
lotuspsychjealsauser_: howso?14:44
alsauser_It wont boot into a GUI14:44
alsauser_Just command line with error or it repeats a loop process which it doesn't seem to get out of14:45
lotuspsychjealsauser_: did you install 15.04 with cable inetrnet + updates during setup?14:45
alsauser_Yes. I have just updated 30 minutes ago14:45
alsauser_I wiljust install 14.04 i think and leave 15.05 for now. Thank you for al help14:46
lotuspsychjealsauser_: nice choice14:46
uusigioans: hi, do you need help with something?14:55
lky_thanks , no im not14:55
gioansdo you know software by catholic ?14:55
lky_i don't know , but it's so intersting14:56
compdocdoesnt the Pope code apps?14:56
lky_bye :)14:57
gioansthanks and goodnight!14:59
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whytrytoflydid anyone succesfully install epson-printer-utilities15:00
whytrytoflyi cant find them!15:00
Guest8291what you mean you can't find them15:01
MikeRLI read something saying that MS wants to buy Ubuntu. I hope that isn't true at all.15:05
MikeRLI will run for the hills.15:06
khaxhope not15:07
MikeRLWouldn't that destroy the whole community aspect?15:07
MikeRLThen we'd see closed creep, and maybe some backdoors.15:08
[n0mad]what? MS loves you and embraces you15:08
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MikeRLI still remember the past. Cannot trust them.15:08
MikeRLThey went off calling Linux a communist plot a few years back.15:09
[n0mad]putin makes linux15:09
MikeRLI'd rather have it be made by Putin than Microsoft.15:09
[n0mad]see, the communist plot is working15:10
MikeRLAre the rumors that MS will take over true?15:10
MikeRLI use Linux as an alternative to whatever Microsoft makes. I'll find a new distro if they muck things up.15:11
Badger007i have a dell poweredge sc1420 at the moment 1 znon cpu 16 gigs mem and a sortment  hard drives problem ubuntu install but runs very slow is it because of the pci ati rage video card or what else15:12
[n0mad]MikeRL: i guess that depends on how reliable the 1 site is that is stating this15:13
MikeRLWhat is that site?15:13
MikeRLI saw it on techaeris.15:13
[n0mad]yep, that's the only place i find it15:14
MikeRLDo you guys think it will happen?15:14
[n0mad]unless they have some special privilege friends that others don't, i would find it hard to believe but anything is possible15:15
MikeRLI will freak out if it does.15:15
blackangelprBadger007,  had installer x86 or x64  wgat versuib if ubuntu what type is your hdd what is your processor ?15:15
blackangelprwhat version of ubuntu :p sorry s15:15
Badger007x64 ubuntu 14.04 lts and intel xnon 3.2 1 mg cache 800mzh frount side bus15:16
MikeRLWait. I read something up on Reddit saying someone is based off a Reddit comment.15:16
MikeRLMaybe someone was either misunderstood or trolling.15:16
khaxprobably trolling :D15:17
MikeRLThere are a ton of hard-core people that use Arch or Debian and they honestly tend to bash Ubuntu. Sometimes I agree with them, other times I don't.15:17
MikeRLOr they use Gentoo.15:17
Badger007the hard drive one 73 gig scsi 1 320 wd sata and 1 seagate 1tb15:17
MikeRLBecause I should be forced to compile half my shit. I'm too lazy.15:18
MikeRLIt has already initiated a response.15:19
MikeRLWell, one that will appear soon enough. I think it's trolling, though.15:19
Badger007gee i hope ms is not doing that ugg15:20
MikeRLSomeone could fork everything then.15:20
jpds!ot | MikeRL15:20
ubottuMikeRL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:20
MikeRLWell, I guess this is off-topic. But it made me freak out.15:21
MikeRLProbably was a troll article based off bad sources. If anything, they're likely partnering along some lines.15:21
MikeRLI give it less than a 10% chance of being true. Thanks for the feedback. I just think it was trolling to cause damage around here.15:22
Badger007i cant find an x8 pcie video card have to use a pci ati rage for it. i hope that is not a cause15:22
MikeRLAnyhow, back to normalcy. People here need help.15:23
blackangelprBadger007,  i found others that have the same machine in the forums that they took out the scsi card out and plug the hadd directly to the boards also found this http://delldriverdownload.net/poweredge-sc1420-ubuntu-desktop-edition-7-04-drivers/15:23
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blackangelprBadger007, did you install the propietary softward already?15:24
Badger007ok the scsi card is an adaptec 3932 pcix just to let you know15:25
whytrytoflyGuest8291: YES cant find them!15:25
Badger00739320 card that is15:25
whytrytoflyGuest8291: they are supposed to be on the epson side, according to ubuntuusers.wiki, but they are not or i a stupid15:25
blackangelprwhytrytofly, i think he want to install something like hp does that shows you the icon ink levels etc but not need it in linux :P15:26
whytrytoflyblackangelpr: what do you mena by that=?15:26
whytrytoflyblackangelpr: not need? i need the level of my onk15:27
=== Acilim_A is now known as Acilim
blackangelprgot it, more like windows ,,, but what i know only hp does have a software for its printer like that on linux http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html  still you can verify on the printer vendor website15:28
ioria!info escputil15:28
ubottuescputil (source: gutenprint): maintenance utility for Epson Stylus printers. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.2.10-3build1 (vivid), package size 54 kB, installed size 206 kB15:28
soloslingerWhat's best practice if I need a legacy sysvinit script to be ran after an upstart job runs on boot?  Modify the upstart job to call the sysvinit from the upstart or create an upstart script to wrap the old sysvinit script?15:29
OlotilaI installed f-spot from Git, how do I uninstall?15:29
ioria!info mtink15:29
ubottumtink (source: mtink): Status monitor tool for Epson inkjet printers. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.16-8 (vivid), package size 122 kB, installed size 587 kB15:29
=== Acilim is now known as Acilim_A
OlotilaI typed a command git clone git://git.gnome.org/f-spot15:30
Olotilahow do I undo?15:30
jpdsOlotila: rm -rf f-spot ?15:30
blackangelprBadger007 http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man4/ahd.4.html15:30
Olotilaguess it worked, thanks jpds15:31
Olotilawas that all?15:31
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jpdsOlotila: If you only cloned it, yes15:31
Olotilaok thanks15:31
timbozemanI'm trying to install ubuntu on an SSD drive. I'm putting ubuntu on /dev/sdd4, a new partition. Where should I install the boot loader? The installation fails if I point it to the sdd2 bios grub partition15:32
Guest8291frenda: do you mean that you can't see the printer on network or something?15:33
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Badger007sorry i locked up for a moment15:39
blackangelprBadger007, i wrote this to you before http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man4/ahd.4.html   so if i was you i try plug in the boot drive directly to the board and test the speed15:40
DennisZHey guys, is the Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160 supported on Ubuntu 15.04? The Intel site claims it has support but "most features aren't available on Linux", are there any details on those things?15:46
=== sudosmurf is now known as sudormrf
DennisZSee also: http://www.intel.nl/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/product-briefs/dual-band-wireless-ac-3160-bluetooth-brief.pdf15:47
blackangelprDennisZ, right now ubutnu 15.04 have the kernel 3.19.0-30-generic if it require a later kernel then will not work15:49
Badger007would the person who posted those links for the poweredge please reposte them i lost them in the reboot i had to do15:50
DennisZblackangelpr, this page claims it uses kernel 4.1+ http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-034398.htm -- so it's not supported at the moment?15:51
blackangelprDennisZ, right we need to wait for the next release and see whith what kernel will ship15:52
DennisZfair enough15:53
DennisZI assume ubuntu 14 doesn't use a newer kernel, right?15:54
Guest8291Badger007:http://delldriverdownload.net/poweredge-sc1420-ubuntu-desktop-edition-7-04-drivers/  courtesy:blackangelpr15:54
=== DosTuMai is now known as DosTuMai|Aweh
blackangelprDennisZ, nope it have a very stable one but not cutting edge15:55
blackangelprDennisZ, on october 22 will be out 15.10  but do not know with what kernel15:56
glogicIs 15.10 the new LTS?15:57
DJonesglogic: No, 16.04 will be the next LTS, every 2 years, 12.04, 14.04,16.04 etc15:58
DennisZUhu, according to some random website I'm able to update the kernel myself without much effort, is this correct?15:58
Pici!info linux-image-generic wily15:58
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 10 kB15:58
DopsHey guys.  How do i add myself as an admin?15:58
DennisZI'm sadly incapable of grabbing an older wireless card, thus looking to get it to work anyway -- is this a waste and should I just wait it out then? :P15:59
dgarstangAnything out there better than fabric?15:59
glogicDJones: Thanks. So if I'm starting with 15.04, I can follow the upgrades to 16.04 to achieve LTS?15:59
Guest8291Dops: can you be specific?15:59
Anonaly_for some reason all of my devices try and mount to a different folder other than /media.16:00
Anonaly_I don't know what caused this,16:00
Anonaly_it may be a nautilus thing16:00
chaotixhey..  is there an extension or any way to get the "file/edit/etc" menu  bar in GNOME?  It is really one of the only things that keeps me from adopting gnome..  :(16:00
DJonesglogic: Yes, once 15.10 is released you'll be prompted to upgrade to that, and then in 6 months to 16.04, where you'll have the option of waiting for 18.04 or upgrading every 6 months in between16:00
DopsGuest8291: I'm trying to use qBittorent however i'm getting an I/O Error that sats permission denied16:01
chaotixIt does not matter if it is a global menu style at the top of the screen, or on each window, i just miss the organizational context of the menu, and I think Ubuntu made a great choice in keeping it in unity16:01
Anonaly_ok it is not a Nautilus thing, I just tried using thunar to mount it and it tells me that the folder already exists so it is not making its own new device location in /media16:01
Anonaly_it keeps trying to use something else16:01
glogicDJones: Thanks.16:04
julian-delphikiDops: your permissions are probably wrong on wherever you're downloading to16:04
DopsHow do i fix that?16:05
DopsNew to Linux as a whole16:05
glogicDops: What directory are you trying to download to?16:05
=== chris230 is now known as Guest39184
Dopsit's a 3 TB hard drive I put in for storage16:06
xStark3TB wow16:07
xStarkMine's like 1TB16:07
xStarkbarely used 20 GB files16:07
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Dopshow do i fix the permissions?16:07
MonkeyDustmy HD is 250GB16:07
Dopsglogic: Any idea?16:08
glogicDops: Do you know how to use the command line, in a terminal?16:09
DopsUm if i have the commands16:09
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glogicDops: what's the output of this command? (ignore the $, it just means we're typing it as user and not root) $ ls -al /mnt/sg316:10
Dopsglogic: total 2816:11
Dopsdrwxr xr x 4 root root 409616:12
glogicDops: Ok, let's take a look at this.16:12
Dopsdrwxr xr x 3 root root 409616:12
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glogicDops: You can stop listing it.16:12
glogicDops: Do you see where it says "root root"? That means the root (administrator) account owns the directory, and it's assigned to the root group.16:12
DopsThats what i figured and i don't have access to root16:13
glogicDops: You'll need to change the ownership on the directory you're using to download files to. You'll want to look at the commands "sudo" as well as "chown."16:14
julian-delphikiDops: not your machine, or what?16:14
DopsNo it's mine16:14
DopsI built it a few eeks back from scratch16:15
julian-delphikiDops: then you have access to root.16:15
gliderHi. I have a rar file that I want to unrar. How do I do it in ubuntu?16:15
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DopsI click it and it denies me16:15
swahiliQ: Any desktop video recorder, that allows me to record in timelapse mode ? Attention it's not webcam recording I want, but desktop. Any tips ? Thank you!16:16
swahili* I sketch and paint etc16:16
DopsYou do not have permissions necessary to view the contents of root16:16
julian-delphikiDops: you likely have to fix it in a terminal using sudo.16:17
MonkeyDustswahili  byzanz and recordmydesktop come to mind, explore those a bit16:17
Dopssudo and what else?16:18
akikDops: whoami then sudo chown -R username /mnt/sg316:18
swahiliMonkeyDust: thanks! I'll do, do you think they do timelapse ?16:18
MonkeyDustswahili  not sure, havent tried them yet16:18
swahiliok thanks16:18
gliderhow do I unrar a file?16:19
glogicglider: apt-get install unrar; unrar x file16:19
guest-dyRGcwWhts up mfgts\16:19
gliderglogic: There are two: unrar and unrar-free. Which one is the right one and why?16:19
guest-dyRGcwGet WInrar16:19
glogicglider: The right one is your preference. I use unrar.16:19
guest-dyRGcwI use 7zip16:20
gliderglogic: Are they different programs?16:20
Kartagisuse rar16:20
fabioHello everyone. How do i execute a command after a wifi client connects to my access point?16:20
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:20
Kartagisrar both rars and unrars16:20
MonkeyDustGuest1320  no such language here16:20
glogicsame syntax as well: rar x file16:22
gliderInstalled unrar. Works great.16:22
glogicglider: Might be useful to install all of the popular archiving utilites.16:23
gliderIn the XChat program, are notification sounds turned off by default?16:24
HackerIIbut, hexchat is better16:26
gliderHackerII: What's better about it?16:26
HackerIIit has more features, xchat is dead16:26
gliderIs Chrome on Ubuntu the same as Chrome on Windows & Mac? Does it function the same or are there any problems with it?16:29
mustmodify_TIME SENSITIVE -- my ubuntu machine just closed all SSH connections. /var/log/syslog just says "Glib-CRITICAL: Source ID xx was not found when trying to remove it." I can't reconnect, apparently it has dropped of the network. What else can I test while I'm having this issue? I believe it happens intermittently.16:29
auronandaceglider: it is not in the default repos so you'd have to rely on the ppa maintainer16:29
mustmodify_geez I can't ping, "Destinaiton Host Unreachable"16:30
gliderauronandace: Is it worth it to download it or is firefox good enough for most things?16:30
glogicglider: Chrome works great on my machine.16:30
auronandaceglider: i like using chromium16:30
mustmodify_but I can ping localhost, so that's something. :)16:30
akikglider: firefox is good16:31
akikglider: they both are so easy to install so why don't you try them yourself?16:32
freawnaplease help me , after changing my additional driver settings i got this problem with my lubuntu  http://imgur.com/0k5k6P9 how can i fix , i can"t aceess wifi anymore =16:32
=== aeonchil1 is now known as aeonchild
gliderakik: good idea.16:33
freawnaplease help16:35
akikfreawna: are you sure you didn't turn off your wireless radio either from a switch or from a key shortcut?16:35
DanTheDanI have a nginx listening on :80 and another server on :3000, if I telnet localhost 80 I connect to the nginx server just fine16:35
DanTheDanif I telnet localhost 3000, I connect to the other server just fine16:35
freawna<akik> yes i am sure , i am running dual boot with windows and wifi is fine in windows16:36
DanTheDanif I telnet ::1 80, talk to nginx just fine16:36
DanTheDanif I telnet ::1 3000, I get connection refused, what?! I don't even know where to start16:36
DanTheDancan't be the firewall ofc16:36
akikfreawna: try sudo rfkill unblock all16:37
MonkeyDustDanTheDan  if you don't get an answer here, try in ##networking16:37
freawna<akik> it happened when i set this wifi driver to "use ... " and i can't change it bacjk to do not use , why ???here http://imgur.com/engVuIh16:40
freawna<akik> after i click on apply chenges , it gets back to "use ...16:41
freawna<akik : can you please tell me why it's doing that ?16:43
DreweryQuick question : can you stream netflix on ubuntu?16:43
Dreweryor in linux in general16:43
debianlvwhy not?16:43
ubottuIf you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop16:43
Drewerydebianlv: I was exactly wondering why not16:44
DreweryI mainly use osx for desktop and linux on servers I spin or develop for16:44
akikfreawna: i don't know why your wifi device is not working. did rfkill unblock all help?16:44
Dreweryand never tried netflix on linux desktop so I was wondering if this still an issue16:44
ioriafreawna, did you select  'use bcmwl-kernel-source '  by mistake ?  it was working without it ?16:45
freawna<ioria ; yes it was working without it , i selected it by mistake16:45
DrewerySo given the link, that's an unofficial solution meaning that you actually can not stream netflix out of the box16:46
Drewerygot it.16:46
MonkeyDustDrewery  blame netflix for that16:46
ioriafreawna, so you should apt-get purge  bcmwl-kernel-source  and reboot .....16:46
freawnaioria> this command "apt-get purge  bcmwl-kernel-source" ?16:47
ioriafreawna, yes16:48
DreweryMonkeyDust: I don't know the facts. Is it that Netflix politically blocking linux environments or is it a technology environment that prevents it?16:48
freawna<ioria> and it will get back to the way it was after rebooting ?16:48
ioriafreawna, i don't know16:49
cfhowlettmore likely little incentive to port to linux, Drewery16:49
blackangelprDrewery, if you install chrome you can watch netflix normally16:49
ioriafreawna, i think so...16:49
ioriafreawna, you can always reinstall it with apt-get install  bcmwl-kernel-source and reboot16:50
Dreweryblackangelpr: got it thank you guys for all the input16:50
freawna <ioria> i will go switch to ubuntu and try the rfkill commnad and your camand , because am dual booting now16:51
ioriafreawna, ok16:51
Nahledgeis there a tool to create windows 7 usb bootable from ubuntu?16:54
reisioNahledge: yup16:54
reisioNahledge: use this: http://serverfault.com/questions/6714/how-to-make-windows-7-usb-flash-install-media-from-linux#answer-16706016:54
=== tcpman is now known as Guest80692
=== DosTuMai|Aweh is now known as DosTuMai
WM-SWHello! Can any one tell, which virtual machine is able to best show for example view though it? Can they utilize GPU?17:05
cfhowlettWM-SW, why not just test the main players?17:06
WM-SWI'dh hope some one had done that already..17:07
bazhangtry #vbox and #vmware WM-SW17:08
WM-SWis qemu running under them?17:08
goddardi got a problem17:10
goddardwhen i scroll on my track pad17:10
goddardsometimes using two fingers it will start the right click17:10
uloozXorg lost evdev & synps inputs => no interaction possible, can still access the laptop from ssh & then switch to term with chvt 117:11
goddardso what ever app i am using shows the menu17:11
goddardhow can i just disable the two button right click?17:11
goddardtwo finger right click i should say17:11
blackangelprgoddard, verify settings -> mouse touch pad options17:11
goddardblackangelpr: it doesn't show me nothing17:12
goddardblackangelpr: at least options to disable that17:12
goddardblackangelpr: what should I be looking for?17:12
blackangelprtap to click?17:12
goddardblackangelpr: the tap to click is disables the left mouse click with a single finger but not two finger right click17:13
blackangelprcorrect you can try :)17:14
goddardblackangelpr: i mostly have the issue in Netbeans ... you think that is an issue and maybe not something else?17:14
blackangelprhum.... honestly i use a mouse with my laptop hate touchpads functions :P17:14
uloozHow can I get evdev back ?17:14
goddardblackangelpr: i have a razer blade 2015 so the touchpad is super nice17:15
blackangelprulooz, https://pypi.python.org/pypi/evdev  ???17:19
didokingShould i put my swap partition on my ssd or onto my hdd?17:19
tewarddidoking: i wouldn't put it on your SSD, IMO, but you may not need swap (unless you intend to be using hibernate or such)17:19
uloozblackangelpr: evdev is then common xorg input driver17:20
didokingteward: Ok, then I will put it onto the HDD (because SSDs have only a limited quantity of writes before they die)17:20
liquidsnakeanyone active17:21
cfhowlett!ask | liquidsnake,17:21
ubottuliquidsnake,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:21
malvidxi have no sound in ubuntu and nothing ive tried fixes it. can anyone help?17:22
cfhowlett!sound  | malvidx17:23
ubottumalvidx: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:23
ActionParsnipmalvidx: what is the output of:  wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload17:23
glitsj16goddard: have you tried playing with synclient settings to disable what you need, or to adjust sensitivity so the issue doesn't show? --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/TouchpadSupport & https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad might have usefull info..17:24
ActionParsnipmalvidx: post the resulting URL in the channel and people can advise17:24
=== ulli is now known as Guest38666
linociscoi have startup problem with ubuntu17:26
linociscosystem program error at everystartup17:26
linociscofound some files under /var/crash17:26
linociscoand whenever I have plugged USB device like USB modem, USB device for wireless mouse, system can't get log in screen until it is removed17:27
linociscotomaw, what is that?17:28
malvidxany ideas?17:29
blackangelprlinocisco, tomaw message its for the whole server users do not worry :p17:29
malvidxgod this is frustrating17:31
MonkeyDustmalvidx  in a terminal, type   alsamixer   if tou see MM, go there and hit m to unmute ... F6 to change the sound card view17:33
blackangelprmalvidx, did you verify #1 it was the default selection? on the bios the sound its enable XD  and #3 its not muted? i know sounds #$%R but some simple things go overlook by most17:33
malvidxit is unmuted17:33
ANubhello guys17:34
malvidxive tried all of that17:34
malvidxive never had a problem with any other distro and sound17:34
ANubsystem is lubuntu running apache and named......with dual nick.....if i bring up the other nick (private IP) the web service go down17:35
ANubany idea where should i look17:35
blackangelprmalvidx, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting17:35
auronandacemalvidx: you on 14.04 or 15.04?17:35
MonkeyDustmalvidx  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue17:36
malvidxUbuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l17:36
auronandacemalvidx: if your hardware is rather new you may want to try the newer version or use the enablement stack in the lts to get the latest drivers17:37
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decciAny idea how to fix libcrypto.so.10 : unable to open shared library error17:44
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decciI am running Ubuntu 14.04.3. While I run apt-get update it didnt fixed the issue17:44
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uloozXorg does not load evdev input drivers anymore, what can I do to force ?17:49
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Fahrenhe17hey guys17:52
glitsj16decci: running sudo apt-get update only refetches the repo lists, to actually install updates you need sudo apt-get upgrade.. But, are you sure you need libcrypto.so.10? libcrypto is part of the libssl package and for your ubuntu version that is at libcrypto.so.1.0.0..17:52
ANubsystem is lubuntu running apache and named......with dual nick.....if i bring up the other nick (private IP) the web service go down ......any idea where should i look..????17:53
Fahrenhe17can someone help me with problem? im using ubuntu 14.04, have ALPS touchpad and synaptics drivers, and cursor have different speed on X and Y17:54
Fahrenhe17i googled it, but didnt find anything useful17:54
zerowaitstateANub: do you have forwarding enabled? i.e., are you using this box as a router?17:56
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reisioFahrenhe17: might be worth doing a search for your laptop model plus 'linux' 'touchpad'17:56
reisiosome like real specific configurations17:57
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Fahrenhe17reisio, ty17:58
ANub@<zerowaitstate> No I'm not17:59
ANub<zerowaitstate> Its really strange ...I've never observed such an issue before..and amazing thing is that connectivity stays...I mean ping is ok....18:00
ANubits just that website stops to respond18:00
ANub<zerowaitstate> i can see that default routes are ok....18:01
ANub<zerowaitstate> and as soon as I bring down the second interface....web site goes live again18:01
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akikFahrenhe17: try this https://dottheslash.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/touchpad-sensitivity-differs-with-aspect-ratio/18:02
TJ-ANub: it's probably replacing the default route18:02
malvidxok none of this is working18:03
malvidxim about to ditch ubuntu18:04
Fahrenhe17akik, tried it, and seems, that file 50-synaptics.conf do not work18:04
ANubTJ: I've checked routing stays good18:04
reisiomalvidx: may as well, nobody knows what "this" is18:04
reisiocan't help you with vague things :)18:04
malvidxreisio - i was in here earlier sorry.18:04
ANubI mean default routing stays up with the first interface18:04
akikFahrenhe17: you can check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if the settings are loaded18:04
malvidxi cant get sound to work for the life of me18:04
reisiomalvidx: how doesn't it work?18:05
TJ-ANub: show us "ip route" before and after bringing up the 2nd i/f18:05
malvidxnothing plays. ive tried everything suggested18:05
reisiomalvidx: through what, speakers?18:05
malvidxspeakers, headphones, nothing.18:06
reisiowhat's the audio source?18:06
malvidxyoutube, rythembox, pithos, i get no sound18:06
TJ-malvidx: have you tried with the ALSA "speaker-test" ?18:07
Fahrenhe17akik, oh, thanks, wait a min18:07
pendrivocan anyone recommend me a GUI alternative to unetbootin that will allow me create a bootable usb stick using *any* distro live iso?18:07
ANubTJ: before ====         81.143.X.X         UG    0      0        0 eth018:07
malvidxTJ - yes, nothing18:07
ANubTJ: After ====         81.143.X.X         UG    0      0        0 eth018:08
reisiopendrivo: unetbootin is the best, IME18:08
reisiopendrivo: but dd is better, if the image is made correctly18:08
linociscohi all18:08
reisioit's just... less safe18:08
pendrivodd is not a GUI app18:08
reisiolinocisco: hi18:08
ANubTJ: After ====   U     0      0        0 eth118:08
pendrivoi want persistence18:08
reisiopendrivo: it can be18:08
TJ-!paste | ANub18:08
ubottuANub: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:08
ANubTJ: After ====   U     0      0        0 eth118:08
linociscoi have system program problem at everystartup18:08
ANubTJ: how can we check that bringing up the interface does not mess up the apachectl in some weird way...?18:09
zerowaitstateANub: what IP address is Apache bound to?  Is it bound to
ANubits bound to *18:10
ANub<zerowaitstate> its bound to *18:11
TJ-ANub: if you want us to help you need to *pastebin* the complete results of the commands; we can't work from selective info18:11
ANubTJ: its a production server.....thats why didn't want to put in the IP address in here18:11
malvidxTJ - did you see anything of use out of my pastebin?18:12
Fahrenhe17akik, unfortunately, it is loaded, but do not work18:13
fraeewarei have windows/ubuntu 14,10 dual boot installed and i wan't to reinstall ubuntu from scratch using usb , but i don't know how to partition the disk , i don't wan to loose my data in windows , is there a safer way to install a new fresh ubuntu ( i wan to reinstall ubuntu because i have a networking problem in my current ubuntu )18:14
TJ-malvidx: I wasn't wanting to see the output, I was asking if you'd used the tool to test the underlying sound drivers. You'd need to couple the speaker-test with the correct devices as reported by "aplay -L" to ensure you're targeting the correct output18:14
akikFahrenhe17: experiment with the resolution values and see how they change it18:14
decciglitsj16: Yes..its asking for libcrypto.so.1018:14
Fahrenhe17akik, well, ty18:14
Fahrenhe17akik, will try18:14
decciglitsj16: While I see that libcrypto.so.1.0.0 is already there under /lib/x86..gnu/ and also under /usr/lib/x86..gnu/18:15
Fahrenhe17(gedit:8378): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files18:16
Fahrenhe17what is it?18:16
akikFahrenhe17: you need to restart your xorg or your login manager to take them into use18:16
glitsj16Fahrenhe17: have you tried with synclient yet? the command 'synclient ResolutionDetect=0' would disable scaling between your touchpad dimensions and your screen dimensions (X) ..18:16
TJ-decci: didn't we go over this a few days ago? You're using some RedHat-targeted Dell tooling that expects a RedHat system that uses a different SO ABI version naming system18:16
decciTJ-: Thats solved18:17
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, no, i didnt, ty, i will try18:18
decciTJ-: I am getting this error while I removed few of ssl related packages18:18
decciTJ-: Wondering if I need to build it from source18:18
TJ-decci: what is the complete error (I must have missed it) and what process is causing it?18:19
akikfraeeware: i'd say it's pretty safe to reinstall ubuntu as you've done it yourself once already18:19
akikfraeeware: what's your partitioning problem?18:20
fraeeware<akik> i forgot how i have done it , can you give a tutorial refresh my memory18:20
brainwaveHey guys, I am dual booting ubuntu on a macbook air, 2013.18:20
fraeewareakik> i need to format the old ubuntu and install a new one18:20
TJ-!install | fraeeware18:20
ubottufraeeware: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:20
auronandace!partitioning | fraeeware18:20
ubottufraeeware: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap18:20
akikfraeeware: usually you need to have a linux partition (ext3/4) and a swap partition18:20
akikfraeeware: the installation takes care of initializing the linux partition18:21
akikfraeeware: you need to be careful not to destroy your windows installation though18:22
brainwaveI have installed ubuntu on an external drive, and am able to boot it from my macbook air 2013, using refind. The issue is that I have to go to refind installed on my laptop EFI partition, go into the ‘grub’ entry that shows, get dropped onto a shell, and then use the ‘reboot’ command18:22
jhutchins_wkfraeeware: Why not just upgrade?18:22
brainwavebefore a new refind menu pops up with my ubuntu entry18:22
brainwaveAny idea why this behaviour is happening?18:23
fraeeware <jhutchins_wk> would upgrading fix the networking problem i have now in my ubuntu ??18:23
gravidahello guys anyone here to help?18:23
brainwaveIt’s pretty hard to explain in short, so if someone is interested I can give additional, organized details.18:23
gravidaiam experiencing random wifi drops on 1.0418:24
gravidai googled it a bit but all the answers were for old versions.18:24
fraeewarejhutchins_wk: and can i upgrade manully without internet access , if i have the packeges needed18:25
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auronandacegravida: wifi chipset?18:25
Patric_khello, I want a reg code.18:25
fraeewarejhutchins_wk ; ?18:26
gravidaRT5390 [802.11 b/g/n 1T1R G-band PCI Express Single Chip] auronandace18:26
Fahrenhe17akik, it just dont work, i have [  2124.860] (**) Option "HorizResolution" "10"18:26
Fahrenhe17[  2124.860] (**) Option "VertResolution" "30"18:26
DJonesPatric_k: Ubuntu doesn't have one18:26
bazhangfor what Patric_k18:26
Fahrenhe17but it is no difference18:26
MonkeyDustwhat's a reg code?18:26
bazhangfraeeware, a full version upgrade with no internt?18:27
auronandacegravida: does this happen only on a certain ssid or any one you connect to?18:27
brainwaveI am facing an issue where refind is not working as expected, for ubuntu installed on an external drive.18:27
gravidaauronandace, any ssid18:27
fraeeware<@bazhang>  not possible ?18:27
bazhangfraeeware, whta version to what18:27
glitsj16Fahrenhe17: can you pastebin the output of 'synclient -l' please? I'm not sure you can change Vert/HorizResolution via synclient, but it might..18:27
akikFahrenhe17: you could try the ResolutionDetect=0 that glitsj16 mentioned18:27
fraeeware@bazhang iam now 14.1018:28
bazhangfraeeware, no internet means full reinstall then18:28
bazhangget the 16.04 at months end fraeeware18:29
bazhangaug 15.1018:29
gravidaauronandace, pretty much the same with this issue http://askubuntu.com/questions/453156/wifi-connection-periodically-dropping-in-centrino-wireless-n-1030?rq=118:30
brainwaveWhere can I get my nick registered? Is there some channel for that?18:30
auronandacegravida: i don't see a solution here but it seems to be affecting others too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222848618:30
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Patric_kfor community stuff18:30
akikbazhang: are you saying he should wait a month to reinstall his os? :)18:30
gravidaauronandace, should i try the solutions for older versions of ubuntu18:30
auronandacegravida: you could try looking in launchpad to see if anyone has file a bug and if there is a workaround18:31
fraeeware<@bazhang> I would just reinstall 14.1018:31
bazhangakik his current is eol, eolupgrades require internet, he does not have that18:31
bazhangfraeeware, thats eol so no dont18:31
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, in a dialog i did18:31
fraeewarewhat is eol ?18:31
bazhangend of life18:32
auronandacefraeeware: end of life, no longer supported18:32
bazhangnot supported18:32
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, akik, ty guys a lot for trying to help me18:32
akikfraeeware: you have an installation media, right?18:32
gravidaauronandace, it has to be related to a new version of kernel or wifi drivers. because 14.04 was absolutely problem-free for me18:32
rttjbrainwave: I didn't see anybody answer your question, so: https://freenode.net/faq.shtml18:32
fraeeware<akik> yes a usb flash18:32
glitsj16Fahrenhe17: okay, so did you notice any improvement after running the 'synclient ResolutionDetect=0' command?18:33
akikfraeeware: you didn't mention whether your networking ever worked or if it is just a configuration problem18:33
auronandacegravida: sorry i'm not of much help18:33
gravidaauronandace, many thanks anyway18:33
fraeeware<akik>  it didnt work i tried your commands rfkill  unblovk all and apt§get purge , still the same problem wifi disabled by switch18:34
fraeeware<akik> yes it is a configuration problem but am not sure how to fix it18:34
akikfraeeware: oh it's that case. you said that your networking worked before you installed the other driver18:35
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, well, i did not :(18:35
akikfraeeware: so if you reinstall (easiest choice) your networking probably will start working again18:35
fraeeware<akik: yes and the apt-get purge gave me " couldnet locate the ....18:36
lubarchcan somebody help me with obd related work?18:36
lubarchwith ubuntu18:36
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, will try to do something with 50-synaptics.conf18:36
fraeeware<akik: yes thats it18:36
Patric_kcan i get a reg code for this ? http://community.linuxmint.com/auth/register18:37
glitsj16Fahrenhe17: the link akik provided earlier still has good info imo, you might have to put those Vert/HorizResolution options in a regular /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, as the original dates back to 2011 and X has changed alot since then..18:37
wileeelubarch, state the issue for help, all in one post, careful with enter as punctuation if you can.18:37
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, how can i see this file? /etc/X11/xorg.conf, i have not is18:39
TJ-gravida: what disconnect reasons does wpa_supplicant/Network Manager report in syslog?18:39
bazhangPatric_k, thats mintsupport18:39
gravidaTJ-, how can i check them?18:39
bazhangask them Patric_k NOT Here18:39
Patric_kso where do i get it from?18:39
bazhang!mintsupport | Patric_k18:39
ubottuPatric_k: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:39
lubarchwileee: i want to connect the obd2 connector(on board diagnostic) with ubuntu and want to extract the information about my car, help me18:39
TJ-gravida: look at /var/log/syslog - "pastebinit /var/log/syslog" if you want others too look18:40
akikglitsj16: he pasted the Xorg.0.log and the options were there18:40
lubarchwileee: i want to actually log the extracted output after every 5 minutes18:40
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, wait man18:40
ed23454greetings, when I boot kubuntu just immediately after os selection I get "file not found message", "press any key to continue" then it boots up, logo comes up ant all... what could be that file? is there any way to find out?18:40
glitsj16Fahrenhe17: akik: sorry, mist that paste18:40
wileeelubarch, I have no idea, I don't even drive I bicycle, here the hardware info rules is all.18:40
akikglitsj16: well, those two lines18:40
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, i still see in log, i sent you, resolution detect = 118:40
gravidaTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640014/18:41
akiked23454: could it be the grub splash image that is missing?18:42
glitsj16Fahrenhe17: synclient settings are reset on reboot, so that shouldn't be the problem.. and you said that running 'synclient ResolutionDetect=0' didn't improve your situation .. correct?18:43
ed23454akik no, I get grub, os selection after selecting os screen goes black and I get those messages18:43
ed23454akik maybe its grup I dont know tbh18:44
TJ-gravida: line 67 looks to contain a useful clue18:44
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, yes.. but i am a bit confused, lemme reboot system and try everything again, i will write you :) ty for everything18:44
akiked23454: grub has the kernel and initramfs but you should probably not be able to boot if either is missing18:44
wileeeed23454, So it does not get to the desktop, and do you remember the message?18:44
gravidaTJ-, yeah, i am googling it now18:44
TJ-gravida: I'd strongly suspect power management on the chipset is causing it18:45
gravidaTJ-, disabling it should work then?18:45
TJ-gravida: do "iwconfig" and check what the Power Management setting shows18:46
glitsj16Fahrenhe17: wait, test that command before rebooting please, it should either improve immediately or not, so we can rule that one out and look into setting Vert/HorizResolution options again18:46
gravidaTJ-, it is on18:46
ed23454wileee kubuntu logo used to come up, after that nothing, trying to log into tty and startx would produce same kubuntu logo and nothing after that, I went to recovery selected previous ubuntu version then it booted, now it boots by default but I get those messages I wanna find out whats wrong18:46
TJ-gravida: If it is the cause; trial and error process of elimination with these kind of issues18:46
TJ-gravida: "sudo iwconfig <interface name> power off" and see how you go18:46
rollercan anyone please join french (the channel) and ask what did i do?18:47
gravidaTJ-, this guy tried and it didnt work for him apperantly http://askubuntu.com/questions/483445/wireless-dropping-out-using-intel-7260ac-card-deauthenticated-reason-718:47
gravidaTJ-, but i will try it myself anyway18:47
TJ-gravida: You have a Realtek card, not Intel18:47
wileeeed23454, startx is not correct, what has led to this a graphic driver addition, an update, can you tell?18:47
gravidaTJ-, ah sorry18:47
TJ-gravida: try it; if it improves things you've easily fixed it and can the make the setting permanent via a system script.18:47
TJ-gravida: to make it permanent this forums comment gives excellent instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2287034&p=13360362#post1336036218:48
ed23454wileee I dont know I used to startx to start my backtrack long ago, so I used it this time aswell, I tried sudo service kdm stop/start that produced no result18:48
wileeeed23454, is a previous edition just another kernel in grub or a whole install?18:49
gravidaTJ-, thank you, i hope it works18:49
TJ-gravida: after disabling PM use iwconfig to check the setting did actually change :)18:49
imatechanyone know how to use shred?18:49
TJ-imatech: "man shred"18:50
ed23454wileee its just previous version in grub ubuntu recovery (there are about 20 older versions)18:50
gravidaTJ-, seems like changed :)18:50
TJ-gravida: fingers crossed then :)18:50
imatechI'm trying to get it to shred a raid0 logical drive and don't know how to target the drives18:50
gravidagood night everyone!18:51
wileeeed23454, Ah, so log in with the kernel that works and come back from a working ubuntu and work on this, much easier to find issues and fix with help, or a live boot.18:51
ed23454wileee so it works now, however I still get message file not found, press any key to continue, I just what to find out whats wrong18:51
TJ-imatech: the target FILE would be a device name, e.g. "sudo shred /dev/mapper/XXXX" or "sudo shred /dev/mdX" maybe?18:51
wileeeed23454, Have you moved or added partitions?18:52
imatechwhat's the command to figure out what device?18:52
ed23454wileee no, I suspected it could be nvidia driver so I switched to older one, but done nothing else18:53
wileeeed23454, Without the message I'm not sure where to go is all, you can text boot and see more.18:53
ed23454wileee is there any way to see the log file? I tried var/log.txt but its quite complicated18:54
wileeeed23454, dmesg in the terminal will give you a huge file to look at,18:54
ed23454wileee yeah but I have no clue what to look for18:54
wileeeed23454, Heh, me either, this is out of my area of any good help beyond this.18:55
ed23454wileee https://paste.kde.org/pj7pukrdg18:55
ed23454wileee I see well thanks anyway18:55
brainwaveIs it true that ubuntu never upgrades the kernel?18:55
bazhangbrainwave, no18:55
Fahrenhe17glitsj16, resolution detect is =1 again, nothing changes with anything18:55
brainwaveWhat is the difference between 12.04 and 12.04.3?18:55
wileeebrainwave, longterm releases have release points.18:56
TJ-ed23454: at waht point is the message appearing? It sounds as if it may come from GRUB - you can tell by the timing... GRUB writes "Loading Linux..." .. "Loading initial ramdisk..." .. do you see the message within a second or so of those, or much later?18:56
brainwaveI installed ubuntu on an external drive, for booting using on my mac. I wanted to be able to boot this ubuntu using the refind already installed on my apple EFI. The issue is, there is only a grub_x64.efi on my macbook air EFI, and this drops me on a prompt after booting.18:58
ed23454TJ- those messages I only got when booted through recovery, usually I dont see them, "file not found" appears immediately after I select ubuntu os18:58
wileeebrainwave, probably more helpful, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS18:58
brainwaveWhat does happen is though, that on this grub prompt if i use ‘reboot’, my computer restarts and then the actual ubuntu efi entry shows up in the menu. I am able to boot into ubuntu from there.18:58
brainwaveAny idea how I can resolve this, and make a single EFI entry for ubuntu show up in my refind? I have enabled scan_all_linux_kernels in refind.18:59
TJ-ed23454: OK... at start-up hold down the Shift key so you get the GRUB boot menu. Highlight the Ubuntu entry, press 'E' to edit it. Navigate to the line beginning "linux ..." and delete "quiet splash" then press Ctrl+X to boot the modified entry. That should help you identify more accurately when the message originates.18:59
wileeebrainwave, Why not dualboot, an external is never the same19:00
TJ-ed23454: I'm suspecting there's an entry in the grub.cfg "insmod XXXX" where XXXX is missing19:00
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brainwavewileee: Several reasons for that. Linux is no longer my main OS, it is more for things I cant do on OS X. I also wish to carry it around like a mobile OS, and use it on several computers.19:01
ed23454TJ- ok I am going to try that now19:01
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wileeebrainwave, Not sure refind is a support issue here is all, even in this context is all.19:02
wileeeprobably will get help, how soon hard to say is only my point.19:03
brainwavewileee: See the chain of events is what is vexing. 1. Boot ->refind menu screen - I get only mac os x, and grub_x64.efi entry. 2. Select grub_x64 -I get dropped onto a prompt. 3. Reboot. 4. Refind screen no 2 - 3 entries, for os x, grub AND UBUNTU! 5. boot ubuntu without issues.19:04
TJ-brainwave: At what point to you plug in the external drive when you want to boot it? After power-on of the PC, or before?19:04
TJ-brainwave: sounds to me like you're plugging it in *after* the Mac's EFI boot-device search sequence is already over19:04
ed23454TJ- so I have done, shift at boot, the first message I got was "loading grub", "file not found", it still loaded and booted up, but it seems there is a problem with grub19:07
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TJ-ed23454: Well, that's good progress indeed. Although you don't mention seeing "Loading initial ramdisk..." I cannot imagine the kernel would successfully boot without one, but lets double-check that assumption. Can you do "pastebinit <( ls -altr /boot/ ; cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg )"19:09
akiked23454: how about if you run update-grub, do you get errors for missing files?19:09
akiksorry tj-19:09
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brainwaveTJ-: Say I plug in a pendrive after booting to refind.  A simple escape refreshes it and shows up the entry. This doesnt happen19:10
ed23454TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640191/19:12
TJ-ed23454: I think the call to the pastebinit command didn't work correctly - everything is on one line :D19:13
TJ-ed23454: did you use the command exactly as I gave it?19:13
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majikmani'm trying to install a specific version of Puppet with the command apt-get install puppet=3.6.0-1puppetlabs1 but it doesn't work. it just acts like it's going to install but never actually does it. it even tells me that puppet will be installed but it never does.19:14
majikmancan someone tell me what i'm doing wrong?19:14
ed23454TJ- https://paste.kde.org/ph3aui0dv19:16
akikthere is a linefeed epidemic going on19:17
Bashing-ommajikman: What release ? as in 14.04 " Filename: pool/main/p/puppet/puppet_3.4.3-1ubuntu1.1_all.deb " .19:17
ed23454TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640224/19:17
majikmanBashing-om, i'm on 14.04. I'm not sure how to fidn the filename info19:18
TJ-ed23454: No linefeeds on that again! Are you actually typing the "pastebinit" command? Type *everything* between the double-quotation marks: "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/ ; cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg )" - that will give you a URL you can give us19:18
TJ-akik: I've literally gone dizzy trying to read the output :)19:19
Bashing-ommajikman: Terminal command ' apt-cache show puppet ' . That is the version in the repo. 'apt-cache policy' to show what is installed and what is available presently to the system .19:19
ed23454TJ- I cant isntall it, here this should work http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640231/19:21
TJ-ed23454: That's better, thanks :)19:21
crazyhead42Hey, my Bamboo tablet was working fine yesterday, but I did an update today and now I'm getting no responce. This is not the first time this has happened - it will probably be fixed in the next update, but I would like to use my tablet today. Any reccomendations?19:21
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majikmanBashing-om, i figured it out. when i install new version of puppet, i have to simultaneously specify puppet-common in the command too19:21
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majikmanBashing-om, thanks for your help anyways19:21
TJ-ed23454: There's nothing unusual there.19:23
Bashing-ommajikman: :) .. to look at dependencies ( IF and when needed ) ' apt-cache depends <package> ; apt-cache rdepends <package> ' . Apt does a good job generally taking care of dependencies .19:23
majikmanBashing-om, thanks for the tip19:24
Bashing-ommajikman: If one is interested in learning the sytem, one can do worse than spending the time to learn the package management system .19:25
ed23454TJ- then I guess it will have to do (atleast until it brakes again) :)19:25
TJ-ed23454: let's check there aren't some GRUB modules missing "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/grub/i386-pc/ )"19:25
ed23454TJ- , cant access it says... ls: cannot access /boot/grub/i386-pc/: No such file or directory19:27
ed23454TJ- there is no such dir19:27
TJ-ed23454: Really? Is this a UEFI system?19:28
TJ-ed23454: what does "ls -a /boot/grub/" report?19:28
ed23454Its bios,  I think its uefi but ita19:29
ed23454TJ- Its bios,  I think its uefi but its disabled19:29
Bashing-omTJ-: ^^ I have my learning cap on .19:30
TJ-ed23454: show us the output from that last 'ls' command please?19:30
akiked23454: how about this file font="/usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2" ?19:30
ed23454TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640282/19:30
TJ-Well! that explains it all perfectly!19:31
TJ-ed23454: did you previously run some manual "grub-install" command line and set the target directory?19:31
ed23454I dont know, I set up this system long ago for somebody else19:32
TJ-ed23454: all those .mod files should be in a sub-directory of /boot/grub/, and the directory named after the architecture: i386-pc19:32
ed23454TJ- I dont know, I set up this system long ago for somebody else19:32
TJ-ed23454: can you "pastebinit <( sudo lsblk -f )" and we'll fix it19:32
TJ-ed23454: the upshot is that GRUB is failing to find a module when running the 'insmod' commands19:33
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ed23454TJ- TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640304/19:33
ed23454TJ- is this a major problem?19:34
Bashing-omed23454: An example of what ls -al /boot/grub/ should resemble >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640297/ .19:34
TJ-ed23454: OK, so the boot device is sda. Do "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"19:35
TJ-ed23454: We'll then check what is there and delete all those stray files in /boot/grub/19:36
ed23454TJ- is this ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640324/19:37
TJ-ed23454: Hmmm, isn't it nice of GRUB to spot some weird data dumped in its way and working around it!?19:38
TJ-ed23454: what the heck is FlexNet!?19:38
ed23454TJ_ there is windows 7 partition on this pc aswell19:39
akikthe flexnet i know is a license management software, but that's weird19:39
TJ-ed23454: Ahhh, digital restrictions management code, for Windows applications it looks like19:39
imatechwhat's the command to figure out what device?19:39
TJ-ed23454: akik: probably FlexNet tries to 'hide' its data where a format won't delete it19:39
TJ-ed23454: show us "find /boot/grub -type d" please19:39
akikgod i love descriptive error messages19:39
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TJ-akik: Just what I was thinking; beats the Windows approach of Bulldozing everything :)19:40
ed23454TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640340/19:40
TJ-ed23454: you now have the expected '/boot/grub/i386-pc/'19:41
ed23454TJ- yes, I am very happy, wat to do next :)19:41
TJ-ed23454: now let's remove the stray files: "sudo rm /boot/grub/*.{mod,lst,sh}"19:42
TJ-ed23454: then check what files are left with "ls -altr /boot/grub/"19:42
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ed23454TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640357/19:43
TJ-ed23454: Looks perfect :) Try a reboot.19:44
ed23454ok :)19:44
TJ-akik: did you look for an existing bug report for the incorrect font path you spotted?19:45
akikTJ-: no it just was weird to use /usr that got me thinkiing19:46
graamontwho could help me access my router configuration page?19:47
TJ-akik: it is bug 72154519:47
ubottubug 721545 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Grub font file should be in /boot, not /usr" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72154519:47
TJ-akik: the scripts under /etc/grub.d/ are inserting the OS path, not the GRUB root path19:48
akiki don't think grub can access /usr at that point?19:48
TJ-akik: exactly :)19:48
TJ-akik: the file is copied into GRUB's root (/boot/grub/) but the script path isn't adjusted19:49
TJ-ed23454: How was that?19:49
ed23454TJ- yeah, booted without a single error message, TJ many thanks, really helped me out19:49
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akikhow many of you are employed by canonical? it's amazing to see this kind of quality support for ubuntu19:52
TJ-akik: none19:52
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ed23454TJ- you are doing gods work, if you have btc/ltc address I dont mind sending you few $19:55
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TJ-ed23454: thanks, but I'm fine. Contribute back to the community yourself in some way you enjoy19:56
ed23454TJ- well alright man, take care and thanks again19:56
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MiDOZHello, I downloaded Ubuntu 15.04, updated it to the latest updates available, I will give u soon the uname -a output... But I have a problem that I've never faced before, which is that my Realtek wifi adapter suddenly disconnects me from my network and doesn't show any other wifi's (Nearby) it would be as if it's off19:58
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MiDOZLinux MiDOZ-Ubuntu 3.19.0-30-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 21 20:58:04 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:58
TJ-MiDOZ: you're the 2nd person this evening reporting the same issue. Can you tell is the exact device entry from "lspci -nn" and also tell us what "iwconfig" reports for the interface Power Management setting19:59
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TJ-MiDOZ: can you also show us "pastebinit <( grep 'deauthenticated from' /var/log/syslog )"20:02
hecataeMiDOZ: anything from dmesg may help as well20:04
orionHi. How do I disable compiz on 15.04?20:04
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* TJ- suspects MiDOZ lost the network :)20:04
skratorHello EVERYONE!!!20:04
daftykinsorion: mmm what's the goal here? better off with another DE to rid yourself of all the graphical requirements20:04
oriondaftykins: Compiz is using 30% CPU when the VM is idling.20:05
orionAnd it's annoying.20:05
MiDOZ@TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12640505/20:05
daftykinsorion: oh in a VM? do you specifically need to use the unity desktop in this VM?20:05
TJ-MiDOZ: what about the other info I asked for?20:06
oriondaftykins: Yes. I need firefox and other things.20:06
MiDOZ@TJ-, one Second, but about the deauth, I don't think Im being deauthenticated by an intruder20:07
daftykinsorion: having firefox bears no relevance to using unity, you could've gone with something lighter like xubuntu - anyway, you might be able to tweak compiz features a bit with their utility20:07
TJ-MiDOZ: I think though you need "sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off" - the cause is the WiFi chipset going into power-saving mode20:07
daftykinsorion: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager20:07
hecataeis there a way to make unity more touch friendly, my laptop has a 10 point touchscreen20:08
andrewjs18hi all, does ubuntu log reboots anywhere?20:08
MiDOZTJ-: I'll see about that, it might be totally true20:08
akikorion: you might be able to find out some info what is going on with your vm from powertop and its tunables tab20:08
TJ-MiDOZ: try the system for a while with PM turned off, if that solves it here's an excellent guide on how to make the change permanent http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2287034&p=13360362#post1336036220:08
MiDOZTJ-: what exactly do you need me to grep you frm dmesg20:08
daftykinsakik: that doesn't even vaguely apply when compiz is the one hitting the CPU20:08
TJ-MiDOZ: I didn't want anything from dmesg ....20:08
TJ-MiDOZ: Can you tell is the exact device entry from "lspci -nn" and also tell us what "iwconfig" reports for the interface Power Management setting20:09
akikdaftykins: it doesn't help at all finding out which part of the system is creating the extra load?20:09
MiDOZTJ-: Sure20:09
daftykinsakik: i just told you it was found to be compiz :)20:09
akikorion's problem is already resolved? what was the fix?20:10
hecataeMiDOZ:  thankyou for the pastebin20:11
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daftykinsakik: no you're not understanding...20:11
Kartagishow do I force re-install from ppa?20:13
daftykinsKartagis: can you give a bit more detail? what's your current situation? http://paste.ubuntu.com could be handy20:15
Kartagisdaftykins: I installed my package from ppa. now I need to update it because its one bug was fixed but apt-get --reinstall install says I have the latest version20:16
Bashing-omKartagis: Terminal command ' sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package> ' generally should work IF there are no package management problems .20:16
hecataeTJ-:  looks like MiDOZ is using the wlan iinterface to login, shame20:17
daftykinsKartagis: you have to have run 'sudo apt-get update' to get the idea that there's a newer version, otherwise purge and reinstall if you didn't increase the version #20:17
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Guest64566i download a few .deb files using sudo apt-get download packagename and i cann't dpkg -i package ... for example when i down load ruby-ldap_0.9.16-1_i386.deb i cann't install it get dependency issues .. what is the point of downloading if you cann't install itt20:41
Guest64566Or what is the point of the download option of apt-get20:41
wileeeGuest64566, That is a very bad description.20:42
julian-delphikiGuest64566: if you also have the dependency debs downloaded it works pretty well.20:42
hecataeGuest64566:  a bad workman blames their tools, what are you downloading using apt-get?20:43
TJ-Guest64566: You are aware the proper use of apt for package installation is simply "apt install <packagename>" - there is no need to download first20:43
eloszI am confused between owner of the file and file permission20:44
eloszif a file is owned by root and has permission 644, does it mean I can read it/open it?20:44
Guest64566I realize this but i have download basically all the ldap and samba packages in the trusty repo and was wondering  why i cann't install using dpkg -i since the dependences are all in the same directory i would have assumed but maybe there is some outside that i missed20:45
mustmodify_I'm having a serious problem. I recently installed new RAM in my machine. After initial problems, I updated my BIOS. The machine seems to (a) randomly disconnect from the network and (b) randomly restart and (c) randomly lock up.  I've run memtester for like two days and everything seems fine. Actually, that was the longest the machine has gone without locking up... thought I can't imagine how those would be related. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot or 20:45
Guest64566Either way if you download a deb file or bunch of them to a local folder to uses when reinstalling the os's why doesn't it work dpkg doesn't clear up package dependency issues or at least smart enough to go out and get the dependencies it is missing or dependencies in the same folder and install those first20:47
TJ-Guest64566: You can use "dpkg -iR <directory>" to install all packages in a directory20:47
Guest64566You have to uses the apt tool a layer up20:47
TJ-Guest64566: or you can use "dpkg -i <package1>.deb <package2>.deb" to ensure dependent packages are installed at the same time20:47
akikelosz: yes you can read the file as your normal account20:48
TJ-Guest64566: dpkg is not designed nor intended to deal with repositories, that is apt's job20:48
akikelosz: the ownership is like ownership of any other thing. with permissions you can give access to the files to other groups20:50
Guest64566So one cann't make a local repo using the download command20:51
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eloszakik: but what if owner of file is root20:55
eloszthe permissions rwx are applicable to all or owner(root in this case)20:56
imatechwow, hexchat doesn't have much scroll back space20:56
imatechwhat's the command to figure out what device?20:56
imatechhow do I know what device to shred?20:57
akikelosz: if you have rwx it converts to 7 not 620:57
akikelosz: it's the permissions for the owner uid20:58
eloszakik: i mean if file is owned by root, rwx in file permission means only root can read/write/execute?20:58
akikelosz: you need to look at all the permissions together20:59
akikelosz: so you can not say only root can read if the group also has read permission21:00
elosz ls -al infile  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 Oct  2 16:03 infile21:00
korsakof------rwx root root :)21:02
akikelosz: there are unix file system permission documents all over the net. go read one21:03
freawarei am about to install ubuntu 15,04 can somene guide me please especially in the partitionning  , first should i check install this third party software ??21:04
daftykinsfreaware: are you installing as the only OS, or alongside Windows?21:04
freaware <daftykins> alongside windows21:05
daftykinsfreaware: in that case, you would have made life a little easier if you resized Windows from inside Windows already, to make space21:05
freaware <daftykins> i heve already ubuntu 14.10 installed and i want to format it and install the new one instead21:06
freaware<daftykins> can you please quide me through this ?21:07
daftykinsfreaware: sure, just run the installer and proceed to the partitioning stage - it'll offer to replace 14.1021:08
freawareshould i check install this third party software ?21:08
eloszokay akik21:09
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elosz1 question..if I execute a program owned by root, and if that program creates a file, who'll be owner of the file?21:09
eloszakik: ^21:09
daftykinsfreaware: no need nope21:10
akikelosz: if you execute it as your own user id, normally the file will be owner by your user id but there's exception to it too21:10
Guest64566ok i am using apt-get again and now when i try to do something it doesn't allow me. I do apt-get check and it says i have umet package dependencies issues uses -f i know -f will work but it will install new packages ... i want to just clear these error not install new dependencies21:10
daftykinsGuest64566: put the output of beginning "apt-get -f install" into http://paste.ubuntu.com21:11
Guest64566i want to forget about the packages i was dpkg for a second clear apt-get of those issues21:11
freaware<daftykins : i got a message " unmount partitions that are in use " ?21:11
akikelosz: there a setuid binaries (+s) which behave differently and are run by the owner of the file21:11
Guest64566without installing the dependencies for it21:11
akikelosz: there are21:11
daftykinsGuest64566: so show us.21:12
akiki'm sleepy :)21:12
SCHAAP137Guest64566: this is probably a consequence of installing that separate .deb file21:12
freawaredaftykins : should i just chose yes and proceed21:12
daftykinsfreaware: if it's offering to unmount them, then sure21:12
eloszakik: my program doesn't have it set21:13
freawaredaftykins ; am choosing something else in the installation type21:14
hecataefreaware: If I was you, I would install the LTS version and not need to update for 2 years21:14
daftykins*4 years21:14
Guest64566this is what apt-get check says http://pastebin.com/dy0vh3mH21:14
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Guest64566but i changed my mind i don't want to install these with -f how can i clear apt-get of this stuff so i can download other packages21:15
daftykinsthat's not what i asked for Guest6456621:16
daftykinsbut sure, get rid of samba then? :)21:17
daftykinsthat's obviously what's trying to pull in the rest21:17
daftykinsand ruby-ldap too21:17
Guest64566what do you want me to show you... when i dpkg the ruby package it didn't install or had those dependency issues21:17
daftykins"when i dpkg" - can you just state in full what you ran?21:18
freawaredaftykins ; anyway  what should i do now ? i am in the partitioning step ?21:18
freaware daftykins ; how to replace 14,10 with 15.04 ?21:20
daftykinsfreaware: did it offer to replace 14.10, or did you pick 'something else' ?21:20
daftykinsyou want the answers but you don't provide the information21:20
freaware<daftykins ; it didnt offer replacing i clicked somthing else21:21
daftykinswell, that would have worked you know21:21
daftykinsyou can probably go back :)21:21
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freawaredaftykins : i got back , but it didnt provide the option to replace , i think i need to do it manually21:23
daftykinsright... so go forward again, select the partition that was / and select to format it, making it be / again - now are you keeping any data from your old /home or have you backed up?21:23
freawaredaftykins : i have my data transfered to windows21:24
elhoirhello guys21:25
elhoirdo u know which is the official Mesa IRC channel?21:25
daftykinsfreaware: ok, it'd be handy to see a screenshot of the partitioner window21:26
daftykins!alis | elhoir21:26
ubottuelhoir: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:26
daftykinselhoir: please don't use #ubuntu as your personal freenode directory :)21:26
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freawaredaftykins : how can i take screenshot  ?21:27
daftykinspress the print screen key then upload it to somewhere like imgur.com21:27
elhoirdaftykins, it was just a questio, i didnt know where to find it21:28
daftykinselhoir: so use alis as instructed above21:28
elhoiri will21:28
hans_henrikW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/source/Sources  Hash Sum mismatch21:30
elhoirhans_henrik, i got a script to fix that21:31
freawaredaftykins : http://imgur.com/eqw0HJF21:31
wileeehans_henrik, Show us the update upgrade in a pastebin21:32
elhoiri saw it in the virtualbox site21:32
TJ-hans_henrik: possibly the mirror is in the process of being updated21:32
hans_henrikits the main server though, not a mirror21:32
elhoirhans_henrik, ee https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads21:32
daftykinsfreaware: yep so click change, set it to be mount point /, ext4 and enable format.21:32
TJ-hans_henrik: sometimes the time between the package lists and the hash lists being updated can be several minutes21:32
Guest64566ok i had to remove the samba and ruby package then i did i check and was ok... what i want to know is when i apt-get ruby-interperter i get package is a virtual package provided by ruby2.0
daftykinsfreaware: next, make sure it's using /dev/sda6 as swap.21:33
TJ-hans_henrik: there is still an update from the build servers when packages are published21:33
daftykinsGuest64566: that's not got a question in it?21:33
Guest64566confusing what the hell is a virtual package but what ever then i tried to apt-get install that package putting it in "" because of the spaces and it still failed21:34
daftykinsGuest64566: virtual or meta packages are ones that refer to a bunch of other packages, making it easier to install things via one package name instead of a whole list.21:34
daftykinsGuest64566: well no valid package has spaces, so that was your first mistake21:35
daftykinsGuest64566: why don't you start from the start, what are you trying to do?21:35
freawaredaftykins : what should i  choose in Use as ?? http://imgur.com/xez04Ej21:35
TJ-hans_henrik: actually, that's trying to fetch the source-code lists; those are compressed but your error message shows its trying to fetch the non-existent uncompressed version21:35
Guest64566so why is sudo apt-get install "ruby2.0" basically say's unable to locate package21:36
daftykinsfreaware: i already said, ext4, "/" (to be the root filesystem)21:36
daftykinsGuest64566: because that's not a real package name.21:36
daftykinsGuest64566: so can you stop wasting both of our time and say what you are REALLY trying to do?21:36
Guest64566it gave me that option when i tried to install ruby-interperter21:37
hans_henrikTJ-: huh, weird21:37
TJ-hans_henrik: I assume you get that from "apt-get update" ??21:37
daftykinsGuest64566: you're still not telling me what you're trying to achieve, i'm going to give up replying soon.21:37
hans_henrikTJ-: affirmative21:37
TJ-hans_henrik: which ubuntu release are you using?21:38
Guest64566as one of the virtual packages maybe it should just be ruby2 and the thing is just indicating something else for the package21:38
Guest64566i will try that21:38
TJ-hans_henrik: !!!!! don't answer that I'm dumb :D21:38
TJ-hans_henrik: Dur 14.04 :)21:38
* hans_henrik is slightly confused21:38
daftykinsGuest64566: well don't guess, check PROPERLY with "apt-cache search ruby"21:38
freawaredaftykins : like that ? http://imgur.com/C4OVE9o and how to check it's using /dev/sda6 as swap21:38
daftykinsfreaware: yes that's fine, check swap by highlighting it and checking its' "use as"21:39
TJ-hans_henrik: can you pastebin the complete output of an 'apt-get update' run please?21:39
TJ-Guest64566: if you spent some time reading the manual pages you'd know that to specify a specific version of a package the '=' symbol is used as a suffix to the package-name, followed by the version, with no spaces between them21:40
Guest64566ya with apt-cache you have only 5 ruby2.0 packages none of which have the on the end curious what this info is supposed to indicate21:40
hans_henrikapt-get update 2>&1 | pastebinit21:41
hans_henriklooks right?21:41
freaware<daftykins : is it fine ?http://imgur.com/z2DQGEB21:41
TJ-hans_henrik: or more simply "apt-get update |& pastebinit"21:41
daftykinsfreaware: i give you enough information to know, why are you so worried?21:41
daftykinsfreaware: click ok and install now21:42
Guest64566yes so ever dependency was installed from this for http://pastebin.com/dy0vh3mH the dpkg -i ruby-ldap_0.9.16-1_i386.deb  and the package now installs with no complains21:43
Guest64566I didn't install the samba just testing for that deb file install with dpkg it works if you get the 4 dependencies for it installed first with apt-getting them21:44
lostinputPlease help, lost keyboard/mouse usage in X, cannot see my devices in xinput list21:44
TJ-Guest64566: You've been doing this for several days, going against everything the package management is there to do - Why!?21:45
Guest64566My question is if one downloads all the packages from say the trusty repo into one local directory can he go there with dpkg -i and install any deb file or is dpkg not going to actually clear up dependencies even if they are in the same directory?21:45
lostinputreinstalled x-x-input-all, tried to force evdev in xorg.conf => no results :(21:45
daftykinsGuest64566: you'd put them in the /var/cache/apt/archives/ folder then they'd work - but the real question is why you're doing this? it makes zero sense and you're just wasting our time until you just _SAY_21:46
TJ-Guest64566: dpkg does NOT resolve dependencies, that is apt's job21:46
freawaredaftykins ; thanks a lot !! i have a question why ubuntu doesnt detect my ineternal wifi card ? i always need an external adapter21:46
TJ-freaware: possibly it requires closed-source driver code21:47
MonkeyDustGuest64566  do you want to make an offline, local repo?21:47
Guest64566so dpkg is just to install to correct directories and tell apt-get what dependencies it needs to download/install first21:48
Guest64566not to resolve dependences that is the job of apt-get21:48
freaware<TJ-> when i tried to add aditional driver  in 14,10 version i messed up my networking i got the message , wifi disabled by hardware switch21:49
TJ-freaware: that's not an Ubuntu issue; the PC has a hardware control to disable the radio and you must have activated that without realising21:50
Guest64566dpkg is just a program that reads the structure of the deb file format and checks dependences if all is good it can install the deb to the proper place. But the apt-get is for resolving the dependencies and downloading them from the internet right?21:50
freaware<TJ-> but  windows detects the internal wifi card ?21:51
freaware<TJ-> and its dual boot with ubuntu21:51
Guest64566If so then if one apt-get download the whole trusty repo locally to a file. forgetting dpkg using apt-get could one point apt-get to the local folder and have it install the deb files correctly i.e resolve these issues?21:52
daftykinsfreaware: no point doing anything about that until you boot into the fresh install.21:52
TJ-Guest64566: see "man 5 deb" and "man 5 deb-control"21:52
Guest64566That i had with dpkg on a local folder that had all the dependencies21:52
MonkeyDustGuest64566  better create a thread on a forum21:52
daftykinsGuest64566: essentially you just need to learn how to use package management properly and not come up with these convoluted schemes.21:53
TJ-freaware: Ahhh, OK, you have a buggy BIOS/firmware ACPI DSDT then, which detects Linux and doesn't enable all the functions it enables for Windows21:53
TJ-freaware: there are some workarounds that usually solve that21:53
Guest64566just hell to know which ones go first based on the seemingly never ending dependency change that by hand would take to long to clear up with dpkg could you uses apt-get on the local folder to resolve and install the local .deb files with out the dependency issues21:54
daftykinsGuest64566: you're just trying to install the wrong things is all.21:54
daftykinsworks fine for everyone else :)21:54
imatechhow do you increase the scrollback on hex chat?21:55
MonkeyDustGuest64566  what was your initial question?21:55
daftykinsMonkeyDust: we're not allowed to know the real task, which is half the problem :(21:55
TJ-freaware: If the issue I describe is your problem then installing a later Ubuntu most likely won't solve the issue21:56
zestererI've got a major problem, and I've no idea why21:56
daftykinsdetails? :)21:57
zestererI was just playing a game, when suddenly my mouse axis changed21:57
zestererSuddenly I move my mouse up and the cursor moves left21:57
zestererMy touchpad works fine21:57
daftykinscheck the game options / restart it.21:57
zestererIt was a flash game, so I doubt it's that21:57
zestererbesides, I just rebooted and it didn't fix it21:57
Guest64566no i am trying to install the right thing rubyldap... .deb file though with dpkg i would have to install all the dependencies in a certain order before that package could be installed. So now i was wondering if i could uses apt-get on the local folder that has all the deb's and there dependencies all there so that it can resolve me dependencies and not have to go over the net everytime i need a dependency because i have them loc21:58
Guest64566ally... it also free's up bandwith of the repo servers to if people chose to do this because they where going to reinstall there os's a bunch of times21:58
daftykinsGuest64566: using a .deb is not the best way to begin with.21:58
daftykinsthat's why you're going wrong.21:58
daftykinsGuest64566: no, you're still going about it all wrong.21:58
MonkeyDustGuest64566  if you have to ask it, don't try it... leave it to experienced users21:59
zestererdaftykins, I've tried flipping the screen orientation a few times and still nothing21:59
Guest64566if i apt-get download the whole trusty repo locally to a directory is there away to tell apt-get to install a package from the local directory using the local directory first to resolve dependencies other then going over the net to the trusty repo21:59
TJ-Guest64566: in those scenarios many sites use 'apt-cacher-ng'22:00
TJ-Guest64566: Other sites will use 'apt-mirror' and 'apt-clone'22:00
daftykinszesterer: sorry, i don't really help with games... much less flash ones.22:00
ritztechim trying to do a Socks SSH tunnel (i did it with Securecrt way)   but tyring to on linux now   so i dont have to use it   A-->B-->C      i need to get to C  but only way is to hop from A to B then C   i just wanna like 1081 to C from A right away After the tunnel is built22:00
zestererdaftykins, I'm 100% certain it has nothing to do with the game22:00
avenger_qive never had cyber sex before22:01
zestererdaftykins, I just mentioned the game as a way of explaining that I wasn't doing anything that would normally cause this behaviour22:01
elhoiravenger_q, wtf?22:01
daftykinszesterer: ah ok so what you should've said is that it's happening on your DE?22:01
avenger_qsorry wrong channel22:01
daftykinselhoir: don't feed the trolls22:01
zestererdaftykins, Yeah22:01
TJ-zesterer: that is weird, is the mouse USB or Bluetooth or something else?22:01
daftykinsand the DE of choice is?22:01
zestererdaftykins, Even after rebooting, plugging mouse in and out, reorienting screen, etc.22:02
zestererTJ-, USB + Bluetooth22:02
daftykinshow about testing the guest session? :)22:02
zestererE.g: USB dongle thing22:02
daftykinsthat'll rule out your account22:02
zestererI'll try that. I'll just make a guest session22:02
TJ-zesterer: So the touchpad moves in the correct axis but the mouse has swapped X<>Y ?22:02
zestererTJ-, Yeah22:02
daftykinsi wonder if it shows up in Xorg.0.log as to doing that :)22:03
TJ-zesterer: that sounds like a per-input-device config got changed somehow.22:03
zestererWould that be something that could have been activated by some crazy keyboard shortcut?22:03
TJ-zesterer: Before thinking about config though, check the device with fresh batteries22:03
scuba323I just installed Ubuntu 13.04 usin Wubi on a Windows 10 machine. I think I typed the password in wrong when i started the install because I can't log in :/ And i can't seem to boot into grub either. I get a windows 10 boot option screen22:03
zestererTJ-, The batteries were fresh about 5 days ago22:04
TJ-zesterer: When my Bluetooth mouse batteries tire the mouse wanders around the screen randomly on its own22:04
zestererIt usually goes for about 6 months without needing new ones22:04
MonkeyDustscuba323  13.04 is dead and wubi is not a real installation22:04
Guest64566yes but once you have a local copy regardless of what apt-mirror ,...etc tools you uses instead of apt-get  command you need to tell apt-get i would imagine in its source.list to uses the local directory what would that be deb localhost/absolutepath/to/the/repo/folder ?22:04
TJ-zesterer: OK, but batteries can fail unexpectedly :)22:04
daftykinsscuba323: we don't support 13.04 as it's EOL and WUBI is also not supported, sorry.22:04
scuba323thanks anyways :P22:04
TJ-zesterer: it's easier to do a simple battery swap test before trying to dig into the config22:04
MonkeyDustGuest64566  what are you still expecting from this channel?22:05
daftykinsGuest64566: you need to accept what you are talking about is all wrong.22:05
daftykinsGuest64566: i already answered this with the correct way but you have ignored it, so please stop talking about this completely ill-conceived plan and learn how to manage packages properly.22:06
Guest64566somebody to tell me what the line format would be for the sources.list file for a local folder say in /home/ubuntu/myrepdeb22:06
daftykinsyou don't do it that way.22:06
daftykinsyou are 100% wrong.22:06
MonkeyDustGuest64566  what you want, cannot be done22:07
avenger_qi cant remember. she was only 14 at the time.22:07
zestererOk, now it's decided not to work at all22:07
daftykins!ops | avenger_q please remove due to inappropriate off topic comments.22:07
ubottuavenger_q please remove due to inappropriate off topic comments.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang22:07
zestererAnd yes, I put new batteries in it22:07
Guest64566you can do deb cdrom , deb http or deb ftp i believe so i have to set up a http local site or something else... curious how they know the path for deb cdrom lines22:08
TJ-Guest64566: Instead of asking us developer questions, please read the dpkg/apt documentation and source-code. We're here to support Ubuntu end-users with problems, not researchers22:08
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popeyGuest64566: deb file:/foo/bar22:09
popeyGuest64566: for local file access, not http22:09
avenger_qshe was old enough i thought. when can you?22:09
Guest64566thanks deb file:/  is what i need provided it works if i comment out the other source's in the source list and that type works. One other last question is the order in the sources.list determine what apt-get uses first to clear dependences so if i put deb file:/ first and left the others it would do the local first then check the internet ones22:12
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
popeyGuest64566: no, it doesn't work like that. you need to set priority if you want one to be preferred over another22:15
Guest64566i.e does it go top down for checking dependencies in source.list or if not how does one tell apt-get to uses a specific one first or the order of which repo locations to look for first22:16
popeyGuest64566: yes, I understood your question, and said no, it doesn't work like that. you have to set priority22:16
Guest64566how does one set priorities for apt-get repo's in the source list22:16
RepThis1Hey guys im trying to wake-on-lan over internet and i seem to have it working as running an application from the web will wake it but i am interested in which native tool on ubuntu can i use to wake it22:18
popeyRepThis1: etherwake?22:18
RepThis1popey: i tried wakeonlan -i 12.345.67.890 01:23:45:67:89:ab but all i get is a Sending magic packet to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx22:19
SCHAAP137RepThis1: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/vivid/man8/etherwake.8.html22:19
RepThis1popey: however this "01:23:45:67:89:ab" i am unsure on as what is ab indicating?22:20
popeythats the mac address of the ethernet card22:20
Guest64566O i see the man page for sources.list shows your deb option format you gave me they have one for ssh rsh as well cool but haven't found the priorty thing yet though i still have to look under apt.conf , or apt-preferences ,... man page . so my last thing is finding the order of apt-get using or always commenting out source lines before time. thanks great now i am almost set with most parts of the package manager for debian based22:21
Guest64566 systems22:21
RepThis1popey: right but the example has the last 2 as letters so i thought there might be something im missing22:21
popeyRepThis1: it's hexadecimal22:21
RepThis1hexadecimal base 2 w/e22:22
RepThis1SCHAAP137: i tried using that but i became confused with the -i switch because it seemed bizare to me that u would have to know the remote systems interface22:23
RepThis1SCHAAP137: plus i was not sure in which order and which switches to use?22:24
SCHAAP137RepThis1: the -i option is for defining the local interface, on which to send the magic packet from22:24
utu8ois ubuntu shuipping on any retail tablets?22:25
daftykinsRepThis1: experiment :)22:25
popeyutu8o: no22:26
SCHAAP137RepThis1: it will be difficult to break something by mistyping an etherwake command, don't worry about it22:26
salerno91i want integrate octave language in as it if were native, it's possible ?22:26
RepThis1im also in the local segment so i was not even sure i could adequately test it.22:26
SCHAAP137it will only travel in the same broadcast domain22:27
SCHAAP137it doesn't traverse routers, the magic packet22:27
daftykinsi figured you had to be triggering something on a gateway host to wake up a system on its' internal LAN, since yeah - internet side is not going to happen.22:27
RepThis1SCHAAP137: not woried about breaking anything, just insight into the proper syntax, the thing i dislike about this application is its man page which does not show usage cases22:27
daftykinsperhaps if you told us what you're trying to achieve?22:28
SCHAAP137RepThis1: i would say something like: etherwake -i eth0 00:11:22:33:44:5522:28
SCHAAP137replace that MAC with the actual MAC from the network interface of the machine u want to wake up22:29
RepThis1is there an application then that can traverse routers like this program http://www.wakeonlan.me/22:29
SCHAAP137nah, the "over internet" part is nonsense22:30
RepThis1i can wake from the same network segment, the question was waking a machine not in the local area network22:30
SCHAAP137that's technically impossible i believe, RepThis122:30
RepThis1SCHAAP137: but that application will wake my computer22:30
SCHAAP137could be, how did you test it?22:31
freawarewhy am i stuck here ?? http://imgur.com/brX6Ek9 , it's not progressing ??22:31
RepThis1SCHAAP137: now if ubuntu has something natively that would be awsome, otherwise i found a piece of software mentioned as wol that i may have to install22:31
RepThis1u enter the public ip address, remote machines mac address(not the router) and port22:32
SCHAAP137RepThis1: Ubuntu has the etherwake command, i cannot imagine that this WOL application from that shady website functions any differently22:32
freawarehow much time   does it need ??22:34
SCHAAP137freaware: for how long has it been stuck at that point?22:34
RepThis1SCHAAP137: I configured my router to port forward and added a config line to arp22:35
freaware<SCHAAP137 : about 30 min22:35
SCHAAP137freaware: that is indeed very long freaware, are you sure the disk you try to install on is healthy?22:35
freawaresince i started the installation it s been 30 min22:35
freawareSCHAAP137 : yes it is22:36
SCHAAP137half an hour for an EXT4 format seems awefully long22:36
freawareSCHAAP137 : i have ubuntu 14.10  installed in it i set it to format the old version and instal 15 .0422:37
freawareSCHAAP137 : can i reboot and try again ?22:38
daftykinsfreaware: perhaps reboot, delete them and try fresh install22:38
daftykinsprobably won't change much22:38
SCHAAP137hmm, if it's stuck on this point for that long, i would retry it yes22:38
SCHAAP137also freaware, you could have performed the upgrade from within the system22:39
SCHAAP137without having to use the installer disk22:39
SCHAAP137just sudo do-release-upgrade22:39
freaware <SCHAAP137 : i have to install it from scrath because i have a networking problem in 14.1022:40
SCHAAP137ahh, okay22:40
freawareso am going to try it again and see22:40
SCHAAP137yeah that seems like the best option now, i agree22:42
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avenger_qi didnt know she was 15 when i touched her.22:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang22:48
Torontonianwhat is your theory on psychopaths?22:50
Torontoniannature vs nurture22:51
wileee#ubuntu-offtopic  is the chat channel is all, support here.22:51
evobrainciao a tutti22:53
ubottuevobrain: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:53
freawaremy ubuntu installation get stuck in step 5 and now am trying to install  again , and i got this message that the resize operation will take a long time , can you tell me how long ??23:05
freawarehere http://imgur.com/IQQt7a723:06
daftykinswhy do you need to resize? just delete those two partitions and start again23:06
freaware<daftykins : but you didn't tell me to do that back then ?23:07
daftykinsfreaware: what? you didn't need to resize anything before.23:08
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daftykinsand you still don't23:09
freawaredaftykins ; wait are you the guy who guided me in the installation precess ?23:09
freawaredaftykins : i don't know what resizing means actually after i hit install now , the installation started and the got stuck for so long23:10
daftykinsyes i know, i suggested you delete the two Linux partitions and start again23:11
freawaredaftykins : what do you mean by two linux partition i have only one of 14.10   and swap23:12
daftykinsyeah 1 + 1 = 223:13
freawaredaftykins ; ok sorry how to delet them then ?23:13
daftykinshighlight each in the partitioner there and select - to delete them23:13
daftykinsor quit the installer and run gparted instead23:13
AnthaasIs there an easy way to rename all a file that exists in numerous subdirectories, but rename it in all subdirectories?23:13
Anthaasi.e. I am in FolderOne, there is SubFolder1, SubFolder2, and SubFolder3, all 3 SubFolders contain "file.txt", but I want to rename to "words.txt" in all SubFolders23:14
AnthaasOh actually, thats not an accurate representation.23:15
AnthaasYou know what, doing it manually will be easier23:15
daftykinsAnthaas: #bash anyway otherwise23:15
freawaredaftykins : http://imgur.com/QHeMbc923:17
asdg9123I tried to move a Dell Inpiron 545 over to Ubuntu but the soundcard wouldn't work. So I bought another one (Audigy 2 Sound blaster) but I can't seem to get this one to work either. I did "lspci -v" and found that ubuntu could see the soundcard, but I still can't get any sound. Any tips?23:18
daftykinsaudigy 2 is quite the museum piece :(23:18
daftykinsfreaware: right click swap -> swapoff -> delete sda6 -> then delete sda5.23:18
freawaredaftykins : i don't know how to delete it from the installer and the gparted didn't work ?23:19
asdg9123daftykins: I honestly don't care about the sound quality. I just want it to work23:19
daftykinsasdg9123: i'm not talking about quality, nm23:20
daftykinsfreaware: did you check gparted was installed? did you try to run it? just click the swap and try the - there23:20
fiab_Happy, Ubuntu Studio 15.04 user here, sorta-newbie... will adding KDE Plasma 5.x cause latency issues or any negative issues, or should I just install it?23:21
asdg9123Am I better off getting an external usb soundcard? I feel like I've gone back to the 90s.23:21
daftykinsno, i would never get anything audio that's USB23:22
freawaredaftykins ; ok i deleted them but they still apear in the botom should i choose to clear all opreation or apply all ops ?23:22
daftykinsoh so you _are_ in gparted23:22
daftykinsyou need to hit the green apply tick yes23:22
fiab_Are there, ubuntu studio, specific channels on, freenode?23:23
asdg9123What should I do then? I'm stuck.23:23
daftykins!channels | fiab_23:23
ubottufiab_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist and !alis - See also !Guidelines23:23
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:25
fiab_thanks folks, will do, reading guidelines, am very familiar with freenode, I will read all -- just looking for anyone to say, No, don't install KDE plasma 5.x on ubuntu studio 15.04 or not23:26
fiab_good list, reading23:27
fiab_what's different in official ubuntu channels from most other freenode channels?23:28
freawaredaftykin ; sorry , i dont understand   , here is a screenshot http://imgur.com/edit?album_id=QrCtd23:28
fiab_that's my last q, found #ubuntustudio, peace ;)23:29
freawaredaftykin : so i need to hit apply all operations ?23:30
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daftykinsfreaware: how else do you think the task will complete?23:35
freaware<daftykins ; sorry am kina stupid , okey it's done now i have new option in the installation type should i choose it  it says " install ubuntu alongside them"  or go with something else and create a new partition ?23:38
freawaredaftykins : I think i should choose the first option , right ?23:40
freawaredaftykins ; I consider it a yes !23:42
jcstarkenLooking for help installing ubuntu on my 2014 samsung galaxy note 10.123:45
daftykinsjcstarken: tablet? wrong channel23:46
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jcstarkendaftykins: sorry what one do I need thank you23:47
daftykins#ubuntu-touch but even then who knows if it'll work23:47
jcstarkendaftykins: thank you23:48
freawaredaftykins : is my installation qoing well http://imgur.com/HFtUOh223:52
daftykinsnope, looks like your download or media is bad23:53
Huliosup guys23:55
uriel11\help newuser23:56
netcrashwrongly I deleted the kernels from /boot without doing aptitude remove of the package, how can I fix this?23:57
daftykinsnetcrash: wow that was unwise. do you have any left?23:57
daftykinsuriel11: ask a question if you require ubuntu support.23:57
netcrashdaftykins: yes23:57
netcrashspace is still 100%23:58
uriel11my first time in ubuntu and irc23:58
daftykinswhat do you mean 100%, used?23:58
daftykinsnetcrash: "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" then reinstall those23:58
uriel11i just burnedout my windows23:58
daftykinsuriel11: you did what? so, do you have an ubuntu support question?23:59
daftykinswe don't do help with Windows :)23:59

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