
sakrecoerinteresting sampler, strange license.08:34
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
zequenceSince June last year, the bugs sent to members of ubuntustudio-bugs has went above 100010:11
zequenceThough I've commented on a few, don't think I have fixed a single one.10:12
sakrecoerhave they been adressed at all?10:14
zequenceWell, we aren't exactly responsible for that anyway. And there are plenty of people who do take an interest in those packages, for different reasons10:14
zequenceIn a few cases I'm sure one of us could see if there was a fix upstream and patch a LTS package10:15
zequenceThere are rarely very critical bugs10:15
zequenceI fixed jackd and pulseaudio for 12.04 once, both for the sake of getting jack to work at all10:16
zequenceBut, since then, I haven't been aware of a bug as critical10:17
zequenceI got lots of help getting the right commits that fixed those bugs, and then just patched the packages with them10:17
zequenceSeems like openshot is about to get a new update soon http://www.openshotvideo.com/2015/09/openshot-20-september-update.html12:57
zequenceAlso, from what I understand, it will support the other two OSs as well12:58
zequenceIs this something for the future of image formats? http://flif.info/13:01

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