=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec === Zachary_DuBois is now known as Zachary === Zachary is now known as space === space is now known as SammyTheShark === SammyTheShark is now known as Zachary_DuBois === wook is now known as Guest84574 [23:30] curious, if anyone had good reason, not, to install KDE Plasma 5.x, onto ubuntu studio 15.04? part b, should I use a, backport ppa? [23:32] oh, though, new to Ubuntu Studio, I love the Ubuntu 'family' even made a video about the definition of, Ubuntu. Officially one of my favorite words [23:33] been, an apple developer for decades, got tired, lol, moving my efforts to Ubuntu... hi [23:34] I guess, this is my first impression... I am interested in developing, I would be fantastic at screen savers, ;) [23:35] would like to learn how to create audio plugins and graphics and video, etc... ;) I will keep reading.... much luv, peace [23:36] erm, I have open source code, specifically for Interactive Television, be so so sweeet to port it to Ubuntu! [23:37] and telephony - and voice recognition enhancement