
bluesabreUnit193: good work02:26
bluesabreUnit193: won't be making it to OLF this year, fwiw02:43
Unit193bluesabre: So what's up?02:43
Unit193Awwwh, I see.  Don't think I will.02:43
bluesabrenot much, just got back from dinner and movie02:44
bluesabreglad to see that the ubi-timezone bug might be fixed tomorrow02:45
Unit193Know anything about apt-cache show?02:46
bluesabreI've used it in the past02:47
Unit193Fails in wily, vivid is fine.02:47
Unit193This is major problemâ„¢02:47
bluesabrefor a particular package?02:48
Unit193PPAs, my repo, Ubuntu repos.02:48
Unit193Also, it's been more laggy.02:49
Unit193Found one that works now..02:49
bluesabrerunning wily, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12636185/02:50
Unit193real 0m5.786s, vivid real 0m0.982s and http://paste.openstack.org/show/d9TUXTryecd57XRQBxcy02:51
Unit193Tabcomplete has also greatly slowed.02:52
Unit193Soo, kind of have to keep vivid around just to check what a package is.02:54
bluesabresuppose that is slow02:54
bluesabrehaven't had the best of luck with nvidia on my laptop with wily... currently stable because I installed bumblebee (of all things)02:55
bluesabregoing to try again this weekend when I reinstall once more02:56
Unit193Tell me if apt looks any better.02:56
bluesabrebed time, back tomorrow (yay, weekend time for getting things done)03:05
Unit193Hah, a'ight.03:05
flocculantUnit193 bluesabre - caught up on core here and there, I'd certainly be happier if we'd pushed core more during this cycle - as it stands hardly any testing of it 06:27
flocculantthing's stuck rebuilding somehow too 06:28
flocculantI think I would rather wait 4 weeks and aim for 16.04 - would perhaps have been better to have tested more this cycle - but we didn't 06:29
flocculantalso 06:29
Unit193Well cdimage hasn't built it yet, so didn't have anything to test.06:30
flocculantIf we're going to start testing it properly - really needs to be building like the other 2 so we can rebuild ourselves when we want06:30
flocculantUnit193: yea - shouldn't have ended up in that state - not sure how it did 06:30
Unit193Black hole called "merge proposal"06:31
flocculantit's on the list - but should be a stand alone thing - never rebuilding, just sitting there for a cycle 06:31
flocculantUnit193: unless it's on the cron then that shouldn't make any difference afaik06:31
Unit193Meh, all the merges were up and sitting there for quite some time now, and they still aren't in.  We'll likely be lucky to get it for XXX after all.06:34
flocculant... 06:35
Unit193But, it should be built just like the other ISOs, but we don't need to test it as much afaik.06:35
flocculantUnit193: yep 06:36
flocculantI'd likely mention it a few times - then do the milestone shuffle with that as well as normal ones06:36
flocculanteffectively I guess we're really just testing that it installs 06:37
flocculantdid krytarik do whatever he was doing? 06:37
flocculantas it stands now - I think we'll be lucky to get anywhere in the next 2 weeks - so maybe better to push for them to sort stuff out early xx06:38
Unit193The ubuntu-cdimage one?  Yeah, long ago as well.06:52
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bluesabreflocculant: yeah, I agree with your position. I think if we can get somebody started on adding these things in, we can have it when x starts10:39
flocculantbluesabre: yep - that seems the sensible way to move on I think12:02
flocculantbluesabre: btw been digging around for Templates - close to New Zealand but not a resolution :p12:07
GridCubeoh no! http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/10/gigabytes-of-user-data-from-hack-of-patreon-donations-site-dumped-online/16:05
GridCubethats so bad16:05
GridCubeoh yes17:10
flocculantwhy we getting mails to http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20151001-wily.html 17:30
Unit193Yey!  None Xubuntu!18:10
flocculantwell yea - I saw that :p18:12
flocculantdidn't know why we were suddenly getting the mails - can't imagine it's something new 18:14
flocculantyea - but still wonder18:21
flocculantI assume this *thing* isn't new - never seen one cc'd to us18:21
flocculant(though I'd see it from -announce)18:21
Unit193It wasn't.18:30
Unit193They do random entire repo rebuilds, otherwise it's only new stuff or transitions.18:30
flocculantok - that's fine, just checking the why:18:34
Unit193Q: Do we actually care about skippy-ed at this point at all? (https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/extras)19:03
flocculantdoes it do something the dashboard doesn't? 19:31
flocculantwhere we actually looking at either seriously?19:31
Unit193xfdashboard is pending in pkg-xfce, and Debian #788332 (-pulseaudio is hungup in NEW.)19:34
ubottuDebian bug 788332 in wnpp "ITP: xfdashboard -- GNOME shell like dashboard for Xfce" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/78833219:34
flocculantnot quite what I meant - are we looking to add one to default? 19:35
ochosiUnit193: i guess for MR you really need to poke ppl directly on irc. or poke people to poke people.19:41
ochosi(as annoying as that is)19:41
Unit193ochosi: I have been.19:42
ochosiUnit193: oh ok. i guess we should've done a better job at supporting you there then19:54
flocculantbluesabre: did you see bug 150104120:04
ubottubug 1501041 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "No visible display in ubuntu session when using nvidia drivers via nvidia-prime until screen goes to sleep, then waked up" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150104120:04
flocculantseen a few nvidia issues this cycle - not been using it myself (and no need for that bumblebee thingymajig) 20:05
flocculantevening ochosi 20:05
ochosihi flocculant 20:06
knomehello all20:08
flocculanthi knome 20:08
knomeflocculant, there's a draft page at the website for you to look at20:08
flocculantknome: okey doke :)20:09
knomeflocculant, just log in and find it on the list of pages in the admin20:09
flocculantUnit193: did you see recentish bug for apt-cache long descriptions?20:09
flocculantknome: yep - will do :)20:09
knomedid some small changes (eg. to drop the multi-level lists) and wanted to run it by you20:09
flocculantwell I might well want them back - the ones I had were there for a reason20:10
knomei know20:10
knomebut if you want them back, then we just add them back :P20:10
knomeno biggie20:10
flocculantyep :)20:10
knomeanother thing i was wondering if this level of deepness is suitable for the website20:11
flocculantI was wondering that20:11
flocculantbut 20:11
knomewhich is mostly targeted end-users20:11
knomei know, we don't have other place for it either...20:11
flocculantI didn't really want it to be globally editable - so veered away from wiki 20:11
knomemaybe we'll have better outlets for that kind of information in 6-12 months20:12
flocculantknome: ok - happy enough with that layout - don't publish yet, seen one typo - will check it again tomorrow20:18
knomeyep, sure20:18
flocculantand it's not a spelling error - my original said one thing - the draft says something else - not sure what happened there20:19
flocculantthanks :D20:19
knomei changed wording in one place20:19
flocculantI know ;)20:20
knomepractically avoiding links that say "here"20:20
flocculantyep - saw that 20:20
knomegood good :)20:20
knomeand as always, just ask me if you need further feedback or help with it20:20
flocculantand yea - possibly not the best place for it - but it's what we have and we really needed a more or less one-stop place20:21
knomei'm actually really interested in setting up our own wiki20:22
knomeor something along the lines of that20:22
flocculantwould be useful to have somewhere that we've got some control 20:22
flocculantat least we can 'go here' for the last word20:23
flocculantI'll look tomorrow - then let you know20:25
flocculantI don't want to screw up publishing that in the wrong place :p20:25
Unit193flocculant: Thought so, but has new info.20:27
Unit193Still has some oddities, but eh.20:27
flocculantpersonally I don't use show much - but I can see it being a pain 20:28

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