
holsteinpuff: i had an older thinkpad that had "panel fit".. it was a keyboard shortcut..00:29
holsteinanyways, if its not a keyboard shortcut like that, i would try different GPU drivers.. even testing with the vesa driver..00:29
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NotAlbertgood afternoon guys04:52
NotAlberti just want to ask how am i going to archive a file at the maximum compressed level using p7zip04:53
SnicksieI get a black screen after the xubuntu-loader (when I should get my login screen) with kernel versions 3.13.0-63 and -61, but it's working with -55. I'm using xubuntu 14.04 LTS and I'm not sure how to debug this problem. My tty's are working just fine, so I have no idea really what the problem is. In my dmesg I get a stack trace after an excessive driver sleep, on intel gpu driver after removing the efi default vga driver. What are my next ste05:58
SnicksieI'm currently on a kernel version that has the problem, if that would help05:58
SnicksieI got no video output at all, after the xubuntu-loader. Also, I get a black screen before the xubuntu-loader, which I'm also not used to06:00
Snicksiealso, it's clearly only the video output that is missing, I can blindly login there, it logs in and all06:12
Snicksielightdm doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that I have no video output06:21
Snicksieok, thanks for the rubberducking, I removed all traces of nvidia driver and bumblebee stuff that might have been (partially?) responsible, now it works06:28
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dkesselSnicksie: i have also had that when some nvidia driver update went wrong. It failed to install the kernel module. Reinstalling the driver generally helps07:38
Snicksieok, that might have been the problem indeed dkessel, I'll look into it later (at work now), to make sure bumblebee works again. Nouveau driver failed miserably at running anything at all including glxgears07:48
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
xubuntu969hello how i dowloand some mp3 from youtube how programe ?09:59
xubuntu969but i want to dowloand in my phone and when i dowloand like youtube-dl its not suported format10:03
cfhowlettxubuntu969, your PHONE?  this is xubuntu support ... is ubuntu on your phone??10:04
xubuntu969i cant uderstand the princip of dowloandig in my phone10:05
cfhowlettask the people who make your phone.10:05
xubuntu969its from sony10:06
cfhowlettand it's not ubuntu.  this is ubuntu support.  NOT sony suppot.10:06
xubuntu969so thank you i dowload old way in the windows10:11
xubuntu969hawe a nice day10:12
ravithis is ravi11:01
ravii downloaded eclipse-mars from eclipse site11:01
raviand i extracted it11:02
ravii don't know how to launch it?11:02
ravimy os is xubuntu11:02
ravicould you assist me?11:02
xubuntu505wlost all sounds on my xubuntu 14.04. all of a sudden (probably due to some update issues) dont know how to fix it. tried several suggested solutions on the web, didnt do the trick...14:09
holsteinxubuntu505w: i think, for me, step one would be, to determine the hardware didnt break.. if i know the 14.04 live iso worked with it, i could try that.. or, windows, if its a dual boot machine14:10
xubuntu505walso some window which i havent seen before pops out every now and then, showing speaker and red x sign and something that looks like progress bar, dissapears by itself after a second14:11
holsteini would then try "lspci" and "aplay -l" and "arecord -l" and see that the hardware is present, and alsa is loading it14:11
xubuntu505wwill try that now and report results14:11
holsteini would be looking at any relevant ppa's that may have packages that could break support.. i would try booting the older kernel, if i think its an update that has broken something..14:12
xubuntu505wlspci says this:14:12
xubuntu505w00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 06) 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor PCI Express x16 Controller (rev 06) 00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family USB xHCI (rev 05) 00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family MEI Controller #1 (rev 04) 00:1a.0 USB controlle14:12
xubuntu505w00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05) 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #1 (rev d5) 00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #3 (rev d5) 00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family USB EHCI #1 (rev 05) 00:1f.14:13
xubuntu505w01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107 [GeForce GTX 750] (rev a2) 01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation Device 0fbc (rev a1) 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 0c)14:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:13
xubuntu505wok tnx sorry didnt know14:14
xubuntu505waplay found two cards14:15
xubuntu505wfirst Intel PCH14:16
xubuntu505wsecond HDA Nvidia but that one was found 3 times, on 3 devices whatever that means14:16
xubuntu505warecord found that Intel PCH on two devices14:17
holsteinxubuntu505w: those commands, aplay, and arecord just look and see what alsa is capable of using..14:17
holsteinim not giving you a "fix my audio command".. just some tools that can help me help you find what the issue can be..14:18
holsteinyou can simply try booting your older kernel, if you feel an update has broken something..14:19
xubuntu505wlooks like alsa has the needed connections from these results though?14:19
xubuntu505wi tried rebooting alsa didnt help14:19
holsteinxubuntu505w: have you tried booting the older kernel?14:20
xubuntu505wsomething did change though, now when that popup appears there is a small noise coming from the speakers14:21
xubuntu505wnope since this is the computer in question14:21
xubuntu505wif i reboot i will log out from here...14:21
holsteini like using pavucontrol, to see connections for audio14:21
holstein!info pavucontrol14:21
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-3 (vivid), package size 111 kB, installed size 960 kB14:21
xubuntu505wok will try that14:22
xubuntu505wpavucontrol shows that the music is playing14:23
xubuntu505wonly no sound from the speakers14:23
holsteinxubuntu505w: see where it is routed14:24
morffor me 5.1 not playing either, unless i set output to 5.114:24
holsteindouble check the physical routing.. check power.. etc..14:24
morfbut it's caused imho by the sound card14:24
morf(e.g. output 5.1 -> playing both head phones, and speakers; on stereo only head phones14:25
xubuntu505wcables & power r ok, the lights r on, so at least am sure that there is power to the speakers14:25
xubuntu505wit says ALSA playback on Built in Analog audio stereo14:26
xubuntu505wspeakers r only making noise when i recive this pop up which appears all of a sudden14:26
xubuntu505wdont understand it it comes randomly and dissapears14:26
xubuntu505wwhen i click on it it also dissapears, does nothing as far as i can see14:27
xubuntu505wthey make that small noise from static, like a hiccup every time with pop up14:28
xubuntu505wmorf: what is this 5.1 u were talkin about? didnt get it?14:29
morfin the pavucontrol ... configuration ... there is list of devices and their profiles14:30
morf(configuration tab)14:30
xubuntu505wyup checkin it14:30
morfit maybe same "issue" for you as for me, because of weird sound card14:30
xubuntu505wit has two14:30
xubuntu505wit says14:31
xubuntu505wDigital stereo HDMI (unplugged)14:31
xubuntu505wthis unplugged doesent sound good, or?14:31
morfif you actually do use hdmi certainly not :)))14:31
xubuntu505wand Analog stereo duplex under Built in audio14:31
morfwell anyway there is name of the device and list of profiles14:32
morfi have there something like various combinations of 5.1 / 4.1 ... analog/digital stereo ...14:32
morf(in the profiles drop down)14:32
holsteinwhat do i do? i plug something, physically into *every* output, then, i try *every* connection.. this is part of providing linux support for hardware that doesnt promise linux support.. it can be tricky14:33
morf:))) dunno14:33
morffor the sound issues, you may want try alsa play ( aplay some.wav )14:33
xubuntu505wbut i have only normal speakers and they were working normally up to this morning... so i guess they r plugged in correctly14:33
morfto figure out if it's pulseaudio or something else14:34
xubuntu505wnot sure about that HDMI but i think that im not using it?14:34
holsteinxubuntu505w: sure. but, *dont* guess..14:34
morfif you have normal jack connected speakers you don't using it14:34
holsteinif you are not using HDMI, dont route anything to it.. though, i will test that, since, those labels can be incorrect14:34
morfmostly it's just from some monitor14:34
xubuntu505wyup i have normal jack connected speakers only14:35
xubuntu505wand they do make some sound althoug only from static when that pop up appears14:35
holsteini'll try the live iso that i *know* the hardware supported, so, i know the hardware isnt broken.. then, i'll try as another user.. the guest account, for example, to rule out user config.. i'll try the older kernel, if i feel its an upgrade14:35
xubuntu505whave no idea where else i should plugg them in, perhaps i do have some second audio jack on the comp to change it, will look14:36
holsteinif im hearing "static", then, i know that can be broken hardware.. so, again, i try and setup a reliable test for that14:36
holsteinsince, if the hardware is broken, i cant "Fix" that from inside the OS14:36
xubuntu505wok will try and plugg speakers into something else, my phone comes in mind...14:37
holsteinsure, and what does that test? the physical speakers.. which is a good test. but, the *hardware*.. the actual audio device.. the sound card, can still be broken.. or motherboard.. etc14:37
xubuntu505wok so i should go and find live cd and try it with that?14:38
holsteinxubuntu505w: there really is no "should". im just suggesting, start with less variables.. if you havent tested the speakers on sommething like your phone, then, sure, they can be broken..14:39
holsteinis the sound card physically  broken? and you can test for that with a known good live iso.. or, an officially supported OS.. was the kernel upgraded, and that is causing the support for the hardware to be different? booting the last known good kernel can confirm that..14:40
xubuntu505wok so phone first, live CD second, trying older kernel third, and if that doesent work ill be back (Arnie comes in mind always when i say that). no the kernel wasnt upgraded it was only some minor update14:41
xubuntu505wsomething that downloaded along the way and you click mindlessly while working on other things14:41
xubuntu505wlike almost every day14:41
xubuntu505wfor sure now ill read it carefully before i do that again14:41
xubuntu505wgoin then to the suggested tasks, thanks for the advices :)14:42
=== bipolar_ is now known as bipolar
xubuntu505wim back with my no sound on speakers in xubuntu 14.0415:08
xubuntu505wtried live cd linux mint15:08
holstein!audio | xubuntu505w15:08
ubottuxubuntu505w: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:08
xubuntu505weverything works perfectly15:08
holsteinso, you know the hardware isnt broken..15:08
holsteincould be as simple as, you have something muted in the chain somewhere15:09
holsteini wouldnt start dropping "sudo" commands, though.. you can really make things worse, quite easily..,15:09
xubuntu505wwell dont know where all to check15:09
xubuntu505wdisabled automute15:09
holsteinxubuntu505w: sure.. and how? and why? maybe that is actually breaking something15:10
xubuntu505wwent into alsamixer15:11
xubuntu505wso decided to try to disable automute since it was enabled15:11
xubuntu505wthats all15:11
xubuntu505wcan put it back15:11
xubuntu505whad no effect on my problem15:11
xubuntu505walso added one option in alsa-base.conf15:12
xubuntu505wdidnt change a thing15:12
holsteindo you have a system wide issue? no audio as *any* user?15:12
holsteinxubuntu505w: you will want to look at, and undo those settings, likely, since, you can really break the audio system wide, when you could just have a simple user config issue..15:12
xubuntu505wadded this line: options snd-hda-intel model=generic15:13
holsteinsure.. but, why? and when?15:13
xubuntu505wdont look really dangerous to me but will remove it15:13
holsteini have audio, and i havent added any such lines.. and, that is not added to the live iso you just tried15:13
xubuntu505wfound some topic that suggested that that did the trick to somebody with similar problem15:13
xubuntu505wwill remove it now15:14
holsteinand, im not suggesting that as a fix.. just that, you need to start at the beginning of the chain, and confirm all the parts..15:15
holstein*do* you have sound as another user?15:15
holsteinif you do, then, you konw, you dont need to mess about with the kernel, and alsa.. etc..15:15
xubuntu505wok removed that two changes i did, now will logg out again since i need to log in as other user and check if the issue persists (have a nagging feelin it will, but it needs checkin)15:16
xubuntu505wwill be back15:17
xubuntu505w_back with my no sound issue15:20
xubuntu505w_it doesent work as other user15:21
xubuntu505w_so to explain again if there r new people readin it15:22
xubuntu505w_have xubuntu 14.04.15:22
xubuntu505w_till this mornin sound was workin normally. have only normal pc speakers plugged in, nothin fancy15:22
xubuntu505w_i guess there was some minor update or sth (of the kind that you mindlessly click and forget about)15:23
xubuntu505w_and no sound since15:23
xubuntu505w_and some weird pop up window in left upper corner of the screen showin speaker and sth that looks like progress bar and comes randomly dissapears after about a sec15:24
xubuntu505w_no sound commin from speakers at all exept when that pop up appears then there is short sound like burst of static15:24
xubuntu505w_under live cd linux mint everything works perfectly15:24
xubuntu505w_there is no sound for all users on xubuntu 14.0415:25
xubuntu505w_tried force reload of alsa15:25
xubuntu505w_no result15:25
xubuntu505wi've been posting questions earlier today about sound issue in xubuntu 14.04. which appeared after minor update (no sound in the speakers & funny pop-up notification appearing)17:41
xubuntu505wanyway i've found the problem17:42
xubuntu505wdunno how to fix it though17:42
xubuntu505wwhenever that pop-up appears17:42
xubuntu505wit changes port in my bult in analog stereo17:43
xubuntu505wand i lose sound17:43
xubuntu505wwhen i change it back it works17:43
xubuntu505wthen the pop up appears again and i need to change it back and so on... how to find out what is causing the pop up (and subsequent port change)?17:43
GridCubexubuntu505w: different programs have different outputs on pavucontrol17:49
GridCubeyou can have the music player streaming sound to analog and the movie players streaming sound to hdmi17:50
xubuntu505wim not playing anything and the pop up appears randomly17:50
xubuntu505wand it causes the change in pavucontrol17:51
xubuntu505wim playin music from youtube17:51
xubuntu505wand when it appears17:51
GridCubefor every other stream?17:51
xubuntu505wthe sound dissapears and i go to pavucontrol and discover that it switched port again...17:51
GridCubeeach has their own setting, the popup should not touch other streams17:51
xubuntu505wi can try playing music from other source and see what happens17:53
xubuntu505wok playin now and waiting for the pop up to do its thing will let u know when it happens17:54
xubuntu505wyup did the same and to music player17:56
xubuntu505wpop up appears17:56
xubuntu505wsound dissapears17:56
xubuntu505wpavucontrol shows changed port17:56
xubuntu505wwhen i dont change port back18:00
xubuntu505wthe pop up also appears regulary18:00
xubuntu505wbut then it dosent change the port (since it is already set to his desired value and there is no sound already) but it causes short burst of static from the speakers18:01
xubuntu505wso i need to stop whatever program it is to send that command regulary18:01
xubuntu505wbut dunno how to locate the source18:02
GridCubesorry i dont know xubuntu505w18:06
holsteinxubuntu505w: get a screen shot of whatever popup that is..18:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:07
holsteini can think of several ways to deal with that.. one being, to disable the other outputs that are not working, anyway18:08
xubuntu505wit is nothing special that pop up, it is just a speaker icon with the red x and the volume bar, so i guess its letting me know that it did exactly what it did - switched off my sound18:10
holsteinxubuntu505w: where is the screenshot? i need to see it, to know *exactly* what yo are seeing, and what is happening18:10
xubuntu505wdont understand what you mean by disabling the other outputs that r not working?18:11
xubuntu505wok i need to wait for it to appears again and cathch it18:11
xubuntu505wit only lasts for less than a second and appears randomly18:11
holsteinand, it didnt "switch it off"? correct? it switched the output to another device, correct?one is is not working?18:11
xubuntu505wit switches the port, yes18:11
holsteini would be looking at ppa packages, if i have any ppa's added18:12
holsteini would be looking at just simply disabling other audio devices..18:12
holsteinif have have 3 devices, and im only using one, and never going to use the other ones, then, disabling the other ones wont hurt anything.. and may help, since, it seems, you have accidentally set a preference somewhere, that gives something control of your audio settings18:13
holsteinsomething such as skype.. i know skype does that. or some other application, maybe from PPA..18:13
xubuntu505wdont have ppa's added18:13
xubuntu505wdont have skype either18:13
holsteinxubuntu505w: sure. thats why i said "something like skype". in which, the appliation is setting the control, or "port" as you said18:14
holsteinif sound is working, and able to work, then, its not broken. it'l just be a matter of seeing what exactly is poping up, and why, and disabling that "feature"..18:14
xubuntu505will post the imgur link of the SS in a sec18:14
xubuntu505wis there a log that i could tail to see what it says when the pop-up pops up18:15
holsteinmaybe /var/log/syslog18:16
xubuntu505w_sorry opera crashed18:17
holsteinmaybe /var/log/syslog18:17
xubuntu505w_having trouble pasting the link18:17
xubuntu505w_just a sec18:17
xubuntu505w_ill tail this log18:17
holsteinxubuntu505w: opera is a PPA, btw18:18
holsteinnot that im saying that is causing the issue, just that, you *do* have 3rd party sources, even though, you think you dont..18:18
xubuntu505w_indeed i forgot that :D18:18
xubuntu505w_when i get to think about it there could be some other ppa's18:18
xubuntu505w_but nothing sound related18:18
xubuntu505w_or at least nothing that should affect sound18:19
holsteinxubuntu505w: it *can* be, that *any* large 3rd party unsupported source is causing something to popup like that18:19
holsteinit could be, opera is.. for example..18:19
holsteinxubuntu505w_: thats the notify system..18:21
holsteinthats what i see when i mute..18:21
holsteinxubuntu505w: thats the notify system..18:22
xubuntu505wi know but the problem is it pops randomly and when it does the switch of ports happens18:22
holsteinxubuntu505w: you are assuming "it" is doing the switching18:22
holsteinthe notify is just notifying you the device is muted.. could be *anything* in the background doing that..18:23
holsteinxubuntu505w: ok. you can also try the main #ubuntu channel.. cheers and good luck18:23
xubuntu505wty will try18:23
m3n3chm0hi, since yesterday i'm getting this error18:49
m3n3chm0W: Error de GPG: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: Las firmas siguientes no se pudieron verificar porque su clave pública no está disponible: NO_PUBKEY FE42EEC4F62476D818:49
holsteinm3n3chm0: i would check with the 3rd party unsupported source, and see that you have the key that it needs to not give you that message anymore18:49
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/13065/how-do-i-fix-the-gpg-error-no-pubkey for examle.. probably as easy as "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys FE42EEC4F62476D8" in a terminal, m3n3chm018:50
m3n3chm0holstein i've already tried to import all missing GPG keys18:50
m3n3chm0also from YPPA manager from advance menu.. but i'm getting the same erros18:51
holsteinm3n3chm0: you can share the errors along with the commands you are trying..18:51
m3n3chm0holstein OK let me check that link, thanks ¡¡18:51
holsteinotherwise the ppa may be "dead".. or broken.. you'd have to ask for support from the ppa maintainer18:51
m3n3chm0strange, i'm sure they are not dead18:53
holsteinm3n3chm0: you can always purge, and re-add..18:53
m3n3chm0ok i'll try18:53
m3n3chm0holstein solution here19:08
m3n3chm0emptying /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d19:08
m3n3chm0it seems there were too many stores stored...19:09
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comalaHi! I'm having some problems with my graphic card driver. When I go to Additional Drivers, in settings, the option selected is Continue using manually installed driver. The thing is, I haven't installed a driver manually. I was trying to change from fglrx to fglrx-updates, but it wasn't working. Then, out of nowhere, this fourth option shows and I can't switch back to the others. Can anyone help me with this? I'm really noob in linu20:47
Travis_I need help with installing XUbuntu on my laptop22:46
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