
soeedouble click on the selected widget in the inspector00:02
ubernoobguys... idk if i got lead poisoning from eating paint chips as a child or what.. i cannot figure out how to change the desktop background... ;/00:10
denza242ubernoob: right click on desktop00:11
denza242then click on desktop settings00:11
ubernoobonly thing i see that says desktop if i right click on the desktop, is refresh desktop00:12
ubernoobthat option does not appear...00:15
denza242ubernoob: which version of KDE are you running00:15
denza242ok uh00:15
ubernooboh of kde..00:15
denza242try right clicking your desktop and pressing alt+d00:15
ubernoobthat brings up activities00:16
ubernooblol.. its in folder settings!00:16
ubernoobwhich was alt-s00:17
denza242ubernoob: that must mean your desktop is in "Folder mode"00:17
denza242basically, folder mode shows the contents of a folder00:17
denza242on your desktop00:17
ubernoobohhh ok, i'll change that ten since i don't use folders on the desktop. thank you!00:18
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BanhramHello people. My SSH server refuses to allow password-less login00:53
ubuntu11Does sudo apt install kde convert ubuntu to kubuntu?03:23
ubuntu11Or add the option at boot.03:23
ubuntu11GUI boot.03:24
Guest73685ey ariel05:30
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merfyhello. I am trying to add app shortcuts on the panel but i can't. Nor with drag&drop , neither with any option right/left clicking. BTW is there anyway i can install kde4 instead of kde5 in ubuntu 15.04?11:10
CoffeeJ_see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/1451749 merfy12:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1451749 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Wish: provide a way to run kde 4 with vivid" [Undecided,Won't fix]12:12
BluesKajHowdy folks12:35
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Guest49175is this a place where I can ask questions to other kubuntu users?13:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:09
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.13:09
BluesKajGuest49175:  just ask your question13:10
Guest49175sorry i am new to this, my question: I would like to backup all my settings for the desktop, dolphin, kate etc in case something goes wrong or after a fresh install. I am working with kubuntu 15.04. How can I do this?13:11
BluesKajGuest49175:  once you set your desktop etc in systems settings they will remain set until you change them13:32
BluesKajGuest49175:  bear in mind that there are updates/upgrades to applications and their settings may or may not be affected by these changes , usually for he better13:33
BluesKajthe better13:34
Guest49175BluesKaj: I understand that the settings stay fixed, however I just had a problem where the plasma desktop crashed (black screen, also after reboot) and I had to reset ~/.kde ~/.chache ~/.config/plasma* in order to fix it. So I lost some of my settings, I want to prevent this from happening again by saving all the settings somewhere for me to recover. Also handy after een clean install.13:41
BluesKajusually the recovery kernel is sufficient to get back to the desktop where one updates/upgrades the system, changing config files makes for problems to future changes to applications and settings made by the developers. That's been my experience13:45
jean72salut :o)14:51
foot_massageje veux mettre ma coq dans ta mere jean7214:52
foot_massagete baiser la chienne14:52
BluesKajfoot_massage:  c'est un canal pour les familles et en anglais s'il vous plait14:54
ikoniahe won't be back14:55
BluesKajinanother idiot bites the dust :-)14:56
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frecelI've got a bit of a problem16:19
frecela strange one16:19
frecelI have been unable to connect to github for some reason16:19
frecelthe domain resolves to the right ip16:19
frecelbut I get 100% packet loss16:19
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ocniosmy function keys for volume control stopped working19:39
ocniosany ideas on a fix?19:39
BluesKajocnios: which kubuntu?19:42
ocnios15.04 BluesKaj19:44
ocniosthe brightness ones work but not the volume19:44
BluesKajocnios:  install kmix , think it's optional now19:45
ocniosapt-get kmix?19:46
BluesKajwith sudo19:46
ocniosdid, still not working19:47
ocniosjust so odd that it *was* working and just... stopped19:48
ocniosIs there a way I can do a 'repair install'?19:48
BluesKajhave you updated/upgraded since it stopped?19:49
ocniosooo it worked! I just had to launch kmix first thanks, though my internet keeps flapping like mad on this distro19:49
ocniosNo it just stopped like 4 days ago19:50
BluesKajbut I bet you updated and upgraded and then it stopped19:50
BluesKajfor some reaon the panel vol ctl has beed replaced by pulseaudio vol ctl and it's useless19:51
ocniosoh. boo.19:53
ocniosalso if i shut my laptop lid and re-open it after a while without locking it first i can see the desktop but it's unresponsive19:53
ocniosso then i have to reboot19:53
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bodomHi there!23:43
bodomI have a question i couldn't find on google: is Kubuntu 15.10 planned to be a stable release?23:43
josu_Yes, they wouldn't release it if it weren't stable. However, if you want a really stable version you should wait for 16.04, which will be supported by updates for five years.23:52
josu_16.04 is going to be a LTS, or Long Term Support version.  15.10 is fine, but it will not be supported as long as an LTS version.23:53
bodomjosu_: this is not a complaint, but i can't define 15.04 stable: it crashes very often. I suppose this is because development has been focused on new features rather than stability. What is 15.10 development focused on?23:57

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