
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
kivihey all, I have my nexus 4 plugged in, but it doesn't show up on devices in the sdk.06:29
kivihey all10:37
kivihaving trouble building an app and launching it on my phone10:38
kivithe profile is giving it an amd64 click package.10:38
=== shuduo_ is now known as shuduo
kivijust a bit confused here. Do I need to completely reflash my phone with the --bootstrap option, or just update the channel, and then go into the phone settings and hit update?15:42
tathhuubuntu-device-flash will download newest (if not told otherwise :P) image from channel foo and then it flashes it15:44
kivitathhu, erm so this is right, right: ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en15:48
kivii'm getting this error:15:48
kividevice cannot be detected over adb15:48
kiviI rebooted... can't figure out why I can't connect via adb anymore15:49
kiviah nvm15:50
kiviscreen lock :P15:50
kivitathhu, mmm giving me an error. do I need to flash it when it is in bootloader?16:02
kivi2015/10/04 09:01:21 Start pushing /home/akiva/.cache/ubuntuimages/ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en/mako/version-25.tar.xz to device16:04
kivi2015/10/04 09:01:21 error pushing:16:04
ahayzenkivi, sometimes it fails to push for me and yes doing it from the bootloader resolves the issue for me16:08
kiviahayzen, okay16:08
kiviahayzen, now when I go to the bootloader, it can't detect adb?16:08
ahayzenhmm :-/16:08
kivior rather, adb can't detect the phone16:09
kiviwhen its in bootloader :/16:09
ahayzenrecovery mode ?16:09
kiviuhm, adb reboot-bootloader16:09
kivipower + downvolume on the nexus416:09
ahayzenthere is apparently $ adb reboot recovery16:09
kiviis that right?16:09
kiviwill try16:09
ahayzeni think so, havent' done it in a while16:10
ahayzenkivi, the phone was definitely unlocked when it was trying to push right?16:10
kivithink so16:10
kiviokay going to try this now16:10
kiviah looks like its working16:10
kiviahayzen, +116:10
kiviMight as well write a tutorial in this in askubuntu16:11
ahayzenit should really be a bug somewhere that should be fixed in the u-d-f16:11
=== shuduo is now known as shuduo-afk
kiviand downvotes.17:09
kiviLoading module: 'libubuntu_application_api_touch_mirclient.so.3.0.0'17:25
kiviUbuntuWindow - regular geometry17:25
kiviUbuntuWindow - regular geometry17:25
kiviUbuntuWindow - regular geometry17:25
kiviThis plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()17:25
kiviMmmmm.... strange... I'm getting closer though!17:25
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== popey_ is now known as popey

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