
eliaspsFor the uploaders of gnome3-staging, check if those are ok for upload, http://pastebin.com/tiYFmSWk http://pastebin.com/hN5cG29x . Thank you.01:03
eliaspsGuys a few days ago, there was an update that changed those wallpapers that had the new logo in the center to the same but without the logo.04:26
eliaspsAnyone knows where to find the previous ones? Those with the new UG logo in the center.04:26
darkxsteliasps, we removed the logo's since they interfere with lock screen and overview05:27
eliaspsdarkxst hi, yeah, I noticed that. But still was an awesome wallpaper when the screen wasn't locked. Is it anywhere to find?05:28
darkxsteliasps, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-gnome-default-settings/15.10.305:29
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 15 in Launchpad itself "PO file import errors should be more verbose" [Low,Fix released]05:29
eliaspsdarkxst Awesome! Thank you!05:30
darkxsteliasps, no real point uploading gnome-screenshot, its not used by Ubuntu GNOME05:30
eliaspsI see. Ok. ricotz tracked gnome-builder and gnome-characters from here: https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/. Added gnome-characters-3.16.x on staging. Shouldn't this version go on the main and 3.18 on staging?05:31
darkxsteliasps, yes can do that05:33
darkxsteliasps, don't refresh patches, unless they fail with 'fuzz', 'offset' is fine and gets left as is05:34
eliaspsOh, ok, sorry about that.05:35
eliaspsdarkxst to pull source from debian, you use the pull-debian-source command? it gives an error on my computer. Does it need any configuration?05:43
darkxsteliasps, I think it might be broken at the moment05:46
darkxstI just been downloading the dsc files (from the links on wily318 page) and using dget05:47
darkxstor you could setup a chdist for debian unstable05:47
eliaspsdarkxst, ok. Thanks. I'll be using dget too, seems faster.05:48
eliaspsmaybe this https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html should be added to that page where you track the packages for the PPAs, could be useful.05:56
darkxsteliasps, we scrape the debian versions from launchpad, don't think that has the 'NEW' data06:27
eliaspsdarkxst anjuta http://pastebin.com/7VL3xFxX . Is it ok?06:39
darkxsteliasps, version should be -0ubuntu1~wily0 since its not a sync06:45
eliaspsdarkxst Ok, I see how that works. Got confused by the previous version.06:46
darkxsteliasps, np, i'll fix it this time06:49
eliaspsthank you.06:49
eliaspslibgweather should also be 0ubuntu1~wily0 right?06:56
eliaspsor 1ubuntu1?06:56
darkxsteliasps, 0ubuntu1, you would only use 1ubuntu1 when apply changes over a debian package of say 3.18.0-107:05
darkxsteliasps, think about the version like07:05
darkxst^debian, then ubuntu, then ppa07:06
darkxstthen if the package doesnt exist in debian, we use 0 for the last part of the debian package07:07
darkxst^or version07:07
eliaspsBut in debian there is 3.18.0-1. Doesn't this mean the debian version is 1?07:08
eliaspsIs it because I'm not using that version for thenew package and updating from the one in Ubuntu?07:13
eliaspsBecause it's not a merge.07:14
darkxsteliasps, oh right, then yes you should do a merge07:28
darkxstlibgweather merge should be pretty simple only a few of ubuntu changes07:29
eliaspsusing bzr?07:30
darkxstif the branches are up to date you can07:30
darkxstits an ~ubuntu-desktop branch so should be up to date07:31
darkxstthough I don't do any merges in bzr, myself, prefer git07:32
darkxstor for very simple merges just make a debdiff between debian and ubuntu, and manually apply the changes07:33
eliaspsI'm reading the documentation on merging to be sure.07:41
eliaspsTo make it right I mean07:42
eliaspsOn adopting an upstream project for Ubuntu directly, like we were talking about gnome-builder, it seems a bit complicated to make the debian/rules file right. For a newbie at least.07:43
lindolhi all..07:44
lindolmay be, If I put Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 on my labpto, Could i try to use Gnome calendar?07:45
darkxsteliasps, for gnome-builder you use the debian package rules file10:25
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mjaykdoes anyone know the name of the gnome extension that moves the icons from the message tray to the top bar?~13:09
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dupondjeJust installed 15.10, and it looks nice!15:36
dupondjeexcept that tray/notification bar in the buttom left :s15:36
stiv2kdoes anybody know how to change the power settings for the login screen... i.e. when to put the display to sleep and when to put the computer to sleep? For some reason the monitor goes to sleep VERY quickly, like in a few seconds, at the login screen18:01
=== darkxst_ is now known as darkxst

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