
Guest5371daftykins is there a package to install mirrors? I can try other servers.00:00
daftykinsyou mean change mirrors? there's a GUI to pick one.00:00
TJ-bomber: Or you can fetch it directly from my web-site as shell script: "wget https://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/lib-list.sh"00:00
Guest5371daftykins I mean install them there is no mirror in the sources.conf only the main ubuntu urls.00:01
daftykinsGuest5371: those are a mirror, you're talking about a PPA i take it00:01
bomberGot it00:01
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge00:01
bomberA whole list of libs00:01
jacob___can i install ubuntu without whiping the disk clean?00:02
Guest5371daftykins if ubuntu.com is a miror I am talking about other mirrors.00:02
Guest5371daftykins unless it is something like a round robin forwarding url such as irc.freenode.net.00:03
TJ-bomber: That command has created a list of all the packages that contain libraries that libqxcb.so depends on. That allows us to reinstall all those packages at one go rather than figure each out manually00:03
daftykinsGuest5371: changing mirror would mean replacing e.g. archive.ubuntu.com with some other host, is that what you're talking about?00:03
TJ-bomber: if you've run the script can you "pastebinit /tmp/lib-list.txt"00:03
daftykinsGuest5371: no, the mirror is picked based on location during install00:03
daftykinsjacob___: not easily, since you don't have a separate /home :)00:03
Guest5371daftykins: close, I want to add urls these being called mirrors for this scope of support.00:04
jacob___nagging about home again00:04
bomberBeautiful bin00:04
bomberNumber *00:04
daftykinsGuest5371: i believe you're confused about standard terms, so what is it you hope to achieve by adding something else?00:04
Guest5371daftykins ssl access the url it is connecting to is not accepting on 443.00:05
mjaykjacob___: it would be easier to wipe and use your backups to restore your home, especially if you are currently having problems00:05
TJ-bomber: I'd like you to do a test-run of converting the line-feeds into spaces so the list becomes space-separated instead of line-separated. If that looks OK we'll then pass that to apt-get --reinstall, OK?00:05
Guest5371Usually the main domain name is not called a mirror i.e. ubuntu.com.00:05
daftykinsGuest5371: i refer you to my earlier answer of saying i don't know about SSL access to the repos.00:05
DosTuMaijacob___: Take a breather for a few, please. Before you do something you'll regret.00:05
daftykinsGuest5371: well, it is one as it's the default repo00:06
TJ-bomber: "cat /tmp/lib-list.txt | tr \\n \\  "  <-- those last 2 spaces are VITAL00:06
Guest5371Is there a "fastest-mirror" script plugin to add to apt?00:06
bomberI don't think it spaces it proteolytic00:07
daftykinsGuest5371: is your host a CLI only server, or desktop edition? because as mentioned, there is a repo picker in the settings00:07
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TJ-bomber: we're wanting it to look something like this "lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6 libc6 libc6-i386 libc6-x32  ..."00:08
bomberYeah, so the last command didn't work00:08
Guest5371daftykins: I am building something desktop for now but it is going to be a hybrid.00:08
TJ-bomber: weird; it works OK here. glad we tested though!00:08
daftykinsGuest5371: my question is whether it has a GUI right now or not00:08
ratraceTJ-: if I understand what you're doing correctly, why isn't 'cat /tmp/lib-list.txt | xargs apt-get install' sufficient?00:09
TJ-bomber: are you using the bash shell, or another one? if not, do "bash" then try it again00:09
TJ-ratrace to the rescue again!00:09
bomberBut directly from tty00:09
daftykinsGuest5371: Unity desktop? aka standard ubuntu?00:09
bomberSo I don't need to explicitly imply the usage of bash00:09
jacob___i seriously dislike ubuntu, when i get this problem solved i am moving to another distro00:10
TJ-bomber: "cat /tmp/lib-list.txt | xargs | sudo apt-get --reinstall install"00:10
Guest5371daftykins yes.00:10
jacob___its the 4th crash within 6 month00:10
ratraceTJ-: without the second |00:10
daftykinsGuest5371: so then go into system settings, pick the software item at the bottom then you'll find the mirror chooser00:10
TJ-ratrace: Arrg.... bomber stop00:10
TJ-bomber: "cat /tmp/lib-list.txt | sudo xargs apt-get --reinstall install"00:10
TJ-ratrace: I'm glad you're there :D00:11
ratracelol :)00:11
* TJ- needs to get to bed!00:11
bomber92 will be reinstalled00:11
bomberBased on cat00:11
TJ-bomber: that'll be better than reinstalling Ubuntu from scratch... if it works!00:11
bomberI'm excited! 😄00:11
bomberShall bash the text file?00:12
bomberShall i*00:12
daftykinsjacob___: this is probably not its' fault you know...00:12
DosTuMaijacob___: Have you tried a new download? It could be your disc is corrupt.00:12
Guest5371daftykins: yes under other. very well.00:12
TJ-bomber: just use the last command I gave you00:13
TJ-bomber: "cat /tmp/lib-list.txt | sudo xargs apt-get --reinstall install"00:13
bomberI did00:13
bomberBut it aborts00:13
bomberJust noticed that now00:13
TJ-bomber: OK, can you paste the error(s) ?00:13
bomberNo error00:13
TJ-bomber: how does it 'abort' ?00:13
bomberDo you want to continue? [Y/n] Abort00:13
bomberBy itself00:14
TJ-bomber: Hmmm... that might suggest apt itself was affected00:14
jacob___My disk is not currupt00:14
TJ-bomber: that, or it doesn't like so many packages in one command00:14
mjaykjacob___: have you verified the iso you downloaded ?00:14
jacob___this is typical crap that happens after  a reset, some config settings of my GUI are kaput00:14
TJ-bomber: maybe we should do it one at a time, in case just one is failing00:14
bomberLess than 5000:15
bomberSure I can do that.00:15
jacob___crashed 4x in 6 month I am moving to a new distro when i recover my data00:15
ratracejacob___: crashed how?00:15
TJ-bomber: "cat /tmp/lib-list.txt | while read PKG; do sudo apt-get --reinstall install ${LIB}; done"00:15
jacob___gui freeze->hard reset-> broken system00:15
jacob___the gui freeze happens a lot00:15
TJ-bomber: Another typo!!  "cat /tmp/lib-list.txt | while read PKG; do sudo apt-get --reinstall install ${PKG}; done"00:16
mjaykjacob___: you just need to find out what you are doing wrong to cause it. Could be a bad driver or a bad iso just need to narrow it down.00:16
* TJ- beat ratrace to it that time :)00:16
bomberIt aborts00:16
jacob___i think bad kernel00:16
ratraceTJ-: ;)00:16
jacob___i have acer compu , nothing exotic00:16
TJ-bomber: Hmmm, that suggests an issue with apt, or else it doesn't like the libc entries00:17
ratracejacob___: and you think another LINUX distro is using another kernel?00:17
bomberIt asks for my permission to install them00:17
jacob___i dont mind compus crashing,.., technology can break, not a big deal, but i DO MIND, not being able to simply reinstall my GUI00:17
DosTuMaijacob___: It's the Acer. You'll have the same issues with other distros.00:17
jacob___nothing is straightforward in ubuntu00:17
Guest5371daftykins it looks like something else is needed to use ssl.00:17
TJ-bomber: OK, are you able to press 'Y' to give permission?00:18
ratracejacob___: the question is why do you need to reinstall? did the data on disk got corrupt?00:18
jacob___ratrace: no my data is ok,00:18
ratraceso why reinstall?00:18
TJ-bomber: I'd rather not pass the '-y' option but we could do to say 'yes' unconditionally00:18
jacob___i cant get my GUI working well, it boots, but lots of things are missing00:18
bomberNope. It immediately aborts, probably because the input is overwritten by the continuation if the code00:18
DosTuMaijacob___: Does your fan spin?00:18
bomberDo it00:18
jacob___i am not an noob ok,00:18
jacob___i just need a more "sane" distro00:18
mjaykjacob___: alot of the things you are saying don't make sense, what graphics card do you hace ?00:19
TJ-bomber: make sure this generates a list of commands, 1 per package:  "cat /tmp/lib-list.txt | while read PKG; do echo sudo apt-get --reinstall install ${PKG}; done"00:20
jacob___this distribution doesnt make sense,00:20
jacob___i cant type lsmod, because rescue cd doesnt allow bash window00:20
jacob___ubuntu rescue cd doesnt have bash in GUI mode00:21
mjaykjacob___: the ubuntu live cd does allow that00:21
ratracejacob___: what rescue cd is that?00:21
bomberIt does have00:21
jacob___yeah? i can post a screenshot00:21
TJ-bomber: I'm thinking we write those into a 'shell' script file and execute the script, what do you think?00:21
jacob___no bash icon on the menu00:21
bomberOf course00:21
mjaykjacob___: feel free00:21
bomberI thought that was what you wanted to do00:21
ratracejacob___: no terminal?00:21
bomberCan't u just00:21
bomberBash /tmp/lib-list.txt00:21
TJ-bomber: "cat /tmp/lib-list.txt | while read PKG; do echo apt-get -y --reinstall install ${PKG}; done | tee /tmp/reinstall.sh00:22
brx_what alternate filemanagers are you all using?00:22
bomberThey all got - y now00:22
bomberRunning the script00:22
brx_the default one for me doesnt save the state (list/icon, sorted by)00:23
TJ-bomber: yeah... OK, "sudo bash /tmp/reinstall.sh"00:23
bomberIt's running00:23
jacob___piece of crap, no bash, uploading screenshot to my google drive00:23
bomberHey ready for some beer money00:23
bomberGet *00:24
daftykinsjacob___: cut the attitude please, this is a family friendly channel00:24
DosTuMaijacob___: Ctrl+Alt+T00:24
TJ-jacob___: the Ubuntu Desktop Live ISO uses bash as its shell; Maybe you're having problems finding the Terminal emulator ?00:24
bomberTJ- after the reinstall, what's next?00:25
daftykinsjacob___: so by 'bash' you really meant you couldn't find a terminal emulator this whole time.00:25
ratraceI thought he said he wasn't a noob.... so much about calling the terminal "a bash"....00:25
bomberBash = terminal = shell = CLI = cmd = command line00:25
TJ-bomber: To be sure, do a complete reboot please, then hope the GUI does something friendly. Else we want the log again!00:25
TJ-bash is a shell; there are many shells. A Terminal runs a shell. The Shell provides the CLI00:26
bomberBut this shell is nine00:27
faryshtahi, anyone here have tried to play windows games using wine? i have a problem with conquerors expansion of AoE00:27
bomberMine *00:27
mjaykfaryshta: have you tried playonlinux ?00:27
* DosTuMai steals bomber's .sh .00:28
faryshtamjayk: no, what is it?00:28
bombermjayk (like)00:28
mjaykfaryshta: its a front end to wine that provides scripts for installing different games (sort of configures wine for each game)00:28
crazyhead42I have Vivid Ververt, but some of the programs I use don't have Vivid distributions. Before I go and change things now, is it okay for me to change the PPAs of those programs to their trusty versions?00:28
mjaykfaryshta: i just checked and it has an installer for conquerors AOE00:28
faryshtamjayk: cool, do i install it using apt?00:29
daftykinscrazyhead42: it's at your risk since PPAs aren't supported to begin with00:29
mjaykfaryshta: yea apt-get install playonlinux should be fine00:29
=== w30 is now known as NSA_BotNet
bomberAnd apps. I got it running safari for me, for my dev purposes00:29
TJ-crazyhead42: unless the packages you want to install are pretty simple, their dependencies might break your system00:29
bomberTJ- rebooting, moment of truth00:29
mjaykfaryshta: it will guide you through the install, install any extra packages and configure wine for the game00:29
crazyhead42... but that's where the software updater gets it's downloads from, isn't it?00:29
faryshtamjayk: installed. i executed 'playonlinux age2_x1.exe'00:30
mjaykfaryshta: no, just run playonlunux00:30
mjaykfaryshta: you should then get a gui which you can use to install aoe00:31
faryshtamjayk: done, i see a window00:31
bomberTJ- failure.00:31
TJ-crazyhead42: usually it should be OK since older packages will be the same, or newer, in Vivid compared to Trusty. However, if a Trusty package declares a depends on a specific version of another package, and that package has a later version in Vivid, that will break things00:31
mjaykfaryshta: so at the top you see an install icon00:31
TJ-bomber: OK. "pastebinit <( sudo journalctl -n 750 )"00:31
faryshtamjayk: done, clicked it, loading repos i think. it says 76%00:32
crazyhead42... Darn. I'm not sure if I want these things to break... Thanks for the input. I'll definitely back up before making any changes to this.00:32
mjaykfaryshta: once that gets to 100% use the search box to search for Age of Empires00:32
mjaykfaryshta: select the one you want, click install and just follow the wizard00:32
DosTuMaiThat reminds me: How do you pastebin your system specs?00:32
crazyhead42One last question, should the URL be relatively the same, just with "trusty" instead of "vivid" in the URL, or am I going to need to trace where each file is supposed to be before I can change the URL?00:33
TJ-crazyhead42: Yes00:33
daftykinscrazyhead42: is it specifically a PPA you're going to change and not one of the main package mirrors for ubuntu?00:33
faryshtamjayk: on it, looks like wizard is starting00:33
mjaykfaryshta: sounds good hopefully that should work00:34
bomberTJ- damn, man. That's a long log00:34
faryshtamjayk: there are some games shown in pink, what does that mean?00:35
mjaykfaryshta: i see that too, I have no idea00:35
crazyhead42... I don't know? I just hit the button for other software while investigating an error and there are a bunch of links, including a few that I had to uncheck to make it stop telling me to check my internet connection00:35
faryshtamjayk: no prob, thanks, i am installing aoeii and looks like its working.00:35
TJ-bomber: 750 lines is all I want :)00:35
crazyhead42I can send you one of said links, if you want00:36
TJ-bomber: I want to catch the startup this time00:36
mjaykfaryshta: well goodluck if you find out what the pink boxes mean let me know :) bed time for me00:36
ratraceTJ-: there's -b for (since last reboot)00:36
TJ-ratrace: On 15.10 at least we're not keeping older logs at all. I'm not sure if it is different on 15.04, since I've skipped that release00:37
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TJ-ratrace: in 15.10 journald pipes to rsylogd and we keep the traditional logs as per 14.0400:37
ratraceTJ-: iirc journalctl keeps "volatile" logs, so you have to configure it to commit them on disk... the "Storage" keyword in journald unit file00:38
TJ-ratrace: besides, '-n' is the last n lines isn't it, so it should be what we want00:38
crazyhead42So things are a little weirder than I first thought, but also a lot more simple. I still don't know the answer to your question though.00:38
TJ-ratrace: yeah... but as I say I'm not sure if 15.04 does that since I've not looked at it :)00:38
ratraceTJ-: not by default, Storage=auto, meaning it depends on the existence of /var/log/journal00:40
godbod Does anyone know the last stable version of Ubuntu ?00:41
daftykinsgodbod: you think it went bad? 14.04 is fine.00:41
crazyhead42https://41.media.tumblr.com/898dcc3e189266ed750b1f501f05e0ec/tumblr_nvo77vLFWs1trmpu5o1_540.png this is what I know.00:41
ratracegodbod: each one is stable, unless you mean "long term support"00:41
godbod Thanks.00:41
bomberI stopped it in the middle because it was taking more than 5 minutes... I'm running it again.00:42
bomberI mean... It's just 750 lines, why is it taking is long?00:43
TJ-bomber: That's weird, it should be near instance. ratrace any ideas?00:43
ratracemaybe pastebinit crapped out.. try outputting in a file first00:43
bomberThe, right?00:46
ratracebomber: journalctl -n 750 > somefile.txt00:46
bomberMy bad.00:47
bomberThe rage is real00:47
bomberOmg... I reset, I haven't sudoed yet.00:47
bomberSo the Command was waiting for password.... O. G00:48
* TJ- throws a custard pie at bomber00:48
TJ-bomber: not good - same segfaults after all those libraries were replaced00:49
TJ-bomber: I wonder if it is a bad config. Let's try moving it out the way temporarily. "mv ${HOME}/.config ${HOME}/.config.bak"  then "sudo systemctl restart sddm"00:50
Bashing-omTJ-: bomber :: ~/.dmrc ?00:52
eelstreboris there a way to modify a openvpn config file that was created by networkmanager so that i can add persist-tun and persist-key?00:52
TJ-Bashing-om: possibly that too, doing one at a time now see if we can figure out which (if any) fixes it. Although getting segfaults shouldn't come from a config file error00:53
bomberTJ- login resets00:53
eelstreboror am i gonna have to run my openvpn client from the cli using a standard config file?00:53
bomberBashing-om,  it exists00:53
TJ-bomber: "mv .dmrc .dmrc.bak" and try again00:54
bomberTJ- login resets00:54
jlandercan you help me?00:54
ratrace!ask | jlander00:55
ubottujlander: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:55
TJ-bomber: we could move everything in the user home out the way and I think it'll still fail. There's some fundamental corruption in the system somewhere.00:55
TJ-bomber: we've replaced almost every core library that the GUI relies on00:55
bomberI'd like to mention again00:55
bomberIt works when connected to an external screen00:55
Bashing-omjlander: Post your question and see if we can . A good possibility .00:55
TJ-bomber: Really!? ONLY an external screen, or with 2 screens ?00:56
bomber1 external screen00:56
TJ-bomber: "pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"00:56
jlanderI have a problem reading a pendrive with TV00:56
bomberNo xorg.conf00:56
TJ-bomber: is the sddm greeter displaying right now?00:57
jacob___jesus, now my GUI of ubuntu install usb just frooze,..,00:57
bomberAnd it's the laptop screen running with an external screen connected through vga that works00:57
bomberUh... Yes00:57
bomberThen login screen? Yes00:57
TJ-bomber: does this report the outputs?  "DISPLAY=:0.0 xrandr -q"00:57
jlanderI can read the pendrive correctly in linux00:57
daftykinsjacob___: again, either your flash drive is bad... or you have a RAM / HDD issue, in which case no other distro is going to help you.00:57
jlanderthe file system is XFS00:57
daftykinsjlander: a smart TV is not going to read XFS :)00:58
bomberLike I said00:58
bomberDaftykins and Bashing-om00:58
jacob___daftykins: this is a CD-ROM00:58
daftykinsbomber: us what?00:58
jlanderNo, daftykins00:58
jacob___dude, you dont listen to well do you daftykins00:58
bomberI got an invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-100:58
bomberCan't open display00:58
ratracejacob___: sounds like you have a hardware issue there00:58
bomberIt's the freaking xauthority file again00:58
daftykinsjacob___: you never mentioned what form it was in, 'livecd' doesn't dictate optical media only to us :) now please drop the attitude.00:59
TJ-bomber: ahhh! "sudo DISPLAY=:0.0 xrandr -q"00:59
jacob___I am trying another distro install cd, see if my gui still freezes00:59
jacob___yeah, hardware issue as in bad ubuntu drivers, kernel whatever00:59
bomberIt's definitely some config / ownership screw up00:59
TJ-bomber: grrrr! i thought sddm ran as root; maybe it runs as sddm00:59
DosTuMaijacob___: If you can't find the Terminal, try Ctrl+Alt+T01:00
bomberTJ- wait, what?01:00
bomberThat made no sense to me01:00
jlanderI need some program like "scandisk" that works on xfs filesystem01:00
ratracejacob___: that is possible, yes. can you alt-f2 or is it ctrl-alt-f2 to another tty and tail dmesg?01:00
TJ-bomber: I'm not sure how this needs to be done to work but we need to use the 'sddm' user: "sudo su sddm DISPLAY=:0.0 xrandr -q"01:00
bomberInvalid option q01:01
jacob___DosTuMai: Ctrl+Alt+T doesnt work on the install cd, because....no bash terminal01:01
ratracejacob___: did you ever pastebin that screeshot?01:01
jacob___i have no freakin idea why they didnt put it in the menu bar in ubuntu01:01
daftykinsas we've been over, BASH is a shell - not a terminal01:01
TJ-bomber: "sudo su -c 'DISPLAY=:0.0 xrandr -q' sddm  "01:01
daftykinsand yes there is gnome-terminal on the live session :)01:01
jacob___yeah, my cpu frooze he i will upload now01:02
ratracejacob___: just click the whirly icon at the top and type term01:02
TJ-jacob___: if the PC is 'freezing' so much there's something very wrong with the PC right now01:02
TJ-bomber: YAY! can you pastebin?01:02
jlanderHow can I check files in xfs file system pendrive?01:02
ratracejlander: plug it into your computer01:02
jacob___ratrace,, i am not a noob ok, i clicked that and typedin bash, or term, but NOTHING01:02
bomberPastebin what? It gave an empty response01:02
daftykinsjlander: why are you using xfs to begin with?01:03
ratracejacob___: which version of Ubuntu and which installation media is that?01:03
TJ-bomber: really? no outputs reported but there's a greeter up on the LCD?01:03
jlanderMy tv records programs in this filesystem01:03
bomberIt didn't refresh01:03
bomberIt just executed01:03
daftykins!memtest | jacob___01:03
jacob___hey!! i have xterm on my install, lol01:03
daftykinsyeah and gnome-terminal most likely01:04
jacob___thnak god!01:04
jlandermy tv uses xfs filsystem to format HD drives to record01:04
TJ-bomber: 'xrandr' is the interface to the X11 display; '-q' queries the available outputs and modes01:04
jlanderdo you understand me?01:04
bomberSo noon available01:04
jacob___ok, i am in bash)))) let me mount that stupid disk01:04
TJ-bomber: Can you "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"01:04
ratracejlander: did you plug the USB stick into your computer running Ubuntu?01:04
jlanderyes, I did01:05
ratracedid it open a file manager?01:05
ratracejlander: so what's the problem?01:05
jlanderThe problem is... when I try to read the pendrive on tv, tv resets01:05
ratracejlander: does that tv run ubuntu?01:06
ratracejlander: xfs is a well supported filesystem under Ubuntu so that alone is probably not the cause of any crash01:07
jlanderCan I "scandisk" the pendrive?01:07
ratraceactually, most likely not the cause...01:07
daftykinsif you have xfsprogs installed, fsck.xfs might exist?01:07
TJ-bomber: "mv ${HOME}/.kde ${HOME}/kde.bak" ... then try log-in again01:07
jacob___i am stressed, i am taking a break01:08
jlandertell me fsck command01:08
daftykinsi just did01:08
bomberIt's a folder01:08
TJ-bomber: Yes01:08
bomberKk, just a sec01:09
bomberNo systemctl restart?01:10
jlanderi can try xfs_repair01:10
jlandercan you help me with console?01:10
bomberLogin restarts01:10
TJ-bomber: so, we've moved everything out the way that could affect it configuration-wise. I'm thinking it'll save time and frustration to go with a fresh install now01:11
bomberI'll look up the procedures to back up my system...01:12
daftykinsand if TJ- can't do it, you really are knackered :)01:12
TJ-bomber: I cannot think of anything that would explain the external monitor allowing it to work, if there isn't an xorg.conf01:12
bomberI mean01:12
bomberThis is kubuntu01:12
bomberIt works differently, doesn't it?01:12
ratracethe plot unthickens....01:12
TJ-bomber: not really; different programs but the underlying Xorg is the same across all DM/DEs01:13
TJ-bomber: I use kubuntu; I'm comparing my configs to yours as we go along and cannot see anything to explain your issue01:14
daftykinshmm there wouldn't be anything overriding in /xorg.conf.d/ would there? i wouldn't think so.01:15
TJ-bomber: "sudo cat /var/lib/sddm/state.conf" please01:15
TJ-daftykins: according to the log, no, it's all auto-configured01:15
bomberName of last user - .  User=nlev01:16
bomberName of last session -  session= plasma.desktop01:16
TJ-bomber: "pastebinit <( sudo find /var/lib/sddm -ls )" please01:16
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bomberOur Lord and savior Ubuntu has joined.01:18
TJ-bomber, that pastebin wasn't the command I was expecting :)01:18
faryshtamjayk: hi, still here'01:19
bomberThe cache01:19
godbod /list01:22
TJ-bomber: the only 2 differences that stand out are, on mine (15.10 here remember) state.conf is owned by root:root, and I have no .kde/ directory01:22
bomberThen let's do it01:23
bomberLet's start with root01:23
TJ-bomber: That isn't going to cause segfaults01:24
TJ-bomber: oOOO! show me "pastebinit <( ls -latr ${HOME}/.local/share )"01:25
faryshtaanyone here know how to use playonlinux to install a game from an iso file?01:25
bazhang#winehq for that faryshta01:26
TJ-bomber did this problem start on Sept 29th?01:27
faryshtabazhang: already asked there, no answers in 3 hours01:27
faryshtabazhang: *01:27
bazhangfaryshta, thats the channel for support, patience01:27
TJ-bomber: "pastebinit <( ls -latr ${HOME}/.local/share/kscreen/ )"01:27
faryshtabazhang: plus you can't install this game using just wine, you need playonlinux01:28
bazhangfaryshta, wait for the winehq people01:29
elijah__anybody know how to get a good recording system on raspberry pi01:29
bomberJT- no, it begun a long time ago01:29
daftykinselijah__: #ubuntu-arm might be more relevant for you01:29
bazhangwhat os on there elijah__01:29
TJ-bomber: "pastebinit <( ls -latr ${HOME}/.local/share/kscreen/ )"01:30
bazhang#ubuntu-arm elijah__01:31
TJ-bomber: "rm ${HOME}/.local/share/kscreen/*" then try log-in again01:32
bomberTJ- What's your PayPal account?01:33
TJ-bomber: huh?01:33
bomberTJ- What's your PayPal account?01:33
bomberCause I owe you some beer01:33
TJ-bomber: is that your way of saying we fixed it?01:34
TJ-bomber: YAY! OK, we need to put all those .bak 's back to not.baks :D01:34
TJ-bomber: log-out the GUI, do it from the TTY01:34
bomberYes please01:34
TJ-Then we log-in test again01:34
bomberI'm there01:34
bomberOne sec01:34
TJ-bomber: "mv ${HOME}/.config.bak ${HOME}/.config"01:35
bomberLogged out01:35
bomberI had a ton of crashing errors on the way it01:35
Guest73062The Browser app with the blue globe icon crashes the system.01:35
TJ-bomber: "mv ${HOME}/.dmrc.bak ${HOME}/.dmrc"01:35
TJ-bomber: we'll check those once all the app settings are back01:36
bomberThere is no. Config. Bak01:36
TJ-bomber: no caps; all lower case. We backed those up earlier01:36
arooni about once a day my ubuntu 14.04 locks up when i open too many chrome tabs and load jumps to 15 or 20... (i have a dual core 2.5 ghz intel i5)... is there anyway to learn what specifically is contributing to high load?01:37
bomberI moved the dmrc01:38
bomberBut the config has remained the same01:38
TJ-bomber: and lastly "mv ${HOME}/.kde.bak ${HOME}/.kde" ... if the session we just did created those directories we may need to 'rm' the newly created directories. Maybe you missed my 'mv .config .config.bak' - never mind, as long as we put back whatever you moved.01:39
daftykinsarooni: can you share a pastebin of "free -m" ?01:39
TJ-bomber: "find ${HOME} -maxdepth 1 -name '*.bak' " might help01:39
Guest73062uname -a01:40
aroonidaftykins, its running ok right now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12665184/01:40
bomberI just moved the backups into the newly created folders01:40
clraehow to use dd to create a bootable usb , i ve downloaded ubuntu iso01:40
bomberBut login seems to work now01:40
daftykinsarooni: ah as i suspected, you don't have any swap... so when you fill your physical RAM, the system will lock.01:41
aroonidaftykins, !!!  wow i thought i had swap01:41
daftykinsarooni: can you share a "sudo parted -l" perhaps?01:41
Jazzy_Jclrae, try unetbootin01:42
Guest73062daftykins: what do you think about freeing drone01:42
TJ-bomber: as long as you moved the *contents* of the backup directories into the new diretories, rather than making the backup directories sub-dirs of the newly created directories.01:42
clraeJazzy_J : i thought it has a bug01:42
bomberYes, I did the first correct one01:42
aroonidaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12665337/01:42
bomberI'm going to restart now01:42
aroonidaftykins, partition 3 or 5 is supposed to be swap01:43
Guest73062none are more hoplessly enslaved than those who do not know they are slaves01:43
TJ-bomber: *fingers crossed01:43
Jazzy_Jclrae, it may, but I use it frequently.01:44
bomberSo what is potentially the main fix we did? Mode the config?01:44
aroonidaftykins, does one of those look like swap?01:44
jlanderI tried to copy the files to another hard drive, and now it does not work the disc01:44
bomberOf sddm01:44
clraeJazzy_J: i tested it it only work with windows am in linux now is there any alternative01:44
bomber(like I said before, PayPal or something, please)01:44
bomber(cause it works)01:45
bomberHmm, that reset my chrome settings. No sweat01:46
TJ-bomber: the kscreen settings files were wrong in some way, and too many of them retained too01:46
TJ-bomber: we deleted them all and let it reconfigure afresh01:46
Jazzy_Jubuntu, apt-get install unetbootin01:46
bomberK screen, gotcha01:47
Jazzy_JI use it with a variety of linux distros.01:47
Jazzy_JIt's usually in the default repositories.01:47
TJ-bomber: hopefully there aren't any side-effects, but keep a close eye on the log files.01:48
TJ-bomber: ${HOME}/.xsession-errors for the user session itself01:48
bomberK. Chrome has some weirdness01:49
bomberBut nothing I can't deal with01:49
daftykinsarooni left :(01:49
RNevilleHello; I get this message sometime using ebay, and tonight try to send a pgp revocation key to hps.pool.sks-keyservers.net: This Connection is Untrusted01:50
=== DosTuMai is now known as DosTuMai|Fewding
bomberK. Thank you so much for your time and effort TJ!!!!!01:52
TJ-bomber: you're welcome; glad we figured it out01:52
Guest73062Do we have a good one?01:52
daftykinsGuest73062: a good what?01:52
Guest73062Some mirror was giving out broadcom drivers other than bcmwl ( .01:55
yottameterAnyone here?01:55
daftykinswell sure, there are multiple broadcom drivers01:55
daftykinsyottameter: yes, ask a question if you have one01:55
Guest73062daftykins: a good one01:56
Guest73062daftykins: they keep telling me have 'a good one'01:56
yottameterI'm trying to dual boot ubuntu and windows 8 on separate hard drives. I was wondering if I should disconnect the hard drive with windows before installing ubuntu so that I don't mess up the bootloader.01:57
daftykinsGuest73062: what is your broadcom device? have you read the broadcom page?01:57
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:57
wileeeyottameter, There is a manual install option with grub placement, either will work.01:58
yottameterOk thanks01:58
daftykinsyottameter: be sure you install both in EFI mode if 8 is installed as EFI01:58
wileeeyottameter, Ask any questions if needed, manual option is called something else, in a multiple choice gui.01:59
yottameterIs that an option during the installation of ubuntu?01:59
daftykins!efi | yottameter01:59
ubottuyottameter: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:59
daftykinsread there, it must be booted in the correct mode.01:59
wileeeheh and that to01:59
Guest73062try not to kill anybody01:59
yottameterAh ok01:59
Guest73062so infinity kicked the bucket?02:01
bazhang!ot | Guest7306202:01
ubottuGuest73062: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:01
bazhangtake the chit chat elsewhere Guest7306202:01
jacob___ok,.., the unity-is-broken problem02:02
Guest73062bazhang: is that really off topic , ubuntu is more beer community related and not used for killing? Is that what this is? Trade bears not lives.02:02
daftykinsGuest73062: cut the stupidity please.02:03
jacob___what is this offtopic rant?02:03
daftykinsjacob___: i take it it's not worth me speaking to you?02:03
daftykinsdespite knowing what to do02:03
jacob___i got the crap mounted finally,02:04
jacob___i am still in rescue cd linux02:04
Guest73062jacob___: Just some thoughts about where this is going if I finish the construct I have in mind.02:04
jacob___i will bind /dev and /proc02:05
jacob___and chroot02:05
daftykinsno point02:05
RNevilleI'm having problems using https- sometime I get this message: "This Connection is Untrusted"02:05
daftykinsjacob___: just check your /mountpoint/home/username/ is all id 1000:1000 for ownership02:05
jacob___daftykins: everything is root02:06
jacob___no ownership nonsense02:06
=== Blaster is now known as Guest67918
daftykinsbe better to see that first hand02:07
RNevilleTrying to revoke a pgp key and getting this "Connection is Untrusted" when I try to post my revocation key to key server: hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net02:08
RNevilleUsing Ubuntu 14.0402:08
RNevilleand Firefox 41.002:09
TJ-RNeville: what is the entire command you're using?02:09
TJ-RNeville: or, do you mean you're using the browser?02:10
RNevilleI'm web page : https://sks-keyservers.net/i/ to unload my pgp revocation key, when I get "Connection is Untrusted"02:10
TJ-RNeville: you need to look at the X509 certificate being presented and decide if you want to trust it02:10
RNevilleI'm using web page : https://sks-keyservers.net/i/ to unload my pgp revocation key, when I get "Connection is Untrusted"02:10
TJ-RNeville: the certificate is self-signed by the site, rather than using a certificate authority02:11
RNevilleOkay, I basicly understand this, but I was just surprised that it was self signed02:12
daftykinssomething to take up with the site owners02:12
RNevilleJust surprised that a site operating a pgp key server would be self signed02:12
TJ-RNeville: the CN looks to be one of the mirrors; so it is difficult to deduce whether to trust it, I'd err on the side of caution and not trust it, find a different keyserver02:13
=== DosTuMai|Fewding is now known as DosTuMai
RNevilleI understand that it really doesn't matter is someone intercepts my pgp revocation key anyway, since I do what to revoke it02:13
TJ-RNeville: OK... you could use the Ubuntu keyserver02:14
RNevillethx TJ02:14
TJ-RNeville: "keyserver.ubuntu.com" in case you don't know it02:15
RNevilleFound this going a Google search , but it isn't https , but primary doman looks correct, though ?http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/02:16
Guest30883was trying to get started with this irssi02:17
RNevilleFound this using a Google search , but it isn't https , but primary domain looks correct, though ?http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/02:17
Guest30883anyone got a link for a real good cheatsheet irssi?02:18
TJ-RNeville: something like this I think:  "gpg --gen-revoke ABCD1234 | gpg --import - && gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com ABCD1234"02:19
aroonihey folks... ubuntu 14.04 here trying to get my swap partition set up correctly... free -m verifies i have 0mb for swap.  ... and i'm sure i set aside a partition for swap.  in /etc/fstab (http://paste.ubuntu.com/12667739/) i notice it says "# swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation"  and on sudo fdisk -l i see "/dev/sda6       957032448   976771071     9869312   82  Linux swap / Solaris"  ... so can i simply uncomment the line02:20
arooni in my fstab and comment the libcrypt line ?02:20
RNevillethx , again, TJ02:20
TJ-RNeville: gpg uses the hkps protocol by default I think, or you could force it with "--keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com"02:20
aroonihey folks... ubuntu 14.04 here trying to get my swap partition set up correctly... free -m verifies i have 0mb for swap.  ... and i'm sure i set aside a partition for swap.  in /etc/fstab (http://paste.ubuntu.com/12667739/) i notice it says "# swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation"  and on sudo fdisk -l i see "/dev/sda6       957032448   976771071     9869312   82  Linux swap / Solaris"  ... so can i simply uncomment the line02:20
arooni in my fstab and comment the libcrypt line ?02:20
aroonisorry didnt mean to repeat that! :(02:20
Bashing-omGuest30883: I know of no cheatsheet, but there is the irssi support channel ' /join #irssi '.02:21
TJ-arooni: there should be a line in "/etc/crypttab" related to swap too02:21
RNevilleTJ  Okay02:21
arooniTJ-, last line says : /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 ... so i should leave that?02:21
TJ-RNeville: *but* make sure (with a key query first) that Ubuntu supports hkps - a few years ago I recall there were issues with that... or maybe it was just MITs key-servers; I forget now!02:22
TJ-arooni: Yes, that is trying to mount the encrypted device... so we need to look at crypttab to see if the device is being used correctly02:23
arooniTJ-, i think thats a leftover for when i had a previous installation of ubuntu 14.10 on this laptop (i put a ssd in and havent wiped the other drive yet)02:23
aroonii had /home partition encryption02:23
arooniTJ-, heres output of sudo fdisk -l02:24
TJ-arooni: that is entirely separate from encrypted swap though; show me "/etc/crypttab"02:24
arooniTJ-, cryptswap1 UUID=c1aea0ba-3370-465c-a431-d903816e8732 /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha25602:24
TJ-arooni: and now "pastebinit <( sudo blkid )"02:25
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arooniTJ-, interestingly enough that command seems to take forever... and i have a ssd. i dont know if thats a bad sign02:25
TJ-arooni: it can take a few seconds, shouldn't take much more though.02:26
arooniTJ-, also ; when i run sudo gparted about 5-10 minutes ago; it still shows "Scanning all devices" .. maybe because its running into the encrypted stuff on sdb (where i had previously installed ubuntu 14.10)02:26
TJ-arooni: I doubt that; did you copy file-system from 1 disk to another?02:26
arooniTJ-, no, fresh install02:27
TJ-arooni: OK, then I suggest you check /var/log/kern.log for signs of problems with one of the storage devices02:27
TJ-arooni: if it is hanging the system for a while that suggests I/O error timeouts/retries02:28
arooniTJ-, i dont see anything about storage stuff;  mjust that cpu tspeed got throttled due to heat02:28
arooniTJ-, should i reboot to recovery mode and run fsck?02:29
TJ-arooni: No, if there were problems you'd see them reported in kern.log02:29
TJ-arooni: it could be accessing the MMC device is slowing things down02:30
TJ-arooni: did that last command return to you or is it still AWOL?02:30
TJ-arooni: Ctrl+C to kill it02:30
aroonii took out the memory card and it complete  s immediately02:30
TJ-arooni: Hmmm, that tells you something then02:30
arooniTJ-, wouldnt have thought of that02:31
arooniTJ-, heres the output you wanted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12668600/02:31
TJ-arooni: MMC access is often very slow on PCs02:31
arooniTJ-, so id like to let sda6 be swap... but i dont wanna mess anything up. can i just uncomment the line that s currently commented in /etc/fstab and allow it to be swap?02:32
arooniTJ-, cuz right now i have no swap and my machine hangs when i hit the wall of 8gb of ram02:32
arooniTJ-, apparently gparted indicates that sda6 file system is unknown... so i think i can just wipe it and reformat as swap??02:32
TJ-arooni: the reason there's currently no swap is this: fstab wants to mount a device-mapper device /dev/mapper/cryptswap1. That should be created by cryptdisks_start via the entry in /etc/crypttab, using the underlying device with UUID=c1aea0ba-3370-465c-a431-d903816e8732, but as blkid just showed, there is no such device, so /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is never created02:33
arooniTJ-, i reformatted sda6 as linux-swap02:33
arooniTJ-, now sda6 is showing as swap02:33
aroonivia sudo blkid02:33
arooniso now i assume its safe to let /etc/fstab know about it and reboot02:34
TJ-arooni: so, we just need to alter /etc/crypttab to tell it to use a device path not a UUID. Which partition do you want to use for swap?02:34
aroonisee i dont get why i need to use /etc/crypttab or anything... i dont have any encryption i know of02:34
arooniat least on this install of ubuntu02:34
RNevilleHello everyone; I'm a newbie with Linux, running Ubuntu 14.04 and the file manager isn't showing all my Hardrives, but bios do02:34
TJ-arooni: what you should do is edit /etc/crypttab, remove the "UUID=xxxxxxx" and replace it with "/dev/sda6"02:34
TJ-arooni: Ubuntu encrypts swap so that the memory pages swapped into it cannot be easily read by an attacker02:35
aroonia ha... since when did ubuntu do that?02:36
arooniTJ-, so /etc/crypttab should then look like this : "cryptswap1 /dev/sda6 /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256"02:37
wafflejockRNeville: in a terminal you can type lsblk, or sudo fdisk -l, and should see some info about your disks02:37
TJ-arooni: the idea began in 2007 ... see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-karmic-encrypted-swap-as-an-option02:37
TJ-arooni: yes, that is perfect02:37
RNevillewafflejock, thx02:37
arooniTJ-, i had no idea; i never really looked at /etc/fstab much02:37
arooniTJ-, so now it should be safe to restart and i shouldnt need to run fsck or e2fsck ?02:38
wafflejockRNeville: np can use gparted if you want a visual type thing like disk manager in Windows for formatting drives or whatever, but should be able to see the block devices with lsblk, and some partition info with fdisk -l02:38
TJ-arooni: next time the PC boots it'll make /dev/sda6 an encrypted block device using a key from /dev/urandom, createa device-mapper node /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 ... and fstab will cause the swap to be created on /dev/mapper/cryptswap102:38
TJ-arooni: correct02:38
wafflejockRNeville: if you see some drive with one of those tools and just want to mount it can use the mount command but usually the GUI file explorer will let you click the drive on the left to automatically mount it if everything is working okay02:39
arooniTJ-, well thanks for teaching me how the sausage is made... with linux theres no limit to the stuff you learn about how your system works02:39
TJ-arooni: So true :)02:39
arooniTJ-, and thanks for walking me through that process; i was a bit concerned when i saw those errors etc...02:39
TJ-arooni: I've seen a few users recently dealing with it02:39
arooniTJ-, ok gonna boot back and hopefully no more system hangs when the ram starts thrashing... it will make my life much easier02:40
TJ-arooni: which Ubuntu release is it? I think there's a bug in the installer02:41
arooniTJ-, ubuntu 14.04 lts02:41
TJ-arooni: it should never use a UUID in crypttab since the block device has no header/metadata to store it02:41
aroonididnt know that02:41
TJ-arooni: Right, I thought so. I'll report it and get it fixed02:41
arooniTJ-, yeah so this pain was due to an installer bug... i remember setting aside 8gb of swap02:41
arooniand being surprised when i didnt have any later02:41
aroonijust found out today i didnt have the swap i thought i had, and i had this install for a few weeks now haha02:42
arooniok brb;  thanks again TJ-02:42
TJ-arooni: with plenty of RAM it often isn't really needed, although it helps to prevent the system hitting the OOM02:42
faryshtaanyone here know how to use playonlinux to install a game from an iso file?02:43
arooniTJ-, now i'm back with 9G of swap!  thanks for your help02:44
aroonisystem should run a lot smoother now at high resource usage02:45
TJ-arooni: bug 95387502:45
ubottubug 953875 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Encrypted swap no longer mounted at bootup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95387502:45
TJ-arooni: That Description shows they have introduced an 'offset=1024' so the UUID *can* be stored in sda6 and therefore used in crypttab02:46
TJ-arooni: so they avoid using the first 1K so the swap metadata including the UUID are retained02:47
aroonigotcha;  well i hope the fix the installer so other folks dont run into the same problem as me02:48
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest26284
Guest26284Hibernate doesnt seem to work.02:50
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
wolftuneI thought `source ~/.bashrc` in .profile would get my path available to GUI programs I don't start from CLI… but it seems to only work if I put path stuff directly in .profile … what the heck?03:01
daftykinsarooni: ah glad you came back and sorted it :)03:07
aroonidaftykins, thanks to you for pointing out the issue with swap03:07
daftykinsnp :)03:07
TJ-wolftune: if you're source-ing then it should use it03:07
wolftuneTJ-: well, it doesn't. The GUI program (Atom) will see things if I put path directly in .profile but *not* see them if I move path to .bashrc and have a source statement in .profile (unless I run Atom from CLI)03:08
wolftuneI can't figure out how to troubleshoot this03:09
wolftunetesting further, logging out now :P03:11
TJ-wolftune: do you log-out/log-in from the GUI to check that?03:15
TJ-wolftune: .profile is only read at log-in for the session.03:15
wolftuneTJ-: yes, I did log in and log out, trying again…03:19
faryshtaanyone here know how to use playonlinux to install a game from an iso file?03:34
daftykinswhat game?03:36
oats_I installed Ubuntu a while ago but my power's been down to below 2 hours for a 100% charge03:37
oats_(It should be 4-5)03:38
oats_I have tlp installed but am not sure how to use it to save my power03:38
oats_How might I fix my problem?03:38
phelixI had windows installed first. And then ran the ubuntu install so it installed alongside windows. Now my ubuntu partition is out of space. What is the best way to increase the ubutnu partition without having to reinstall ubuntu or messing up windows?03:45
[n0mad]phelix, do you have space in windows?03:46
Bashing-omphelix: "out of space"; where ? maybe an easy fix . What returns from terminal command ' df -h ' ?03:47
Bashing-omphelix: Try ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' to remove old kernels, at 100% capacity there may be no operating head room and other means will be employed .03:49
phelixis the partition setup to auto grow? So as it needs more space will it just take it from the windows partition and vice versa?03:50
phelixor does it by default just create a 25gig partition when it installs?03:50
[n0mad]during the setup it should have allowed you to resize03:51
phelixthis is a super fresh install of ubuntu.. not sure there would be any old kernels03:51
phelixjust installed it 3 days ago03:51
phelixYea, I think that i just went with the defaults... Is there any way to fix this or do i have to completely reinstall ubuntu again? That would really suck if I have to go that route03:52
[n0mad]well, what Bashing-om was calling out is that you probably want to create some space on that partition. 4 meg free is basically nothing03:53
[n0mad]i'd kinda wonder too how you filled up 24GB in 3 days03:54
Bashing-om25 gigs is plenty big for a standard nstall . And yeah as on;y 3 days old .. old kernels should not be an issue . ' cd / ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' to see what is taking up the disk space .03:54
phelixIts from installing Android SDK and Java applications03:54
phelixits all in /opt from the Android SDK installs.03:54
raleigh_hi, anyone use guake?03:56
raleigh_i'm trying to use alt+num to go to a specific tab03:56
raleigh_like in https://github.com/Guake/guake/issues/420 but i can't figure out how to set it up03:56
[n0mad]well, he's a pretty smart guy, i'd run through it with him. as far as resizing the windows partition, i read and followed what i read here to a tee and it worked fine for me. it will allow you to create an extra partition. there may be other things you'd want to do depending on your usage. http://askubuntu.com/questions/550999/how-to-resize-ubuntu-windows-partitions03:57
Bashing-omphelix: Well. A couple of options. instead of growing the / partition, can you scare up room to make another partition and make it as /opt and symlink to the new /opt ?03:58
phelixhmm, yes maybe that would be the best route to go03:58
jeremeso uh03:59
jeremewhat's up in here03:59
Bashing-omphelix: With a separate /opt you can watch it and not have the danger of killing the OS with a full partition .03:59
=== ObrienDave2 is now known as ObrienDave
faryshtaanyone here know how to use playonlinux to install a game from an iso file?04:07
smacktalkhow do I see what dev my usb drive is?04:10
Bashing-omsmacktalk: 'sudo fdosk -lu ' .04:11
Bashing-omsudo fdisk -lu **04:11
jacob___I changed root into a bricked install, it seems my network is not working from that chroot,... how do i re-initialize the network04:12
smacktalkhow do I mount the usb drive?04:13
jacob___smacktalk:  type "lsblk" and then look for the usb drive device04:13
smacktalkok unetbootin thinks the usb drive is sdc2 but it's giving me an error stating that i first need to mount the drive04:15
Bashing-omjacob___: Depends, did you set up the CHange root with binds ? Maybe something like ' sudo mount --bind /run /mnt/run '  ?04:15
jacob___yes of course with binds04:16
jacob___this is the same behavior when i boot from the disk in question04:16
jacob___so it is broken the same way04:16
smacktalkhow do I mount the usb drive?04:16
jacob___smacktalk: it is automaticly mounted in ubuntu04:17
jacob___just stick it in04:17
faryshtahi, how can i use playonlinux to install a game? i have fllowed the instructions for installing age of empires and the wizard runs nice, but the game doesn't start04:17
jacob___Bashing-om: i used --bind for /proc  /dev and /sys04:17
jacob___how do i re-install the network ?04:17
ffl4-vis this the channel for ubuntu?04:18
jacob___when i do "ip rou" i only see one line but no default"04:18
Bashing-omjacob___: Right on, and to enable networking I use the bind to /run . works for me .04:18
ffl4-vis there a channel for elementary-os?04:18
Bashing-om!eos | ffl4-v04:19
Bashing-om!elementary | ffl4-v04:20
ubottuffl4-v: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.04:20
ubuntu-studiowhat doing04:22
ThoraxWhere can i find an installer than allows me to install Ubuntu without Unity, so i can choose my own DE?04:22
wileee!mini | Thorax04:22
ubottuThorax: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:22
jacob___Bashing-om,  sorry. my computer frooze again, ubuntu is hating this machine,04:24
jacob___ok my network doesnt do dns looup04:24
Thoraxthank you wileee04:24
wileeeno problem04:24
jacob___I can ping explicit ip addresses but not  www.xxx stuff04:24
A1234Ajacob___ did you setup DNS server addressess?04:27
Bashing-omjacob___: DNS issue in the CHange Root ? "echo "nameserver" > /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf" might work in yoyr case .04:27
jacob___Bashing-om: i forgot to mount --bind /run04:27
jacob___before chroot, my bad, sorry04:27
jacob___it works now04:27
daftykinsjacob___: it's time you did a memtest, something more serious is up with that thing.04:28
Bashing-omjacob___: :)04:28
jacob___how do i do that?04:28
daftykinspick it from the boot menu of your DVD04:28
daftykins'Test memory'04:28
jacob___memtest is only hardware testing my memory?04:28
jacob___sudo apt-get install memtest doesnt work04:29
Bashing-omjacob___: Boot to the grub boot menu and that test is an option in the advanced screen .04:29
smacktalkdang, it keeps coming up with this "you must first mount the usb drive /dev/sdc1 to a mountpoint."04:29
jacob___ok... maybe later i will do memtest , not now04:29
jacob___now i am finally ready to reinstall unity04:30
jacob___or reset it, whatever04:30
jacob___is this the correct procedure to reinstall unity ?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/95458/how-do-i-reinstall-unity04:31
daftykinsif your RAM is faulty there's no point doing anything04:31
jacob___if if if, if i had a million bucks04:31
daftykinsbut this is a simple way to know for sure.04:31
jacob___i am not going to reboot now, ok?04:31
oats_Can anyone help w/ battery problems04:32
daftykinsyou have an extremely obnoxious attitude, and for your information you are actually a noob - the last few hours you've failed at simple core concepts, i am glad i will never meet you in reality.04:32
jacob___No you have, i will do ramtest, but at the end of the repair04:32
jacob___get it?04:32
jacob___dont make up shit about me daftykins you are not that smart04:33
smacktalkyou guys are funny!04:33
jacob___reinstalled desktop)))04:35
jacob___ok,.., i will reboot , hope this freaken works)))04:35
oats_Anyone familiar with power management w/ ubuntu?04:36
daftykinsoats_: ask the actual question04:41
oats_daftykins: I did several times a while ago but am waiting for someone who's able s.t. I don't add details that appear out of context04:42
daftykinsoats_: oh, play with powertop as well then.04:44
oats_daftykins: What's that over TLP?04:44
daftykinswell i'm not familiar with that one, so just check it out04:45
oats_daftykins: Alright thank you04:46
Someone_I need a little help . . .04:46
=== human is now known as Guest3494
daftykinswith words in order to construct a sentence04:46
Someone_Alright. I got a computer from a thrift shop running Ubuntu, under OEM. There was a "Prepare to ship to end user" thing, which was what I was told to do. I clicked it and started to configure Ubuntu. However, the configuration thing crashed in the middle of configuring, so I had to shut down the computer. After restarting it, I was in the Ubuntu Grub menu. I tried going into the Ubuntu thing, but I ended up with a kernel panic.04:48
Someone_kernel panic not syncing vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown-block 0 004:48
faryshtahi, how can i use playonlinux to install a game? i have fllowed the instructions for installing age of empires and the wizard runs nice, but the game doesn't start04:49
daftykinsok, either your disk is bad or the installation was corrupt somehow04:49
Someone_So how do I fix it?04:49
daftykinsSomeone_: is this the only computer you have access to?04:49
Someone_No; I'm using a different computer right now.04:49
daftykinswell step 1, get ubuntu 14.04 on a flash drive / DVD to boot04:49
Someone_I did that already.04:49
daftykinsfaryshta: go ask them in their channel04:50
Someone_I'm using 12.05, though.04:50
daftykinsSomeone_: 12.04 i hope ;)04:50
daftykinsSomeone_: so did you boot that from DVD/flash?04:50
Someone_sorry *12.0404:50
Someone_anyway yeah I did04:50
Someone_without installing ubuntu04:50
daftykinsand is it also online?04:50
Someone_What do you mean?04:50
daftykinsconnected to the internet04:50
Someone_Not as of yet.04:50
daftykinswhat options do you have to do that, wired or?04:51
Someone_I can connect easily just as I can from Windows.04:51
daftykinswindows on what, this same thrift shop PC?04:51
faryshtadaftykins: done, channel is dead all day.04:51
daftykinswhat i'm getting at, is what do you need to do to get it online?04:51
Someone_I'm running Windows on a different computer.04:51
daftykinsfaryshta: unlucky then04:51
Someone_The other computer that I got from the thrift shop is the thing not orking.04:51
faryshtahi, how can i use playonlinux to install a game? i have fllowed the instructions for installing age of empires and the wizard runs nice, but the game doesn't start04:52
daftykinsyeah i know, and i'm asking you how you can get it online? :)04:52
Someone_Do I need to get it online?04:52
daftykinsto check things that i'm after finding out04:52
Someone_alright I connected it to the iternet04:52
daftykinsopen a terminal on it, with ctrl+alt+t04:52
daftykinsrun "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools"04:53
daftykinsthen "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"04:53
Someone_Failed to fetch and unable to locate package?04:53
Someone_nvm internet was off for some reason04:54
daftykinseventually you'll get a URL to type here04:54
Someone_It wouldn't let me instal pastebinit?04:54
Someone_"You will have to enable the component called 'universe"04:54
daftykinsoy, ok "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"04:55
daftykinsfind universe, remove the # from the start of the lines, ctrl+x to save, enter then Y for yes04:55
daftykinsthen repeat the above commands04:55
Someone_How do I find univers?04:56
daftykinsit'll be pretty obvious, the text above will say they're the universe repo04:56
daftykinsand the end of the lines will have 'universe' on them04:56
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest73685
Someone_I'm still in a thing that says "GNU nano 2.2.6 File: /etc/apt/sources.list Modified" at the top.04:57
daftykinsyes that's a text editor 'nano'04:57
daftykinslook up and down it with the cursor keys to find the relevant lines04:57
Guest73685Hello, daftykins.04:57
Someone_Wait so how do I do the stuff that says "Next page" or "Prev page"04:58
Guest73685How can I check the install size of KDE + amaroK04:58
daftykinsyou don't need to, just use the cursor keys to go up and down04:58
Guest73685I removed libreoffice and it freed up over 200MB of disk space.04:58
john_doe_jrwhat is the quickest way to delete a file04:59
Someone_As in?04:59
Someone_I see things like "deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386"04:59
Guest73685Does anybody have some real verified info about amazons hardware backing?04:59
daftykinsSomeone_: yes and i've told you what to look for, so keep going until you find it :)05:00
daftykinsjohn_doe_jr: graphically or via CLI?05:00
john_doe_jrdaftykins: well, from the terminal…I know about rm -rf05:00
john_doe_jrdaftykins: but for real large amounts of data this takes a while05:01
daftykinsdon't use that, recursion and force is not needed in normal circumstances05:01
daftykinswell, tell me what the task is?05:01
Someone_wait so cursor keys as in05:01
john_doe_jrdaftykins: it's a backup job that copied terabytes of data05:01
Someone_I'm a completely noob with some things... sorry05:01
daftykinsjohn_doe_jr: so what's getting deleted?05:02
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john_doe_jrdaftykins: the terabytes of data05:02
daftykinsSomeone_: the keys with the little arrows on them.05:02
john_doe_jrdaftykins: I thought about using dd05:02
daftykinsjohn_doe_jr: nothing better than that then.05:02
daftykinswell dd would take even longer ;)05:02
Someone_So the arrow keys. What do I do to expand the things or whatever?05:02
daftykinsbit puzzled as to the idea of using rm on a backup though, often you want it in both places05:02
daftykinsSomeone_: did you find the universe section yet?05:03
john_doe_jrdaftykins: well, the backup job is not needed anymore05:03
john_doe_jrdaftykins: but it's like taking forever to delete05:03
daftykinsSomeone_: then what else do you need to do beyond cursoring down the file to find it? just keep pressing down...05:03
daftykinsjohn_doe_jr: mmhmm, c'est la vie.05:03
Someone_I did, but I can't go any further?05:03
daftykinsthen you must've gone past it05:04
Someone_I don't see anything05:04
daftykinsSomeone_: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/sample/sources.list05:05
daftykinslook at this example file05:05
daftykinscan you see where it says "## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu" ?05:05
Someone_they're all restricted?05:05
daftykinsdo you see it?05:05
daftykinsin the above link?05:05
Someone_I saw it in the link but I don't see it in my terminal05:06
daftykinsgo back to the top05:06
daftykinswell, ignore that line - do you see the 4 lines beginning with "deb" or "deb-src" underneath it?05:06
daftykinsdo you see that they have 'universe' at the end?05:06
Someone_I see 8 lines beginning with "deb"05:06
Someone_At the end they all say "precise main restricted"05:06
daftykinsok type in the ones from my link05:07
daftykinsat the very end of the file05:07
boszwapeasy does it05:07
daftykinse.g. "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise universe"05:07
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Someone_I'm very confused. I just typed "deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main and deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.om/ubuntu precise main05:08
daftykinsyeah, each on separate lines?05:09
daftykinsnow hit ctrl+x, then enter, then yes05:09
daftykins(Y for yes)05:09
daftykinsand you should be back to the terminal from before05:09
daftykinsthen you can hit cursor up and repeat the command from earlier05:09
daftykins"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools"05:10
Someone_what was the command from earlier?05:10
daftykinsyou should be comfortable with scrolling in Windows to look up at earlier05:10
Someone_It's not as easy to do so when I'm doing something else at the same time05:10
daftykinslike what...05:10
Someone_It ays "unable to locate package pastebinit" again05:10
Someone_but I got a lot of other text that shows translation packages or someting05:11
daftykinstry repeating the same command but delete 'pastebinit'05:11
Guest73685Wil you give up forever to touch me?05:11
Someone_Postfix configuration?05:11
daftykinsSomeone_: just hit ok, then 'no configuration'05:12
daftykinsagain with cursor keys, tab and enter05:12
Someone_Alriht got hat05:13
Someone_It's setting up postfix or something05:13
daftykinsmmhmm, should return to the prompt after that05:13
Someone_The last thing it said was "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"05:13
daftykinsok now "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda > ~/Desktop/disk.txt05:14
daftykinsyou should see a text file appear on your desktop now, open it - then copy and paste it into http://paste.ubuntu.com05:14
Someone_It didn't send any messages; just gave me another ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ thing05:14
daftykinsyeah it wouldn't do05:14
Someone_okay I see disk.txt05:14
Guest73685What is the first step in troubleshooting hibernate not working?05:16
daftykinsSomeone_: were you able to paste it on the website? you need to then paste the link to that page here05:18
Someone_what do you mean?05:18
daftykinsdid you open the text file?05:18
daftykinsdid it open in a graphical text editor so you could see the contents?05:19
Someone_as in05:19
dna113pWhat command could I use to easily take the contents of my clipboard into a new file... I find myself doing this manually a lot05:19
daftykinsok, now i need to see what was in it... so open firefox the web browser and visit http://paste.ubuntu.com05:19
daftykinsSomeone_: so?05:20
daftykinsSomeone_: what kind of computer is this? it has an 8GB SSD 0o chromebook perhaps?05:23
Someone_Not a chromebook05:23
Someone_Acer aspire05:23
daftykinsoh a turd netbook05:23
daftykinswell you can install from the live session then05:23
Someone_So I just install from there from the usb?05:23
Someone_As in reinstall?05:23
Someone_It was in OEM config before05:24
daftykinstell it to wipe the whole drive05:24
daftykinsthat doesn't matter05:24
Someone_so I just press te button "Install Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS"?05:24
Someone_okay now is loading xD05:25
Someone_Do I check off "Download updates while installing" and "Instal this third-party software"?05:26
daftykinsneither matter05:27
Someone_Unmount partitions that are in use?05:27
Someone_Erase disk and install Ubuntu?05:28
Someone_How long does the installation take?05:31
daftykinshow long is a piece of string?05:32
Someone_oh okay05:32
daftykinsthat was clearly important05:34
Guest73685daftykins: what command is run to check the install size of plasma kde and amarok?05:36
daftykinsGuest73685: PM ubottu and do !info <package>05:38
daftykinsor 'apt-cache show <package>' shows a size05:39
RepThis1Anyone running the polari irc client?05:39
daftykinsRepThis1: what if they were?05:41
RepThis1daftykins: would ask if it actually functions better then it did a year ago. I would not at the time allow you to join a channel that you had to be registered to join.05:42
RepThis1daftykins: or something bizarre. I checked their irc but found no one.05:43
daftykinsmust be on the wrong network05:44
dsnydersHi gang!  When I use vi in insert mode, certain keystrokes (like backspace, up-arrow, and the like) insert letters into my file instead of performing the desired action.  What am I doing wrong?05:45
RepThis1dsnyders: i would love an answer to this too.05:46
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juniorgoathello anyone know how to use grep to output lines that have numbers AND letters?06:09
daftykins#bash do06:09
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bfrankhi, does anyone know how to connect to multiple vpns with ubuntu?06:21
cfhowlett!vpn | bfrank06:22
ubottubfrank: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN06:22
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imthenachomanhey guys. i was wondering what is the preferred "pooling" method these days? i have 2 extra drives on my machine of different sizes. i wanted to join them to be one drive to store files on. nothing important so don't need any kind of raid or backup06:24
imthenachomanBen64: thanks. i was thinknig of that since its built in with ubuntu06:26
Ben64yeah its pretty easy to work with06:27
imthenachomanany good GUI for it or do i need to use CLI. feeling lazy06:27
daftykinsCLI \o/06:28
clraei have installed ubuntu but no graphical interface is showing , what can i do ??06:28
daftykinswhat is it on, a laptop?06:28
clraedaftykins : can  you help me please ?06:30
Ben64clrae: you need to answer the questions for that to work06:31
cfhowlett!details | clrae,06:31
ubottuclrae,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)06:31
mircx1what is this ywh_106:32
mircx1make version06:32
lotuspsychjemircx1: report to #ubuntu-ops please06:32
lotuspsychjemircx1: he's version users on join06:32
julio__oww, son unos cuantos...06:33
lotuspsychje!es | julio__06:34
ubottujulio__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:34
julio__THANK YOU06:34
daftykinsclrae: not until you answer my question?06:35
clraedaftykins :I have installed ubuntu from a mini iso 15.04 , and now when i start booting i get prompt to enter my userand pass in the command line , there is no graphical interface to box for pass no desktop , so what can i do in this situation to get a normal graphical interface06:35
daftykinsclrae: yeah that's what mini does06:36
daftykinsclrae: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:36
cfhowlettclrae, you have to install a gui06:36
daftykins(if you want unity)06:36
Someone_alright so ubuntu works on my laptop now. Thanks daftykins (Well it's worked for about a half hour but I forgot to check irc)06:36
daftykins;) no problemo.06:36
Someone_Sorry for wasting your time on something that could've been fixed very simply haha06:36
daftykinsSomeone_: well we needed to check whether you got sold a machine with a lemon of a hard disk, otherwise installing would've been a waste of time06:37
daftykinsSomeone_: bear in mind you need to install lots of updates now06:37
clraedaftykins : but i will need to configure the network then to get access to the internet , or my wifi pass is alraedy saved in it ?06:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:37
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.06:38
eliaspsdarkxst anjuta http://pastebin.com/7VL3xFxX . Is it ok?06:39
clraecfhowlett ; i want to install Lubuntu interface  how to do that ?06:39
cfhowlettclrae, sudo apt install lxde06:39
cfhowlettfor the desktop environment06:39
daftykins!info lubuntu-desktop06:40
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.59 (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)06:40
daftykinsor that for the whole thing ^06:40
clraecfhowlett : so the command i need is sudo apt-get  install lxde06:41
cfhowlettclrae, that'll work too06:41
clraecfhowlett ; an what about the network so i have to configure it from the command line to connect to wifi ?06:42
daftykinsclrae: wait until you get there.06:43
daftykinsyou don't need CLI wifi06:44
clraecfhowlett : why ?06:44
Guest73685Hello Miron.06:44
faryshtahi, how can i use playonlinux to install a game? i have fllowed the instructions for installing age of empires and the wizard runs nice, but the game doesn't start06:46
cfhowlettclrae, why?  cuz the gui will include a network manager06:46
baizonfaryshta: well wine can also do it06:47
daftykinsPlay on Linux is a wine wrapper i hear, so it is the same thing no?06:48
lotuspsychjefaryshta: any errors on starting game06:48
baizondaftykins: play on linux got more scripts to get things working, they use wine06:48
daftykinsbaizon: so what i'm getting at, is surely your suggestion doesn't change much?06:49
daftykinsah well, i don't put effort into games help.06:49
Guest73685Miron hangouts is up.06:50
arooniis leaving password auth over ssh on a stupid idea ?  or an ok idea?  i know obviously removing password logins over ssh is better than not doing it.06:54
clraeis there a way to connect to the wifi from command line ?06:54
daftykinsarooni: no, as long as you change default port and keep root login disabled - assuming you have it open to the internet06:55
cfhowlettclrae, yes.  this once, I will not give you the LMGTFY version ... http://blog.tplus1.com/blog/2008/06/13/how-to-connect-to-a-wireless-network-from-the-ubuntu-command-line/06:55
clraecfhowlett : am palnning to connect from the command line and install lubuntu-desktop  does that cober  everything ?06:58
cfhowlettclrae, nope06:58
daftykinsall this delay you could've had it installed by now, clrae ;)06:58
cfhowlettclrae, ^^^ this.  go for it.06:58
daftykinsperhaps with a nice network cable to do the initial bit06:58
cfhowlettclrae, how are you connected at the moment?  cable network, right?06:59
buntulosti have a wifi problem - laptop running 14.04 can't connect to internet, same machine booting into 10.04 has no problem. pls can someone help me to fix this?07:00
daftykinsbuntulost: what's the wifi card?07:00
clraecfhowlett :  wifi ,i dont have access to the ethernet cable though07:00
daftykinsclrae: you're in a chicken and egg situation then07:00
daftykinsor is that... egg and chicken?07:00
TwirlHi, anyone knows how to control sound volume with a key combination?07:00
buntulost@daftykins how do i find that out - am a bit of a beginner07:00
daftykinsbuntulost: "lspci" if it's a PCI card07:00
buntulostbig output...07:02
daftykinspastebin it07:02
buntulostqualcomm atheros ar242x07:02
buntulost@daftykins i am typing this on a chromebook (connected to same wifi) I can't pastebin without being able to connect to the internet07:03
oats_daftykins: You've got some long hours07:03
nbagshi i've got a laptop with an e1000 nic. its connected to a gigbit switch with a cat6 cable. problem is it flips back to 100mbps every day or so, which is really annoying. unplugging and replugging the cable brings it back up to 1000mbps. how can i debug this issue?07:03
daftykinsbuntulost: sudo modprobe ath5k07:04
daftykinsoats_: sleep is for the week ;)07:05
buntulosti did that command - but it didn't give me any output07:05
daftykinsit won't07:06
daftykinsnow "sudo service network-manager restart"07:06
buntulostok i did that07:07
oats_daftykins: Did you mean you work freenode support 48 hrs over the weekend, and you only sleep during the week07:07
oats_or that sleep is for weak people in general07:07
daftykinswell i spelt it week, so i meant weekdays :)07:08
oats_alright haha07:08
daftykinsand this is volunteer based y'know, there's no earning money here :)07:08
oats_thank you, g'night07:08
oats_You earn thank you's07:08
daftykinsand the warm fuzzy feeling inside07:08
daftykinsbuntulost: what interfaces do you see if you type "ifconfig -a" ?07:08
buntulost@daftykins eth0, lo and wlan007:09
daftykinsyay so wlan0 is there, now is this standard unity?07:10
daftykinsyou should be able to see wireless networks from the network icon now07:10
wileeeTwirl, The edit at the end of the first post just fixed it's target not working here.  https://askubuntu.com/questions/486182/volume-control-keyboard-shortcuts-not-working-in-14-0407:10
buntulostyes - but i could before too07:11
=== oats_ is now known as rets__
=== rets__ is now known as oats_
Twirlwileee: i have a laptop that has the volume keys but i'm using it as a desktop computer and i want to use the external keyboard07:14
=== rets is now known as rets___
Twirlwileee: i dont know which key shortcuts are used for volume up/down or how to set it up07:14
buntulosti can ping but not www.google.com07:14
buntulostits very very odd07:14
baizonbuntulost: restart?07:15
daftykinsthat'd lose that module07:15
buntulosti have tried that several times07:15
daftykinsbuntulost: so what happens when you try to connect to your network...07:15
buntulostit seems to connect - but can't load any web pages in chrome or firefox07:16
daftykinsok so connect, then run this: "nslookup google.com" and compare it against the machine you're typing from07:16
daftykinsyou should get a bunch of IPs returned.07:17
buntulostmachine i'm typing on is a chromebook07:17
daftykinsyes it you can also get a terminal on a chromebook :)07:18
buntulostconnection timed out; no servers could be reached07:18
daftykinsgot a camera you can take a pic with in lieu of pastebin'ing?07:18
buntulosti never knew that07:18
buntulostyes - got a camera07:19
daftykinscan you run "ip a" on the system and share a pic online? imgur.com would do07:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 752542 in openSUSE "ACPI DSDT info" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:20
ROKO__is this still active ?07:20
james0r2having issues with conky. if i use the setting own_window_type desktop, it shows up but disappears if desktop is clicked. if i choose theoption override i get a black background, if i choose normal it ignores gap settings, if i choose dock notify-osd respects the conky space which i don't want.07:20
james0r2anyone else run into this conundrum?07:21
auronandaceROKO__: it started in 2011 and appears to still be active, your comment looks like the last one on there but previous ones are recent07:24
buntulostjust working out how to use imgur...07:25
ROKO__auronandace so i have some problems in dsdt07:25
ROKO__and i report it07:26
ROKO__because i see there is and another person that report with same notebook07:26
xStarkI need help07:28
daftykinsROKO__: hmm, optimus related? what's up?07:28
daftykinsxStark: ask away!07:28
xStarkMy keyboard is randomly switching to caps lock07:28
ROKO__daftykins no07:28
ROKO__amd hybrid graphics07:28
xStarkeven when its showing its not caps lock07:28
ROKO__FX 7500 R7 M260DX07:28
daftykinsyour caps lock light is flashing off and on, xStark ?07:28
xStarkit happens even when my laptop is connected with a wireless keyboard and happens even when its not connect07:28
xStarkdaftykins: Nope07:28
TwirlAnyone knows where Ubuntu Mono font is located?07:29
TwirlCan't find it in /usr/share/fonts07:29
buntulost@daftykins http://imgur.com/5bDv74107:29
rwwTwirl: http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/all/ttf-ubuntu-font-family/filelist07:30
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ROKO__daftykins so do you have an idea ?07:30
daftykinsROKO__: nope didn't even read it.07:30
rwwTwirl: oh, sorry, you said Mono. sec.07:30
daftykinsif it affects AMD hybrid then it's not my bag07:30
xStarkdaftykins: When that happens, I lose total control. I try to open a new tab in mozilla, a new window opens. I click a channel window in IRC, it randomly closes. If I suspend the PC, sometimes it gets stuck07:31
rwwTwirl: actually, yeah, they're in there07:31
daftykinsbuntulost: can you "ping" ? ctrl+c to stop07:31
xStarkAnd I get the error message "Ubuntu has experienced an internal problem"07:31
rwwTwirl: there's a second package with just Mono fonts in it, but looks like they're consolefonts07:31
Twirlrww: yea, ty man07:31
xStarkdaftykins: The problem happened less frequently, but now, it's very frequent.07:31
buntulostyes - all good there, no packet loss07:31
ROKO__daftykins so leave that my main problem is with wake up notebook from suspend and cpu pstates07:32
daftykinsROKO__: one moment07:32
ROKO__because after suspend stuck at minimal frequency 1100MHz and with changing governor to performance nothing happens still stuck07:32
ROKO__only after reboot working again07:33
daftykinsROKO__: have you tried this acpi_osi kernel parameter thing?07:33
ROKO__can you suggest me which one ?07:33
xStarkdaftykins: Any idea how to fix this?07:33
daftykinsROKO__: run this - "sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | egrep -i (windows|linux)"07:34
daftykinsxStark: nope i'm not even clear on what you're saying is happening07:34
daftykinsbuntulost: cool, er and can you edit /etc/resolv.conf and put "nameserver" in there?07:34
ROKO__daftykins http://paste.ubuntu.com/12677785/07:35
xStarkdaftykins: I'm typing and my keyboard randomly starts typing in caps when its not even in caps. And no, there's nothing blinking. When this happens, I lose total control over my keyboard and mouse. For example, when I click on the '+' option in mozilla to open a new tab, it opens a new window instead.07:36
buntulostdo i use the gedit command?07:36
daftykinsROKO__: cool, try appending acpi_osi="Windows 2012" to your kernel boot parameters07:36
ROKO__but why windows ?07:36
buntulosti did that and it opened a dialog box with '# Generated by NetworkManager' and that's it07:37
ROKO__btw for info on windows 10 is same issue07:37
daftykinsROKO__: because it may give you more conventional functionality.07:37
daftykinsyeah, well 10 is 10.07:37
ROKO__its shit07:37
daftykinsi don't care for your opinions of Windows.07:37
daftykinseither try it or not, up to you07:37
ROKO__okay thanks i will try now07:38
daftykinsbuntulost: yeah empty it and put just that one line07:38
daftykinsbuntulost: i'd use nano personally in a terminal, so "sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf"07:38
daftykinsstab ctrl+K a few times to empty the lines, then "nameserver" ctrl+x, enter, y to save07:38
daftykinsnext up, retry your DNS test with "nslookup google.com"07:38
xStarkLooks like no one's understanding the problem...07:39
auronandacexStark: it seems you have more than just a keyboard issue07:39
xStarkauronandace: What do you propose I do?07:39
daftykinsxStark: see the other folk i'm helping? wait your damn turn.07:40
xStarkwoah, cool down07:40
daftykinsmy point exactly :)07:40
buntulost@daftykins - amazing!!! i'm back online07:40
daftykinstest a guest session if you haven't already07:40
buntulostthank you SO much!!!07:40
daftykinsbuntulost: ok, now that's not going to work every single boot - as it was just a temporary edit, so you're going to need to purge the package "resolvconf" , and keep /etc/resolv.conf containing that line07:41
daftykinsfor whatever reason your wireless interface is getting the wrong DNS IPs from DHCP07:41
buntulostok how do i purge the package?07:42
daftykinssudo apt-get purge resolvconf07:42
auronandacexStark: you mention mozilla, are you referring to firefox or have you added some sort of ppa?07:42
xStarkauronandace: I am referring to firefox.07:44
xStarkAnd I have no idea what PPA is07:45
buntulostok - i did that and it recommended a reboot...07:45
daftykinsbuntulost: yep, then you'll need to edit that file again07:45
daftykinsauronandace: i don't think it matters what program it is, sounds like it's system wide07:46
auronandacexStark: ppas are personal package archives, essentially 3rd party repos, they can cause conflicts and problems sometimes07:46
ROKO__daftykins hm looks like have general change... or i going crazy.. i think the image now have better quality07:47
buntulostok... i edited it... seems ok again07:48
auronandacedaftykins: sorry, just trying to narrow down the possible culprits07:48
buntulostis this now permanently fixed?07:48
daftykinsROKO__: best part is i only got taught that a few hours ago07:48
daftykinsbuntulost: yeah if it stays there on reboot, just bear in mind that is your router, so if you go on another wireless network it's probably not gonna work - so you could just change that to which is google DNS.07:49
buntulostok thanks - someone mentioned that if you do that google know all your browsing. is that really true?07:50
auronandacebuntulost: you could also use opendns servers if you prefer07:51
buntulostand what is the ip address of the opendns servers pls?07:51
daftykinsbuntulost: probably.07:51
daftykinsor, you could put both in to be sure07:52
daftykinseach on a line "nameserver x"07:52
buntulostso i edit that file again and add those on separate lines, right?07:52
daftykinscorrect, then reboot once more to check they stay07:52
auronandacebuntulost: http://use.opendns.com/07:52
xStarkauronandace: It just happened again. Only way to fix it is re boot. It wont even let me suspend. It doesn't fully suspend and gets stuck07:53
xStarkauronandace: It gave me a system program problem detected dialogue07:53
auronandacexStark: sorry, i never suspend so i can't help you there, but i know suspend can cause issues depending on your hardware07:53
buntulostwow - you guys rock!07:54
xStarkauronandace: Do you want to know the things Ubuntu wants to report?07:54
lonelyAny Chinese here?07:54
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:54
daftykinsxStark: bear in mind that typically one error, every boot it prompts you about the same one - so it might not even be a new one07:54
lonely /join #ubuntu-cn07:55
buntulostok... just went to edit it again and is not there anymore!07:55
buntulostbut nameserver is07:55
xStarkdaftykins: I think it's the same one too.07:55
daftykinsbuntulost: yeah, usually one reboot after purging resolvconf the little blighter comes back... just reboot until it stops essentially07:56
xStarkauronandace and daftykins: It's telling that the problem type is "KernelOops"07:56
daftykinswell that's no good, suggests a wider system issue07:56
daftykinsbut i still have no idea on that one.07:56
xStarkAnd it occured during a previous suspend and prevented it from resuming properly07:56
xStarkI'll just take screenshots07:57
xStarkGive me a minute07:57
buntulost@daftykins do i need to reboot and purge or just keep rebooting?07:58
daftykinsjust rebooting, one purge and the package is GONE! Cillit Bang.07:58
buntulostthanks Barry!07:58
xStarkauronandace and daftykins: http://imgur.com/a/S5Pzz07:59
daftykinswell that refers to 3.19.0-25 which is old now, so i'd be sure you're on what i believe is now -3008:01
daftykinsand hope it goes away08:01
daftykinsbut yeah, still no idea08:02
indistyloI was making Real time notification using Django web server, Nodejs and redis following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tibla5fSqM , I succesfully installed all dependencies, created project, Now I faced some exception while creating at "startapp" example step, In frustration i end up deleting "global" folder in home directory (via terminal on ubuntu i used "rm -rfv global"), Now i want this global folder back, to develop the pub sub notif08:02
indistyloication, Kindly help to recover from this problem08:02
OneM_IndustriesHey, how can I check if there are any hidden partitions on a drive?08:03
daftykinsindistylo: that was really, really stupid. don't use r and f with a delete when you don't need to.08:04
daftykinsindistylo: second, that sounds like learning to dev - so why not find an appropriate channel?08:04
daftykinsOneM_Industries: 'hidden' ? what's today's crazy idea based on?08:04
OneM_IndustriesI have a 16GB flash drive that is suddenly reporting as 14GB after I loaned it to someone, and I suspect that something funny is going on.08:05
daftykinsOneM_Industries: sudo parted -l | pastebinit08:06
indistylodaftykins: I did by mistake being a noob as learninguser08:06
indistyloI have learned hard lesson. Never will repeat this08:06
OneM_IndustriesBingo, somehow there is a 1GB difference between that and lsblk.08:07
OneM_IndustriesOdd....if I use gparted and go to that device, then it shows as it being 14.5GB...08:08
daftykinsi think you're just getting confused by different OSs and programs reporting storage with different units08:08
daftykinsyou know about GiB and GB right?08:08
daftykinsyou can always be doubly sure by just dd'ing the whole flash drive with zeroes08:09
daftykinssee what fdisk says too08:09
daftykinssudo fdisk -l /dev/sdd08:09
OneM_Industries /dev/sdd1   *        2048    30296063    15147008    b  W95 FAT3208:10
OneM_IndustriesSo, the first sector is 2048, which is odd.08:11
OneM_IndustriesGparted shows no preceding space.08:11
daftykinsso like i said, zero it if you're still paranoid.08:11
xStarkI just made my own game in JS :P08:28
xStarkOf course, very simple.08:29
daftykins!ot | xStark08:29
ubottuxStark: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:29
xStarkOh, right...08:29
xStarkI apologize.08:29
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trump_sup all08:32
davidleoni installed xubuntu-desktop currently i dislike its greeter. cause it shows nothing about other desktop i installed. and it's buggy. I want to switch to unity-greeter. what should i do08:33
davidleonthere are posts about /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf08:33
davidleonbut i don't have this file08:33
ilkeninstall gdm08:35
davidleonwhy is it related to gdm?08:36
ilkenoh you want lightdm?08:36
ilkeni cant recommend unity because it never works right o my ancient hardwarez08:37
davidleoni found one, it asks me to create one08:37
davidleoni will reboot and test08:37
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trump_is there a way to mute all the joins/leaves?08:44
daftykinsdepends on your client08:45
daftykinsgoogle it08:45
trump_using the browser >.<08:46
daftykinsdon't :)08:46
cfhowlett!quietirc | trump_08:47
ubottutrump_: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages08:47
trump_thanks, but just found it08:47
trump_its amazing how you can overlook things at 4am lol08:48
peanutloveCan anyone try accessing this IP address? http://[2400:6180:0:d0::f3:f001]08:49
cfhowlettnot no but H*** no!08:50
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peanutlovethat's an ipv6 address just trying to test it08:51
daftykins!ot | peanutlove elsewhere please.08:52
ubottupeanutlove elsewhere please.: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:52
peanutlovedaftykins: I'm using an ubuntu server and trying to configure/enable ipv6 hence landed here.08:53
OneM_IndustriesRight, pinging it.08:53
daftykinsgiven the protocol requested to try was http, ping doesn't count :)08:54
peanutloveI'm able to ping6 or ssh or curl that from another server but not from my local computer.08:54
OneM_Industriesping: unknown host 2400:6180:0:d0::f3:f00108:54
OneM_IndustriesFirefox can't establish a connection to the server at [2400:6180:0:d0::f3:f001].08:54
daftykinsnot all routers allow you to go out then back in, if you're hosting it at home08:54
peanutlovedaftykins: this is on a vps provider (which supports ipv6)08:54
daftykinsok, just checking08:55
SCHAAP137rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 187.189/187.424/188.040/0.517 ms08:55
daftykinsi bet your web server config isn't listening on all relevant interfaces08:55
SCHAAP137ping6'd you from my own VPS08:55
peanutlovedaftykins: I'm not even able to ping or SSH from my local computer. but works fine from my other servers.08:56
peanutloveSCHAAP137: ping6 worked? can you try curling? curl -6g http://[2400:6180:0:d0::f3:f001]08:56
daftykinsthat's nice08:56
peanutlovea few google searches about ipv6 speak of enabling ipv6 in sysctl.conf. But they are all from 2012. I'l give that a try tho.08:57
Quantumpantsmy system keeps coming up with loads of error messages when i start it up, is there a way to reload the OS without loosing all my softwere and settings?08:57
peanutloveQuantumpants: what are the errors about?08:57
SCHAAP137port 80 seems open08:58
SCHAAP137i see the nginx welcome page in my curl, peanutlove08:58
Quantumpants<peanutlove> i dont understand eny of it, but its sayinging that date is missing08:58
peanutloveSCHAAP137: thanks a lot ~! this is definitely something to do with my local computer then.08:59
daftykinsare you sure your ISP even provides IPv6 connectivity?08:59
SCHAAP137i'm using like 10 IPv6's simultaneously on my VPS, i can confirm my tests are working09:00
peanutlovedaftykins: I have two internet connections. Doesn't work on both.09:00
peanutloveouch. tests online say ipv6 isnt supported by my isp09:01
SCHAAP137same here, my home ISP has no IPv6 yet, bummer09:01
peanutloveSCHAAP137: I didn't know that I had to check that part. I've been hitting my head against the wall for the past 6-7hrs now thinking it has to do with the server's settings.09:02
SCHAAP137just 7 hops, not that far09:02
SCHAAP137awhh :{09:02
daftykinsyeah um, it's pretty obvious to check you have a v6 address on your router09:03
daftykinsthink, #1 test would be to try another site first09:03
SCHAAP137you could build an OpenVPN server with 4-to-6 tunneling09:03
daftykinsyou can always get yourself a tunnel from one of the providers that do it09:04
xStarkI disabled sticky keys. So far so good. No keyboard problems.09:07
Jakey2when i run sudo pwmconfig i get /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed09:10
Jakey2im running a hp pavalion and the fans are driving me nuts09:10
daftykinsJakey2: can you pastebin "sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | egrep -i (windows|linux)"09:11
Jakey2daftykins, i get sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | egrep -i (windows|linux)09:14
Jakey2daftykins, i get bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('09:15
daftykinshang on think i paste failed09:15
daftykinshmm nope it's supposed to be like that09:16
Jakey2what are you trying to grep for09:17
daftykinswell it wasn't me that provided that command, but essentially any windows entries09:18
daftykinsand yes, i know how odd that sounds - but just give it a whirl09:18
* Acilim ßen >>»» §ørtiE §¢ript v2.¹ ««<<- i kullanýyorum þiddetle tavsiye ederim - [> www.sortie.cjb.net <]-09:19
daftykinsAcilim: no thanks, don't do that again09:19
Acilimwrong button09:19
Jakey2daftykins, not sure how to proceed with the error from sudo pwmconfig09:22
daftykinswell you haven't given me my answer yet09:22
Jakey2that command doesnt work for me09:23
daftykinssudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows09:23
daftykinswhat about that?09:23
daftykinspop it in a paste.ubuntu.com09:24
Jakey2with linux it just says linux09:25
daftykinsJakey2: ok so add the kernel boot parameter: acpi_osi="Windows 2012" as a test09:25
daftykinssee how the fans behave.09:25
Jakey2daftykins, do i need to reboot or is sudo update-grub09:29
daftykinsi said try it out haha, don't put it in permanently09:30
Jakey2after sudo update-grub same error occured09:31
daftykinswhat error...09:31
xStarkStill no problems with the keyboard after disabling sticky keys...09:31
daftykinsxStark: i don't think we benefit much from minute by minute updates :)09:32
xStarkdaftykins: It isn't minute by minute... Last update was almost 30 minutes ago..09:32
Jakey2"/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed"09:32
xStarkAnyway, nvm09:33
daftykinsxStark: hmm they must not do humour over there09:33
daftykinsJakey2: that's even after booting with that added huh?09:33
daftykinsah well.09:34
Jakey2daftykins, yep no difference after reboot09:36
daftykinsah well, i got nothin'09:38
daftykinslatest BIOS i take it?09:38
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daftykinsthe expert that gave me those commands and so on might be on in another 12hrs09:39
Jakey2ok thanks, whats his handle09:40
daftykinsi'd rather he present the offer if into it at the time :)09:41
Jakey2ok np09:43
jokersmile_wooI turned off networking completly from the icon in lower right and won't turn back on.09:46
jokersmile_woolubuntu 15.0409:47
daftykinsreboot? :)09:47
jokersmile_woodidn't work09:48
daftykinsfind out where lubuntu stores its' network config and reset it09:48
MonkeyDustjokersmile_woo  start with  locate network|less09:50
jokersmile_woodoing this from my android will take forever. I'll try again tomorrow. thanks any ways.09:54
asmaAL-Bahanta /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER asmaAL-Bahanta mbfackvhwmcy09:54
MonkeyDustchange your password!09:54
daftykinsbest to do those in the status window, asmaAL-Bahanta09:54
daftykinsit's not a password it's a verify code :)09:55
MonkeyDustchange your verify code!09:55
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basiclaserhow can i change the display driver to xorg server from the terminal?10:58
basiclaserI changed it to some proprietary nvidia and now i cant get past the login screen10:59
cfhowlett!nomodeset | basiclaser10:59
ubottubasiclaser: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:59
basiclasercfhowlett: thanks will give it a shot11:02
rudolf_I installed windows over ubuntu and I need to repair my grub now. I have got easyBCD and I'm trying to add grub. But the problem is I forgot which partition was the linux boot partition.11:02
rudolf_Is there any way to know which is the linux boot partition out of all the partitions I am seeing??11:03
rudolf_http://i62.tinypic.com/24fz29i.png   <-- Partitions11:05
daftykinsboot a live session and it'll be more useful11:06
indistyloI was doing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tibla5fSqM, My global folder has been deleted, What command can i use to do complete clean removal and installation of python-virtualenv, i tried sudo apt-get --reinstall install python-virtualenv, its output  > http://paste.ubuntu.com/12678843/11:06
daftykinsi'm kinda laughing at how mickey mouse that windows prog looks XD11:06
indistyloglobal folder is not appearing in my home directory after installation11:06
MonkeyDustj #ubuntu-discuss11:08
rudolf_No suggestions?11:09
daftykinsyes i made mine already11:09
rudolf_Ah...sorry daftykins I missed it. You dint mention my name.11:10
daftykinsno, i cunningly rely upon the attention of the recipient :D11:10
indistylodaftykins, any suggestions11:10
indistylolast time you directed me that it was related to django-python.11:11
rudolf_daftykins: So is there a way to know my boot partition through a live session?11:11
daftykinsmmm i dunno about that given i don't do dev of any kind.11:11
indistylodaftykins, ?11:11
daftykinsrudolf_: yeah.11:11
rudolf_How? I just know fdisk to see the linux partitions.11:12
ubottuBoot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.11:12
daftykinsthat little sucker can give a shedload of info11:12
rudolf_or fdisk -l works?11:12
daftykinsyou'll know once you boot in.11:12
daftykinsbut if you have 10 installed as legacy along with ubuntu, you just need to reinstall grub to the whole disk anyway11:13
rudolf_Ok..will try it. Thanks11:13
DosTuMaiIs there a way to pastebin system spec?11:14
bazhangpastebinit DosTuMai11:14
daftykinsbits and pieces, depends what you want11:15
MonkeyDustDosTuMai  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11:15
DosTuMaiJust the basics - CPU, GPU, RAM.11:15
daftykinsyou guys missed the point entirely, we're being asked HOW to obtain _system info_11:16
bazhangsudo lshw | pastebinit DosTuMai11:16
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bazhangdmidecode if you wish DosTuMai11:17
DosTuMaiOh great, had to be such an obvious command! Okidoki, I'm off to reboot brain with a large hammer, I think...11:17
MonkeyDustDosTuMai  or inxi -CGM11:18
daftykinsDosTuMai: better yet would be to look things up online before asking here in future11:18
DosTuMaiI tried google, and had no joy. Probably putting the search string in badly.11:18
daftykinsif i had a local unit of currency for every time...11:18
bazhangdaftykins, just dont answer if you cannot be bothered to help11:19
daftykinsbazhang: that's not the point here, and i know this user from another channel, so back off11:20
bazhangdaftykins, take some time off, or just dont answer, this is not the redirect to google channel, ever11:21
bazhangor website11:21
daftykinsbazhang: at least i read the question.11:21
daftykinsand yep, i know the rules.11:22
bazhangfollow them11:22
daftykinsoh shut up11:22
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creed_Hello. I have upgraded to 15.04 from 14.04 and my audio does not work anymore. I have reinstalled alsa-base and pulseaudio. did not work and now the control panel seems broken as well. Anyone a guess, how I can fix this problem?11:29
Guest93546hello, by mistake i defragmented my windows which corrupted grub. now i have started it using grub resuce commands. but unable to fix it permanently. update-grub and reinstallation of grub is not working11:31
EriC^^Guest93546: that's odd, if you get grub rescue then i guess grub is in the mbr11:31
EriC^^Guest93546: do you have a live usb?11:32
bekksGuest93546: Windows defragmnentation does not affect grub. Do you use wubi?11:32
cfhowlettGuest93546, is this a "windows installer" installation11:33
badbodhGuest93546: this isn't a place to troll either11:34
badbodhcfhowlett: he was trolling in mint channel moments ago11:34
bekksbadbodh: thanks for that hont.11:34
cfhowlettbadbodh, ah, well. easy fix.  he gets added to my /ignore!  thanks for the heads up.11:34
badbodh" i defragmented my windows which corrupted grub" :D11:35
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cfhowlettwait, are switching nicks now?11:37
Guest93546EriC^^, when i try to start linux it enters in grub rescue mode. now i used set prefix and insmod normal command and succesfully booted. now how can i fix my grub11:38
bazhangGuest96937, pastebin sources.list please11:39
bekksGuest93546: Since it actually ENTERS grub, grub cant be corrupted.11:39
=== Guest93546 is now known as rahul_
badbodhlike i said buddy, create a live usb/cd and run grub-install followed by chroot and update-grub11:39
bekksbadbodh: No need to fix a working grub.11:39
bazhangrahul_, lsb_release -a as well11:39
badbodhbekks: yeah well, just scratching the itch :)11:39
rahul_bekks, how do i fix it then tried reinstalling grub and update-grub command both not working11:40
Guest96937can't run a .jar file :( saying that "Error: Could not find or load main class" :(11:40
bekksrahul_: You dont need to fix grub, since grub is not the issue.11:40
bazhangrahul_, what version of ubuntu11:40
rahul_bazhang, 14.0411:41
bazhang!version | rahul_11:41
ubotturahul_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »11:41
Guest96937but in windows os (7, 8, 8.1, 10), and linux kali sana 2.0 , the jar has run successfully11:41
rahul_bekks, if grub isn't broken then why it entere rescue mode everytime i rrestart11:42
Guest96937but in ubuntu mate 15.04 jar is not running11:44
Guest96937even I can't compile my project in ubuntu11:44
bekksrahul_: Because the configuration that you are trying to boot is broken, like a broken graphics driver, etc.11:44
Guest96937I have tried possible ways to run the .jar, .class, .java11:45
bekksGuest96937: Define "not running", and tell us how you start "the jar".11:45
rahul_bekks, okay, but how do i fix it.11:46
bekksrahul_: By telling us as much details as possible what happens when you try to boot to normal mode.11:46
axwhyhi, vmware and ubuntu is not compartible? why no unity mode on ubuntu host?11:46
vvH1p|a5hSomeone could please suggest me a program that downloads vides from a stream source? I just want to save this superb doc (https://youtu.be/U1Qt6a-vaNM) before they strike down.11:46
cfhowlett!youtube-dl | vvH1p|a5h11:47
bekksaxwhy: Because unity requires real 3D hardware, which a vm doesnt provide.11:47
MonkeyDustaxwhy  i have 15.04 unity in vmware, it's lsow, but it works11:47
vvH1p|a5hThaks very much cfhowlett11:47
eagles0513875_hey guys im running dd on some of my hard disks how can i monitor the progress?11:47
ioria!info youtube-dl11:47
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2015.02.28-1 (vivid), package size 449 kB, installed size 2256 kB11:47
rahul_bekks, when i start my pc i am presented with grub rescue window. where i execute set prefix command and insmod normal, normal command. it displays normal ubuntu boot menu and ubuntu boots from there.11:48
axwhyoh thanks man,, what about virtualbox seemless mode?11:48
DosTuMai12:47 < daftykins> eagles0513875_: kill -USR1 $PID_of_dd11:48
Guest96937bekks: java -jar /path file.jar11:49
eagles0513875_DosTuMai: what if i do not have it running11:49
MonkeyDustaxwhy  if you plan to try vbox a lot, try vagrant, it's really handy11:50
Guest96937bekks: to compile java file I used -> javac /path file.java11:50
eagles0513875_DosTuMai: let me try it as you said11:50
r_riosAm I allowed to distribute some Ubuntu shared libraries along with an application I'm developing?11:50
cfhowlettsee the gnu license r_rios11:50
r_riosIn my specific case, I want to distribute my application bundled with libstdc++11:50
DosTuMaieagles0513875_: The progress will be very little if it's not running.11:50
axwhycan i install visual studio in vargant?11:51
Guest96937bekks: to compile the .class I used -> java -cp /path packagename.file11:51
eagles0513875_DosTuMai:  its working what you said above :)11:51
Guest96937but nothing works in ubuntu :(11:51
MonkeyDustaxwhy  vagrant uses vbox, so the question is, if you can use visual studio in vbox11:51
eagles0513875_thanks DosTuMai  :)11:51
eagles0513875_will have lunch in the mean time11:52
DosTuMaiYou're welcome. =]11:52
MonkeyDustaxwhy  http://www.vagrantbox.es/11:53
=== SirMarky1 is now known as SirMarky
vvH1p|a5hGuys, I installed youtube-dl, but now I can't start it because I don't find the launcher. I'm a newbie and I normally try on the search computer and internet button and type the name of the program that I want run. But it does't appear in the results, I'm having problems with other's think that I would use but can't find like the control panel (or something like that, excuse me for the proprietary term kkk)12:01
MonkeyDustvvH1p|a5h  youtube-dl is command line tool12:01
vvH1p|a5hhow do I execute?12:01
cfhowlettvvH1p|a5h, man youtube-dl will tell you all you need12:02
MonkeyDustvvH1p|a5h  in a terminal, type   youtube -t [youtube url]12:02
vvH1p|a5hThank you12:02
MonkeyDustvvH1p|a5h  like so    youtube-dl -t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk7OBuoK7ig12:03
SopaAltHi, card reader not working on 15.04. Device: 03:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS5209 PCI Express Card Reader (rev 01), dmesg: mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card12:04
ioriaSopaAlt, you can try to download from here your 5209 driver (http://www.realtek.com.tw/Downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=15&PFid=25&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false) and follow this   : http://askubuntu.com/questions/492476/internal-sd-card-reader-not-mounted-detected-hp-realtek-rts522712:08
lotuspsychje!discuss > ioria we need a 4th guy to plat poker12:10
ubottuioria, please see my private message12:10
mjaykI have an unknown device in my additiona drivers list currently set to do not use this device but i can select processor microcode firmware for intel CPU's should I install this ?12:11
kostkonmjayk, http://askubuntu.com/q/613579/165112:15
mjaykkostkon: thanks for that, everything seams to be running well so i think ill leave it untill i have some time to do some proper reading12:17
=== Shadow is now known as Guest95059
rts-Hello, my local postfix instance is bombing itself with a undelivered message email, how can I stop this? I have cleared the mail queue and its still coming in every single minute, of every hour, of every day?12:23
kame_can somebody recommend a easy to use diff-software for ubuntu12:24
rts-kame_ diff software?12:24
kame_to show the difference of to source codes12:24
cfhowlettkame_, open a terminal: man diff12:24
rts-kame_ from command line the diff utility is standard.. if you are looking for a GUI application there are several packages available...12:25
kame_a GUI would be gould12:25
mocxzhello guys12:25
lord4163kame_: meld12:25
kame_thank you12:25
=== kubast is now known as kubast2
kubast2Hey how is libmcrypt package called in ubuntu ?12:26
rts-kame_ what kind of code are you comparing? are you comparing PHP/HTML or looking for something that will help with C, C++ etc12:26
kubast2it's called like that in arch linux ,but I need to get xsdm working under ubuntu/linux mint12:26
kame_soLucien: its quick, and an allrounder :)rts- C#12:26
kame_rts- C12:27
kubast2libmcrypt-dev nvm12:27
rts-kame_ try out Anjuta, Code::Blocks, Geany, or Sublime Text 212:29
rts-or the old standard vim12:30
kame_rts-: ty12:30
=== nic is now known as Guest65936
BluesKajHowdy folks12:36
lotuspsychjehi BluesKaj12:36
BluesKajHi lotuspsychje12:36
dhsgdiDo you know which wifi card should support this slot http://m.imgur.com/HjpQmGF ?12:40
lotuspsychjeSCHAAP137: good afternoon12:40
SCHAAP137yo lotuspsychje12:40
BluesKajoops desktop froze, plasma 5.4.2 is till in devel on 15.1012:41
* BluesKaj checks logs12:43
SCHAAP13715.10 beta runs nicely here12:46
khaxWhen is 15.10 released?12:47
creed_hey. I do have an nv34 and want to install the correct driver for 15.04. I have installed nvidia-current but Im experiancing a fallback to the loginscreen when trying to login to the gui. any recommendations?12:49
amcsihow do I turn my ubuntu back into a clean install packagewise? Many packages don't install anymore due to stuff like: Depends: python-glade2 but it is not going to be installed12:51
zhongfuamcsi: what does `apt-get install python-glade2` show12:52
auronandaceamcsi: first step is identify any repos you are using that are not standard12:52
ioriaamcsi  ppa , for example12:52
amcsizhongfu, The following packages have unmet dependencies.12:52
amcsi python-glade2 : Depends: python-gtk2 (= 2.24.0-3ubuntu3) but 2.24.0-3ubuntu4 is to be installed12:52
auronandaceamcsi: /etc/apt/sources.list will show you what you have enabled12:53
mauro_comodo ela qua?12:53
mauro_ghe nelo qualche figheira ?12:54
amcsiaudictive, https://gist.github.com/amcsi/0d364e3f0c888bf9469c12:54
zhongfuamcsi: how about the others in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:54
ioriaamcsi  you have a mix there utopic, trusty and vivid12:55
auronandaceamcsi: utopic is 14.10, no longer supported12:55
amcsizhongfu, https://gist.github.com/amcsi/0d364e3f0c888bf9469c#file-sources-list-d12:56
amcsiauronandace, but I'm on ubuntu 15.04 O_o12:56
amcsisomehow it looks like the sources.list wasn't updated correctly12:57
zhongfuamcsi: python-glade2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3 needs python-gtk2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3, but for some reason you have python-glade2=2.24.0-3ubuntu3 and python-gtk2=2.24.0-3ubuntu412:57
zhongfu-3ubuntu3 is from trusty/utopic, -3ubuntu4 is from vivid12:57
zhongfugo into your sources.list and replace all instances of "trusty" with "vivid"12:57
amcsican I see a clean sources.list file for ubuntu 15.04 please?12:57
amcsiyou mean utopic with vivid?12:58
zhongfuit's kind of weird that you're running vivid but all your package lists are utopic ones12:58
zhongfuanyway just replace utopic with vivid, apt-get update and try again12:59
amcsithanks guys! it all works now12:59
zhongfujust curious, how did you upgrade it?12:59
=== erwin_ is now known as easyOnMe
easyOnMehello people just need some help here13:02
easyOnMemy ubuntu 14.04 keeps on popping up a message system problem detected13:04
easyOnMeI wonder what is the problem as I already run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade as well as sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:04
easyOnMecan anyone around please help13:05
auronandaceeasyOnMe: it usually offers an option to see more details, without those details we can't really help13:05
easyOnMeauronandace: the thing is that it only ask for my password to authenticate error reporting13:06
easyOnMeit did not offer any option at all13:06
auronandaceeasyOnMe: perhaps you didn't notice it13:06
easyOnMeauronandace: no there was nothing13:07
auronandaceeasyOnMe: next time it happens take a screenshot13:07
easyOnMeauronandace: it usually pops up everytime I boot up my laptop13:07
easyOnMeit shows up13:08
auronandaceeasyOnMe: without the extra info it would be like going to a garage "fix my car" "what's wrong with it" "it's broken"13:09
easyOnMeauronandace: ok13:09
easyOnMebut is it possible that the error just pops up even though the error has already be solved13:09
=== rusty is now known as Guest34375
easyOnMethe last time I had this problem someone told me to delete something from the error reporting log and this will stop from popping up a message13:10
auronandaceeasyOnMe: sounds like they told you to disable apport, which just stops the message popping up, it doesn't fix anything13:10
easyOnMeauronandace: yup that's it apport13:11
easyOnMedo you think it is a better approach13:11
easyOnMeor is there a way we can diagnose any issues with my ubuntu13:11
auronandaceeasyOnMe: if you like the "lalala i'm not listening approach" then go ahead13:11
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:12
auronandaceeasyOnMe: it is difficult to diagnose something if you don't know what the problem is13:13
easyOnMeis there any command we can use to maybe make ubuntu perform any diagnostic check13:13
easyOnMejust like those commands that windows use is there something similar in ubuntu13:14
auronandaceeasyOnMe: it could be anything, where would you like to start?13:15
easyOnMeanywhere we can where would you suggest though13:16
auronandaceeasyOnMe: until we know the nature of the problem we will be stabbing wildly in the dark. would you like to fsck the filesystem?13:17
easyOnMeyup but firstly who does that work and what does it do13:18
easyOnMehow does that work sorry13:18
easyOnMeand what is the command on the terminal13:18
auronandace!fsck | easyOnMe13:18
ubottueasyOnMe: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot13:18
easyOnMeok will do that now13:20
EriC^^easyOnMe: if you want to stop those messages from coming you can use xdiagnose13:23
EriC^^easyOnMe: dash > xdiagnose then remove the error reporting13:23
easyOnMeEriC^^: but like auronandace said it really does not solve any problem if indeed there is a problem13:25
ikonianeither will blindly running fsck13:25
=== Guest23832 is now known as HeathHayle
gvvgHi I have a vm (vmware ) running Ubuntu 14.04.3 - I have resized (enlarged the primary hd from 100GB to 250GB in vmware - I would like to ask if anyone could help me use resize2fs to enlarge /dev/sda1 to use the new size - it says "The filesystem is already 25952256 blocks long.  Nothing to do!" when I do "resize2fs /dev/sda113:31
EriC^^gvvg: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999913:31
gvvgEriC^^: what does that do?13:31
EriC^^list the disk size and partitions13:32
gvvgwhat is nc termbin.com 9999 ?13:32
ikoniaso people can see it13:32
EriC^^it pastebins it13:32
cfhowlettand returns a url with the pastie which you show us13:32
nos09I am trying to install kodi from source. but when i do apt-get build-dep kodi it says no package found.13:32
nos09i have install ppa for xbmc13:32
ikoniabecause there is no package13:33
gvvgso cool13:33
gvvgI want /dev/sda1 to have the extra space13:33
ikoniaso extend it13:33
erwin_I just did the command sudo fckdsk13:33
ikoniabut I suspect you will struggle13:33
=== erwin_ is now known as easyOnMe
EriC^^gvvg: i think you need to delete the swap first, then extend the partition13:33
gvvgdelete using fdisk?13:33
ikoniaas there is an extended partition after it13:33
EriC^^gvvg: type sudo cfdisk /dev/sda13:33
ikoniayou've made a random 1Gb extended partition that will block the primary13:34
EriC^^gvvg: delete the swap partition, then delete the first partition13:34
EriC^^and recreate it at the same starting sector13:34
EriC^^but larger, then create the swap after it13:35
easyOnMeauronandace: I just did the fckdsk13:35
easyOnMeand my laptop just had a reboot13:35
easyOnMethis is the screenshot that you wanted to me to take13:35
EriC^^gvvg: if you want type sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda first to get a list of where the partitions start for backup13:35
easyOnMeauronandace: http://imgur.com/0C9IaDP that is the screenshot13:36
EriC^^gvvg: it would probably be a good idea to take a snapshot of the vm before the operation13:36
gvvgnow I only have 1 partition http://termbin.com/ytvi but I still can't do the resize2fs - same error13:36
ikoniagvvg: the partition has not change13:37
ikoniaso why would you resize the OS13:37
auronandaceeasyOnMe: what do you see when you click report problem?13:37
easyOnMeauronandace: let me check that one now13:37
gvvgikonia: yes it only shows 1 partition for /dev/sda now13:38
ikoniagvvg: right, and that partition is 100GB13:38
ikoniaso you can't extend the file system bigger than the partition13:38
gvvgikonia: yes and I want it to use the 250GB13:38
ikoniaso extend the partition13:38
ikonianot the file system13:38
gvvgoh sorry how do I do that?13:38
gvvgsorry I didn't see the obvious13:39
ikoniaany partition tools13:39
ikoniakeep in mind - you're using the partition, so you shouldn't alter it while it's in use13:39
gvvghmmm not sure how to do that13:39
auronandacegvvg: boot a live image and use gparted13:40
gvvgok after the snapshot - I will boot gparted - resize the partition and then run resize2fs - does that sound sane?13:40
easyOnMeauronandace: http://imgur.com/sPXsTAI13:40
easyOnMethat is what it gives me when I clicked report the problem13:41
auronandaceeasyOnMe: notice the details dropbox thingy13:41
EriC^gvvg: are you doing this from a live session?13:41
gvvgEriC^: yes I now understand that I need to resize the partition after rebooting into a livecd13:42
gvvgthanks everyone - sorry I was completely not understanding the issue13:42
easyOnMeafter I gave my password this is what it gave me back13:42
gvvghow long should a resize of a partition take? how risky is it?13:42
EriC^gvvg: i think it shouldn't take long13:43
auronandaceeasyOnMe: no, on the screen that it asks you to give your password you can click the little arrow by the word details, which would show you more details of the problem detected13:43
EriC^no idea how risky, if you have important data you should take a snapshot anyways13:43
gvvgEriC^: ok thanks13:43
EriC^dealing with partitions and stuff, you never know13:44
EriC^gvvg: no problem13:44
auronandaceeasyOnMe: and even on the screenshot you just posted there is a show details button you can click13:44
creedHello. Does anyone know how to get a graphics card driver nvidia installed for an nv34 fx5200 nvidia chip? I cannot login to linux since it always throws me back to the login screen and when I login, its unusable slow.13:44
easyOnMeauronandace: yup here it goes13:44
easyOnMeauronandace: what shall I do now13:44
auronandaceeasyOnMe: now we know it's teamviewer that is acting up13:45
auronandaceeasyOnMe: unfortunately that means you'll have to ask them how to fix it13:45
auronandaceeasyOnMe: we can't support software that was installed from outside the repos13:46
auronandaceeasyOnMe: and teamviewer is closed-source which makes it a little harder to fix13:46
ss942Is it possible to install irssi without acessing root?13:47
ss942I'm working on ubuntu at school's pc13:47
auronandacess942: you require sudo to install anything13:48
ss942auronandace: I'm not administrator, I'm not in sudoers13:49
auronandacess942: then you can't install software13:49
ss942auronandace: can't I compile something and run?13:49
easyOnMeauronandace: noted with thanks man13:50
easyOnMeat least that gives me some degree of assurance13:51
easyOnMeso it is just teamviewer no other issues right13:51
auronandaceeasyOnMe: at least we identified the issue, sorry we couldn't fix it13:51
easyOnMeauronandace: no problem man13:51
easyOnMeat least we know the issue and it has got nothing to do with ubuntu13:52
easyOnMethat for me is comforting13:52
easyOnMeat least my ubuntu is in good health that is all I care about13:52
easyOnMethanks fellas13:52
easyOnMethis chatroom really rocks13:52
easyOnMekudos ubuntu13:52
easyOnMesee everyone13:52
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest89898
Fr0Znhi anonim7913:54
anonim79where are u from frozn ??13:54
ss942I just compiled and probably installed irssi13:56
ss942and what after:13:56
ss942make install --prefix=/home/dir13:56
ss942I'm typing irssi at commend line and it doesn't see it13:57
Fr0Znss942: bash shell?13:57
Fr0Znss942: check for PATH13:57
godbod Hello all, is still Ubuntu a South African Operating System ?14:00
KosmozI don't think so14:01
zhongfuwell, there's the ubuntu thing, but otherwise, no14:01
Seveasgodbod: it never was.14:01
Fr0Znf4lc0n_l4w: hi14:07
f4lc0n_l4wsome one have suggestion for setting ubuntu on top? because i'm an Artist14:08
khaxartiste ?14:08
f4lc0n_l4wi use ubuntu studio distro14:08
f4lc0n_l4wbut some app is useless for me14:08
ikoniaubuntu studio is an audio distro14:09
desmondjardowikipedia shows that it's for more than audio14:09
ikoniait can do more than just audio14:10
ikoniabut if you're honest, that's what it's used for14:10
ikoniathe graphics stuff is just the same as in ubuntu14:10
ikoniaso there is no real benifit to it14:10
f4lc0n_l4wi understand14:11
f4lc0n_l4wwell i have installed on my pc for work. i need just help for what program i need unistall, and sry for my bad english.14:12
ikoniaf4lc0n_l4w: what's the problem ?14:12
f4lc0n_l4wikonia: help for how unistall program14:14
ikoniauninstall what program ?14:14
f4lc0n_l4waudio software14:18
Fr0Znups XD14:22
Dudytzhi all, I trying to fix a problem with my keybindins, I do no what is happening, but now when I press ALT+F4 ... or ALT+LEFT/RIGHT, my console is changed to another TTY ... before the console changes only on CTRL+ALT+F[1 to 8] ... how to fix this and disable the ALT+F4 and ALT+LEFT/RIGHT?14:24
DudytzPS: I am using Ubuntu 15.0414:24
m1dnightHello guys, I just installed ubutnu server 14 and Im having the locale issues.14:25
m1dnightI have applied the solution that is most given online but it doenst work.14:26
cfhowlett!server | m1dnight14:26
ubottum1dnight: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server14:26
m1dnightI guess this doesnt matter which distro it is?14:26
m1dnightoh well. To there then.14:26
Quantumpantsguys i cant open the software centre14:29
xubuntomy computer seems to be acting strange14:31
xubuntoi interupted a boot process and now i am getting commandline with corrupted file permissions\14:32
cfhowlettyou interrupted a boot process.  of course it's acting up!14:32
xubuntohow do i fix it14:32
xubuntoi have tried rebooting and nothing is being restored14:32
cfhowlettstop killing boot processed and allow it to proceed without your help14:32
xubuntoive done that14:33
xubunto3 times14:33
xubuntocfhowlett: any otherideas14:34
cfhowlett!details | xubunto,14:34
ubottuxubunto,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)14:35
xubuntocfhowlett: I was booting my windows drive and accidentally interuppted its boot process14:35
Quantumpantscan i remove software from the terminal as i cant open the software centre14:36
cfhowlettwindows?  WINDOWS?  this ain't windows support.  ask ##windows.14:36
King_HualQuantumpants: apt14:36
xubuntowhen i switch in my xubuntu drive it started to do wierd shit14:36
cfhowlettQuantos, yes14:36
foot_massagewait, do we have a windows fag here?14:36
foot_massageget outta here nigger14:36
cfhowlett!ops | foot_massage,14:36
ubottufoot_massage,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang14:36
foot_massagethis is ubuntu onl14:36
xubuntoi am using a damned xubuntu drive14:36
cfhowlettxubunto, ignore the troll.  focus14:36
foot_massageI'm just using regular internet speak14:37
cfhowletthow exactly did you install ubuntu?14:37
foot_massagedon't start14:37
xubuntoi used a usb stick14:37
cfhowlettand installed next to windows?14:37
xubunto2 separate physical hard drives14:37
xubuntoi was running windows because skype sucks on xubuntu14:38
cfhowlettah.  something I've never done so I can't advise.  someone else in channel will know.14:38
Quantumpantscan anybody give me the terminal code to delete software?14:38
cfhowlettQuantumpants, sudo apt-get purge packagename14:39
foot_massageQuantumpants: larry page invented this amazing service called google14:39
xubuntois there some way i can restore this machine14:40
xubuntoi do not have write permissions any more14:40
=== HRJ___ is now known as HRJ
xubuntohow do i restore boot14:54
=== vim is now known as Guest81838
JarppiHey does anyone know how can i suggest new icon for Ubuntu MATE?14:55
pauljwxubunto: i'm not an expert but if it were me, i would reinstall the windows drive and see if i could get it to boot, then do a proper shutdown of windows.  restart it one more time to insure it came up normally then shut it down and install my ubuntu disk and see if would then boot as normal.  if that doesn't work i'm out of ideas.14:56
xubuntoi tried that pauljw14:57
_arktos_cd Softz*14:58
pauljwxubunto: and what werre the results14:58
xubuntoi am still here14:58
pauljwi see that, did windows ever load properly?14:58
JarppiHey does anyone know how can i suggest new icon for Ubuntu MATE?14:59
JarppiHey does anyone know how can i suggest new icon for Ubuntu MATE?14:59
ioriaxubunto, what happens when you boot your machine ?14:59
pauljwxubunto: okay, so now linux is hanging, you said you have tried 3x to boot linux, how are rebooting?14:59
_arktos_Jarppi : No15:00
xubuntopauljw: linux didnt hang15:02
xubuntothe drive is corrupted15:02
pauljwoh, well good luck then, over my head.15:03
ioriaxubunto, you mean you cannot boot neither win or ubuntu ?15:03
xubuntoxubuntu boots15:03
xubuntopermissions were all fried15:03
xubuntoessentially only have reads15:04
xubuntomaking a backup of what i cam from the home directory15:04
xubuntofully expecting that i will have to do a reinstall15:04
ioriaxubunto, fsck http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/fsck.8.html15:06
adroit_machineI want to create a new administrator account on ubuntu but whenever I set password the "change" button is greyed out. Need help please!!15:08
xubuntoioria:how do i run that15:09
=== adaccada is now known as adac
EriC^^adroit_machine: is the account enabled?15:12
adroit_machineEriC^^, yes account is enabled15:12
EriC^^adroit_machine: ok, type grep <user> /etc/passwd15:13
EriC^^in a terminal15:13
adroit_machineEriC^^, no I''m sorry account is showing disabled in password field15:13
EriC^^adroit_machine: ok, try enabling it15:14
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adroit_machineEriC^^, I'm not able to enable the account without password15:14
EriC^^an :x: in the password field is normal15:14
AndroidAutomaticcat /etc/passwd | grep <user>15:14
adroit_machineEriC^^, whenever I click "enable this account" it reverts back to account disabled15:14
EriC^^adroit_machine: ok, paste grep <user> /etc/passwd15:15
zykotick9AndroidAutomatic: see EriC^^'s grep line for a better use of grep, and no useless use of cat15:15
adroit_machineEriC^^, ok15:16
KartagisI have a ppa added and the software in that ppa was updated. how do I force update from that ppa? --reinstall is not of use to me15:17
adroit_machinehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12680598/ , EriC^^15:17
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EriC^^adroit_machine: ok, type id ubuntu and paste15:18
adroit_machineEriC^^, paste where?15:18
AndroidAutomaticin the bin15:18
AndroidAutomaticpastebin ;)15:18
adroit_machineEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12680616/15:19
EriC^^adroit_machine: ok, last paste "sudo grep root /etc/shadow | cut -c1-10"15:20
EriC^^sorry, typo, sudo grep ubuntu /etc/shadow | cut -c1-1015:20
adroit_machineEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12680626/15:21
EriC^^adroit_machine: ok, type sudo passwd ubuntu15:22
EriC^^set the new password15:22
EriC^^then try sudo login ubuntu15:22
adroit_machineit says password updated successfully, EriC^^15:22
adroit_machineEriC^^, yes it is working now i'm in the ubuntu user terminal15:23
adroit_machineEriC^^, thanks a lot15:23
EriC^^adroit_machine: no problem :)15:23
MarconMits possible to get ubuntu-dev ?15:24
MarconMlike unity 815:24
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BitNovaHi guys, im having an issue with apcupsd on ESXI 6.0, i have installed the latest version of ubuntu server 14.04 as VM and it has detected the UPS and all, i have created the doshutdown script in /etc/apcupsd with the following15:27
BitNovaexport HOME=/home/USER15:27
BitNovaplink -ssh -2 -pw password root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx "/sbin/shutdown.sh && /sbin/poweroff"15:27
BitNovaexit 9915:27
BitNovaIt works when i have logged into the VM and only if i have restarted the apcupsd, then it picks it up and shuts down the VM's and then ESXI server, but when i start up the ESXI and VM's again, without logging into ubuntu VM - if i trip the power again, it wont detect the power failure and it wont initiate shutdown. ive noticed it will only do this once i log into ubuntu and THEN restart the apcupsd, ONLY then it invokes the doshutdown script.  any thoug15:27
BitNovahts why this is happening?15:27
mat1chi all - hoping for some help with a keyboard issue - with a few keys especially w and the arrows it genereates ghost keypresses. It happened when I accidentaly disabled the wrong input from the terminal. It has persisted through restarts. Fine in windows. Internal laptop keyboard. Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated!15:29
xubuntoI have a ext4 external bootable drive but fsck.ext4 doesnt seem to want to look at it15:36
EriC^^xubunto: why are you trying to fsck it?15:40
xubuntoEriC^^: it got corrupted15:41
xubuntoi am letting the program repair what it can15:41
EriC^^xubunto: hard disk or filesystem corruption?15:42
xubuntoseems like hte physical drive is intact15:42
EriC^^xubunto: try sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX to check the physical drive15:42
lakamisim installed ubuntu but i write my pass but icannt login?15:42
EriC^^if it's going bad jump ships quickly15:43
lakamisrepeat want ne pass15:43
lakamisACPI PPC Probe failed ?15:43
EriC^^lakamis: does it say wrong password? or it logs in for a bit then gives you the login screen back?15:43
xubuntoEriC^^:program not found15:43
xubuntoi can read the files just fine15:43
EriC^^xubunto: sudo apt-get install smartmontools15:43
xubuntoEriC^^:should mention i am working from an install disk right now15:44
xubuntoi may be able ot stand a full linux if i really should do so15:45
EriC^^xubunto: it's no problem15:45
xubuntoshould i let fsck continue?15:45
EriC^^after it installs, type sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | nc termbin.com 999915:45
xubuntoit didnt install15:46
EriC^^i'd check it first, if it's going bad, image it or something, if the information is important to you15:46
EriC^^why not?15:46
EriC^^!info smartmontools15:46
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 6.3+svn4002-2 (vivid), package size 436 kB, installed size 1525 kB15:46
xubuntoits offline15:46
xubuntocant get it online either15:47
xubuntoor at least that is more tricky15:47
EriC^^no ethernet or wireless?15:48
xubuntogetting a wired connection direct to router15:50
ioriaxubunto, and you have no internet access ?15:51
xubuntogot internet15:53
ioriaxubunto, no, i mean you cannot , actually, access internet ?15:58
xubuntoioria: i got ethernet into a router16:01
xubuntoEriC^^:tons of inodes were damaged by teh windows repair it seems16:01
ioriaxubunto, i got that.. but you can't connect ? can you ping www.google.com ?16:01
EriC^^xubunto: ok, type sudo apt-get install smartmontools16:02
xubuntoi got smartmontools16:02
EriC^^xubunto: ok, type sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | nc termbin.com 999916:02
EriC^^paste the link16:02
xubuntoEriC^^:what does nc do16:03
EriC^^xubunto: it pastebins the output16:04
CheeryI'd need Linux 4.1 kernel for trying out things16:08
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds16:09
Cheerygoing on 14 LTS now16:09
ibtisam\join #ita-foss-project16:09
gigituxCheery, follow this http://www.yourownlinux.com/2015/08/how-to-install-linux-kernel-4-1-6-in-linux.html16:09
mat1tchi all - was hoping for some advice fixing my internal keyboard16:10
Cheery4.2.3 unstable seems newest16:13
xubuntoEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12681173/16:14
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EriC^^xubunto: *shrug*16:16
xubuntoi am going to let fsck finish then16:17
Dan39using 14.04. the init scripts are kind of confusing me. im use to old sysv or systemd, but it looks like my 14.04 system is using some combination of upstart stuff, and also sysv init scripts, or what?16:17
xubuntoEriC^^:it would seem at first blush that when the windows kernel was trying to recover it did damage to some of the inodes on the linux drive i had put in its place16:18
Dan39so, does 14.04 support both systems for services? some look to have files in both /etc/init/ and /etc/init.d/ while others only in /etc/init.d/16:20
auronandaceDan39: starting with 15.04 they fully transitioned to systemd16:20
auronandaceDan39: but they have some sort of compatibility layer too16:21
Dan39cool, tho that doesnt help me understand how to manage my 14.0416:21
Dan39is using 'service x start' good for everything...?16:21
Dan39or should i be using initctl?16:21
auronandaceDan39: as far as i know on 14.04 yes, since that still uses upstart16:21
auronandace!upstart | Dan3916:22
ubottuDan39: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:22
Dan39yes i know16:22
Dan39that page doesnt help much tho :p16:22
Dan39i get what upstart is, it actually sounds nice16:23
Dan39but im confused as to whats with the old Sys V scripts still be used also16:23
clraeHi there I have  a question , is it possible  to install package in ubuntu server  using a usb stick if i don't have a wired connection to install the packege with apt-get ??16:24
auronandaceclrae: yes, but you'd need all the dependencies too16:24
auronandace!aptoncd | clrae16:25
ubottuclrae: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline16:25
clraeauronandace : i only need  to install -lubuntu-desktop , because i want GUI interface16:25
Dan39it looks like some things in 14.04 dont even have upstart files :|16:25
Dan39like apache2...16:25
auronandaceclrae: that is a meta-package, it drags in all the dependencies16:26
auronandace!info lubuntu-desktop | clrae16:26
ubottuclrae: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.59 (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)16:26
xubuntoEriC^^: ioria it seems like the fsck worked16:26
ioriaxubunto, good16:26
ioriaclrae, these are deps that you need : http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/lubuntu-desktop16:27
ioriaclrae, better to get a connection ...16:28
clraeioria : I really don't have wired , itried to connect to wifi , from the command prompt -but it doesnt connect for some reason16:29
ioriaclrae, you mean, you have a server without connection ? ?_?16:30
Hrxnhey hey16:30
tootaiHello. Did someone get it work to connect a Pi with BerryTerminal to Edubuntu 14.04 ?16:31
Paul^^I have a parallel printer, but the device /dev/lp* don't exist , the printer go from windows16:31
tootaiI face the hardware error problem in gnome-session like gnome-session[2469]: WARNING: software acceleration check failed: Child process exited with code 116:32
tootaignome-session[2469]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry...16:32
amontalentiI use swsusp and have an issue where my intel pstate cpufreq driver gets reset to 50% scaling / conservative mode upon resume. I have a shell script that can "fix" it, but I can't figure out how to run a shell script on resume. /etc/pm.d doesn't seem to work. This is on 14.04. Anyone have any hints?16:32
tootaiLTSP thin client, sorry ....16:32
stiv2kdoes anybody know how to change the power settings for the login screen... i.e. when to put the display to sleep and when to put the computer to sleep? For some reason the monitor goes to sleep VERY quickly, like in a few seconds, at the login screen16:32
liamhai everybody16:33
ubuntu937I want to create a backup of my grub config16:33
ubuntu937I have grub216:33
clraeioria ; i don't mean a server , it's just a mini iso installation , so i have only command prompt , but i actually need a full insatllation of lubuntu , i tried to install the lubuntu  full iso , but i encountered some problem , but with mini iso , i got grub installed , and worked , so now i need to get the full lubuntu-desktop packege16:34
liamanyone tell me how to install bbm on linux so fast....16:34
auronandaceubuntu937: cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /place/you/want/to/backup/to16:34
ubuntu937auronandace:  okay.. can I put that file on my USB Ubuntu install key?16:35
ubuntu937auronandace: and whenever my USB key loads it will load the grub  file/16:35
auronandaceubuntu937: bear in mind that that file is generated from /etc/grub.d/ and the info in /etc/default/grub16:35
clraeioria : does it matter which mirror i downlaod lubuntu-desktop from ?16:35
ioriaclrae, if you installed with  mini-iso , you clearly have connection ....16:35
auronandaceubuntu937: you'd need to install grub to the usb stick16:36
ioriaclrae, it's a net install ...16:36
ubuntu937auronandace: has grub, doesn't it? how can I check if it is using GRUb or not..? it has a /boot/grub16:36
clraeioria: yes i had wifi connection , thats how i installed the base system , but now i don't know how to connect to the wifi from the command line16:37
auronandaceubuntu937: better consult the docs16:37
auronandace!grub | ubuntu93716:37
ubottuubuntu937: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:37
ioriaclrae, right... do you have a  cable ?16:37
ubuntu937auronandace: thanks...16:37
clraeioria : no , only wifi access that is the problem  you see16:38
ioriaclrae, i'am afraid you have to edit by hand /etc/network/interface , for a wifi connection ,16:38
clraeioria : so it doesnt matther which mirro i download from ?16:38
ubuntu937ubottu: I didn't loose the config.. I want to make a backup of my grub2 config that I currently have because I need to do the following: http://askubuntu.com/questions/677245/adding-lvm-from-another-lvm16:39
ubottuubuntu937: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:39
ioriaclrae, i don't think so ... if it's up16:39
ubuntu937ubottu: ohh darn it! thanks..lol!16:39
ubottuubuntu937: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:39
clraeioria : why can't i download  the needed packege to usb and then install it ?16:40
auronandaceubuntu937: why do you wnt to preserve the grub2 config of a partition you are going to wipe?16:41
clraeioria ; itried this totorial but it didnt get me connected http://blog.tplus1.com/blog/2008/06/13/how-to-connect-to-a-wireless-network-from-the-ubuntu-command-line/16:41
auronandaceclrae: that is from 200816:42
stiv2kdoes anybody know how to change the power settings for the login screen... i.e. when to put the display to sleep and when to put the computer to sleep? For some reason the monitor goes to sleep VERY quickly, like in a few seconds, at the login screen16:42
ioriaclrae, it should look like this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/245806/what-is-the-correct-syntax-for-etc-network-interfaces16:43
ioriaclrae, do you have wpasupplicant installed ?16:43
ubuntu937auronandace: because that is where my boot is happening right now..16:44
clraeioria ; yes but the network has wep encryption16:44
ubuntu937auronandace: there is no boot happening directly to my disk116:44
BitNovadoes ubuntu mount the root / if the user hasnt logged in yet?16:44
auronandaceubuntu937: just backup the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file and then enterthe appropriate parts in the new grub at /etc/grub.d/16:45
ioriaclrae, try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149590816:45
auronandaceBitNova: what do you mean? / is always required, that is where the whole system is16:46
BitNovaauronandace, are you familiar with ESXI at all?16:46
auronandaceBitNova: sorry, no16:47
ubuntu937auronandace: AIYA!.. I forget to type for some reason.. COOL. Thanks..16:48
ioriaclrae, remember to restart the network service16:48
BitNovaauronandace, i want to ssh with plink into esxi to be able to shutdown the esxi server when apcupsd detects power failure, but the script doshutdown which is where i used ssh doesnt run before ubuntu logs in, only after i login ubuntu and then when i restart apcupsd daemon, will it detect that there is a power failure and shutdown my esxi server.16:48
illimarsuht vinge  pask16:49
BitNovabefore login, the script runs but doesnt shutdown.. is there a way to see what happened auronandace ?16:49
auronandaceBitNova: sorry, i'm no server expert16:49
BitNovalike which logs to look at16:49
clraeioria ; he didnt provide the command to remove Network Manager , what is it ?16:50
ioriaclrae, i don't know if can run apt-get without connection .... anyway, is sudo apt-get remove network-manager16:51
BitNovaanyone know what logs i can look at when ubuntu uses a script to plink ssh into another system ???16:51
stiv2kdoes anybody know how to change the power settings for the login screen... i.e. when to put the display to sleep and when to put the computer to sleep? For some reason the monitor goes to sleep VERY quickly, like in a few seconds, at the login screen16:52
clraeioria ; what is the command to restart the network service ?16:52
ioriaclrae, sudo service network restart (or networking)16:53
BitNovaanyone know what logs i can look at when ubuntu uses a script to plink ssh into another system ???16:53
reselverKnows somebody an IRC channel for questions concerning U2F?16:56
auronandace!alis | reselver16:57
ubottureselver: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:57
giant_killerBitNova did you cat the auth.log to find something wrong ?16:57
clraeioria ; wireless-key s:your5or13characterasciikey , in this command after s: should i put the 10 character key ? or what for exactly ?16:58
clraeioria ; in which form hex or the acii16:59
surgyi work with arduinos and ubuntu 14.04 lts with unity. i have to open the arduino ide with sudo everytime or else it wont be able to connect to the arduino via usb. how do i set the permissions of all of my usb ports so that any user of this computer can access them?17:01
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auronandace!arm | surgy17:02
ubottusurgy: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.17:02
surgycan i just sudo chmod 777 /dev/usb17:02
surgyauronandace: thats not relevant17:02
TheNumbauronandace: most of the arduinos are not arm based though.17:02
TheNumbsurgy: I think I've seen a tutorial.17:02
surgyand its not an issue with the arduino anyways17:02
auronandaceTheNumb: oh, sorry, i thought they were an arm device17:03
TheNumbsurgy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make17:03
TheNumbauronandace: some of those do have an arm SoC ;p17:03
TheNumbsurgy: ubuntu-make can install arduino ide for you. I guess it'll adjust the udev settings too.17:03
surgyTheNumb: but i have a nice ubuntu setup already and i have the arduino ide installed already17:04
TheNumbsurgy: id your user in dialout group?17:05
auronandacesurgy: id17:05
TheNumbsurgy: did you add your user to the "dialout" group?17:05
surgyTheNumb: no17:05
surgyTheNumb: idk what that is :)17:06
TheNumbPlease do that, then log out and try again.17:06
TheNumbThen you should be able to connect to the arduino without running the ide as root.17:06
TheNumbsurgy: also, there is a help page for arduino... http://playground.arduino.cc/Linux/Ubuntu17:07
TheNumbsurgy: using a search engine doesn't hurt. Really ;-)17:07
Cyb3rn3thi all !17:09
surgyTheNumb: really that doesnt answer my question either and i did use a search engine. thanks though.17:09
Cyb3rn3tCan somebody help me plz ?,17:09
TheNumbsurgy: it does answer your question.17:09
auronandaceCyb3rn3t: to help we need to know what is wrong17:10
auronandacesurgy: what does id in a terminal show17:10
Cyb3rn3tI have a Lenovo T520, and ubuntu 15.04x64,17:10
TheNumbsurgy: "i have to open the arduino ide with sudo everytime or else it wont be able to connect to the arduino via usb."17:10
TheNumbsurgy: adding your user to the dialout group allows you to use /dev/usb as a user17:10
Cyb3rn3tIt hase 2 special keys defult forward and backward,17:10
Cyb3rn3tand I would like use them as page-up/down17:11
TheNumbCyb3rn3t: xmodmap17:11
EriC^^Cyb3rn3t: open a terminal and type xev17:11
EriC^^then press the keys and get their keycode17:12
locksmith2Hello -- How can I run 'ufw delete 4` without it asking if I am sure?17:12
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Cyb3rn3tso I have the keycodes now (166,167)17:16
dw1anyone know why brasero would slow down burning duplicates to an image17:16
locksmith2ufw --force doesnt work17:16
dw1like, the first 2 disks were fast, but it's not even winding up anymore17:16
dw1just trickling17:16
EriC^^Cyb3rn3t: ok, xmodmap -e "keycode 166 = Prior" for pageup and Next for pagedown17:17
linociscoi got big problem setting up Canon LBP3050 with ubuntu 15.04 x64 for many days and not ok yet. I tried to install latest driver as per manual from canon site.http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/contents/SG/EN/0100459601.html which is the latest one. but still having problem on status like "Idle - ccp send_data error, exit"17:17
linociscoI tried to do /etc/init.d/ccpd restart and /etc/init.d/cups restart many times and rebooted many times. it is still not fixed17:18
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Cyb3rn3tEriC^^: so I created a new kemap file, and I found the page up/down,17:19
Cyb3rn3tEriC^^: so I add this words after the spec keys, and load this on every boot ?17:19
EriC^^you can add it to startup apps so it starts after the gui17:20
Cyb3rn3tEriC^^: sweet17:20
mindbender1Is there a way of knowing which repository a package belongs to in aptitude?17:21
Cyb3rn3tEriC^^: works, smooth, thank you :D17:22
EriC^^no problem17:22
VINISHHi While installing ubuntu, in partition manager i can see a 16 gb of free space. How can i make ubuntu install into that space? Without affecting any other partions17:26
Cyb3rn3tit is strange, that I changed my notebook from AMD cpu to a Intel CPU notebook in the same chategory, and my ubuntu is running much smoother, faster than on the AMD version...17:27
EriC^^VINISH: create a ext4 partition and set the mountpoint to "/"17:27
Kartagismindbender1: apt-cache policy <packagename>17:27
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: dont forget to create a swap, if you dont have already17:27
VINISHHow to keep swap?17:28
TheNumbCyb3rn3t: there's no need to create a swap partition.17:28
TheNumbHe can make a swap file later on if he needs to.17:28
Cyb3rn3tthats true17:28
Kartagishow do I find out how large my swap partition is?17:28
BluesKajmindbender1:  apt-cache policy packagename17:28
Cyb3rn3tKartagis: free -m17:29
EriC^^Kartagis: free -m17:29
VINISHshould i split that fre space into two for swap and ext4?17:29
EriC^^VINISH: how much ram do you have and do you want to hibernate?17:29
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: if you just have 16Gig, I'd make it ext4 the all17:30
VINISHRam is 4 gb17:30
EriC^^4gb is ok i guess, 4gb swap would be nice though17:30
BluesKajVINISH: then 6Gb is plenty for swap17:30
EriC^^and you can hibernate too17:30
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VINISHOk then i wil lsplit into 10gb etx4 and 6gb swap?????17:32
linociscoI tried to do /etc/init.d/ccpd restart and /etc/init.d/cups restart many times and rebooted many times. it is still not fixed17:32
linociscoi got big problem setting up Canon LBP3050 with ubuntu 15.04 x64 for many days and not ok yet. I tried to install latest driver as per manual from canon site.http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/contents/SG/EN/0100459601.html which is the latest one. but still having problem on status like "Idle - ccp send_data error, exit"17:32
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: just if you would like to use hybernate17:32
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: I would use S3 sleep mode instead of hybernate17:32
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: in this case U dont need 6G for swp17:33
mindbender1Related question. I added a nginx specific source.list in sources.list.d but it's packages are not showing up in aptitude. What might be wrong?17:33
mindbender1That's after running update.17:34
VINISHOK, one more query, it is also asking "device for boot loader installatio" which location should i select for that17:34
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: swap is used to 1, if you ran out of ram with the application...2, hibernate17:34
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: what OS do you have on that box ?17:34
VINISHCan i create swap later?17:34
EriC^^VINISH: select the usb /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc etc.17:34
linociscoone strange thing i found using lsusb is I found LBP3010B printer instead of mine LBP305017:35
VINISHIts Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS17:35
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: you can create swap later, if you keep free space for it17:35
VINISHBy default it selected /dev/sda17:36
BluesKajmindbender1:  why aptitude, use apt or apt-get17:36
VINISHhow much space does boot loader takes?17:36
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: so what is the harddrive wher you install this OS ? sda ?17:36
EriC^^VINISH: what is /dev/sda ? it will overwrite the mbr17:36
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: /dev/sda will overwrite the masterboot record, but it is no so dangerosi as it sounds17:37
mindbender1BluesKaj: I use aptitude because I might not know which version of the packages are available.17:37
VINISHin /dev/sda i have created new partion called /dev/sd7 (type ext4)17:37
VINISHand also i want use the windows parallely....17:37
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: once you did, you can just boot up your new OS until you ran this on the booted OS: sudo update-grub17:37
EriC^^VINISH: you have windows on another disk?17:38
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: this will detect your attached hdds, and OSs on it, and put them to the grub menu17:38
mindbender1Or even what the package name looks like17:38
EriC^^VINISH: if you're installing to a 16gb usb, then install the bootloader there, not on the windows disk17:38
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VINISHso i dont need to change the bootloader loaction?17:38
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: EriC^^ is right17:38
EriC^^VINISH: what is the usb's name? and what is the windows disk name?17:39
VINISHok ill installl ubuntu in new 16gb partion and boot loader in /dev/sda17:39
EriC^^sda is the usb?17:39
VINISHhow much space does bootloader requires?17:39
EriC^^VINISH: nothing bro, it's like 16bytes17:40
_kravAnyone else using Spotify on ubuntu?17:40
VINISHno its showing my whole HDD space in bootloader17:40
_kravAnd finding a lot of sections under "main" missing? (like Browse, Genres, etc.)17:40
VINISHok thanks17:40
VINISHIm proceding with installation17:40
VINISHwill be back soon17:40
Cyb3rn3tVINISH: good luck17:40
linociscoi got big problem setting up Canon LBP3050 with ubuntu 15.04 x64 for many days and not ok yet. I tried to install latest driver as per manual from canon site.http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/contents/SG/EN/0100459601.html which is the latest one. but still having problem on status like "Idle - ccp send_data error, exit"17:43
BluesKajmindbender1:  that should make no difference. aptitude is old and not as stable as apt and apt-get, but all 3 are part of the dpkg package manager system, so they all refer back to dpkg in the repos for the package names when installing17:48
mindbender1BluesKaj: you are right I just thought about it. I could use tab to get a list of alternatives17:49
BluesKajaptitude used to have a resolving advantage many yrs ago, but that's no longer the case17:50
mindbender1Morevover, it turned out the line I had in list was for stable. I updated it to include mainline for nginx which solves it for me.17:50
mindbender1BluesKaj: thanks for the heads up!17:51
BluesKajmindbender1:  you're welcome17:52
stiv2kdoes anybody know how to change the power settings for the login screen... i.e. when to put the display to sleep and when to put the computer to sleep? For some reason the monitor goes to sleep VERY quickly, like in a few seconds, at the login screen17:55
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dw1lshw says: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'17:56
dw1any ideas?17:56
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HoloIRCUser9Hi all, is ubuntu phone available in egypt?17:59
auronandace!touch | HoloIRCUser918:00
ubottuHoloIRCUser9: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch18:00
OerHeksHoloIRCUser9, i am not sure, you might reask in #ubuntu-touch18:00
HoloIRCUser9Ok thanks all18:00
abeautifulmimei've a live usb install of lubuntu18:01
abeautifulmimebut i'm getting input/output error every time i rty to execute a command18:02
abeautifulmimeand many programs are crashing18:02
abeautifulmimei've no persistence configured18:02
abeautifulmimehow can i resolve this ?18:02
OerHeksabeautifulmime, check the iso for errors, with md5sum18:02
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:02
abeautifulmimebut my only os is the one that i'm running from live usb18:03
abeautifulmimethere is no img18:03
abeautifulmimeif you see what i mean18:03
k1l_abeautifulmime: is it a live install or a real install on usb?18:03
abeautifulmimelive install18:04
abeautifulmimei also changed memory recently18:04
abeautifulmimenot sure if that could be responsiblre18:04
k1l_the live install loads into the ram. if the ram is not working properly that is a cause for that18:05
OerHeksThere is a memtest86 on your live iso18:05
roggowhats the name of the paint program in ubuntu? not gimp, there is a ms paint like one18:07
OerHeksroggo, libre office draw, but there are tons more in softwarecenter18:07
highmindedlowlifmaybe tuxpaint18:08
k1l_or "pinta"18:08
k1l_!info pinta18:09
ubottupinta (source: pinta): Simple drawing/painting program. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-1 (vivid), package size 672 kB, installed size 3200 kB18:09
OerHekspinta is a nice one indeed. or Krita.18:09
roggopinta yes!18:12
xheartwhy my pc ubuntu14.94 is not sycronizing with the correct date and time? i tried changing them manually but no luck.18:18
Bashing-omxheart: Dual booting with Windows ?18:19
highmindedlowlifCan anyone give me suggestions for the proscribed language/toolkit for developing Ubuntu desktop applications. I've tried quickly but couldn't get into it.18:19
xheartno windows18:19
xheartjust ubuntu 14.0418:19
Bashing-omxheart: Next then is the time in bios correct .. maybe time to change the CMOS battery ?18:20
xheartcan be...18:20
xheartis there a sudo command to correct the date?18:21
bekksxheart: sudo ntpdate e.g.18:21
Bashing-omxheart: The OS reads the hardware clock, if it is not correct in bios, well not be correct in the operating system .18:21
xheartbekks is that commend correct?18:23
bekksxheart: As designated, it is an example. Running random commands will not solve your issue.18:23
g4b1tthe default command for syncing with ubuntu servers is sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com18:24
dm_compwhat acronyms do you use for backups. like today.bckup?18:30
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bekksdm_comp: "daily backup". No acronym needed :)18:31
palla\join irc.darksin.net18:35
_kravAnyone else using Spotify on ubuntu? (and having issues with some sections)18:38
lotuspsychje_krav: best to state your specific issue to the channel18:38
_kravsome of the default spotify "apps"/sections are missing including "Browse", "Genres", etc.18:38
lotuspsychje_krav: how did you install spotify, ubuntu version?18:40
_kravi did install the ubuntu version18:46
k1l__krav: talk to spotify about that, its their app18:47
BluesKaj_krav: does spotify use it's own "browser' ?18:50
_kravnot sure but it feels like it19:00
_kravsome other pages work and appear as selections19:00
_kravplaylist-based pages or top-X pages19:00
_kravthough it could19:01
_kravi found you could type "spotify:app:browser" in the search field to get to the browser directly, but i get a blank page, a loading and then nothing19:01
_kravso you may be onto something19:02
_kravif it does use a browser maybe something is blocking it19:02
lotuspsychje_krav: try k1l_ sugestion #spotify19:02
clraewhere can i download lubuntu-desktop package ? , i want to download it to usb and unpack/install it manually without internet access19:04
_kravi really gotta turn off join/leave messages19:04
_kravtheyre crazy in this channel lol..19:04
highmindedlowlifHi, the screen on my laptop is broken so I use an external monitor but the monitor doesn't display anything until I get all the way to the desktop. I'm using LXDE and want to change to Unity but the greeter won't display. Can I set it to go straight to Unity from the cli?19:04
abeautifulmimei have an ubuntu live install19:04
lotuspsychje!info lubuntu-desktop | clrae19:05
ubottuclrae: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.59 (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)19:05
abeautifulmimebut im getting squashfs errors on reboot19:05
abeautifulmimeand programs are crashing randomly19:05
abeautifulmimeor im getting input output errors in the console19:05
k1l_abeautifulmime: either your usb stick is dying or the memory19:05
abeautifulmimewhat can i do19:05
bekksabeautifulmime: So your live install is corrupted. Create a new one.19:05
abeautifulmimei did replace the memry recently19:05
lotuspsychje!xrandr | highmindedlowlif tryed this?19:05
ubottuhighmindedlowlif tryed this?: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1219:05
k1l_abeautifulmime: was ist ok before the memory replacement?19:06
abeautifulmimehow can i verify if it is ram or usb19:06
k1l_abeautifulmime: run memtest, like told before19:06
owen1my mouse don't highlight anything on my laptop's monitor. i can click on things but not highlight and it's fine on my external monitor. any ideas?19:06
niva1hi I have 2 lvm volumes inside a dmcrypt, I want to expand one of the two lvm volumes and I sm using this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions#Enlarge_an_encrypted_partition19:06
niva1I am stuck19:06
abeautifulmimeit was ok before memory replacement but ive had no problems with the ram for a few days19:06
abeautifulmimeits only today that it occurred19:07
niva1in the 11 Resize the (LVM) Physical Volume.19:07
k1l_!memtest | abeautifulmime19:07
niva1it gives me Insufficient free space: 1024 extents needed, but only 0 available19:07
OerHeksabeautifulmime, hardware happen to break,so did you perform a memtest86 test?19:07
clraeubottu ; why is it so small only 2 kB , shouldnt it be 500 mb or so ? am not going to install iy from the  net19:07
lotuspsychjeowen1: did you mirror screens?19:07
abeautifulmimeno ive not done one before19:07
k1l_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FaultyHardware  abeautifulmime19:07
k1l_abeautifulmime: talking or wishing doesnt help in your situation. make the memtest19:08
allizomclrae: you'll need to fetch dependencies as well. ubottu is a bot anyway19:09
clraeallizom ; can you explain more ?19:09
lotuspsychjeclrae: you can sudo apt-get download lubuntu-desktop perhaps19:09
niva1any ideas on how to expand it ?19:11
allizomclrae: the package you are after is dependent on many others. you need to install them too19:11
highmindedlowliflotuspsychje, if I am stuck on the login screen and can't see my desktop, can I use xrandr from a virtual terminal to change where X is displaying to?19:12
clraeallizom ; i just want to install GUI interface , so i can get out of the command prompt19:12
owen1lotuspsychje: not mirror19:13
allizomclrae: what did you install? ubuntu server?19:13
lotuspsychjeclrae: could try a small one like blackbox19:13
lotuspsychjeowen1: try mirror19:13
clraeallizom ; do i need to "sudo dpkg -i " every packege one by one ?19:15
abeautifulmimethanks k1l_19:15
owen1lotuspsychje: sure, just for the sake of investigating? i don't want mirror most of the time.19:15
lotuspsychjehighmindedlowlif: how is your machine connected to the external monitor?19:15
ikoniaclrae: use apt-get it will resolve dependencies or you19:15
clraeikonia : i want to do it manually , isnt there any way ?19:16
allizomclrae: put them in a folder, cd and then do "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"19:16
ikoniawhy do you want to do it manually ?19:16
clraeikonia ; without internet access ?19:16
ikoniawhy make a problem foryourself ?19:16
ikoniaclrae: even without internet access, if you make a repo for the packages you can do an apt-get19:16
ikoniathe easy solution would be to get internet access19:16
k1l_clrae: with such a big meta package like the lubuntu-desktop, its most easy to get that machine to internet19:16
ikoniaor use an ubuntu install CD to either install the packages, or install ubuntu with a desktop in the first place19:16
DarrellAnyone here happen to be a testdisk pro? I'm trying to save myself some time and create a "backup.log" file out of a "testdisk.log" file.  Can anyone tell me if this is possible?19:16
clraeikonia ; i dont have ethernet cable nor i could configure wifi19:17
highmindedlowliflotuspsychje, VGA port. Old school. I just went to a virtual terminal and did export DISPLAY=:0 and tried to set the display via xrandr but it just says "failed to change screen configuration"19:17
lotuspsychjeclrae: you could work with aptoncd also to backup the stuff you want offline19:17
ikoniaclrae: so use an ubuntu install CD to either a.) install the packages as a repo b.) re-install ubuntu/lubuntu/whatever with a desktop installed already19:17
clraek1l_ ; if it is possible i am willing to do it , please tell em how19:18
allizomclrae: did you install server or desktop?19:18
owen1lotuspsychje: i tried mirroring and the problem persisted. i just fonud out that it's not the monitor of my laptop. it's only chrome. firefox is fine!19:18
k1l_clrae: get the huge load of package manually, then use dpkg -i on the packages19:18
k1l_clrae: good luck19:18
lotuspsychjeowen1: thats weird then19:18
ikoniajust download an ubuntu/lubuntu install CD , it will be a repo, and then you can just do apt-get lubuntu-desktop19:19
owen1lotuspsychje: also it's only my mouse. not my touchpoint!19:19
ikoniasimple, job done19:19
lotuspsychjeDarrell: can you tell us what your trying to do in the first place?19:19
ioriaclrae, you can try the lxde.iso from here http://lxde.org/download/   (don't know if you can install it, it's a live )   or we can try to make your wifi working ....19:19
hecataeWelcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-65-generic x86_64) < anyone know if that is the latest kernel for trusty?19:19
lotuspsychjeowen1: try create a new user, and test it from there?19:19
clrae<k1l_ ; can you please refer me where i can download the packeges  needed for lubuntu-desktop19:19
Darrellrecover a couple of corrupted partitions on a 500gb hard drive.19:19
highmindedlowliflotuspsychje, there must be some configuration file somewhere that I can change if I just knew what it was19:20
ikoniaclrae: download a lubuntu install CD19:20
Darrellor "deleted" I should say19:20
ikoniaclrae: mount it - and then just apt-get lubuntu-desktop19:20
k1l_clrae: packages.ubuntu.com19:20
lotuspsychjeDarrell: i would reccomend to scan the whole hd with photorec to recover19:20
owen1lotuspsychje: ok. thanks!19:20
ioriaclrae, already posted http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/lubuntu-desktop19:21
lotuspsychjehighmindedlowlif: i dont fully understand whats happening sorry, attaching external monitor should already give you 'screen' at POST booting19:21
Darrelloops, ignore that19:21
lotuspsychjeDarrell: /query nick19:21
highmindedlowliflotuspsychje, thanks. Yeah, I know it's weird. Only laptop I've ever seen that doesn't do that. I'll figure it out. I'm exploring the /etc/lightdm directory as we speak. Wish me luck.19:22
lotuspsychjehighmindedlowlif: maybe a fresh install would fix that out right to your external19:22
lotuspsychjeDarrell: sudo photorec and scan whole partitions19:23
Darrelllotuspsychje: I scanned the disk earlier this morning using testdisk and found the needed partitions, however I managed to choose one incorrectly. I already have all the required info from the testdisk.log file, I just need to know how to use the included info to make a backup.log file from that info. Rather than waiting another four hours for the scan to complete.19:24
lotuspsychjeDarrell: testdisk is to test the hd, photorec to recover19:25
lotuspsychjeDarrell: photorec wont scan hours for 500gig19:25
lotuspsychjeDarrell: try a fresh scan :p19:25
DarrellI understand this, but until the partition tables are correct it won't do anything. Correct?19:26
lotuspsychjeDarrell: try it, see for yourself19:26
lotuspsychjehighmindedlowlif: you could try a liveusb of ubuntu, see if it would make your external screen work right away19:28
sorinelloHello. Can someone tell me how well supported is digital out (coax or optical) in ubuntu ? are there drivers that support these ports ? I am talking abou integrated SPDIF ports in the motherboard19:29
Bashing-omhecatae: Yes it is : uname -r >> 3.13.0-65-generic . Non HWE .19:29
hecataeBashing-om:  thank you19:30
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Bashing-omhecatae: :)19:30
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lotuspsychjesorinello: in most cases ubuntu will load up needed drivers automaticly19:31
sorinellolotuspsychje, I have a certain motherboard with a Realtek chipset, but I can't find it on the alsaproject how well this chipset is supported19:32
linociscowho is using ruby on rails on ubuntu?19:32
linociscoI am so confused with what I have installed during one day ruby on rails course which included vagrant,atom and vm .I can't decide which are really located where19:32
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lotuspsychjesorinello: test it out on liveusb?19:32
sorinellolotuspsychje, yeah.. good point :) thanks19:33
lotuspsychjesorinello: just make sure your connected to internet + updates maybe choose LTS19:33
sorinellolotuspsychje, aren't these drivers bundled with the kernel ?19:33
lotuspsychjesorinello: what kind of plans do you have with the infrared19:33
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sorinellolotuspsychje, not infrared. I want to switch from analog to digital, and I want to see if Linux supports my obo's realtek chipset19:34
lotuspsychjesorinello: ok try the live then :p19:34
abeautifulmimek1l_ i ran dd to copy to usb in cygwin but its not showing up19:38
highmindedlowliflotuspsychje, I'll try that. Thanks.19:38
lotuspsychjelinocisco: did you try the #ruby chanel?19:38
linociscolotuspsychje, ruby and rubyonrails are not the same19:39
linociscolotuspsychje, i m also checking rubyonrails channel19:39
k1l_abeautifulmime: try another usb pen drive. this might be broken19:40
lotuspsychjelinocisco: can this help you get started: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/ruby-on-rails.html19:40
lotuspsychjelinocisco: or the #ubuntu-server guys19:40
abeautifulmimek1l_ it may be a cygwin issue19:41
abeautifulmimei can copy to the drive in windows19:41
abeautifulmimelogically speaking it sounds like a cygwin problem19:42
linociscolotuspsychje, ok19:42
procki had installed ubuntu to a usb stick, ext4, not unetbootin etc, and doing some updates, the process messed up, and now in the usb sticks grub menu it only has memtest, how to correct this19:42
lotuspsychjeprock: is this a liveusb or persistent usb?19:45
procklive usb installed to another usb (Try Ubuntu / Install Ubuntu) -> install19:46
lotuspsychjeprock: how did you create the liveusb?19:46
prockso its persistant with no persistance file19:47
prockmy install would be the same as a hdd, but no swap19:47
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Sacreliciousquestion for all19:48
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Sacreliciousis there a program that will allow me to route a call from skype into audacity?19:48
lotuspsychjeprock: not sure i follow sorry, maybe someone else can solve this19:48
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lotuspsychjeSacrelicious: whats your end goal with this19:49
lotuspsychjeSacrelicious: record a call?19:49
popeySacrelicious: do you man, "record a skype call"?19:50
procklotuspsychje: forget how im booting and think of a normal install, do updates, the inital ones from clean install, the process messes up along hte way, mostly done thow, and then grub menu only has memtest+ option19:50
popeyprock: boot to another live install, insert your broken usb, chroot to the broken one and reinstall grub19:51
Sacreliciouslotuspsychje, yeah just recording the audio output of a skype audio call19:52
Bashing-omprock: I would in that case boot up a liveDVD, mount the install's root partition and list the contents of /boot . If kernels are present, CHroot into the install and re-install grub .19:52
prockhold phone up to computer lol19:52
popeySacrelicious: two ways to do that, one is "skype call recorder" which works well, the other is an app called AudioRecorder - I have used both, they're both great19:52
prockand if no kernel present? Bashing-om19:52
popeyprock: in chroot you can reinstall whatever is missing19:53
prockwhats the chroot commands, thats been a long time since i done that19:53
Sacreliciouspopey, can i download them from terminal?19:53
lotuspsychje!chroot | prock19:53
ubottuprock: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot19:53
Bashing-omprock: That would be a hairy situation .. Might try and install the newest kernel(s) and see what results .19:53
clraeikonia ; you said " even without internet access, if you make a repo for the packages you can do an apt-get " can you tell me how to make a repo for the packages in a usb stck ?19:53
popeySacrelicious: sure.19:53
ikoniaclrae: download the lubuntu install media and make a "livecd" usb from it, it will then act as a repo for you19:54
popeySacrelicious: http://atdot.ch/scr/ for skype call recorder, https://launchpad.net/audio-recorder for audio recorder19:54
popeyikonia: it will?19:55
ikoniapopey: you can use it as a repo, yes, it installs the line in the sources.list19:55
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | clrae or try this19:55
ubottuclrae or try this: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (vivid), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB19:55
TwirlHello, it seems extremely complicated to add fonts to ubuntu to use in programs such as Net beans and Android Development Studio, i followed a guide that explained how to open the fonts with FontForge and saving them without info and some other things but it doesn't work and everything is completely broken and time consuming, isnt there a site or repository to download fonts that will work out of the box in those IDEs?19:55
ikoniait's only got the minimum packages on though19:55
popeyikonia: but there's next to nothing in the repo19:55
clraeikonia ; and then  plug the usb and  do apt-get  ?19:55
prockBashing-om: how to get latest kernel19:55
ikoniapopey: enough to install a desktop19:55
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ikonia(as in the lubuntu desktop meta package)19:55
popeyikonia: nope19:56
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ikoniapopey: really ? the lubuntu install CD doesn't have the lubuntu desktop packages on19:56
popeyikonia: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/15.04/release/lubuntu-15.04-alternate-i386.list look at what is in pool19:56
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:56
popeyikonia: no, that's not how live cds work19:56
ikoniapopey: I thought it still had the minimum packages on to do the lubuntu install19:56
popeythe install is inside a compressed (casper) image19:56
ikoniawow, didn't know that19:56
popeyoh, blimey, maybe I'm wrong19:57
popeylubuntu cd has way more than any other flavour, my apologies19:57
popeyhow odd19:57
ikoniathats the file system19:57
ikoniapopey: no big deal,19:57
rwwyeah, lubuntu is special about that19:58
TwirlAnyone knows a site with fonts to use in Netbeans/Android Development Studio that doesnt need to pass through fonts editors ?19:58
rwwwould be right for the rest of the flavors though19:58
Sacreliciouscan i download skype call recorder from terminal?19:59
Sacreliciouspopey, can i get it from terminal?19:59
TwirlSacrelicious: its easier to use another recorder19:59
SacreliciousTwirl, which one?19:59
TwirlSacrelicious: audacity is the best19:59
Twirlin every sense19:59
leevisiongot a problem using backbox 4 with aircrack error fix channel mono -119:59
SacreliciousTwirl, i have audacity. i just dont know how to pipe in the skype call as an input?19:59
popeySacrelicious: you can wget those debs and dpkg -i install them19:59
ikonialeevision: try the backbox support resources please, it's not something this channel supports20:00
TwirlSacrelicious: well i use it with microphone/speakers so u might need to do a lil research20:00
Sacreliciouspopey, i'm a noob...what do i type in terminal?20:00
popeySacrelicious: the nice thing about skype call recorder is it's automatic, it just records every call. no need to launch audacity20:00
Sacreliciouspopey, perfect - how do i install it?20:00
leevisionthere is no backbox support ubuntu invented Backbox20:00
popeySacrelicious: you running 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu?20:00
Sacreliciouspopey, 64 bit20:01
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ikonialeevision: there is20:01
ikonialeevision: it's on a different network, it's listed on their support website,20:01
k1l_!backbox | leevision20:01
ubottuleevision: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.20:01
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popeySacrelicious: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12684485/20:01
leevisionAircrack is not a backbox only tool , Ubuntu has it too20:01
popeyleevision: come back when you're runnimng ubuntu then20:02
ikonialeevision: it's not supported here, use the backbox channel, please.20:02
clraewhat are the nesessary packages that i need to sudo dpkg -i  to get lubuntu GUI interface ?20:02
ikoniaclrae: don't use dpkg -i20:02
k1l_leevision: we dont need to tell you 10 more times, do we? no. please use #backbox, thanks20:02
ikoniajust apt-get the lubuntu-desktop meta package20:02
clraeikonia : why ?20:02
prockhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot is not cutting it20:02
ikoniaso it will make it easy and quick for you20:02
wafflejockclrae: apt-get will get the dependencies for you no need to manually hunt them down20:03
clraeikonia : where can i download lubuntu-desktop meta package20:03
Bashing-omprock: Look'n to see about you chroot link .20:03
Sacreliciouspopey, thank you20:03
clraewafflejock; how long would it take if i do it manually ?$20:03
ikoniaclrae: from the livecd I suggested earlier20:03
ikoniaclrae: is this a clean install ?20:04
procki need to give the mount path20:04
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leevisionChanServ I killed thel and used ignore negative-one but could not get the handshake20:05
procklooks up gentoo's chroot, its perfict, im just making this usb stick for a friend cause his harddrive went bad20:05
wafflejockclrae: you can always just download the packages from the packages site directly but if you're online apt-get is way easier http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/lubuntu-desktop20:05
ikoniaclrae: is this a "new" or "clean" install your trying to work with ?20:06
clraeikonia>  where can i get/download the lubuntu install media and how to make a a "livecd" usb from it ??20:06
lotuspsychjehe wants lubuntu-desktop for offline install20:06
prockBashing-om: more like this : mount -t proc proc /mnt20:06
prockmount --rbind /sys /mnt20:06
prockmount --rbind /dev /mnt20:06
wafflejockclrae: http://lubuntu.net/20:06
Bashing-omprock: My method ' sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt - for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done - sudo chroot /mnt ' .20:07
clraeikonia ; i installed the base system from mini iso and now i need the GUI interface Lubuntu envirenment20:07
ikoniaclrae: ok - then I advise you to just re-install using a lubuntu CD, instead of the mini20:07
ikoniaclrae: it will do everything for you then20:07
ikoniamake it easy20:07
rwwmini ISO amuses me, half the time I see people use it it turns out they do in fact need the non-mini stuff20:08
wafflejockyeah unfortunate you need a DVD for regular installs now though too20:08
wafflejockor USB20:08
procksudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt - for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done - sudo chroot /mnt20:08
reisiorww: what stuff?20:08
wafflejockold stuff is stuck with mini or whatever20:08
prockexactly like that ?^20:08
rwwreisio: drivers, generally20:08
prockwell XY lol20:09
lotuspsychjeso whats the mini designed for to do exactly?20:09
rwwwafflejock: eh, imho if your system's old enough that it doesn't support USB sticks, you might want to consider not using Ubuntu20:09
rwwbut that's just my personal opinion20:09
Bashing-omprock: Where sdXY is the target partition that hold the rppt file system .. as in sda1 .20:09
clrae_ ikonia ; i installed the base system from mini iso and now i need the GUI interface Lubuntu envirenment20:09
wafflejockrww: yeah never done it for anything but to see if it would run and any better than win 98 or whatever was on those machines20:09
TJ-clrae: if you've got a minimal system installed and booted then its just a case of "apt-get install lubuntu-desktop"20:09
clrae_ikonia : i dont have wifi working to install it , so i need to install it offline from a usb20:09
ikoniaclrae: I suggest you forget that install, and just reinstall using a lubuntu install CD / usb20:10
reisiorww: what else would one use20:10
k1l_lotuspsychje: minimal base system where you can setup the minimum of packages that you think you need (instead of having a full desktop and stripping down packages afterwards)20:10
rwwreisio: debian, obviously20:10
TJ-clrae_: is this the install that had the device I/O errors ?20:10
k1l_lotuspsychje: but if you isntall the big meta package anyway, you can use the full iso :)20:10
lotuspsychjek1l_: mostly for bandwith/data issues then?20:10
reisiorww: :p20:10
Bashing-omclrae_: A base minimal install requires 'xorg' to support the GUI ..20:10
clrae_TJ- ; No20:10
clrae_Bashing-om> so i need to install xorg , How ?20:11
ikoniaclrae_: stop20:11
ikoniaclrae_: to get working - do this simpley20:11
ikoniaclrae_: 1.) download the lubuntu live image/install image from lubuntu.net b.) make install media c.) install lubuntu20:12
ikoniaclrae_: it's that simple20:12
k1l_lotuspsychje: for advanced users who want differen DE/WM or such, or a minimal system. but most times users just load the heavy meta packages anyway, so that doesnt make sense20:12
lotuspsychjek1l_: ok tnx20:12
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Bashing-omclrae_: Installing from base minimal is not for the faint at heart. A lot of prior prudent planning is involved . Not to say you can not do it .. just be prepared .20:13
rwwout of interest, does debootstrap still work with Ubuntu?20:13
clrae_ikonia: no it is not , oh my god i need to explain again20:13
k1l_rww: why not?20:13
rwwk1l_: i don't know, ubuntu breaks random stuff like that, was wondering if it was still supported20:13
rwwand the relevant wiki article is from 2013 so...20:13
lotuspsychjerww: saw it come up on ubuntu-touch also20:13
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ikoniaclrae_: what is the actual problem ?20:13
k1l_clrae_: what ubuntu install is there installed where the wifi doesnt work? is it a regular desktop?20:14
rwwah, or there's the article on the *other* wiki which is linked from the first wiki but was last modified in 2012, nice20:14
TJ-rww: debootstrap is still the primary tool20:15
rwwTJ-: thanks20:15
clrae_Bashing-om> ;  you see i hade to install using mini iso , i tried to install with the full lubuntu iso , but it dosnt work for some raeson get stuck in the proccess of the installation and it says i have a faulty hard drive , so i tried with the mini iso and this time it worked and i habe command line prompt ,  SO ALL i need now is  a graphical LUbuntu-desktop  interface to get going20:16
ikoniaclrae_: if you have a faulty hard drive - the solution is not to use the mini iso, the solution is to get a new harddrive20:17
TJ-clrae_: On a non GUI system to use a non-open Wifi connection you need to manually configure the connection, eith via a Network Manager connection (if NM is installed), or more manually using /etc/network/interfaces and wpa_supplicant (which does the wifi-specific bits)20:17
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clrae_ikonia ; no i dont have a faulty hard drive , prove i can install other OSs20:17
ikoniaclrae_: then the normal install should work20:17
ikoniaand if it doesn't - you need to fix/work through that20:18
ikoniausing a mini install not a great solution20:18
clrae_ikonia ; why not ?20:18
k1l_clrae_: i already told you how you can achieve "your way". so what is the problem now?20:18
TJ-clrae_: ikonia  Bashing-om I looked at the logs - the installer reported an I/O error that inferred there was a faulty hard drive. In fact, kern.log showed the problem was in reading the squash FS from the installer media20:18
ikoniaclrae_: because you're making a problem hard and will end up creating a problem for yourself rather than just fixing the problem20:19
ikoniaTJ-: perfect, so faulty media20:19
ikoniathank you for doing the leg work20:19
clrae_k1l_; you said install the packages manually one by one , but i figured that would take so long ? how long is it gonna take me if i try to  install every packege with sudo dpkg -i20:20
ikoniaclrae_: stop looking at that option20:20
ikoniaclrae_: it will cause you problems20:20
popeyclrae_: it's not the time, it's that it's likely to end in failure.20:20
popeyclrae_: you are trying to subvert the package manager which is there to help you20:21
k1l_clrae_: you can name al packages in one line. but we already told you that this way is just plain too much work.20:21
k1l_clrae_: there is no "click here and it works" solution that you want. people in here did name some solutions. you dont like them, but they seem to be the best solutions20:22
TJ-!info apt-offline | clrae_: If you want to go head with the offline package install20:22
mcerbWhy does wifi disable itself every time I try to enable it?20:22
ubottuclrae_: If you want to go head with the offline package install: apt-offline (source: apt-offline): offline APT package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6 (vivid), package size 54 kB, installed size 345 kB20:22
clrae_k1l_ can you please write the command to install them in one line  in paste.ubuntu.com20:22
ikoniaclrae_: no, please try to listen to the advice20:23
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ikoniaclrae_: ignoring what's been said and pressing ahead will end in a problem for you20:23
k1l_clrae_: no. that is too much work.20:23
ikoniaclrae_: TJ- has done the work for you - your install media seemed to be bad20:23
k1l_clrae_: if you dont even want to do that work, why should i?20:23
ikoniaclrae_: make new install media and just install lubuntu20:23
TJ-clrae_: for apt-offline see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Use_apt-offline20:24
clrae_k1l_  : it's not that i dont want , its that i dont know the proccess20:24
TJ-clrae_: What everyone is trying to tell you is it would likely be quicker, and less frustrating, to re-download a GUI Desktop installer, verify it on the install media (USB, DVD), and use it20:25
ikoniaclrae_: ok - so id you don't know, please listen to advice, this is not the right way to do this20:25
k1l_clrae_: please see what TJ- linked you20:25
k1l_clrae_: the manual way is not really a solution. we just mentioned this since you  were annoying in asking that over and over again20:25
mcerbI have an hp split x2 and I can't get wifi to work20:26
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TJ-clrae_: k1l_: ikonia If I recall correctly a day or so ago we tried to solve this, and it felt as if either USB or something else might be causing corruption of the read from the media. But I wasn't around to see if the ISO and media hash verification was done correctly. The system apparently works fine with other distros/installers so it appeared to be isolated to this particular attempt with Ubuntu rather20:27
TJ-than something systemic20:27
ikoniaTJ-: great work, it seems logical for someone who is new to ubuntu to re-create the install media and try again as the easy solution to a working system20:27
TJ-ikonia: If I recall correctly that was what happened and the issue repeated, but as I say, I wasn't around later to see how things transpired.20:28
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lotuspsychjemcerb: ubuntu version and wifi chipset?20:30
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mcerb15.04 and Intel corporation wireless 316020:31
mcerbI got it working on mint but I can't remember how20:31
lotuspsychjemcerb: can you check driver= loaded with sudo lshw -C network20:31
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lotuspsychjemcerb: can you check syslog or dmesg at the time wifi disconnects when you try to connect?20:33
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TJ-mcerb: what does "rfkill list" report?20:35
mcerbDmesg says "iwlwifi 0000:07:00.0: L1 Disabled - LTR Enabled20:36
mcerbrfkill list says Soft blocked: no//Hard blocked: yes20:37
TJ-mcerb: "hard blocked" means the PC firmware has disabled it. Is there a hardware switch for controlling radio, or a function hot-key ?20:37
TJ-mcerb: Recently we've seen quite a few HP laptops with this bug in their firmware20:38
mcerbI pressed the wifi switch a bit and now it says hard blocked no20:39
wontfixitHi! I want to disable system shutdown with not-root user in ubuntu 14.04. So, I add a consolekit.system.stop policy, but nothing happens. What did I miss?20:39
TJ-mcerb: so it's now Hard/Soft blocked = No ?20:39
mcerbTJ-: yes20:41
lotuspsychjemcerb, TJ- this looks like something usefull to try: https://askubuntu.com/questions/677621/no-wireless-connection-on-hp-pavilion-x360-convertible20:43
TJ-mcerb: /var/log/syslog should contain the messages from Network Manager/wpa_supplicant/dhclient regarding searching for/connecting to a Wifi Access Point. On 15.04 you may need to use 'sudo journalctl' instead20:44
TJ-mcerb: which Ubuntu release is it?20:44
TJ-lotuspsychje: I thought Intel had fixed all the 802.11n bugs in the iwlfifi firmware now20:46
lotuspsychjeTJ-: <mcerb> 15.04 and Intel corporation wireless 316020:46
lotuspsychjemcerb: did you install 15.04 with cable + updates during setup?20:47
TJ-mcerb: "Unsupported splx structure" is the result of an ACPI bug; I would strongly suspect you can fix it with w auitable "acpi_osi=xxxxxx" kernel parameter.20:49
ubuntu931why nice doesnt have any effect on my ubuntu 14.04?20:49
TJ-s/w auitable/a suitable/20:49
lotuspsychjeubuntu931: why nice?20:50
ubuntu931priority setting with nice command20:50
ubuntu931with or without nice command my script eats up as much cpu as is available20:52
lotuspsychjeubuntu931: maybe its just your script making the high load then?20:52
lotuspsychjeubuntu931: what kind of script and what are you trying to do?20:53
ubuntu931the script is just infinite loop echo hi, but top-command shows that it eats up all cpu even though i start it with nice -n 19 script20:54
lotuspsychjeubuntu931: maybe the ##programming guys can take a look at your script?20:55
TJ-ubuntu931: does 'ps -efly' show the process running the script has 19, or its parent process ?20:55
nhaubuntu931: as long as nothing else is running, that's the intended behavior20:57
nhaubuntu931: "nice" doesn't mean "use less cpu". it means "give (some) priority to other processes"20:57
ubuntu931tj-: /bin/bash ./script has 1920:58
nhaso if you were running more such infinite loops than you have cpu cores, and one of those loops is nice, then the nice loop should use less cpu than the others20:58
ubuntu931nha: i see.21:02
ubuntu931is nice the right command to keep /proc/loadavg values below 1.0 ?21:02
lotuspsychjemcerb: still here?21:06
eloszhello. If a file owned by root has permission 222, can root still read the file?21:07
lotuspsychjehexagonSun_: welcome, how can we help you?21:11
nhaubuntu931: well, I think /proc/loadavg numbers are just something like an average over the number of processes in the run queue, so the answer to your question is "No" (a nice process running an infinite loop always wants to run, it's just that other processes running infinite loops have higher priority - it doesn't change the number of processes that want to run infinite loops)21:11
hexagonSun_lotuspsychje: have you ever installed VirtualBox on 14.04 LTS?21:11
lotuspsychjehexagonSun_: try to ask your specific issue in the channel mate21:12
hexagonSun_well, this is why I'm asking: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/3nhtdq/whats_the_deal_with_the_virtualbox_install_on/ I installed VirtualBox using the .deb file from their website, but it purged so many packages, it uninstalled (at least) 4 other programs from my computer21:13
hexagonSun_including php5 packages :s21:14
lotuspsychjehexagonSun_: you can install virtualbox right from the ubuntu repos21:14
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox | hexagonSun_21:14
ubottuhexagonSun_: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.26-dfsg-2ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 15697 kB, installed size 60053 kB21:14
wonko451Hi guys, got a question about modules when anyone has a minute21:14
lotuspsychjewonko451: ask your issue in the channel mate21:14
hexagonSun_that wouldn't need for the other packages to be purged?21:14
lotuspsychjehexagonSun_: its reccomended to install package versions, for your specific ubuntu version21:15
ubuntu931nha: ok21:15
lotuspsychje!latest | hexagonSun_21:15
ubottuhexagonSun_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.21:15
wileeehexagonSun_, #rd party download not truly part of support here, however dependencies do this, just be aware of what you're doing.21:15
wonko451Ok, question is I have a raspberry pi running Volumio, debian under the hood, I know the modules I need to load, is there a way to load them and stay persistant across reboots other than recompiling the kernal?21:15
hexagonSun_lotuspsychje: yeah, I mean, the .deb file was specifically for 14.04 LTS "trusty"21:16
wileeewonko451, related to ubuntu how?21:16
lotuspsychjewonko451: ask this in #debian please21:16
lotuspsychjehexagonSun_: can you recall wich version?21:17
hexagonSun_wileee: I'm still kind of new to stuff... installing by ubuntu repo would be something like "sudo add-apt-repository multiverse" then "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install virtualbox"? and that wouldn't need the packages to be purged?21:17
hexagonSun_lotuspsychje: virtualbox-5.0_5.0.4-102546~Ubuntu~trusty_i38621:18
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox trusty21:18
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.10-dfsg-1ubuntu5 (trusty), package size 15203 kB, installed size 59163 kB21:18
lotuspsychjehexagonSun_: read the latest trigger i pasted to you21:18
wileeeHexagen, vbox is in the ubuntu repos, you already have them onboard is all, be careful coming up with ideas rather than just asking, it makes it really hard to help.21:18
hexagonSun_I'm sorry if I don't fully follow you21:19
hexagonSun_I'm still learning. So, I need to install VirtualBox 4.3.10?21:19
wonko451okies, thanks21:19
lotuspsychjehexagonSun_: yes21:19
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hexagonSun_lotuspsychje: how do I do that from command line?21:20
wileeehexagonSun_, If we spend tome giving you yes or no's to questions and you're guessing is what I mean, no biggie, just a subtle analysis of help models.21:20
lotuspsychjehexagonSun_: well try to uninstall previous vbox and install with sudo apt-get install virtualbox21:21
imthenachomanhello guys. i was wondering, if i was to do a fresh install of ubuntu and at the partition option mount /dev/sdb1 as ext4 /data, what would it's fstab look like?21:21
lotuspsychje!fstab | imthenachoman21:21
ubottuimthenachoman: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:21
wileeeimthenachoman, THis a data partition to be mounted within ubuntu boot?21:22
imthenachomanwileee: yes21:22
imthenachomanlotuspsychje: i know what fstab and all that is. i am wondering how ubuntu adds default entries21:22
wileeeimthenachoman, Cool, just check the link and ask any more questions, it can be confusing.21:23
lotuspsychjeimthenachoman: there are examples on that url21:23
imthenachomanwileee: that tuxfiles link doesn't work21:23
wileeeimthenachoman, Yeah, the ubuntu wiki is your best help and any links there, fstab itself will have most of what you need to ee for this within other mounts.21:25
imthenachomanwileee: i've checked those. none seem to tell me what Ubuntu WOULD have mounted it as. the only other way i can check is to do a fresh install again21:26
wileeeimthenachoman, mounted it as means?21:26
hexagonSun_thank you both wileee and lotuspsychje for taking time to answer to me, now I have all of my programs working, including VirtualBox21:26
lotuspsychje!yay | hexagonSun_21:27
ubottuhexagonSun_: Glad you made it! :-)21:27
imthenachomanwileee: what would the fstab entry for the drive look like if i had done a fresh install of ubuntu21:27
wileeeimthenachoman, You actually have excellent help with lotuspsychje so lets let them do this really.21:27
wileeehare to confuse this is all21:28
lotuspsychjeimthenachoman: this would be mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12685419/21:30
imthenachomanlotuspsychje: you only have one drive it looks like. i was wondering what the fstab is if there were 2 hd's at install21:31
TJ-imthenachoman: try this:  DEV=/dev/sdb1; echo "UUD=$(sudo blkid -s UUID -o value ${DEV}) /data $(sudo blkid -s TYPE -o value ${DEV}) defaults 0 2"21:32
lotuspsychjeimthenachoman: same kind of line added, sdb, sdc21:32
mrkieis there any preinstalled program that supports .rar files to unpack?21:32
Bashing-omimthenachoman: An example of what the installer does " UUID=136af805-5758-4880-acc4-0e1d35e2c266 /var            ext4    defaults        0       2 " for a separate partition .21:32
mrkiei have ubuntu desktop21:32
TJ-imthenachoman: slight typo!  DEV=/dev/sdb1; echo "UUID=$(sudo blkid -s UUID -o value ${DEV}) /data $(sudo blkid -s TYPE -o value ${DEV}) defaults 0 2"21:32
lotuspsychje!info rar | mrkie21:32
ubottumrkie: rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:5.2.1b2-1 (vivid), package size 547 kB, installed size 1486 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)21:32
OerHeks!info unrar21:32
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:5.2.7-0.1 (vivid), package size 127 kB, installed size 346 kB21:32
* OerHeks would not dare to install rar21:33
mrkieOerHeks :)21:33
* lotuspsychje likes all ubuntu official packages :p21:33
OerHeksunrar is oke21:34
imthenachomanBashing-om: thanks sir21:35
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quantsWhat are the commands to reset the operating system? I run 14.04 lts. Also can my software be saved?21:42
lotuspsychjequants: why do you want to reset?21:43
quantsThere seems to be to many issues going and I can't handle it21:43
lotuspsychje!recovery | quants21:44
ubottuquants: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode21:44
quantsAll I want to do is get rid of any unnecessary files so the errors go away21:44
quantsHow do I recover?21:45
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hexagonSun_thank you all! talk to you later21:46
OerHeksquants, there is no reset function in ubuntu/linux, if you messed up, reinstall.21:46
TJ-quants: either identify and fix the issues by analysing the log files, or reinstall fresh21:46
Bashing-omquants: The linux way is to fix the errors, the system provides lots of helps ; else one backs up personal data and re-installs . So, ya wanna fix ?21:46
quants Well I think I'll reinstall as there are so many issues I can't fix, I am a noob :(21:48
quantsI want to fix but it's all to much to cope with21:49
Bashing-omquants: Again my 2 cents. Fixing errors and soon one is no longer a noob .21:49
TJ-quants: when installing, choosing to separate /home/ to its own file-system makes reinstallation later much easier21:50
quantsAgreed, It's the task seems so huge right now! Is there a way to do a clean of all the unnecessary crap?21:51
OerHeksquants, what is 'unnecassary crap'?? programs or what?21:52
stegbthwhat means a ! in variables?21:52
stegbthfor example: for in ${!mi*}; do21:52
Bashing-omquants: One starts with package management, get the system happy, then remove unwanted applications that you have installed . base system "should" remain the same . Else choose to install with a different DE .21:53
TJ-stegbth: In bash shell that expands to an array variable's key, instead of value21:53
stegbthTJ, what does the mean?21:54
TJ-stegbth: see "man bash" and the section on Arrays21:54
quantsBashing, I'll take a look at removing software I'm not using but the program manager isn't working21:54
quantsThe software centre even21:56
Bashing-omquants: Like said, that is the 1st thing . get the package manager happy . What results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt-get -f install ' show the outputs in a pastebin and we see what it takes to make happy .21:57
Bashing-om!paste | quants21:57
ubottuquants: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:57
quantsBashing ok I'll do that now for you21:57
Bashing-omquants: K; We are here to help you .21:58
quantsYou guys are great21:58
stegbthTJ, thank you, that was the point21:58
dw1hmm, win 7 doesnt recognize my ubuntu-made ntfs with very large files (5-6GB) on usb22:01
dw1it shows part of one file22:01
* dw1 checks the copy again22:02
Bashing-omdw1: fat16 4 Gig limit ?22:03
dw1another thing is when i copied two files totalling 13G the first file copied fast and the next one caused my CPU to spike to like 200% on both cores22:04
dw11. format usb stick to ntfs with disk tools 2. copy files to it 3. plug into windows22:04
Bashing-omdw1: opps, me and tunnel vision ..22:04
OerHeksdw1, copy 2 files simultaneously ?22:05
dw1guess it was <12G idk22:05
dw1yeah, via nautilus22:05
dw1file X of 2 and progress bar.. 40-15M/s to usb22:05
dw1but the files were there before i put it into windows22:06
dw1it wrecked em22:06
OerHeksI have seen that in the past too, one solution was copying one large file at the time.22:06
dw1i shall try it22:06
QuantumpantsBashing-om this is the result http://pastebin.com/VWafmS8m22:07
k1l_Quantumpants: so you are using kali? then ask the kali support please22:08
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:08
k1l_especcially when the kali repos are beeing the issue here....22:09
TJ-dw1: Files get put in RAM cache when you're copying, then more slowly are flushed to the target device. To ensure all data is flushed you need to 'sync' and wait for it to return, and then unmount correctly, else data will be lost22:09
Quantumpantsim not using kali, i use 14.04 but have eliments of kali in there.  i will be running kali in vertual box22:09
dw1TJ-: i heard about sync. nautilus has "safely eject" in the context i believe22:10
dw1i wasn't using sync though22:10
dw1so yeah that might be it22:10
Quantumpantsbashing its not kali, i got some kali tools22:10
dw1crap i just ran it while copying :D22:11
k1l_Quantumpants: if you use the kali repos it will overide all the ubuntu packages.22:11
Quantumpantsthats the problem then! shit im an idiot22:11
Bashing-omQuantumpants: No not idiot, just in the process of learning . No can do that .22:13
dw1is it bad to cancel a sync? this one's not responding22:13
Quantumpantshow do i fix my mistake?22:13
TJ-dw1: I'd expect the GUI too's 'eject' to ensure the same thing was done in the background. USB 2 writes very slowly so if you don't have to wait a few minutes for it to complete, it hasn't flushed22:14
Quantumpantsplease tell me its easy22:14
dw1it finished. :)22:14
marek_hello world22:14
TJ-dw1: best thing if unsure is open a terminal and run "sync"22:15
dw1yeah i always use the eject and figured that would do it but no the sync takes a little time22:16
Bashing-omQuantumpants: 'Fraid in this case there is no fix - dependency hell is what you are in for . RE-install is the only viable option in the long run .22:17
Quantumpantsok, thats cool. we all learn from our mistakes22:17
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Bashing-omQuantumpants: ^ True, and it only makes one the stronger .22:23
Bashing-ommarek_: Hello, your support question ?22:31
=== DosTuMai|St00f is now known as DosTuMai
=== NILESH is now known as Guest77975
Sacreliciousguys I just purchased a sanson meteor USB mic, its not being recognized by ubuntu, any advice?22:44
Ben64unplug it, wait a bit, plug it in, wait another bit, then pastebin the output of "dmesg | tail -n42"22:45
quantsBashing I'm on22:46
SacreliciousBen64, http://pastebin.com/GBRwabdz22:47
Ben64Sacrelicious: doesn't look good22:48
SacreliciousBen64 no dice?22:48
Ben64can't even see where you plugged it in, so many errors22:49
Sacreliciousany idea what the cause might be?22:49
Sacreliciousi'm going to try reboot...22:49
=== Acilim_A is now known as Acilim
V3rdantHi, I'm having real problems with my network connection. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 and a kernel version of 3.16. I have a Dlink DWA-548 PCI network card. I normally have a speed of 1Mb/s. I know this isn't my network because my 5 year old laptop gets speeds of 65Mb/s. I tried blacklisting the driver and trying others. I even downloaded and installed a driver from https://github.com/agerwick/RT28XX-RT539X-Linux-driver . Whenever I used a dr22:51
V3rdantiver that was not the original one (rt2800pci) the screen would freeze or completely go black. The only thing I haven't tried is ndiswrapper. Do you guys have any other suggestions?22:51
=== Acilim is now known as Acilim_A
SacreliciousBen64,  what was the string I typed before I rebooted?22:52
Ben64Sacrelicious: dmesg22:53
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
SolarbabyI have a luks encrypted usb hard drive connected to my Ubuntu 14.04 HTPC.  When pressing the power button to shutdown the HTPS I would like to initiate a shutdown script to unmount my hard drive.  Should I do this with upstart?22:54
SacreliciousBen64, http://pastebin.com/BdHS0zNj22:54
SolarbabyHTPC I think it what I meant to say ;)22:55
Ben64Solarbaby: the normal shutdown process unmounts all drives22:55
SolarbabyBen64 my drive is mounted manually upon every start22:56
Ben64Solarbaby: ok?22:56
SolarbabyIts a luks encrypted drive. so a password is required for mounting only22:56
Ben64i'm not seeing the relevance22:57
SacreliciousBen64, thats the new output...different from the last output.22:57
SolarbabyBen64 this drive is not listed in /etc/fstab22:57
Solarbabyor whatever it is22:57
Ben64Sacrelicious: yep, did you unplug and replug again22:57
Ben64Solarbaby: yes you've said that in like 3 different ways now, its still not relevant22:58
SolarbabyBen64I used a script to unmount the drive22:58
SacreliciousBen64, yeah, and rebooted. still not reading it though22:58
SolarbabyBen64: I get the feeling we're just not clicking here :)22:58
Ben64Solarbaby: you're not understanding22:58
SolarbabyBen64: I would like to understand.  I know my drive doesn't unmount by itself.22:59
Ben64it does22:59
Ben64every mount gets unmounted during shutdown22:59
SolarbabyBen64: is there a way I can prove what you say is true when it comes to my Luks encrypted usb hard drive?23:00
Ben64Sacrelicious: unplug, plug back in, paste dmesg again23:00
Ben64Solarbaby: its part of the shutdown process, everything gets unmounted23:00
SacreliciousBen64, http://pastebin.com/tDx0NCNw23:01
SolarbabyBen64: sounds like I need to read up on this.  Thanks for the heads up on that.23:01
Ben64Sacrelicious: looks like it sees it now23:02
SolarbabyBen64: I guess what I need to do then is run a script to verify that it has been unmounted before a shutdown finishes23:02
Ben64Solarbaby: no23:02
SacreliciousBen64, any idea why its not available as an input device, even in volume control?23:03
Ben64Sacrelicious: not sure, but look at lines 417,418 ... it shows up as an input device23:03
SacreliciousBen64, just showed up on my list of devices...i have no idea why it took so long... thank you for your help.23:04
LexicadeIs there a way to interact with another users currently existing screen?23:05
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=== Guest37521 is now known as ExecSlim
SolarbabyBen64: Here is something I read from guardianprojects that has me a bit concerned stil. Probably should make a script run during shutdown to cleanly "luksClose" the encrypted partition and then umount them. Not doing this is probably very crazy23:11
Solarbabythey were referring to internal user encrypted data though23:12
Solarbabymight be so different that it's not relevent23:12
CalebWI need help with executing some commands at startup23:28
CalebWI put them in /etc/rc.loacal23:28
=== Hexagon is now known as ExecSlim
quantsBashing-om: ok I'm in my iPad now ready23:30
Bashing-omquants: So, does the "check disk for defects" complete with no errors ?23:31
quantsHold on23:32
CalebWI'm trying to randomize my mac address on boot, but it's not working23:32
Ben64CalebW: why23:33
CalebWWhy not?23:33
Ben64because there is no point23:33
CalebWYour device can't be tied to a certain mac23:34
CalebWExtra protection when browsing the web23:34
Ben64no, your mac address never makes it to the web23:34
CalebWIt makes it to the router23:35
Ben64yep, so the only person who knows your mac address will be... you23:35
CalebWAnd the university blocked my mac address :/23:36
Ben64well then you should talk to the university23:36
CalebWOr I could just spoof my mac on boot23:36
V3rdantCalebW: Is this what you're looking for? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AnonymizingNetworkMACAddresses23:36
quantsBashing-om: I'm being told off by my wife for being up to late, sorry and thanks I'll chat soon I hope23:36
CalebWyes thank you23:38
CalebWBut the e switch doesn't work23:38
Bashing-omquants: We can pick this up later . Good night .23:41
CalebWmacchanger -e eth0 doesn't change  my address23:41
CalebWI've ran it several times23:41
V3rdantAre you on wifi or ethernet23:41
CalebWThat's after I ran the above command23:44
noturno-anonymoualguem ai?23:45
LexicadeAnyone know much about screens and seeting them up for multiusers?23:45
V3rdantAlright. Give me a second. I'm going to download Macchanger and see if I can get this to work. My laptop is also really terrible so we'll see how long this takes23:46
user2hi everybody, I need  some help. When I want to update it displays "There is not enough space left" then it says: " please use ... get clean" in fact it doesnt work out23:46
Bashing-omuser2: Pastebin ' df -h ; df -i ' .23:47
user2ty, but nothing else?23:48
Bashing-omuser2: That is to show where the space constraints are, depending then is what we do to get some operating room .23:49
Bashing-omuser2: Do you need guidance on using "pastebin" ?23:52
user2yes, actually I am unexperienced when it comes to using linux23:53
Bashing-omuser2: We all were at one time . No biggy, you will get over it .23:54
Bashing-om!paste | user223:54
ubottuuser2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:54
Bashing-omuser2: ^ So do ' sudo apt-get install pastebinit ' to install the tool . once installed do ' df -h | pastebinit ' and ' df -i | pastebinit ' . the results will be URLs back in terminal. Pass those links back here in channel .23:56
user2I did something like that before. But it was way easier to do. Isn't ther a certain command for cleaning old files to get mre space for all the new data23:58
Bashing-omuser2: IF df -h says that '/' root is full .. then there is a good chance that ' sudo apt-get autoremove' will resolve that situation .23:59

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