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derekcatcore, dev: Hey guys, trying to get started with juju-quickstart and I'm getting a certificate verify failed error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691122/  Any thoughts on this?18:23
bdxcore, dev: Whats going on??18:30
bdxI'm trying to give some devs overhere at darkhorse a juju demo, and get them bootstrapped.... I'm having issues and seem to be blocked .... can't seem to get anyone bootstrapped to a local env, or openstack provider....18:32
bdxcore, dev: "juju bootstrap -e local" and "juju-quickstart mediawiki-single" are failing on fresh trusty boxes18:33
bdxcore, dev: no luck with "juju bootstrap -e openstack" either......any insight would be greatly appreciated..... I seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place here.... I will submit bugs for all of this, just thought I would run it by you guys on here first.... ~ thanks18:36
derekcatcore, dev: I'm the poor soul bdx is trying to help get started with juju-quickstart18:37
marcoceppio/ derekcat bdx18:59
marcoceppiderekcat bdx is there some kind of proxy or firewall with ingress/egress filtering?19:00
bdxmarcoceppi: negative19:00
marcoceppithe url, https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/bundle/mediawiki-single/archive/bundle.yaml doesn't produce any SSL issues or warnings for me atm19:00
marcoceppibdx: can you load that URL in a browser to see if you get the same errors?19:01
marcoceppibdx: can you also lmk the version of juju (`juju version`) and quickstart (dpkg -l | grep quickstart) you're using?19:01
derekcatmarcoceppi: It works find in a browser for me?19:01
bdxthe browser resolves it just fine....no errors there...only with juju-quickstart...19:01
marcoceppias you can probably guess, that's not supposed to happen ;)19:01
derekcatmarcoceppi: Don't have dpkg - hang on19:02
derekcatmarcoceppi: Wait... ubuntu command?  Sorry, on OS X here19:02
derekcatmarcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-quickstart/+bug/150300319:02
mupBug #1503003: Cannot communicate with charm store <juju-quickstart:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1503003>19:02
marcoceppiderekcat: ahhh, clarity19:02
marcoceppiderekcat: bdx said trusty machine so I assumed ubuntu19:03
marcoceppiderekcat: did you brew install quickstart?19:03
derekcatmarcoceppi: correct19:03
* marcoceppi checks that version19:03
derekcatmarcoceppi: "brew install juju-quickstart" was the command19:03
marcoceppiderekcat: that may be lagged by a few releases, I'm not 100% certain19:04
marcoceppiI'm traveling atm, don't have access to my OSX box unfortunately to check there19:05
marcoceppi2.2.1 is the latest version and that's the version you should have gotten with homebrew19:05
aisraelLooks like juju-quickstart is current in brew - 2.2.119:06
derekcatmarcoceppi: Yeah 2.2.1 is what brew installecd19:06
marcoceppi2.2.1 is the latest version and that's the version you should have gotten with homebrew19:06
aisraelderekcat: what's the quickstart command you're running?19:06
derekcatmarcoceppi, aisrael: juju-quickstart mediawiki-single19:07
aisraelderekcat: and what environment/provider are you using (juju switch)19:07
marcoceppibdx: are you having other issues with Juju atm?19:07
bdxmarcoceppi: yes ...many unfortunately19:07
marcoceppibdx: well I'll see if I can help there while aisrael helps derekcat19:08
bdxmarcoceppi: I'm writing up a bug right now for broken local provider ....19:08
marcoceppibdx: so, you can't bootstrap - what version of juju?19:08
bdxmarcoceppi: I cannot get juju to bootstrap local provider or openstack provider19:09
marcoceppibdx: alright, and if you bootstrap with `juju bootstrap --debug` what's the output?19:09
bdxwhen I try to bootstrap on a fresh trusty box I get : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691346/19:10
derekcataisrael: openstack19:10
bdxlocal provider bootstrap^^19:10
aisraelderekcat: ok, cool. I'm deploying that bundle to aws now. Let me see if I can recreate19:10
marcoceppibdx: what happens if you run `sudo initctl list | grep juju` - could you post the output?19:10
derekcataisrael: Okey19:11
bdxmarcoceppi: no output19:11
marcoceppibdx:  the juju-db, which is monogdb, doesn't seem to be starting properly, are there any log files in /var/log/upstart/juju-* ?19:12
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bdxmarcoceppi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691411/19:14
marcoceppibdx: is that from /var/log/upstart/juju-db.log?19:15
bdxjuju-db-bdx-local.log ...yea19:15
marcoceppibdx: well, that's the problem. juju-db (mongodb) package is stacktracing like crazy19:16
marcoceppiI've never seen that19:16
marcoceppibdx: can you dpkg -l | grep juju-db to get a version?19:16
bdxmarcoceppi: well theres the problem  .... no output19:17
marcoceppibdx: how about for `juju-local` instead of juju-db?19:17
marcoceppiI can't really remember what the package name is19:17
bdxmarcoceppi: I probably don't have juju-db installed for some reason ....I didn't know it was a seperate dep....1.24.6-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju119:18
marcoceppibdx: there may not actually be a seperate deb19:18
marcoceppibdx: it's juju-mongodb*19:18
marcoceppibdx: that's what I have, odd.19:19
marcoceppii'm using the 1.25-beta but I'll spin up a VM real quick to test19:19
bdxmarcoceppi: thanks!19:20
marcoceppibdx: do you have mongodb proper installed as well?19:20
marcoceppibdx: I wonder if that's why, maybe it's calling the wrong mongodb binary19:21
marcoceppiwhich would explain the stacktrace19:21
marcoceppiI'll try both scenarios19:21
bdxmy mongodb version - db version v2.4.919:21
bdxso to be explicit, I provision a new trusty/vagrant box with "vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64; vagrant up --provider virtualbox"19:22
marcoceppibdx: oh, we can probably make this easier for you, we have a vagrant box with juju already installed and configured for local19:23
marcoceppiaisrael: where are the latest instructions forthat? the vagrant stuff?19:23
bdxssh into the box, and run "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install juju juju-core juju-local"19:23
aisraelderekcat: Unable to reproduce it on my end. I am on 10.11, though. Could you run it again with with --debug and pastebin that?19:23
bdxis there anything else I should be installing to get local provider working?19:24
marcoceppibdx: that's the sum of it19:24
aisraelmarcoceppi: Current is still https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.24/howto-vagrant-workflow. I'm polishing the rewrite I started in DC this week.19:24
derekcataisrael: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691475/19:24
derekcataisrael: There you go19:25
marcoceppibdx: ^ that vagrant image as the local provider already bootstrapped19:25
bdxmarcoceppi: I would like to know how to provision local provider none the less, it should work anyway right?19:25
aisraelderekcat: ok, thanks. Give me a few. I think I might know what's up19:25
marcoceppibdx: totally should work19:25
marcoceppibdx: just trying to get you up in running while I suffer on airplane wifi to get this vm spun up19:26
bdxI am pumped on that....but more importantly, this has been plagueing me for a while, and I would like to see it fixed so as I can tell devs to bootstrap a local provider and not have to provide work arounds to all19:28
marcoceppibdx: I agree, and we're right here with you on that19:29
marcoceppibdx: this is x86 architecture, right?19:29
aisraelDo you have curl installed via brew or using the built-in version?19:30
aisraelderekcat: also, openssl19:30
aisraelderekcat: I suspect `brew install openssl` will fix the problem. If that's the case, we might want to add that as a dependency to juju-quickstart19:32
derekcataisrael: I think it's the built in version19:32
derekcataisrael: let me try it, just a sec19:33
bdxso ....here is a big missing step.....lets say a user wants to bootstrap a local provider......there seems to be alot of missing info on what 3rd party packages are needed19:33
derekcataisrael: Same error as the last paste-bin'ed >_<19:34
marcoceppibdx: so, for most people, it's just been apt-get install juju juju-local and you're good to go19:35
bdxe.g. mongodb-server, lxc, juju-local.....I think a lot of people are really confused because they don't know to have the extra deps.....on top of that there are multiple versions and locations to get mongodb from ....if these are post juju install ops they should be doc'd up much better.....e.g. on a fresh trusty box after "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install juju-local" I don't have lxc or19:37
bdxmongodb installed19:37
marcoceppibdx: i just did that in a fresh trusty container without issue (though it's a LXD container on a linux laptop19:37
aisraelderekcat: ok. Let me try to recreate from another machine.19:37
marcoceppibdx: it's not mongodb, it's juju-mongodb, and you should have lxc installed! bdx what does `dpkg -l | grep juju` show?19:38
derekcataisrael: Okey19:38
marcoceppibdx: this is what happened when I ran your install line on a fresh trusty machine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691585/19:39
bdxno lxc, thats for sure....you have lxc installed, and mongodb-server after "sudo apt install juju-local"???19:39
marcoceppiwhat in the, how did you not get all the other dependencies19:39
marcoceppibdx: see my paste, it seems like your trusty vm isn't processing apt dependencies19:39
marcoceppibdx: did you install juju-local?19:40
bdxtotally....but then nothing is for that matter....I have tried this on openstack instances deployed with up to date cloud imgs....vagrant trusty box, intel nuc - fresh trusty server....same result on all19:41
marcoceppibdx: that is so bizzare.19:41
bdxmarcoceppi: following "vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64; vagrant up --provider virtualbox && vagrant ssh" I run "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install juju-local"19:42
marcoceppibdx: huh, I've never used the apt command before, but it doesn't seem to have any flags that would interfere with package install19:44
marcoceppibdx: I'm going to try to ssh into my OSX machine at home. I'm not even sure if SSH is enabled or whatever but my next step is to replicate your setup19:45
bdxmarcoceppi: I just re-init'd my vagrant box, ran apt update, upgrade, and install juju-local and now have what look to be the correct pkgs e.g. lxc, mongodb19:46
marcoceppibdx: most of the core developers are at a sprint right now, where I'm currently traveling to, so if I can't get an answer before I land I'll be surrounded by the people responsilbe for the tool ;)19:46
marcoceppibdx: bizzare!19:46
bdxI know...I'm tripping out here....19:47
bdxI'm now attempting a bootstrap to local19:47
marcoceppitotally rad, I can get to my OSX machine19:47
marcoceppibdx derekcat: what version of OSX are you two on?19:48
marcoceppicool, I've got a Yosemite vm laying around with a fresh install19:49
bdxmarcoceppi: awesome!19:49
bdxmarcoceppi: I've a successfull local provider setup....I'll continue to monitor my installs and bootstrappings more closely to see if I can't reproduce more what I've been experiencing19:51
marcoceppibdx: awesome! glad you were able to sort that out, though it's totally weird what you were seeing19:52
marcoceppiderekcat: I just installed juju-quickstart from homebrew on a clean yosemite machine, going to try to repro against aws19:52
marcoceppibdx: glad you got it working, becuase I have no idea how to install a dmg from the command line19:53
aisraelderekcat: are you using stock python or installed from brew?19:53
derekcataisrael: should be stock python19:53
aisraelderekcat: What's ruby -ropenssl -e "p OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE" show?20:02
bdxmarcoceppi: on to the second issue: "juju bootstrap -e openstack"20:03
bdxI've read through this: https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/howto-privatecloud20:03
marcoceppibdx: yes, next on the docket!20:03
derekcataisrael: "/System/Library/OpenSSL/cert.pem"20:04
aisraelderekcat: great, thanks! Closer to recreating this20:04
derekcataisrael:  ^_^20:04
bdxmarcoceppi: when I "juju bootstrap -e openstack --debug" : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691759/20:05
marcoceppibdx: okay, yeah, it's a simplestreams problem20:05
bdxit seems the default for tools url returns a 40420:05
marcoceppithis is always a pain to setup for the first time, but after it's setup it's fine20:05
bdxtotally....I'm trying man20:06
bdxthis seems like an issue, the default tools url: https://streams.canonical.com/tools20:06
marcoceppibdx: minus your credentials, what does the openstack stanza in your environments.yaml fiile look like?20:07
marcoceppibdx: OH, you're on 1.22.620:07
marcoceppiI just realized that20:07
hermanbergwerfI'm not sure if this is a noob question but does it make sense to use small single core (say 512mb RAM) VMs for state servers?20:08
marcoceppinot bad, but the main archive lags behind the juju releases by a few minor releases because of the process to get updated releases into the main archive. We've ironed that out for releases going forward but there's still a but of a lag. While not directly related, you may want to add the stable juju ppa `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable` which ill give you the latest juju 1.24.620:09
marcoceppihermanbergwerf: that should be fine for the stateserver, the biggest limiting factor is typically diskspace before anything else20:09
marcoceppibdx: ^^20:09
marcoceppibdx: 1.22.6 isn't bad, it's just not latest, but it also won't directly solve your openstack issue20:10
marcoceppibdx: the environments.yaml stanza sans credentials would be a good start for working though that20:11
marcoceppiderekcat: I was able to bootstrap and deploy the mediawiki-single against aws on a fresh 2.2.1 juju-quickstart on 10.10. The only difference is I had `bew install wget` run on that machine, which installs an updated version of openssl20:12
bdxmarcoceppi: ok...upgraded to 1.24.6.... here's my environments.yaml openstack stanza : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691827/20:14
derekcatmarcoceppi: Hmm...  What openssl version are you running?  The only odd thing is that I'm on 10.10.4 instead of 10.10.5..  Just tried brew install wget but no difference with the juju-quickstart error20:15
marcoceppiderekcat: very interesting20:16
bdxmarcoceppi: now with update to 1.24.6 : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691857/20:17
beisnercoreycb, mind doing the honors?  gnuoy had +1'd, pending conflict resolution.  https://code.launchpad.net/~1chb1n/charms/trusty/swift-proxy/amulet-update-1508/+merge/27344520:18
coreycbbeisner, sure np20:19
coreycbbeisner, hmm I don't see the +120:20
aisraelmarcoceppi: derekcat: supposedly this is an issue with urllib2/httplib, related to python not having ssl support built-in. Trying to find verification of that now.20:20
beisnercoreycb, oh it's in the comment20:20
beisnerif happy to merge == +1 that is20:20
beisnercoreycb, one driveby on that.  all along, swift-proxy's make lint was --excluding hooks  o.O20:23
coreycbbeisner, ah convenient!20:23
beisner`flake8 --exclude hooks unit_tests tests lib` not-ftw20:24
marcoceppiaisrael: so odd, I'm not hitting it on my 10.1020:24
marcoceppiaisrael derekcat: this is what I have installed via brew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691913/20:26
derekcatmarcoceppi aisrael: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691936/20:29
derekcatmarcoceppi aisrael: There's mien20:29
derekcatmarcoceppi aisrael: There's mine*20:29
marcoceppiderekcat: the only main difference I see is no charm-tools, while this shouldn't have a change in juju-quickstart, I wonder if installing it (you'll probably want them anways) adds an updated version of a dep which addresses this ssl issue20:30
derekcatmarcoceppi: No dice after installing charm-tools20:31
derekcatOk, I'm going to reload Yosemite on here and then update to Capitan..  I was overdue for this anyway >_<  I'll jump back in a while and let you guys know what it's looking like.20:32
derekcataisrael marcoceppi: Thank you! Hopefully it's just some weird cruft..  BBL20:33
marcoceppibdx: fwiw, you can let derekcat know I have a vanilla 10.10.4 machine20:34
marcoceppibdx: did you create the imagestream metadata for your openstack?20:35
marcoceppiI don't see it listed in the en vironments.yaml file20:35
beisnercoreycb, thx man20:36
bdxmaroceppi: derekcat is in the process of reimaging to 10.10.4 he will be back ASAP (5 mins)20:44
bdxmarcoceppi: yes I did...omp20:45
marcoceppibdx: I don't see it listed in the environments.yaml file for image-metadata-url20:47
bdxmarcoceppi: its a default....: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692149/20:58
marcoceppibdx: on openstack installs that won't work because we don't know how your cloud is setup. it works fine on public clouds, since we have a partnership with them and publish images to those clouds21:02
marcoceppibdx: since you're the one creating images in glance, you know the image ids, etc21:02
marcoceppiso you need to create metadata to tell juju where those images are21:02
bdxI see21:02
marcoceppiie ubuntu-trusty = 7ad62ed4-6ba4-11e5-b31c-7b985e61fd1021:03
marcoceppibdx: the top half of that page goes though how to generate the metadata, I'll be honest I haven't generated metadata for an openstack cloud in a while, lmk if you run into an issue. I distincly remember last time thinking "a lot of this could be automated"21:04
bdxmarcoceppi: yeah ....totally will...21:05
marcoceppibdx: I have about 30 mins of battery left, I'll be back online around 6pm PST21:05
derekcatmarcoceppi, aisrael: Hey guys I'm back21:16
marcoceppiderekcat: hey, welcome back. aisrael stepped out to get some food I think and my battery is about 20 mins before failure21:17
marcoceppiderekcat: I've got a chromebook, so I'll try to jump back online when this dies, but just an fyi21:17
derekcatmarcoceppi, aisrael: I'm about to pastebin another example, but it looks like it was cruft left on my system21:17
derekcatmarcoceppi, aisrael: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692275/21:18
bdxmarcoceppi: so....after generating my metadata with "juju metadata generate-image -i e41dee50-872e-4f37-8aee-b090e020ddad -d /Volumes/WorkHD/Users/jbeedy/juju/juju_meta/"21:18
bdxmarcoceppi: I get this message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692278/21:19
bdxmarcoceppi: following which, I run "juju bootstrap --metadata-source /Volumes/WorkHD/Users/jbeedy/juju/juju_meta/"21:19
marcoceppiderekcat: okay, cool, so SSL is resolved, you're just going to have to wait for bdx to get a working openstack configuration done up. derekcat you'll basically have to edit the ~/.juju/environments.yaml file to put things like creds, and horizon ip in21:19
derekcatmarcoceppi, aisrael: fresh imaged computer, did the ruby install of brew, xcode CLI tools, brew install juju-quickstart, juju-quickstart mediawiki-single21:19
derekcatmarcoceppi: okey cool!21:19
marcoceppiderekcat: in the mean time you can sign up for http://developer.juju.solutions/ a program where we hand out AWS cloud time/credentials to those working on juju and charming21:20
bdxmarcoceppi: then get this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692284/21:20
derekcatmarcoceppi, aisrael: Thank you so much for helping us troubleshoot this!  The fault is mine for having a crufty environment...21:20
derekcatmarcoceppi: Will do!21:20
marcoceppiderekcat: no worries, glad we could get you going21:20
bdxmarcoceppi: I feel this is due to the default tools url returning a 40421:20
marcoceppibdx: interesting.21:21
marcoceppibdx: was that using --debug ?21:21
bdxno, omp21:22
bdxmarcoceppi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692306/21:23
bdxshoot....missed a key...oh well ...my bad21:23
bdxits a dev env anyway21:23
marcoceppibdx: can you...huh, bdx this will fix it temporarily, battery is marching to zero, but this is NOT the right way to solve this21:24
bdxoooooh nnnnnoooooo21:24
marcoceppibdx: add --upload-tools to your boostrap command21:24
bdxmarcoceppi: still no luck even with --upload-tools : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692320/21:25
marcoceppibdx: can you paste the command you supplied?21:26
bdxjuju bootstrap --upload-tools --metadata-source /Volumes/WorkHD/Users/jbeedy/juju/juju_meta/ --debug21:26
marcoceppi--upload-tools should override whatever juju is doing and upload a copy of the local compiled tools21:26
marcoceppibeisner are you around?21:26
beisnero/ hi marcoceppi21:26
marcoceppibeisner: you probably have the most experience that's online right now, bdx is trying to setup access with juju to his openstack cloud21:27
marcoceppibeisner: but he's getting an error about tools not found21:27
marcoceppibdx: what does `tree /Volumes/WorkHD/Users/jbeedy/juju/juju_meta/` show?21:28
beisnermarcoceppi, bdx - hi.  i've got ~15min before i've got to head out and about.  but can be back online later in the eve too.21:28
* beisner scrolls back, paste-hopping..21:29
bdxbeisner: ok, no worries, we can pick this up later if you like....21:29
bdxmarcoceppi: thanks for your help today21:30
marcoceppibdx: no worries, got a sec to pastebin the output of `tree /Volumes/WorkHD/Users/jbeedy/juju/juju_meta/`? I have an idea21:31
beisnerbdx, can you paste sanitized environments.yaml, and `keystone catalog`  and  `keystone endpoint-list`  and `neutron net-list` ?  that'll give me a good idea of the whats and wheres.21:31
bdxmarcoceppi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692371/21:32
bdxbeisner: omp21:32
marcoceppibdx: I think I see the problem21:33
bdxmarcoceppi: ?21:33
marcoceppibdx: create a tools directory in your juju_meta dir, and add releases and streams into that21:33
marcoceppibdx: you should only have images and tools in the juju_meta dir, then inside tools a streams and releases dir21:33
bdxmarcoceppi: niceeee21:34
marcoceppibdx: give that a wirl, my bouncer will remain online, but I've got maybe 5 mins of batter left21:34
marcoceppiif you get a "launching instance" you should be pretty good to go from that point forward21:35
bdxmarcoceppi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692397/21:37
bdxafter making your modifications21:37
bdxbeisner: environments.yaml -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692390/21:37
marcoceppibdx: bugger.21:38
marcoceppibdx: you could try adding --agent-version=1.24.6 to your boostrap command, that *might* work21:38
bdxerror: flag provided but not defined: --agent-version21:39
marcoceppibdx: perfect, just was I expected *eye roll*21:39
marcoceppibdx: I've got to hibernate, I'll try to jump on with my chrome book21:39
bdxbeisner: keystone catelog -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692405/21:40
bdxmarcoceppi: ok21:40
bdxbeisner: keystone endpoint-list -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692430/21:40
bdxbeisner: neutron net-list -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692442/21:41
beisnerbdx, the file:/// thing i'm seeing strikes me as odd.  while that may work, it's different than my typical use.  ie:21:44
beisner simplestreams.go:429 read metadata index at ""21:44
beisnerbdx, also, the environments.yaml says:  use network ***5f89.  but i don't see that net id in the paste.21:45
beisnerwhich isn't the current roadblock of course, but once the streams are happy, will prob be an issue21:46
bdxbeisner: gotcha....sorry about that .....the network id is currently up to date in my environments.yaml....that was an environments.yaml from a day or two ago...errr : network: 7af5fb70-7cde-4707-9564-2d770426b3de21:47
beisnerbdx, ok cool.  just mentally wiring up all the various assets ;-)21:48
beisneri see product streams endpoint.  are you using it to feed glance images?21:48
bdxbeisner: yea21:49
beisnerand simplestreams ... are they in blobs?21:49
bdxbeisner: should I use that as a tools url endpoint?21:49
bdxbeisner: errr....im not sure ....omp21:50
beisnerbdx, i've got to run, kiddo sports.  here is all i define in my environments.yaml.   simplestreams are in a blob (url above), and images are in glance.  everything else is automagic.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692489/21:53
bdxbeisner: awesome, I'll give you an update tomo on what I was able to figure out! Thanks for your help!21:54
beisnerbdx, yw.  see ya!21:54
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marco-airplanegreat, I crashed my bouncer22:54
marco-airplanebdx: How's it going?22:54
aisraelderekcat: glad to hear that fixed it!23:01
marco-airplaneThere you are marcoceppi23:03
bdxmarco-airplane: whats up23:05
marco-airplanebdx: any progress?23:06
bdxstill no luck bootstrapping openstack provider....I'm tearing down my dev stack atm to reprovision with some new network hardware....23:06
marco-airplanebdx: ack23:06
marco-airplanemarcoceppi, silly bouncer23:07
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads

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