
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
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soeegood morning06:12
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quintasan1yofel: ping06:50
lordievaderGood morning07:04
sitterRiddell: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/wily_stable_kaccounts-integration/07:54
sitterRiddell: http://kci.pangea.pub/view/merge%20FIX/07:55
yofelquintasan1: sorry, should work again07:56
* yofel messed the firewall up -.-07:56
Quintasanyofel: lol08:00
Quintasanyofel: Do you speak iptables?08:00
yofelsomewhat, but usually I just use UFW. In this case I had messed up the server, reinstalled it, and forgot to unblock 4242...08:01
sitterrbelem: are you still maintaining this https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdenetwork-filesharing.git08:11
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pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-64-g3088fdc * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/Main.qml09:57
pursuivantAdd a gradient when there's no breadcrumbs bar09:57
pursuivantLike in the vdg mockups09:57
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-65-g986005a * Aleix Pol: discover (5 files in 2 dirs)09:57
pursuivantImprove the CategoryDisplay look, better match vdg mockups09:57
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-66-g8f5ce6f * Aleix Pol: updater (3 files)09:57
pursuivantFix connects in updater09:57
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-67-g0d9b1f2 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/SourcesPage.qml09:57
pursuivantImprove SourcesPage look09:57
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-68-g757ec86 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/MuonToolbar.qml09:57
pursuivantImprove toolbar look09:57
pursuivantDon't enforce the toolbar size09:57
pursuivantMake sure we center it to whatever space we have09:57
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-69-g91bfc98 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml (2 files)09:57
pursuivantMake sure the banner is not floating on the screen (and weirdly cut)09:57
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-70-ge74af40 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml (2 files)09:57
pursuivantAdhere to lists look09:57
pursuivantUse -GridItem margin as the spacing09:57
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-71-g9396cc5 * Aleix Pol: discover (6 files in 2 dirs)09:57
pursuivantStop using QAction from QML09:57
pursuivantUse QtQuick Controls Action09:57
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-72-gfd7343e * Aleix Pol: discover (4 files in 2 dirs)09:58
pursuivantUnify the application state indicator in one place09:58
pursuivantThis way we can change the colors just once09:58
pursuivantAlso don't use opacity there, it only makes the colors look fuzzy.09:58
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-73-gbe3dd2e * Aleix Pol: discover/qml (3 files)09:58
pursuivantPolish the main window look09:58
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-78-g55052e8 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml (2 files)10:16
pursuivantMargins polishing10:16
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-75-gdb728f9 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/GridItem.qml10:17
pursuivantDrop opacity on the grid item10:17
pursuivantIt doesn't look good when the background isn't solid color10:17
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-74-g2a1c66b * Aleix Pol: discover/qml (2 files)10:18
pursuivantRestore search from the main window10:18
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-77-g87d3f18 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/PresentUpdatesPage.qml10:18
pursuivantDon't show the unselected packages if there's none unselected10:18
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-80-g70ee49f * Aleix Pol: discover (4 files in 2 dirs)10:18
pursuivantAdd override where useful10:18
pursuivantWhen showing the categories, just print the first one, instead of erroring10:18
pursuivantUnify the size of the updates page label.10:18
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-81-g8571c11 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml (3 files)10:19
pursuivantImprove the initial page10:19
pursuivantFix a rendering glitch in the category delegate where the icon and text10:19
pursuivantlooked glitchy.10:19
pursuivantAlign the titles to the left.10:19
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-82-ga6d29b8 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/ApplicationsGridDelegate.qml10:19
pursuivantFix warning10:19
pursuivantAn empty icon name should be ""10:19
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-76-g1ccd6a9 * Aleix Pol: discover (7 files in 3 dirs)10:19
pursuivantMake the icon predominant color part of the grid background10:19
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-79-g0ed8636 * Aleix Pol: discover (3 files in 2 dirs)10:20
pursuivantMove the sources to the application menu10:20
pursuivantIt's considered as less prominent by the new design.10:20
Furor-ESP_ahhh ktimetracked was removed from repositories in Wily. Anyone knows another tracker that also monitorices time in each desktop like ktimetracker did?10:20
Riddellsitter: do we want this new qca in wily?10:37
Riddellsounds like it could be risky since it involves merging qca2 and qca-qt5 source packages10:38
sitternot worth it10:38
sitterwe just need a patchy10:38
sitterRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/0001-Use-Q_SLOTS-Q_SIGNALS-instead-of-slots-signals-in-al.patch10:39
sitterso plasma-nm 5.5 will build10:39
Riddellmm interesting, ok10:40
Riddellclivejo: fancy taking that on? ^^ to qca-qt510:40
Riddellclivejo: just if you're up for a bit of packaging, that patch needs added to qca-qt510:41
clivejovia quilt?10:43
sitterRiddell: we may want to snapshot kdenetwork-filesharing https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35169910:45
ubottuKDE bug 351699 in general "Whereis Share Folder" [Normal,Confirmed]10:45
Riddellyes, I had hoped my student would have merged it by now10:48
clivejoyour student?10:49
RiddellI was mentoring a google summer of code student10:50
Riddellclivejo: yes via quilt, put it in debian/patches and see if it applies10:51
clivejoRiddell: applied ok and seems to be compiling11:23
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-83-g49203a0 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/PresentUpdatesPage.qml11:25
pursuivantFix upgrade progress bar11:25
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-84-g47e50a3 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/CategoryDisplay.qml11:26
Riddellgreetings sgclark11:32
Riddellhow's backports going?11:32
clivejoRiddell: is this the packaging?11:33
sgclarkrelaxed over the weekend, back on it now though11:33
Riddellclivejo: is what?11:33
Riddellclivejo: that's the one, you can commit it to there11:33
Riddellin the kubuntu_wily_arhive branch11:33
clivejoneed a new branch?11:33
Riddellclivejo: looks like it yes11:34
Riddellmaybe branch from kubuntu_vivid_archive into kubuntu_wily_archive and copy in what's in the archive11:34
Riddelladd in the patch, give it dep3 headers, add a changelog, tell me to upload11:35
Riddellframeworks 5.15? what do we think?11:40
clivejoanyone else having issue with kate not responding?11:50
Riddellworks for me11:51
RiddellI've been having troubles with baloo slowing my computer down, and I think I had the delay during login people are reporting11:51
Riddelland plasma crashes when I close the laptop to suspend11:51
vHandaare you sure its baloo?11:51
Riddellsuch a shame11:51
RiddellvHanda: yep, baloo_file_extractor11:52
vHandaah, so files aren't indexed11:52
vHanda$ balooctl status11:52
vHandacould you please paste the output?11:52
Riddelldisk is magnetic and on cfq11:53
RiddellvHanda: https://paste.kde.org/pahmyxvhb11:54
vHandaouch. You have quite a few files11:54
vHandaif you want you can not index your source code or other huge anything11:54
vHanda*other huge folders11:54
vHandaotherwise, we'll just need to wait untill everything is indexed.11:55
bshahthat is huuuuge index size.. :O11:55
RiddellvHanda: how to do that? We have kde-config-baloo-advanced but it's kdelibs4 so doesn't show up in system settings11:56
vHandawhat version are you on?11:57
vHandayou could use the normal kcm config11:57
vHandaexclude folders is fairly trivial in that11:58
yofelfrom what I remember, the delay during login is from attaching the inode watches to those thousands of files. The *indexing* itself isn't that bad11:58
vHanda*thousands of folders11:58
yofelah, true11:58
vHandaoldest bug there is..11:58
Riddell1.00.00-1 of kcm_baloofileadv, I wonder if that works at all if it still uses ~/.kde rather than ~/.confrig11:58
vHandaRiddell: could you also please paste $ balooctl indexSize11:59
vHandathe normal kcm will work perfectly for your usecase11:59
RiddellvHanda:  https://paste.kde.org/pjylccjql11:59
vHandaif you are on 5.15 otherwise you can use 'balooctl config add excludeFolder <folderPath>'11:59
vHandadamn, 2-300mb of wasted space11:59
clivejoRiddell: what do you mean by "give it dep3 headers" ?12:04
Riddellclivejo: dep3 is the debian proposal to give useful headers to patches, like where it came from and why do we need it at all12:06
Riddellclivejo: you can use quilt to open an editor with a template 12:07
Riddellquilt header -e --dep3 <patchname>12:07
Riddelland fill in any fields you feel are useful so we remember what it for and when we can remove it12:07
clivejobut it already has a header12:08
clivejoSubject: [PATCH] Use Q_SLOTS/Q_SIGNALS instead of slots/signals in all headers12:08
clivejo from include dir REVIEW:12528912:08
yofelif you have no idea what dep3 is read http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ so you at least know what the required fields are12:08
clivejoFrom: Jan Grulich <jgrulich@redhat.com>12:09
yofelRiddell: we want dep3 for upstream patches now?12:10
yofeldidn't we agree on not doing that for git formatted ones?12:10
Riddellright if it already has useful headers that's all good12:11
BluesKajHiyas all12:12
clivejoRiddell: I think Im using the wrong packaging :(12:30
clivejosee here - http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/kde-req/12:30
clivejothere is qca-qt5 and qca212:31
Riddellqca-qt5 is what we want12:31
Riddellqca2 is the same thing but built for qt412:31
clivejoRiddell: KCI seems to have picked the new branch up?12:34
clivejoMerging remotes/origin/kubuntu_wily_archive into kubuntu_unstable.12:35
clivejomy local build is complaining about symbols12:36
clivejodoes it go into staging?12:39
debfxyofel: git format-patch produces valid dep3 headers :)12:40
Riddellclivejo: I can just upload it to the archive12:41
yofeloh? didn't know that, sweet12:41
sitterRiddell: we do not give upstream patches a dep3 different from the commit header. as debfx mentioned they are already dep312:42
BluesKajI get this error when trying to launch kmix from the konsole: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. I fI try to launch kmix with dbus-launch I get this: http://pastebin.ca/318165112:55
BluesKajI don't have pulseaudio installed, luckily I was able setup kmix to my needs before the upgrade mucked it up13:07
sitterRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/0001-Install-emotes-and-mimtetypes-directories-of-the-dar.patch13:16
sitterRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/0001-add-discover-to-favorties.patch13:17
rdieter_workBluesKaj: fyi, the " session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication" warning is usually a mostly harmless application bug (which cannot be fixed by using dbus-launch manually)13:18
sitterRiddell: fixes for the stuff Andreas mailed about13:18
BluesKajrdieter_work:  yes, the audio is working with alsa and kmix settings, I just can't change the settings in kmix if needed13:20
BluesKajsuppose I'll just have to use alsamixer 13:21
rdieter_workBluesKaj: all I'm saying is that d-bus warning has nothing to do with your issues13:30
BluesKajrdieter_work:  dbus-launch woks with other apps13:34
BluesKajworks 13:34
rdieter_workit's not needed here, and I'd be really surprised it helps for any other apps as well13:34
rdieter_work(you've bigger problems if you don't already have a functioning session bus)13:35
BluesKajanyway I suppose the problem will eventually work itself out13:35
BluesKajrdieter_work:  I suppose it's an indicator of my insistence on leaving pulseaudio out of my audio chain, It's redunant here , and kmix has become a casualty 13:38
BluesKajjust like some of my favourite features in plasma4 have been dropped in plasma513:39
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
sitter⬆⬆ review plz http://paste.ubuntu.com/12689657/ ⬆⬆14:10
yofelthose color values are copied from breeze?14:12
yofelotherwise +114:12
yofelOTOH, don't we need an UIFE for that?14:12
sitternah, we apply these settings via kconf_update kde4breeze as well14:13
sittertrouble is when you sudo an app it won't use the user config14:13
yofelah, ack then14:13
sitterso those apps would use oxygen incorrectly14:13
Riddellanyone else annoyed by taskbar tooltips lasting too long and covering too much of the screen?14:14
BluesKajRiddell:  yes, I'm annoyed , it's a pian14:15
sittermor annoyed with plasma-nm notifications covering the applet when trying to do something in the applet :P14:15
BluesKajpain even14:16
sitterRiddell: did you seee my patches earlier14:16
Riddellsitter: yes sorry I should have acked, I'm onto them now14:16
yofelexactly, that a simple network switch causes 3 distinct notifications adds some more sweetness14:16
sitterRiddell: groovy. and I forgot to mention... the first goes into breeze and the second into plasma-desktop14:16
Riddellsitter: I worked that out :)14:17
sitterRiddell: I uploaded kde4libs changing all oxygen theming to default to breeze instead to hopefully cover root apps default theming. I also uploaded kde-runtime to pull in the breze icon theme and qt4 style to make sure we have defaults available for kde4 apps14:30
sitteralso posted upstream, alas, I am not sure we'd want to change runtime deps upstream like that https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/125529/14:31
RiddellI'm not sure kdelibs is even supported any more14:33
Riddellgood stuff sitter14:33
Riddelland breeze and plasma-desktop are up with those patches too14:35
RiddellBluesKaj: do you know of any bugs for it?14:42
BluesKajRiddell:  no, i haven't bothered checking14:43
RiddellBluesKaj: it may be fixed  <bshah> Riddell: probably related to https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/125443/15:05
bshahRiddell: I mean probably that broke it.. ;)15:06
Riddellbshah: hmm I've had it for more than a few days15:06
BluesKajI no longer have the CI ppa, dunno if it's worth the bother of adding it15:10
Riddellclivejo: looking good https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qca-qt5/
clivejoyou updated the symbols?15:11
Riddellyeah, it's just gcc 5 transition15:12
clivejohow did you get the different arch symbols?15:12
Riddellclivejo: uploaded ubuntu3 which failed :)15:12
Riddellthen used kubuntu-dev-tools/bin/kubuntu-update-symbols script to grab the fail logs and update the .symbols file from them15:13
Riddellclivejo: fancy packaging kdenetwork-filesharing frameworks branch?15:13
clivejowhat is it?15:14
Riddellclivejo: it's a plugin for dolphin to make dolphin share folders with samba15:16
Riddellclivejo: the released version is for kdelibs4 so it doesn't work with dolphin which is kf515:16
Riddellthere's a kf5 port by a summer of student I had but it hasn't been released15:17
clivejowhere is the source?15:17
Riddellyour missions, should you choose to accept it, is to make a tar of the frameworks branch and update the packaging to build it15:17
Riddellgit clone kde:kdenetwork-filesharing15:17
sitterehe eheehehe15:19
sitteralso I am off :P15:19
Riddellhe has a point, although untranslated is probably still better than not existing at all15:21
clivejodo you create new packaging?15:21
clivejoIm seeing two old version applications and kde-sc#15:23
Riddellclivejo: kde-sc is old old, it's currently part of Applications15:35
Riddellclivejo: so start with the packaging from applications and updating it for kf5 (by using pkg-kde version 3 in debian/rules)15:36
clivejoyeah I have done that15:36
clivejoCMake Error at /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake:128315:37
clivejowhy is it looking for KDE4?15:37
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Riddellclivejo: are you sure you have the frameworks branch?16:25
clivejoframeworks branch?16:26
Riddellclivejo: yeah, after your git clone you need to do a git checkout frameworks16:40
Riddellthat's the brand which is ported16:40
RiddellBluesKaj: bshah https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35357018:02
ubottuKDE bug 353570 in Task Manager "task bar tooltips lag and show when unwanted" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:02
BluesKajRiddell:  good job 18:08
ahoneybunso I still have a invisiable volume when booting18:37
yofel"volume" ?18:39
ahoneybunyofel: the applet/widget18:42
ahoneybunin the panel it is invisible18:42
ahoneybunI have disable than enable it18:43
clivejoahoneybun: this any good ?  http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Cutegram+2+-+Telegram+client?content=16855918:58
ahoneybunclivejo: it works pretty decently18:58
ahoneybunand it is Qt and QML18:58
clivejoQT5 :)18:58
clivejopackaged for kubuntu yet?19:00
ahoneybunnot that I know of19:00
ahoneybundid not really look19:00
BluesKajyay, kmix now launches, and the tool tips etc disappear when the cursor moves off the icons in the panel19:08
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
* genii makes a really large urn of high octane coffee and washes out everyone's mugs19:42
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=== mparillo__ is now known as mparillo
valoriewhy are we considering cutegram instead of telegram?22:56
valorieI filed a bug to have telegram desktop app packaged22:56
valoriewow, muon updater working again22:59

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