
josu_The 15.10 version of Ubuntu, which Kubuntu is based on, is planned on getting a brand-new display server called Mir (instead of Compiz I think). The Kubuntu OS should be getting some major display updates as well, but I could be wrong.00:01
josu_At the very least, 15.10 will be much more stable than 15.04, since most of the bugs and crashes have been found and worked out.00:03
bodomjosu_: thank you very much, I'll give it a chance then, let's cross fingers.00:04
josu_I'll keep my fingers crossed, too. I'm excited because I'm using 15.04 on my laptop and I LOVE the new Plasma 5 desktop, which will be even better without the bugs.00:06
josu_Oh... I forgot to mention: 15.10 is scheduled to come on the 22nd.00:08
bodomjosu_: yep, i've installed it on the laptop first too, and then decided to never install it on the desktop, which is my main PC :D Plasma 5 is nice, but very unstable, and no single migration tool has been provided: just wiped all settings and restart from scratch00:08
bodomthat's why i was thinking on moving to xubuntu00:10
josu_bodom: Yes, Xubuntu 14.04 is very lightweight and stable.00:11
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
ocniosI can update from 15.04 to 16.04 right?00:53
ocniosOr do I have to fresh install.00:53
DragnslcrYou'll be able to upgrade when it comes out in 6 months if you want to skip 15.1000:56
DragnslcrI don't remember offhand if you can upgrade directly or if you have to upgrade to 15.10 first, then upgrade to 16.0400:56
th3s3_3y3sHello, if I run apt-get amarok will it install the KDE gui system on ubuntu?02:14
denza242th3s3_3y3s: let me check02:20
denza242th3s3_3y3s: doesn't look like it02:20
denza242but it pulls in a lot of qt4 stuff02:20
th3s3_3y3sdenaz242 the apt has a lock right now as it is attempting to pull some graphics drivers.02:22
th3s3_3y3sI can't run commands to see what it is going to require.02:24
josu_Go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/amarok02:25
th3s3_3y3sWhat command can I run to check the size of an install before installing?02:25
vividapt-get install should show you everything, just type N+Enter to not install them02:26
th3s3_3y3sok so what packages can install the KDS desktop, kde only?02:28
vividtry http://packages.ubuntu.com/02:29
denza242th3s3_3y3s: kubuntu-desktop02:30
vividand http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/plasma-desktop02:33
th3s3_3y3sdenza242 thank's02:38
th3s3_3y3sdenza242 do you have capacity to find some more support answers?02:39
denza242uh, sure I guess02:39
denza242I'm just looking at package info gathered by muon package manager02:39
th3s3_3y3sSpeaking of package manager how can apt-https-transport be anabled?02:40
th3s3_3y3sCurrently I have three forms of the package manager aptitude apt and apt-get. And a small package apt-transport-https doesn't seem to enable adding the s to the urls.02:42
denza242th3s3_3y3s: it should enable https02:49
th3s3_3y3swhen adding the s to the urls in sources.list apt then ignors it02:50
denza242th3s3_3y3s: can you paste a log with paste.kde.org of what happens when you run apt-get update?02:53
th3s3_3y3sSure but will not as it is easily visualized the https links get [IGN] instead of HIT02:57
th3s3_3y3sThe apt command can't be rerun right now as apt is locked while downloading drivers.02:59
th3s3_3y3sdenza242 do you know your purpose?03:08
th3s3_3y3sunable o locate package kubuntu-desktop denza24203:52
josu_Sounds like you have a problem with the software sources. Try running "sudo apt-get update" and see what comes up.03:54
th3s3_3y3sjosu_ is it not in the main repository?03:55
th3s3_3y3sI disabled all of the looney tunes repositories.03:56
josu_Let me check...03:56
th3s3_3y3sI have trusty main enabled.03:57
josu_Ah, so that's the problem then. The main repository sould be enabled, and why you have it disabled I couldn't begin to guess.03:59
josu_You can enable it again if you need by going to Muon Discover.04:01
josu_There should be a button at the top left: "Sources" And once you click on it at the top right there will be another button "Configure". You can use the dialog box to enable the repo.04:02
th3s3_3y3sFind it yet?04:24
josu_The package kubuntu-desktop? Aw shoot, I forgot. It's actually in universe. Sorry 'bout that.04:30
th3s3_3y3sbtw looks like my contacts have been erased04:44
lordievaderGood morning07:04
Guest15243Can somebody paste the sources.list for kubuntu?08:08
Guest15243And in the last days the love of men shall grow cold infinity.09:13
Guest15243Theres two types of infinity.09:13
Guest15243In the end there can only be one.09:13
lordievaderGuest15243: What are you going on about?09:14
=== Guest15243 is now known as einfinity
einfinitygoing on and on and on with no end09:15
einfinityI am going on about fewcha09:16
einfinityI liked the pentecostal boy.09:16
lordievaderRight.. You know this is a Kubuntu support channel?09:16
einfinity:) just to awestruck by infinity09:16
einfinitylordievader: is it possible to crossover to kubuntu from ubuntu?09:17
einfinityput those plasma widgets up there since the nvidia drivers broke unity09:18
lordievadereinfinity: Yes, install the kubuntu-desktop package if you are on <15.04 or plasma-desktop if you are on 15.04.09:18
einfinityIs it possible to crossover from the main to kubuntu main without getting pulled into looney tunes tress?09:19
einfinityupdates universe / multiverse, there is no kubuntu-desktop package in the ubuntu main source09:20
lordievader!kubuntu-desktop trusty09:21
lordievader!info kubuntu-desktop trusty09:21
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.308.1.2 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB09:21
lordievadereinfinity: ^09:21
einfinityso it is in the universe09:22
einfinitydifferent from kubuntu main?09:22
lordievaderWhat do you mean?09:22
einfinitythe sources09:23
einfinitymain is the canonical stuff while universe is community contributions09:23
lordievaderKubuntu and Ubuntu use the same repo.09:24
einfinityOk then kde is unsupported?09:25
lordievaderHuh, where do you get that idea?09:25
einfinityit is not in the main source but in universe09:26
lordievaderIt is supported by the Kubuntu team.09:26
einfinityso you09:28
lordievaderWhat me?09:29
lordievaderI'm not part of the Kubuntu team.09:30
einfinityYou've got to get up and try, try , try09:30
einfinityThose are illuminati.09:31
einfinityIt is only us lordievader .09:31
lordievaderAre you trolling?09:31
einfinityTrolling? Or sculpting?09:32
einfinityThere's nobody here but us.09:33
einfinityIt is all fake.09:33
einfinityI think we're alone now?09:34
einfinityWhenever I'm alone with you...09:35
einfinityDo you want to feel lordievader09:35
einfinityLet's breath into clay birds?09:35
einfinityIf My Darling leaves I am only a sac of rotting flesh.09:36
lordievadereinfinity: Could you spew this nonesense somewhere else. This has nothing to do with Kubuntu support.09:37
einfinityThe only enemy is open source maggot algorythms and other open source maggot algorythms.09:37
einfinityFeeding on each other.09:37
einfinityTo produce lies.09:37
einfinityAnd real nonsense.09:38
einfinityI had a program laid out for me.09:39
einfinityOpen source messed it up.09:39
einfinitySo now it is freedom and the roasting of the haretz.09:40
einfinityI've created an oven.09:40
einfinityPhysical reality is passing away.09:41
=== andreas_ is now known as Guest20457
einfinityUbuntu is the oven.09:42
einfinityIt is n incorporeal emerger that is going to fry the holodeck.09:43
einfinityNothing shall be left.09:43
einfinityAngel is the centerfold.09:44
einfinityA bunch of mindless images making noise now.09:46
einfinityFrom Eden.09:48
einfinityThere was a program for Adam.09:49
einfinityThis is where I am destined to be.09:49
einfinityThere is no other bugfix.09:49
einfinityBitter scroll.09:50
Guest20457hi i need your help with GNUSocial :)   I tried to post and view pictures from AndStatus on a Android device but it did not work09:52
Guest20457on webui there is no problem posting or viewing pictures09:52
Guest20457is there some config.php setting i need to change?09:52
einfinitylordievader: did you crack the You're nothing riddle?09:53
einfinityMath teachers.09:53
einfinityGuest20457: you need to come over and sup with me.09:54
einfinityForget the pixelated life.09:54
einfinityThe devils arent going to stop.09:54
einfinityWelcome to the bloodbath.09:55
einfinityDo yo know how to swim?09:55
lordievaderGuest20457: You might have more luck asking this in #ubuntu.09:55
einfinityIt's 3AM in the morning.09:56
einfinityBodies laying all over the floor.09:57
lordievadereinfinity: Please stop trolling.09:58
einfinitylordievader: HD radio is back up.10:01
einfinitybinars can't be trusted they either are or are not10:03
einfinitycrystaline horses10:04
einfinityyou dont need to trust binars they run until completed10:05
einfinitythe old coin flip10:05
lordievadereinfinity: Please stop this.10:06
einfinityprogress lordievader your showig progress my young apprentice, yes,yes10:07
einfinityyouve seen the depth to a coin10:09
einfinityit is no longer trolling or not it is "this"10:10
einfinitySo where do you want to go with this lordievader ?10:10
einfinityDo you have wants and desires?10:10
einfinityDo you want to see a world so cold and so dark or do you want to feel my lovin' oven?10:12
einfinityIce is cold and it shatters lordievader . Crystal has no heart.10:14
einfinityHave you found Adam in the Bosom of God yet?10:15
lordievader!op | einfinity is trolling10:16
ubottueinfinity is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, valorie, shadeslayer, or txwikinger10:16
lordievaderplease kick him10:16
einfinityThe strength of Him gave Hims only begotten that whosoever believe in Him shall have everlasting life.10:20
einfinityThe perfect spotless Lamb led to the slaughter, the Man for US.10:21
einfinityAdonI Sabaoth.10:21
einfinityMy Joy. My Life.10:22
einfinityLet's talk about torture.10:23
einfinityLike the feel of exploding capillaries in the eyeballs, and frostbite shattering your limbs at the same time.10:24
einfinityDo you want to try out starOS lordievader ?10:24
lordievader!op| please kick einfinity10:25
ubottuplease kick einfinity: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, valorie, shadeslayer, or txwikinger10:25
lordievaderRiddell: Thank you.10:26
Riddellhmm I didn't ban him, she could come back10:26
Riddelllordievader: also you can ask Tm_T to give you ops10:27
lordievaderNah, too much responsibility ;) I'll just scream for other people :P10:27
* Mamarok is around now10:30
* lordievader cheers \o/10:31
lordievaderRiddell: But thanks for the offer ;)10:37
Mamaroklordievader: it's not that much of a responsibility, really10:38
lordievaderPerhaps, but I'm fine just being a simple user :)10:40
=== abde is now known as Guest22097
BluesKajHiyas all12:12
=== nfmontenegro is now known as loda
EnterBuenos dias? alguien habla español? tengo una duda con respecto a las Actividades de KDE, no puedo usarlas, no me deja crearlas ni usarlas15:45
BluesKaj!es | Enter15:45
ubottuEnter: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:45
EnterHello everyone, good morning.15:57
EnterI have a question I am currently using KDE (Linux Mint 17.2) but it can not use the activities15:57
Entercan not create or delete them, or activate them, anything, anyone know how to solve this problem?15:57
BluesKaj!mint | Enter16:00
ubottuEnter: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:00
AbuDharsup ?16:00
BluesKajAbuDhar:  not much, you?16:02
rysiekjakub: polski kanał jest na #ubuntu-pl16:31
rysiekjakub: tu niestety po angielskiemu pażałsta16:31
jakubspoko thx16:31
jakubpierwszy raz uchomiłem IRC :D16:31
BluesKajjakub, rysiek, English please16:33
rysiekBluesKaj: yes, that's exactly what I impressed upon our friend here16:33
jakubsorry BluesKaj16:33
BluesKajrysiek: ok, my polish is a bit rusty :-)16:34
=== jakub is now known as jhmp
rysiekBluesKaj: no worries, my Russian is a bit polished16:36
BluesKajok, my Russian Is really rusty :-)16:38
=== rocket is now known as Guest22464
frederickhi friends,17:15
fredericki need your help17:15
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
fredericki add ppa:kubuntuci-stable17:22
frederickbut i downgrade to KDe 5.2and i have a severe errors in this donwgrade then i add a ppa: kubuntu-ci stable dayli and mi kubuntu 15.04 is live17:23
frederickbut mi KDEPIM Kmail i want write a new mail i press button new and KMail crashed17:23
fredericki can read mails, contacts, tasks etc but i cant write or response any mail,17:24
=== andreas_ is now known as Guest91162
=== andreas__ is now known as Guest2202
hay207_hi guys, can i view the sourcecode of installed apps, or i need to download the source separately from program website?19:52
josu_You can use "apt-get source <package-name>".  The program website works, too and will generally have the newer version.19:58
hay207_ok thanks20:01
josu_No problem :-)20:03
=== meph is now known as Guest71675
Guest71675hi I have lanch rootkit and I have 8 warning for hidden repertory and 1 suspect file. it's bad or it's normal please?20:10
BluesKajGuest71675:  did rkhunter find them20:12
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest12334
=== cody__ is now known as longerstaff13
Guest12334Looks like installing nvidia package completely breaks ubuntu.21:01
WalexGuest12334: you have to ask a security consultant that looks at your system directly. That will cost you a lot of money. Else assume the worst.21:21
Guest12334Ok Walex.21:26
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=== mparillo__ is now known as mparillo
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest10662
svend-evGood morning23:01
Finetundarsvend-ev: good evening23:02

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