
lordievaderGood morning07:04
BluesKajHiyas all12:12
freeroutehi BluesKaj12:12
BluesKajhi freeroute12:12
=== Odd_Blok1 is now known as Odd_Bloke
Alpha256Hi, I upgraded to from vivid to Wily Beta2 -- I have a problem with installing 'aptitude' though --  aptitude : Depends: libxapian22v5 but it is not going to be installed13:56
Alpha256It seems that I have libxapian22 installed.  If I try to force install libxapian22v5 apt proposes to remove kubuntu-desktop....13:58
Alpha256In fact, there are more packages that are held back by this: akregator baloo-utils kaddressbook knotes kontact korganizer libbaloofiles4 libbaloopim4 libbalooxapian4 libqgpgme1 python-xapian synaptic14:04
Alpha256Any ideas on how to resolve this ?14:04
Alpha256Aptitude could probably help a bit more, but I can't install it for the same reason...14:05
BluesKajAlpha256:  dist-upgrade will install the held packages14:06
BluesKajuse apt or apt-get aptitude is getting old14:07
k1l"sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" in a pastebin could give some clue14:07
k1land aptitude is somewhat abandonded after several issues, iirc14:08
BluesKajyeah, aptitude old , but it's still supported14:09
BluesKajis old14:09
Alpha256dist-upgrade did not help in this case. I made some progress with apt remove libxapian22 (which took kubuntu-desktop); install libxapian22v5 kubuntu-desktop14:10
BluesKajodd usually apt dist-upgrade will install held packages, unless there are dependency problems14:12
BluesKajI have seldom used full-upgrade , and my packages are all up to date14:13
k1lBluesKaj: apt is the new apt-get14:18
k1ldist-upgrade was misleading to making a release upgrade, so some users avoid that. apt now calls it full-upgrade14:19
BluesKajk1l:  yeah, Ive been using apt for a while now14:22
BluesKajdist-upgrade use to be the command to upgrade to a new release, I remember using it many times14:23
k1lBluesKaj: well, apt-get was used differently in the old days. now we have do-release-upgrade and the gui programs.14:24
k1liirc debian is still using "fiddeling with the sources.list and running dist-upgrade" to upgrade14:24
BluesKajreverted  jessie for a while after plasma5/kf5 was mucking things up at it's beginning alpha release on kubuntu, but i didn't notice much difference with apt dist-upgrade14:28
Alpha256ok, I've got it resolved... It turned out aptitude resolved it ... I had to actually downgrade some packages that I still had lingering around from a CI ppa14:34
BluesKajAlpha256:  comment the ppas in the sources.list or remove it , it will continue to cause problems otherwise14:36
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html14:37
BluesKajor remoce it from /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:37
TroubadourHi there was a call for iso testing Ubuntu Studio 15:10, so I am trying (first time). I just installed Ubuntu studio Wily (daily build yesterday) in a Virtualbox. The recommended 8G storage was too small, 10G did it. What is the best way to report. (I get lost in the QA tracker website)15:25
BluesKajTroubadour:  which chat called for the testing of Ubuntu Studio 15:10?  perhaps #ubuntu-devel ?15:41
TroubadourNo, it was in the ubuntustudio mailing lists15:42
TroubadourI also said this in #ubuntu-devel, I am getting some help there. Thx anyway15:45
TroubadourI mean #ubuntustudio-devel15:45
BluesKajTroubadour:  right15:47
goddardi'm having an issues on wily werewolf but it is never registered as a bug.  Basically the laptop will wake from suspend properly, but then go back into a suspend mode at  │ bdmurray16:03
goddard                 | random intervals.  I have to wake it up by pressing a button on my keyboard and then it will wake up.  Shortly after that it will go into suspend on its own again.  It    │ beisner16:03
goddard                 | does this over and over again unless I reboot.y16:03
goddardanyone home?16:51
goddardla la la17:58
goddardi don't think unstable versions of Ubuntu will "Break your computer" btw17:59
goddardmight break the operating system and make the computer unusable17:59
goddardwithout reinstall17:59
tsimonq2goddard: figure of speech ;)22:13
goddardtsimonq2: gotcha now help me with my bug :D22:38
* tsimonq2 backs off22:43

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