
DosTuMaiI'm going to waddle to bed, night all. \o00:22
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:16
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: yowza mate :p04:18
lotuspsychjei think 15.10 will be very popular04:22
lotuspsychjeno more ZZZzzzZZ in #ubuntu soon04:22
cfhowlett... something something Zebra04:23
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: you still dreaming of X X new lts name04:24
cfhowlettnot a whole lot of choices available in the English dictionary under "X"04:24
lotuspsychjeyeah im real curious how they gonna fix that04:25
cfhowlettKlingon Dictionary??04:25
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjewhat a nutcase04:32
cfhowlettthe more he talks, the more I wonder04:32
cfhowlettadded to /ignore cuz I don't have the patience04:33
Ben64his response to everything was "nah"04:34
Bashing-omSometimes, there just ain't no help for it . Some people's children.04:34
Ben64lets see... 24x read speed on dvd-r04:35
cfhowlett"I should own this channel ..." remark earned his spot on my /ignore.04:35
lotuspsychjethe root purpose is very weird sometimes04:35
Ben6424*1.3 = 31.2MB/s maximum sequential04:35
lotuspsychjethey want to do things that doesnt make any sense04:35
Ben64how quick do you think random read is04:35
Ben64like say... an OS04:35
Bashing-omIt has been real, has been fun, maybe not real-fun; had all I can stand and calling it a night . later .04:54
lotuspsychjenity nite04:55
lotuspsychjeis this reccomended to do running higher kernels on lower ubuntu versions?04:57
Ben64lotuspsychje: it can be05:02
lotuspsychjein some cases that requier higher kernels05:02
lotuspsychjehexchat lags grrrr05:04
lotuspsychjerww: howdy mate05:05
lotuspsychjerww: we have gathered most active volunteers here, feel free to idle also05:05
l0tusgarden5Just got Ubuntu Gnome05:05
l0tusgarden5I couldn't install Fedora05:05
lotuspsychjel0tusgarden5: welcome to the ubuntu experience05:05
cfhowlettl0tusgarden5, better way to learn ubuntu: read.  www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads.  start with #0, read , #1, read ...05:06
l0tusgarden5I wanted Fedora but I do like Ubuntu Gnome so far... I think I'll stick with it until I'm more familiar with Linux in general and then try another distro05:06
cfhowlett!manual | l0tusgarden5 also worth reading05:06
ubot5`l0tusgarden5 also worth reading: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:06
l0tusgarden5Ahhh, thank you for ze tip05:07
l0tusgarden5@cfhowlett, do you have any resources on getting the hang of the terminal?05:08
cfhowlettalready sent them.  FCM has a long-running series on command line fu05:09
l0tusgarden5oh, well,  thanks. Yes, I'm lookin' @ it05:09
l0tusgarden5looking at the "beta issue"05:09
l0tusgarden5Thank youuuuu05:09
l0tusgarden5cfhowlett, well, this may be getting ahead of things but do you have a favorite distro and/or one that you recommend for total noobz05:10
lotuspsychjel0tusgarden5: your in an ubuntu channel here, so many also use ubuntu flavors05:11
cfhowlettl0tusgarden5, I use ubuntustudio.   if you READ and experiment, you'll learn quickly.  if you break and then must repair your system, you'll learn even faster.05:11
lotuspsychjemine would be trusty 14.04 LTS05:11
cfhowlettLTS +11105:11
l0tusgarden5Thank you :)05:13
l0tusgarden5Hmmm, LTS....googlin' that right....now...05:13
ubot5`Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu and is the latest !LTS version. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes05:13
cfhowlett!LTS | l0tusgarden505:14
ubot5`l0tusgarden5: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)05:14
l0tusgarden5(serious) question: is ubot5 a "real" user or a bot that discerns certain questions and things being said and sorta chimes in?05:14
l0tusgarden5(hopefully it's not an offensive question ubot5!)05:15
cfhowlettl0tusgarden5, bot.  triggered if you know the right questions.  but do feel free to say "thanks ubottu"05:15
l0tusgarden5cool, gotcha. mini turing test ongoing... ha05:16
l0tusgarden5Thansk cfhowlett05:16
l0tusgarden5Ok, new question. So Trusty Tahr, Long Term Support, I see... seems cool and I JUST installed Gnome so I'm not too attached to it. If I get this new image and try to install it will it open a new partition? Or will it "recognize" that there's another linux distro and prompt me to choose whether to nuke/replace that one etc?05:18
lotuspsychjel0tusgarden5: type lsb_release in your terminal plz05:19
lotuspsychjelsb_release -a sorry05:20
l0tusgarden5I have vivid vervet05:20
lotuspsychjeok l0tusgarden5 so you have chosen a non-lts version05:21
cfhowlettl0tusgarden5, 1.  you do not have LTS.   2.  you can install LTS  3.  use the same partitions you have presently05:21
lotuspsychjel0tusgarden5: you can choose to upgrade every 9 months or choose an LTS supported 5 years05:21
l0tusgarden5Gotcha. Is there a terminal command I can use to install Trusty Tahr or should I just download the desktop image and go from there with USB + unebootin05:22
cfhowlettl0tusgarden5, torrent the .iso, make a bootable usb and boot up05:23
l0tusgarden5Cool. Ok. THANKS SO MUCH for your time and answers!05:23
cfhowlettbe safe.  have fun.05:24
l0tusgarden5I wish I had bits of bitcoin to sprinkle on u05:24
cfhowlettyeah, I might have to set one up.05:24
lotuspsychjel0tusgarden5: after you chosen LTS you can go to all flavors also05:25
ubot5`!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.05:25
l0tusgarden5well I'm out. Thank you all for ur time/answers (cfhowlett, lotuspsychje, ubott)05:26
lotuspsychjecome again if you need stuff05:26
l0tusgarden5I'll b backk.....05:26
lordievaderGood morning07:02
l0tusgarden5Made it back!07:37
l0tusgarden5I'm now on Ubuntu LTS07:38
l0tusgarden5yay hooray07:38
ubot5`Glad you made it! :-)07:38
l0tusgarden5thanks to some of the folks in this here chat space07:38
l0tusgarden5oh, hey, cfhowlett, still here!07:38
daftykinsah yet another WD drive to post off today09:47
daftykinsonly a single bad sector, but such is warranty :D09:47
daftykinsjust gotta go somewhere with a printer to do the labels :)09:47
daftykinsreminds me, i should really come up with a plan for my old RAID disks, 6 x 1TB which are just sat inside my server doing nothing :D09:49
daftykinsbeen spinning for 6 years though, so they'll probably die soon09:49
daftykinsaww the excitement was too much for cfhowlett :(09:52

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