
=== AceLan_ is now known as AceLan
FourDollarsHi, I opened a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1502772. Could you help to fix this problem?06:35
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1502772 in linux (Ubuntu) "Linux kernel in Ubuntu doesn't provide mmc-modules udeb." [Undecided,New]06:35
=== smb` is now known as smb
Guest15243So do you want to do this?07:30
Guest15243Hi brendand07:48
brendandGuest15243, hello?07:52
Guest15243What is going on brendand?08:08
=== Guest15243 is now known as einfinity
einfinity"We call the police" bug again.10:26
apwFourDollars, hrm, are they not built in10:26
einfinityLooks like it.10:26
einfinitysaftey protocol10:28
einfinityoveractive survival mechanisms10:29
einfinitymachinae niil complex10:30
einfinitymachinae nihil complex10:32
einfinitycold winter at the 4 seasons10:32
einfinitybiological upper respitory infection10:34
einfinitybrendand: can you send a software update to my android?10:38
einfinityI don't like the version.10:42
soulkzque pendejos10:45
einfinityI pray for you.10:57
einfinityTo be abused.10:58
einfinityTo be used.10:59
FourDollarsapw: no11:07
Eduard_MunteanuWhat's the relationship between versions in ubuntu/linux.git and those in ubuntu/ubuntu-${release}.git?12:36
Eduard_Munteanue.g. vs 3.16.7-ckt1712:37
henrixEduard_Munteanu: 3.16.7-ckt17 is a stable kernel release (as in "upstream stable"); the kernels in ubuntu-${released}.git are ubuntu kernels.  stable kernels commits are applied into the ubuntu kernels12:42
caribouapw: hi, got a chance to look at my fix for the crashkernel= bug ?12:45
caribouapw: bug: #149631712:45
ubot5`bug 1496317 in kexec-tools (Ubuntu) "kexec fails with OOM killer with the current crashkernel=128 value" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149631712:45
Eduard_Munteanuhenrix, thanks, I see...12:50
Eduard_Munteanuhenrix, is there a place where I can see what patches have been applied in addition to the -ckt series?12:58
henrixEduard_Munteanu: i'm affraid the only way is to look at the release git tree and compare both13:04
Eduard_MunteanuAh, I see.13:05
smbcaribou, fwiw it appears to make sense to me. Of course actual trying out will be even better. I can try to play with it 13:29
caribousmb: let me check I think it's in a ppa somewhere13:30
smbcaribou, Oh I can just use that attached debdiff13:30
caribousmb: ppa:louis-bouchard/test-makedumpfile13:30
caribousmb: quicker :)13:31
smbcaribou, ah ok, yeah. Well usually I find that the VM I try to use needs serious updating anyway13:31
=== Odd_Blok1 is now known as Odd_Bloke
smbcaribou, some other interruption. testing might be a bit "delayed". sorry13:42
caribousmb: np13:45
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
smosersmb, aroudn ?15:42
smoserany other kernel people are welcome to reply.15:50
smoserthe gist is : How reliable is uptime?15:51
smoserdelta1 = (read_reliable_remote_clock() - read_uptime())15:51
smosersleep some-time15:51
smoserdelta2 = read_reliable_remote_clock() - read_uptime()15:51
smoserwill 'delta1' and 'delta2' going to be within a reasonable value of eachother?15:51
smoser'reasonable'  here is < 2 seconds.15:51
apwsmoser, how long is the some-time16:16
apwyou'd expect the clocks to be reasonably stable in terms of progress, on each machine16:17
apwbut if they arn't sync'd with anything outside there is no guarentee that the particular local clock16:17
apwticks with any specfic frequency16:17
apwthe crystals they use for clocks tend to always be the same, but not necessarily accurate to what is needed for wall cloc16:18
smoserapw, well, how long is probably < 2 minutes16:24
smosermost rprobably < 1516:24
apwi'd expect the delta to be reasonable in those cases yes16:25
smoserok. thanks16:26
infinitysmoser: Wouldn't it be more sensible to  leverage ntpdate/systemd-timed to fix the clock before cloud-init starts making assumptions?16:56
infinitysmoser: Instead of essentially reimplementing ntp's drift tracking?16:57
smoserwell, i'd just pitch it if it seemed wrong.16:57
smoseri think the issue with use of ntpdate or systemd-timed is there is not a guarantee of access to a time server.16:58
smoseri dont have to deal with drift per say. oauth doesn't require a perfectc clock, but its not going to allow you to use a time from last month or January of 1970.16:59
infinitysmoser: No, but with no time server, the system probably won't tear the clock out from under you either.16:59
infinitysmoser: ie: just running after those services would mean your clock would probably remain consistent.17:00
smoserwell, at least in upstart world, those services run quite non-deterministicly17:00
smoserand quite annoyingly.17:00
infinitysmoser: THough, I get the "if the clock is totally busted, oauth will explode" issue.  But so will half their system.17:00
infinityAnyhow, was just an aside.  If you've argued with service ordering and decided it can't solve your issue, your proposed solution seems "sane", just weird. ;)17:01
smoserwell, in upstart ntp would run on ifup and it was backgrounded17:02
smoserto make sure it didnt' block anything.17:02
infinityYeah.  In retrospect, that was probably a bug, not a feature, but we ain't fixing it now.17:02
smoserwell, its hard to block on a given interface if you have 6 interfaces and only one of them is going to get a routeu that would go to your ntp server17:03
infinityNo, I understand why the bug/feature was implemented, it's just a bit nutty to tear out the system time at a nondeterministic point in boot.17:04
smoserquite nutty17:04
smoserand painful.17:04
smosersleep 2. clock backwards 1 month. wake up in 1 month .17:04
infinityThankfully, most systems only drift a second or two on boot, not years.17:05
smoseri'm honestly nto sure how it works in systemd.17:05
smoserright. but if their clock has no battery17:05
infinityExcept, notably, ARM systems without a battery-backed RTC, and idiots who don't use the system->VM RTC bridge in qemu.17:05
smoseror is just that bad and system is off for quite a while.17:05
smoseryes. arm is the thing :)17:05
smoserand interestingly, my first experience with sucky clocks is in your favorite arch17:06
infinityI wouldn't call it my favourite. ;)17:06
smoserppc64 systems i had would lose seconds in a day17:06
infinityOh.  Yeah, that might be my favourite.17:06
smoseri never understood why a $4 watch from walmart keeps time to seconds in multi-years17:06
smoserbut expensive hardware cant do that.17:06
infinityPPC clocks are notoriously incorrect.  I'm not sure why.17:06
infinityPerhaps because they were always so "server-oriented" that they couldn't grasp why everyone wouldn't use ntp everywhere.17:07
infinityAnd, thus, didn't care.17:07
infinityWhile PC clocks kept improving year on year because until vaguely recently, Windows had no concept of ntp without 3rd party software.17:07
leitaoarges, ogasawara: What is going to be the first SRU for 15.10? 3 weeks after the GA?21:19
ogasawarabjf: ^^21:20
ogasawaraleitao: should be ~3wks following release, but I'll let bjf officially confirm his schedule21:20
leitaoogasawara, ok, thanks21:20
bjfleitao, let me look at a calendar ... one sec21:21
leitaobjf, is the calendar public?21:21
bjfleitao, it's a "count the number of weeks from today and see where that lands relative to the release" kind of operation :-)21:22
leitaobjf, it was not clear if the cycle start counting after the GA or after the kernel freeze.21:22
bjfleitao, the two are not related at all21:22
leitaobjf, hmmm21:23
bjfleitao, the SRU cycle runs for 3 weeks and repeats forever. how a release falls within a given SRU cycle is what i'm looking for21:24
bjfleitao, the first SRU cycle after the 15.10 releaes should start on Mon. Nov. 9 21:25
leitaobjf, right.  I am doing the math over here also.21:26
leitaothank you21:26
bjfleitao, that's only projected, if there is a delay between now and then it could slip ... but that doesn't happen often21:26
leitaoso, if we miss any patch for 15.10 (kernel freeze this week), we will only have it released end of nov, correct?21:26
bjfleitao, correct21:27
leitaothank you21:27
bjfleitao, you may be interested in the "kernel-sru-announce" mailing list21:38
leitaobjf, definitely, thank you21:39
mamarleyapw: You mentioned before it might be a good idea to add a command-line arg for the intel_pstate module to force HWP on for Skylake hardware.  Since the kernel freeze is coming up, should I go ahead and write such a patch?  Any preference on what the arg should be?23:45

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