
pleia2PaulW2U: nothing so far, I'll be on the lookout :)00:48
pleia2still some summaries to be written00:50
pleia2ahoneybun, jose, anyone else around to pitch in?00:50
* pleia2 works on other prep in the meantime00:52
pleia2bullet-pointed Canonical news, and dropped the press article because it wasn't so impressive after what is covered in Canonical's own article on the topic01:05
pleia2so just 2 Planet posts to summarize and 3 under Blogosphere01:06
* pleia2 other things for a bit01:07
pleia2wiki is being sooo slow05:51
Unit193So, the usual?05:51
pleia2heh, worse than usual05:51
pleia2I'll have a link for you soon though05:51
Unit193I'll make sure to hang around.05:52
pleia2woo error 50005:55
pleia2but it did take my change, so...05:55
pleia2Unit193: link check! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue43705:55
Unit193Just one (unusual) FP, you're good!06:02
pleia2thanks :)06:42
pleia2sent off to editors06:42
* pleia2 sleep &06:42
PaulW2Ueditorial review done20:13
pleia2thank you \o.20:25
Unit193Still just the one (unusual) FP.20:26

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