
Yehaibazhang CarlFK chu DalekSec Dave DJOnes FlannelKing funkyHat Guest47262 kloeri lhavelund mneptok nhandler phunyguy Pici tonyyarusso valorie    YO, WHY I AM BANNED FROM FREENODE00:47
Yehaibazhang CarlFK chu DalekSec Dave DJOnes FlannelKing funkyHat Guest47262 kloeri lhavelund mneptok nhandler phunyguy Pici tonyyarusso valorie    YO, WHY I AM BANNED FROM FREENODE00:47
Yehaibazhang CarlFK chu DalekSec Dave DJOnes FlannelKing funkyHat Guest47262 kloeri lhavelund mneptok nhandler phunyguy Pici tonyyarusso valorie    YO, WHY I AM BANNED FROM FREENODE00:47
bazhangicesword innit00:51
Unit193I don't know, but he didn't like me. :(01:00
bazhangyeah its him01:01
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
eighteenonwh33lsOh neat02:35
eighteenonwh33lsAm I here to get lectured?02:35
eighteenonwh33lsThis isn't productive for me...02:36
eighteenonwh33lsI'll just circumvent the ban ^-^02:36
Unit193Jordan_U: ↑02:36
valorieright, I banned someone from freenode03:14
rww!discuss =~ s/  / /05:04
ubottuI'll remember that rww05:04
ubottuldunn called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (see above)05:11
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (KaliLinux)07:30
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (kali-linux please ban this idiot)07:33
DJOnesAsked them to stay on topic & pointed out its not a chat channel, subsequently left07:38
ubottulordievader called the ops in #kubuntu (einfinity is trolling)10:16
ubottulordievader called the ops in #kubuntu (please kick einfinity)10:25
ubottuError: unresolvable <alias> to isitout-#ubuntu-release-party14:16
popeywe should probably fix that :S14:16
ubottuYES! ITS OUT: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2015-April/000195.html14:21
* genii goes back to the coffeepot14:23
ubottuisitoutyet is <alias> isitout - added by tsimpson on 2010-04-28 12:45:55 - last edited by Pici on 2015-10-05 14:20:2514:23
h00kwhat month is it14:24
k1loctobear :)14:25
genii10th month14:25
h00k10, oh, it's releasing the 22nd.14:25
h00kI panicked for a second.14:25
bazhangunleash the party14:25
h00kI'm so far out of touch with releases and "what's new" these days :'(14:25
bazhangsystemd has acquired the su14:25
Picipoke me on the 22 if I'm not paying attention, or via twitter/email if I'm not here, and I'll update all the ubottu things.14:25
Cadenwho banned me?23:22
cadenrok its me from another pc.... testing....23:28
k1lhi cadenr Caden23:29
cadenrboth pcs aere on but i cant see everything thats happening on other pc23:29
cadenrthey on same channel23:29
k1ldo you know why you are banned?23:30
cadenrnot really... it was last night23:30
cadenr(my time) XD23:30
k1l!guidelines | cadenr23:31
ubottucadenr: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:31
cadenri have it open on other pc23:31
cadenri spent time looking on how to get unbanned23:31
k1lplease make sure you re read them to get a clue what behaviour we do accept and what we dont want in the ubuntu community23:31
cadenri was there for help on my partitions tho23:32
cadenrpeople started making random chat and moderator told them to stop then i was banned. i definatley tried to stay out of it23:33
k1lyes, the logs tells me you started with a own support issue but then made a lot of offtopic and spamming which resulted in you beeing removed23:33
k1l2015-10-03T01:14:13 <caden__> IN 5 SECONDS SPAM CINNAMON!!!!23:33
k1lwith spamming you "CINNAMON" afterwards.23:33
cadenronly 2 times23:33
cadenri think23:33
k1lok. is this now clear that this is not a suitable behaviour in a tehcnical support channel like #ubuntu?23:35
cadenrummm.. im only eleven :)23:35
k1lage doesnt matter23:35
cadenrWAITAMINNIT!!! i msg-d u earlier didnt i23:36
k1lother user coming for help to #ubuntu and needing help but you spamming the channel doesnt matter if you are 11 or 51.23:36
cadenri dont know much about ubuntu so i was there for help, not to help others. :P23:36
k1l#ubuntu is a place for users getting help. for chatting we do have other channels. if everyone is chatting there will be too much noise in #ubuntu. that is distracting.23:37
cadenri understand, but were getting off track23:38
k1lyou showing you understand the guidelines and will follow them in future is not getting off track23:38
cadenri meant talking about my age (yes is my fault)23:39
k1ldid you re read the guidelines?23:41
cadenri have them here and i am reading now23:41
cadenri just read the entire freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml23:43
k1lthen please read this too since its the once additionally for the ubuntu channels http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:44
cadenri read it (i didnt know about pastebin at the time)23:46
k1lok. so can you please keep the chat and the malicious behaviour like spamming out of the channel in future?23:48
cadenryes i promise23:48
k1lok, i will remove the ban then. please stick to the guidelines in future, dont waste your second chance. thanks23:49
cadenrno, thanks 2 u23:49
cadenrok, goodbye i am going to close the windows23:50

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