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gdeebleAny in where familiar with the Virtualbox Web Service?04:26
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ubuntu608hey guys.. i'm trying pxe install of ubuntu and i was using IIS webserver as a media server. the installation fails while loading pkgsel and tasksel . but when i use apache webserver the installation goes just fine.. any ideas on how to approach it in IIS web server..??06:05
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lordievaderGood morning07:04
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jamespagecoreycb, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-keystoneclient/1:1.7.1-1ubuntu1/+build/808335907:55
jamespagebandit dep it not required for unit test execution07:55
ubuntu608hey guys.. i'm trying pxe install of ubuntu and i was using IIS webserver as a media server. the installation fails while loading pkgsel and tasksel . but when i use apache webserver the installation goes just fine.. any ideas on how to approach it in IIS web server..??09:23
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coreycbjamespage, ok I can drop bandit from keystoneclient.  python-bandit is in main though fwiw.11:58
jamespagecoreycb, its surplus to requirements I think12:01
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tewardrbasak: ping15:23
rbasakteward: o/15:28
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tewardrbasak: PM15:29
rbasakteward: don't see one?15:29
tewardcoming shortly15:30
teward(I always ask for permission first :P)15:30
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xubuntu36wHi, I am new to this and would like to know if I can safely experiment in virtual machine (not setup by me) with virtual installation of untangle; without messing already configured installation. Thanks17:15
RoyKxubuntu36w: apt-get install kvm libvirt-bin virt-manager17:16
RoyKxubuntu36w: and run virt-manager17:16
xubuntu36wRoyK: Everything is setup, Workstation boots and all I have to do is create another virtual machine where I would experiment with untangle. I dont want to mess up already configure machine17:18
RoyKxubuntu36w: shouldn't be a problem - a new VM won't interfere with another17:19
RoyKxubuntu36w: unless you do something exceedingly stupid ;)17:19
xubuntu36wRoyK: Like what :). I dont know much and have to learn this way. Basically if I dont mess with settings of vmware workstation and just perform configuration inside untangle on separte vm I should be fine?17:21
RoyKwell, the easy parts is don't use the same IP address for the VMs17:21
RoyKalso, it's theoretically possible to setup shared storage for them - don't even think of doing that - create a new vmfs volume for the new one and it'll be isolated17:22
RoyKbut normally, you'll have to work hard to break things like that17:22
RoyKI manage some 250 VMs in a vSphere environment and I've never seen anything break like that17:23
xubuntu36wRoyK: Storage is not a problem, plenty of space. Ill try not to mess with settings. Is there any other newbie mistake I should be aware of before diving into this?17:23
RoyKxubuntu36w: usually something like a pint of beer in the computer will make the day ;)17:24
RoyKbut as I said, just use standard settings, create a new VM, blabla, make sure IP address is unique, and there should not be a problem17:25
xubuntu36wLOL. Thanks for quick help RoyK. Because of You Ill make account and next time will speak like two people should. Thanks again and have a nice day.17:25
RoyKxubuntu36w: there's a #vmware channel too17:25
xubuntu36wlol. didnt know that. Is there a list of channels somewhere?17:26
RoyKyeah, type /list, but it's *long*17:26
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:26
RoyKprobably better than /list :P17:27
PiciThere are 50K channels on freenode, using /list is probably not what you want.17:27
xubuntu36wthanks people. im going to start messing with untangle right away. itching :). {copy/paste}17:28
impermanenceIs failover possible using Jasig CAS?  In other words, is there some setup I can use with my two production servers so that if one goes down authentication continues?17:35
sarnoldimpermanence: looks like it: http://jasig.github.io/cas/4.1.x/planning/High-Availability-Guide.html17:43
impermanence@sarnold mmkay.  I will look at this.17:43
impermanence@sarnold Is my need even coming across?  It's a tad hard to word.17:44
impermanence@sarnold I simply need failover authentication across two servers.17:44
sarnoldimpermanence: I think so, people expect high-availability in their services these days17:44
impermanence@sarnold right now, as they have it set, if one goes down, users get booted, as opposed to the system failing over via the load balancer to the other…which is what  I need to implement.17:45
sarnoldimpermanence: eww.17:45
sarnoldimpermanence: that's _really_ gross :)17:45
impermanence@sarnold: setup = ubuntu 12.04 + jsp's inside tomcat which is also functioning as the web server + jasig CAS17:46
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coreycbbeisner, can you promote trusty-kilo-proposed to trusty-kilo-staging19:23
fuzzywuzzzyI have setup Ubuntu server with Apache 2 and set a non root user and added them to www-data group and set the permissions to 775 on /var/www  Is this a secure setup?19:23
fuzzywuzzzyOr should it be 755 on /var/www19:23
coreycbbeisner, I mean promote to trusty-kilo-proposed19:24
coreycbgah, trusty-kilo-updates19:24
sarnoldfuzzywuzzzy: 775 is fine, you may wish to also set the setgid bit on the directory to cause new files to get group ownership set automatically19:26
fuzzywuzzzyHow do I setgid?19:26
fuzzywuzzzyDoes that mean it will automaticlly be www-data when I upload stuff?19:27
sarnoldfuzzywuzzzy: iirc chmod 02775 -- check it with ls -l output to make sure the _group_ 'x' is turned into an 's'...19:27
sarnoldfuzzywuzzzy: yes19:27
sarnoldfuzzywuzzzy: I've got to run, I'm having trouble finding the best docs on that feature..19:28
fuzzywuzzzyI thought it was only 3 UGO19:28
sarnoldfuzzywuzzzy: setuid/setgid/sticky bit are set with the rarely-used fourth octet19:28
sarnoldfuzzywuzzzy: sticky is 1, and I can't recall if setuid is 2 or 4, and setgid 2 or 4. stupid memory.19:29
fuzzywuzzzyk thanks!19:29
sarnoldfuzzywuzzzy: the feature is called something like "bsd groups" behaviour.. it's pretty handy when you need it. hope that helps :)19:32
fuzzywuzzzyso I can add the user I created to www-data and set perms to 775 and then do setgid19:32
beisnero/ hi coreycb20:05
beisnercoreycb, like so?:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691765/20:05
coreycbbeisner, maybe just keystoneclient and neutronclient for now20:06
beisnercoreycb, ok, pushing python-keystoneclient 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.2~cloud0 + python-neutronclient 2.3.11-0ubuntu1.2~cloud0 from proposed to updates in kilo uca20:10
coreycbbeisner, thanks20:10
beisnercoreycb, yw20:10
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