
chakerelacheche: o/, http://bit.ly/1jJG7LZ10:04
elachecheyep chaker :) But it's a good move from the Algerian Gov!10:05
chakerI'm hoping/waiting to see similair movment from the Tunisian GOV10:08
chakerelacheche: hhhhhhh I have the right to think so since Noomane Fehri is the sec of ITC10:11
elachecheThere was this before → www.opensource.tn10:11
chakerDead since 201210:13
elachechechaker, http://concours.opensource.tn/index.php?id=404&L=210:15
elachecheDotFOSS is the company of the person introduced me to SysAdmin field, and he was my mentor and senior colleague for years.. And he's a utn member.. Hibernated member x)10:18
elachecheYep and kangoulya :)à10:18
elachecheThe good memory is that I met him and kangoulya for the 1st time at the same day during a uTn event @monastir..10:19
chakerutn => UbuntuTN?10:22
chakerWhy there are no events since 2013? What happen to UTN10:23
elachecheFirst check this chaker  → https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/ReVerificationApplication2015#Experience10:23
elacheche2nd.. There is 2 reasons.. 1. The active members are not available any more and there is no new active one(I was not 100% free for a while too).. 2. Clubs and students are looking for event about dev, so when communities like drupaltn, symphony and google related techs showed up every one wanted them for events, not utn..10:26
elachecheThis year I'll try to make contacts with persons from universities where we never go.. And try to have some events there..10:26
chakerI will be extremely happy to help. Just say it (I always on IRC)11:10
elachecheYou need to be on ML too :p11:10
chakerDone :)11:13
elacheche(y) :D11:17
elachecheWhat ML you subscribed in? → I didn't get a notification yet11:18
elachecheYep that's it :) I should get the notif in minutes11:18
chakerOK I need to go now. If you don't get the notification please let me know so I can resubscribe.11:22
nizaruslimiter ça à linux :/21:31
crack3rouais c'est égoiste21:32
elacheche_anisQu'attendez vous du Linux Foundation x)21:42

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