
lotuspsychjenhaines: nice1 mate: http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/the-default-wallpapers-of-ubuntu-15-10-wily-werewolf-gallery-493511.shtml04:21
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DavidWedCan I use QML in commercial projects ? I planed to develop an app with QML/C++.06:41
dufluDavidWed: I think the LGPL bits, yes. But I'm no expert... http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/licensing.html06:42
DavidWedIs there a chance to use another frontend than QML ? ( maybe HTML5 with c++ ) ?06:43
DavidWedthanks xD06:43
dufluDavidWed: Yes, technically you can use any toolkit that has a Mir backend. Or HTML5 will run in the browser06:45
anpokDavidWed: you can also just assemble qtquick objects programmatically... but not all properties are easily accessible that way06:48
anpokso you might end up falling to passing qml expression strings..06:48
DavidWedthanks for respond06:49
dholbachgood morning06:49
anpoki did spend some time on assembling a different frontend for qtquick06:49
anpokone of the problems is that for example the layouting bits are hidden in a substructure that can only be accessed through the private pimpl ptr from the actual quickitem class..06:50
DavidWedJust to be clear, the GTK+ 3.16 has a Mir backend. So I can develop my apps with GTK+ 3.16 ? Without QML ?07:01
anpokDavidWed: at the moment the gtk+ on the phone is missing an important piece..07:05
anpokthat is support for the buffer types provided by the android drivers..07:05
anpokfor that we need a somewhat larger change in cairo ..07:06
anpokand then someone would have to add the right theme to gtk.. and yeah then you still might be missing out some parts that are provided when you go with qt..07:07
DavidWedDid you estimate how long it will take to support the GTK+ ? Is there any other GUI frontend (with mir support) than QML, which could be used now ?07:12
nhaineslotuspsychje: thanks!07:27
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Teachers' Day! 😃08:54
guest42315welp unity-dash? died on mx4 ota6, i can't launch app or scroll but the rest is working, i can launch apps from the launcher and the app switcher still works09:17
guest42315also i see heavy lag :/09:17
davmor2guest42315: that'll possibly be the fd bug that was discovered, it is fixed for ota7 try rebooting your phone for now though09:19
guest42315davmor2, thanks! rebooting :P09:19
popeydavmor2: have you seen a bug report for battery gauge in system settings, that it only shows a line for 50% of the time?09:19
davmor2popey: nope09:20
popeyota-6, does your battery gauge go back further than midnight?09:20
davmor2popey: checking09:23
davmor2popey: about 11:00 am yesterday09:24
popeydavmor2: do does it stretch across the whole graph?09:29
popeywelcome back john-mcaleely09:30
davmor2popey: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/battery.png09:32
popeyhm, wonder why mine is stunted09:32
popeyalso, the "Last full charge" is inaccurate09:33
popeyit measures from the last moment you were at 100%, not the last moment you unplugged the device at 100%09:33
popeywhich could be hours apart09:33
john-mcaleelypopey, thank you!09:39
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mardymvo: hi! Can you suggest a workaround for bug 1436368?11:18
ubot5`bug 1436368 in click (Ubuntu) "set PKG_CONFIG_PATH" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143636811:18
mardymvo: oh, looks like adding that line to .bashrc does the trick :-) ignore this then ^ :-)11:21
* mvo ignores as requested11:24
mardymvo: ah, now I remember why that was enough11:31
* mardy requests mvo to unignore :-)11:31
mardymvo: it seems that .bashrc is not read if I do "click run cmake..."11:31
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Mirvfor anyone interested, it's again possible to run Qt 5.5 on the phone after doing one manual Unity 8 hack on qml files.12:34
Mirvgetting here involves workarounding the current list of bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.5 that haven't received bugfixes yet, but it does run now12:34
Mirveven keyboard finally works so it's a bit easier to play around12:35
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atk33_May can I ask something about the meizu mx4?14:44
mcphailatk33_: of course14:45
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atk33_mcphail, do you know how to get in the preloader mode?14:48
mcphailatk33_: I don't have an mx4, but there will be a few people on here who do. If you lurk for a while, someone is likely to tell you14:49
atk33_thanks mcphail14:49
InokiHello, an ETA for the next OTA? Topic doesn't say.14:56
robin-heroInoki: It is 19th October.14:56
Inokirobin-hero: thank you!14:57
awe_mterry, any WiFi feedback from over the weekend?14:58
robin-heroIs the fix released for this bug to the rc-proposed channel? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-push/+bug/146939814:59
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1469398 in Canonical System Image "Push-client should be disabled when no network connection" [High,Fix committed]14:59
robin-herobecause I don't find it in the rc-propsed change log14:59
mterryawe_, I commented on the silo -- doesn't seem to solve the CPU issue.  Or super noticably change it.  :(15:00
mterryawe_, was there anything else in that PPA I tested a while ago?  Or was I just experiencing a solar flare situation?15:00
awe_solar flare... unfortunately15:02
awe_so when you hit this, you just headed to central square, and walking around, the phone became unusable?15:02
awe_what app were you running?15:03
awe_and did you capture any dbus traffic while doing so?15:03
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mterrypopey, your openstreetmap webapp doesn't have the optional "www." in its url regex.  So when I click the "login" button, I get redirected to the browser app16:47
popeymterry: thanks, will fix17:09
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popeymterry: guess I should add all those other login methods :S17:18
popeymterry: turns out I didn't have the problem because I had 0.8 on my phone and have had for months, but forgot to upload it :) - now done17:20
mterrypopey, hah  :)17:21
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TonyBostonI'm getting a weird message that my contact sync account has to be upgraded17:39
TonyBostondid we have any changes in syncevolution?17:40
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pmcgowanTonyBoston, yes we moved to buteo, did it update correctly?17:48
TonyBostonpmcgowan, it did update but I can't seem to upgrade the mentioned contacts sync db17:49
ahayzenpmcgowan, i just did mine and it said it 'failed' 3 times but i kept hitting retry and it succeeded on the fourth attempt17:50
TonyBostonI have that reload button with a point in the middle in the contacts app17:51
davmor2TonyBoston: what account were you using to sync with?17:52
TonyBostondavmor2, 3 owncloud calendars and one owncloud contact17:53
davmor2TonyBoston: that might be why it is only doing google accounts renatu ^17:54
renatuTonyBoston, which online account do you have configured on your device?17:56
TonyBostonrenatu, ubuntu one only17:57
TonyBostonrenatu, I did configure syncevolution to have my owncloud synced17:57
renatuTonyBoston, this should not cause any problem17:57
renatulet me take a look on the code and see if this could cause any problem17:58
TonyBostonrenatu, yeah now I am getting this message where it says that my contacts sync has to be upgraded17:58
pmcgowanTonyBoston, contacts app you mean?17:58
TonyBostonpmcgowan, the contacts app is throwing the error yes17:59
pmcgowanTonyBoston, does the message say contacts app needs to be upgraded?17:59
TonyBostonand it reads that I can only edit local contacts17:59
davmor2ahayzen: did you have a steady interent connection, I was trying to reproduce an issue and only got that message when I was switching flight mode on and off17:59
TonyBostonpmcgowan, I could make a screenshot of the message18:00
ahayzendavmor2, yeah i did, it was doing it while booting though so i wonder if that was the issue18:00
TonyBostonwhere would I upload that?18:00
davmor2ahayzen: possibly18:00
davmor2TonyBoston: is it the message in the messaging indicator?18:01
TonyBostondavmor2, there was one once yes, now its a pop up18:02
davmor2TonyBoston: any image upload site, we'd just need a link to see it18:03
renatuTonyBoston, could you past the result of: account-console list18:06
renatudavmor2, TonyBoston, yes I can confirm that if you have extra sources on your EDS that is created from external tools this could cause the upgrade to fail18:11
renatudavmor2, I will fix that18:11
davmor2renatu: nice one18:12
TonyBostonrenatu, https://paste.fedoraproject.org/275014/18:12
TonyBostondavmor2, so imgur isnt working for me, any other suggestions for uploading images?18:13
davmor2TonyBoston: http://imagebin.ca/18:14
TonyBostondavmor2, thanks18:15
TonyBostondavmor2, doens't work eithere18:19
TonyBostonmight have some java issues18:19
davmor2TonyBoston: just mail it dave.morley@canonical.com18:20
TonyBostondavmor2, okay cool18:20
TonyBostondavmor2, should be there18:21
davmor2TonyBoston, pmcgowan, renatu: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/address_issue_witho_owncloud.png18:25
TonyBostonI should have picked another background :)18:25
TonyBostondavmor2, please check your mail18:30
davmor2TonyBoston, pmcgowan, renatu: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/account_issue_with_owncloud2.png18:33
davmor2TonyBoston: do you want the other taking down then18:33
TonyBostondavmor2, yes please18:34
renatudavlefou, TonyBoston, yes this will appear until the app get updated18:39
renatudavmor2, ^^^18:39
renatudavlefou, wrong nick, sorry18:39
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renatuTonyBoston, working to fix your use case18:39
TonyBostonrenatu, okay18:40
TonyBostonrenatu, is there any documentation for buteo?18:40
renatuTonyBoston, syncevolution will still working for manual sync18:40
TonyBostonrenatu, manual sync is not what I need18:41
TonyBostonsync should be automated18:41
TonyBostondon't you think?18:41
renatuTonyBoston, we intend to implement owncloud support for buteo in the future18:41
TonyBostonrenatu, any workaround for now? as this is the only think I really need18:42
renatuTonyBoston, you can keep using syncevolution as you have been using18:42
TonyBostonrenatu, okay cool18:43
renatuTonyBoston, I will fix the update to not cause problem with the sync-evolution sources18:43
TonyBostonrenatu, seems that there isn't an issue with calendars though18:44
TonyBostonso at least I don't have issues so far18:44
renatuTonyBoston, yeah we did not port calendar sync yet18:44
TonyBostonoh man18:58
TonyBostonlaunchpad is so confusing18:59
TonyBostonhow can I "switch" to ubuntu touch?19:00
dobeyswitch from what?19:01
TonyBostonI don't see a difference between "ubuntu" bugs and "touch stuff"19:02
dobeythere isn't19:02
dobeythere is no ubuntu touch. it's only ubuntu19:02
TonyBostonI know19:02
TonyBostonbut its different anyway19:02
dobeyif you want to report a bug against a specific package, report it against that package in ubuntu19:03
dobeyif it's a click, then you need to report it against the upstream project19:03
dobeyifit's a general bug you don't know where to report, i guess you can report it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image19:03
TonyBostonthanks for making that clear19:04
TonyBostonbut still, its confusing19:04
dobeyyeah, i don't know if there will be something invented simialr to "distributions" in launchpad, so that we can have bugs filed against each different image, and deal with differences between package formats19:05
dobeywould make it easier, but it's a very hard problem itself i guess :)19:05
TonyBostonsure is hard19:06
TonyBostonbut there are distribution which have done that19:07
dobeyno, i don't think so19:16
pmcgowandobey, is the Maintainer in LP the only one that can approve MRs and such19:25
dobeypmcgowan: are you asking about the upstart branch?19:27
pmcgowanno in general19:27
pmcgowantrying to understand why I can approve some and not others19:27
dobeyin general, the owner of the target branch is the only one whom can approve MPs19:27
pmcgowanwhere do I see who the branch owner is19:28
dobeythe "~foo" part of the branch url is the owner. or just click on the branch link, and it tells you on the resulting page19:28
pmcgowandobey, I see, and how does that ownership get configured19:29
dobeyby default the owner(s) of a branch are the only ones whom can approve MPs into it. the "default reviewer" for a branch can also be changed, and then whomever that is may also approve MPs19:30
pmcgowanneed to adjust some branches19:30
dobeyyou might need to adjust default reviewer, probably don't need to change the owner. but i don't know which ones you're concerned about19:30
pmcgowandobey, that answers my question ty19:31
dobeyif it's for branches in lp:ubuntu/ then you need to become a motu or coredev :)19:31
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