
=== bluesabre1 is now known as bluesabre
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
flocculantthought I was going mad the other day when I clean installed - when did we start default install of lmsensors ? 13:59
knomeexplicitly i don't think ever :P13:59
flocculantthat's what I thought - always remember having to do the whole sensors-detect and install 14:00
flocculantoh 14:01
krytarikflocculant: It's a recommend of Inxi.14:01
flocculantkrytarik: yea - that's what the oh is :p14:02
flocculantthough - what runs sensors-detect 14:03
krytarikflocculant: It doesn't look it is - no?14:19
flocculantwell - why does sensors work with that running? 14:24
flocculantlast time I have record of that running was pre- http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/2015083114:25
flocculantand sensors works here :)14:25
flocculantat least on this install to hardware - fails in vm (probably expected)14:26
flocculantintrigued enough to boot image on hardware now :)14:28
krytarikSufficient defaults, it'd seem.14:30
flocculantguess so - live session14:31
flocculantif I run sensors-detect I lose the graphic sensor :p14:35
flocculantno I don't - I don't have nvidia sensors 14:35
flocculantonly the nouveau one works it seems :D14:35
flocculantenough time on that ... 14:35
ochosihm, so finally at least using xfce @work18:32
ochosialready imported lots of xubuntu stuff, but rebuilding xubuntu with rpms... hrm.18:32
flocculantloadsafun ...18:35
knomeochosi, so are you suggesting we should just forget all OSes and start working on an xfce modification kit instead of xubuntu? :P18:36
Unit193ochosi: Not even I've done that.18:36
ochosiwell nah, but it's always nice to see that the grass was actually greener on the other side...18:37
flocculantha ha 18:37
ochosi(given i never thought suse would be superior to xubuntu in any way)18:37
ochosiwas also a nice experience to first be using xfce 4.10 and then upgrading to 4.1218:46
ochosiit really is *so* much better...18:46
ochosiso yeah, kudos to everyone here, we're doing a great job! :)18:46
knomeyou too18:52
Unit193andrzejr: Hi.  You list xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin's home as  http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin  but that doesn't exist.19:21
andrzejrUnit193, yes, I don't have access to that area. I though this would be resolved soon so I left the link in place.19:22
Unit193Oh hrm, I don't suppose anyone we can help poke about that?19:23
andrzejrUnit193, not sure who is doing that these days. Also, the project is not on transifex, which was the main reason for moving it from github to xfce.org.19:29
ochosii guess i could help with the goodies page at least19:29
Unit193ochosi: Thank you.19:29
ochositransifex was an admin thing i guess, not sure who has access to that apart from nick19:29
ochosibut i'll check19:30
ochosiwhat did you want for the goodies page?19:32
ochosiandrzejr: is there a place i can link to or is there any text you wanna put up there?19:32
ochosi(and yeah, no access to transifex for me)19:34
ochosiok, just for the sake of the page not being non-existent i put the readme up there19:41
Unit193Thanks, ochosi.19:41
ochosino problem19:41
flocculantbluesabre: so when you talk about usability bugs - what about things like Printing - when you print to file ... it calls everything output.pdf, why can't it think about what document is called, when you've just changed the name ~20 times it's a pita :D19:42
ochosii guess i'll try to review the thunar docs tonight...19:50
andrzejrochosi, the default About dialog has a link to a homepage. So I thought a goodies page would be the best choice.19:51
ochosisure, that's fine19:51
andrzejras for the contents, that would be a description + some docs.19:51
ochosijust wasn't sure whether you had any idea what sort of text/description you wanted there19:51
ochosinot sure i'll have the time to write that up, but in case anybody else does, feel free to ping me anytime and i'll put it up there19:53
andrzejrhmm.. I though writing this up would be on me. But if you or someone else wanted to help that would be great.19:55
ochosiwell ofc you can write this up yourself, but i'd try delegating it and writing code instead might be way cooler ;)19:56
ochosijjfrv8: in case you're looking for a new assignment... ;)19:56
ochosijjfrv8: any reason why you cut down the hidden settings page and the FAQs? those two i left untouched for now...21:06
ochosijjfrv8: ok, i'm done with the exception of FAQ and hidden settings (as mentioned above). all other sections have been reviewed and upstreamed. thanks a bunch - that must've been a lot of work! it's much appreciated!21:21
ochosijjfrv8: note: i dropped the sections you marked as deprecated in the plugins.21:22
ochosinice, the documentation blueprint for wily is done21:34
ochosigo docs-team!21:34

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