
beisnerjamespage, gnuoy, wolsen  - even with happy a/ptr records, Precise-Icehouse n-c-c/next is broken when ssh migration auth is set.   if i substitute the n-c-c stable charm into next.yaml, the problem goes away.   break is at or after n-c-c/next rev188.03:52
mupBug #1480677: oslo.messaging.rpc.dispatcher AttributeError: 'Connection' object has no attribute 'connection_errors' <amulet> <openstack> <uosci> <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):New for gnuoy> <nova-compute (Juju Charms Collection):New for gnuoy> <rabbitmq-server (Juju Charms03:52
mupCollection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1480677>03:52
beisnerbahh wrong link.03:53
beisnerjamespage, gnuoy, wolsen - https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/nova-compute/+bug/150058903:53
mupBug #1500589: n-c-c/next fails cloud-compute-relation-changed when migration-auth-type set for Precise-Icehouse <openstack> <uosci> <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):New> <nova-compute (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1500589>03:53
gnuoybeisner, https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/lp1500589/+merge/273508 should fix Bug #150058909:12
mupBug #1500589: n-c-c/next fails cloud-compute-relation-changed when migration-auth-type set for Precise-Icehouse <openstack> <uosci> <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed for gnuoy> <nova-compute (Juju Charms Collection):Invalid by gnuoy> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1500589>09:12
jamespagethedac, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charms/trusty/ceph/status - will work on osd and radosgw as well10:16
jamespagethat one works OK  - needs unit tests10:17
jamespagegnuoy, beisner: I fixed up my crappy failing unit tests - apologies for that10:17
jamespageinsufficient patching10:17
jamespagethedac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12696040/10:17
jamespage'Unit is active' has become policy ....10:18
jamespagethedac, and - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12696048/10:19
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beisnerhi jamespage, gnuoy, thedac - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12696720/   i'm noticing that with next.yaml deploys, glance status stays in blocked 'Missing relations: messaging' - although the deploy completes successfully otherwise.  indeed there's no amqp relation.  do we need one?12:51
beisnerjamespage, ty for the quick n-c fix btw12:52
jamespagebeisner, we should probably just add that12:52
jamespageits used for ceilometer notifications12:52
gnuoyjamespage, I'm not sure I agree12:52
gnuoyIS for one, don't use ceilometer12:53
beisnerjamespage, right, but i think 'blocked' will eventually really block us when we do more clever 'my thing is really deployed' logic.   i imagine deployer, amulet and juju itself will start watching that soon.12:53
gnuoyjamespage, I think we should move it to an optional relation12:53
jamespagegnuoy, beisner: ok so maybe the glance messaging relation should be optional12:53
jamespageI'm easy either way12:53
beisnerso, optional relation then.12:53
beisner;-)   yeah that12:53
jamespagebut +1 on it being optional12:53
beisnerjamespage, gnuoy - either way, since defauly/next yamls include ceilo, should we relate it to glance in those bundles?12:55
gnuoyI would think so12:56
beisneri haven't dug into the code.  is glance aware of whether/not ceilo is present12:56
jamespagebeisner, nope13:01
jamespagebeisner, +1 to adding it to the bundle tho13:01
jamespagethedac, gnuoy: how does this look - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12696803/ ?13:03
jamespagethat's ceph-osd13:03
gnuoyjamespage, it looks wonderful, I'd like to hug it13:04
jamespagegnuoy, unit tests of the atlantic and mps by the end of today13:05
jamespagegnuoy, its basic but I think its all fairly sound13:05
gnuoykk, thanks13:05
beisnerok, i'll adjust o-c-t bundles.13:06
beisnerfyi, raised for tracking:  bug 150327213:09
mupBug #1503272: workload status:  amqp relation should be optional <openstack> <uosci> <glance (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1503272>13:09
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apuimedojamespage: is it possible to limit the amount of units of a charm?14:02
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thedacjamespage: wrt, ceph, fantastic.14:28
thedacwrt glance +1 to moving messaging to optional. In fact if no one has done it already I will14:28
beisnerha!  /me just saw gnuoy hug a pastebin14:31
mhall119jcastro: jose: is there an official way to request a charm be written?14:51
mhall119the developer portal could really benefit from using Haystack, but I don't see a charm for it in the charm store14:52
thedacgnuoy: care to review? https://code.launchpad.net/~thedac/charms/trusty/glance/optional-amqp/+merge/27354214:57
gnuoythedac, approved, would you mind doing the landing?15:00
thedacwill do15:00
thedacI'll wait on osci amulet before doing so15:01
beisnergnuoy, fyi, you'll be getting 2 amulet tests for kicking the bot while he/she/it was already running an amulet test on behalf of n-c-c  ;-)15:14
gnuoyCan I kick it ? It seems I can15:15
beisnernew commit = retest15:15
beisnerso the amulet result that is there, was for rev 19915:15
beisnerthere will be a new set for rev 20015:16
gnuoybeisner, so I think it fixes the bug you found either way15:16
beisneryes thanks!15:16
beisnercoreycb, thedac - i'm on a normalize-makefiles mission for *os-charms.  noticing that some charms aren't lint checking the actions/ dir.  when i enable that, some of them have unused uuid import in actions/openstack_upgrade.py15:29
beisnerand when i remove that import, unit tests start to fail with 'actions/openstack_upgrade.py'> does not have the attribute 'uuid'15:30
coreycbbeisner, I'd mark that low priority for now15:30
beisnercoreycb, thedac - if i move forward, we'll either have failing lint checks or failing unit checks.15:31
beisneri can just ignore the actions dir for now ?15:31
coreycbbeisner, yeah I'd vote for that and a bug15:31
thedacYes, I would not make the change (yet) that checks the actions directory15:32
beisnerfwiw, some do have it enabled, though for the pause/resume actions15:32
beisnerbe aware ^15:32
beisnerso that'll force the next guy to make it right ;-)15:32
beisneron those ones15:32
beisnerok, squashing actions/ dir normalization wrt lint checks for now, will add affected charms to bug/150334015:37
mupBug #1503340: actions dir not checked for lint;  unused import when checked;  unit test fails when lint is resolved. <openstack> <uosci> <ceilometer (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1503340>15:37
beisnerie. if it's already checking actions/, it will keep checking, but i won't force it to just yet.15:38
coreycbbeisner, sounds good, thanks15:48
beisnercoreycb, yw15:48
beisnerjamespage, gnuoy, thedac, coreycb - while i'm batch-updating, any input on changing maintainers in metadata.yaml to something generic?   it'd be an easy change now.   atm, we have a mix of yolanda, adam g, jamespage.15:51
thedacDo we have an openstack-charmers@ mail alias? or something like it?15:52
beisner-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 467 Oct  6 14:09 metadata.yaml15:53
thedacwow, my system is lagging15:53
beisnernot sure re: mail alias.  that's what we should probably do i think15:54
beisnercoreycb, can you check if you just rcvd a test email from my gmail acct to the openstack charmers list?16:00
coreycbbeisner, I'm not seeing anything16:05
ddellavbeisner, coreycb thedac i can take a look at that uuid and lint issues with the upgrade actions just as soon as im done with what im working on here.16:09
beisnercoreycb, hrm.  no reject or awaiting-moderation reply on my end.  i wonder if the public can send to that?16:12
beisnerjamespage, gnuoy, thedac, coreycb - i'm going to ignore the maintainers field for this batch.  but let's figure that out before release and i can push another batch to update all of the oscharms.16:13
mattywlazypower, ping?16:31
lazypowermattyw, pong16:34
mattywlazypower, hey hey - I'm not sure who else to ping - but if you're busy feel free to move me along...16:34
mattywlazypower, wondering why my merge request isn't appearing the queue https://code.launchpad.net/~mattyw/charms/trusty/mongodb/mongodb-backup/+merge/27354416:35
lazypowermattyw, its only an hour old, its likely to be pending an intgest into review.juju.solutions16:37
mattywlazypower, ok cool, so be patient grasshopper is the message :)16:37
beisnero/ lazypower, mattyw - our openstack testing bot cares about mongodb (because of ceilometer) and it does some automated testing on proposals there.  i've added a pre-review review ;-)16:47
mattywbeisner, thanks very much - I've just seen it, I'll make those changes16:48
beisnermattyw, cool, thanks!16:48
mattywbeisner, there was already an action - who's implementation I basically followed, would you like me to fix that up as well?16:48
lazypowerbeisner, <3 :)16:48
beisnermattyw, /me looks back...16:48
beisnermattyw, lazypower - indeed, there was 1 existing action, outside the coverage of lint checks.16:51
mattywbeisner, I'm eoding now, anything you'd like me to do just shove a message on the pr16:54
mattywbeisner, if I don't see anything new I'll go ahead with the linting fixes16:54
beisnermattyw, thanks.  i'll pull a few heads together and one of us will advise there.16:54
mattywbeisner, perfect16:55
mattywnight all16:55
beisnero/ coreycb - look out!  here's that batch to normalize makefiles and amulet test dependencies @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/12698366/    as discussed, did not address upgrade actions lint or maintainer bits yet.17:47
coreycbbeisner, ok18:12
cholcombeis charmhelpers build for python 2.x?18:24
cholcombecoreycb, i believe you set pulls are welcome? :) https://code.launchpad.net/~xfactor973/charm-helpers/status_set-enum18:40
cholcombecoreycb, oh wait that has some junk from another branch in there.  i need to clean it up18:40
coreycbcholcombe, hmm dunno if I said that or not, but they are!18:41
coreycbcholcombe, actually I can't land to charm-helpers though18:42
cholcombecoreycb, who lands that stuff?18:42
coreycbcholcombe, for openstack, typically gnuoy, jamespage or dosaboy18:42
cholcombecoreycb, oh i meant for charm-helpers18:43
coreycbcholcombe, right I was referring to openstack related charm-helpers code18:43
cholcombecoreycb, alright i'll add one of them to the review.  thanks!18:44
marcoceppicholcombe: there's a group of charm-helper maintainers that currate that18:44
cholcombemarcoceppi, even better18:44
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bdxcore, dev: hey whats going on everyone? I'm wondering which part of cinder (api, volume, scheduler) provides the image-service interface?21:53
bdxcore, dev: I'm thinking it must be cinder-api..21:54
bdxor scheduler, or both...21:54
marcoceppibdx: not sure I understand your question22:01
marcoceppibdx: the cinder charm provides image-servce which connects to glance22:02
bdxmarcoceppi: In the case you deploy cinder in a decoupled fashion, with separate volume units ..... you end up with different units running different cinder services...22:04
marcoceppibdx: right, but we don't have a decouple charm (this is where my knowledge of the openstack charm ecosystem begins to fade)22:04
bdxmarcoceppi: https://jujucharms.com/cinder/trusty/2922:04
marcoceppibdx: beisner coreycb or ddellav might be able to help more22:05
marcoceppibdx: OIC22:05
marcoceppiit's probably api22:05
marcoceppibut that's a guess22:05
bdxmarcoceppi: how could I preform introspection into this?...there are a few different relations made to cinder that I have questionabout22:06
marcoceppibdx: well, a better readme would be my guess22:06
bdxbeisner, coreycb, ddellav, marcoceppi: so .... I have 3 availibility zones ....in order to use cinder across all 322:08
bdxI need to run cinder volume service in the 3 separate locations22:08
bdxin which I configure each of the 3 cinder volume services to include a config-flag that specifies each zone22:09
bdxsuch that "cinder availibility-zone-list" shows all three zones are enabled22:10
bdxwhat I am trying to figure out is what relations should be made from the cinder component's interfaces to what other charms22:12
marcoceppibdx: well it probably wouldn't hurt to connect them all to glance, tbh22:13
marcoceppibdx: let me see if I can find a bundle with cinder spun off22:13
bdxmarcoceppi: here's a small script of what I'm doing to give an idea https://gist.github.com/jamesbeedy/6429af503c3581ba9e7e22:18
bdxI have most of the relations dialed...I feel like I should just test the last few to see what happens22:19
marcoceppibdx: whoa that is, whoa22:21
marcoceppibdx: I may be able to help make that script a little more managable22:21
bdxoh...do tell22:21
marcoceppibdx: what does charmconf.yaml have in it?22:21
bdxmarcoceppi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12699829/22:23
marcoceppibdx: yeah, you basically want a bundle22:23
JerryK_Hi! Please is there anyone able & willing to help me with maas & juju networking? Trying to figure out how to expose juju openstack services to public network22:24
marcoceppiJerryK_: I can certainly try22:25
JerryK_thanks! The thing is I have maas controller connected to internet + private network. Nodes are connected to private network + public. Everything I install through juju is exposed on the private network but I would like to move some of those services to the public one ...22:31
marcoceppiJerryK_: what maas version do you have?22:32
JerryK_Or maybe I just misunderstood how to make "the right" network layout ...22:32
JerryK_and juju 1.24.622:33
JerryK_e.g. can't find any doc on how to work with networks in juju. I see the networks section with cird as provided from maas in juju status, but that's all22:35
marcoceppibdx: okay, took forever, https://gist.github.com/marcoceppi/1029c03170a35ca48a10 I got lazy and didn't add all the relations, but we have a way to model large scale deployments without having to write scripts and waits22:58
marcoceppibdx: doesn't asnwer your question about relations, but it should be something that's easier to maintain over time22:58
marcoceppiJerryK_: so networking in maas is still a bit lite, do you have multiple interfaces in the services deployed with juju? or is it just a single private network?22:59
marcoceppiJerryK_: fwiw, 1.9 of MAAS makes networking and storage a first class tennant, it'll be so much easier in the next release22:59
bdxmarcoceppi: that is awesome. thanks!23:02
JerryK_marcoceppi: yeah, heard about that. Code "1.9.alpha" still feels a little bit unstable but I'll give it a try23:03
JerryK_marcoceppi: juju goes directly for the network managed by maas. The node has two nic - one for private(maas managed) and second public network23:05

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