
=== turgay_ is now known as turgay
sitterdebfx: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/220257023/pkg-kde-tools_0.15.18ubuntu2_0.15.19ubuntu1.diff.gz any chance of getting that to print the file it was failing on?06:08
sitterpresent output is entirely useless :P06:08
debfxsitter: you are unable to use grep?06:36
debfxit might be possible but dpkg-gensymbols doesn't give you more information06:37
sittergrep won't help as there's 300 symbols files06:38
sitterDH_VERBOSE seems to help though06:39
sitteror not06:39
* sitter shakes fist06:39
debfxthese are the broken ones:06:47
debfxdebian/libkio5.symbols: (optional)(arch=amd64 arm64 armhf i386 powerpc ppc64el)_ZN3KDE4statERK7QStringP4stat@Base 4:4.13.9706:47
debfxdebian/libkio5.symbols: (optional)(arch=amd64 armhf powerpc ppc64el)_ZN3KDE6renameERK7QStringS2_@Base 4:4.14.1006:47
sitterRiddell: fwiw symbol annotations go into one parenthesis separated by a pipe http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/kde4libs.git/commit/?h=kubuntu_wily_archive&id=12ae9e6376e1f29a3e582441edc72790ed93d7a009:22
* sitter squints09:27
sitteryou know you've done something right when half the CI turns red over night09:27
sitteror was that yesterday09:29
Riddelli think that would be me not pausing before making 5.15 :(09:29
sitterRiddell: why don't you make the script do it?09:29
sitter⏩⏩ mass retry ⏩⏩09:32
bshahon that, mobile CI is also red, when I woke up two jobs were waiting for each other09:35
Riddellum no idea how those symbols were formatted like that, I didn't edit them by hand09:43
Riddellhi clivejo, how did you get on with kdenetwork-fileshare?09:57
clivejocant get it to build09:58
sitterjenkins openid leaves me underwhelmed -.-09:58
Riddellclivejo: what's up with it? can you pastebin the error?10:02
sitterRiddell, clivejo: kindly note that http://kci.pangea.pub/job/wily_unstable_qca-qt5/11/console10:02
clivejoI have no idea!10:02
sitteralso patches should have a prefix kubuntu_ for our stuff and upstream_ for upstream stuff please10:02
sitterRiddell: has your student merged filesharing yet?10:04
Riddellsitter: I've not heard anything from him, a shame10:05
Riddellhe still had to add some ui feedback for when samba was being installed10:05
sitterthat can happen in master10:05
bshahperhaps SoC admins should poke that student.. ;)10:06
RiddellI was also wanting it to be merged into dolphin or dolphin-plugins, it's weird having it on its own like that10:06
Riddellmy head is quite broken today, I'm going for a snooze10:30
ahoneybunclivejo: http://news.softpedia.com/news/cutegram-the-best-telegram-client-reaches-version-2-7-with-many-changes-493753.shtml11:51
BluesKajHi folks12:18
alvinI just filed https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=353601 but couldn't find the version. I think it should be added to the report. What's the current version of keditbookmarks in Kubuntu 15.10?13:01
ubottuKDE bug 353601 in general "Bookmark editor does not open" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:01
clivejoahoneybun: you going to package it for ubuntu?13:17
BluesKajmy desktop has basically disappeared, the panel is all I have13:49
BluesKajthe wallpaper appears to have dropped below the panel . I can see a part of the wallpaper at the edges of the panel14:02
vipafter last update (staging) i've got 50% cpu eaten non-stop by:  2  2668 vip        20   0 3493M  202M 85952 S 40.3  2.6  4:02.50 /usr/bin/plasmashell --shut-up 18:00
vipand it eates 1422.81 K/s from I/O18:01
sgclarkwhich stqaging?18:07
vipi've got both plasma and frameworks added to sources18:10
sgclarkplasma has been released so that needs to be submitted as an upstream bug. I am unsure who is working on frameworks.18:12
vipi'm trying to search what file is it writing/reading to18:13
vipit loops on:18:38
vipReusing existing ksycoca18:38
vipRecreating ksycoca file ("/home/vip/.cache/ksycoca5_pl_aPGPvx2Cn6wkw_MB9siWWCLnQZU=", version 303)18:38
vipStill in the time dict (i.e. deleted files) ("apps")18:38
vipReusing existing ksycoca18:38
vipfilename is still the same18:38
BluesKajwell,  my desktop is gone for good as is the login screen and enabling sddm doesn't help , tried all the recovery kernels etc...nothing , So I'm back on my old trusty 14.04 for now19:18
clivejoanyone doing Frameworks 5.15.0 or Plasma 5.4.2?19:33
BluesKajclivejo, I was on plasma 5.4.2 til the login screen and the desktop stopped loading19:34
BluesKajthink I may need to reinstall a daily 19:35
sgclarkplasma 5.4.2 has been done for awhile. first report of that behavior. 19:38
sgclarkBluesKaj: can you please report this upstream? that sounds bad19:39
sgclarkand is this wily?19:40
clivejosorry, got my wires crossed19:41
clivejoI meant Frameworks 5.1519:41
sgclarkclivejo: looks like Riddell is19:42
clivejosgclark: how can you tell?19:42
sgclarkvip I see failure in frameworks-staging which would explain your problems19:43
sgclarkclivejo: his name is on the uploads in staging19:43
clivejosee it now19:43
Riddellclivejo: that kunitthing needs a fix19:43
Riddellthe .symbols file is broken19:43
Riddellit needs remade from new I guess19:43
clivejois it going into wily?19:44
Riddelldunno yet, probably19:45
clivejoso use the kubuntu_wily_archive branch?19:46
clivejoso I rm the symbols file and rebuild on LP?19:53
Riddellclivejo: have you made a new .symbols file before?19:54
Riddellyou build it locally then run the faffy commands19:54
Riddellhttp://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/symbolfiles.html Creating a symbols file19:55
Riddellmega faffy19:55
clivejobut that will be for amd64 as thats my system19:55
Riddellbut it'll give you a .symbols file you can then check into git19:55
Riddellthat's fine, if it ends up being arch specific we'll find out soon enough19:55
Riddellnot all of them all19:55
Riddellnot all of them are19:55
clivejooh right19:55
clivejoso wait til the i386 fails and then patch the symbols file?19:56
clivejousing the LP buildlog?19:56
clivejohummm, where are the sources, uscan isnt picking up 5.15.019:58
vipsgclark: it temporary stopped writing that file19:58
vipbut started again :/19:58
sgclarkframeworks is not ready to test at all, you will have to update when it is or revert those updates. It is not sagfe to keep those in your sources file at all20:02
clivejosgclark: yeah I know, I trying to fix some of the FTBFS20:03
sgclarkwas more directed to vip that has staging updates problems20:04
geniiThere's a bug in juffed which has been fixed since Nov 4 2014, the current package for Vivid has it, but Trusty and Utopic still don't ... is there some standard timeline for it to go into trusty/utopic universe ( where it normally is) or backports or is that not bothered with normally? ( bug 874479 )20:07
ubottubug 874479 in juffed (Ubuntu) "Cannot be run" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87447920:07
sgclarkgenii: we pretty much only package kde, gonna have to go upstream ubuntu for that one20:09
sgclarkutopic is EOl I thought20:09
geniisgclark: OK, thanks :)20:09
soeedid i missed frameworks 5.15 release ? ;O20:23
sgclarknope, not done, clivejo I think is fixing stuff20:23
soeeufff ... :) i'm here for test when they are ready20:24
vipsgclark: hope it will be fixed soon, for now, I've chattred +i that file21:14
sgclarkit is best not to update from those ppas unless a test call is made, they are quite often in a broken state21:17
vipsgclark: i've been always extreme tester21:31
vipthanks anyway, bye21:31
sgclarkthat is fine vip just saying21:32
* valorie is a non-extreme tester21:52
valorieregular wily updates are working well21:53
valoriesgclark: still recovering /in the afterglow of Randa?21:53
valorieor just waiting to start your new job21:53
sgclarkI do not have a new job21:53
sgclarkstill looking21:54
valoriehaven't noticed anything on the linuxchix jobslist but then I'm not looking21:54
valorieworth checking if you're not subbed though21:55
valoriekde should have a jobs list available to partners21:55
* valorie writes an email suggesting that21:55
sgclarkI hve been focusing on open source jobs, may have to give up and turn to the dark side heh21:57
valorieI hear you21:59
valoriebut please sniff out something that will make you happy in more ways than just money21:59
valorieI get that money pays the bills21:59
sgclarkI have been doing that for a few years now. It isn't about me, it is  from family that I must seek out money for the amount of work I do. These school loans are simply too much22:00
valoriesimply sucks that we burden people with that22:01
valoriefor education that should be free or nearly so22:01
valoriegah, effing no-tax people 22:01

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