
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
plarselopio: it looks like, to me, that your image is not booting02:09
plarselopio: so I'm confused as to what might have changed... I've had them connect a serial cable to the rpi and it doesn't boot for me in the lab, but boots fine at home03:51
plarselopio: and I haven't tried my bbb at home yet, but both the ones in the lab fail to boot new images, but I'm not sure what might have changed03:51
plarselopio: all of these worked fine recently03:51
plarselopio: so I'm able to reproduce the rpi boot failure from usb at home now too04:30
plarssomething must have changed in the image that broke this, but I'm not sure what yet, I bet it's the same problem you're hitting on bbb04:30
plarselopio: I'll keep digging on it tomorrow04:30
plarselopio: I would have expected bbb to work though, because it's booting snappy from the sd card04:31
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clobranomorning :)06:58
fgimenezgood morning07:08
dholbachgood morning07:25
squllHey, I am trying to do snappy install but when I try to install something I get this error: http://pastebin.com/zUD1C1nc07:46
squllHow can I update snappy link-time version?07:47
mvosqull: this looks like you are using a older version of snappy, could you please try with the 15.04 image that is linked from https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/ ?08:01
Chipacapitti: you around?09:00
pittihey Chipaca09:01
Chipacamvo_: morning!09:01
Chipacapitti: hey. Do you know if it's already too late for having bug 1487010 fixed in wily?09:01
ubottubug 1487010 in golang (Ubuntu) "please upload new package to reenable go's race detector on wily" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148701009:01
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Mad Hatter Day! 😃09:01
ChipacaJamesTait: 🎩 :)09:02
pittiChipaca: new packages are generally okay; but you need a more formal FF if you want to use this by some existing package (as that's a potential regression)09:02
Chipacapitti: the regression is there in wily already, this package fixes it :)09:03
pittiChipaca: ah, need re-review/sponsoring? I'll have a look after fixing langpack-o-matic09:03
Chipacapitti: please :)09:03
pittiChipaca: do you know where the "229396" version number comes from and how it changes over time?09:31
pittiChipaca: and where the upstream tarball comes from?09:31
Chipacapitti: i don't. Maybe mwhudson is still around?09:31
pittiChipaca, mwhudson: replied to the bug09:35
Chipacapitti: much appreciated09:35
pittiI now sub'ed to the bug, so I get a timely notification09:35
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biezpalhi all! We've managed to run Snappy Ubuntu on Parallella board but faced stupid problem - we cannot log into system..10:25
biezpalwhere cloud-config should be placed?10:25
biezpalor how cloud-init should work in general? :)10:30
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Chipacabiezpal: woo! snappy on parallella :)10:47
soffoklChipaca, we with biezpal are close to it :)10:48
Chipacabiezpal: how did you build the image? if you didn't specify --developer-mode or --enable-ssh (check exact flags; these from memory), you won't have ssh10:48
Chipacai'd recommend --developer-mode for when, um, developing :-p10:48
Chipacaif the parallela doesn't give you serial or console, not having ssh might be a problem10:49
Chipacaso, yeah :)10:49
soffoklChipaca, ssh is enabled, we have prompt, but do not know a way to set password for ubuntu user10:49
Chipacathat's not whhat biezpal said :)10:50
Chipacasoffokl: doesn't "passwd" work? i haven't tried, but know ogra dug into making extrausers work (and afaik, succeeded)10:51
biezpalChipaca, soffokl is correct, we have console invitation, but we cannot log into the system10:51
Chipacasoffokl: unless you mean you have a login prompt and don't know the default ubuntu password10:51
Chipacatry "ubuntu"10:51
soffokltried many times :)10:52
Chipacasoffokl: biezpal: so you're saying ubuntu/ubuntu didn't work to log in?10:52
soffoklif we are using OVA, we should add seed.iso with cloud config for setting password, right? what should we use for ARM SoC?10:54
Chipacai have no idea :( sorry!10:54
Chipacayou want ogra10:54
biezpalChipaca, ok, thanks, keeping dig10:55
zygapitti: hey11:09
pittihey zyga11:14
pittizyga: sorry, I lost your scrollback from last night, due  to a short power outage11:15
zygapitti: no worries11:18
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elopioplars: I'm able to see the output!13:39
elopioand yes, it says "failed to ssh"13:39
plarselopio: yay, now if we can just get the image booting again :)13:39
plarselopio: I'm just starting my day, had to stop last night because it was really late13:39
elopioplars: details... :) I'm downloading the bbb image here to see how it goes.13:39
plarselopio: any ideas on what could be happening?13:40
plarselopio: I was able to reproduce the rpi problem at home last night, but not sure what's happened to it. It boots fine from sd, but when I move it to the usb stick it fails to boot, even though I've modified the uboot config to have it pull the kernel and initrd from usb13:40
elopioplars: I'm not aware of any changes to the boot.13:42
plarselopio: I had the people in the lab connect the serial  cable to one of the bbb boards, and unfortunately it's doing something weird... I'm getting garbled output so I can't make much out13:43
plarselopio: but I can tell it's booted into snappy13:43
plarselopio: but it looks like I have no network13:43
plarselopio: ok, maybe not, I do seem to have network on bbb5002 now13:46
elopioplars: in our kvm testing we capture the full boot log. In bbb that's a lot harder, but would be nice as a feature request.13:49
plarselopio: it's in our backlog I think, but it's likely way down the list and will require some additional hardware13:50
plarselopio: I'm actually kind of disappointed that this one bbb randomly worked this morning13:50
plarselopio: previously, it wasn't working at all but at least it was consistent13:50
plarselopio: so whatever is happening, it's not the same as the issue on rpi. On bbb, it fully boots snappy from the sd card because we can select that with the gpio - so it should be *just* like putting in an sd with snappy on it13:52
elopioplars: it booted here and ssh enabled14:03
plarselopio: yeah, it seems like network doesn't come up on the first boot14:21
plarselopio: if I reboot it, then the network comes up fine though14:21
elopioplars: so when you boot, do you see the eth0 down?14:31
plarselopio: I can't see much of anything, the serial adapter they have on this thing is terrible14:32
plarselopio: I was able to save off the syslog and reboot though, then I can ssh in14:32
plarselopio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12697260/14:35
plarselopio: it's up but unconfigured on the first boot14:36
plarselopio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12697267/ is the ifconfig from the first boot14:37
Chipacawhat's a reasonable N for scrypt on armhf?14:52
elopioplars: this is mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12697352/14:57
elopioI can ssh into that ipv6 address.14:57
elopioyou are missing that scope/global. Could it be your router?14:58
plarselopio: then why would it work after a reboot?14:58
plarselopio: yours is ipv6 only?14:59
plarselopio: writing an image to try it locally also15:00
elopioplars: no. I'm not sure why it's not giving it a ipv4 address.15:00
plarsafter reboot, I have:15:00
plars          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
plars          inet6 addr: fe80::6eec:ebff:fead:3db4/64 Scope:Link15:01
elopioafter reboot I get ipv4, right.15:03
plarselopio: interesting, this didn't use to happen15:14
plarselopio: I used to be able to get ipv4 on the first boot15:14
elopioplars: me too. And certainly I'm getting it on kvm.15:16
elopioplars: so your router doesn't support v6? Trying to understand why you are not getting that one either.15:16
plarselopio: it looks like I did get an ipv6 address, but I'm not trying to use that15:18
elopioplars: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/150332915:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1503329 in Snappy "not getting an ipv4 address on the first boot" [Undecided,New]15:20
elopiofgimenez is trying to confirm it.15:20
plarselopio: cool15:21
plarselopio: I'm trying to reproduce locally too15:21
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fgimenezelopio, plars same here http://paste.ubuntu.com/12697627/16:00
plarsfgimenez: thanks for confirming16:02
plarsfginther: elopio: it looks like image 186 worked, and 187 did not17:07
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