
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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sil2100davmor2: hey, seeing the e-mail about lost contacts on ubuntu-phone... you think that might be due to the buteo landing?07:15
sil2100davmor2: if that's the case, I would say we need to revert07:15
jibelsil2100, it is07:16
sil2100So much for Bill saying he's 'confident in it'07:17
jibelsil2100, but then if you revert do you recover your previous contact db since it has been converted?07:17
anpokcihelp: I believe there is something wrong with krillin-09 or mir-ci https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-mako/6900/console07:17
psivaaanpok: let me take a look07:17
sil2100jibel: not sure, but it's all rc-proposed - that's the risk of using this channel07:18
jibelsil2100, I'd like to test the revert locally before reverting in the archive07:18
sil2100jibel: ok07:18
sil2100jibel: I'll prepare the revert in a silo then07:18
sil2100I don't want this to go into a stable image07:18
jibelsil2100, which packages do I need to downgrade/uninstall to revert on my phone?07:18
jibelsil2100, agreed, it is not ready. He's the 3rd user with major issues07:19
sil2100jibel: I would say: address-book-app, address-book-service, indicator-transfer and sync-monitor07:20
sil2100Those 4 should be sufficient07:20
sil2100Not all are required probably, but best to be sure07:20
jibelsil2100, there were packages added to the seed too?07:21
psivaaanpok: that is a mako job running on krillin, that does not sound right. But I want to confirm if that has anything to do with the device shortage that we have. Will need to check. In the middle of debugging some other issue. will take a look at it a little later07:22
sil2100jibel: no, there were other packages but those are pulled in as deps07:30
jibelsil2100, seb128 any news on UITK and the problem with USS?07:32
jibelbzoltan_, ^07:32
bzoltan_jibel:  Yes, I have an MR what hopefully fixes it.07:33
jibelbzoltan_, so we move forward and no revert?07:33
seb128bzoltan_, do you have the url of the merge request?07:33
bzoltan_seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fixThemingFallback/+merge/27349707:34
* sil2100 has enough reverts for today07:34
seb128uitk change, good :-)07:34
bzoltan_jibel: let me first check that MR and understand the whole story07:34
bzoltan_seb128: I have never had doubts that it was a version leakage ...07:35
anpokpsivaa: ok .. we have a few krillins next to the makos at the moment.. and I believe krillin-09 is misbehaving.. or the mp causes that..07:35
seb128bzoltan_, oh ok, I though you were considering it being settings' fault to import outdated versions07:35
bzoltan_seb128:  and mixing versions can provoke unexpected / untested issues07:35
seb128bzoltan_, that shows a design flow in the uitk imho, but that's a discussion for another day07:36
bzoltan_seb128:  Ohh, the USS is messy, that is no question either :D But last night I tested with various import changes and nothing solved the problem.07:36
sil2100jibel: since upgrading your device won't auto-remove the unused packages, you can then try also removing those binaries: buteo-sync-plugins-contacts-google, buteo-syncfw, indicator-transfer-buteo, qtdeclarative5-buteo-syncfw0.1, libbuteosyncfw5-0 and libiphb007:36
seb128bzoltan_, if imports shouldn't be mixed then all components should have consistent versioning and be shipped/updated together and different versions should be co-installable07:36
sil2100jibel: but I suspect with the main packages reverted, whose shouldn't be used at all07:37
bzoltan_seb128: no shit Sherlock :D It is clearly a design fault... different versions should come from different packages IMO... but this model has benefits too.07:37
seb128it just feels flacky, it all work by luck when you start mixing versions and there is no guideline/easy way to avoid mixing versions07:38
bzoltan_sil2100: can somebody motivate Jenkins to pick up this MR and build it? https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fixThemingFallback/+merge/27349707:38
sil2100bzoltan_: I think cihelp would need to take a look07:39
bzoltan_seb128:  it is not flaky if we do proper separation in the UITK code ... but version separation is a fairly new feature... so it has bugs. Sorry, for that... and the USS is a perfect test animal07:39
jgdxread: USS will keep importing all possible uitk versions07:40
seb128bzoltan_, I'm even unsure why u-s-s gets "new headers" (the back button at the top) while it imports 0.1, it should have the back at the bottom with that version (at least a standalone testcase suggests that's what 0.1 import leads to usually)07:40
seb128jgdx, ^ do you know?07:40
bzoltan_jgdx: LOL... and it should have AP test for the "open page - go back" for all pages :D07:41
jgdxbzoltan_, right :p07:42
zsombijgdx: importing all possible versions will also lead you to errors07:43
bzoltan_jgdx:  actually I will contribute that to the USS project07:43
jgdxseb128, “at the top”? Not sure what you're referring to07:43
zsombijgdx: like if you try to use Page from 1.2 in a PageStack from 1.3, it will blow up07:43
zsombiand that's not because of the versioning07:43
jgdxzsombi, i kid, we need to move everything to $new07:43
seb128jgdx, the "<" chevron is in the header07:43
zsombibut because the Page in 1.2 is a different type than in 1.307:43
jgdxseb128, no, sorry, don't know about that07:43
seb128zsombi, uitk should either support versions mixes or make it impossible to mix them and bail out on start with an error07:44
seb128rather than doing like it was ok and hitting random bugs07:44
zsombiseb128: there are components you cna mix, but there are others you cannot07:45
seb128zsombi, well, it shouldn't be up to the app writers to figure out by debugging weird things07:45
bzoltan_seb128:  the click-reviewers-tools or a forced code sanity check in the SDK should throw an error when imports are mixed07:45
jibelsil2100, where are previous builds of these packages?07:45
zsombiseb128: believe me, if you mix the setup I wrote above, your app will crash big time07:46
seb128zsombi, k, still not a proper appdev experience07:46
seb128it should gently error out telling you to not mix components ;-)07:46
zsombiseb128: wherever a UITK  omponent si used as the type of the property, that will be impossible to mix with other versions of the toolkit07:46
zsombiseb128: we cannot do anythign about that, it'll be QML compiler which will kick you out07:47
sil2100jibel: you mean, sync-monitor etc.?07:47
jibelsil2100, yes07:48
sil2100jibel: you probably need to use my quick package download tool - do bzr branch lp:landing-team-tools, cd into it and use overlay-ppa-dl-package07:48
jibelthere is only latest build in the overlay07:48
sil2100jibel: specifying the version number you want to download07:49
jibelI'll try that, thanks07:49
sil2100jibel: yeah, I made a tool for that since digging in LP's PPA previous packages is almost impossible07:49
sil2100You can of course get the previous version numbers of those packages from http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/141.commitlog07:50
psivaaanpok: the latest job was running on krillin-0807:53
psivaaso i did not think it had to do with just krillin-0907:54
psivaabut will confirm07:54
jibelsil2100, do you know if there is an update of the watchdog for vivid? I found silo 57 but it's wily only08:13
jibelcyphermox, ^08:13
sil2100jibel: I suppose cyphermox wanted to first land in devel with that, but I'm sure Pat wanted the same change in overlay08:15
sil2100We'd need cyphermox08:15
jibelsil2100, yeah, the immediate problem is with this release, not really devel-proposed08:18
sil2100jibel: right, but still - cyphermox is following the overall process, that everything needs to land into wily first08:19
jibelsil2100, the silo should be dual not wily only, isn't it?08:20
sil2100jibel: manual sources cannot be dual silos08:21
sil2100jibel: since upstart-watchdog is not a CI Train package, it needs 2 silos currently08:22
davmor2sil2100: the issue is lots of people are using own cloud that they have bastardised into the system and not google sync so that is when the errors kick in, there is a fix in the works for that so do you want to revert and re land with the fix or leave it and land the fix?08:23
sil2100davmor2: how far is the fix from landing? Since today is final freeze already...08:24
davmor2sil2100: one for renato08:24
davmor2sil2100: one for renatu08:24
sil2100renatu: ^08:24
jibeldavmor2, it was the case for the user on u-touch yesterday, but what about the guy on the ML?08:26
jibelsil2100, I downgraded address-book and friends but contact sync with my google account doesn't seem to be working08:26
jibeldavmor2, with Pat it's 3 people who have major problems with this update, it is not even translated. Really I am not confident at all with this feature.08:27
sil2100jibel: you removed the new packages as well?08:28
jibelsil2100, I did an autoremove, downgrade was a PITA, I had to uninstall/reinstall ubuntu-touch to downgrade sync-monitor which was blocking the removal of buteo08:29
bzoltan_jibel: seb128:  the fix works08:31
jibelsil2100, ah interesting, there is no option 'contact sync' in google account08:31
sil2100jibel: you sure that all the required packages are at the right versions?08:32
jibelbzoltan_, nice, thanks!08:32
jibelsil2100, sync-monitor-uoa is not, which would explain the missing option08:33
davmor2jibel: okay so it sound like he has a mix of on the phone and in google and the on the phone ones got removed.08:34
davmor2jibel, sil2100: so it sounds like the plan is to back out buteo retest everything with the fixes that renatu is looking to land and then what land it once ota8 opens?08:41
sil2100davmor2: yeah08:43
sil2100I don't want QA to waste time waiting for more fixes before this is bug-free08:43
bzoltan_jibel: sil2100: I am pushing a new UITK landing ...I wish to see it in OTA7 as it has four serious bugfix08:51
sil2100bzoltan_: ACK08:52
jibelsil2100, sync works fine after a downgrade, I just had to re-enable contact sync in google account settings09:03
bzoltan_jibel: sil2100: the silo 014 is chewing  on the  fixed UITK build. It will take an hour or so to get the armhf binaries ready. I would suggest to take that for QA validation as quickly as possible. The code has super little change... but I will run the regular Test Plan, what takes 3-4 hours. So I think we still can make it to the OTA7 freeze09:15
oSoMoNbzoltan_, how come it’s always staging that lands, instead of cherry-picking only a fix for the regression?09:48
bzoltan_oSoMoN: because in my opinion cherry picking is generally not a good practice09:58
bzoltan_oSoMoN: cherry picking four branch for four problems means four forks and four different set of possible side effects. No cherry picked branch is isolated... they all bring their own risk. So it is just better to treat them together and  do proper testing regardless how small is the change.10:00
oSoMoNbzoltan_, cherry-picking doesn’t imply less rigorous testing, but it avoids introducing new regressions when fixing a critical regression, which apparently is what happened with the latest UITK landing10:01
bzoltan_oSoMoN:  No, it is not what happened10:02
bzoltan_oSoMoN: what happened was 1) QA and test plan does not cover makor 2) Settings app does not have AP tests for the page in/out scenario10:02
bzoltan_oSoMoN:  both issues were introduced by normal feature development not by colliding bugfixes10:03
oSoMoNbzoltan_, well that would have caught the issue indeed, but I still fail to understand why the last landing had more stuff than just the fix for bug #150209310:04
ubot5`bug 1502093 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "UbuntuShape crash with latest UITK on mako/flo" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150209310:04
bzoltan_oSoMoN:  not to mention that cherry picking is a  maintenance nightmare10:04
rvrdbarth: Silo 16 approved10:04
bzoltan_oSoMoN: because I test and review each extra bits and make a call that they do not represent risk.. :) magic-magic... they do not. This Settings issue was introduced before the mako bug10:06
jibeldbarth, although I didn't see much improvements on memory consumption.10:06
bzoltan_oSoMoN: it is a sensitive balance between fear driven development and keeping the development pace optimal10:06
oSoMoNbzoltan_, it might have, but you’re still taking extra risks (even if you carefully review and assess risk personally) very close to the final freeze, that doesn’t sound very reasonable10:07
oSoMoNthere’s no such thing as "development pace" one day before final freeze, only critical bug fixes10:08
jibeldbarth, does silo 16 includes a fix for bug 1498953 ?10:08
ubot5`bug 1498953 in Canonical System Image "Lower the limit for base::DiscardableMemoryAllocator in the browser" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149895310:08
bzoltan_oSoMoN:  no, I do not take at all any risk :) Each landing i run more and bigger tests than anybody else together in a year :D10:08
oSoMoNbzoltan_, but as you pointed out earlier, our tests don’t (and cannot) cover every possible case10:08
rvroSoMoN: Silo 16 landed, does 59 need a rebuild?10:09
bzoltan_oSoMoN: I repeat ... both issues (mako/settings) were introduced before both reverts... the problem is the poor quality of AP tests and lack of on device tests10:09
oSoMoNjibel, yes it does fix that bug10:09
oSoMoNrvr, no need for a rebuild10:10
jibeloSoMoN, hm, I don't see much improvements then. Browse Euronews and it uses 30% of system's memory on krillin10:10
jibeloSoMoN, open a webapp and OOM starts killing processes10:10
bzoltan_oSoMoN:  So, you might suggest to take the paranoid landing polciy and slow done the thruput of the UITK... but in fact, all serious issues in the past happened for other reasons then bounded landings. _ALL_10:10
oSoMoNjibel, I can’t really comment on that as I didn’t test it myself, just saying that the patch that addresses the issue is part of 1.9.510:11
oSoMoNbzoltan_, fair enough, I was only suggesting to be cautious the day before final freeze, not slow down the general pace of landings10:12
oSoMoNbzoltan_, and given our history of regressions, maybe we should be a bit more conservative (or paranoid if you prefer)10:13
bzoltan_oSoMoN: Point taken... beleive me :) I was furious both times and I am taking actions to prevent the same problem10:13
bzoltan_oSoMoN: What regressions?10:13
bzoltan_oSoMoN:  catching a bug in a staging area is not a regression...10:14
bzoltan_oSoMoN:  we have not released regressing UITK for extreme long time...10:14
oSoMoNbzoltan_, not saying that, but IIRC pretty much all our OTA’s have had regressions in the past (and not saying in the UITK, in the product in general)10:15
bzoltan_oSoMoN:  bugs we do :) like everybody else too10:15
bzoltan_oSoMoN: You are right ... and I keep ranting about the solutions 1) staging channel with the trunk of each core component 2) ubuntu phone as primary device for all core component developer 3) regular AP testresulst for the staging version of all components.10:16
bzoltan_oSoMoN: we should test what is about to come out ... not just hacking in our own silos and be surprised once they are put together10:17
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pete-woodsMirv: I have a new entry in debian/changelog, is that why we don't have permission?10:37
Mirvpete-woods: no, it's because of the debian/control and debian/rules changes https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-046-2-publish/18/artifact/libqtdbusmock_packaging_changes.diff10:37
Mirvand the fact that the package is in main (I thought it was universe that's why I tried to publish it)10:37
pete-woodsright, so we need someone with moor power10:38
Mirvso needs core-dev rights10:38
bzoltan_jibel: the silo14 is ready https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-01410:40
pete-woodsare there any core-dev members around with 5 minutes to look at a small diff (to fix a FTBFS)? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-046-2-publish/18/artifact/libqtdbusmock_packaging_changes.diff10:41
LaneyIt contains changes not explained in the changelog, so no.10:42
pete-woodsokay, fixing that10:52
pete-woodsand rebuilding10:52
pete-woodswell, at least attempting to rebuild10:57
pete-woodstrainguards: I think I must have screwed something up with my silo: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-046-1-build/82/console11:00
sil2100pete-woods: hey!11:00
sil2100pete-woods: hm, I saw something like this once, a re-build helped as it was something transient on the train machine11:00
pete-woodssil2100: this is the second build11:01
sil2100Not sure if that's the same thing, but maybe you could try before we investigate further11:01
pete-woodsI can try a third, though11:01
sil2100Ok then11:01
sil2100Let me look deeper11:01
pete-woodsI cancelled a build, though11:01
pete-woodsand I think it could well be that11:01
pete-woodsmaybe some junk left behind11:01
sil2100pete-woods: yeah, generally it's best if you never abort a build job before it's done with creating the packages - not sure if that's the thing that broke it, but that's never a good option11:02
sil2100In the past it could bust the whole silo11:02
pete-woodsokay, will be more careful in future11:03
pete-woodsI was trying to catch it before it uploaded the source package11:03
sil2100mktemp: failed to create directory via template '/tmp/debsign.XXXXXXXX': No space left on device11:03
sil2100This worries me a bit!11:04
sil2100Let me try cleaning some space11:04
sil2100pete-woods: ok, try now11:06
sil2100The pbuilders wasting space gets a bit troublesome...11:06
pete-woodssil2100: thanks, I think you've spotted the right error there11:07
bzoltan_sil2100: jibel: i have marked the silo14 for QA ready -> https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/476 I will attach the relevant test logs in few hours, but it would be cool to start the QA process in the meantime11:08
sil2100bzoltan_: ok11:10
pete-woodssil2100: that seems to have fixed it, thanks!11:10
sil2100pete-woods: phew! yw!11:10
jibelbzoltan_, okay someone will take it11:11
bzoltan_jibel: thank you11:11
jibelrvr, ^ do you fancy another testrun of uitk?11:12
* rvr reads11:13
jibelrvr, this is the fix for the missing headers in system-settings11:14
rvrAhh, good, good11:14
rvrI'll take it11:14
bzoltan_rvr: Thank you! Please be as hard as you can :) It is the third attempt to land that piece of ... errrr ... art?11:20
rvrbzoltan_: lol11:24
jibelbzoltan_, no worries, rvr can reject it a 4th time. He seems to be really enjoying it ;)11:27
bzoltan_jibel: :D I am sure he does11:28
* rvr won't comment11:28
dbarthjibel: yes, silo 16, oxide 1.9.5 includes a patch to deal with lowering those limits11:47
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renatudavmor2, I have the fix already, just testing12:18
pmcgowanrenatu, did you see that nik says he lost his contacts?12:22
renatupmcgowan, no,12:23
sil2100pmcgowan: we're reverting buteo for OTA-712:23
sil2100Too much risk...12:24
renatupmcgowan, which channel?12:24
pmcgowanrenatu, in the mailing list12:24
jibelrenatu, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg16055.html12:24
pmcgowansil2100, oh?12:24
pmcgowansil2100, how do we revert the db update?12:24
pmcgowanthis sounds iffy12:24
sil2100pmcgowan: well, rc-proposed is meant to be broken, I just don't want it to go to stable12:25
pmcgowansil2100, why are we reverting?12:25
sil2100pmcgowan: because people are reporting lost contacts after the upgrade12:25
pmcgowansil2100, more than just nik?12:25
sil2100pmcgowan: QA mentioned at least 3 people12:25
sil2100And jibel also saw issues with it IIRC12:26
pmcgowanhe had never syned them to the cloud I think12:26
jibelpmcgowan, there is 1 user reporting data loss, you and another users had issues with the new sync yesterday12:26
sil2100Even if this gets fixed, who knows what other problems pop up, this feature landed on Friday so really really late12:26
pmcgowanjibel, I know what my issue was and renatu fixed that12:26
renatupmcgowan, yesh nick problem was because he never synced the contacts in the cloud12:27
pmcgowanrenatu, but did you turn on sync or something? he said it was not enabled12:27
jibelrenatu, then? he shouldn't lose his local contacts?12:28
renatupmcgowan, yes we turn the sync on during the update.12:28
pmcgowanrenatu, we should not change the setting though right?12:28
pmcgowanif user has it off12:28
pmcgowanhe was using it as a local store12:28
renatujibel, contacts saved on google source that are not synced will be lost12:28
Mirvrenatu: at least I explicitly don't want my contacts to be synced into Google account12:28
Mirvrenatu: for privacy reasong, and I suspect I'm not alone12:28
pmcgowanhe must have set up the account though12:28
pmcgowanMirv, it wont sync without account info12:29
renatuMirv, it will not sync contacts saved on your local source12:29
pmcgowanor you could have account info with sync off12:29
Mirvpmcgowan: right, I've set up Google account in order to read the e-mails from there12:29
Mirvbut I guess I could remove the account before upgrading12:29
pmcgowanrenatu, I think the error is turning sync on automatically12:29
pmcgowanwhy do you need to do that?12:29
Mirvrenatu: oh, ok, so contacts in the Personal database won't get automatically synced?12:29
renatuMirv, no12:30
pmcgowanNiks were in the google db12:30
pmcgowanbut not using google12:30
Mirvok, then no big problem to check the settings again after upgrade12:30
jibelpmcgowan, it is a valid configuration, the user shouldn't lose his contacts in this case12:30
pmcgowanjibel, I agree12:30
Mirvyeah that's an user mistake if using wrong db than was meaning to12:31
pmcgowanI think the contacts ui defaults to that account12:31
pmcgowanso it just happens12:31
renatupmcgowan, the problem is: we install a new online account service file and remove the old service file.12:31
renatupmcgowan, since the old service file was remove, there is no way to check if the old service was enable or not12:32
pmcgowanrenatu, well, we need to check before removing?12:33
renatupmcgowan, maybe online account "db" keep track of that even after remove the service file12:33
pmcgowanneeds to yes12:33
renatupmcgowan, it is a image update12:33
pete-woodsLaney: if you have time to look again, I've rebuild with additional info in the changelog, and removed the cmake-extras change (it's not in main, it turns out) https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-046-2-publish/19/artifact/libqtdbusmock_packaging_changes.diff12:33
jibelrenatu, you understand that upon upgrade if you turn sync on by default you also upload data to an external provider without user agreement, there is a serious privacy issue here.12:33
pmcgowanrenatu, this is user data no?12:33
renatupmcgowan, no, system service file12:34
renatupmcgowan, /usr/share/accounts/service12:34
renatujibel, yes I understand that12:34
pmcgowanrenatu, where is the info kept that the service is enabled12:34
jibelrenatu, we cannot do that ,you have to preserve the settings12:34
renatupmcgowan, on online account database on user db12:34
pmcgowanyeah so honor that12:34
renatupmcgowan, would be nice to have some online account expert help here12:35
pmcgowanmardy, ^^12:35
* mardy reads the backlog12:35
renatupmcgowan, the API does not return information about this service anymore, since the file was removed12:35
renatupmcgowan, maybe we can workaround it for this specific case12:36
oSoMoNtrainguards: I’m not authorized to upload webbrowser-app (silo 59), I suppose this is because there are packaging changes that need a core-dev ack?12:37
oSoMoN(if so the error message is not self-explanatory, it used to be clearer)12:38
davmor2pmcgowan: and hence the talk of removing it and re-landing it at the start of ota8 instead12:38
MirvoSoMoN: yes, needs core-dev publishing (not just ack). for the message, you can file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bileto/12:39
oSoMoNwill do12:39
pmcgowandavmor2, I understand, just wanting the details12:39
oSoMoNnow to find a core-dev…12:39
mardyrenatu: so, the information is still in the accounts DB, but there is no API to read it12:39
Mirvcyphermox: there'd be multiple core-dev needing silos ready for publishing at https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/trainguards - 016, 023, 046, 057 (your own) and 05912:40
mardyrenatu: can you point me at the source tree where the .service and .application files are?12:40
mardyrenatu: I'm especially interested in the .application file12:41
renatumardy, yes, let me chek that12:41
pmcgowansil2100, I would like bill to weigh in on this12:42
renatumardy, in OTA6: /usr/share/accounts/applications/contacts-sync.application12:42
oSoMoNMirv, robru: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bileto/+bug/150326412:43
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1503264 in Bileto "Error message when a core-dev ack is needed used to be more explicit" [Undecided,New]12:43
renatumardy, we are replacing it in favor of: /usr/share/accounts/applications/address-book-app.application12:43
sil2100pmcgowan: ACK12:43
MirvoSoMoN: thanks12:43
mardyrenatu: do you have a link to the file in bzr?12:44
renatumardy, sure, wait a minute12:44
renatumardy, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/sync-monitor/trunk/view/49/accounts/applications/contacts-sync.application.in?start_revid=5112:46
mardyrenatu: thanks. So, my suggestion is to keep the old .service file, don't delete it now12:46
mardyrenatu: but you can delete the .application file12:46
mardyrenatu: for the new service file(s), don't use "contacts" as type, but something else12:47
mardyrenatu: like "buteo-contacts", maybe12:47
mardyrenatu: so you can still read the setting from the old service file, yet it will be invisible from the UI12:47
mardyrenatu: and you can remove it completely after a few months12:47
renatumardy, can we access the db direct to get the old settings?12:48
renatumardy, the updater is a unconfined app12:48
mardyrenatu: well, you could, with sqlite, but I think you are complicating your life12:49
renatumardy, I think it will be more complicated to revert the changes that we did already12:49
renatuquering the db should be very easy, no?12:49
renatumardy, changing the service name will involve few  changes on updater, address-book-app and buteo.12:51
pmcgowancyphermox, dobey is silo 57 ready for qa?12:54
renatumardy, could you point me which table/field I need to read?12:54
jibelpmcgowan, silo 57 is only for wily, we need one for vivid12:54
pmcgowanjibel, bah12:55
sil2100I was hoping cyphermox will prepare one as soon as wily lands12:55
mardyrenatu: I'll do in a second, but first it's important that you agree on renaming the type12:55
mardyrenatu: especially for the convergence scenario12:55
pmcgowansil2100, I would have prefered to have that fix with the apport change12:55
mardyrenatu: "contacts" is a generic type, also used by EDS12:55
pmcgowanoh well12:55
mardyrenatu: if you don't change it now, you'll cry later :-)12:56
mardyrenatu: and this is the best (maybe only?) time to do it12:56
dobeypmcgowan, jibel, sil2100: shouldn't the silo be dual?12:57
mardyrenatu: then, if you want remove the .service file and check the SQLite DB directly, you can do so, but in any case I strongly insist that you rename the type12:57
sil2100dobey: it's not a CI Train package12:57
dobeysil2100: i know. but can it not have both wily and overlay packages in it?12:58
mardyrenatu: the file is ~/.config/libaccounts-glib/accounts.db12:58
renatumardy, renaming it at this point is very trick12:58
mardyrenatu: I know, you might not make it for the OTA, but in that case I'd say you should not hurry, and postpone it12:58
sil2100dobey: not sure how the train would handle it right now, there's a possibility it could, but it's not a standard procedure anyway12:58
renatumardy, i do not know, we have solve the problem with the service name conflict with EDS12:59
bfillerpmcgowan, sil2100, jibel : definitely not in favor of reverting, want to fully understand the issue here and see if we can fix it12:59
sil2100bfiller, pmcgowan: ok, just remember today is the final freeze date which we need to obey, otherwise QA won't have time to test all the images13:00
pmcgowanbfiller, the specific issue being disucssed is we sync'd contacts to google when the sync was disabled13:00
bfillerpmcgowan: yup, I'm seeing that. sounds fixable13:00
mardyrenatu: I think this should work: select account,value from Settings where service = (SELECT id from Services where type='contacts');13:01
renatusil2100, I think we can fix that today13:01
bfillerrenatu: just read the setting before doing the upgrade and then honor it?13:01
sil2100And we need to be confident there's no other issues13:01
pmcgowanbfiller, need to retain that settign somehow when changing servcies13:01
dobeysil2100: ok. i'm not sure why the wily landing wasn't a direct upload, and the silo only has the version to land in overlay.13:01
pmcgowanbfiller, the service file is removed so the api cannot be queried13:01
bfillerpmcgowan: read it before it gets removed13:01
bfillerrenatu: ^^13:01
pmcgowanits removed on the update13:01
renatubfiller, yes this is what I am discussing with mardy13:01
pmcgowanthey have an idea13:01
mardyrenatu: well, why should EDS fix the problem? they came first... :-)13:01
renatumardy, they use "contacts" for the same reason as buteo , if we install both you will have duplicated contacts on your phone13:02
renatumardy, one conflict with other13:02
mardyrenatu: you are asking EDS to do the changes that you don't want to do now, with the difference that this is the perfect time for *you* to change the name, since you are changing backend13:03
renatumardy, I am not saying that EDS should change the service name13:03
bfillerrenatu: what is status of silo 19, has QA tested that yet, pmcgowan that has fix for issues people were seeing yesterday like you and mterry13:03
mardyrenatu: well, they must, if you don't13:03
pmcgowanbfiller, it landed13:04
renatumardy, I added a conflict on debian package control file13:04
pmcgowanbfiller, er 23 landed13:04
bfillerrenatu: is 19 ready for QA, it's not marked so13:04
pmcgowanbfiller, whats in 19? let me look13:04
renatubfiller, I was planing to use it to fix this bug too13:04
pmcgowanbfiller, tony's fix was in 23 which landed13:05
bfillerpmcgowan: ok, the problem you and mtery were seeing failed sync was because of other accounts you had configured somehow were getting included in the sync upgrade when they shouldn't this silo ignores all but google13:05
renatumardy, we can not have both package installed otherwise you will have duplicated contacts13:05
renatumardy, even with different service names13:06
mardyrenatu: what if people will want to use both EDS and unity8 (in different desktop sessions)?13:06
pmcgowanbfiller, oh another shared issue we had, right13:06
mardyrenatu: we can have both installed and working fine, if you change the service type13:06
renatumardy, both work in automatically way, as soon as you add your account eds create the sources (same for buteo)13:07
renatumardy, having both services will cause a lot of problems13:07
bfillerrenatu: which files exactly are getting removed during the image upgrade?13:07
renatubfiller, we have a solution already. I will check the db for the old settings13:08
renatubfiller, this file is getting removed: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/sync-monitor/trunk/view/49/accounts/applications/contacts-sync.application.in?start_revid=5113:08
mardyrenatu: again, it will cause problems only if you don't rename the service type13:08
renatumardy, why? if I have both services even with different names. The sync with happen in both services13:09
renatuand you will have duplicate contacts13:09
oSoMoNpmcgowan, I see you’ve marked bug #1356516 fixed, technically it hasn’t landed yet (although all it needs is a core-dev ack)13:09
ubot5`bug 1356516 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "consider shipping apparmor profile for webbrowser-app" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135651613:09
renatumardy, eds will create source for his service, buteo will create source for it service, and both will download the contacts13:09
pmcgowanoSoMoN, ah ok jumped the gun a bit on morning cleanup13:10
oSoMoNI’m eager to mark it fixed too :)13:10
mardyrenatu: well, if the same user is using both buteo and EDS, yes13:10
renatumardy, exactly,13:10
mardyrenatu: but if I'm using unity8 and my wife is using GNOME (she isn't but let's suppose :-) ), everything would work file13:11
renatubecause of that buteo conflicts with eds-online-account service13:11
mardyrenatu: it conflicts for the same user, but it shouldn't conflict at system level13:11
bfillerrenatu: can't we not delete the file but instead disable whatever service is using the file? then delete it after the upgrade is successful? then you don't have to use a non supporte api and directly query the db13:12
bfillernot understanding why the file is deleted in first place13:12
renatubfiller, the file is part of a debian package13:12
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
bfillerrenatu: which package?13:12
renatubfiller, sync-monitor13:12
oSoMoNogra_, would you have a moment to ack the packaging changes at https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-059-2-publish/8/artifact/webbrowser-app_packaging_changes.diff ?13:12
bfillerrenatu: but we're not removing sync-monitor are we?13:12
renatubfiller, sync monitor is not sync contact anymore13:13
bfillerrenatu: I know, but we're not removing that package, still need it for calendar sync so why is the file being removed13:13
renatumardy, in your exaple you will never be able to create one online account. otherwise you (using unity8) will have duplicate contacts13:13
pmcgowanbfiller, renatu mardy you guys may need to hangout13:14
mardypmcgowan: agreed, but I'm currently in another hangout13:14
pmcgowanah right13:14
bfillerrenatu, mardy : https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/system-apps?authuser=013:14
renatubfiller, yes, but if we keep that the service will appear duplicated on online accounts13:14
bfillerlets discuss on hangout, I'm on13:15
mardypmcgowan: and I've to leave after that, so I'm afraid it won't be today13:15
pmcgowanmardy, can we excuse yourself from the weekly?13:15
oSoMoNtrainguards: actually, jdstrand already acked the packaging changes when he reviewed the MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/apparmor-profile/+merge/272850/comments/688199 , so can silo 59 be published, please?13:16
sil2100oSoMoN: we need someone with proper permissions to press the button...13:16
oSoMoNI almost forgot the permissions are really enforced, not mere paperwork :)13:18
pmcgowanmterry, is a core dev13:19
pmcgowansil2100, how is it you are not?13:19
sil2100Didn't happen, I got rejected last time13:19
sil2100Since I didn't have enough main-package work documented13:19
pmcgowanalso surprised Mirv is not13:20
MirvI also didn't apply yet since sil2100 got rejected and I haven't handled the same things yet they asked sil2100 to handle :)13:21
pmcgowanis ogra_ around to push the publish button13:22
* sil2100 pokes mterry 13:22
MirvI poked cyphermox earlier, but he's not yet around13:22
* mterry looks startled13:23
mterrysil2100, what's up?13:23
Mirvmterry: "there'd be multiple core-dev needing silos ready for publishing at https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/trainguards - 016, 023, 046, 057 (your own) and 059 "13:23
sil2100mterry: \o/ https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-059-2-publish/ <- could you? :)13:23
Mirvwell 057 is not "your" but I copy-pasted the message to Mathieu13:23
cyphermoxMirv hey13:29
Mirvcyphermox: hey, just some core-dev reviewing+publishing needed13:30
mterrySorry had internet problems13:31
mterry<mterry> OK, will look13:31
mterry Mirv, sil2100: so again, not used to trainguard work -- do any of these need packaging acks (which I look for by clicking on "build" and going through latest artifacts, right?) or is it just that they are going to main?13:31
mterry I guess it wouldn't hurt to glance at regular diff anyway too13:31
sil2100Mirv: all of them need ACKs, the silo 59 already got approved by jdstrand, but the others probably not13:32
mterrycyphermox, you're back!  want to split the silos?13:33
Mirvmterry: ^ + many of them are manually uploaded to the PPA so they always need core-dev to do the publishing nowadays, whether they have packaging ack or not. and the rest then have packaging changes in their MP:s and are going to main.13:34
Mirvso oxide, upstart-watchdog and network-manager are main packages manually uploaded, and webbrowser-app libqtdbusmock have packaging changes.13:34
cyphermoxso mterry,you take the top?13:35
mterrycyphermox, heh, you must have a wider screen than me.  I'll take 16, 28, and 57?13:35
cyphermoxahah, yeah, sorry :)13:36
mterrycyphermox, hold up on silo 2313:37
mterrysil2100, how come silo 16 doesn't have a destination ppa?13:41
sil2100mterry: uh, nice catch!13:42
sil2100mterry: hm13:42
sil2100mterry: actually I see the version number is not modified13:42
sil2100Mirv: ^ ?13:42
sil2100Mirv: did you follow silo 16?13:42
sil2100Mirv: since the version doesn't have ~overlay1 appended, is this supposed to go to -updates?13:43
sil2100Mirv: I think not13:43
sil2100Mirv: since if it did, then I wouldn't use a silo for it as we build against the overlay13:43
mterryGuh my internet!13:48
mterry<mterry> sil2100, doesn't it update to 1.9.5 vs 1.9.3?13:49
mterry but you mean it has no ~overlay113:49
cyphermoxpete-woods: I'm reviewing silo 46; could you explain to me why you removed dh_makeshlibs -V; and whether this is really what you want, as this will have an effect on the dependencies on your packages13:49
sil2100mterry: yeah, generally anything that lands only to the overlay we append with some ~overlay1 tag in version etc. to make sure no one publishes the same version to standard vivid13:50
sil2100mterry: so I'd like this to be resolved before we publish13:50
mterrysil2100, ok13:52
pete-woodscyphermox: the reason I (probably wrongly) removed it, is because I thought you weren't supposed to use it in packages in main, and that it'd somehow slipped through the review cracks when my package was MIR'ed13:52
mterryabeato, for silo 28, with the fd fixes...13:52
mterryabeato, the gst-plugins-bad update.  I see most of it was pulled from wily.  But the last commit that fixes ref handling in gstreamer, was that ever released to wily?13:53
abeatomterry, not yet, but it is in a MP13:53
pete-woodscyphermox: if it's normal to just keep it in there, I'll remove that change and rebuild13:53
abeatomterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~alfonsosanchezbeato/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-bad1.0/+git/gst-plugins-bad1.0/+merge/27350913:53
cyphermoxpete-woods: not sure13:53
cyphermoxsil2100: ^13:53
abeatomterry, but it is not exactly the same fix because there was a previous change in wily13:54
cyphermoxsil2100: also, I'm just noticing webbrowser-app looks like it was a dual-landing, but landed wily and vivid in the stable-ppa-overlay, that seems wrong13:55
mterryabeato, ok...  I'm just leery of creating future regressions because this never landed in wily, in the case that there are problems with landing this in wily13:55
cyphermoxnow the same bug fixes won't be in wily-release.13:55
sil2100cyphermox: we land all touch things to overlay now13:55
sil2100cyphermox: it's a global switch now13:55
cyphermoxwhat about wily?13:55
sil2100cyphermox: as for the previous issue...13:55
mterrysil2100, what's the policy on landing something to the overlay ppa when the same changes are in flight for wily (a filed MP exists), but haven't landed yet?13:55
sil2100cyphermox: I generally hate dh_makeshlibs -V, but if it was there already, I'm not sure about removing it without making sure it's not required anymore13:56
cyphermoxpete-woods: let me look at it a bit harder, perhaps removing will be fine.13:57
pete-woodssil2100: it was only there in the first place due to me copying and pasting it13:57
pete-woodsif that information is useful13:57
sil2100pete-woods: ah, ok13:58
sil2100mterry: it's good, as long as the wily changes are staged somewhere13:58
mterrysil2100, ok.  I worry that there is a possible chance for regression if the staged landing never makes it for whatever reason.  But I guess it's "close enough".  Wish we could have a whiteboard somewhere where we listed all those loose threads13:59
mterryabeato, ^ it's ok to be in flight.  will publish14:02
abeatomterry, cool, thanks14:02
oSoMoNMirv, the additional build dep for silo 59 on silo 31 can now be removed14:04
jibelpmcgowan, bfiller is there really no silo ready for QA required for OTA714:04
jibelbfiller, silo 11 is not ready?14:06
bfillerjibel: checking, in standup atm14:06
MirvoSoMoN: thanks, I removed it earlier already (and commented on the silo)14:07
cyphermoxpete-woods: so what this does is it will make any package that builds against libqtdbusmock depend on at least that version of libqtdbusmock; without it they'll just want any version. if you're not changing the ABI much I suppose it's not much of an issue14:08
bfillerjibel: silo 49 ready14:09
mterrycyphermox, why is silo 57 set to publish without qa?14:09
mterrycyphermox, oh because you are core dev and it's a sync?...  but your versions are messed up14:09
mterrycyphermox, you'll be publishing a version higher than wily to vivid's overlay14:10
cyphermoxah, my fault, it should be going to both14:10
mterrycyphermox, oh right.  missed that the silo is a wily one.14:10
mterrycyphermox, but it should be dual I guess14:10
cyphermoxleave it wily for now14:11
jibelbfiller, none of the bugs it fixes is for OTA7.14:11
cyphermoxpeople can request another landing for the vivid overlay14:11
bfillerjibel: silo 1514:12
mterrycyphermox, ok14:13
mterrycyphermox, well you can push the publish button then.  :)  it's your upload14:13
mterrycyphermox, I'll take one of your other silos if you have one left14:13
jibelbfiller, okay14:14
cyphermoxmterry: what's your opinion on libqtdbusmock?14:14
cyphermox(silo 46)14:14
bfillerjibel: probably silo 41 as well, which will have a revert. not done yet working on it14:14
mterrycyphermox, haven't looked at it yet, but can take14:14
mterrycyphermox, why is that one set to publish without qa?  pete-woods?14:14
cyphermoxa second look wouldn't hurt14:15
sil2100seb128: hey! Since I just found the branch you proposed for u-c-d -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client-data/+bug/150329114:24
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1503291 in ubuntuone-client-data (Ubuntu) "FTBFS on amd64 due to pep8 errors" [Undecided,New]14:24
seb128sil2100, hey, yes14:24
sil2100seb128: there was no bug for the FTBFS so I started working on it, didn't know you were on it :)14:24
seb128sil2100, now you know ;-)14:25
seb128I would have landed, but I'm waiting for an ack on another fix from dobey14:25
seb128to the apport hook14:25
sil2100Ok, so my debdiff for the distro-patch won't be necessary then, right?14:25
seb128I guess not14:25
sil2100Anyway, I generally fill in bugs for anything I work on, that's not the general process?14:25
seb128that should go through CI landing14:25
sil2100It was never released through the train though14:26
seb128well, for things where we need mps I tend to assume that a merge proposal record the intend as well14:26
seb128oh, it was not14:26
seb128well as said I was waiting for another fix to get the ack14:26
sil2100It wasn't, that's why I distropatched it14:26
seb128then going to nag dobey for a landing14:26
Laneyyou can still talk to upstream before distro patching :P14:27
seb128well it's not like that one was a lot of work14:27
seb128it's moving some imports earlier in the source14:27
seb128so not a lot of work wasted I guess14:27
LaneyI'm talking about "no CI train -> distro patch"14:28
sil2100Laney: I wanted to do a merge for that then ;)14:28
* Laney nods14:28
sil2100Laney: I first made a distro-patch, then wanted to get it upstream but saw seb128's branch14:28
seb128that's because you worked backward :p14:28
seb128get it fixed upstream first14:28
sil2100I was checking for bugs, but I forgot to check for MPs14:28
seb128then backport14:28
seb128it could have been fixed in trunk as well already14:29
sil2100Yeah, probably ;) Just want to get the number of failures down14:29
seb128always a good idea to start by checking trunk/pending mps14:29
dobeysil2100, seb128: is it only an issue in wily?14:29
sil2100I checked trunk, but not MPs though!14:29
seb128dobey, is it?14:29
sil2100dobey, seb128: yeah14:29
seb128dobey, I didn't try on older serie, maybe it has always be14:29
sil2100pep8 didn't report anything on my vivid machine14:29
seb128dobey, or maybe python or apport changed14:29
seb128dobey, sil2100, oh, you mean the pep8?14:30
seb128pep8 got updated and is stricter14:30
seb128dobey, I though you meant the import14:30
dobeyseb128: i mean the ubuntuone-client-data issues in general. is it an issue on the phone14:30
dobeyin the stable overlay ppa14:30
seb128dobey, I don't know? the pep8 issue is a ftbfs in wily14:30
seb128I don't think it impacts vivid14:30
seb128pep8 was updated in wily only14:31
jibelbfiller, jgdx what is the status of bug 1475568, any silo ready for qa expected soon ?14:37
ubot5`bug 1475568 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Use OTA terminology in system settings" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147556814:37
dobeyseb128: seems like apport just broke API with no warning, but i'm not sure when it happened14:42
seb128dobey, you can try asking pitti I guess ;-)14:43
dobeyseb128: anyway, it's approved, so feel free to silo those two changes14:44
seb128dobey, ubuntuone-client-data is landing through CI train?14:44
bfillerjibel: server side changes need to be made for that bug to get fixed, jgdx is preparing the system-settings changes but not sure who is doing the server work, sil2100 or barry is that on your plate?  https://launchpad.net/bugs/147556814:45
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1475568 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Use OTA terminology in system settings" [Undecided,In progress]14:45
dobeyseb128: it's on the phone14:45
seb128dobey, I'm going to do a landing for wily only, is that ok? or do you want dual landing?14:45
dobeyseb128: wily only sounds fine14:46
dobeyif sil2100 did a manual upload though, i guess i might have to manually fix something too14:46
sil2100I don't have permissions over this package, I just made a debdiff14:47
dobeysil2100: oh, so an upload wasn't made into the archive yet?14:49
sil2100No, it's a main package, I'm only a MOTU ;)14:49
dobeyoh ok :)14:49
barrybfiller: the server work is not on my plate.  not sure if sil2100 is planning on tackling it.  if he does i will be happy to review a merge15:02
bfillerbarry: ok thanks15:02
sil2100barry: what server work needs to be done? :)15:02
* sil2100 is all ears15:02
barrysil2100: LP: #147556815:02
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1475568 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Use OTA terminology in system settings" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147556815:02
sil2100barry: oh, I thought the solution was on the client side15:03
* sil2100 dives into that15:03
barrysil2100: i think the client has all the moving pieces it needs to eventually provide the information over its .Information() api.  the information has to get into one of the ini files though, so that requires a server change.  imho of course, and happy to discuss15:04
sil2100barry: you want the OTA numbering to be hosted on the s-i server side? Like, attached to each image .json config file?15:04
barrysil2100: that's what i believe the OP wants15:05
sil2100hm, ok, we could do that, we could include a notion of image tags for instance15:05
barrysil2100: well, the OP wants the data.  i am opposed to the client downloading that from some site other than system-image.ubuntu.com.  so to me it makes the most sense to have it included in the version_details string that the server already writes to the .ini files in the new images15:05
sil2100Then it wouldn't be touch specific as anyone could use it then15:06
barrysil2100: so the question then is, where does the mapping between images and "OTA numbers" come from?  istm that makese sense to have it as a mapping on the server side15:06
barrysil2100: yep15:06
sil2100barry: those come from manager decision, it can't be something that's stored on the rootfs15:07
sil2100Since we can never know during build time what OTA number it gets15:07
barrysil2100: hmm. that's a decision made after the image is published?15:07
sil2100It's something that we need to be able to tag after the image is built and gets copied around, also needs to be per-channel15:07
barryokay, that complicates things then ;/15:08
sil2100Since we can have multiple candidates built and only like the 3rd or 4th can be the real thing15:08
sil2100That's why I temporarily made a mapping file and thought that the client might need to fetch it on update download15:09
rvrbzoltan_: Silo 14 waiting for automated test results.15:09
sil2100We could add it to what s-i server exports, but we would still need the client to acknowledge it and somehow parse it15:09
barrysil2100: what about putting it in the index.json file?15:09
barrysil2100: i have another thought on how that could work, but it won't work for si 2.5, only si 3.015:10
barrythat idea is: when the manager decides which image will be which ota#, another ini file is created and added to the image's files.  that would set an override of the version_details in say 03_ota.ini and then everything would just work15:11
sil2100barry: yeah, as I said, but we'll need the client to somehow fetch it15:11
barryi.e. the files list in the index.json would grow another .tar.xz{,.asc}15:11
sil2100barry: yeah, we could have that, and as I said above we could do it as a 'tag' mechanism, allowing images in channels getting tagged15:12
sil2100barry: still! You would need to add something to s-i client to do that work on the image ;)15:12
sil2100barry: I can work on the server side parts if you can review those afterwards15:14
barrysil2100: for sure, but i want to get the design right first.15:14
barrysil2100: the other option is to use the image description, or add another key to the index.json which would be the ota#15:15
barrythose would require client work to expose, but no new machinery15:15
sil2100barry: image description?15:15
sil2100barry: we have something like that?15:15
barrysil2100: e.g. http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en/krillin/index.json15:16
sil2100Ah, in the index15:16
sil2100hmm, right, never noticed that15:16
sil2100barry: isn't the description field just a mirror of version_detail ?15:16
barrysil2100: let me do a little research to see if another key in the index.json would work.  can you think about how the index.json would get regen'd when an ota# decision was made?15:17
barrysil2100: it was originally supposed to be human readable, and i18n'd but that never happened15:17
barrythere's even a long-deferred bug about it15:17
sil2100barry: oh, nice15:17
barrysil2100: there's a version_detail key in there too, but the client doesn't actually use that one.  it uses the one in the .ini file15:19
barry"use" == .Information()15:19
bzoltan_rvr:  cool... soon sharing15:20
sil2100barry: ok, anyway I think either using the description field of another field to index.json could work - this could be simply generated on the s-i server by another small bin/ script there, something like with the phased-percentages15:20
mterrycyphermox, you never landed silo 57?15:20
sil2100I'd have to check the code to see that in details15:20
sil2100(in a meeting right now)15:20
cyphermoxmterry: going to do it...15:21
mterrycyphermox, prove it15:21
mterrycyphermox, no worries, just refreshed the tab to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything15:21
barrysil2100: ah, but the downside of doing it in the index.json file is that we actually have to calculate a winning upgrade path to get that information.  you won't be able to know the ota# from information only on the device.  unless we cache that if we find it.15:21
barrysil2100: but it might be worse.  what if the ota# is assigned after the image is published and devices upgrade to it?15:22
barrythe device will never know15:22
sil2100barry: yeah... but this could be done during image copy even15:22
barrysil2100: let me think a bit more and ping me when you're done with your meeting15:24
sil2100barry: like, you could do copy-image and give the tag there, since the decision happens when copying to stable - for all the other non-stable cases, maybe we could make u-s-s parse it from remote when user is online15:25
sil2100Let me get back to you a bit later :)15:25
barrysil2100: cool15:26
barrysil2100, bfiller, jibel i added a comment with a bunch of questions to LP: #147556815:35
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1475568 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Use OTA terminology in system settings" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147556815:36
sil2100barry: let me follow up on that15:38
fginthernerochiaro, I've had a look at the mako autopilot runs for https://code.launchpad.net/~uriboni/webbrowser-app/topsite-previews/+merge/269771 and other webbrowser-app MPs. In the past 2 days, there have been 6 other autopilot runs, all with 0 or 1 test failures. The high number of webbrowser_app.tests failures have only been seen with this MP. Have you been able to reproduce the test locally?15:39
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nerochiarofginther: not with the full environment setup that you suggested. haven't had time for that yet, sorry15:48
fginthernerochiaro, ok, let us know if you have any questions regarding that setup.15:49
dbarthjibel: do i need to do anything for silo 16 to go into ota-7?15:51
nerochiarofginther: i will try to get it done tomorrow15:52
bzoltan_sil2100: how much time do I have to land the silo14 UITK?15:57
bzoltan_sil2100:  for OTA715:57
jibelcyphermox, what is the ETA for a vivid silo for the watchdog?16:22
cyphermoxjibel: someone should request one, and then we do the shipping16:26
cyphermoxjibel: preferably somebody other than me, I've got plenty to do already. I can still do the upload to the silo, would just rather not drive the landing16:26
jibelsil2100, ^ who can do it?16:27
pat__alecu, can you get a vivid silo16:27
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jibelthanks pat__16:27
alecupmcgowan: sure, I'll ask dobey to handle that landing16:28
dobeywhat now?16:30
dobeycyphermox: can you just upload the fix for wily straight to the wily archive then?16:30
cyphermoxI suppose you mean https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart-watchdog/0.4?16:31
dobeycyphermox: ah ok. i didn't realize you'd got into wily already16:39
sil2100jibel: what is it about?16:40
jibelsil2100, it's okay, it was about the watchdog fix in vivid16:41
dbarthsorry again, do i need to publish silo 16 with oxide, or you guys prefer to control the process of injecting into the image?16:43
dobeysil2100: i guess you can just copy upstart-watchdog from wily (including binaries) into https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-059 ?16:44
bzoltan_pmcgowan: what time the ota7 gate is closing?16:52
pmcgowanbzoltan_, soon, tonight16:54
bzoltan_pmcgowan: OK16:54
dobeysil2100: oh, nevermind, i managed to do it :)16:55
dobeyjibel: there, ready for qa now :)16:56
jibeldobey, thanks!16:56
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anpokcihelp: any news on the krillin builders?17:12
anpokin mir-ci17:13
anpok.. sorry test runners17:13
anpokaccording to the scripts krillin-08 tried to send an email to chris.gagnon@canonical.com17:13
psivaaanpok: right, but that wasn't the reason for the failures17:14
anpok.. this time the failure looked different than this morning.. http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-touch/6917/console17:14
psivaaanpok: yea, that's what confusing.17:14
psivaaanpok: first it looked like it failed to add overlay ppa in a couple of runs, but our test runs were successful on that17:15
psivaaanpok: now it's a different failure. i'd need to take a look17:16
anpokah it failed to pull the result logs17:17
psivaaanpok: '/bin/bash: line 1: 6436 Segmentation fault mir_demo_server --test-client /usr/bin/mir_demo_client_fingerpaint17:29
psivaa+ mir_rc=-1'17:29
psivaadoes that look troubling?17:29
anpokpsivaa: yes!17:30
psivaaanpok: ack, i'll leave that to you then?17:30
anpokhm hm i just changed a comment17:31
psivaaanpok: the issue only happens on krillin.17:32
pmcgowandid silos 16 and 59 get published?17:49
pmcgowanoh browser did17:49
pmcgowantrainguards silo 16?17:50
sil2100pmcgowan: I know mterry had some doubts about that one, I wanted Mirv to comment... dbarth are you still around?17:51
sil2100And I have doubts about that too17:51
sil2100Since it's targetting the main archive, and the version number has no ~overlay tag17:51
sil2100dbarth: ping17:51
pmcgowansil2100, can we fix it to target the overlay?17:53
pmcgowanor does it go into updates17:53
sil2100pmcgowan: we can, but if it goes to the overlay, it would need either a version change or at least a guarantee that no one releases the same version number to updates17:54
sil2100I would like someone to comment first17:54
sil2100Since maybe it was supposed to be an SRU..?17:54
pmcgowansil2100, 1.9.3 is in the overlay so I assume thats where this should go17:56
pmcgowanoSoMoN, around?17:56
oSoMoNpmcgowan, yes17:56
pmcgowansilo 16 is not targeted for the overlay17:56
pmcgowanso it didnt land yet17:57
sil2100I re-targetted it now17:57
pmcgowanoSoMoN, want to make sure we are doing it right17:57
sil2100mterry, cyphermox: can one of you two land silo 16 maybe?17:57
oSoMoNpmcgowan, it should go to the overlay indeed17:57
pmcgowanit wants an overlay version?17:57
mterrysil2100, I can land if you're happy with target and version17:58
pmcgowanoSoMoN, is the version string ok as is?17:58
sil2100oSoMoN: any reason why the version is not for overlay?17:58
robrusil2100: silo 16's lack of diff terrified me but apparently they silo had the vivid version so there's really no diff. That's why the version had no overlay tag because it looks like a direct copy from vivid17:58
oSoMoNsil2100, not that I know of, please note that oxide 1.9.5-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 is already in vivid-updates, will that conflict if the same version gets pushed to the overlay?17:59
sil2100robru: still it needs a version change, as otherwise we have 2 binaries with the same version but different contents17:59
sil2100Although for the overlay it *should* be ok17:59
robrusil2100: the contents are the same17:59
pmcgowanoSoMoN, sil2100 if its in vivid updates then we already get it right?17:59
sil2100robru: source contents, yes, binary contents - no, different dependencies17:59
oSoMoNpmcgowan, no, the overlay PPA has priority18:00
sil2100Oh, wait18:00
pmcgowanI mean the build already plls from vivid updates18:00
pmcgowanso do we need it in the overlay ?18:00
sil2100Well, anyway, it's good as it is18:00
sil2100mterry: can you press the publish buttonz?18:00
pmcgowansil2100, ^^18:00
oSoMoNpmcgowan, yes, but 1.9.3 is in the overlay so it’s going to take precedence over 1.9.5 in the archive, as the PPA has a higher score18:01
sil2100pmcgowan: yeah, we need it in overlay18:01
sil2100pmcgowan: due to pin priorities18:01
pmcgowanoh, hrm18:01
sil2100But it's good18:01
oSoMoNsil2100, so the fact that we don’t have an ~overlay suffix in the version is not going to cause conflicts?18:02
sil2100oSoMoN: no, in this case we should be ok18:02
sil2100I just double checked18:02
mterrysil2100, oSoMoN, pmcgowan: no...  the versioning for oxide-qt is all messed up.  silo 16 and vivid-updates have 1.9.5, but wily only has 1.9.118:05
mterryAnd silo 16 has the same version as vivid-updates...18:05
oSoMoNmterry, 1.9.5 will go to wily-updates as soon as it opens up18:06
oSoMoNbut the updates pocket is not open yet as wily hasn’t been released18:07
mterryoSoMoN, should it be a dual landing then?  so we don't forget about it18:09
pmcgowansil2100, do we have the wily overlay yet?18:09
robrumterry: dual silos don't support manual packages, only MPs18:09
robrupmcgowan: yes18:09
pmcgowancan't we land it there?18:09
robruoSoMoN: wily packages in the overlay will be copied to X, not wily-updates18:09
robrupmcgowan: yes but somebody would have to prepare that package manually18:10
oSoMoNmterry, well we could add a wily build to the silo, but at this stage I think what really matters is getting 1.9.5 in the vivid build in time for OTA7, wily is secondary18:10
mterryoSoMoN, this is how we forget about packages and get regressions later  :)18:10
mterryoSoMoN, I can publish18:10
mterryoSoMoN, but it's not clear to me that we have a way to not forget to update wily later18:11
oSoMoNmterry, I could promise we won’t forget about it, but you’d have to take my word for it :) and the release of 1.10 is just around the corner, so 1.9.5 will be short-lived anyway18:11
mterryI thought our dual landing in the PPA was to not forget things18:11
mterryoSoMoN, right but we had a system for it... the dual landings18:12
mterryI mean that's for X, but same deal.  Not forgetting18:12
robrumterry: dual landing is to enforce the process of releasing to wily before releasing to vivid. but when I implemented it I didn't anticipate manual packages so it only supports MPs for now18:13
mterryrobru, right but we can have two silos  :)18:14
robrumterry: sure can18:14
mterryrobru, how we get there doesn't matter to me, I just want the update sitting in a wily pocket somewhere that we know about it18:14
oSoMoNmterry, I can request a silo for 1.9.5 in wily, would that make you feel better about publishing now?18:15
robrumterry: I agree, but seeing as the ota7 deadline is looming I think it's reasonable to just publish this vivid one now and get them to do wily immediately after18:15
mterryoSoMoN, that would be sufficient for me, yes18:16
Mirvsil2100: no I wasn't involved with the newest 1.9.5 landing. I guess whoever uploaded it was just not aware of the need to repackage with version number change to ~18:16
MirvI handled the previous one18:16
mterryoSoMoN, just knowing that you're making a silo is enough, but please do actually make it  :)18:16
oSoMoNmterry, excellent, so I’ll do that right away18:16
* mterry goes to publish18:17
oSoMoNmterry, note that there is already a 1.9.5 build for wily in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages, so I’ll simply request a source copy to the silo PPA from there18:17
oSoMoNmterry, got silo 57 for it18:20
mterryoSoMoN, so fast  :)  16 is middle of publishing18:20
oSoMoNsil2100: can you please do a source copy of oxide-qt 1.9.5-0ubuntu1 from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages (wily only) to silo 57, with an added ~overlay suffix if necessary?18:21
jhodapprobru, hey, can you please dput qtmultimedia from ppa:jhodapp/ubuntu/ppa to silo 5518:25
robrujhodapp: sure one sec18:26
robrujhodapp: ok done. you can do a WATCH_ONLY build in the silo to get pinged when it finishes building18:27
jhodappthanks man18:27
robrujhodapp: you're welcome18:30
sil2100Mirv: no worries, that case was a binary copy anyway18:32
* sil2100 ready with the source packages for the buteo revert but needs to jump out for a min18:32
bzoltan_sil2100: robru: jibel: I am happy with the silo14, let's push it once more.18:58
jibelrvr, ^ are you happy too ?18:59
bzoltan_jibel: [18:09:25] <rvr> bzoltan_: Silo 14 waiting for automated test results.18:59
bzoltan_jibel: rvr: please keep me posted about how the rest of the process goes...19:00
jibelbzoltan_, I believe he just wanted to check that the results of the automated tests are green19:02
bzoltan_jibel:  they were green on the last two attempts :) So I watch this landing with extra attention ...19:04
bzoltan_jibel: i am not happy for the flakyness all over the AP tests19:05
jibelbzoltan_, I'll trust rvr's judgement.19:19
bzoltan_jibel:  me too :)19:20
bzoltan_jibel:  so let's unleash this beast19:20
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
charleswhat now20:00
* robru -> lunch20:39
oSoMoNtrainguards: can you please do a source copy of oxide-qt 1.9.5-0ubuntu1 from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages (wily) to silo 57, with an added ~overlay suffix if necessary?20:43
sil2100oSoMoN: I could still do it potentially20:43
sil2100Ok, on it, will take a bit as unpacking/repacking the source takes some time on my PC20:43
oSoMoNsil2100, thanks, that’d be great! it’s not super urgent, but as mterry pointed out earlier, better to get it done now so that we don’t forget20:44
sil2100Downloading the source now20:46
sil2100bzoltan_, rvr, jibel: is silo 14 good to go? It's not switched as ready for publish21:08
ssweenytrainguards, I've taken over some of mandel's responsibilities at Canonical, so I'd like to get permissions setup for landing and reassign his silos to me if possible21:12
robrussweeny: there's nothing really to "reassign", as anybody can edit any request at this point. The only thing to do is change his name for your name in the "landers" field so that you get IRC pings when things happen21:13
robrussweeny: are you in the right LP teams to be able to use the train at all?21:13
ssweenyrobru, great21:13
ssweenyrobru, I've not used the train yet so I doubt it21:13
robrussweeny: ok, what's your lp id?21:13
ssweenyrobru, ssweeny21:13
robrussweeny: ok I'll add you21:13
ssweenyrobru, great, thanks!21:14
robrussweeny: ok, if you go to https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/user/mandel and log in with SSO you should be able to edit mandel's requests and put your name in21:14
robrussweeny: and the documentation for using the train is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/LandingProcess but it's probably difficult to read, feel free to ask if you're unsure about anything21:15
ssweenyrobru, perfect. Looks like it works21:16
ssweenythanks again21:16
ssweenyI'm sure I'll be bugging you soon :)21:16
robrussweeny: you're welcome!21:17
robrussweeny: oh man, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/70 this one is *super* old (the "original requestid" thing means it was migrated from the old system way back). if you could get that one moving that'd be super ;-)21:19
ssweenyrobru, yeah, that's near the top of my list :)21:19
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rvrsil2100: I was waiting for bzoltan_'s automated test results for silo 1422:35

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