
saksarnold, are you suggesting that I build it?02:06
pittiGood morning03:14
=== mfisch is now known as Guest83454
didrocksgood morning05:10
didrockshey larsu! how are things?05:19
hikikohi didrocks larsu05:19
didrocksmorning hikiko05:19
larsuhi didrocks & hikiko05:20
larsugood thanks - didn't sleep well for some reason05:20
didrocksoh? :/05:20
didrocksI'm good!05:20
larsucold gone?05:20
didrocksjust an end of sneezing, but nothing serious05:21
larsunice :)05:21
didrocksshould be really gone by EOD05:21
TheMusoHey folks, totally forgot to do the morning thing earlier. :)05:21
didrocksbut raining the whole day05:21
didrockshey TheMuso ;)05:21
larsumorning TheMuso05:21
didrocksso won't run :(05:21
larsudidrocks: come over here, it's nice!05:21
didrocks(did run a semi-marathon once again yesterday to compensate)05:21
larsuoh wow!05:21
didrocksheh :)05:21
didrocksstarting to do that once a week05:21
larsuthat's quite a lot05:21
didrocks(and the traditional 11kms + 10 kms of cycling the other 4 days)05:22
larsuwhat's your time? (or are you just running for fun?)05:22
didrockswell, counting at large05:22
* larsu needs to get into longer distances as well05:22
didrocksjust looking at the time when leaving and when I arrive05:22
larsuyeah, which is enough on that scale05:22
larsuunless you're competing05:22
didrocksyep :)05:22
didrocks11-12kms/h is enough for me ;)05:23
pittibonjour didrocks06:07
pittihey larsu!06:07
pittihey hikiko06:07
didrockshey pitti06:09
hikikohello pitti06:11
tjaaltonhow can I restore the launchers on unity panel? it's missing firefox and LO at least06:13
larsumorning pitti! wie gehts?06:21
seb128good morning desktopers!06:22
larsuhi seb128 :)06:22
pittilarsu: bin viel zu frueh aufgewacht (2:00 argh), aber sonst okay, danke06:22
pittibonjour seb128 !06:22
larsuooh wie ist das denn passiert?06:25
pittilarsu: some stomach revolting, should be mostly harmless though :)06:27
larsupitti: sorry to hear. all the best!06:27
seb128dobey, I commented on the apport hook issue, I don't know python well enough to say why the hook is doing doesn't work/if it should work, but the suggested change does fix it07:11
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willcookemorning all07:55
larsumorning willcooke07:55
willcookeThe sun is shining again!07:55
larsudid you leave england?07:55
seb128hey willcooke07:56
willcookemorning seb12807:57
didrockshey willcooke07:58
didrocksno sun here! rain, give back the sun!07:58
willcookemorning Laney08:05
seb128hey Laney08:08
Laneyhey seb128 & willcooke08:12
Laneyhow are you?08:12
willcookeno bad08:12
Laneyay caramba!08:18
Laneypitti: hey, I just got a calendar reminder to check on the out of date langpacks (https://udd.debian.org/~laney/less.txt)08:41
Laneylooks like the export happened08:41
Laneyalso, hey, how's it going :-)08:41
pittihey Laney, how are you?08:43
pittiLaney: yes, I built fresh langpacks last Thu (or Fri?) and they seemed okay08:43
Laneyfeeling good!08:45
Laneypitti: so we need to remove those out of date ones now?08:45
pittiLaney: yes, I think so; is https://udd.debian.org/~laney/less.txt up to date, or should I refresh this?08:46
LaneyI just ran the query08:46
pittihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12695701/ are the translation statistics08:47
pittiso e. g. -af actually should be there (I cut off at < 5%)08:48
pittiwow, why wasn't that built08:48
Laneyaf,am,an,ar all are >508:49
pittiso the log shows it was built, not discarded, and yet it's not there08:50
pittiLaney: oh!08:50
pittiLaney: building the -touch packages discarded the non-touch ones as well, argh08:51
* pitti fixifies08:51
* Laney blinks08:51
* pitti has a reproducing test case now09:01
seb128larsu, you can delete https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/evince/lp1381897/+merge/238538 or mark it as merged, it was proposed against the wrong vcs so didn't get closed on commit/upload but it has been merged for a while09:05
larsuseb128: sure thing. done.09:06
seb128larsu, thanks09:06
seb128charles, seems like you lined up a wily landing for indicator-datetime, why not including the other approved changes? (translator comment and no-gdbus-proxy from lars)?09:11
seb128darkxst, you might want to review/include https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/ubuntu-gnome-default-settings/lightdm-config/+merge/26727909:13
pittiLaney: embarrassing bug.. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/langpack-o-matic/main/revision/54709:14
pittiLaney: I'll rebuild the packs now09:14
Laneypitti: thanks!09:17
LaneyIt was because touch didn't want these langpacks for some reason?09:17
LaneyOr they failed the 5% test there but not in Ubuntu?09:17
Laneyor so09:17
pittiLaney: for touch we have a treshold of 70%09:18
pittiand TBH we should consider something more than 5% in Ubuntu as well09:18
pittioffering a langpack with just 5% coverage feels like a scam, but at the same time we want to motivate translators to see some results09:19
LaneyMaybe it's motivating to say that you have to achieve x% (for high value of x) to get your translations in the distro09:20
* Laney is not the best person to give opinions on translations :)09:21
pitti70% sounds fine for touch, which is a confined product, and ignores stuff like gcc or bash translations09:21
pittifor ubuntu it should certainly not be that high, but maybe 20%; i. e. you cna translate the desktop, but not the CLI tools09:22
pittiproblem is, you could also translate nothing but gcc and still get 10% or so :)09:22
darkxstseb128, thanks, that one slipped through the cracks09:27
seb128darkxst, yw!09:27
seb128hey Trevinho09:46
didrockshey Trevinho09:54
willcookemorning Trevinho09:59
Trevinhodidrocks: you maybe can give hints for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1502897? Isn't possible what I said (using branch_link to match the series)?10:10
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1502897 in CI Train [cu2d] "Upstream bug tasks assigned to MPs should be marked as "Fix Committed" after merge" [Medium,Incomplete]10:10
didrocksTrevinho: yeah, what you say make sense10:25
=== hikiko-lpt is now known as hikiko
willcookehey andyrock11:11
andyrockeverthing linked with GMenuModel seems to leak, crash11:25
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popeyAnyone else got a laptop on 15.10 which has a multi-touch enabled touchpad? Scrolling anything for me scrolls then suddenly triggers alt+tab....12:31
Trevinhomine should have it, but I don't get that12:31
popeyin fact just holding two fingers on it triggers it12:31
Trevinhowell, not sure I've actually disabled something or, just the driver doesn't work12:31
popeyit's infuriating12:31
Trevinhoyeah, I can imagine12:32
seb128popey, when did that start?12:33
seb128popey, how do I tell if my touchpad does multi touch?12:33
popeyseb128: dunno, clean install I just did on a machine I haven't run Ubuntu on before12:33
popeytwo fingers swiping up and down should scroll a web page12:33
seb128two finger scrolling works here, doesn't open alt-tab12:34
* popey reboots and prays12:34
popeyhm thanks.12:34
popeyreboot -> guest session, still does it.12:35
* popey googles.12:35
seb128popey, do you have a macbook pro?12:37
seb128seems similar to bug #126479512:38
ubot5`bug 1264795 in Unity "Alt+Tab Switcher randomly activates itself" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126479512:38
seb128alt-tab is a 3 finger tap so maybe there is some driver issue that makes your 2 finger scroll seen as a 3 fingers tap12:38
popeyseb128: yes12:42
popeyseb128: good find!12:42
popey:( Looks like it's unfixable / unworkaroundable.12:46
seb128disable the touchpad12:47
seb128but I guess that's not a workaround you like12:47
popeythat's not really a workaround anyone can use12:48
popey"My display doesn't work, disconnect the display" -> uh, okay :)12:49
seb128well, if you use your laptop docked it's a practicable workaround12:52
seb128in fact I disable the touchpad on my laptop, I hate touchpads12:52
seb128I use the nibble in the middle of the keyboard12:52
seb128but I take from your reply that it's not a workaround for your usecase12:53
seb128sorry I don't have a better suggestion, maybe Trevinho or bregma have some possible hacks...12:53
didrocksoh, some sun between 2 heavy rains. While the tests are running in the DC and maybe won't be interrupted this time, time for a run!12:54
Trevinhonot really unfortunately, I've not been looking much at the touch stuff in the past, I guess bregma is better for that12:55
bregmapopey, it's the over-sensitive hardware, it's really detecting three touches as you casually caress it12:56
bregmait gets a little too excited12:56
bregmathe only real fix would be to provide a configuration option in Unity to disable the three-touch gesture12:56
Trevinhomh, this descriptions look really weird (if you don't think to hardware) :D12:56
popeyseb128: it is a macbook pro, there is no dock, so no, it's not practical12:57
Trevinhomh, yeah, settings are probably the best "wkaround" in this case, not nice but still something that we'd need12:57
popeyshame :(12:58
popeyseb128: I disable the touchpad on my x220 too, touchpads are the devils work :)12:59
seb128I guess it would be doable to add a ccsm option to users who have such problematic hardware could at least workaround it12:59
popeyIt would ideally be in the mouse section of system settings13:00
popeywhere there's already a "two finger scroll" and "tap to click" option13:00
seb128what? the "disable unity gestures"?13:00
popeyno, flip on and off things that are related13:00
seb128well, if that's a real user option13:00
popeyyeah, this bug is clearly not a affecting a ton of users13:00
seb128we are not going to add an UI just for a workaround option13:00
bregmatwo-finger scroll and tap to click are provided by the Synaptics touch driver inside X1113:01
bregma3- and 4-finger gestures in Unity are internal to Unity13:01
popeyit's a shame that a 2 year old bug on 5 year old hardware, the solution is "buy a mouse"13:01
Trevinhoare there updates to those drivers, that might improve things?13:02
bregmaright-thinking individuals eschew touchpads13:02
popeyi hear you brother! :)13:02
popeyshame apple don't add nipples13:02
bregmaBT mouse for the win, works with the phone too13:02
* bregma needs more wireless mice to get lost in the clutter13:03
pittiLaney: uploading/accepting the missing langpacks now, thanks for spotting!13:04
pittiLaney: can you re-run your magic script in a few hours, to check for remaining stragglers?13:05
seb128tjaalton, screen rotation/bug #1486920 seems to work now in wily, can you try if you still have the issue?13:06
ubot5`bug 1486920 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[regression] 90/270 degree rotation is broken" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148692013:06
seb128Trevinho, should bug #1482181 be closed with your recent wily landing?13:07
ubot5`bug 1482181 in unity (Ubuntu) "Media keys (ctrl-alt-t, brightness, play/pause) don't work randomly after logging" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148218113:07
tjaaltonseb128: ah, sure13:09
popeyHm, might have a possible workaround.13:10
Trevinhoseb128: it should, yes13:10
seb128Trevinho, can you close it then? ;-)13:10
Trevinhoseb128: sure, I thought it was  another one, i didn't see the duplicate13:11
seb128Trevinho, thanks13:12
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
desrthi desktop13:32
willcookehi desrt13:33
Laneypitti: thank you! will do13:33
desrtmorning, attente :)13:35
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
seb128hey desrt attente13:40
Laneyhi canada!13:40
Laneyoh yay my bike is fixed13:42
desrtLaney: thought of you yesterday when i read that the TTC is installing bike repair shops at 10 subway stations13:43
desrtDIY ones with common tools plus stands to park your bike on while you work on it13:45
LaneyI think we have some of those at the university here13:45
Laneyand there are a few shops, including a record shop for some reason, which have public bike pumps now13:46
Laneythat one is the best one because it's push button13:46
Laneythis time I was too lazy to buy a wheel and change it myself :(13:47
LaneyDownloaded 213351 MiB in 249463s at 875.77 kiB/s.13:59
Laneylong initial mirror is long13:59
seb128just curious but is a full mirror really useful?14:00
Laneysbuild doesn't have caching14:00
seb128or what situation is it?14:00
seb128do you do archive greps?14:01
Laneycould use an apt-cacher but hey14:01
seb128I see :-)14:01
Laneynow I get to download packages super fast14:01
seb128right, it's just that you probably need like 3% of those14:02
LaneyI probably would have it unpacked if I had enough space14:02
seb128on course of a year14:02
Laneybasically it takes care of itself14:02
seb128eating some bandwith and power daily14:03
seb128but I guess it's small enough14:03
willcookeI've got about 6 Ubuntu machines on my LAN, so I can see that it would help in that situation14:03
* seb128 doesn't like much the idea of having machines always on though14:03
Laneythat's why I have the rpi14:04
seb128willcooke, depends of "help", you probably download more to keep the mirror uptodate that you would download by upgrading the 6 machines14:04
willcookeyeah, maybe14:04
seb128like you get to download n*emacs, java, eclipse, kernels you don't use, etc14:05
seb128the archive is big and debian/ubuntu do lot of uploads ;-)14:05
willcookewhen the zombie apocalypse comes I'll still be able to install java14:06
Laneyit doesn't change enough for me to notice after the initial sync14:06
Laneyactually I don't even notice that14:06
Laneyjust that I have to use the normal mirrors for a while so builds are slow :P14:06
tjaaltonso the latest firefox update removed the launcher for good?14:06
seb128tjaalton, no14:07
seb128tjaalton, maybe you were still having unity running with was buggy with new glib and though .desktop were removed on package upgrades14:07
tjaaltonyes, but didn't come back after a reboot14:07
seb128well, why would it14:07
Laneythat's because it got removed14:07
Laneyre-add it and it will stay14:08
popeyGot another bug for you! :D - just install nvidia-current on my MacBook Pro and now I can't type in my LUKS password. text doesn't go in the box, but over the top of the plymouth splash... http://imgur.com/mlCVqpL14:08
seb128unity thinks the file didn't exists anymore and remove it from the config14:08
tjaaltonI did this once already, for libreoffice too14:08
seb128popey, not for us, that's before the desktop even starts to load14:08
seb128popey, go to #ubuntu-devel, you want foundations14:08
popeythanks :)14:08
Laneythis looks funny https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-wily/wily/amd64/s/software-properties/20151006_132238@/log.gz14:15
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charlesseb128, because I'm an idiot. do you have the links to those two branches handy?14:20
seb128charles, hey14:20
seb128charles, https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/indicator-datetime/dont-use-gdbusproxy/+merge/270081 https://code.launchpad.net/~ricsipontaz/indicator-datetime/fixed-comment-for-translators/+merge/27180714:20
charlesseb128, thanks :-)14:21
seb128charles, and no, you are not an idiot, easy to overlook things with everything good on14:21
seb128charles, thanks for including them in the landing ;-)14:21
charlesseb128, :-)14:21
LaneyI need to learn how to use that git rerere thing14:30
Laneyoh, this seems easy14:31
andyrockseb128: the crash you reported with bug #1499133 looks like to #150255114:48
ubot5`bug 1499133 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_menu_tracker_remove_items()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149913314:48
andyrockthat latter has been marked as a duplicate of an already fixed glib one14:48
seb128andyrock, I mentioned that on the channel when I reported it14:49
seb128the apps hit the glib issue14:49
seb128but the segfault in u-s-p is older14:49
* desrt blinks14:49
seb128it might just be that applications closing this way trigger the usp issue14:50
andyrockwhat you mean for "closing this way"?14:50
seb128andyrock, the glib issue makes e.g piding segfault on start14:51
seb128so maybe it's not done yet sending menus over dbus14:51
seb128and the incomplement export confuses usp14:52
andyrockah ok14:52
andyrockmakes sense14:52
andyrockI'll take a look14:52
seb128so the usp issue is less frequent without the apps hitting the glib bug14:52
seb128but it's there and it's hit in other cases14:52
seb128since it was reported before14:52
seb128andyrock, just for the record, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/fb90c5cd261c59daee2e455c7e2445e2787affde14:54
seb128bug #130071314:55
ubot5`bug 1300713 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_menu_tracker_remove_items()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130071314:55
seb128andyrock, you probably want to keep that one as reference, it's not mixed with the glib issue14:55
andyrockseb128: can I at least mark bug #1499133 as a dup of bug #130071314:56
ubot5`bug 1499133 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_menu_tracker_remove_items()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149913314:56
ubot5`bug 1300713 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_menu_tracker_remove_items()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130071314:56
seb128andyrock, yes ;-)14:57
seb128andyrock, you might want to copy my valgrind log over14:57
andyrockseb128: likely it's not ups fault but indicator-appmenu15:05
andyrockups does not deal with windows etc15:05
andyrockI'll take a look15:05
andyrockbut menus and indicators are not something that I really understand :D15:06
seb128maybe Trevinho can help you15:06
Trevinholet me see15:06
Trevinhoit might be even in unity-gtk-module...15:08
Trevinhothe stacktrace only mentions gmenumodel, but it might be one of its customers15:09
seb128Trevinho, saw the valgrind log?15:09
seb128but yeah, could be gtk as well15:10
Trevinhoseb128: mh, not yet... I gave a quick lock at e.u.c15:14
=== Pharmasolin1 is now known as Pharmasolin
willcookehi all15:30
didrockshey ho15:30
larsuhi hi15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-0615:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Oct  6 15:30:30 2015 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call:  andyrock, attente, desrt,  dgadomski, didrocks, hikiko (out), laney, larsu, qengho,15:30
willcookeseb128, sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)15:30
larsuo/ (but should prepare notes.... uh oh)15:31
willcooke#topic attente15:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: attente
willcooke#topic andyrock15:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrock* Reviewing some Marco's branches15:32
andyrock* Have a workaround for Hud leaks (basically the idea is to limit the maximum numbers of menus exported)15:32
andyrock* Right now reviewing hikiko compiz fix15:32
andyrock* Plan to work on ups crash and in the mean while on all the leaks linked with menus15:33
andyrock* eof15:33
attentesorry, was in a hangout15:33
willcookethanks andyrock15:33
willcookenp attente, good timing15:33
willcooke#topic attente15:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: attente
attentespent some time debugging and fixing broken indicator-keyboard tests15:34
attentefinished popup work for x11, broadway and quartz gdk backends. to-do are win32, mir and wayland backends...15:34
seb128attente, was the indicator-keyboard fix ready?15:35
seb128I tried it this morning but a local bzr bd still fails to build15:35
attenteseb128: it was, but it needs merging15:36
seb128k, let's discuss it after the meeting15:36
seb128because your branch still fails to build for me15:36
seb128yes, but on another error15:36
seb128anyway, not a meeting topic15:36
attentecan you paste me the error after the meeting?15:36
willcookethanks chaps15:37
willcooke#topic desrt15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: desrt
desrtwas at openhelp conference for most of last week15:37
desrtbut i did manage to get some bugfixing type work done while i was there15:37
desrtmostly file-monitor stuff, since that's my life story these days :)15:38
willcookethanks desrt15:38
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: dgadomski
willcookemaybe on hols, we can come back if needed15:40
willcooke#topic didrocks15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocksubuntu make:15:40
didrocks- we have a new contributor (small but nice contribution on the starting guide requirement to contribute) \o/15:40
didrocks- did some pull request reviews15:40
didrocks- implemented properly a way for a framework to depend on multiple websites, and implemented a SNI small server for medium tests to test them. Dart framework is the first consumer of it. (now, I can grrr on the sparse SNI documentation in python's world)15:40
didrocks- some code refactoring to remove duplication and make creating new frameworks even easier.15:40
didrocks- fighting mostly throughout the week with s-jenkins (CI datacenter) being flacky. Sometimes down, sometimes very slow (like now).15:40
didrocks- also maybe an update in trusty made jenkins slave quite fragile, tried various strategy to get that better, still not there.15:40
didrocks- continue pushing on python 3.4.3 regression (debug the source, reported https://launchpad.net/bugs/1500768, push a workaround in a ppa for s-jenkins, answered to people reporting duplicated bugs). Thanks to seb128 for helping pushing, python 3.4.3 is reverted in 14.04 as we speak.15:40
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1500768 in python3.4 (Ubuntu Trusty) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [High,Triaged]15:40
didrocks- get back tests to 100% passing \o/ And added even more tests (raised the code coverage to reach 92%)15:40
didrocks- tried (when s-jenkins was available) to debug flackyness in tests. Seems due to the more and more fragile jenkins client (update not happening) as discussed above.15:40
didrocks- handled regression triggered by jayatana and SRU it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jayatana/+bug/1441487. Pinged our java maintainer as we need at some point some proper appmenu integration for java apps. Still gave a way per application to export the menu through jayatana.15:40
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1441487 in jayatana (Ubuntu Vivid) "Running any Java program produces messages in the terminal, while rendering many Java applications broken" [Critical,Fix committed]15:40
willcookethanks didrocks.  Great to hear about new contributors15:41
willcooke#topic hikiko15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: hikiko
willcookeI'll edit hikiko's status to:  bugs15:41
willcookethere is more detail if anyone needs it, but it's low down nuts and bolts stuff15:41
willcookesorry hikiko :D15:41
willcooke#topic Laney15:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: Laney
Laney• Many many queue reviews15:42
Laney• Upload random bugfixes to packages (glib, eog, e-d-s, probably others) and some branches for people (e.g. gtk+3.0 dbus-test-runner)15:42
Laney• Check packages which are out of date in wily with respect to vivid and fix those (thanks pitti for helping with langpacks)15:42
Laney• Help with reviewing/uploading the wallpapers15:42
Laney• Some FTBFS fixes from the archive rebuild (variously in Ubuntu, Debian and upstream)15:42
Laney• New upstream release of gdk-pixbuf15:42
Laney• Update gstreamer stack to 1.6.0 stable release15:42
Laney• Write down some DMB things which maybe only lived inside my (or  other members') head (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/KnowledgeBase still needs reviewing)15:42
Laney• First (micro) fix to autopkgtest-cloud to make the worker deployable without intervention15:43
willcookethanks Laney15:43
willcooke#topic larsu15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: larsu
larsu- finish some eog work (menubar, fullscreen button, toolbar theming)15:43
larsu- some bug fixes: ido, investigate unity accelgrab stuff15:43
larsu- geonames: incorporate desrt's suggestions, write docs (yell at gtkdocize)15:44
larsu(creating a new little project is *way* too much work)15:44
larsu- some other stuff I don't remember right now15:44
larsu- also was a bit sick and not at 100% all days15:44
willcookethanks larsu15:44
willcooke#topic qengho15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: qengho
willcooke#topic seb12815:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: seb128
seb128• updated dkms and cheese apport hooks to stop raising errors15:48
seb128• reported python-apt bugs to debian (mostly for error issues impacting oneconf)15:48
seb128• rebuild wxwidget2.8 rdepends after rebuilding the lib with gcc515:48
seb128• cleared out old gwibber code from software-center, that was raising some errors and not working15:48
seb128• fixed aptdaemon/lintian integration to not complain when trying to install e.g skype or chrome15:48
seb128• investigated u-s-d e.u.c report, the touchpad toggle key was not migrated to the new schemas, fixed that15:48
seb128• sponsoring (libmbim, libreoffice, chromium, gnome-main-menu, libreoffice-template)15:48
seb128• backported libmtp updated devices list from trunk to wily and trusty15:48
seb128• reviewed/landed u-s-d bugfixes15:48
seb128• fixed ubiquity's apport hook encoding issue15:48
seb128• looked at wily archive rebuild output and fixes some ftbfses15:48
seb128• debugged/fixed software-center reviews integration to unity not working15:48
seb128• gvfs stable update and backported extra bugfix15:48
seb128• cleaned out old gwibber code from software-center15:48
seb128• removed debug print leftover from notify-osd15:48
seb128(seems like a listed gwibber/s-c twice :-/)15:48
qengho* Working on Cr grit/gettext translations pump. LP translations are embarassingly stale.15:48
qengho* After that, chromium snap, ozone-mir.15:48
seb128qengho, hey15:49
willcookethanks seb128 and qengho15:49
seb128somebody is lagging15:50
seb128unsure if it's me?15:50
willcookeI think it's qengho15:50
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark115:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: Sweet5hark1
Sweet5hark1- upstreamed libreoffice-style-elementary finally with some 'git filter-branch --tree-filter'-foo15:50
Sweet5hark1- got libreoffice bumped to 5.0.2 in archive15:50
Sweet5hark1- tweaked away libreoffice-templates ftbfs15:50
Sweet5hark1- some libroffice docviewer consultancy: tea leaf/stack trace reading15:50
Sweet5hark1- some launchpad bug grinding15:50
Sweet5hark1- some trivial/low-risk libreoffice packaging tweaks for wily still15:50
Sweet5hark1- preempting seb128: not pinged the Ubuntu DMB yet15:50
Sweet5hark1- some LibreOffice events orga15:50
willcookethanks Sweet5hark115:51
willcookeoh, news in from dgadomski15:51
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: dgadomski
willcookeI have backported a couple of Debian changes to ifupdown to fix bug #1337873. My tests were successful, will share a fix from my ppa to gather more feedback, will prepare a SRU.15:51
ubot5`bug 1337873 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Precise, Trusty, Utopic - ifupdown initialization problems caused by race condition" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133787315:51
willcookeHe's having connection problems too15:51
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: tkamppeter
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:53
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: Trevinho
Trevinho· Completely new unity gnome key grabber refactor15:53
Trevinho· Test failures fixes15:53
Trevinho· Fixed (not small) memory leak + bug in indicator-appmenu happened when pressing Alt to present menus.15:53
Trevinho· Cleanup code for ShowMenu in unity (remove useless dbus signals)15:53
Trevinho· New compiz, unity, libunity, indicator-appmenu landing15:53
Trevinho· Fix wrong scaling of not squared icons (i.e. d-feet) in dash when using HiDPI15:53
Trevinho· New round of Autopilot tests fixes15:53
Trevinho· Fixed small memory leak in unity panel service when dropdown menu is used15:53
willcooke:) thanks Trevinho15:54
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:54
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: tkamppeter
tkamppeter- Ubuntu Touch: First test of printing stack on the Nexus 4, installed level 1 printing stack, after small fix it discovers print queues from remote CUPS servers, but still does not print due to some system/network issues.15:54
tkamppeter- system-config-printer: Removed annoying console output, a sense-less option, and fixed printer maintenance command problem.15:54
tkamppeter- cups: Fixed a bug which made system-config-printer's properties dialog and Chromium's print dialog hanging.15:54
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:54
willcooke#topic any other business15:54
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-06 | Current topic: any other business
willcookeSprint next week!15:54
willcookedebrief from Budapest is ongoing, should have more to tell you all about next week15:55
tkamppeterqengho, why "yay"? Because of my phone tests or because I fixed the bug which made the Chromium print dialog hang?15:55
willcookeWe will probably have a HO on air from the sprint with mhall119 and community folk.  Not sure what form that will take yet, probably me in a meeting room, but if anyone wants to get involved please do15:56
qenghoYay, it's not a problem with Chromium's sandbox that I'd have to fix.15:56
desrtwillcooke: any last minute sprint items of interest?15:56
seb128there are enough items on the list for 3 sprints ;-)15:56
desrti meant logistics :)15:57
willcookedesrt, not yet, but it's only Tuesday15:57
qenghoI feel guilty wanting to add another item.15:57
* andyrock is wondering if I London is cold now15:57
willcookeqengho, please add away15:57
* andyrock is too lazy to google it15:57
* Trevinho too :P15:57
willcookeand then job #1 will be work out who can cover what and parallel what we can, drop what we dont need etc15:57
willcookeandyrock, right now it's fine, 18 degrees15:58
Trevinhoit's 24 here... mh15:58
* Trevinho brings down jacket...15:58
willcookeTrevinho, dude, it's shorts weather15:58
Trevinhoeheh, yeah, just jocking :)15:59
andyrockit'8 here15:59
andyrockso 18 is fine :D15:59
willcookeany more business?16:00
willcookethanks everyone16:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316"
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Oct  6 16:00:37 2015 UTC.16:00
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2015/ubuntu-desktop.2015-10-06-15.30.moin.txt16:00
didrocksand have a good evening :)16:00
Laneydesrt: I have to get you as my colleague to comment on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=755795 please16:01
ubot5`Gnome bug 755795 in gio "2.46 considers empty files as octet-stream rather than text (leads to gedit not opening those)" [Normal,Reopened]16:01
Laney... :-)16:01
LaneyJust close it if you don't like the argument, I can't be bothered to push it too much16:03
attenteseb128: what was the error you got?16:07
Sweet5hark1Laney: we (Ubuntu and Debian) want to kill it with fire as it relies on apache httpcommons crap that is obsolete and unsupported. Dont want that in a LTS.16:07
seb128attente, oh, let me try again16:08
attentei know it failed c-i but i think it's because i-k trunk isn't targetted to wily or somthing16:08
Sweet5hark1Laney: however checking ppa stats and debian popcorn shows people actually install that. the reasons for that elude my mind. If we kill it and people really want it, there is hope for a reimplementation. Unless that is actively sabotaged, it cant be worse that what is there today ...16:09
Sweet5hark1.oO(go away libreoffice-wiki-publisher, or you will be replaced with a small patch to libcmis)16:11
seb128attente, (./indicator-keyboard-tests:17755): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_variant_get_type: assertion 'value != NULL' failed16:14
attenteseb128: which test did it fail with?16:14
seb128FAIL: indicator-keyboard-test16:15
attentelibglib2.0-0 version?16:15
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seb128doing "bzr bd" works for you?16:17
attente"bzr bd -- -us -uc -j4"16:17
seb128ok, maybe just a local issue16:18
=== mfisch is now known as Guest62625
seb128we can try to land your changes and see how it goes16:18
Laneywant a third opinion?16:18
seb128Laney, yes please16:18
attenteit won't land for some reason16:18
Laneybranch plz16:18
Laneyworks in sbuild16:23
Laneyibus criticals though :-o16:24
Laney(indicator-keyboard-service:27527): IBUS-CRITICAL **: ibus_bus_call_sync: assertion 'ibus_bus_is_connected (bus)' failed16:24
seb128$ ./indicator-keyboard-tests16:25
seb128is that supposed to work?16:25
attentei didn't get a critical16:25
attenteseb128: just ./indicator-keyboard-test16:25
attenteno s16:25
seb128(./indicator-keyboard-tests:19506): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_variant_get_type: assertion 'value != NULL' failed16:25
attentethat should be all make check is running16:25
attentewhat's the full log?16:25
attentesignal 5?16:27
attenteTrace/Breakpoint Trap?16:27
seb128it's an assert16:27
seb128so it hits abort16:27
attenteoh. right... ha16:28
attenteseb128: does running indicator-keyboard-service in the source tree work after debian/rules build -j4?16:30
seb128I guess so, but it returns directly16:31
seb128no error/segfault/abort though16:31
seb128oh, that's because I've the user session one16:31
seb128works if I stop it16:32
seb128but the test is still grumpy16:32
Laneymake check from the top level?16:32
attentewhy would the user session one affect it?16:33
seb128oh, no if I export all the env from that script16:33
attenteso it doesn't critical when running the one in tree directly?16:34
seb128that bug is nice16:35
seb128it aborts because the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is more than 108 chars16:35
seb128works fine if I build in /tmp/indicator16:36
seb128not in ~/build/distro/ubuntu/indicator/testbuild16:36
seb128your wrapper does set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in the builddir16:36
attentewhy is there a character limit on it?16:39
seb128good question16:39
seb128can you reproduce this way?16:39
attentei'll give it a shot16:39
seb128don't bother much, it's minor16:39
seb128going to approve/land your fix16:39
seb128if Laney isn't already on it?16:39
attenteyeah. it failed16:42
attenteit's because it's checking the wayland gdk backend first...16:51
attentemaybe we should force the backend to X1116:51
willcookedinner time.  g'night all16:58
Laneybyesie bye17:01
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
seb128good evening!17:02
andyrockgood evening!17:40
ayan /names17:46
chrisccoulsonricotz, what were the issues with https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-next/+build/8092795 ? (Apparently it failed a couple of times)19:25
robert_ancellhi all19:41
ricotzchrisccoulson, one random ppa builder thing, and one reoccurring failure due some internal dependency race20:07
chrisccoulsonricotz, aha, I know which one you mean20:07
chrisccoulsonThat's a pain20:07
ricotzchrisccoulson, btw I am a bit puzzled that you don't push wily builds for nightly/aurora20:07
ricotzchrisccoulson, the nspr, nss, ... race20:08
chrisccoulsonricotz, I just haven't got round to enabling them. And I'm still not running wily20:08
chrisccoulsonI should probably upgrade really20:08
ricotzchrisccoulson, I see just push them regardless imo, tweak the precise packaging ;)20:09
ricotzchrisccoulson, hehe, sounds about time for a developer ;)20:10
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
TheMusoMorning all.21:12

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