
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:43
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: \o03:46
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om :p03:46
lotuspsychjehi philipballew03:46
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: hows the support went today03:46
lotuspsychjenihao cfhowlett03:47
cfhowlettnihao ma lotuspsychje03:47
lotuspsychjejust got a mail my BQ will be delivered today or tomorrow03:47
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I barely arrived before you at XX:08. Just getting the feel . So far not much .03:48
TJ-Very quiet03:48
lotuspsychjekk lets save some courage for the 15.10 rush :p03:48
TJ-I've been up since 02:30 (2.x hours ago)03:48
lotuspsychjegood morning TJ-03:49
TJ-I thought a rested brain would help me figure out some complex IPv6 stuff... how wrong I was... about to go back to bed to recover :)03:49
lotuspsychjealot off ppl installed 15.04 so that will result in mass upgrade03:49
TJ-Morning :)03:49
lotuspsychjealso the phones on vivid03:49
cfhowlettis it out yet?  it is out yet?  is it out yet?  is it out yet?03:50
philipballewlotuspsychje, hey. How do you do?03:50
ubot5`Not yet!03:50
lotuspsychjenew scrollbar, new kernel, new drivers03:51
cfhowlettsee this is why they don't let me write factoids.03:51
lotuspsychjelol cf03:51
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: you can edit factoids some way yourself03:51
lotuspsychjethe content that is03:51
lotuspsychjeive tryed this once03:52
cfhowlett  /samuel l. jackson mode/!isitoutyet   "Patience MeekerFeeker!!!  You should GET some!!"03:52
lotuspsychjesome odd /add foo or something03:52
cfhowlettaaaaaaaaaand I got banned for that ...03:52
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: why do i get the feeling you love pulp fiction03:53
cfhowlettshhhh.  For some strange reason, people see the suit and tie and assume (foolishly) that I'm a gentleman.03:53
lotuspsychjebut inside your more a reservoir dog :p03:54
* lotuspsychje bites in EriC^^ 's ear03:54
cfhowlettnever saw R Dogs ...03:55
lotuspsychjelike in the movies cfhowlett :p03:55
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: you kidding me?03:55
lotuspsychjethats a hole in your culture03:55
* cfhowlett blushes at his unforgivable cultural lag ...\03:55
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: if you like pulp fiction, its a must see03:56
cfhowletton my to do list03:56
ubot5`Glad you made it! :-)03:56
lotuspsychje!info firefox trusty03:59
ubot5`firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 41.0.1+build2-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 40505 kB, installed size 93736 kB03:59
lotuspsychjejust got biggg update 220mb03:59
Bashing-omNighty nite all05:29
lotuspsychje!info cutegram06:22
ubot5`Package cutegram does not exist in vivid06:23
lotuspsychje!info cutegram wily06:23
ubot5`Package cutegram does not exist in wily06:23
lotuspsychje!find telegram06:53
ubot5`Found: W:, W:, W:06:53
=== daftykin1 is now known as daftykins
daftykinswell well, a bunch of Microsoft toys announced16:28
cfhowlettmy first thought was how to sneak into the local Microsoft store and fire up a buntIUSB16:29
daftykinspretty sure it won't work on that new thing16:29
daftykinsit's gonna be like nvidia optimus but worse16:29
cfhowlettprobably pretty tightly locked down16:29
daftykinsmmm plenty of EFI options to mess with i would expect16:30
wileeeOerHeks, how dare you make it easy. ;)22:20
OerHekssorry sorry mea culpa22:21
OerHeksSay, is your ban removed?22:21
daftykinsnah :( i disconnected overnight too, so now i'm banished22:22
daftykinsthough it was getting quite frustrating seeing questions i could answer, then not being able to reply :)22:24
OerHekssuch a waste of time, this dude..22:25
OerHeksI would have given the 2nd option, pavu control remembers sound level too.22:26
lotuspsychjegood morning to all23:22
lotuspsychjegot my Bq today and its fantastic, even better then i imagined23:23
lotuspsychjereacts faster then my nexus7 with ubuntu touch23:23
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Has a new toy .. Won't see much of him for a while ... hummm :)23:28
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: you mean another device to idle with on irc to bug you guys :p23:29
Bashing-omThat too is another way of looking at it .. keep occupied in-between-times . Dual purpose keep us entertained too !23:31

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