[04:47] ping [04:47] zdobersek: pong [05:14] jutro [07:21] no vsaj dva sta k jih je zanimal :D [07:45] http://www.infoworld.com/article/2988096/mac-os-x/sorry-unix-fans-os-x-el-capitan-kills-root.html [07:45] Sorry, Unix fans: OS X El Capitan kills root | InfoWorld [07:45] »Root is no longer supreme in El Capitan, but the real bad news is a breaking change in legacy driver support« [07:46] oh-oh [07:48] jutro [07:51] .vreme koper [07:51] rip [08:03] če koga zanima cheap ass vps pri megavz imam kode s popusti [08:05] .morje [08:05] Postaja Debeli Rtič (Zora) - Jadransko morje: Temperatura ni na voljo [08:05] Postaja Koper - kapitanija - Jadransko morje: 19.8°C [08:05] Postaja OB Piran (NIB) - Jadransko morje: 19.8°C [08:06] CrazyLemon: A to je tist NAT-an VPS provider ? :) [08:06] yang jp [08:07] če ne želiš nat imam tudi kode s popusti za recimo take https://www.evobilling.com/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=0 [08:07] Shopping Cart - EvoBurst Solutions [08:07] jst mam kr online.net niso dragi [08:15] http://www.zurnal24.si/kolesar-se-je-spravil-na-pesca-clanek-257686 [08:15] Kolesar se je spravil na pešca - zurnal24 [08:15] »Jezni kolesar je starejšega pešca udaril po glavi, ker mu je ta dejal, da vozi po napačni strani ceste.« [08:15] evo ga.. zdobbie [08:17] evo kaj so rekl po radiu, ko je en american krmilo obrnil, da je sel v levo namesto v desno se je ucil voznje 8 mesecev, njegov sin pa se je to naucil v 14 dnevih, pravjo kok so mladi mozgani se sposobni hitrej ucit [08:39] a mu je tut reku "you filthy peasant" [08:43] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-wWqAObLwrwo/VhNdS62z4TI/AAAAAAAAUFo/2RTR28Amiq8/w583-h823-no/CQAclpxWwAAyqkh.jpg-large.jpeg [09:04] ppl a ma kdo doma minolta pagepro 8e pa da mu dela? [09:07] kaj pa je to? [09:19] tiskalnik iz hoferja [09:21] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Create A Custom Ubuntu ISO With PinguyBuilder http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/AXcYDHjbcDM/create-custom-ubuntu-iso-with.html [09:22] https://twitter.com/atomi/status/539254084193116160/photo/1 [09:22] auf Twitter: "Haha yeah this happens all the time: http://t.co/Opvp6CG989" [09:52] Prevrnjena kočija na cesti Štjak - Vrabče pri pokopališču. [09:52] its like 1900 all over again [10:21] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Circular App Launcher `Gnome Pie` 0.6.7 Gets New Clipboard Slice Group, Other Changes http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/za39MJXKsjk/circular-app-launcher-gnome-pie-067.html [10:25] http://www.filecrop.com/ [10:25] PIPCU Domain Suspension [10:56] ah ja [10:56] rick and morty majo premor za leto :/ [10:57] who they [10:57] CrazyLemon weak, ne poznas? [10:57] napsy nope [10:57] !g weak rick and morty [10:57] Rick and Morty - Wikiquote https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Rick_and_Morty [10:57] mesanica futurame pa south parka pa doctor who [10:58] ah...risanka [11:03] majo kr izvirne [11:03] tko, vcasih tut wtf [11:45] https://github.com/hmlb/phpunit-vw [11:45] hmlb/phpunit-vw · GitHub [11:45] »phpunit-vw - VW PHPUnit extension makes your failing test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny« [11:53] lol [11:53] nice one [11:53] hud [11:57] pozna kdo povezavo lightdm z upstart? [12:02] gaby1: lightdm poskrbi za grafično prijavo [12:03] upstart je storitev ki upravlja procese [12:03] med drugim tudi lightdm [12:03] what's upstart [12:06] zdobersek thats the process when your alarm clock goes off [12:06] meh [12:07] "nothing much, what's up with you" [12:08] hm, a mi lahk kdo na hitro pomaga z dnsmasq-om na Debianu? V /etc/default/dnsmasq imam: [12:08] resolv-file=/etc/dnsmasq.d/resolv.conf [12:08] addn-hosts=/etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts.conf [12:09] potem se zgodi pa tole: [12:09] service dnsmasq start [12:09] /etc/init.d/dnsmasq: 35: /etc/default/dnsmasq: resolv-file=/etc/dnsmasq.d/resolv.conf: not found [12:09] /etc/init.d/dnsmasq: 36: /etc/default/dnsmasq: addn-hosts=/etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts.conf: not found [12:09] [....] Starting DNS forwarder and DHCP server: dnsmasq [12:09] dnsmasq: bad option at line 1 of /etc/dnsmasq.d/resolv.conf [12:09] failed! [12:10] however... [12:10] cat /etc/dnsmasq.d/resolv.conf [12:10] nameserver [12:10] nameserver [12:13] resolv.conf je dinamičen [12:14] Matthai: dodaj v /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail [12:14] nameservers ... [12:15] tail? [12:17] se pravi nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail, pa notri nameserver ? [12:18] da [12:19] pol pa resolvconf -u [12:19] in v /etc/resolv.conf bos mel to [12:20] dnsmasq bo to potem prevzel [12:21] hmm, resolvconf-a nimam [12:21] zdaj pa pravi [12:21] dnsmasq: bad option at line 1 of /etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts.conf [12:21] failed! [12:22] ja tist odstrani [12:22] won't fly [12:22] kater debian? [12:22] Matthai: zakaj pa upoabljas Google DNS ? [12:23] Matthai: resolv-file=/etc/resolv.conf [12:23] explain yourself! [12:23] Debian GNU/Linux 7 [12:24] Ubuntu ima to precej drugače [12:24] ja [12:24] hm preveri ce majo tisti fajli pravilen file mode [12:25] k ene zadeve zahtevajo 600 [12:25] also better have redundancy [12:25] nameserver [12:25] nameserver [12:25] nameserver [12:25] nameserver [12:25] yang: because it works, najbrz [12:26] yang, nočem, da mi urad za igre na srečo kaj blokira :-) [12:26] a hoste pa potem v /etc/hosts napišem? [12:26] lol [12:27] Matthai: addn-hosts=/etc/something mine [12:27] aha sej mas [12:28] dnsmasq so ponavad poganja kot nobody [12:28] ja, ampak mi pa javlja [....] Starting DNS forwarder and DHCP server: dnsmasq [12:28] dnsmasq: bad option at line 1 of /etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts.conf [12:28] failed! [12:35] probi direktno pognat dnsmasq z verbose mode [12:35] and they said bash scripts are the best :) [12:46] sem odprl temo na forumu... zdaj sem poedital /etc/dnsmasq.conf, ampak je podoben problem [12:51] wow https://vine.co/v/eOjngMb32ma [12:51] Watch Met Office's Vine "What are the likely impacts of a yellow severe weather warning for #rain" [12:51] »Vine by Met Office« [13:00] http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/dnsmasq-man.html [13:00] Man page of DNSMASQ [13:00] Matthai ^ ..si poskusil zagnat kot command line options ? [13:01] option* [13:03] http://www.mladina.si/169048/kaj-je-moore-snemal-v-sloveniji [13:03] Kaj je Moore snemal v Sloveniji? | MLADINA.si [13:03] »»Ali Slovenci res obožujete kečap?Mi bi radi o tem posneli film,« je bilo eno od prvih vprašanj po elektronski pošti. Producentsko ekipo svetovno znanega režiserja...« [13:03] ne, kaj rečem samo dnsmasq resolv-file=/etc/dnsmasq.d/resolv.conf addn-hosts=/etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts.conf ? [13:04] Matthai nope [13:05] a lahko tule gremo skozi: https://www.ubuntu.si/forum/discussion/6367/dnsmasq-na-debianu [13:05] Dnsmasq na Debianu - Ubuntu.si Forum [13:05] dnsmasq -H /etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts.conf -r /etc/dnsmasq.d/resolv.conf [13:05] sam če uporabiš -r pomeni da dnsmasq ignorira /etc/resolv.conf [13:05] its all in the manual :) [13:07] hmm, dodaten problem je... trenutno gor laufa bind, ki bi se ga rad znebil [13:07] :-) [13:18] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZy1I4hmjbk :) Dobri imitatorji [13:18] Etno banda Poseben gušt - Karlo Špacapan (Iztok Mlakar) - YouTube [13:18] »Etno banda Poseben gušt izvaja skladbo Karlo Špacapan besedilo in glasba: Iztok Mlakar« [13:23] sami narkici, ni cudn da enopartijske komunisticne pesmi prepevajo [13:29] CrazyLemon: imas se kaj kod [13:31] dan [13:31] pitastrudl česa? [13:31] za megavz [13:31] lp anny_ [13:31] pitastrudl aja.. ja [13:32] pitastrudl dej mail pa ti posredujem [13:32] uhh, za katere pakete pa imaš kode [13:32] aha [13:32] pitastrudl@gmail.com [13:32] pitastrudl boš pregledal [13:32] sej so linki [13:32] ok [13:33] pitastrudl You have mail. [13:33] ok [13:33] na faksu atm, bom pregledal kasneje [13:33] ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ [13:33] bastard! [13:33] lol [13:34] o [13:43] lol [13:57] uff je včeri aladin slabo napovedal [13:59] human skin is waterproof. [14:00] dz0ny: tuki? [14:00] kam dodam un dynamic_rewrite, da mi bo hostname rewrital [14:01] wp-content/mu-plugins [14:01] doesn't seem to work [14:01] a cel wpbox dam tja [14:01] ne [14:02] nardiš php file [14:02] sm ze [14:02] pa sam to je not [14:02] daš tist not pa add_action init [14:02] http://dpaste.com/02QYS1V [14:02] dpaste: 02QYS1V [14:02] aja cak [14:03] to pa nism [14:03] hm to bi moral delat [14:03] pa ne [14:03] cak da vidm ce se sploh izvede [14:04] poglej še .htaccess [14:04] yup [14:04] se izvede [14:04] sam ne spremeni urljev [14:04] v bazi so pa zgleda hardcodani [14:04] povsod [14:04] a to misliš v člankih? [14:04] ja to pa ja :) [14:05] ne, povsod [14:05] zihr se siteurl ne spremeni [14:05] ker so vsi urlji prependani s tem kar je v bazi [14:07] [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: A World Without Linux Video Series: Episode 1 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/ql0Oc8pNkXI/a-world-without-linux-video-series-episode-1 [14:08] "ko se zgodi error, poglej v loge" a je to mogoce spansko, ali za programerja nerazumljivo? [14:08] grem iz firme, nek nov programer tukaj, za vsak error mi kopira [14:08] kaj pa zdaj? [14:08] ampak mi skopira error msg ki je namenjen za stranke [14:08] WTF?! [14:09] slax0r: you need sentry [14:09] sentry? [14:09] ah, iz live appov, to ma error pri programiranju [14:10] mislis da mi je za vsako napako vedet in jo resevat? zato je on tukaj [14:10] k mene itak ne bo vec dolg [14:10] slax0r: aja lol [14:10] one nice example http://i.imgur.com/MyboafZ.png [14:11] getsentry.com ? bookmarked ;) [14:12] mhm [14:13] dobi acc za en app k ga razvija [14:13] se proba prijavit [14:13] mi poslje err msg da je username/pwd napacen [14:13] :S [14:14] slax0r: a je prvi dan na projektu? [14:15] ~3 tedne [14:15] v bistvu ga dela sam od zacetka [14:15] js sm mu samo v pomoc [14:16] sam ne za vsak error k ga dobi [14:35] fun fun :) [14:49] .radar [14:49] Radarska slika padavin: http://www.arso.gov.si/vreme/napovedi%20in%20podatki/radar_anim.gif [15:29] https://medium.com/aws-activate-startup-blog/internet-of-beer-introducing-simple-beer-service-63c987037e9e?sf41468414=1 [15:29] Internet of Beer: Introducing Simple Beer Service — AWS Startup Collection — Medium [15:29] »By Todd Varland, Jeremy Wallace, and Henrik JohanssonSolutions Architects, AWS« [15:51] dan [16:15] Slax0r https://github.com/hmlb/phpunit-vw [16:15] hmlb/phpunit-vw · GitHub [16:15] »phpunit-vw - VW PHPUnit extension makes your failing test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny« [16:18] [13:45:38] : https://github.com/hmlb/phpunit-vw [16:18] hmlb/phpunit-vw · GitHub [16:18] »phpunit-vw - VW PHPUnit extension makes your failing test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny« [16:19] CrazyLemon: https://github.com/hmlb/phpunit-vw [16:19] hmlb/phpunit-vw · GitHub [16:19] »phpunit-vw - VW PHPUnit extension makes your failing test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny« [16:19] zdobersek [18:15:25] : Slax0r https://github.com/hmlb/phpunit-vw [16:19] hmlb/phpunit-vw · GitHub [16:19] »phpunit-vw - VW PHPUnit extension makes your failing test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny« [16:19] pitastrudl: (09:19:19 AM) CrazyLemon: zdobersek [18:15:25] : Slax0r https://github.com/hmlb/phpunit-vw [16:19] hmlb/phpunit-vw · GitHub [16:19] »phpunit-vw - VW PHPUnit extension makes your failing test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny« [16:20] what [16:20] kaj je to [16:20] zdobbie [18:19:08] : CrazyLemon: https://github.com/hmlb/phpunit-vw [16:20] hmlb/phpunit-vw · GitHub [16:20] »phpunit-vw - VW PHPUnit extension makes your failing test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny« [16:20] double highlight...heeeeyooo [16:20] but why me [16:20] u da virtual mvp [16:20] what does it do [16:21] cheat [16:21] Sky[x]: https://github.com/hmlb/phpunit-vw [16:21] hmlb/phpunit-vw · GitHub [16:21] »phpunit-vw - VW PHPUnit extension makes your failing test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny« [16:41] https://youtu.be/2ectRLJLsjM [16:41] Umetniški post mix shoda "Slovenija zavaruj meje" - YouTube [16:41] »Video nastal na podlagi posnetkov iz protestnega shoda "Slovenija zavaruj meje" na dan 25.9.2015« [16:43] zdobersek: in kaj je to? :) [16:43] Sky[x]: u cheat? [16:44] morm pogldat k e mi n sanja o cem govoris :) [16:45] lol :D [16:46] u cheat in php? [16:46] ur #1 lang? [19:03] ONE OF US https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/651399283976073217 [19:03] Edward Snowden auf Twitter: "rekt https://t.co/QTnNfOgLtI" [19:05] nc, grem s kolesom mal k je tak fajn vreme [19:06] ceste so prazne in sluzba ob sestih [19:08] godspeed! [19:22] koliko časa pa potrebuješ da prideš do službe ?? 9 ur? [19:25] CrazyLemon: mogoc pa trenutno je na sihtu [19:57] http://uk.businessinsider.com/european-court-of-justice-safe-harbor-ruling-2015-10 [19:57] European Court of Justice Safe Harbor ruling - Business Insider [19:57] »The Safe Harbor agreement allowed US tech companies to transfer data between the US and Europe.« === MC_saban is now known as mcsaban [20:28] http://www.droid-life.com/2015/10/06/download-marshmallow-ota-nexus-mra58k/ [20:28] Download: Android 6.0 Marshmallow OTA Updates for Nexus Devices "MRA58K" (Updated) | Droid Life [20:28] »Google told us yesterday that Android 6.0 Marshmallow OTA updates were starting to rollout to the Nexus devices set to receive them, so like we always do for major updates, we have started capturing all of the URLs for the .zip files for each. Below, you will find Android 6.0 Marshmallow OTA .zip files for …« [20:28] OTA images are available! [20:28] evo zdobbie ..da se ne boš pritoževal glede memory leaka [20:33] jah moram OTA offer dobit [21:02] https://www.strava.com/activities/407725423 [21:02] Bike Ride Profile | Pitch Black Javor in Warm Wind, Fog and Rain near Ljubljana Polje | Times and Records | Strava [21:02] https://bou.si/pic/serious-downpour-cockpit.jpg [21:02] https://bou.si/pic/serious-downpour-javor.jpg [21:02] kr nice je blo [21:02] toplo je zuni [21:03] .vreme ljubljana [21:03] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 13.7°C @06.10.2015 20:30 UTC. [21:03] Vlažnost: 100% severozahodnik 0.8 m/s (2.9 km/h) [21:03] Sončni vzhod: 05:07:20, Kulminacija: 10:51:24, Sončni zahod: 16:35:28 [21:03] Dan je dolg: 11ur 28min 09s, Luna je v ščipu [21:03] i disagree [21:04] mraz je ce je minus [21:30] .vreme koper [21:30] ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 19°C @06.10.2015 21:00 UTC. [21:30] Vlažnost: 88% jugozahodnik 0.7 m/s (2.5 km/h) [21:30] Sončni vzhod: 05:10:07, Kulminacija: 10:54:30, Sončni zahod: 16:38:54 [21:30] Dan je dolg: 11ur 28min 47s, Luna je v ščipu [21:59] itsss rainingg [22:07] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUdZUfI4f8Q [22:07] Laura Vitale NYC Book Launch Party LIVE EVENT! - YouTube [22:07] »Join me for the live broadcast of my Book Launch Party LIVE from NYC! I'll be taking questions live from TWITTER with hashtag: #VitaleBookLaunch. Also be sur...«