
nhainespleia2: how do you feel about Meetup.com?00:51
pleia2nhaines: in the interest of completeness and not repeating myself: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2015-September/007031.html16:12
darthrobotTitle: [[loco-contacts] Meetup.com offering for LoCo teams]16:12
=== cyphase is now known as Guest69018
nhainespleia2: but redundancy!  :)22:29
nhainespleia2: I did read that back then, so if those sentiments hold firm in the specific case as well as general, duly noted.  :)22:30
pleia2yeah, we should use meetup and whatever integration that may be developed for loco.u.c because I like it22:31
nhainesYup, that's my general feeling too.22:32
nhainesI need Amazon reviews for my book, preferably 5-star!22:32
nhainespleia2: would you be free to like just sort of skim over my book and write something short this weekend?22:32
nhainesAnd in fact, if there's anyone in here who would like a free electronic copy in exchange for an honest review, do let me know at nhaines@ubuntu.com.22:33
pleia2nhaines: unfortunately not, flying to las vegas friday night, coming home saturday night, doing laundry, packing, then off to houston on tuesday morning, tokyo from there the next 2 weeks22:34
nhainesAww.  I'll pin you down when you get back.  :)22:34
pleia2I come home from my last conference of the year in the middle of november some time :)22:36
nhainesAnything fun going on in Vegas?22:40
pleia2no, crazy flight routing on my husband's flight home from Montreal made him end up with a 20 hour layover in vegas22:42
pleia2so obviously I should just fly out to meet him, staying at the Luxor for a night (he'd never stay there "for real" and I've always wanted to) and then going to see some animals and eat some food22:43
pleia2oh, and swim in the pools at the Luxor because they are cool22:43
nhainesThat sounds fun to me.  :)22:44
pleia2well, it's fun, but it's not really "going on" :) it's just a little jaunt22:45
nhainesThat's the best kind of trip anyway.  :)  I'll end up in Vegas for fun at least once next year.  Maybe twice if book sales are brisk!22:46
nhainesRight now the priority is saving up enough to get to Disneyland with Alexander before they redo Tomorrowland.  (i.e., so half of everything isn't shutdown, although going pre-Star Wars stuff is a good excuse to go a second time next year, too.)22:47
* pleia2 nods22:47
pleia2I still have not been22:47
nhainesNine years old and he's never been!  (Disney World doesn't count!)22:47
pleia2might as well wait for star wars at this ponit22:47
nhainesIt's a fun time.  Less stress if you get a two day pass.22:48
* pleia2 nods22:49
pleia2I did Disney World a few years back, so that's kind of how I expected it to be22:49
nhainesI can (and have) hit every pretty much single ride with a kid in tow from 8am to midnight, but it's worth taking in the sights.22:49
nhainesI've never been to Disney World before.  It's kind of on the list eventually.22:50
* nhaines waves his hand vaguely.22:50
pleia2haha, nice22:50
pleia2I went when there was a UDS in Orlando22:50
nhainesToo bad it's a bit far from SCALE, but the freeway system helps.22:51
nhainesI think I've twitterated more today than in the last two years.  I hope I'm doing it right.  Twitter's a little perplexing to me.22:51
pleia2yeah, we'll see how this year turns out, may just end up coming down the whole week so I can do some LA things22:51
pleia2you're doing fine :)22:52
nhainesHaha, thanks.  I guess you mention other twitter handles and use links a lot?  I don't know.22:52
nhainesRichard plans to have a *ton* of Pasadena stuff on the "Activities near SCALE" page this year.  Should be very interesting stuff.22:52
nhainesI suggested we march on the Sheraton holding penguin signs to make them regret their complete disinterest in offering a group rate.22:53
pleia2I don't use links a lot, except photos, and I do those "wrong" since I link to Flickr rather than using Twitter's photo thing or something like instagram22:53
nhainesBut Richard thinks when they see 5,000 people staying at their competitors that next year's conversation for SCALE 15x might be different.22:54
pleia2but Flickr is where my photos go, I am happy with their rights, licensing and export policies22:54
nhainesThe Ubucon plans are so exciting!  I'm hoping to hear more about our meet and greet events tomorrow!22:59
nhainesIt's going to be a lot of fun to announce the new changes.22:59
pleia2I will be on the call!22:59
nhainesI think you'll like our crazy, ambition plans.  :)23:03

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