
=== bynarie_ is now known as bynarie
jarnosIs this the only way to get vsync work in Xfce? http://askubuntu.com/a/63675205:27
=== IceyEC is now known as Icey
=== ponbiki is now known as Guest74396
imthenachomanhi guys. i just installed 14.04 on my server. it is gonna be used mostly for a samba share on the 2nd drive as storage, and to run plex and a few other media apps. i was wondering if y'all think i should go with 15.05 instead? (xubuntu of course)12:16
bazhangserver stick with lts12:19
bazhangits five years support12:19
imthenachomanbazhang: even if it is for home. i mean what kind of support WON'T I get with 15.04? i figure, worst case, even if it crashes, my data will be on a 2nd drive so i can always get back t it12:21
bazhangnine months support for non lts12:22
bazhangyou could go for 15.04 then 15.10 and finally next lts 16.0412:23
bazhangbut thats a lot of upgrades for a server12:23
imthenachomanbazhang: ahh. and i just found this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS which is helpful12:24
=== Guest74396 is now known as ponbiki
Hudsonkemdepois de por o compiz, tudo parecia pegar bem, durante os teste eu reiniciei para verificar, mas, hoje quando liguei o pc, o menubar fica sumindo. alguem alguma ideia? detalhe é q se eu fizer outro aparece só q ele some ao reiniciar.15:01
knomeenglish please15:01
cfhowlett!es | Hudsonkem15:01
ubottuHudsonkem: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:01
knomeor use a local community channel15:01
Hudsonkemops sorry, -.-15:01
Hudsonkemknome i forgot the channel language kk, really sorry, let me translate it15:02
Hudsonkemafter install compiz, everythin works great, i tried reboot to see if its okay, so okay, but in this morning when i turn on my computer, menubar just disappeared, so, any ideas? (if i set another menubar its work but disappear on reboot)15:05
Hudsonkemim using dockbarx atm, because i wont set another menubar, it will disappear too.15:11
Hudsonkemis it possible to take all xfce4 pluggins to dockbarx?15:20
GurkenglasIs there a standard location I should put executables if I want them to be on the $PATH?22:18
knomeyou can append to PATH22:19
geniiGurkenglas: Conventionally, in /opt/programname/bin   or /usr/local/bin22:32
Gurkenglasgenii, I can't paste into usr/local/bin with the file manager? the context menu option is greyed out22:34
geniiGurkenglas: Yes, it's owned by root so you have to have admin rights there first. I'd just sudo cp them there on commandline22:35
GurkenglasYou'd think the file manager would place one of those shield-like admin icons in the context menu and ask confirmation or something22:36
drcGurkenglas: It's Open Source, write and submit the code.22:37
GurkenglasCan I make everything that requires sudo get sudo permissions automatically? That's a vm anyways22:37
knomeGurkenglas, don't do that.22:39
GurkenglasWhile trying to build the haskell package ghc-mod, on the dependency ghc-paths it complains "<command line>: can't load .so/.DLL for: libtinfo.so (libtinfo.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)23:10
Gurkenglas". So that's like a missing like-dll? What's the normal way to acquire those?23:10
drcThe best way is to use the Ubuntu Software Center and let it do the work.23:12
Gurkenglashttps://gyazo.com/87ae1e1a021eefff2abbad84baf748f4 I seem to have it already installed?23:14
GurkenglasThen why does it have that tick on it and when I click on it it says remove on the right?23:15
drcI quit...too many stupid people here23:16
krytarikGurkenglas: Sorry about that.23:17
GurkenglasI don't care about the stupid, I care about the no more help!23:18
krytarikGurkenglas: Try in #ubuntu too - this is not exactly Xubuntu-specific.23:18

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