
Merlijn_SHi! Anyone here has experience with charm compose?06:56
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apuimedolazypower: gnuoy`: jamespag`: https://code.launchpad.net/~celebdor/charm-helpers/midonet/+merge/27367811:38
apuimedoIIUC I have to get this merged and then sync it to the development branches of the Openstack charms11:39
apuimedothen send the necessary patches for those, right?11:39
mattywbeisner, ping?12:18
jamespag`apuimedo, yah - looking now12:35
jamespag`apuimedo, lgtm - landed12:37
apuimedojamespag`: much appreciated ;-)12:40
apuimedojamespag`: gnuoy`: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/next /charm-helpers-hooks.yaml points to lp:charm-helpers branch12:58
apuimedohow am I supposed to make the sync?12:59
apuimedoI guess I can't just change /charm-helpers-hooks.yaml to the12:59
apuimedoI should look closer, it is already there :P13:00
apuimedoso I'll do a `make sync`13:01
jamespag`apuimedo, you got it13:10
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apuimedoit's sad because I had already done it13:10
apuimedoI for some reason thought there was a lp:charm-helpers/next for a second13:10
beisnermattyw, pong13:17
mattywbeisner, hey ther, just regarding the mongodb review13:20
mattywbeisner, I decided to move most of the common code in dump and restore into a python file - that way I can make some proper unit tests out of it13:20
mattywbeisner, just wanted to check you were ok with that approach13:20
beisnermattyw, yep, even better imho :)13:20
beisnermattyw, marcoceppi aisrael ^ ?13:27
aisraelmattyw: I think that's fine, as long as you're not symlinking to it. More testing is always better.13:36
beisnercoreycb, on a landing streak i see - thanks for that.  fyi, i've raised this re: the unrelated fails in n-c-c and n-c, and will be looking at adding api checks ahead of the gimme-an-instance tests.  bug 150370114:09
mupBug #1503701: amulet test for new instance needs resilience <amulet> <openstack> <uosci> <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):New> <nova-compute (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1503701>14:09
beisnercoreycb, and for n-g - bug 150370614:14
mupBug #1503706: amulet test for create network needs resilience <amulet> <openstack> <uosci> <neutron-gateway (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1503706>14:14
coreycbbeisner, ok.  are those fixes needed for the current amulet failures?14:21
beisnercoreycb, they're races14:22
beisnercoreycb, under load, the overcloud isn't quiesced, and the tests blindly say:  create an instance;  or create a network.14:23
coreycbbeisner, btw reviewing your mps got me wondering if we can figure out a way to have some global files in c-h or wherever our code lands after c-h (e.g Makefile, tests/00-setup, etc)14:23
beisnercoreycb, ie we have passing tests at the same revs14:23
beisnercoreycb, yeah ditto.  there are a couple of exceptions, where os api client isn't in helpers, but only in the local tests.  ceilometer / ceilometer-agent are two.14:24
beisnerbeisner, the tests.yaml file will still need to be present for bundletester to parse, so i'm not sure we have a c-h way out of maintaining that.14:25
beisnercoreycb, definitely wanna centralize that somehow though14:25
coreycbbeisner, do you need a hand with those bug fixes?14:26
beisnercoreycb, i think a check-wait-loop-timeout api check just ahead of the create-stuff.  much like this:14:28
beisnernova and neutron need that sort of love14:29
beisneri've not started into it, but yeah if you've got  cycles and want to tackle that, that'd be awesome14:29
beisnerinstead of waiting on an object's status, we need to try/except and api connection and query.14:30
coreycbbeisner, lemme know the priority, cause yeah that cycles thing :)14:31
beisnercoreycb, atm it's just a nagging race, but as you saw in that batch, causes false failures, which causes us to re-run and tie up a test slave for another 2hrs.  and we may still have a race false/fail even with that.14:32
beisnercoreycb, it's a priority from my perspective, because of that (tying up test resources 2 or 3 times to eek out a solid run).14:33
coreycbbeisner, ok14:34
jamespagethedac, gnuoy`:14:43
thedacjamespage: great. I'll take a look today14:43
jamespagethedac, I've tested them out - they work OK14:44
jamespagethedac, the only bit that's missing is the device detection in ceph14:44
jamespageI'll work on that today - but feedback appreicated14:44
* thedac nods14:44
jamespagebeisner, hey - can we get dnspython installed on the unit testing envs for osci:14:45
beisnerjamespage, oo yuck the unit test is trying to apt-get install something?14:46
jamespagebeisner, well the charm-helper is trying to install dnspython cause it can't import it14:46
jamespageits on of the try: import: catch: install re-import things14:46
beisnerjamespage, jenkins@juju-osci-machine-7:~$ apt-cache policy python-dns14:51
beisner  Installed: 2.3.6-314:51
beisnersomethine else must be amiss14:51
jamespagebeisner: python-dnspython14:52
beisnerjamespage, ok now, reran, passing results @14:55
jamespagebeisner, awesome14:55
beisnerjamespage, yw14:56
jamespagebeisner, probably cause we've not really got unit tests in the ceph charms this popped up when I wrote some :-)14:56
jamespagewhen does cholcombe typically appear?  want to ensure I'm not stepping on his toes with my status proposals.14:56
beisnerjamespage, yeah, osd had 0.  so, yay!14:57
jamespagebeisner, my new tests are surgical - but made me feel better...14:57
apuimedojamespage: for the nova-cloud-controller changes15:20
apuimedowhen proposing for merging15:20
apuimedoI should taget the branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/next and put you as a reviewer, right?15:21
apuimedoI'm getting a message15:21
apuimedojamespage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705281/15:22
apuimedoI'm getting the same for gnuoy`15:22
Merlijn_S_Quick question: the charmhelpers.core.host.chownr function doesn't chown the supplied dir itself, only its children. Is this intentional? Seems strange to me..15:30
mattywbeisner, marcoceppi I've updated the mongodb actions suggestions https://code.launchpad.net/~mattyw/charms/trusty/mongodb/mongodb-backup/+merge/27354415:35
apuimedojamespage: gnuoy`: coreycb: why is nova-compute/next charm-helpers-hooks.yaml pointing to lp:~hopem/charm-helpers/add-rbd-cache-config-support ?15:45
apuimedoshouldn't lp:~hopem/charm-helpers/add-rbd-cache-config-support have proposed a merge againts lp:charm-helpers and then nova-compute/next keep pointing to lp:charm-helpers?15:45
gnuoy`apuimedo, a mistake, should lp:charm-helpers15:45
apuimedognuoy`: so... Can I fix it and send it with my merge request?15:46
gnuoy`apuimedo, I'll fix it it was probably my error at review time15:46
apuimedognuoy`: ok, I wait for that to sync and put my changes15:47
apuimedognuoy`: did you see my question above about the target branch for nova-cloud-controller and the message I get from launchpad?15:47
gnuoy`apuimedo, otp, but will look15:48
mattywmarcoceppi, does UOSCI need updating with a charmhelps that supports the latest action functions? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705419/15:49
gnuoy`apuimedo, charm-helpers-hooks.yaml should be fixed15:50
gnuoy`apuimedo, yes, targey lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/next15:50
apuimedognuoy`: it asks me if I want to nominate you15:51
apuimedoas you don't currently have the permission to view branches15:52
apuimedo(sounds like launchpad malfunction to me)15:52
gnuoy`apuimedo, does it? I'd suggest not nominating anyone then it lands on the review queue for all to see15:52
apuimedognuoy`: jamespage: so here you go https://code.launchpad.net/~celebdor/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/midonet/+merge/27371715:53
beisnermattyw, it's actually failing because the unit test (as non-root) is attempting to apt install a pkg.15:56
beisnermattyw, generally speaking, unit tests shouldn't actually "do" things to the host running the tests.  this looks like a case where you'll need to prep a venv in the makefile ahead of the tests running.15:57
mattywbeisner, yeah  it only does that if it can't import the action_get function. It's messy but that seems to be the accepted way of doing that kind of thing15:57
mattywbeisner, ah - good call15:57
beisnerie. satisfy dependencies before the test is fired15:58
mattywbeisner, what about on a unit - we'd need to make sure the deps were up to date there as well?15:58
beisnermattw - so in this charm (and all of the openstack charms), the necessary bits from charmhelpers are sync'd into hooks/charmhelpers.16:02
beisnermattyw, `make sync`16:02
beisnerthat of course has pros/cons16:03
mattywbeisner, that only works in the hooks directory - I could have a similar one in the actions directory as well?16:04
beisnermattyw, true.  which i believe is why in the swift charm, hooks/charmhelpers moved to lib/ so both actions/ and hooks/ could consume.  but that's more symlink foo!16:05
mattywbeisner, I could do an extra sync location for actions - and add a TODO ;)16:06
beisnermattyw, i'll defer to the primary maintainers of the mongodb charm on that (and all of this really).   there is how-we-do-it-now vs. how-we-would-like-to-see-it-done.   i can tell ya all about how we do it now ;-)16:08
mattywbeisner, which charm was that?16:10
beisnermattyw, swift-proxy and swift-storage ('next' dev branches), which will be part of the 15.10 openstack charm release16:10
mattywbeisner, perfect thanks - I was looking the current ones16:11
beisnermattyw, so something will have to be either duplicated or symlinked, or pip installed.  each of the approaches have pros/cons16:12
mattywbeisner, I'll go with symlink and wait for comments16:13
mattywbeisner, done, let's see what trouble that causes ;)16:15
coreycbgnuoy`, I pushed a new keystone version for action-managed upgrades, after a slight scare.  somehow I overwrote my branch on lp without using --overwrite, but luckily enough lp has history.16:25
beisnerfyi gnuoy`, dosaboy - wrt the n-c-c amulet test fails;  known race opportunity [ that's my positive spin thedac ;-) ] ... raised @ bug 1503701 -- unrelated to your proposed changes.16:48
mupBug #1503701: amulet test for new instance needs resilience <amulet> <openstack> <uosci> <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):New> <nova-compute (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1503701>16:48
mattywbeisner, thanks! great idea, sensible diff size now16:51
beisnermattyw, woot!  still violates the antisymlink thing, but so does the rest of the charm.16:51
mattywbeisner, rules are meant to be broken ;)16:52
beisnermattyw, so are symlinks16:52
beisnerba da bing16:52
mattywbeisner, I'd be happy with haing to sync locations - but I'm also happy to go with majority verdict :)16:53
apuimedolazypower: ping19:09
apuimedombruzek: ping19:14
mbruzekapuimedo: Hello!19:14
apuimedombruzek: Ahoj19:15
apuimedohow's it going?19:15
mbruzekapuimedo: I am doing well.  And you?19:15
apuimedoI got some amulet failure when syncing up the charm helpers19:15
apuimedoand putting some template change19:15
apuimedodo you think it could be a flaky test of that the charm was not ready for the sync?19:16
tvansteenburghlooks like whatever server the novaclient is pointing at is broken, or was19:20
tvansteenburghi don't know anything about this though19:20
tvansteenburghbeisner, jamespage ^19:21
beisnermbruzek, apuimedo - that looks like n-c-c.  if so, it is a race in the test, working on it now actually.   bug 1503701   tldr: the deployed test cloud wasn't completely open for business at the moment the create instance routine fired off.19:21
mupBug #1503701: amulet test for new instance needs resilience <amulet> <openstack> <uosci> <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):New> <nova-compute (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1503701>19:21
apuimedobeisner: oh, thanks. I didn't know about this issue19:21
apuimedobeisner: could you retrigger the test for the merge proposal once you fix it, then?19:22
beisnerjust started seeing it.  it generally happens when the rest of the undercloud has elevated load.19:22
beisnerapuimedo, you would have to rebase, after finish, propose, and get the test updates landed.19:22
beisners/after/after i/19:22
apuimedobeisner: I'll have to check how to rebase in bzr. I'm still fighting with it and wishing I had git :P19:23
beisnerapuimedo, i plan to have a proposal up tomorrow19:24
apuimedobeisner: do you have some estimation for the bug fix?19:24
apuimedoah, good19:24
mbruzekapuimedo: beisner is the expert on osci but if you have any amulet questions I can help19:25
apuimedombruzek: perfect, thanks ;-)19:25
apuimedobeisner: what's your tz, so I can tell when to ping you about future osci issues19:25
beisnerapuimedo, us central time19:26
* beisner goes to find lunch19:26
apuimedobeisner: bon appetit19:27
mbruzekapuimedo: You can ping me for osci problems too, I just might have to consult with beisner for the tougher ones19:29
apuimedombruzek: thanks!19:29
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apuimedobeisner: the issue also happened with  nova-compute/next http://paste.ubuntu.com/12709505/23:14
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beisnerapuimedo, yep, that bug is listed for both n-c and n-c-c23:45
george_eIs it still necessary to bundle "charmhelpers" with a charm? (I'm specifically thinking of Precise here.)23:57
george_eOr is there a better way?23:58

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