
=== strayPuppy is now known as Guest78831
sitterRiddell: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/wily_unstable_kaccounts-integration/04:34
sitterRiddell: kunitconversion will need a new upload with fixed symbols file format04:42
sitteroh ffs05:08
sitterYour membership in the Ubuntu Core Development Team (ubuntu-core-dev)05:48
sitterteam has expired.05:48
sitterwell that's that then05:48
lordievaderGood morning.07:32
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-85-gee81507 * Aleix Pol:  (2 files in 2 dirs)07:33
pursuivantFix upgrade UI07:33
pursuivantShow some text when we don't have the progress information07:33
pursuivantCenter the text07:33
viphi ho07:33
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-86-ge92a386 * Aleix Pol: libmuon/backends/DummyBackend/muon-dummy-backend-categories.xml07:33
pursuivantadd a specially longer dummy category07:33
pursuivantfor better UI testing07:33
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-87-g7ba51f3 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/GridItem.qml07:33
pursuivantUse a different color to highlight on grid delegate hover07:33
pursuivantThis way we can have things with such highlight within the delegate.07:33
lordievaderHey vip, soee 07:34
alvinSituation: You decline to install MP3 and Flash support and so on in the installer. Afterwards, every time you log on, there is an icon in the system tray that proposes to install Flash. Is there a possibility to decline permanently without being bugged every session? If not, what's the name of that package so that I can file a bug report.08:47
Riddellalvin: can't you right click on the icon and Never Show Again?08:50
Riddellit'll be kubuntu-notification-helper I think08:50
alvinRiddell: Never tried it before you suggested that. But there is a reason. Apparently you can right-click it and choose 'never show again', but as soon as you left-click it the icon disappears and the window with the question appears. So, your chance to right-click and decline is gone until the next time you get the notification. You can't read what the question is and decline afterwards within the same session. (What then happens next 08:59
alvinsession is: "hey, an icon with a question! Let's read it. Ugh, Flash again. I'll decline next session. Next session: "Hey, a question, I wonder...." I really have to think: "This will probably be about Flash again, I'll tell it not to bug me." (It's always Flash, isn't it? There are never other packages being proposed by kubuntu-notification-helper, and if you say "don08:59
alvin't show again", will it actually be able to propose other packages?09:00
Riddellalvin: the code is in kde git, any fixes welcome :)09:38
alvinI wish I could. I'm no programmer. A little bit of Perl is the extend of my knowledge. But maybe, one day.09:42
sitterqt-gstreamer repo needs a fork09:54
sitterthat bloody UDD-like branching is screwing with CI09:54
sitterRiddell: what does one do if one timed out as coredev?09:54
sittersend angry FAX to dev membership board?09:54
Riddellsitter: or messenger pidgeon09:55
Riddellsitter: it would be to the tech board09:57
sitterwhat's the DMB good for then?09:58
sitterThe Ubuntu Developer Membership Board currently approves Contributing Developers (Ubuntu Membership), per-package uploaders, MOTU and Core Developers09:58
sitterDMB is responsible now09:58
sitterused to be TB09:58
sitterit's weird how the warning about expiration got filtered to trash but the notification after the fact didn't10:01
sitterI'm back baby \o/10:08
* sitter sends more mails since he is on a roll10:08
sitterRiddell: are we landing kf5.15 for wily?10:27
sitterah ffs10:48
sitterwhy the bloody hell did that fail10:49
* sitter deploys tooling again10:50
=== turgay_ is now known as turgay
Riddellsitter: yes I'm minded to get 5.15 in if it works fine10:54
sitterwe should get at least kiconthemes IMO. to get rid of first start icon theme problems10:55
Riddellno sign of clivejo so I'll fix up kunitthing myself and get the rest done10:59
sitterRiddell: kunit is in git 11:02
sitterI did some adjustment for CI11:02
sitterfor some reason we have gotten a pkg-kde-tools merge of which the only purpose was actively breaking builds :S11:02
Riddellah lovely thanks sitter11:02
davmor2sitter: because if it just worked you wouldn't be happy11:02
sitterI would be perfectly happy with not having builds randomly fail to build this close to release :P11:03
sitterafter release is another thing11:03
sitter /usr/include/gstreamer-1.0/gst/gstelement.h:55:27: fatal error: gst/gstconfig.h: No such file or directory11:05
sittersomething is astray with gst11:05
BluesKajHey all12:32
BluesKajwell, I have some sembalance of a desktop back again, altho most desktop effects are literally out of the picture, X seeems shifted down and to the right by a couple of inches on this large monitor/tv 12:35
sittersebas: btw, did your kmail improve? we should now have 15.08.112:37
sebassitter: not as of yesterday ... I'll try again now13:04
sebassitter: no luck ... I'm considering a local problem13:07
sebasbut then, it should definitely work if I start akonadi by hand and then start kmail in the same shell13:07
sebassitter: https://paste.kde.org/ppwsnycy1 so looks like the agents aren't found13:09
sebasor can't be loaded13:09
sebaswhich package contains the agents, contact and imap agents, for example?13:11
sebaskdepim-runtime I suppose is the old agent13:15
sittersebas: kdepim-runtime should be the uptodate agents. perhaps ask dvratil14:02
sebasthat wasn't installed14:02
sebaskmail is missing a dep?14:02
sebasand it seems to help, even14:03
BluesKajis this the latest image for beta 2, the dailies are no longer available http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-15-10-beta-2/14:10
marco-parilloBluesKaj: Can you get to here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/14:12
marco-parilloI thought I ran a zsync just the other day14:13
marco-parilloOh, sorry, were you really asking for the daily that matched the Beta-2 image?14:14
BluesKajmparillo, yes the latest daily , I have bata image that's about a week old14:14
BluesKajbeta even14:15
BluesKajlooks like I have to do a fresh reinstall, plasma crashes before I get a login screen, getting the emergency screen only plus a lot of warnings about the plasma crashes 14:15
marco-parilloIt looks to me as if the latest daily is here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/14:17
marco-parilloAnd yes, my upgrade seemed to do funny things on one of my laptops last night, but all seemed well after this morning's upgrades. The other laptop and the VM all seem happy. Maybe I had caught a strange case were some packages upgraded and others were not yet seeded.14:18
BluesKajmarco-parillo, yes I'm downloading from the first url you posted since it has today's date14:19
BluesKajmy laptop upgraded just fine yesterday without any graphics issues at all, but it uses intel graphics rather than nvidia like the desktop14:21
sittersebas: cheers. I uploaded a fix14:32
sebassitter: sweet, thanks!14:33
sebassitter: it's now synching email and seems to work otherwise14:34
sebasI'll let you know if I run into problems later on14:34
sebasI'm happy to have kmail again, also on this machine14:35
sebasclaws somehow doesn't fully support my workflows14:35
sebaskeyboard shortcuts, folder search etc. are all miles better in kmail14:35
* sitter wonders how kdepimlibs stable CI got borked14:36
sitter00:34:07.723 HEAD detached at packaging/kubuntu_unstable14:37
sitterwhy that would do it14:37
BluesKajok, Wily seems to be behaving somewhat better, altho text entries and copy and pastes seem very slow, almost hesitant 17:57
BluesKajvirtual desktop switching fast and clean, no artifacts like yesterday's upgrade 17:59
BluesKajhey soee18:01
soeeRiddell: new frameworks ready ?18:04
BluesKajoh no, I just got things straightened out 18:05
* claydoh just got a ~4 year old dell e6420, finally moves into this decade hardware-wise18:06
* claydoh is pleasantly surprised at how well nouveau runs on 15.1018:06
claydohof course, installing the nvidia drivers removes any gui until I switch to the intel gpu lol18:08
BluesKajclaydoh, Optimus ?18:11
BluesKajok , time to run a few errands ..BBL18:13
soeesomeone have installed frameworks 5.15?18:54
clivejoanyone elses system very unstable today?19:12
soeeclivejo: yeah, i thught after framewrosk 5.15 install19:13
mamarleyclivejo: You don't by chance have the proposed repository enabled on Wily, do you?  Kernel 4.2.0-15 in there is busted.19:13
ovidiu-florinhttp://youtu.be/qGkjB4gCGhw Join Us at Kubuntu Podcast #519:13
soeetaksabar has hge lags when clicking n isons, krunner same. 19:13
soeecpus gone mad an plasmashell also19:14
BluesKajproposed is always dangerous unles you install a specific package19:14
* mamarley has had proposed enabled for quite some time now without many major problems *knocks on wood*19:15
BluesKajmamarley, just comment it if you want to save it for future test packages, but want to remain safe from those that might break things19:21
soeebe warned: new frameworks make system less responsive and laggy!19:26
soeealso system eats a lot of cpu power19:26
soeei moved back to 5.14 and system works sooth again19:26
clivejosoee: has frameworks 5.15 hit the archive?19:29
soeeclivejo: i tested staging ppa19:30
yofelnot from what I see19:30
clivejomy system is very unstable today19:30
soeewith 5.15 system was eatign a lot of cpu power one core all the tme ~70% other jumping gigh19:31
clivejoI am getting popup windows but nothing in them19:31
soeeafter revert all is normal and stable19:31
* BluesKaj takes a chance and installs 5.15 anyway19:31
clivejotitled window manager19:31
soeewhen i was clicking on and icon in taskbar it tooks more then one second to activate app19:32
clivejosoee: is frameworks ready?19:32
BluesKajok framework 5.15 installed ...rebooting19:47
soeeclivejo: they buld fine from what i see19:49
BluesKajno lag here with frameworks 5.15 installed19:54
soeeyofel: ping19:58
soeeyofel: what does this  (Newer version available) means here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-frameworks/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=wily ?19:58
soeewhat is this newer version ?19:59
yofeldangit, Riddell uploaded 5.15 to wily a couple hours ago19:59
yofelthat's why the PPA says there is a newer version in the archive20:00
soeeyofel: so the ppa compares the version inside with what is in main archive ?20:00
soeeah, cool. thank you20:00
ahoneybunRiddell: how is docs.kubuntu.co.uk?20:01
clivejoso 5.15 is in the archive?20:03
soeeclivejo: looks like20:04
clivejoI think thats my problem!20:04
soeebut not yet in updates from what i see20:05
soeeBluesKaj: cpu usage is stable for you ? ow many cores ?20:12
BluesKajsoee,  2cores , averaging about 15% each 20:13
BluesKajno lag atm 20:14
mparilloHow can I tell if I have 5.15?20:14
soeehmm good for you, i need someone with more cores etc to test it20:14
BluesKajsoee, haven't installed 5.15 on my laptop yet, but it's just an i3 intel cpu with 4 cores20:17
soeemparillo: hmm good question20:18
soeewhat wa steh podcastt link ?20:18
clivejosoee: ^20:19
soeeclivejo: thank you20:19
BluesKajanyway I'm done for the day ..take care all20:19
Riddellyofel: is that a bad thing?20:39
clivejoanyone else have these "Warning - Window Manager <x> popup windows which are blank?20:39
yofelwell, soee seemed to have problems, but that seems to not happen for everyone20:39
marco-parilloOn Wily today, upgrading with apt, I got a key error. Upgrading with muon-update, I get The following pieces of software cannot be verified. WARNING: Installing unverified software represents a security risk, as the presence of unverifiable software can be a sign of tampering. Do you wish to continue?21:41
wgrantmarco-parillo: Can you pastebin the output of apt-get update? We deployed some archive changes 12 hours ago.22:37
marco-parilloW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net wily InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A22:57
wgrantmarco-parillo: Ah, that sounds unrelated. Looks like you've just added a PPA without adding its key.23:01
marco-parilloOh, yes. The staging-frameworks PPA23:09
clivejosomethings badly wrong with my window manager :/23:21
* clivejo enables staging frameworks23:27

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