
=== strayPuppy is now known as Guest78831
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ggworldI used xrandr commad to set screen resolution in kde4 but when i tried in kde5 i could not adjust the resolution . Is it because of SDDM (Simple Desktop Display Manager) ?03:51
ggworldI used xrandr commad to set screen resolution in kde4 but when i tried in kde5 i could not adjust the resolution . Is it because of SDDM (Simple Desktop Display Manager) ?03:56
ggworldis there anyone?03:57
ggworldhelp me03:57
denza242uh oh04:32
denza242[24815.267873] [drm:radeon_cs_ioctl [radeon]] *ERROR* Invalid command stream !04:32
denza242[24815.336077] [drm:radeon_uvd_cs_parse [radeon]] *ERROR* Invalid UVD handle 0xffa0000d!04:32
denza242what does that mean04:32
* denza242 scared04:32
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=== Guest58899 is now known as kolionik
denza242ah wait nvm04:41
denza242is there any gstreamer config tool?04:56
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lordievaderGood morning.07:32
lordievaderHey goodtime07:39
goodtimeJLP,  lordievader: do you want to make money online07:39
lordievaderNo, thank you.07:39
goodtimeI'm going to be ready tomorrow07:40
goodtimejust wanted to make it happen07:40
lordievaderYou do realize this is Kubuntu support?07:41
goodtimeI'm going to be hiring for Web design and security07:41
goodtimeyes sorry07:41
goodtimeI'll stick too kubuntu related topics07:41
lordievaderPlease do ;) (Or join #kubuntu-offtopic)07:42
=== it_tard is now known as nfk|laptop
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yossarianukin older versions of KDE you could change the window manager from kwin to others (i.e metacity) - can you do this with plasma 5.x?09:06
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lordievaderyossarianuk: It is greyed out here, but I'm sure that if any were available you could use them.09:16
yossarianukwhat section is it in ?09:19
lordievaderSystemsettings -> Applications -> Default Applications -> Window Manager.09:21
yossarianukcheers !09:21
yossarianuk(id seen it before , but I just couldn't find it then)09:21
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yossarianukhi -does nayone know any good guides for connecting (k)ubuntu machines to freeipa servers - most of the docs I found related to RHEL servers ?09:53
patrick__recently when printing from okular, pdf's are always skewed/shifted to the top right - i.e zero margin on the top right, huge margins on bottom and left. Seems to only be an issue when printing some pdfs, or asking for multiple pages per sheet.10:43
=== turgay_ is now known as turgay
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P4Hello! For a long time I have not booted my kubuntu on this box. Now I did so and it reported that there is a new upgrade available. GUI interface shows no updates but new release. Proceeding with upgrade asks for my password and after correctly input nothing happens. I went to the console and did do-release-upgrade as superuser which returns segfault. Frankly, I ignored the coredump and google for that12:07
P4which suggested me to use pudb to debug that python script resulting with findings exception on line 8 with message: "ImportError: No module named DistUpgrade.DistUpgradeVersion". Anybody could help me resolving this as google didn't come with anything appropriate at a glance, please?12:07
patrick__recently when printing from okular, pdf's are always skewed/shifted to the top right - i.e zero margin on the top right, huge margins on bottom and left. Seems to only be an issue when printing some pdfs, or asking for multiple pages per sheet.12:12
P4somebody mention that (s)he has the same issue because of do-release-upgrade used python2 and not python3. here seems that python3 `which do-release-upgrade` results with segfault too :/12:25
P4successful reinstalling python3-apt didn't help either :(12:30
BluesKajHey all12:32
kwaadpepperHi i just saw that plasma had crashes with intel driver wich happens to me is there any tip to fix that ?12:40
patrick__recently when printing from okular, pdf's are always skewed/shifted to the top right - i.e zero margin on the top right, huge margins on bottom and left. Seems to only be an issue when printing some pdfs, or asking for multiple pages per sheet.12:44
traviesup y'all14:21
traviewhen is 15.04 going to be stable? I've installed and broken it so many times in under a week just by using it xD14:21
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Khaotichas ubuntu 12.10 not had in update in about a month?15:09
krytarik!12.10 | Khaotic15:11
ubottuKhaotic: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal15:11
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Khaotici meant 14.10 krytarik15:24
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic15:24
ubottuFor upgrading instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VividUpgrades/Kubuntu15:26
yossarianukKhaotic: honestly your better off with 15.10.....15:57
KhaoticChecking for a new Ubuntu release16:17
KhaoticNo new release found16:17
jhunold15.10 is beta. Just wait...16:18
Khaoticjhunold, upgrading to 15.04 lol from 14.1016:29
Khaoticbut i got it figured out16:29
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pivhey all17:54
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BluesKajhey skrite17:54
skritehello all18:01
skritehey all18:01
BluesKajhi again18:03
ovidiu-florinhttp://youtu.be/qGkjB4gCGhw Join Us at Kubuntu Podcast #519:13
ronnocAnyone know how I could troubleshoot not being able to set Thunderbird as the default email client in 15.04? I have it set as the default email client in System Settings, but it does not appear to make any difference as KMail is launched instead.19:45
urandom_I need help with this dilemma. I have F1 and F2 multimedia keys that control volume up/down of the system and they work fine. If I connect a bluetooth audio device as master channel, I can't control the master channel audio with those two multimedia keys but only the laptop speakers, does anyone know how can I control master channel with the multimedia keys?21:17
=== Eq is now known as Uptime

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