
bcxwily manual gnome install: missing /dev/fd0 device on virtualbox, who brings up the virtual frame buffer device ?01:32
bcxi may miss some packages bringing up /dev/fb0, any idea ?01:34
OerHeksthat /dev/fd0 = floppy drive01:39
Ben64i think that was a typo01:39
OerHeksmaybe, yes. about that fb framebuffer, virtualbox does not use that, does it?01:40
bcxyes talking about fb01:41
bcxwithout guest additions it should01:41
=== DJOnes is now known as DJones
lordievaderGood morning.07:32
freeroutelordievader: \o07:34
lordievaderHey freeroute07:34
BluesKajHey all12:32
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
freeroutehi, so according to this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/ReleaseSchedule - because of the DebianImportFreeze, the only chance of requesting a package modification making a request on Launchpad ?17:37
freeroutethe thing I'm talking about specifically, is the inclusion of the +clipboard flag for vim. By default it is off, and needs the gtk version of vim to get the clipboard functionality. - http://kpaste.net/9494b817:42
freerouteso if vim can preferably be compiled with +clipboard flag without gtk dependency, that would be awesome.17:42
=== qengho is now known as CardinalFang
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
=== qengho is now known as CardinalFang
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho

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