
dholbachgood morning07:14
dholbachsorry, had a call run over15:01
dholbachdpm, popey said that Monday was a US holiday - shall we move the UOS planning call then?15:57
popeyI think so.15:57
dpmwe can move it to Tuesday, but then we've got our Q&A15:58
dpmmaybe Wednesday? The call is not blocking us to start working on the organization, so I think it should be fine15:58
mhall119FWIW, I'll likely be around on Monday15:59
czajkowskioh what holiday is it on Monday in the US15:59
mhall119and for community folks, it might actually be easier to attend if they don't have work15:59
mhall119czajkowski: Columbus day15:59
czajkowskimhall119: I'll remind you of that the next time the UK or EU has a holiday :)15:59
mhall119remind me of Columbus day?16:00
czajkowskimhall119: well there is that :) http://www.techtimes.com/articles/17777/20141013/good-question-why-still-celebrate-columbus-day.htm16:01
czajkowskibut I was thinking of having meetings when there is a bank holiday and assuming people would tune in :)16:01
mhall119czajkowski: we still celebrate Columbus day because we like mattress sales16:03
mhall119Columbus day is one of those holidays that everybody forgets exists until like the week before16:03
dholbachok... so Wednesday instead?16:06
popeyhow about friday?16:07
popey(this friday)16:08
dpmwe were saying that would perhaps give not enough notice16:08
dpmdholbach, mhall119, you know what? given the Monday holiday, and for the sake of not dragging it along, shall we just go back to the Friday option?16:10
dholbachboth work for me16:12
dholbachpopey, ^?16:13
* dholbach puts on the jeopardy music16:16
popeysorry, went afk16:18
dholbachmhall119, ^16:18
dpmok, unless someone has got anything against it, let's pick Friday then16:18
popeyyeah, i have few meetings on a friday16:18
dholbachpopey, unping - you suggested it :)16:18
dholbach15 utc?16:18
mhall119dholbach: Friday works for me too16:19
dpmok, Friday 15:00 UTC then16:22
dholbachall right16:23
dholbachmail sent16:23
dholbachhave a great day everyone - see you tomorrow!16:23
dpmok, calling it a day for today, see you all tomorrow!17:42

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