
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
robert_ancellTheMuso, are you doing the gnome-orca 3.16.3 update?01:57
TheMusorobert_ancell: Oh we can do those this late in the cycle?02:36
TheMusorobert_ancell: I can.02:36
robert_ancellTheMuso, yeah, if it's just stable fixes. It compiled fine here just wasn't sure how to check if anything broken02:37
TheMusorobert_ancell: Ok go ahead with the upload then if you have done changelog etc.02:37
robert_ancellTheMuso, ok02:37
TheMusoI can do it if you aren't that far along.02:37
TheMusoah ok cool.02:38
robert_ancellbye all03:54
didrocksgood morning05:10
TheMusoHey hikiko, didrocks.05:10
didrockshey TheMuso!05:10
hikikohey TheMuso didrocks ]05:11
didrockshey hikiko05:12
pittiGood morning05:17
didrockshey pitti05:18
pittiça va didrocks ?05:21
didrockspitti: ça va, et toi ?05:21
pittididrocks: still trouble with my stomach, but I at least could sleep a little longer today; hope it'll get better now :)05:22
didrockspitti: I hope your stomach will fix itself sooner rather than later :/05:23
TheMusoHey pitti. Stomach upsets suck, hope you get better soon.05:23
pittiI hardly ever get that, but I guess it's mostly harmless05:24
TheMusoOf all the illnesses I've ever had, I think ones relating to the stomach have been my least favourite.05:25
* TheMuso -> EOD.05:38
didrockssee you TheMuso!05:41
* larsu will need to have a word with wollcooke today - sun is gone06:27
seb128good morning desktopers06:28
didrockshey larsu, seb12806:28
pittibonjour seb128 et larsu ! comment allez-vous ?06:28
seb128hey didrocks larsu pitti06:29
seb128pitti, ça va bien ! et toi ?06:29
larsuhi didrocks and pitti and seb128!06:29
pittiseb128: médiocre encore, je vais voir un docteur aujourd'hui; peut-être ubuflu pour l'estomac :)06:30
seb128pitti, retape toi bien !06:33
pittiseb128: merci !06:34
hikikofiiixed :D07:00
hikiko3d windows on shaders :D07:00
hikikobut I need help from mir guys to test in actual gles07:00
hikikodid anyone ever run gles2 compiz on desktop?07:31
* hikiko needs some help to test an algorithm07:32
seb128I don't07:33
larsuhi Sweet5hark! wie geht's?07:39
didrocksmorning Sweet5hark!07:39
* larsu hits gtk-doc with a stick07:41
seb128hey Sweet5hark07:41
Sweet5harklarsu, didrocks, seb128: hey guys07:42
willcookemorning all07:57
* willcooke can't find anything good for team dinner07:58
willcookewhere good = food style & location & price07:58
didrockshey willcooke07:59
didrockscan't we go where we headed last time?07:59
* didrocks was quite happy about that place07:59
willcookeI thought about that as well, but:07:59
willcookethe service was poor, and we had to leave after 2 hours07:59
willcookeif you guys are all ok with that, then I am happy to try and book it08:00
willcookeI thought the food was great there08:00
* didrocks doesn't mind, but let's see what others say08:00
larsumorning willcooke08:03
larsugive me back my sun!08:03
willcookehey larsu08:03
willcookeI dont have it08:03
larsuI let you have it for ONE day, and you lost it?!  ;)08:03
willcookeI left it *right* here yesterday08:03
willcookesomeone must have taken it08:03
didrockshey Laney08:04
larsuLaney: perfect timing. Morning :)08:04
willcookeThere's our culprit08:04
LaneyFOOD CHAT08:04
larsuI vote for somewhere else08:04
larsuvariety and all08:04
Laneyif we can find somewhere yeah08:05
Laneyit's london, no need to go to the same place twice!08:05
seb128hey willcooke Laney08:07
willcookehey seb12808:07
Laneywhat's up?08:08
pittihey Laney!08:12
Laneyhi pitti!08:14
Laneyhow are you?08:14
pittiLaney: better today, thanks08:18
Laneyoh, I didn't realise you weren't good :(08:18
pittiLaney: some stomach trouble, I'll see a doctor today (maybe something wrong with Budapest's tap water, or what not -- I don't know)08:19
* Laney sends some good rays pitti's way08:20
Laneyhope there's a quick solution for you08:20
larsuso you *do* have the sun08:21
Laney...gamma rays?08:21
pittiwell, in a way they are :)08:21
larsupitti: all the best!08:22
pittilarsu: danke!08:22
seb128pitti, do you plan a new apport upload this week?08:24
seb128we could do with getting those errors out of e.u.c ;-)08:24
pittiseb128: oh, sure!08:25
seb128pitti, if you do also please review https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu/wily/apport/str_no_decoding/+merge/27307608:25
seb128pitti, danke08:25
Laneypitti: https://udd.debian.org/~laney/less.txt <- updated, looks like -uz is a real candidate for removal08:25
Laneyanyone spot something the three remaining packages have in common? :)08:26
pittiseb128: that's not completely right yet -- if you don't decode you must use if b'something' in ...08:26
seb128Laney, why so much hate for chrisccoulson? ;-)08:26
pittiseb128: as it might still be a str or bytes (if there's some garbage in the log)08:26
pittiseb128: but that's easy enough, I'll fix it up on merge08:26
seb128pitti, danke08:27
chrisccoulsonwhat have I done?08:27
seb128Laney, or in fact we are supposed to handle the devel serie, so one for qengho?08:27
seb128chrisccoulson, hey!08:27
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you?08:28
pittichrisccoulson: error number #1: you left your bed? :-)08:28
chrisccoulsonseb128, I'm not too bad thanks. How are you?08:28
seb128chrisccoulson, seems like firefox/tb/oxide are oudated in wily compared to other series08:28
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:28
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, that's because people keep doing random uploads without proposing the changes to the bzr branches08:28
chrisccoulsonpitti, I'm not bad thanks. And you?08:28
pittichrisccoulson: okayish, glad to be back from the sprint08:29
pittiseb128: "iz gcc bug!" ?08:29
chrisccoulsonoh, where was your sprint?08:29
pittichrisccoulson: in Budapest08:29
chrisccoulsonah, nice08:29
seb128pitti, no, is uploading without sending back changes to the packaging vcs08:29
pittinot that it matters much, it could've been anywhere :)08:29
seb128(wha chrisccoulson was mentioning)08:29
chrisccoulsonThis was the change - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/219814387/firefox_41.0%2Bbuild3-0ubuntu1_41.0%2Bbuild3-0ubuntu2.diff.gz. I'm not convinced that should be fixed in Firefox tbh, and I really object to carrying powerpc-specific patches (especially when there's no upstream bug reference. They become just another patch I have to permanently maintain)08:31
seb128chrisccoulson, just drop it and if somebody complains you can tell them to properly do things next time ;-)08:31
Laneybest to merge the changelog and say that's what you are doing, and probably talk to the original uploader.08:32
chrisccoulsonseb128, I did, although without realizing it ;)08:32
Laneyotherwise it looks like you missed the upload and accidentally dropped it08:32
seb128seems he did08:32
seb128chrisccoulson, how far away from London are you now?08:33
davmor2seb128: 120miles ish08:33
seb128k, not in easy reach to drop by one evening for a beer08:34
seb128hey davmor208:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, davmor2, I think it's a bit less than that now. I moved house08:34
seb128chrisccoulson, I know you moved, that's why  I was asking ;-)08:34
davmor2chrisccoulson: ah fair enough I was going by the solihull address08:34
davmor2chrisccoulson: where did you move to?08:35
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's about ~100 miles08:35
chrisccoulsondavmor2, I moved to bourne in lincolnshire. Near to my mum :)08:36
davmor2chrisccoulson: less convenient for trains and airport but much nicer views I imagine :)08:37
chrisccoulsondavmor2, yeah, there's certainly a lot less around here. But I'm right on the far south-east corner of town. There's trees opposite my house, and beyond that it's just fields for miles08:38
chrisccoulsonThe views are fairly boring though - the fens are a bit flat08:38
davmor2chrisccoulson: not as boring as the house opposite though right :)08:39
chrisccoulsondavmor2, it has one advantage - houses are much cheaper than solihull :)08:40
Laneywent through stamford on the train at the weekend08:41
Laneyseems pleasant08:41
davmor2chrisccoulson: I think the only place more expensive is London isn't it as areas go08:41
pittiseb128: oh, I see add_installation_log, that already does decode('UTF-8', 'replace') -- so that's fine08:41
seb128pitti, right08:41
chrisccoulsonLaney, yeah, I'm not far from stamford08:42
Laneyyeah that's why I mentioned it :P08:42
davmor2chrisccoulson: more import is how is the broadband?08:46
chrisccoulsondavmor2, it's ok - I'm about 200m from the cabinet, which they upgraded with fibre a week or so before I moved in.08:47
chrisccoulsonSo I get pretty much ~80Mbps08:47
davmor2chrisccoulson: ah so not too bad then08:48
chrisccoulsonWe're quite lucky here - we've benefited from government funding for the fibre rollout, and the rollout plans are all public (through http://onlincolnshire.org/) so I had an idea when our cabinet was going to be upgraded before I moved08:49
Laneypitti: did you see the comment about the uz langpacks?08:53
pittiLaney: no, I didn't; sorry, missed it08:54
Laneypitti: ok, well - they are the only leftover one :)08:55
pitti  uz    11076 (4%) discarded08:55
pittiLaney: yes, sounds plausible08:55
pittiLaney: removing, thanks for tracking this!08:55
pittiLaney: why does this duplicate everything?08:56
Laneypitti: WDYM?08:56
pittiLaney: https://udd.debian.org/~laney/less.txt has two lines for every langpack08:56
pittinot that it matters that much, but I figure this is an ongoing check08:56
pittiLaney: removed08:57
Laneyit's just an SQL query, so probably it has two rows on the vivid side08:57
Laneyi.e. in updates and proposed08:57
seb128larsu, would you fancy looking to a theme issue? in software-center, the install bars in the "in progress" section are orange with a grey rectangle in the middle08:59
seb128(also spinner are weirdly centered but that's  probably a bug in s-c)08:59
andyrockmorning guys09:04
willcookehey andyrock09:05
seb128hey andyrock09:15
larsuseb128: Trevinho is on the theme now09:15
* larsu at least tries09:15
seb128is it taking?09:15
seb128is it taking off?09:16
seb128trying to make Trevinho owning the theme09:16
larsuI just need to convince enough people while he's still sleeping09:17
larsuhe doesn't see old pings anyway :P09:17
seb128it's troll Trevinho day!09:18
seb128that's what you get for working at night and sleeping while others troll ;-)09:18
larsuprobably he's trolling us while we're asleep as well09:18
andyrockI forgot to sleep today :D09:18
seb128don't do that too many days in a row09:19
larsuseb128: themining of that whole app is ... offf09:19
larsubuttons not linked, no frames around the "tab" buttons09:19
seb128larsu, :-(09:19
larsuseb128: that eog bug.... I *just* added the menu bar09:29
larsuand people already complain its missing stuff :)09:29
seb128yeah for users ;-)09:29
larsuanyway, this is not happening for W - it's waiting on some gtk work desrt and I want to do in London next week09:30
seb128k, I don't think it's important09:31
seb128feel free to unassign as well09:31
larsuI agree09:31
larsuprimary purpose of this app is to look at images09:31
seb128if you want to keep your buglist a reflect of things you are working on09:31
larsuthere's a million other ways to open it in another app09:31
seb128I don't even know why people need an open with in eog09:31
larsu(one of which is right-click)09:31
seb128they can do that from nautilus09:31
larsuor the app itself09:31
larsuwe can have it easily next cycle09:32
larsuand I don't think it hurts09:32
* larsu comments09:32
seb128bug #1479054 is a theme issue right?09:33
ubot5`bug 1479054 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Shuffle and repeat buttons pressed state does not visually differ from unpressed state" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147905409:33
larsuyes, likely09:34
seb128hum, yeah, same issue in nautilus with the list/icon mode buttons09:34
seb128and adwaita does it better09:34
larsuindeed, I've never liked our dark buttons09:35
larsuway too hard to see their states09:35
seb128oh, I'm using the light theme09:35
seb128but from your comment I guess the dark one has the same issue ;-)09:36
larsuoh. indeed :D09:36
seb128I sometime forget that I'm not using the default theme :p09:36
larsualso not the default language09:40
seb128that I can fix!09:40
larsuby changing the default language of Ubuntu, and not the one on your system, right?09:41
ogra_seb128, nah, to late ... to fix it for future products you should have joined the snappy team to make sure it uses the right one from the start :P09:41
larsunot sure I'd find the terminal anymore if you do that09:41
larsusorry can't work09:41
larsudon't know what this "Le Terminale" app is09:41
seb128keybinding is the same09:42
seb128and Trevinho fixed the keybinding handling09:42
seb128so you should be safe09:42
* larsu doesn't use keybindings to start apps09:42
seb128you don't want to use code Trevinho wrote, right? ;-)09:42
larsuunless you count <Super>Term as a keybinding09:42
larsuseb128: I use it all the time for brightness/volume ;)09:42
seb128the poor Trevinho is going to wake up wondering why he got so many pings during the night09:43
larsuhe'll only see the last one (if that)09:43
seb128well at least he's not doing the attente way09:45
seb128getting notifications on his phone for IRC pings09:45
larsuin the middle of the night09:45
larsubecause timezone09:45
larsuI hope you didn't wake him up just now :D09:45
seb128I need to learn to do it like Laney09:46
seb128add some well placed _09:46
larsubackground of software center also seems off to me09:47
larsu"What's new" "Help (mate-user-guide)" — err, thanks!09:48
seb128well that's probably what's new in the archive (as package recently added)09:49
seb128but yeah, might not be the best to suggest09:49
willcookestupid window focus10:11
larsuLaney: pretty sure upstream doesn't care about gtkcalendar10:38
Laneypush it then!10:39
larsuI thought about that10:39
larsubut I want someone to review this10:40
larsuif I broke something existing, people will be mad10:40
larsu(for right reasons)10:40
Laneywho, if nobody cares?10:40
larsuit's being used in a lot of places still10:41
larsubut noone cares about changing its behaviour10:41
larsu(that u was for u, Laney)10:41
larsuI'll try pinging someone after lunch10:43
larsuwhich is what I'm going to now :)10:44
LaneyI believe in your ability to handle it10:44
Laneylunch well10:44
=== JMulholland_ is now known as JMulholland
davmor2willcooke: dell xps 13 on wily any idea what would stop the cursor resizing like it does on 14.04 with the dell install?11:37
davmor2willcooke: I have the icons scaled nicely but still a tiny cursor :)11:38
willcookedavmor2, xps13 is intel gfx right?11:39
davmor2willcooke: yeap11:39
willcookeI don't know how the cursor gets resized.. is it a compiz plug in perhaps?  hikiko any ideas?11:40
seb128I doubt it's compiz11:41
willcookedavmor2, how and where do you resize it on 14.04?11:41
davmor2willcooke: I have the scaling set to 2 as it was on the original install, so the icons are the same kinda size as on my 1080p system but the cursor is still tiny let me grab a screen shot11:41
davmor2willcooke: system settings → screen display the slider on the bottom11:42
davmor2willcooke: on the 4k xps for the install it was slid to 2.0 which is what I have done on wily11:42
davmor2hrmmm doesn't even show on screenshot that's not good11:45
willcookeno it wont11:45
davmor2willcooke: ubuntu phone to the rescue11:46
willcookehrm, so it doesn't resize the cursor on my 14.04 machine, and I didn't think it would anyway11:48
willcookeso I'm surprised it does on yours11:48
willcookeseb128, have you seen the scaling of the mouse pointer?11:48
davmor2willcooke: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/xps-cursor-issue.jpg11:48
willcookedavmor2, that's pretty much what I was expecting to see.11:49
willcookebut it does work on 14.04 for you?11:49
seb128davmor2, willcooke, there is a cursor-size gsettings key and there is a bug which seems to make things not pick config changes11:49
davmor2willcooke: this is the xps default install so I assume that dell may of tinkered with it, let me reinstall it and I can take a screenshot there too11:49
seb128going to try a fix11:49
Trevinhowillcooke: in theory the cursor should scale, but it doesn't unless you restart compiz...11:49
Trevinhowillcooke: because we need to change something in order to make it to reload the mouse settings...11:50
seb128Trevinho, do you write the cursor-size key?11:50
TrevinhoI did11:50
willcookedavmor2, out of interest, did you log out and back in since you changed the setting?11:51
davmor2willcooke: yeap11:51
willcookethen it's broken11:51
willcookedavmor2, mind logging a bug with your screenshot?11:51
davmor2willcooke: it was working and now isn't not sure when it broke though11:51
davmor2willcooke: sure11:51
Trevinhowell actually the resizing is done by both unity that says to unity settings daemon to resize... But it doesn't resize the one is using by itself11:52
seb128davmor2, you can try to change gsetttings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size11:52
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
davmor2seb128: sure 1 second11:52
Trevinhothat's what we change in unity11:52
Laneythat was 1.0 for me11:52
Laneyon scaling-factor 211:52
willcookeI just got to pop to the shops, brb11:53
seb128Laney, what was 1.0?11:53
seb128com.canonical.Unity.Interface cursor-scale-factor11:53
seb128Trevinho, ^ why that key?11:53
Laneyyes that key11:53
Trevinhoseb128: cause we need to remember what was the scaling set, and leave to the user the ability to override it. As we managed the gnome one11:54
davmor2seb128: does that mean I'm trying to set the wrong setting?11:54
seb128davmor2, dunno11:54
seb128I don't understand why unity is duplicating keys11:55
Trevinhoint cursor_size = std::round(default_cursor_size.GetInt32() * point_scaling * cursor_scale_);11:55
seb128Trevinho, what key should change for the config to be applied?11:55
Trevinhounsigned integer_scaling = std::max<unsigned>(1, scale);11:55
Trevinho    double point_scaling = scale / static_cast<double>(integer_scaling);11:55
Trevinhoseb128: we need to have a local setting in order to know what's the actual scaling requested by user, otherwise we can't figure out by just looking that the value set on gnome11:56
TrevinhoIt's all done here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12703678/11:57
seb128let's try https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=d4a833907f5ef0ef1e59b69faafb60293cc191d2 as well12:00
Trevinhoseb128: so (I missed the request while writing) to change the config, you need to change the scaling factor from unity, or it will overwrite it...12:00
davmor2seb128: Is there a way to get a  list of all the keys?  If so I will install 14.04 and get the list there and then do a fresh 15.10 and then we will have a comparison to work from does that make sense?12:01
* Trevinho looks12:01
seb128davmor2, gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.interface12:02
Trevinhoseb128: oh, nice. yes I guess we need that12:02
Trevinhonot sure it will fix things for compiz though, but still12:02
TrevinhoI had this in my list of things to study12:02
davmor2seb128: and the same for com.canonical.Unity.Interface too I guess right?12:03
davmor2seb128: right I'll hit it straight after lunch then the at least we can compare12:03
desrtgood morning desktop!12:06
didrockshey desrt!12:06
didrockstime for desert btw12:06
desrtgood timing!12:06
didrocksexactly ;)12:06
desrtyou'll be happy to know i'm pushing L9 :)12:07
seb128hey desrt12:07
didrocksahah, crazy dude!12:07
desrthi seb :)12:07
* desrt has 2'120'670/2'400'000 and is nearing the gold badge requirement12:10
desrtdidrocks: how far did you play this?12:10
didrocksdesrt: not really, like a month in winter and not everyday, so not at your level for sure ;)12:10
desrtfor me there are two interesting statistics in the game12:11
desrtsojourner: 22 days   (i've been playing for 22 days)12:11
desrttrekker: 175km12:11
desrti like this :)12:11
desrt~8km per day12:11
didrocksinteresting, you have the number of kilometers counted12:14
desrtthis is one of the badges12:14
desrtnext level is gold at 300km12:15
desrtprobably i'll hit this one next, or the glyph hacking badge12:15
didrocksdesrt: the issue at the time was like there were like 15 portals at most in Lyon12:15
desrtya.  that's pretty crap12:15
didrocksso, you had to travel a lot :)12:15
* didrocks submitted a lot of them12:15
desrtfor me there are 15 portals within about 2 minutes walk :)12:15
desrtand probably about 1000 (no joke) within 15 minutes12:16
didrocksheh, I'm still sad about the number of duplication there is nowdays12:16
desrtvery few dupes here.  in fact, i can't say that i've noticed a single one.12:16
desrtplaying in toronto is completely insane12:18
desrtnothing last more than a few hours :)12:18
desrti have ~5-6 couchhacks depending on which particular random noise hits my GPS at any given time and i've been able to maintain this cluster for a couple of days now (with the help of kat and dave)12:19
desrtbut other than that.... everything in downtown is really up for grabs at any time12:19
desrtlooks like lyon got a lot more interesting, too :)12:19
didrocksyeah, so having too many portals made the game less interesting IMHO12:20
didrocksthe fact that you own a place makes it better for defending12:20
desrtit's not too many portals that's the problem -- it's too many players12:20
desrtthere are probably ~10-20 people who live/work in this area12:20
desrtwho all think they ought to own it :)12:20
desrtit's also in a city block with 3 major transit lines of 3 out of the 4 sides :)12:21
desrtso you get a lot of drive-by zapping from people on trams and such12:21
didrocksheh, nice :)12:21
desrtoh look.  someone is currently taking out my stuff in allen gardens.12:22
desrtoh well :p12:22
desrti deployed that stuff yesterday afternoon.  i'm surprised it lasted this long :)12:23
* desrt grabs a coffee and a text editor instead12:23
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
cyphermoxis it a known issue that notify-osd notifications in lightdm are completely black, unreadable?13:24
seb128cyphermox, known yes, but I don't think anyone looked at that yet13:37
cyphermoxis there a bug number?13:37
seb128though I suppose it's probably a new-gtk type of issue13:37
seb128cyphermox, bug #147326913:38
ubot5`bug 1473269 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Wily login screen shows an all black notification bubble" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147326913:38
=== JMulholland_ is now known as JMulholland
willcookeIt only seems to be before log-in for me.  Once I log in they work ok.  Same for you cyphermox?13:47
willcookeoh, yes, bug clearly says "at login screen"13:47
seb128willcooke, right, why I guess is "without a compositor"13:48
davmor2seb128: right grabbed the files do you want me to throw them into a bug against something if so what?13:48
seb128davmor2, well, if you have an issue you think is a bug report it against unity with the current behaviour/what you expect and the configs13:48
davmor2seb128: will do13:49
willcookelarsu, did you lose your vol up/down blips too?13:50
seb128he at least mentioned issues with those sound when remapping the keys13:50
larsuwillcooke: no?!13:51
larsu*blip* *blip* *blip*13:51
seb128larsu, I though you mentioned a fun bug/code effect13:52
larsuah seb128 is right - but it was my fault, I had sound effects turned off completely13:52
seb128like if you remap vol up/down the sound is still played with the multimedia keys even if they don't change it13:52
seb128oh, ok13:52
seb128well maybe willcooke has too?13:52
didrocksI have what seb128 said13:52
willcookedon't think so, this is on my test machine which is vanilla W13:52
seb128willcooke, maybe your sound effect are muted like larsu had?13:53
didrocksbut even after a dconf reset13:53
didrockson the remapping13:53
didrocksoh right, my sound effects are muted as well13:53
* didrocks doesn't remember doing this13:53
larsusystems settings / sound / Sound effects13:53
seb128there you go13:54
didrockslarsu: did you remember muting them?13:54
didrockswillcooke: same question ^13:54
didrocksI seriously don't13:54
willcookeI'm going to re-install from the daily image and see if it's the same13:54
larsuI don't remember doing that either ...13:54
larsumaybe it's a default?!13:54
willcookeI'll reinstall and see what happes13:56
larsudesrt: do you have a second for this? https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75613413:56
ubot5`Gnome bug 756134 in gobject "Segmentation fault on calling g_simple_action_group_add_action with bad action constructor call" [Normal,Resolved: notabug]13:57
larsuI hate when small patches like this lie around forever13:57
davmor2willcooke, Trevinho, seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/150369913:59
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1503699 in Unity "HIDPI scaling not effecting cursor" [Undecided,New]13:59
Trevinhodavmor2: I think we had one already13:59
seb128davmor2, thanks14:00
davmor2Trevinho: meh I added all the docs there but feel free to link it to another :)14:00
Trevinhodavmor2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/129544514:00
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1295445 in unity (Ubuntu) "Cursor size is not updated on HiDPI at intermediate UI scale levels" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:00
Trevinhowell better https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/135921114:01
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1359211 in unity (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor tiny when hovering unity elements in high DPI mode" [High,Confirmed]14:01
davmor2Trevinho: okay pick one bug and lets link them all to that one14:02
willcookelarsu, attente - could one of you add this to your list:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/147326914:06
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1473269 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "Wily login screen shows an all black notification bubble" [High,Confirmed]14:06
willcookeIt needs to be fixed before release14:06
seb128it's a gtk 3.16 on non compositor issue14:06
seb128(ld preloading old gtk fixes it)14:06
seb128it does it under wmaker as well14:06
seb128https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=749637 seems to have hints14:06
ubot5`Gnome bug 749637 in Backend: X11 "No transparency in other window managers with compositor." [Normal,New]14:06
attentei can try bisecting it14:06
larsuwoah I just had a weird deja vu14:06
seb128"think it's because rgba is not enabled when the window manager doesn't support _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS. This happens since 3.16."14:06
larsuread the bug14:06
larsuthen irc14:06
larsuseb said the exact same thing14:06
larsuattente: I'm on it14:07
willcookethanks larsu14:07
larsuseb128: ya I guess this is it14:07
larsuseb128: I wanted to remove that for a long time, but am still blocked by Trevinho14:07
larsuah wait, that can't be it14:07
larsuwe also don't have frame extents in compiz/unity14:08
seb128well it's not csd windows in any case since it's notify-osd bubbles14:08
larsuright, and not gtkwindow14:08
larsuseb128: but we have compositing in the greeter, no?14:09
seb128I don't think so14:09
seb128we don' thave a wm there14:09
larsubut transparency used to work, no?14:10
seb128it did14:10
seb128it worked under wmaker as well14:10
seb128and still does it if you ldpreload old libgtk14:10
larsuwhat's old for you?14:10
seb128I guess it could be attente's bisect of the week :p14:10
seb128I tried 3.12 because I had an old copy handy on disk14:11
seb128I could try 3.14 if that's useful14:11
attentelol, sure14:11
Laney07/10 15:06:49 <attente> i can try bisecting it14:12
willcookefeels like we should have a special section in the weekly news for "Attente's bisect of the week"14:15
didrocksattente, *ZE* bisecter14:15
willcookedidrocks, live session has normal volume blips14:15
willcookeprobably aliens14:15
didrockswillcooke: really weird, I wonder if it's not another package or race creating this14:16
didrocksbecause if we are 3 thinking not having changed that… and it did change…14:16
willcookeI'll install and play around14:16
didrocks(personnaly, I prefer it off TBH, but that's personal taste ;))14:16
* larsu wonders how he can reproduce this problem without installing all the time14:18
willcookelarsu, a hacky method might be to use snapshots of a virtual machine14:18
larsuhm, right14:19
seb128larsu, what problem? the gtk one?14:21
seb128installing what?14:21
seb128just jhbuild and LD_PRELOAD?14:21
larsuwell yeah, but I need to restart the greeter all the time, right? (and log out..)14:21
seb128not if you work under wmaker14:21
seb128which is what I would do14:22
seb128stop compiz, start wm14:22
larsuoh really?14:22
seb128or icewm or whatever wm you like that's not a compositor14:22
seb128yeah, that was part of the deja vu things I wrote :p14:22
seb128wmaker (I assume any session without compositor) has the same issue14:23
larsuthis is true indeed14:23
larsuhm, compiz restarts itself14:23
seb128stop compiz?14:23
larsuoh wow this is awesome14:24
seb128I think it's an upstart session job14:24
larsuunity7 is, yeah14:24
larsuthanks seb12814:24
larsuI've got the best desktop now14:24
* larsu needs to play with this before working on this bug14:25
larsuit's got buttons in all the corners14:25
seb128larsu, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/linux.png that was my desktop at school!14:27
seb128I really liked the dock icons on the right, they were big enough to get useful content ;-)14:28
didrocksseb128: ok, at least, the python SRU didn't break requests + ssl this time14:37
seb128didrocks, new SRU? or security update?14:37
didrockssecurity update14:37
larsuso ... the blur only works when compiz is running14:38
larsuI guess we just want opaque background on the greeter then?14:38
seb128that's how it was before14:38
larsuhm, I never noticed that :)14:39
willcookewho does syncing of tzdata-latest from Debian?14:39
larsu(me guesses, of course)14:40
seb128willcooke, we are uptodate14:40
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1503560 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "Turkey delays winter time to 8th of November 04:00" [Undecided,New]14:41
seb128yeah, that's not the most annoy part14:41
seb128we have time before november14:41
willcookeah, so that can just come in to W after release and it'll be sorted14:41
seb128willcooke, right but http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/10/02/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t15:2214:42
seb128unsure how much of an issue that is though14:42
seb128willcooke, to note that debian didn't do the 2015g update yet14:42
seb128so we have nothing to sync14:42
seb128seems usually infinity does the update, since it needs to go to stable branches as well14:42
willcookeI see, thanks seb12814:43
* willcooke stops poking around at random bugs14:43
seb128willcooke, you might ask to infinity if he's going to handle that update14:44
seb128that would be useful, since Norfolk changes took action on sunday14:44
seb128which means some users might have a wrong tz data14:44
willcookeseb128, ack, will do14:44
seb128larsu, http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jqJ_QZD5EbE/TxH98_IH5tI/AAAAAAAAARc/ZBRp25GG41k/s1600/new_email.png14:45
larsuthanks :)14:46
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Laney07/10 15:37:45 <aurel32> adsb: I have uploaded tzdata-2015g to wheezy and jessie14:56
Laneyhow about that14:56
attenteok... i have a good and a bad15:08
larsuattente: I said I was on it15:11
seb128Laney, good ;-) we still need somebody to do the SRUs/security updates through old series15:11
larsuattente: gtk_widget_set_opacity() ?15:11
Laneyprobably the person who always does them will do15:13
attentelarsu: haven't bisected that far yet. you have the commit already?15:14
larsuattente: I think it's 4cf6edda515:16
larsueven though that's a bit early15:17
larsuattente: it is15:19
larsuha! thinking > bisecting15:19
* larsu drinks an espresso15:19
attentelarsu: you win this round...15:20
larsuattente: you've won a lot before ;)15:22
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larsuproblem is I don't really know why this commit is a problem :/15:38
seb128larsu, maybe try asking mclasen if he has an idea?15:40
seb128or Company15:40
seb128Trevinho, davmor2, willcooke, with the u-s-d fixes from https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/unity-settings-daemon/xsettings-fixes-backport/+merge/273710 the cursor is doubled for new windows when setting scaling to 2, but yeah some parts are only fixed after a compiz restart15:41
willcookethanks seb128. What's the next steps?  Trevinho do you need to make some changes as well?15:55
davmor2cyphermox: did you say the new animals should be in the slide show on today's daily is still monkey and in yelp too16:00
Laneyyelp is docs team16:01
attentethe recent kernel breaks my graphics...16:01
cyphermoxdavmor2: no, I haven't done the upload16:02
cyphermoxperhaps I should do it today, so it doesn't get forgotten16:02
didrockshave a good evening guys!16:02
davmor2Laney: yeah but it's fun to blame cyphermox for everything ;)16:03
Laneybut if you want to try to nudge them I suggest mailing their list :-)16:03
davmor2Laney: I think cyphermox said there was a package already16:04
attentehi, has anyone cross compiled gtk+3.0 for armhf? i'm getting missing build-depends in a wily armhf schroot16:28
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seb128ok, I'm done reviewing g-s-d plugins changes from git that are worth backporting17:15
seb128sorry for the mps spam17:15
seb128dobey, oh, I couldn't land the ubuntuone-client-data fixes through CI since the vcs isn't set up for that (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/InlinePackaging)17:17
seb128dobey, I think it's basically adding a .bzr-builddeb dir and bootstraping and giving CI the right to commit17:18
seb128dobey, seems like it was landing by autolanding before, not CI train17:18
dobeyit is set up to land via CI train17:18
dobeyis something complaining?17:19
seb128dobey, I tried to do a landing this morning and the changelog included all the commit since 1 it looked like17:20
seb128https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/InlinePackaging states that you need a "  * Automatic snapshot from revision <rrrr> (bootstrap)"17:20
seb128in the changelog to bootstrap17:20
seb128also Mirv said that you need a .bzr-builddeb17:20
seb128which it doesn't have17:20
dobeyno we don't need a .bzr-builddeb17:20
dobeywhat silo is it in?17:21
seb128I did abondon the silo17:21
seb128since Mirv suggested that the project needs bootsrapping17:21
dobeyoh, well that makes it hard for me to see what the problem is17:21
seb128dobey, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-025-1-build/123/console17:23
dobeyit was bootstrapped like 21 months ago17:23
seb128was the jenkins job17:23
dobey./apport/source_ubuntuone-client-data.py:20:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 117:23
dobeythat's why it failed to build17:23
seb128I fixed that17:23
seb128dobey, it generated https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-025-1-build/124/artifact/ubuntuone-client-data_content.diff17:24
seb128see the changelog17:24
dobeyhow was the silo configured?17:24
seb128wily landing17:24
seb128dobey, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/48617:24
dobeyok, that's a weird bug in ci train17:25
seb128I should maybe have landed it with the buggy changelog17:26
seb128but I assumed that it would not make the release team reviewer want to approve it17:27
dobeyso the problem is that the version in wily was from before the changes were made so it would work in ci train17:27
dobeyand ci train has a bug that causes it to generate insane changelog messages like that :(17:28
seb128I guess we can manually upload/commit to trunk and next landing is going to be fine?17:28
dobeyi can't say if that would be true or not17:29
dobeyunless the bug in ci train code gets fixed, possibly not17:29
dobeyi guess i could manually land your changes and do an upload and try17:31
seb128that would be great ;-)17:31
Trevinhowillcooke: yes, there's something to do in unity also... Or probably compiz. I've gave a look, but it needs more study17:39
willcookeack. thanks Trevinho17:54
willcookeg'night all17:55
dobeyseb128: ok, merged the changes to u-c-d trunk, and just uploaded (i think, been a long time since i've dput anything to archive)18:11
seb128dobey, thanks! upload seems fine, it's in the queue, though it has some changes not documented in the changelog, let's see in the reviewer complain about those18:13
dobeyseb128: "* Automatic snapshot (bootstrap)" entry covers that i think ;)18:16
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