
OerHeksi love BBQ00:41
wileeemmmm caramelized00:43
lotuspsychjeits BQ OerHeks !00:43
lotuspsychjegot it from duch site 3 days delivery :p00:44
lotuspsychjewileee: with honey and garlic mmm00:44
wileeeI Live between two restaurants, one roasts meat all night, both are ethnic, it's a beautiful torture00:44
OerHeksWhich site, lotus?00:46
OerHeksmax ict?00:46
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: holdon lemme find00:47
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: http://tweakers.net/pricewatch/434564/bq-aquaris-e45-ubuntu-edition-zwart.html00:49
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: i got it from afuture.nl00:49
lotuspsychjekazuma-: welcome00:50
OerHeksoh oke, they sell the 4.5 only00:51
lotuspsychjeyes i didnt find E5 on dutch sites00:52
lotuspsychjebut 4.5 totaly rox already00:52
lotuspsychjei dont need hd00:52
Ben64i feel like Roy from the IT Crowd03:07
Ben64hello, have you tried explaining your issue in full details03:08
Ben64its like calling up a mechanic and saying "hey i have a problem with my car"03:10
wileeeI liked the 'usual advice' did not work03:11
=== DJOnes is now known as DJones
lordievaderGood morning.07:33
lotuspsychjegood morning to all09:22
lotuspsychjehi EriC^^09:27
ubot5`For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS09:27
EriC^^hi lotuspsychje09:27
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: got my bq 4.5 yesterday :p09:28
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: yowza Mr wolf09:30
EriC^^what's that lotuspsychje ?09:35
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: bq aquarius phone with ubuntu touch09:35
lotuspsychjeit rocknrolls, better then expected :p09:36
EriC^^nice :D09:36
pauljwHi everyone10:34
lotuspsychjehi pauljw10:35
pauljwhi lotuspsychje :)10:35
lotuspsychjegood day to all10:45
MonkeyDusti have W10 in vmware Player... out of curiosity, trying to run Candy Crush game... "consent for the colluction/use of personal data"... followed by a three page list of what personal data are being collected... no joke14:13
OerHeksMonkeyDust, collected by win10 or that candy thingy ? ( i think both)16:08
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:09
EriC^^evening lotuspsychje16:14
=== DosTuMai is now known as DosTuMai|Noms
=== DosTuMai|Noms is now known as DosTuMai
* daftykins pops in and requests an unban18:35
EriC^^i dont think you're banned daftykins18:40
daftykinsoh? it lasted until at least yesterday18:41
EriC^^ah you are18:42
EriC^^join #ubuntu-ops18:43
daftykinsyeah i meant that's where i'm asking18:44
daftykinsi often hop in to report the trolls18:44
EriC^^oh ok :D18:44
daftykinsit was torture being in there but unable to speak, so many questions and i could do nothing! :)18:46
* DossieKielle hides.18:46
daftykinshaha, honestly my actions were all on me so it's all good18:48
EriC^^what'd you do? :P18:48
daftykinswell a certain op who finds it necessary to tell a regular the rules - and enforce them with an iron fist, i may've called rather stupid :>18:49
DossieKielleTell me to brain and google something in #ubuntu. xD18:49
EriC^^hello DossieKielle18:50
DossieKielleI think an impolite version of poopies came in to it, too.18:50
daftykinsyeah it started with that ^ but i figured since you knew me from here you wouldn't take it too bad like most question askers sometimes do :>18:50
DossieKielleOh, wait...18:50
=== DossieKielle is now known as DosTuMai
daftykinsbut then the op didn't know that18:50
EriC^^i see18:50
daftykinsi'd done quite a long shift by that point so i wasn't so appreciative of being told the rules we all know ;)18:51
daftykinsthat's not a fish!18:54
EriC^^is that..? is that a dildo?18:59
* daftykins wonders which birthday DosTuMai last saw :P19:00
DosTuMai30th was my last birthday. o_O19:05
daftykinsme too!19:05
EriC^^i'm almost there19:06
EriC^^couple months more19:06
DosTuMai31 at the end of next month. @_@19:06
DosTuMaiYou feeling really young, or old, pauljw?19:08
pauljwkinda old kiddo...19:09
DosTuMaiKiddo, I might have to use that. xD19:09
daftykinsi annoyed someone with that one, granted they were only 18 months my junior19:10
DosTuMaiStill a mere child!19:10
pauljwheheh...  didn't mean to annoy anyone.... but any 2 of you three fall short of adding up to my age.19:11
daftykinsanyway folks i'm up to England for the weekend, so i won't be about for a bit19:11
pauljwwell have a good weekend daftykins19:11
daftykinsthanks :)19:11
DosTuMaiWhy would you want to go to England? Good luck with the chavs.19:11
daftykinssome of my friends from school days are doctors up there19:12
daftykinsgonna go stay with two that are married and have a little one now, too19:12
daftykinsalso gives me an opportunity to binge on fast food - as my island doesn't have any of the usual ones like mcdonalds, burger king, KFC, subway... all the bad stuff ;)19:12
DosTuMaiThen you're lucky. Don't eat that crap, it's not good for you.19:13
daftykinsah it's great on a rare occasion19:13
EriC^^burger king give me free coke cans cause i order so much19:14
DosTuMaiAh yes, "I'll have a cardiac arrest burger with a side of coronary fries. And don't hold up on the salt, bub."19:14
EriC^^we're all gonna die anyways19:14
daftykinsback home here my local indian takeaway gives me a free 330ml cobra beer with my £8 curry \o/19:14
EriC^^might as well eat fast food :D19:14
pauljwah ya, eat healthy, exercise regularly and die anyway...19:15
DosTuMaiTrue, and I can't really say much - going in to KFC and ordering an 18 piece bucket to myself...19:15
daftykins:) popped in a KFC when i was over in Wales the other weekend doing a downhill mountain biking trip, i just got a spicey fillet burger thing, does me fine :)19:16
daftykinsbut then i'm a scrawny type :>19:16
DosTuMaiPfft, try doing 90km on a DH rig...19:16
DosTuMaiThen you'll do the same.19:16
daftykinsdo you ride?19:17
daftykinsnot sure where you'd find 90km trails :P19:17
DosTuMaiUh, yah. DH/FR mostly because I'm a Canadian - bloody Colonial to you Brits.19:17
daftykinswell i'm not a true Brit, so easy on that label ;)19:18
daftykinswe do call England the 'mainland' though :>19:18
DosTuMaiProblem is, I like doing Enduro, too. Which is difficult on a big bike.19:18
daftykinsi took my XC bike over to try it out19:19
daftykinsgot pretty trashed :)19:19
daftykinsso tiring using a bike with the wrong geometry for what you're doing ;/19:19
daftykinspretty insufficient travel :>19:20
DosTuMaiWell, I only have my But pretty nice bike. =D19:22
daftykinsbut pretty? o019:23
DosTuMaiThought I'd erased all what I half typed...19:24
DosTuMaiYour but is kewl.19:24
* daftykins turns around and checks for anyone glancing at it19:25
daftykins2 of my mates took hardtails XD19:25
DosTuMaiOld school epic, always liked the way Specialized ride.19:27
daftykinsmmm 7 years old now19:27
daftykinsafter the first morning of riding the seals went in my forks, oil was peeing everywhere19:27
daftykinsthankfully bikepark wales has a shop on site, £60 had me going again later19:27
daftykinshired a Trek slash 7 for the afternoon, i was so much quicker on that thing19:28
daftykinsproper geometry so i wasn't getting anywhere near as tired19:28
DosTuMaiI'll bring Betsie. She'll chew through the trails.19:28
DosTuMaiGoogle drive link ^up there.19:29
pauljwhave to keep mine on the hard pack:  http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y500/pward553/20140831_145748_zpscf403fce.jpg19:29
daftykinsi'd love to pick something up for proper DH but there's no scene for it on this island19:30
daftykinswhat events do happen are maybe, 5 per year?19:30
daftykinsand those last about 90 seconds tops19:30
DosTuMaiYou're making me miss my CBR, pauljw...19:30
daftykinscheaper to go to Wales and rent19:31
daftykinsright i gotta go to that food thing and stuff, later folks \o back Tuesday if not later on19:31
daftykinss/go to/go do/19:31
wileeehey harley looks19:31
pauljwthey're fun, but so the bikes you're riding now19:31
DosTuMaiNothing beats something hot & throbbing between the legs, though...19:32
wileeelooks like a safer version, lower to the ground overall, I've been a gp style rider mainly19:32
DosTuMaiMy Old Charlene was a racing bike. Great fun until I got caught going over the speed limit with full Nos tanks.19:33
pauljwgp, that's a bit much for me... 70mph thru the twisties is about all this old man is up for...19:33
EriC^^laters daftykins19:33
wileeepauljw, Yeah always gotta ride like your not seen I agree.19:34
wileeeI've had the brain surgery for the fun once19:34
wileeethat will do, lol19:34
DosTuMaiOuch. I was taught to treat every other road user as an idiot.19:35
pauljwthat's right19:35
wileeejust epilepsy long term, lucky to have been 20 blocks from the best hosp, I would have died otherwise19:35
DosTuMaiVery lucky.19:36
pauljwi'll say19:36
DosTuMaiNever had a crash on a motorbike. Do all of that on the pedal kind.19:38
wileeeI'm living on borrowed time really, no biggie others have things happen, nothing like a war injuries we see now because of up front meds.19:38
DosTuMaiIsn't everyone?19:38
wileeeprobably, heh19:39
pauljwi'm still recovering from my wreck this past May, but I am back on the bike now.19:40
pauljwdeer are so darned unpredictable...19:40
wileeeI lost my license due to the epilepsy, so been biking for last 15 years, but always a bike rider19:41
pauljwthat's a rough one wileee , my wife suffers from generalized seizure disorder and lost her license about 18 years ago.  she's still angry about it.19:42
wileeepauljw, I fell asleep one time riding my honda 750 with a bari sax strapped to the back, just missed a pole support line, when I looked where I'd gone off the road. Bummer pauljw it is tougher for some.19:43
wileeethat was really dumb I must say, ; )19:45
DosTuMaiAnd - again - ridiculously lucky. Sure you're not part unicorn, or something?19:46
wileeeI have other totally lucky wrecks, I have been luckier than I should have been statistically19:46
wileeeI think it's karma, I've saved two others in dire circumstances but just happening to have been there.19:48
pauljwthis is my project bike, not road worthy yet:  http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y500/pward553/20150330_112432_zpsxjipoboa.jpg19:50
DosTuMaiSo pretty. =o19:51
wileeepauljw, I like that style of harley19:52
DosTuMaiThat the 1000cc Sportster?19:53
* DosTuMai dribbles.19:55
DosTuMaiI heard they're so nice to ride, really comfy.19:55
pauljwsomeone's been telling you stories...  they ride like a ton of bricks.  but that's what i like about em, kinda raw.19:57
pauljwwere any of you guys or gals affected by todays kernel update?20:00
DosTuMaiNo issues so far.20:01
pauljwmy laptop wouldn't boot, had to revert back to previous kernel.  guess there's a fix in the works.20:02
lotuspsychjepauljw: wich ubuntu version20:02
pauljw14.04 lts20:03
lotuspsychjeweird, trusty here also, no issues20:03
lotuspsychjepauljw: where did it got stuck?20:04
pauljwsaw several others reporting problems on the forums.20:04
pauljwon the logon screen20:04
lotuspsychjepauljw: grafix driver and card chipset?20:04
wileeetrusty here running fine20:05
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TB0X:~$ uname -a20:05
lotuspsychjeLinux R00TB0X 3.13.0-65-generic #106-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 2 22:08:27 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:05
pauljwLinux paul-Gazelle-Professional 3.13.0-65-generic #106-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 2 22:08:27 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:05
pauljwintel onboard chip set.  hang on i'll get specifics20:06
pauljw00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)20:07
lotuspsychjewhats driver= say20:07
lotuspsychjepauljw: sudo lshw -C video20:09
lotuspsychjeat the end driver=20:09
pauljw driver=i915 latency=020:10
pauljwthanks for the command...  :)20:11
lotuspsychjepauljw: maybe check syslog,dmesg and xorg for relevant errors on that kernel20:11
lotuspsychjepauljw: your getting login loop?20:11
pauljwuh, it just hangs, keyboard unresponsive and fans kicked up, had to hard reset machine.20:12
lotuspsychjeso unity loads up?20:12
pauljwno, just the logon screen20:12
lotuspsychjecant enter text?20:13
lotuspsychjepauljw: could try F1 during bootup to see text errors on boot20:13
EriC^^maybe /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log has something20:14
pauljwback in a bit, going to try some of your ideas...20:18
lotuspsychjegood luckµ20:18
lotuspsychjecrazy what users do with their desktops20:24
DosTuMaiWhy. Why would anyone try to make Ubuntu look like M$10?20:25
lotuspsychjeyou hear the weirdest things :p20:26
lotuspsychjeDosTuMai: maybe you like this better: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Mi-Escritorio-Ubuntu-Mate-Prueba-1-54937065320:26
DosTuMaiBut that's wrong. Do I go in to people's wind0ze and turn it all to CLI? Nope. Please, why ruin something that works with lazy.20:27
DosTuMaiCute bikini, but she's far too plastic for me.20:28
lotuspsychje!info screenfetch20:33
ubot5`screenfetch (source: screenfetch): Bash Screenshot Information Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.5-2 (vivid), package size 34 kB, installed size 185 kB20:33
DosTuMaiReally, I'd prefer a picture of Manon Carpenter or Mikayla Gatto on their bikes.20:33
lotuspsychjenever heard of them20:33
DosTuMaiDownhill mountainbiking pros.20:34
lotuspsychje!info screenfetch trusty20:35
ubot5`Package screenfetch does not exist in trusty20:35
lotuspsychjea little young :p20:36
DosTuMaiPffft, she's so huggable!20:42
DosTuMaiI just wanna mother her.20:42
lotuspsychjeso forget the s20:43
DosTuMaiYou forget that I'm a breasticled creature?20:44
DosTuMaiJust think of me as an emergent AI, it seems to help in most IRC channels...20:44
DosTuMaiYes, 'AIs' are as capable of trolling as portable-sausage wielders.20:46
lotuspsychjeyou lost me there :p20:47
DosTuMaiThat's oki, I lose myself when I spin off on a tangent...20:49
lotuspsychjeyou have a strange vocabulary :p20:50
DosTuMaiNi bu shuohua,, O_o20:51
DosTuMaiHai is Japanese. o_O20:52
OerHeksI like dutch cheese.20:57
OerHeksNot the brand 'old-amsterdam' as there are no cows living in amsterdam.20:57
* OerHeks is now known as OerHeks21:00
lotuspsychjesomeone gonna get banned21:00
OerHeksThe only ban i ever had on Freenode, was in #debian21:01
lotuspsychjemine in ...##cars i think21:01
OerHeksI have no driving license, so no use for me hanging in a car channel.21:02
lotuspsychjethe most stupid crew ever in one channel21:02
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: you wouldnt last 3 min in that chan :p21:02
DosTuMaiOn Freenode?21:03
* DosTuMai waddles over.21:03
DosTuMaiI'm waiting for derp to poke.21:05
lotuspsychje* Cannot join ##cars (You are banned)21:09
DosTuMaiWho were the biggest used douche canoes?21:14
lotuspsychjewhat who21:15
DosTuMai[22:10:54] <DosTuMai> Konbanwa~~hentai,,ogenkidesuka ? =D21:16
DosTuMai[22:12:08] <hentai> DosTuMai, watching a race, I don't japanese21:16
DosTuMai[22:12:56] <DosTuMai> O_o You don't Nihon and you're named after animated pr0n?21:16
DosTuMai[22:13:22] <DosTuMai> Does not compute.21:16
DosTuMaiI'm warming up.21:18
DosTuMaiBad connection is terribad.21:43
DosTuMaiOh, lotuspsychje left. I'm dishing out 'advice' in that channel.22:14
EriC^^they dunno anything22:30
EriC^^i'm banned from there as well :D22:30
DosTuMaiAsking if attaching a trailer to the axle is a good idea... DosTuMai> No, but if you record the results and post it on youtube, I'll happily put your name on the Darwin Awards website. =]22:31
DosTuMai[23:27:45] <DosTuMai> Well, you could check the back of a midget's head to see if it's tattooed there, or the back of the stereo.22:32
DosTuMai[23:28:40] <DosTuMai> There's a little sticker by the connectors or at the bottom that gives the VIN or make/model of vehicle it was installed in if it's the standard equipment.22:32
DosTuMai^Car stereo identification.22:33
wileeeI'm in22:34
EriC^^i joined, they have my other ip banned :D22:34
DosTuMaiKinda slow in there.22:37
EriC^^haha yeah22:37
EriC^^it's so hard not to get banned there22:39
EriC^^Epic is the guy who banned me iirc22:40
DosTuMaiThat pulled out the asshole.22:49
EriC^^they're really sensitive when it comes to their jeeps22:50
DosTuMaiFYI: I have a lot of Korean friends, they say the same about most Koreans.22:50
wileeewhen I went for coffee this morning I saw a jeep with 'willy's jeep' on it, it's one of them22:51
wileeeone of the more dangerous vehicles made22:52
DosTuMaiNo doors, seat belts. Poor crumple zones... Yah.22:52
DosTuMaiI spent far too long in the army...23:01
* DosTuMai puts the tinfoil hat on.23:12
* OerHeks prefers chickenwire23:13
* DosTuMai whistles innocently.23:14
DosTuMaiWrong channel. >_>23:15
DosTuMaiDid you like my console command? xD23:17
EriC^^i especially liked the *click*23:18
DosTuMaiI do that when bored. So far it's only removed unimportant things from my test system.23:20
EriC^^i've a pretty evil command23:39
DosTuMaiWhat about: dd if=/dev/zero of=<the drive you're system is on> iflag=nocache oflag=direct bs=409623:40
DosTuMaiWelcome back, Bashing-om.23:41
EriC^^pretty evil23:41
Bashing-omDosTuMai: :) Dumb ass attack .23:41
DosTuMaiI usually act as dumbass repellent. For other people, freaks have this habit of gravitating to me.23:42
EriC^^echo `base64 -d <<< cm0gLXJmIH4K|sh`23:42
EriC^^don't run it though23:42
EriC^^it's pretty deceptive23:42
DosTuMaiI will, on my test machine. xD23:42
OerHeksopen terminal: " yes I Love OerHeks "23:43
DosTuMaiSpent far too long on Suse. xD Everything's console by habit for me.23:46
EriC^^the |sh at the end runs it, if you run base64 -d <<< cm0gLXJmIH4K , it'll just show what it does23:47
DosTuMaiWelp, it killed my test box. But that's not hard, it's a mouldy potato. It was old when M$98 came out...23:50
DosTuMaiMazda Miata/MX5... It's a girl car...23:51
DosTuMai[00:50:25] <cdbob> DosTuMai: fuck yourself :p23:53
DosTuMai[00:50:28] <HrdwrBoB_> DosTuMai: we are all gay here23:53
DosTuMai[00:51:21] <DosTuMai> I do quite often. It's the benefit of a vagina, cdbob.23:53

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