
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
geniiJordan_U: Well, that was entertaining01:11
Jordan_UThe combination of ubottu not replying to @comments when you haven't @login'd first, and ubottu accepting a comment ending in ", 30 days" but not actually setting that duration leads to me having bans build up, which is rather annoying.02:41
geniiJordan_U: I get the idea sonvirgo is installing Chromium from elsewhere than repos .. "slow due to Chromium site" ...02:41
Unit193Jordan_U: There's at least @duration.02:44
Jordan_UUnit193: Yes, which I use when I periodically check for bans for which I took steps to set a duration, but no duration was actually set.02:45
Unit193Yeah not sure what's up there, but ah well.  Thanks for checking up on them.02:45
Jordan_UYou're welcome. I try not to be the object of ire when #ubuntu's ban limit starts getting close :)02:48
Jordan_UUnit193: Would it be difficult to add a warning that you're not @login'd yet to ubottu's requests for @comments? (Or to not require explicit @login before @comment?)02:50
Unit193Jordan_U: Well, in my case I never use @login, I've added my hostmask to ubottu.  I don't believe your IP is static though.02:51
Jordan_UUnit193: Indeed it's not.02:52
Unit193It'll ignore @comment as it's set to ignore commands from users it doesn't know.  When you @login it checks the status of your nick with Services, and then logs you in.02:55
Unit193Jordan_U: Though at least your IP hasn't changed this year.02:58
=== DJOnes is now known as DJones
bazhangqwebirc etc seems to be bot12:04
=== mist is now known as evilmist
=== evilmist is now known as mist
Picifyi bug 1500768 might cause some issues for people today, looks like its not possible to install libpython3.4 currently.13:48
ubottubug 1500768 in python3.4 (Ubuntu Trusty) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150076813:48
k1l_who needs python anyway ;p13:49
PiciHey, this is pretty good argument for not switching to python3 ;)13:49
k1l_bad it was a SRU. :/13:50
Picideleting the package so many hours after the release has probably left a lot of systems in an inconsistant state.13:51
Picilibpython3.4-stdlib is at the newer (broken) version on one of my servers, but since it was deleted I can't install install libpython3.4 because the older version requires the same version of the stdlib package.13:53
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
daftykinssoo, what are the chances of being unbanned from #ubuntu? :)18:28
geniidaftykins: I've just finished reading the log of it, seem like you were a bit cranky that day. Remarked to a user the equivent of "you should have googled it before coming here" and then got testy with bazhang when you were called on it.18:55
daftykinsyeah, the latter portion was definitely the worst of it - unbeknownst to him though, the user in question i knew from #ubuntu-discuss18:56
daftykinsso knew it wouldn't go down badly18:56
daftykinsi find bazhang's conduct as an op pretty terrible in general, so getting so bluntly told the rules after so many years in there was a bit frustrating to say the least :)18:56
daftykinsbut all told i shouldn't have called him what i did - i was even surprised i typed it when i woke up and saw it!18:57
geniidaftykins: Whatever your personal feelings regarding specific individuals, try to keep it civil in there. I know you already know the rules and code of conduct  etc.18:58
geniidaftykins: I'll unban you in the next half-hour or so, as work allows18:59
daftykinsty sir, no need for a rush, as i'm away from tomorrow anyway18:59
* daftykins departs \o19:04

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