
xpilothi, I'm having some trouble installing wine00:05
xpilotit appears that I have "held broken packages"00:05
xpilottracing the dependencies, it looks like the problem is with libgl1-mesa-dri:i38600:05
xpilotwhich depends on libdrm-intel1:i386, which depends back on libgl1-mesa-dri:i386...00:06
kyaw_On which website, can I check a package exists (or package name is correct) to install using 'apt-get install'? e.g. apt-get install ImageMagick00:07
geniikyaw_: apt-cache policy <pakckagename>00:07
dbkaplunlotuspsychje: ?00:08
geniikyaw_: If it doesn't exist, use: apt-cache search <whatyouthoughtpackagename mightbe> and pick from there00:08
lotuspsychjedbkaplun: yes00:09
Jordan_Ukyaw_: Note that Ubuntu comes with bash completion for apt-get by default, which means that you can also use tab completion for package names as part of apt-get install commands.00:09
nieeHello. can someone help me. two days trying to set up my desktop environment. latest Ubuntu distro I can not use. today once again I fuck my head with this problem. I want to have "gnome 2.32.1" is this possible? I would be very happy if I can last ubuntu to distribution, but gnome
kyaw_@genii awesome. That's what I wanted to check. I'm just wondering if there's an official website like https://packagist.org/ for php library.00:09
dbkaplunlotuspsychje: what?00:09
lotuspsychjedbkaplun: you asked me ?00:10
kyaw_@Jordan_U thanks for the tip.00:10
dbkaplunlotuspsychje | dbkaplun: did you know you can request apps to be added to repos00:10
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lotuspsychjedbkaplun: you showed us your new program, i pointed you towards the app adding to ubuntu repos00:11
wileeeniee, You've looked at the gnome-session-fallback? Don't swear here please.00:13
Bashing-omkyaw_: There is also : http://packages.ubuntu.com/ .00:13
dbkaplunlotuspsychje: still not sure what you're talking about..00:13
kyaw_@Bashing-om thank you. I wasn't able to find it on Google. Thanks00:14
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
nieewileee: yes. i looking, but not like. this is complete rubbish to me. not for nothing. this is the truth. I am so disappointed with the latest versions00:16
mcerbStill trying to get wifi working on hp split 13 x2; now fully updated00:21
ratraceso how do I flush the dns cache on ubuntu?00:21
mcerbI'm able to connect to internet via bluetooth tethering with my phone00:22
TechEffigyI got this old laptop, installed Ubuntu, been sitting all day just to fix the resolution00:22
TechEffigyStill nothing00:23
mcerbI'm able to get a checkmark when I click "Enable Wi-Fi" on the ultrabook00:23
TechEffigyIt's a wide screen, Ubuntu giving me 4:300:23
geniiratrace: There's nothing to flush, Ubuntu doesn't cache any dns by default00:23
wileee!xrandr | TechEffigy00:24
ubottuTechEffigy: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1200:24
mcerbOnly when I go to the "Network" menu and click the on switch it toggles on and then off again00:24
TechEffigyAnd it looks like pixels are being stretched from the bottom00:24
genii( unless you'e installed a dns cacher)00:24
mcerbThe bluetooth connection is slow and unstable00:24
wileeeTechEffigy, Sorry look at xrandr in the terminal see the setup, address any graphic drivers if involved, to the channel.00:25
ratracegenii: it looks like there is some kind of cache. also /etc/resolv.conf is not pointing to the DNS servers I configured through network manager, and I have no idea how the OS is resolving.00:25
TechEffigyI've try xrandr00:25
mcerbI think I fixed this before by blacklisting some daemon00:25
ratracegenii: by "no idea" I mean in 15.04. Otherwise I've been a unix sysadmin for 10 years and I know how it _should_ resolve, but in 15.04 it's a mystery to me.00:25
mcerbBut I want the most up to date, simple solution possible00:26
TechEffigyWon't switch to the modes I add00:26
TechEffigyI've even tried xdiagnose00:26
lotuspsychjeTechEffigy: wich resolution is your screen native00:26
TechEffigyIt's an Intel graphics driver00:26
TechEffigyModes lvds1 goes upto 1024x76800:26
lotuspsychjeTechEffigy: ubuntu version?00:27
TechEffigyI've done the whole cut thing, doesn't work00:27
disconnectedavehow do you set a default file manager?00:27
mcerbSomeone suggested I look at journalctl for errors, but it's too full of text for me to decipher it00:27
Bashing-omTechEffigy: "old desktop" got the hosses to run (u)buntu ? 2 Gigs+ of ram ? see :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements/ .00:27
lotuspsychjeTechEffigy: did you enable cable + updates during setup?00:28
Ben64TechEffigy: there is no 14, there is 14.04 and 14.1000:28
TechEffigyAnd just apt-get upgraded it00:28
TechEffigyWhat command gets the version?00:29
Ben64lsb_release -a00:29
geniiratrace: resolvconf is now the culprit. Look at /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base00:30
Ben64TechEffigy: good, can you pastebin the output from xrandr00:30
TechEffigyLaptop is core2 with 2 gigs ram00:30
TechEffigyOn my fone atm00:30
geniiratrace: Also, the manpage for resolvconf00:30
ratracegenii: it's empty00:31
ratracegenii: I have nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf  with warnings saying resolvconf confiugred it, but has only dnsmasq listening, and so I have onn idea how it works, there's no obvious config for dnsmasq00:32
Bashing-omTechEffigy: dual core and 2 Gigs ..:)00:32
ratrace*no idea00:32
TechEffigyIt has screen0, Lvds1, VGA1, VIRTUAL100:33
Ben64TechEffigy: really need to get the full output00:33
TechEffigyLvds1 1024x768+0+000:33
TechEffigyNet is down00:34
TechEffigyWill try connect quickly00:34
Ben64so come back when its up, might need a lot of stuff in a pastebin00:35
TechEffigyIsn't there some tool I can just use?00:35
geniiratrace: The main config file for dnsmasq is /etc/dnsmasq.conf, it gets disabled or enabled in /etc/default/dnsmasq00:36
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robotdevilcould someone go to this tv streaming site and see if their flash works correctly on it please00:44
robotdevilit asks me to download flash00:44
robotdevilwondering if I need to spoof the browser or something00:45
crobertsrobotdevil: i dont have a tv provider on the list00:45
crobertsbut it didnt say anything about flash being needed <- using chrome00:45
ratracegenii: I don't have that file. I've set the DNS servers in the Network Manager's connection (clicky-clicky), but I can't find how the glibc resolver is working with that information. through dnsmasq? how?00:45
geniiratrace: I'm not sure either, sorry00:46
crobertsspeaking of chrome in ubuntu gnome 15.04 has anyone noticed chrome not showing everything almost freezing, sometimes i have to move my cursor to get pages to show up00:46
crobertson unity 15.04 never had an issue00:46
robotdevilcroberts: I didnt think of chrome ill try that00:46
ratracegenii: np. I've asked here in the channel earlier, but got no answer. I can't even find anything via google and I'm not sure what to google for exactly.00:46
qwebirc21817I found goodone.00:47
qwebirc21817It is hidden as an android device on xda.00:47
robotdevilyay chrome works00:48
robotdevilwonder whats up with ff00:48
Jordan_Urobotdevil: Firefox (without a little work) doesn't support current releases of flash for linux, which only support Chrome's Pepper API (they no longer support NPAPI).00:50
geniiratrace: Some interesting reading here, but haven't waded through all of it yet http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/128220/how-do-i-set-my-dns-on-ubuntu-14-0400:50
robotdevilJordan_U: it works on other sites00:50
TJ-ratrace: Network Manager operates a private instance of dnsmasq, which listens on When NM brings up and interface it passes the nameservers to dnsmasq over the dbus. If using DHCP those come from the dhclient instance that NM runs, else they come from the manually configured entries in the NM connection00:53
Jordan_Urobotdevil: Yes, because Firefox is using an old release of flash, the last version that supported NPAPI.00:53
qwebirc21817When installing wine can a WindowsXP system be rsynced to it?00:53
geniiTJ-: Interesting00:54
ratraceTJ-: that explains it, thanks.00:54
qwebirc21817Not when but after.00:54
Ben64qwebirc21817: no00:54
Jordan_Uqwebirc21817: What is your end goal?00:54
geniiBen64: Well, possible with cygwin to get an rsync on Windows. but painful.00:56
Twirlhi, is there a way to change color profiles fast with some key combination?00:58
Ben64genii: oh yeah for sure, but rsyncing a windows xp system to wine will break everything00:59
geniiBen64: Depends what you want to sync00:59
qwebirc53699Jordan to work with drivers released for windows.01:05
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Jordan_Uqwebirc53699: Wine doesn't make Windows drivers work in Linux.01:06
Jordan_Uqwebirc53699: What is your end goal?01:06
qwebirc53699It looks like I lost my contacts due to proprietary software rather than lawsuits I can manage my own cloud.01:06
ratraceI smell a markov chain....01:07
OS_ConnoisseurHow exactly does Linux know what drivers to load at boot? Does it probe the hardware every time, or is there some config file that the kernel reads?01:09
qwebirc53699It looks like dist-upgrade has downloaded the same linux image 10 times now, and still going.01:09
Jordan_Uqwebirc53699: To prove that you are not a bot, please tell me what "5 + 5" equals. If your next comment isn't the answer to that math question, you will be banned from the channel (no talking bots allowed).01:10
qwebirc53699The webchat does the lantern test at login Jordan_U01:10
ratracenuke it!01:10
qwebirc53699Check with googles recaptcha service.01:10
OS_ConnoisseurBOT BOT BOT!!!01:11
ratracethat was fun01:11
OS_ConnoisseurWait, you just banned him?01:11
ratraceOS_Connoisseur: he failed the turing test01:12
Ben64there was a super obvious warning01:12
Jordan_UOS_Connoisseur: Yes. If you would like to discuss the ban please join #ubuntu-ops so that we can keep this channel clear for Ubuntu support.01:12
Twirli need to pass the context to Toast in Toast.makeText(context, "message", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) and i dont know what is the context?01:13
Twirltried this but its View and idk if its allowed, gives me cannot resolve method01:14
OS_ConnoisseurI once made a bot that periodically said random things a long time ago, and let it run on some channel. It got banned. Never doing that again.01:15
ratraceTwirl: wrong channel?01:15
Twirlratrace: yep, sry01:16
ratraceTwirl: happens. :) today I gave ubuntu support and even tried to invoke the bot in #freebsd :)01:16
Sh4d03Ok, this will sound stupid. I'm trying to delete a partition (/dev/sdb8). I enter fdisk (fdisk /dev/sdb). I hit 'p' I can see the partition is the 5th in the list. I hit 'd' and then '5'. I then hit 'p' to check but the wrong partition has been deleted, it's deleted the last on the list. What am I misunderstanding?01:25
bcxwily manual install: missing /dev/fb0 :( who brings up the framebuffer device ?01:26
Jordan_USh4d03: Please pastebin the complete log of your fdisk session. Also note that I prefer using parted or sometimes gdisk as fdisk doesn't support GPT.01:30
OerHeksbcx, untill release, support for 15.10 in #ubuntu+101:30
cfhowlett!es | tonny_a01:31
ubottutonny_a: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:31
linoshello, what is the easiest way to run a shell script that will open another shell and run a different script in that window?01:33
cfhowlettlinos, #bash would know01:33
OS_Connoisseurlinos: You mean open up a new terminal window?01:33
OS_ConnoisseurThat depends on what terminal you're using.01:33
Jordan_Ulinos: To get the terminology correct, you want to open another graphical terminal window, not just "another shell". Do you want to use gnome-terminal as the program providing the graphical terminal?01:34
Jordan_Ulinos: What is your end goal?01:34
linosin the newly open shell, I would like to run a different shell script01:34
linosJordan_U: yes01:34
linosI have two seperate programs running and I need for them to run in different terminal windows01:35
linosI have two seperate programs and I need for them to run in different terminal windows01:35
OS_ConnoisseurI think you'd just run ubuntu-terminal --command "whatever you want to run"01:36
linosI will try that now01:36
OS_ConnoisseurI'm not on Ubuntu right now, so I can't check.01:36
linosOS_Connoisseur: would I type: 'ubuntu-terminal ./nameofshell.sh'01:38
allizomgnome-terminal --command="command" <- should be01:38
OS_ConnoisseurIs it still called gnome-terminal?01:39
Ben64depends on which dekstop01:39
OS_ConnoisseurOn Unity.01:40
linosallizom: do I need the quotes?01:41
linosI got it.  Thanks to everyone for helping me out01:42
Jordan_Ulinos: It depends on the command you pass. To be safe and follow best practices I would suggest that you always use quotes arount the command, and specifically single rather than double quotes.01:42
linosquick question if I run gnome-terminal --command="command", how can I keep the terminal window from closing01:42
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mcerbok I have an error now that I can't make sense of01:43
MattTheGeekHello, Im new to Ubuntu. How do i tell what window manager im using kde/gnome etc, i plan to install a custom theme later...01:43
mcerb<error> [1444182018.548622] [platform/nm-linux-platform.c:2254] link_change(): Netlink error changing link 2:  <UP> mtu 0 (1) driver 'iwlwifi' udi '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.3/0000:07:00.0/net/wlan0': Unspecific failure01:43
Ben64MattTheGeek: which ubuntu did you install?01:43
mcerbthis happens when I try to bring wifi up01:43
cfhowlett!flavors | MattTheGeek, u=01:43
ubottuMattTheGeek, u=: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.01:43
mcerbI think I need to replace the wireless firmware, but I don't know the most efficient way to do that01:44
MattTheGeeknot sure i dont loaded it using a live usb Luinix creation tool on windows and then installed it via usb01:44
MattTheGeekIs there a termal command that will tell me this01:45
geniiMattTheGeek: cat /etc/issue01:45
OS_Connoisseurlinos: Just guessing here, but I think you can use "sh -c somecommand" as the command you pass.01:46
OerHeksMattTheGeek, echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP01:46
MattTheGeekit says "Ubuntu 15.04 \n \l01:46
OS_ConnoisseurI believe that executes /bin/sh which runs a command first, then stays open.01:46
chingaocat /etc/issue worked on my box. Learn something new everyday.01:47
somsiplinos: http://askubuntu.com/questions/20330/how-to-run-a-script-without-closing-the-terminal01:47
MattTheGeekthat echo command did nothing01:48
Bashing-omMattTheGeek: MattTheGeek ubuntu 15.04 runs unity as the DE . ' confirmation 'echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' .01:49
OerHeksHere it gave me Unity01:49
MattTheGeekIT is using unity.... i forgot the case01:49
cryptic0My system rebooted randomly twice over the weekend but I can't find anything strange in the syslog around the reboot time stamps.01:51
cdk_i have an issue i installed superx on a flash drive it will run on the computer that i used to install it but on the computer i am trying to install super x on ends up with some screen issue where everything is all messed up and then it tells me it cant iddle something ? any help Would be nice?01:51
somsipcdk_: is this anything to do with ubuntu?01:53
cdk_i can tifnd any where else that would be of any help please help?01:53
somsipcdk_: superx has a website. Maybe there is a link off that for support01:54
cdk_i couldnt find any thing regarding my issue01:54
somsipcdk_: it's nothing to do with us and offtopic here. Good luck, but stop asking here.01:55
nudogecdk_: there is email, address and phone number01:55
nudoge&skipe somsip is right you could also try #linux01:55
robotdevilJordan_U: so what cant use ff anymore?02:12
elisa87I used a command with rm -rf for removing a directory and now everything is deleted from /home/ubuntu including all my projects. Any solution for that? like an undo?02:14
sonvirgohi all02:14
sonvirgopls help i cant view this site video http://www.microsoft.com/october2015event/en-us/live-event02:15
OerHekssonvirgo, you need a surface 4 for that02:16
sonvirgoi have install pipelight and test silverlight run fine02:17
sonvirgou just kidding DerHers02:17
OS_ConnoisseurIt says you can use flash, too.02:17
geniiI just tried it with flash, that doesn't work02:18
Jordan_Urobotdevil: http://askubuntu.com/questions/562271/can-i-use-chromes-pepper-flash-with-firefox02:18
OS_ConnoisseurBoth are basically dead technologies.02:18
Jordan_Uelisa87: If you had any files that were very important to you then stop whatever else you may be doing now. If you have any files that were very important to you that you think may still be opened in any process, please say so.02:20
gusgghow can I "sniff" in on a gnome-terminal session? I want to see the unescaped ASCII codes that the program emits and that the terminal generates.02:20
geniiHm. Actually, it doesn't work with Firefox+flash, but it works with Chromium02:20
OerHekselisa87, if you install extundelete, you might overwrite the wiped data :-( try testdisk > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#Testdisk02:20
gusggand if I, say, "cat /dev/pts/1" then the input gets swallowed up02:21
geniisonvirgo: Works with chromium browser, but not firefox02:22
elisa87what is testdisk OerHeks02:22
Jordan_Uelisa87: There is no "undo" for rm, but there are some ways to *possibly* get back *some* of your data. Note that the more you create and delete files on this filesystem, the more of your data could be permanently made irrecoverable.02:23
SubCooli want to run DD - to clone a drive, but the if=1tb drive of=100gb drive. HOw do i get DD to STOP at say 60gig?02:23
Jordan_USubCool: What is your end goal?02:23
sonvirgogenii ,so what kind of codecs or plugiun is this site?02:23
SubCoolJordan_U, Clone HDD to SDD02:24
geniisonvirgo: Looks like with Chromium it's using the flash02:24
Jordan_Uelisa87: Do you have backups of all of your important data?02:25
sonvirgogenii, just install Chromium ok or do i have to get some post installation packages02:26
elisa87no backup Jordan_U02:26
Jordan_Uelisa87: How important to you is the data that you deleted?02:26
geniisonvirgo: Try just installing the package chromium-browser ( it's in the universe repository, you may need to add that first) and see if that works02:27
sonvirgothanks genii, i am installing02:28
Jordan_UOerHeks: I don't understand your commend about extundelete. You shouldn't ever try to undelte files by recovering them to the same filesystem they were deleted from, but that applies equally to photorec and extundelete.02:28
geniisonvirgo: Also, let us know if it does work please :)02:33
sonvirgosure genii it takes time, my network is 4M but it slow due to Chronium site02:34
sonvirgoby the way genii, do you know how to kill empathy02:34
SubCoolJordan_U, ?02:36
geniisonvirgo: Not in Unity, sorry ( I'm primarily in Kubuntu)02:36
lotus_I have a problem with Chromiun02:37
sonvirgoi see genii thanks anyway02:37
Justintro8487any reason to choose mint kde over kubuntu?02:37
geniiJustintro8487: Lack of support ;)02:39
Jordan_USubCool: How have you ensured that cloning just the first 100 GiB of the HDD to the SDD will result in something usable? Without explicit preparation such a dd will not result in something usable.02:39
sonvirgogenni i can see it on chronium thanks much02:40
SubCoolJordan_U, there is nothing else on the drive. I only need the first few parititions, it would simply be easier to do a drive clone than partition.02:41
geniisonvirgo: Great, glad to be of assistance :)02:42
Jordan_USubCool: Are you using an msdos or GPT disk label on this drive?02:42
sonvirgoi am out now bb genii02:42
SubCoolJordan_U, im not sure, pretty sure GTP.02:43
Jordan_USubCool: GPT stores a copy of the partition table at the end of the drive, so just doing a dd as you propose would leave you with a drive whose partition table many utilities will cosider invalid. gdisk can probably fix it easily enough after the fact though.02:44
SubCoolSo im going to have to do this partition by partition. Ok.02:45
maximusfl_is there a command line program that returns cpu usage %02:45
SubCoolwell, then even then ill have an issue.02:46
geniimaximusfl_: ^02:46
Jordan_USubCool: To actually answer your question, dd's count=foo option can be used (be careful to note that it expects number of blocks of size bs, so count=100G would almost certainly be *wrong*). But yes, doing it partition by partition is the more reasonable choice in my opinion.02:47
maximusfl_A need a program that is called from a function and return's cpu %02:47
maximusfl_top and htop are programs02:48
somsipmaximusfl_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/450045/get-cpu-usage-in-command02:48
SubCoolJordan_U, but at the same time, idk how to post those end bits. the drive is mostly empty. maybe 50 gigs of 1tb.02:50
maximusfl_Thanks the cat /proc/stat looks good02:51
Ben64SubCool: explain exactly what you want to accomplish02:51
SubCoolBen64, I am Cloning my HDD to my SDD, HDD = 1tb, SDD=120gb. I only need the first 50gb from the HDD>03:04
Ben64why only the first 5003:05
xpilotany tips on how to fix broken packages?03:06
xpilotthe usual stackoverflow advice hasn't worked03:06
Ben64xpilot: explain the issue in full details03:07
swagcityHello all of you lovely irc peeps. So I need to find a log of all the files that have been uploaded to my server. How would I go about that and/or where would I find them? Thanks!03:09
Jordan_Uswagcity: Uploaded through what means?03:12
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xpilotBen64 I'm trying to install wine, and it appears that I have "held broken packages"03:19
xpilottracing the dependencies, it looks like the problem is with libgl1-mesa-dri:i38603:19
Ben64xpilot: ok, pastebin what it is saying03:19
xpilotwhich depends on libdrm-intel1:i386, which depends back on libgl1-mesa-dri:i386...03:20
Ben64xpilot: how about the errors for wine03:23
OS_ConnoisseurStupid package management bugs like that are what drives me away from Linux.03:24
swagcityuploaded through ftp03:24
swagcityfilezilla to be exact03:24
swagcitybut the issue is, that I was not the one who uploaded the files03:25
profetik777what up peeeeps!03:25
Ben64OS_Connoisseur: they're almost exclusively user error03:25
swagcityJordan_U: would the server have to be in logging mode03:26
OS_ConnoisseurWell, it's a usablility issue, then.03:26
Ben64OS_Connoisseur: not really03:26
OS_ConnoisseurWindows completely lacks a house of dependency cards.03:27
Ben64it just has many many problems stemming from not having a central place for applications03:27
swagcityanyone else got a clue on my issue? (regarding ftp logging)03:28
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xpilotBen64: the errors for wine are similar - wine : Depends: wine1.6 but it is not going to be installed03:36
xpilotI eventually got to libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 by trying each dependency03:36
xpilotwine -> wine1.6 -> wine1.6-i386 -> libglu1:i386 -> libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 -> libgl1-mesa-dri:i38603:38
Ben64xpilot: right but i need to see all the errors03:38
xpilotthere's some qt stuff there too03:39
iklri have symlink to a script in /etc/rc3.d/ to a script i /etc/init.d/ (with what i believe are correct permissions for root), so it should run on graphical runlevel start. it works running the script by itself, and when i run sudo init 3 from the terminal, the right directories are mounted. however, when i log in to the main login screen, the screen goes black for a second and it goes right back to the login screen. wat do?03:52
iklr*symlink in /etc/rc3.d/ pointing to script in /etc/init.d/03:52
iklrthe script is supposed to mount the home folder for the user i've been having trouble with03:52
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
Ben64xpilot: apt-cache policy wine wine1.6 wine1.6-i386 wine1.6-i386:i386 libglu1-mesa:i386 libglu1:i386 libosmesa6:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1:i386 libglapi-mesa:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 qml-module-qtfeedback libqt5feedback504:02
xpilotBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12701743/04:07
imthenachomanhello guys. everything i read online says the default umask is 022 but when i run umask for my user it shows as 0002. and this is for a fresh install. does ubuntu change the default umask somewhere?04:07
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest42806
dbkaplunCheck out this badass CLI text editor I wrote https://github.com/slap-editor/slap04:38
wileeedbkaplun, That is spam per the channel, get it added to the repos.04:39
iklri fixed my runlevel problem. needed runlevel 5. i just put it in 2,3,and 5 to cover my bases. some double mounting error, but it is inconsequential so far. is there a sequence of runlevels during boot or what?04:39
Guest90373I am looking for a solution to restrict ssh access with pubkey management04:44
Guest903731. how to rotate public key ?04:45
schultzais there a way to have scripts have and use a passworded key pair for use with ssh and not have the password saved anywhere?04:45
Guest903732. How to implement MFA with google authenticator using pub/priv key and not password04:45
schultzais that the best method for use with scripts?04:46
xpilotBen64 any ideas?04:55
denza242is there any tool to configure gstreamer04:56
denza242preferrably qt04:56
Ben64xpilot: looks like you're mixing repos, thats causing the problem04:57
xpilotBen64: ah, perhaps this is related to the i386 and amd64 repos giving 404 not found errors on apt-get update?04:59
Ben64xpilot: which ones04:59
SaintMoriartyhas anyone mounted a s3 for data storage/.?04:59
xpilotErr http://ppa.launchpad.net vivid/main amd64 Packages05:00
Ben64probably not the cause but not great05:00
xpilotshould I disable some repos then?05:00
Ben64well your previous paste showed packages from trusty and vivid, you should definitely only use repositories from your version, and PPAs just complicate things05:01
xpilotBen64 this machine was upgraded all the way from 12.04, I guess the old repos weren't properly removed?05:03
Ben64possible i suppose, but the upgrade process disables those05:03
xpilotthen why do they still show up?05:03
denza242bugged updater maybe?05:03
* denza242 shrugs05:04
xpilotshould I manually remove any package from trusty?05:04
denza242updating always broke stuff for me, be it instantly or in a few weeks. no thanks to my PPA abuse05:04
xpilotI didn't realize I still had packages from trusty, that's certainly not good05:04
Ben64xpilot: you can use synaptic to see which packages are from which repository, can remove them all, then remove the repository05:04
xpilothow exactly? I've never used synaptic05:05
Ben64on the left, origin05:06
xpilotno sign of trusty05:06
xpilotit looked like the only package from trusty was libglapi-mesa:i38605:08
Ben64the only one installed yeah, but the system knew about more05:08
xpilottrue - that means there's a trusty repo in some file?05:09
xpilotit doesn't look like synaptic sees any trusty sources05:11
xpilotnor does ubuntu software center05:11
xpilotmaybe a lower-level dpkg call could tell me where it's getting trusty packages from?05:12
Ben64whats the list of non-ubuntu repositories you got05:13
xpilotin synaptic?05:15
bzzzzzzzhi. any one to know hot to have autocomplete highlights in my terminal?05:16
xpilota few ppas: nvidia, google, webupd8, zeromq05:16
xpilotshould I try purging those?05:23
Ben64nvidia doesn't have a ppa...05:23
xpilotwell it shows up in software sources05:25
somsipBen64: there is a newish one05:26
xpilotI believe I downloaded a cuda-repo-ubuntu1504_7.5-18_amd64.deb05:26
somsipFWIW http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/08/ubuntu-nvidia-graphics-drivers-ppa-is-ready-for-action05:26
xpilotthere are nvidia drivers in the main ubuntu repos too05:27
xpilotbut they didn't work for me05:27
xpilotgrep trusty /var/lib/dpkg/status has a lot of hits05:33
xpilota quick web search suggests that this is a common problem for people trying to install steam05:40
xpilottheir workaround (on 14.04) was to install libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-utopic:i386 instead05:42
xpilotis there a way to just purge everything and start over05:47
xpilotsort of like doing an in-place system install05:48
xpilotover the old system05:48
xpilotperhaps sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh -a?05:51
jadergabrielI would like to be membership of community06:11
cfhowlett!contribute | jadergabriel06:12
ubottujadergabriel: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu06:12
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jadergabrielubottu: read this documentation!06:15
ubottujadergabriel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:15
frendaWhen I type 'sudo passwd root', it returns: 'Enter new UNIX password'; Why does it say 'Unix'?06:17
cfhowlettfrenda, historical artifact.06:17
frendahi there06:19
frenda(So I'm not disconnected (: )06:19
howardggood day, does anyone know how to use "xset dpms" to change only the standby timeout?06:20
somsip!find mysql06:21
ubottuFound: bacula-common-mysql, bacula-common-mysql-dbg, bacula-director-mysql, bacula-director-mysql-dbg, bacula-sd-mysql, bacula-sd-mysql-dbg, libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, libdatetime-format-mysql-perl, libdbd-mysql, libdbd-mysql-perl (and 157 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mysql&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all06:21
Guest72479I'm in need of help regarding the "Online Accounts" section in gnome-control-center, Facebook photos integration and the GNOME Photos app. Have I come to the right place?06:21
cfhowlett!gnome | Guest7247906:22
ubottuGuest72479: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome06:22
* Guest72479 disregards ubottu06:23
freeroutehey hey06:33
freeroutewhat can I do to prepare for 15.10 ?06:33
cfhowlettfreeroute, backup your data06:33
freerouteold but gold06:34
freeroutegot that covered06:34
cfhowlettfreeroute, then chillax.  It's not even available yet!06:34
freerouteI'm so excited tho :D06:34
freerouteI'm going to do minimal install and then do a plasma-desktop package install (I just want the KDE experience without the installed apps)06:35
cfhowlettfreeroute, well, until release, your excitement can best be contained in #ubunu+106:35
cfhowlettfreeroute, sounds like a reasonable plan06:35
milanhi, need help for samba server06:36
cfhowlett!samba | milan06:36
ubottumilan: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html06:36
freeroutecfhowlett: ah, even talking about the pre-release isn't supported in this channel? :p06:36
cfhowlettfreeroute, for many reasons, no.  but +1 or ubuntu-offtopic?  go for it.06:36
cfhowlettfreeroute, before you go though06:37
cfhowlettrun this through your terminal to simulate what you'll be installing: apt-get -s install kde-plasma-desktop06:37
cfhowlettfreeroute, to me, that looks like a whole LOT of stuff I don't see the need for, but YMMV06:38
freeroutefrom what I've understood in the latest plasma they make further distinction between apps and desktop06:40
freeroutebut from what I see there are no extra apps like kdenlive or libreoffice06:41
freeroutewhich is good enough for me06:41
cart_manHi guys...did Ubuntu remove the capability to switch to another desktop ?06:41
wileeecart_man, no, why do you ask?06:42
cfhowlettfreeroute, I ran my simulation from 14.04 ... LONG list of new installs including apps.06:42
cfhowlettcart_man, of course not06:42
cart_mancan not seem to switch over to another one on my machine06:42
cart_manIts control and mouse wheel right?06:43
cfhowlettcart_man, no.  log out.  choose a DE.  login06:43
freeroutecfhowlett: do you have the same output? http://kpaste.net/6b07806:44
cart_mancfhowlett: No thats not what I mean... I meant Ubuntu use to have this capability to switch to another desktop by pressing control and mouse roll... it was very fast06:44
cart_manLubuntu still has it06:44
cfhowlettfreeroute, yeah, but that's only show.  run apt-get -s install and you'll get the detailed list of incoming packages06:45
wileeecart_man, You mean additional desktops within a desktop, different ones switch screens differently, which you running?06:45
freerouteah I suppose I already have some of those installed06:45
cart_manUbuntu standard06:45
cart_manwileee: ^^06:46
wileeecart_man, I don't run unity is all.06:46
cfhowletthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12702294/ freeroute06:46
wileeecart_man, there is a button in the left panel is all I remember.06:47
cart_manHmm no not on mine... I know what you are talking about06:47
cart_manok but is there one I can maybe download?06:47
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freeroutecfhowlett: mine is even a bit longer :D07:03
cfhowlettfrom myread, it's pulling in a lot of unnecessary stuff, e.g. konsole, wallpapers ...07:04
freeroutekonsole and wallpapers are all right with me, I never had experience with konsole yet so I'm curious to try it out07:13
freeroutewhere the problem might arise is when I decide to remove konsole and suddenly the package manager decides that it's a good idea to remove the kde-desktop07:14
cfhowlettI make frequent use of the apt-get -s for exactly that reason07:14
freerouteyeah by default it should ask me a Y/N question but as I've understood with single packages it's not the case07:15
freeroute(or more like... packages without dependencies)07:16
freeroutecfhowlett: what more stuff do you think is not needed? I'll consider removing them afterwards.07:23
cfhowlettfreeroute, I don't use KDE enough to know.  I would have been happy with just the look & feel stuff.07:23
freerouteI know a guy who is trying to go with only Kwin as his tiling WM :D07:24
x4w3Guten morgen07:24
freeroutebut it's so undocumented that he's essentially going the path I'm going for now07:25
cfhowlett!de | x4w307:26
ubottux4w3: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!07:26
nfk|laptopa noob question, if i need hdf5.h is the one under /usr/include/hdf5/serial/ the one i want or something else?07:28
=== daniel is now known as Guest65233
fidel_hi - any gkrellm user inhere? i am running 14.04 and whyever the gkrellm plugin gkrellm-hdplop is installed - but not visible inside the apps configuration. Can anyone try it on this ubuntu machine?07:31
nfk|laptopnever mind, http://askubuntu.com/questions/629654/building-caffe-failed-to-see-hdf5-h/645089#64508907:31
JRShey helloo!!!07:39
nfk|laptophmm.. irc works07:39
nfk|laptopbut nothing else07:39
nfk|laptopas expected of the uni admins07:39
nfk|laptopi bet ssh works too07:39
nfk|laptopanyone knows how to forward net over ssh?07:41
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fidel_hi - any gkrellm user inhere? i am running 14.04 and whyever the gkrellm plugin gkrellm-hdplop is installed - but not visible inside the apps configuration. Can anyone try it on this ubuntu machine?07:52
it_tardSCHAAP137, i see what you did there and i'm fine now, got a cable07:56
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* nfk|laptop yawns07:56
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ravi__kumarhow can is resolve the problem "You cannot send messages to #.." ?08:00
fidel_read the error - most likely you need to identify08:01
ravi__kumarand how do I identify myself ?08:01
fidel_first of all -read the full error - there exists other reasons why someone cant write to a channel08:01
fidel_regarding identify - freenode has a great FAQ which covers that08:02
ravi__kumarfidel_: Thanks.08:02
=== tinyhippo is now known as grumpyhippo
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krugerhi, i've rebuild a ubuntu dvd with a new kernel version (taken from ubuntu source) but i'm unable to boot in uefi mode -i've got (initramfs) error-, but i'm able only to boot in bios mode. Whats' wrong?08:12
robotdevilis the mobile version of ubuntu built on android?08:15
cfhowlett!touch | robotdevil08:16
ubotturobotdevil: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch08:16
Twirlkruger: not a good idea08:20
Twirlkruger: i did that once and i had to revert it, just sayin08:20
freeroutenfk|laptop: check out sshuttle08:24
freerouteif I have a suggestion for software to be included into the main repos, where do I have to go?08:25
nfk|laptopwhat is that?08:25
baizonfreeroute: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sshuttle&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all08:27
baizonits already there?08:27
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freeroutenfk|laptop: https://github.com/apenwarr/sshuttle and https://hak5.org/episodes/hak5-122408:35
nfk|laptopare you not mixing me up with someone else?08:35
freeroutebaizon: I meant software in general08:35
freeroute151007.11:41+0400 nfk|lapto+: anyone knows how to forward net over ssh?08:35
JRSCan i install NFS MW on debian ?08:38
baizonfreeroute: well the easiest way would be to purpose it to the debian package system08:38
baizonfreeroute: because ubuntu adopts them08:38
cfhowlettjrib, ask #debian08:39
cfhowlettjrs ^^08:39
freeroutebaizon: really? Does Ubuntu pull from Debian repos?08:40
baizonfreeroute: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages08:40
JRScan i install nfs mw on ubuntu ?08:41
freeroutewoah... TIL08:41
baizonJRS: what is nfs mw?08:41
JRSthat's a game08:42
JRSNeed for speed most wanted08:42
baizonJRS: yes its works08:42
JRShow can i install it ?08:43
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ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.08:43
baizoncfhowlett: no it's not steam :)08:43
baizonJRS: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=871408:43
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geirhamaybe playonlinux has an entry for it08:47
prapullai'm trying make template for cloud ubuntu, how to get unique blkid of disk for launching new virtual machine08:48
baizonhmm, any advices? I'm searching for a simple paint program (like MS Paint). Can someone name me some (not pinta, gimp, inkskape)?08:52
cfhowlettor mypaint08:53
baizontried both, not good :(08:53
baizonkolourpaint is perfect, but damn it has all the kde dependencies, i need to install 147 newly packages08:55
=== grumpyhippo is now known as tinyhippo
mbroekerI have upgraded my server from lucid to precise and now i get errors for libc6: list file is broken and empty...09:18
mbroekerwhat can i do to fix it?09:18
mbroekerapt-get install --reinstall libc6 is not working as expected. how can i force this reinstall?09:19
cfhowlett!precise | mbroeker09:21
ubottumbroeker: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120409:21
sshazeandroidAnybody has played thps on virtualbox from ubuntu?09:27
EriC^^sshazeandroid: you can install from the repos a sony playstation emulator09:28
EriC^^and use that09:29
EriC^^sshazeandroid: sudo apt-get install pcsxr09:29
EriC^^sshazeandroid: and download the rom http://coolrom.com/roms/psx/39892/Tony_Hawk's_Pro_Skater_4.php09:30
rorycmon EriC^^ don't link that here09:31
EriC^^rory: ? it's a legit site amigo09:32
EriC^^you can use rom's legally09:32
EriC^^hey jay_09:34
lotuspsychjejay_: have you been able to fix drivers + optimus?09:35
jay_Nopzz. broszz.09:35
lotuspsychjejay_: tell us what happened09:35
jay_i am currently facing a problm... my os not playing avi file...09:37
EriC^^try vlc09:37
jay_okey... and how can i install vlc..on my pc..09:37
lotuspsychjejay_: you say you havent fix drivers yet, so plaing video wont work properly neither09:37
EriC^^sudo apt-get install vlc09:37
jay_okey... i have put this string on terml ryt...09:39
jay_okey its.. working tnks.. Eric... you guys... really helpfull.. join... u ltr..bye..09:40
MichaelHabibhi everyone, What's the best way to go about having multiple graphics cards on one PC .. I need up 4-6 HDMI outputs.09:40
lotuspsychjeMichaelHabib: maybe a question for ##hardware?09:41
MichaelHabiblotuspsychje: thanks.09:42
lotuspsychjedelano: welcome, what can we do for you?09:51
delanonothing really trying to locate a c++ channel09:51
lotuspsychjedelano: ##programming is interesting perhaps09:52
kostkon!alis | delano09:52
ubottudelano: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:52
MrSassyPantssomething on my system is constantly shutting down the CPU09:55
MrSassyPantsLike, 1000mhz instead of 2000mhz09:55
MrSassyPantsI can track it with cpupower09:55
lotuspsychjeMrSassyPants: perhaps a question for ##hardware?09:56
MrSassyPantsI'm pretty sure it's some sort of laptop-mode like power save program for ubuntu09:56
MrSassyPantsbut I have removed laptop-mode already so its gonna be something else09:56
mcphailMrSassyPants: The chosen kernel CPU governor will throttle back if it can09:57
PeanutHi folks. I have an Ubuntu 15.04 with dmraid, and it no longer boots properly, the / filesystem stays read-only due to fsck errors. "ext4_mb_generate_buddy: block_bitmap and bg descriptor are inconsistent".09:57
k1lMrSassyPants: modern cpus are designed to not run at full speed all the time09:57
PeanutTHe machine *seems* to be resyncing my dmraid in some way, but it's hard to pin down what is happening. THe drive light is on constantly.09:57
MrSassyPantsmcphail, wrong. I'm setting the governor to "performance". The problem is something is lowering the mhz *range* the governor operates in09:58
MrSassyPantsmcphail, slowly down to the min09:58
MrSassyPantsignoring the range I set09:58
mcphailMrSassyPants: temps?09:58
MrSassyPantsmcphail, high but not omg high09:58
PeanutSo I seem to be hitting 2 problems: A corrupt ext4, and problems with mdraid. However, smartctl shows no issues or errors with any of the drives, so I don't quite understand what is happening and how to debug/proceed. Any help please?09:59
yossarianukhi -does anyone know any good guides for connecting ubuntu machines to freeipa servers - most of the docs I found related to RHEL servers ?09:59
mcphailI'd suspect thermal throttling before looking elsewhere. Do you have a fancy BIOS which is dictating things?10:00
lotuspsychjeyossarianuk: start here maybe? https://launchpad.net/freeipa10:01
k1lMrSassyPants: please pastebin the output of "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state " and "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors "10:01
lotuspsychjeyossarianuk: or the #freeipa channel exist also10:01
MrSassyPantsk1l, that won't help you much10:02
MrSassyPantsuntil a few minutes ago it ran normally10:02
MrSassyPantsthen I unplugged the laptop and replugged it10:02
lotuspsychjeMrSassyPants: why dont you just try whats been advised10:02
k1lMrSassyPants: ok, when you are the linux guru here, then why ask for help anyway?10:02
MrSassyPantsand this somehow triggered a buggy script I presume that somehow ends up lowering the allowable range10:02
MrSassyPantsI want to know what that could be because its not laptop-mode10:03
lotuspsychjeMrSassyPants: providing us the details might result to solving your issue10:04
yossarianuklotuspsychje: cheers - i'll ask in that room.10:05
yossarianukthought i'd ask in vase anyone had a link to existing how/to.10:05
lotuspsychjeyossarianuk: or the freeipa man page could help point you right direction?.10:05
lotuspsychjeyossarianuk: or perhaps a specific question to the #ubuntu-server channel10:06
Angsis multi tab property on terminal removed on ubuntu 15.04? it is not possible to open a second tab10:07
Angsor do I need to install something for it?10:07
lotuspsychjeAngs: right mouse/open new tab?10:07
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lotuspsychjeAngs: or if you need multible tabs alot try terminator?10:08
Angslotuspsychje, no I don't have it on ubuntu 15.0410:08
lotuspsychje!info terminator | Angs10:08
ubottuAngs: terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97-4 (vivid), package size 234 kB, installed size 2049 kB10:08
k1lAngs: see the menu of that terminal you use. there should be named the shortcut10:09
Angsok I see that on terminal > preferences there is the setting10:10
Angsthank you10:10
yossarianuklotuspsychje: cheers10:24
lotuspsychjeyossarianuk: hope you find it10:24
MrSassyPantslotuspsychje mcphail : Figured it out. Offending tool was thermald10:37
mcphailMrSassyPants: the answer is always thermal throttling :)10:41
MrSassyPantsit wasn't the governor, it was thermald starting to clamp the governors frequency limits as the temperature exceeded 80%10:43
cm13g09Hi guys - got a fun problem to solve..... got a machine here with two graphics cards in it - one on the CPU, one external.  the CPU card is still enabled somehow... and when I boot up, the bootsplash ends up on the CPU card, despite GRUB ending up on the external.  I only use the external, but like to see the splash, any ideas how to force the card?10:52
binary01you might be able to disable onboard video in bios10:53
FranticHey guys, I'm running 14.04 and Chrome and Chromium have gotten incredibly slow with version 45, does anyone know why? Googling around gives so much junk on this10:59
FranticI used to run google-chrome-beta, then it updated to 45 and got slow, switched over to chromium, now that has moved to 45 and is slow as well10:59
Zigguratxwt-swizzy-weezy hello11:00
xwt-swizzy-weezyziggurat-you good11:01
xwt-swizzy-weezyziggurat-are you still there11:02
xwt-swizzy-weezyhow're you doing?11:03
ZigguratIm fine, how are you?11:03
xwt-swizzy-weezyam good,.thanks_where are you from?11:03
cfhowlettxwt-swizzy-wezy, this is ubuntu support.  ask your ubuntu question.11:04
qwebirc17489How can I give users ability to mount a cdrom after turning off sudo an aoudi cd doesn't auto mount from the desktop.11:04
xwt-swizzy-weezycfhowlett-sorry but that wasn't for you..lol>i enjoy this shit11:05
cfhowlett!guidelines | xwt-swizzy-weezy no profanity.11:05
ubottuxwt-swizzy-weezy no profanity.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:05
cfhowlettalso, for chitchat, see #ubuntu-offtopic.  thank you11:05
cm13g09binary01: Sadly, I don't have that option :(11:05
Zigguratqwebirc17489 I am sure there is a service that will mount cdroms for you11:06
xwt-swizzy-weezyufhowlett n ubottu-which website do you go to when downloading some ubuntu sofware?11:06
cfhowlettubuntu software center is the preferred software source, xwt-swizzy-weezy11:07
fidel_hi - any gkrellm user inhere? i am running 14.04 and whyever the gkrellm plugin gkrellm-hdplop is installed - but not visible inside the apps configuration. Can anyone try it on this ubuntu machine?11:07
xwt-swizzy-weezyno any other website?11:07
cfhowlettxwt-swizzy-weezy, what kind of software do need outside of the official channel?11:08
xwt-swizzy-weezycfhowlett-i've been trying to enter my email but doesn't work11:10
qwebirc17489Ziggurat: I suspect it is due to removing the user from sudoers11:10
cfhowlett??? now we're discussing email?  not sofware?11:10
=== JethroTux is now known as ILoveCLI
qwebirc17489Ziggurat: the automount service attempts and fails11:11
xwt-swizzy-weezycfhowlett-you're mean11:11
cfhowlettyour unclear11:11
qwebirc17489It says: Location is not mountable.11:11
qwebirc17489I am posessive she always told me.11:11
qwebirc17489So you're oft becomes your11:12
fidel_cfhowlett: he/she left11:12
Zigguratqwebirc17489 the service can run with root access while the user has none11:12
SupaYoshiAnyone know when TJ is around?11:12
=== ILoveCLI is now known as JethroTux
qwebirc17489Ziggurat then why is the cd not mounting?11:18
Ben64audio cds can't be mounted11:18
bijan_Hi I have a cron job that takes mysql backups once a day. The resulting backup file is under git versioning. Now I want the server to push to an external git repo. Ubuntu asks for my ssh cert password everytime I want to push. I don't know how to wait for password prompt in my script or maybe there is a better solution so I don't have to hardcode my password into a script?11:23
loki_can somebody explain me why simple view of flash content for example on twitch, consumes around 100% of my cpu?11:26
loki_maybe i need do something?11:26
loki_setup or something.11:26
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest88161
swenzel1my pc only starts one out of ten times.. any idea what could cause this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/8a357rjg9i52yfy/IMG_20151007_131516.jpg?dl=011:27
fidel_loki_: what are you using to watch this flash content?11:27
fidel_aka - what browser?11:27
loki_fidel_, oh sorry, i thought i warote that, i use chromium.11:28
loki_fidel_, all hardware accelerations are enabled11:28
loki_for compare with by brothers computer, there is around 15% of cpu on windows 7...11:29
loki_is this normal?11:29
loki_with identical cpus...11:29
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=== pava is now known as pavan
fidel_well - flash on linux is far away from perfect - and i cant compare in numbers.... but it doesnt eat 1 core on my home linux11:30
swenzel1and when it DOES start is there a log file that contains those errors?11:30
qwebirc17489Why isn't the cdrom mounting?11:39
Ben64qwebirc17489: already told you, audio cds cannot be mounted11:39
bijan_qwebirc17489: get apple music :D11:40
qwebirc17489I can have both.11:41
swenzelsorry my laptop just froze... any answers?11:47
fishcookeris it possible to encrypt file using multiple keyfiles.. so if we have 5 members with different key files we can open the files using individually keyfiles?11:48
swenzelsomething else, sometimes when I run a  python program that needs lots of RAM at some point I hear a lot of HDD I/O operations (swapping?) and my laptop freezes completely. Is there a way to avoid this and just let python throw a MemoryError or so?11:49
qwebirc17489Where is apple music gotten?11:51
bazhangqwebirc17489, try #macos11:52
xStarkI've heard there's an application for Ubuntu that scans downloads for viruses and sends it to Windows.11:53
xStarkDoes something like that actually exist or is it just crap?11:53
bazhangdid you mean clamav xStark11:54
bazhang!info clamav11:54
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 95 kB, installed size 743 kB11:54
yossarianukxStark: what do you mean ' sends it to Linux'?11:54
yossarianukxStark: sorry I mean 'sends it to windows'?11:55
nfk|laptopxStark, it's better than nothing, also to actually stop files being sent to Windows you also need to integrate into your firewall/Samba/whatever11:55
ioriafishcooker, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/597188/encryption-with-multiple-different-keys11:55
nfk|laptopand note that i'm kinda sceptical about its capabilities in a world where there's something like thousand new threats detected every day and most companies for one reason or another seem to avoid even touching stuff that looks like it's backed by a government making the actual detected threat count even higher11:56
nfk|laptopand i doubt even clamav actually catches the legal malware class but maybe it does, no idea11:57
xStarkyossarianuk: I meant that it can just copy and paste the file to the windows partition.11:57
bazhangits not meant to nfk|laptop11:57
nfk|laptopwhy would you do that?11:57
qwebirc17489bazhang: rather have the cdrom mounted11:57
nfk|laptopbazhang, then what's the point behind it?11:57
bazhangqwebirc17489, the war of 1812?11:58
bazhangnfk|laptop, mail server primarily interfacing with windows11:58
bazhangqwebirc17489, are you a bot11:59
bijan_Hi I want my ubuntu server to push to a git repo in a script. Unfrotunately the script runs as superuser. How to tell git push to use a specific ssh key?11:59
bazhang#ubuntu-server bijan_11:59
yossarianukbijan_: use .ssh/config11:59
yossarianukand use an alias11:59
nfk|laptopbazhang, but it would still need to be able to detect very large amount of threats to be anywhere nearly effective11:59
nfk|laptopjust because it does not spread via email on its own does not mean i can't mail something evil to your not that smart users and have them run it12:00
nfk|laptoplinux is only safe until someone starts running bad files on it on their own12:00
bazhangnfk|laptop, again its not a substitute nor was it meant to be, this is not place to debate the whys and wherefores, #ubuntu-discuss for that12:00
fishcookerthanks for pointing ioria, actually i don't how to use gpg.. so it is possible to encrypt with multiple public keys and decrypt the file if we have single key12:01
bazhangqwebirc17489, please respond in a sensible and timely fashion or I will remove you from the channel12:01
yossarianukbijan_:  see https://gist.github.com/jexchan/235199612:02
ioriafishcooker, gpg should be already installed on your system ...12:02
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bazhang!info seahorse | fishcooker12:02
ubottufishcooker: seahorse (source: seahorse): GNOME front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 3.15.90-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 417 kB, installed size 2376 kB12:02
bazhangtry the frontend seahorse fishcooker12:03
fishcookerthanks for pointing ioria bazhang12:03
fishcookeri will12:03
ioriafishcooker, no problem also type   man gpg12:03
swat30issues w/ official apt repos? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12703716/12:05
CryptoSiDca.archive.ubuntu.com is supper laggy, security.ubuntu.com also12:05
CryptoSiDim having problems updating12:05
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swat30same CryptoSiD12:05
CryptoSiDyeah swat30 look like12:05
CryptoSiDat least its not just me:D12:05
bijan_yossarianuk: thx12:07
CryptoSiDthe internetz is broken12:07
* CryptoSiD call 91112:07
ioriatep ...me too12:07
OerHeksnl mirror is fine ;-)12:07
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mamedhello . arethere any qt5 packages for mysql? i could not find on the repos12:11
PeanutHi folks. I have an Ubuntu 15.04 with dmraid, and it no longer boots properly, the / filesystem stays read-only due to fsck errors. "ext4_mb_generate_buddy: block_bitmap and bg descriptor are inconsistent".12:12
PeanutTHe machine *seems* to be resyncing my dmraid in some way, but it's hard to pin down what is happening. THe drive light is on constantly.12:12
PeanutSo I seem to be hitting 2 problems: A corrupt ext4, and problems with mdraid. However, smartctl shows no issues or errors with any of the drives, so I don't quite understand what is happening and how to debug/proceed. Any help please?12:12
CryptoSiDis us mirror fine?12:12
CryptoSiDanyway security.ubuntu.com is laggy also12:12
mamedi think i have found the package12:14
iorialibqt4-sql-mysql ?12:14
ioria!info libqt4-sql12:15
ubottulibqt4-sql (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 SQL module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-3~ubuntu6.1 (vivid), package size 102 kB, installed size 425 kB12:15
SPFhi, my Ubuntu taskbar is no longer working. I can click on the programs but nothing happens12:16
SPFthe icons on my desktop are working fine12:16
ioriaCryptoSiD, something wrong... temporary, i guess12:16
Dumle29Hmm is ubuntu's servers a bit slow today?12:18
Dumle29updates are going real slow12:18
ZigguratDumle29 what server are you using? Ubuntu tries to set the closest server to default12:19
ZigguratOften a university within proximity.12:19
ioriamaybe related to the neew update-manager package.... really idk12:19
badbodhSPF, you mean the bar on the side with icons ?12:20
Dumle29Ziggurat: It says "Main server"12:20
cfhowlettDumle29, main server = london iirc.  choose > other > select best server12:21
Dumle29cfhowlett: Thanks :)12:21
cfhowletthappy2help! Dumle2912:21
SPFbadbodh: yes12:21
Dumle29I also might have to check my WAN cable, as an ethernet tester shows that conducter 5 and 7 don't have continuity, but it should still be fine for base 10012:22
SPFbadbodh: strangely Unity notifications are coming through12:22
badbodhcfhowlett, didn;t ubuntu have some "choose best server" or something similar ?12:22
Dumle29Oh wow this is a LOT faster12:22
Dumle29badbodh: Yeah, that's what he asked me to do :P12:22
badbodhSPF, ignore that, slow internet. text lags12:23
cfhowlettbadbodh, by default, source is set to main server unless I'm mistaken.12:23
philinuxMain server and GB server are very slow.12:23
philinuxJust did a speedtest in FF 15mbps12:23
SPFbadbodh: how is it called, the bar on the side?12:24
philinuxget 20 kb on main12:24
badbodhSPF, can you open a terminal ? ctrl-alt-T or right-click on desktop>terminal ?12:24
TJ-Notice: The London servers have been overloaded but are currently recovering12:24
SPFbadbodh: yes I can open terminal12:24
iamrohit7my processor always clocks at the minimum even when plugged in. i am checking using cpufreq-info. how do i make it go up?12:24
Dumle29Odd that it isn't set to do a "best server" test on install12:25
Dumle29seems like a good way to remove load from the main server12:25
badbodhSPF, try "compiz --replace" and see if sidebar responds.12:25
philinuxTJ-;~ thanks i'll try updating later12:25
ioriaFetched 27.4 MB in 4min 18s (106 kB/s)12:25
philinuxDumle29;~ default is a persons local server I think.12:26
philinuxMy clean install was set to GB, maybe it comes from the timezone location12:26
Dumle29hmm. possibly12:26
guest-ab3bpHselamun aleykum12:27
CryptoSiDseems ok now12:27
SPFbadbodh: that command killed all my programs and put my laptop into sleep/suspend12:27
cfhowlettphilinux, it is NOT the local server.  that's why it is wise to manually localize it.12:28
CryptoSiDwell, not perfect but way better12:28
badbodhSPF, wow. it's supposed to restart unity. not put everything to sleep.12:28
SPFbadbodh: but the side bar is working now12:28
guest-ab3bpHhi bitches12:28
philinuxcfhowlett;~ ok fine12:28
Johnny_linuxget a job12:28
badbodhSPF, you got nvidia ?12:28
bazhangguest-ab3bpH, take that elsewhere12:28
guest-ab3bpHi have a problem12:28
cfhowlettguest-ab3bpH, check your channel.  you seem to be lost12:28
bazhangJohnny_linux, no need for that12:28
SPFbadbodh: no, I have a cheap Intel card12:29
SPFIntel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller12:29
xStarkI have RADEON graphics currently12:29
xStarkBut my new computer as NVIDIA12:29
bazhangguest-ab3bpH, if its an ubuntu support question then ask12:30
guest-ab3bpHmy audio card is sound like fart12:30
badbodhSPF, lol. pity. i got intel too. actually compiz is your window manager. whenever it freezes you run <window manager command> --replace , that forces restart and things work12:30
bazhang##hardware guest-ab3bpH NOT here12:30
badbodhworks for other window managers too, like mutter marco xfwm4 etc12:30
iamrohit7any views on the question i asked?12:30
SPFbadbodh: it's not possible to use kill or something?12:30
guest-ab3bpHi am windows user12:30
bazhangguest-ab3bpH, that is a hardware issue12:30
guest-ab3bpHwhat is the hardware?12:31
cfhowlettguest-ab3bpH, ask ##windows or ##hardware.  Not an ubuntu problem.12:31
bazhangguest-ab3bpH, so its offtopic here12:31
guest-ab3bpHits a desktop?12:31
bazhangits a channel guest-ab3bpH12:31
guest-ab3bpHradio channel?12:31
xStarkWhat happened?12:32
bazhangbot left12:32
xStarkOh, I see.12:32
BluesKajHey all12:32
xStarkI used to script mIRC bots lol12:32
xStarkidk I just stopped.12:32
ren0v0hmm, i'm getting "No such file or directory" when trying to run a program using ./program  from within the directory??12:32
mbweafternoon everybody, i have ubuntu server on a vps, and noticed that my disk is slowly filling up at a rate of 0.04 mb/s could somebody give me some pointers how to track which process is responsible for that12:32
mbwei disabled all logging already12:33
bazhang#ubuntu-server mbwe12:33
mbweoh there is ubuntu-server :) thanks bazhang12:33
pbxren0v0, what's the program? is it executable? is it a script that perhaps is throwing that error itself?12:33
ren0v0pbx, its an executable yea, i've run it on another container and its fine, i run programs like this all the time12:34
EriC^^ren0v0: is it +x ?12:34
ren0v0EriC^^, yea12:34
ren0v0let me pastebin12:34
EriC^^run ls -l , then ./program12:34
Snicksiedo you have the right architecture? not mixing 64/32bit?12:34
Snicksieyou could try to strace your program, see if it's missing a library12:35
ren0v0Snicksie, let me see, pretty sure CT is 64bit12:35
ren0v0Snicksie, execve("./dslstats", ["./dslstats"], [/* 18 vars */]) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)12:36
Snicksieno weird characters in the filename that are hidden?12:37
ren0v0nope, i literally have exactly the same files on another CT and it works, albeit giving x11 errors, which is why i setup another CT to mess with that12:37
ren0v0let me scp from the other box to rule out any file issue12:38
EriC^^ren0v0: try ~/modem/dslstats/dslstats12:39
ren0v0same, how very odd12:39
ren0v0yea should have tried full path sec12:39
ren0v0lol no12:40
ren0v0how else can you run an executable without ./ syntax? this is baffling12:40
ioriaren0v0, no problem to run the 64bit ver...12:40
EriC^^ren0v0: what did ~/modem.... give?12:41
ren0v0-bash: ./home/shaun/dslstats64L-5.6/dslstats: No such file or directory12:41
ioriaren0v0, it's not a script, it's a binary ....12:41
EriC^^ren0v0: type file /home/shaun/dslstats64L-5.6/dslstats12:42
ren0v0EriC^^, same output12:42
ren0v0-bash: /home/shaun/dslstats64L-5.6/dslstats: No such file or directory12:42
ioriaren0v0, try the 32-bit12:43
ren0v0ioria, just did, seems it works12:44
ioriaren0v0, ypppy12:44
ren0v0so sorry12:44
ren0v0must have had a fat finger moment creating the VM or something12:44
ren0v0god i feel stupid, sorry again....12:45
hheeguys. which means - MEM: 2,8 GB, cache: 2.6 GB ? (system load indicator)12:45
ioriaren0v0, dpkg --print-foreign-architectures12:45
hheehow really memory spend in my system?12:45
thesuliban1980I need help concerning the "switch_root" command within an initramfs.12:46
thesuliban1980When I run switch_root /newroot /sbin/init 2 I get  "could not connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart" - any ideas?12:47
Picihhee: cached ram is still 'free', you may want to take a look at this: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/12:48
hheePici: tnx!12:48
=== phirelight is now known as phirelightbot
habermas2apt-get install gdb yields: gdb : Depends: libpython3.4 (>= 3.4~b1) but it is not going to be installed. any clue how to fix that one?13:03
mirko_hi, since firefox 41.0.1 ubuntu linux <input type="file"> doesn't open the file chooser anymore. I am using i3 window manager with xubuntu13:06
mjaykmirko_: have you tried #firefox13:09
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baizonmirko_: have you tried to reseet your firefox profile13:10
Picihabermas2: what release of Ubuntu are you currently running?13:10
TJ-mirko_: That's the result of an upstream bug-fix13:10
TJ-mirko_: see https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2013-43/13:10
TJ-mirko_: correction, that's listed in the 41.0 release notes but isn't specific to 41.0, let me recheck13:11
Picihabermas2: Can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy libpython3.4 gdb13:11
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habermas2Pici: http://pastebin.com/h6B4gjkm13:15
mirko_i've tried #firefox but they said is an Ubuntu bug. same happens on a clean profile13:16
nllrtehas anyone had success getting preseeding to work with dhcp+tftp+http?13:17
Picihabermas2: hmm.. seems to want to work on a i386 14.04 install I have here, but not the amd64, give me a moment to investigate13:19
TJ-mirko_: does the web developer console indicate any errors?13:20
nfk|laptopwhat should i do if there's a python package i need but that's not available from ubuntu repos? should i just use sudo pip?13:21
habermas2I mean, why not?13:21
nfk|laptopbecause it's ugly and could cause weird issues or conflicts with the system stuff13:22
habermas2pip is a pretty decent package manager actually13:23
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MasterWayne(habermas2) pip is a pretty decent package manager actually13:24
MasterWayneWhat is pip?13:24
nfk|laptopapt-cache search pip13:25
habermas2MasterWayne, package manager for python13:25
MasterWayneThx habermas213:26
mirko_TJ-: no errors13:26
MasterWayneAnyone has experience in handling system imaging or cloning for enterprise level?13:26
MasterWayneSuch as clonezilla, ghost, aomei, etc?13:27
Picinfk|laptop: no, you should never sudo pip.13:28
MonkeyDustMasterWayne  don't start a question with 'anyone'... describe your issue and 'someone' will recognize it13:29
Picihabermas2: it looks like there was a deletion of a libpython3.4 update yesterday that is likely causing your problem, I'm trying to remember how debian version numbers work (not enough caffiene this morning) to find you a workaround.13:29
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, that deserves its own factoid!13:29
habermas2thanks pici, that's awesome of you13:29
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  thanks *bows slightly*13:30
Picinfk|laptop: use a virtualenv or pip --user install. using sudo pip will mix where system and pip installed packages go and only results in headaches later.13:30
mjaykPici: Thankyou for that13:30
TJ-mirko_: I wonder if it isn't a firefox change, but a change in an underlying library used to provide the file open dialog. May be worth checking the /var/log/apt/ logs to see what other (library) packages changed at the same time as Firefox was upgraded13:33
nfk|laptopPici, then what should i have done; also sorry if i disconnect, my system is running GPU grade stuff on CPU right now13:35
mirko_TJ-, indeed can be. I ve updated multiple packages at the same time. can you point out what should I actually look for on these logs ?13:35
Picinfk|laptop: use a python virtualenv to install into, or use pip --user to install into your user's home.13:36
nfk|laptopPici, will it work even if i have almost everything else installed via apt-get?13:37
Picinfk|laptop: only if you do the --user option. If you select the virtualenv route you'll need to elect to copy your site-packages into the virtualenv when you create it.13:37
nfk|laptopalso how should i proceed if i have already installed via sudo pip?13:37
TJ-mirko_: Any packages on the "apt-cache depends firefox" list for starters13:38
Picinfk|laptop: sudo pip uninstall the package and then pip install --user yourpackage, that would be the cleanest.13:40
nfk|laptopalright, i'll do that after this simulation has done if ever13:41
nfk|laptoprunning state of the art artificial neural network on CPU sounds about as bad is it is13:42
nfk|laptopdid i mention a CPU from previous decade?13:42
Picihabermas2: you *might* be able to revert back to libpython3.4-stdlib by doing apt-get install libpython3.4-stdlib=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1, but I warn you that it might be safer to just wait until the issue is fixed.13:44
habermas2ok. thanks for checking into that one!13:44
Picihabermas2: it looks like one of my servers has both libpython3.4-stdlib and libpython3.4 at the newer version which breaks requests, but another one is missing one of those packages and is in the same situation you are in.13:45
Picihabermas2: bug is here for your reference: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.4/+bug/150076813:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1500768 in python3.4 (Ubuntu Trusty) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [High,Triaged]13:46
habermas2I will watch this one carefully13:46
habermas2thanks for being a hero of the proletariat13:46
mjaykHay Dex13:54
mirko_TJ-, i ve done cat history.log and compared with the dependency list of firefox, no package seems to match13:54
DexterFran a rather harmless upgrade on 14.04LTS for RasPi2, now network is gone, no DHCP broadcast received. I do see the act led on the interface blinking, tho. what else can I diagnose?13:55
MonkeyDustDexterF  there's also #raspberrypi13:57
cfhowlettmore likely to find answers from a raspberry pi channel13:57
DexterFMonkeyDust: who will send me here with ubuntu specific trouble, won't they13:59
King_Hualwhy don't you just connect the rpi to a screen and see what the issue is14:00
cfhowlettDexterF, by now you could have actually posted a query to #raspberrypi14:00
mcphailDexterF: as far as I know, the RPi Ubuntu is not an official distro and wouldn't be supported here. I'm sure someon will correct me if I'm wrong14:00
MonkeyDustDexterF  i guess this channel is for x86 architecture... ARM has is own channel too14:01
cfhowlettexatly true14:01
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.14:02
libredebHi guys!14:06
libredebgood day14:06
libredebi have a several question14:06
Picijust ask :)14:07
libredebI'm in doubt about which version of ubuntu use14:07
libredebi am a developer of apps in GTK+ with VALA14:07
libredeband java developer14:07
cfhowlettany version can be used for dev work14:08
Picilibredeb: Personally I suggest sticking to Ubuntu LTS releases, which would be 14.04 right now.14:08
libredebbut if not expect to use 14.04 or 15.1014:08
libredebI'm in a major company ... it is clear. With a laptop Lenovo G46014:08
thebopeHello everyone, I've got a Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine set up on a remote server hosted by digital ocean. I can use their VNC console access with my login credentials just fine, but ssh doesn't work at all, is there a reason for this?14:09
cfhowlettlenovo is generally considered pretty ubuntu friendly - ignoring the inject bios stuff14:09
libredebthanks Pici14:09
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libredeb@Pici Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS not save backlight level :'(14:10
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Picilibredeb: for me thats a small price to pay to ensure that I'll have support for the next 4 years.  Keep in mind that the next LTS comes out in April, so if you want to use 15.10 (releasing before the end of the month), you'll be able to upgrade to 16.04 easily either way.14:12
Lizai want to buy a new laptop with following criteria .... must running on ssd... screan size must be less than 13"....8 hr battery back up... best for ubuntu... any suggestion please14:13
libredeb@Pici I will have to develop an app to control it automatically14:14
bazhang!hcl | Liza have a read14:14
ubottuLiza have a read: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:14
yuI'm a newbie, can anyone help me to fix it?14:14
jpdsLiza: Lenovo X25014:14
libredeb@yu in a terminal: $sudo update-grub14:15
Knight80Hello everyone14:15
libredebtell me them14:15
Knight80I'm having a problem with mozilla firefox, it cannot open certain sites14:18
Knight80It returns the error 50014:18
yuI have tried.14:18
Knight80While the same site works perfectly well in my iPad with Safari14:19
yubut an error appear, /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `aufs'.14:19
MonkeyDustKnight80  is this useful https://www.prestashop.com/blog/en/the-500-internal-server-error-explained-solved/14:19
Knight80MonkeyDust Thank you very much14:19
xStarkDirect LTS to LTS upgrades are supported, right?14:19
cfhowlettxStark, most certainly14:20
xStarkThank God.14:20
MonkeyDustGod is !eol14:20
xStarkI don't need to go through 15.04 to get to 16.04 LTS14:20
xStarkin the future, of course.14:20
xStarknuu cf14:21
yuhttp://imgur.com/CMeenzr hey, can anyone help me to fix it? I have tried that input "sudo update-grub", but it is not useful.14:23
yuthe error is "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `aufs'."14:23
yuhelp plz14:26
bazhang!patience | yu14:27
ubottuyu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:27
yuok... thanks..:(14:28
ioriayu virtual machine  ?14:30
andybrineDoes anyone know if it is possible to submit a podcast to itunes on ubuntu?14:30
mcerbcan anyone interpret this error? <error> [1444228254.855277] [platform/nm-linux-platform.c:2254] link_change(): Netlink error changing link 2:  <UP> mtu 0 (1) driver 'iwlwifi' udi '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.3/0000:07:00.0/net/wlan0': Unspecific failure14:31
yuioria no..14:32
mcerbit shows up on journalctl when I try to turn on wifi14:32
FlyingDutchManhi !14:33
FlyingDutchManjust testing irssi14:34
MonkeyDustFlyingDutchMan  it works, we see you14:34
ioriayu are you installing with an eth or wifi connection active ?14:35
FlyingDutchManwhat window manager does everybody here use14:36
FlyingDutchManim on i314:36
yuioria yes, is eth14:38
ioriayu kali or ubuntu ?14:38
yuioria elementary os14:39
yuioria  is based on ubuntu.14:40
ioriayu kali are you installing in efi mode or bios legacy ?14:41
MonkeyDustyu  not everything is supported here... what's the output of   cat /etc/issue14:41
mcphailFlyingDutchMan: in irssi, type "/j #ubuntu-offtopic" for general chat. This is the suport channel. Cheers!14:42
Spr1ngHow do I remove unneeded linux kernel images from /boot?  I try run sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.16.0* but it says "The following packages have unmet dependencies" and wants me to run sudo apt-get -f install to fix that BEFORE it will allow me to remove the images.14:42
ioriayu anyway, seems to be an internet-connction error (maybe you lost it, temporary) or a efi issue14:43
yuMonkeyDust elementary OS Freya \n \l14:43
EriC^^Spr1ng: remove the initrd manually so you have enough space to run apt-get14:43
MonkeyDustyu  type  /j #elementary14:44
yuioria so I don't know how to fix it :(14:44
ioriayu http://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/1937/the-grub-pc-package-failed-to-install-into-target-after-installtion     (you can also install ubuntu :þ)14:44
yuMonkeyDust what is /j?14:45
xmj /join14:46
MonkeyDustyu  it's short for /join14:47
ioriayu and it's also a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryos/+bug/149280114:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1492256 in elementary OS "duplicate for #1492801 I can't boot into my system after a fresh install for 0.3.1 in UEFI mode" [Medium,In progress]14:48
yuMonkeyDust oh thanks :D14:48
mcphailSpr1ng: does "sudo apt-get autoremove" do what you need?14:48
Spr1ngcool thanks EriC^^14:48
Spr1ngmcphail: ye once i freed up a little space on /boot I could run that command14:48
mcphailSpr1ng: ok, cool14:49
ioriayu a quick fix seems to  copy "/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.efi" as "/boot/efi/EFI/grub/grubx64.efi"14:52
EriC^^yu: what's the problem?14:55
ioriaEriC^^, he got this on elementary http://imgur.com/CMeenzr14:55
MonkeyDustioria  you do know elementary is not supported here?14:56
ioriaMonkeyDust, ya, sorry ...14:56
EriC^^yu: can you type ls -l /sys/firmware/efi in a terminal?14:57
EriC^^yu: grub-pc is the msdos grub, not the efi one14:57
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Cytonhelp please15:08
Cytonhelp please15:08
CytonI'm going crazy with this new bug15:08
Cytonhow do I stop chrome from opening popcorn-time when I hit a magnet link?15:09
Khaotichas ubuntu 12.10 not had in update in about a month?15:09
SchrodingersScatCyton: change the default program, or could be in mime settings15:09
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal15:09
EriC^^Khaotic: 12.10 or 12.04?15:09
k1l_Khaotic: i really hope you dont use 12.10 anymore15:09
Cytonhow do I change the default program15:09
k1l_Khaotic: even 14.10 is out of life already15:10
Khaoticmy bad lol15:10
SchrodingersScat!language | Khaotic15:10
ubottuKhaotic: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:10
k1l_Khaotic: if you dont want to upgrade every 6 months stay on LTS. you need to upgrade to 15.04 (and soon to 15.10)15:10
k1l_!releases | Khaotic15:10
ubottuKhaotic: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases15:10
CytonHOW DO I CHANGE THE default program or the mime to make it ACTUALLY work in 14.04.315:10
Khaoticwhen will 15.10 be out?15:10
Cytonon chrome15:11
k1l_Khaotic: 22.10. is release of 15.1015:11
k1l_Khaotic: but upgrade to 15.04 first asap15:11
Khaotici might just wait until then15:11
k1l_Khaotic: you cant jump from 14.10 to 15.10. you need to upgrade to 15.04 anyway15:11
SchrodingersScatCyton: i'm in xubuntu, but I have a 'preferred applications' menu option and 'mime-type editor' in menu15:12
CytonNeed it to work for Unity15:12
Cytonwhy is unity so broken and so featureless?15:13
CytonI mean I like the interface15:13
Cytonbut trying to change anything is as hard as walking on hot coals15:13
MonkeyDustCyton  try unity-tweak-tool15:14
Cytondon't see a mime option in unity tweak tool15:14
Khaotichow long will  ittake15:15
[n0mad]Cyton: have you read through this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/16580/where-are-file-associations-stored15:18
CytonI have editted the .desktop files15:19
Cytonthe mimetype15:19
Cytonupdated mime15:19
Cytonect ect ect15:19
Cytonlet me show you what I have done15:19
CytonIt, just, does, not, work15:19
Cytonand is so unintuative, it is making me very very very nausious and sick15:20
Cytonhow can something so small me so hard to change?15:20
Cytonmy mind boggles15:20
Cytonthousands of developers. and this is not fixable easily?15:20
EriC^^oh gawd15:20
cfhowlettCyton, 1.  did you file a bug?15:21
CytonNot sure it's a bug15:22
CytonI don't know what it is15:22
CytonI wouldn't even be able to describe or discern any bug15:23
Cytonthe mime type is just not updating15:23
Cytonand I am sure sure sure 10000% its possible15:23
k1l_Cyton: please take a breath and dont use enter as punctation. when you calm down maybe more people will be motivated to help you15:23
Cytonbut I just don't know how to do it and there is nowhere in either chrome or ubuntu I can set it15:23
cfhowlettCyton, then I suggest you file it as a but so those 10000's of developers you mention might address it.  ranting here or askubuntu is not the same thing as filing the official bug15:24
Cytonis it a bug?15:24
k1l_Cyton: in all your ranting and making drama i still dont know what the exact issue is15:25
CytonIssue: when I click a magnet link on Chrome browser - it launches in Popcorn-time (a video watching App)15:25
CytonI want it to use qbittorrent/torrent client15:26
k1l_what sort of links?15:26
hotmedalI want to create a virtual LAN with a bunch of computers on different ISPs and which may be running Windows or Ubuntu, but I know their public IPs. How can I do this without port forwarding on any router. Is http://www.freelan.org what I am looking for?15:26
CytonMagnet: links15:26
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :(15:26
cfhowletthotmedal, sounds like a ##networking question?15:26
mugurelHello everyone15:27
hotmedalcfhowlett: didn't know about that channel, thanks15:27
cfhowletthotmedal, happy2help!15:27
mugurelI have a problem when i try connect with ssh to my desktop from my laptop (both linux, using openssh server). When i try to work with mercurial the system does not recognizes my public keys. Anyone know anything about that?15:28
CytonI have edited xdg-mime, the Popcorn-Time.desktop the qBittorrent.desktop and another file15:28
k1l_Cyton: can you pastebin the "/usr/share/applications/<program here>.desktop" of the program you want to open the links?15:28
Cytonyes certainly15:28
rizii am trying to calibrate my monitor but calibrate button is dimed out in 'colour'15:29
rizianybody know why15:30
k1l_Cyton: please try a "gvfs-mime --set x-scheme-handler/magnet qBittorrent.desktop"15:30
mcphailrizi: do you have a hardware calibrator?15:30
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :(15:31
mcphailrizi: I think you need one for that15:31
jmaderomojtaba: what do you mean it won't run? any errors from terminl?15:31
Cytonis the application I want (http://pastebin.com/EnGUdqVH) - this is the application I don't) http://pastebin.com/sdp3tKh315:31
rizibut couldn't you do software calabration15:31
mcphailrizi: I don't think you can by default15:31
mojtabajmadero: bunch of errors and there is no process15:32
rizii saw one option in windows, it based on your eye judgement15:32
mcphailrizi: at least, you couldn't a couple of years ago (before I bought a calibrator)15:32
k1l_Cyton: and pastebin the output of "xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/magnet15:32
k1l_ && gvfs-mime --query x-scheme-handler/magnet"15:32
jmadero"bunch of errors".....I suggest pastebin15:32
mcphailrizi: yes, windows has on but Ubuntu doesn't15:32
mcphailrizi: If it is any consolation, you can pick up a Spyder 2 on ebay for a couple of pounds/euros/dollars which works well (and there are no Win7 + drivers, hence the cheap price)15:33
mojtabajmadero: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705370/15:33
Cytonk1l_: http://pastebin.com/XbG3Zpcn15:34
Cytonhowever, it was like that before already15:34
rizii see15:34
Cytonwhat was gvfs do?15:35
CytonI think its fixed k1l_15:35
CytonI think gvfs command fixed it15:35
Cytonso what exactly was broken?15:35
rizibut it seems strange there is no such option in ubuntu while window had it.15:35
Mathisenfor regular use, what is the recomended disk size ? 20 gb ?15:36
mcphailrizi: I think noone has bothered to make one. Most people who value a claibrated screen would have a device15:36
tewardMathisen: 'regular use' is varied from user to user.  My regular use requires 100s of GB15:36
cfhowlettMathisen, "regular" use?  no way to say.15:36
tewardMathisen: if all you're doing is web browsing and not downloading, 20GB *could* be what you needl15:36
mojtabajmadero: did you check that?15:36
mcphailrizi: you could check out "dispcal-gui" to see if it has a software mode15:37
Mathisenyeah just surfing and the basic programs... got a 1 TB disk for storage..15:37
bananapieHello. Is it possible to run xorg-server-core 1.12 or less using a modern Ubuntu like 14.04 or 15.04 ?15:37
CytonI had previously set the correct mime manually in mimeapps.list15:37
mcphailrizi: I don't have access to an Ubuntu machine to check just now15:37
rizinp let me check.15:38
k1l_Cyton: gvfs handles the mime times now.15:38
mcphailrizi: in any case, dispcal-gui is better at hardware calibration than the default program15:38
k1l_Cyton: next time make less drama, so people dont get annoyed by the drama before they actually see what the issue is.15:38
rizijust a side question i am new to irc chat. if am talking to someone is it better to write his nickname with : and then type a responce or there is no need.15:41
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compdocrizi, if you include their nick, they know you are talking to them15:41
mcphailrizi: use the name, unless you are adressing the whole channel15:41
Cytonthanks k1l_15:41
mcphailrizi: for most clients, just type the first couple of letters then "TAB" to complete the nickname15:42
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rizimcphail, like this15:43
rizior mcphail:15:43
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705370/15:44
mcphailrizi: whatever you prefer. You can set your client to do either15:45
mcerbhow do I verify that the wireless card listed in lspci is correct?15:46
rizimcphail, thank you very much for the response15:46
mcphailrizi: no problem. Now go buy yourself a 2nd-hand spyder15:47
rizimcphail,  next time i am doing family pictures i will15:48
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rickardo1After dist-upgrade my ubuntu 14.04 server stopped detecting the network adapter. Any suggestions?16:06
mcerbI can't get rfkill to un-soft block my wireless16:08
mcerbrfkill list shows acer-wireless as hardblocked: no softblocked: yes16:08
mcerbbut when I try rfkill unblock 1 it fails silently16:09
mcerbhow do I troubleshoot my wireless firmware?16:13
Khaotick1l_, Checking for a new Ubuntu release16:14
KhaoticNo new release found16:14
lotuspsychje!details | mcerb try to ask in one line16:17
ubottumcerb try to ask in one line: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:17
happycodergvfs-mime --set doesnot work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705574/ . what could be causing this?16:17
thesebhelp! my ubuntu laptop makes this notifaction noise at random times and I don't know why16:21
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thesebI turned off notification sounds (i think) so at a loss to track down what the @#$$@# that noise means16:21
rickardo1my network adapter not initialized anymore after restart... I see the adapter in lspci -nn16:22
happycodertheseb, noise only? no popups?16:22
thesebhappycoder: YES! EXACTLY!16:23
thesebhappycoder: i checked dmesg for hints but got none16:23
happycoderwhat version of ubuntu, theseb?16:23
thesebhappycoder: 14.0416:23
happycoderwhat desktop environment?16:24
thesebhappycoder: unity...the standard one...i haven't done anything fancy to this laptop16:24
LizaHello.. everyone... i want convert Ubuntu unity theme with MAC-x like theme... plz help me16:24
happycodermake sure you have nothing in the notification area, theseb16:25
lotuspsychje!theme | Liza16:25
ubottuLiza: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:25
thesebhappycoder: where is the "notification area"?16:25
lotuspsychjeLiza: install docky as bottom dock, add mac wallpaper and change unity theme to white bars16:26
thesebhappycoder: on Sounds icon i see "Sound Effects" for Alarms but that's it16:26
lotuspsychje!info docky | Liza16:26
ubottuLiza: docky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-2 (vivid), package size 591 kB, installed size 3594 kB16:26
happycodertheseb, i am not an expert. but i'll try to give you some tips. okay?16:26
happycoderI am using gnome ubuntu. so i hope most of the things will be similar16:26
thesebhappycoder: yes please do16:26
thesebhappycoder: much appreciated16:26
pyoorHi all.  I'm getting the following error when starting keychain and I can't seem to find out why: /usr/bin/keychain: 1: eval: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string16:28
happycodernormally, when I plug in a USB drive, or a message arrives in pidgin, i hear a notification sound and a popup pops in16:29
happycoderis it the same in unity, theseb?16:29
thesebhappycoder: plugging in usb device makes a folder appear and sometimes popups yes16:30
leba2Hello. Has anyone tried epsxe emulator by chance?16:30
happycoderdo you have skype installed theseb?16:30
thesebhappycoder: i turned off sounds so it is silent for me16:30
thesebhappycoder: no16:30
julian-delphikileba2: this channel is for support questions :)16:32
OerHeksjulian-delphiki, it can be ontopic, although it is not in our repos i think > http://www.epsxe.com/download.php16:34
happycoder hi, could you please have a look at this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705574/ ?16:34
leba2julian-delphiki: if this doesn't count as support, I'm sorry. But, I asked because that emulator is not working for me. Controllers cannot be configured at all.16:34
thesebhappycoder: me?16:35
julian-delphikileba2: It16:35
julian-delphikileba2: it's not in the ubuntu repos, I don't believe. Correct.16:35
happycodernope, theseb. that was my problem :)16:35
leba2Mm. Sorry.16:35
julian-delphikileba2: Yeah... are there any error messages or anything16:36
leba2julian-delphiki: not at all. On epsxe I try to configure controller pad, and what I fidn by defautl are numbers instead of keyboard keys. Ok, I change them, save, but no changes are applied at all. Never.16:40
julian-delphikihmm, leba2, that sounds like something you should take up with the epsxe folks16:40
leba2julian-delphiki: already tried more than once, no luck at all. Heck channel even says "not a support channel, just an archive channel", or something like that. WTH?16:43
jmaderodoes anyone use smartmontools to do a daily check of drives?16:43
OerHeksleba2, there are some controller answers in http://www.epsxe.com/files/ePSXe_FAQ.txt16:43
jmaderotrying to get a daily report sent (not just errors, I want daily showing it's working and things are in good shape)16:43
reisiojmadero: better to do a daily check of drive performance16:44
jmaderoreisio: why is that better than a smart check?16:44
reisiojmadero: smart check is meaningless16:44
reisioyou can test performance with hdparm and the like16:44
timbozemanis there any backup program that can completely restore the entire computer in a dooms day senario? I was using deja-dup, but couldn't get it to restore from the command line.16:44
jmaderoI need some proof of it being meaningless16:44
reisiotimbozeman: the problem you're having there is not knowing what deja-dup does16:44
jmaderoafter reading quite a bit about it - seems pretty useful to me16:44
reisiotimbozeman: only solution to ignorance is knowledge16:45
reisiojmadero: oh yeah, how's it useful?16:45
reisiokillks: hi16:45
davidmichaelkarrI'm having trouble getting access to a virtualbox-configured shared folder on my Ubuntu VM. The shared folder is configured in "Devices".  The "sf_" folder exists in "/media".  It's owner is root:vboxsf, and perms are 770.  I did groups, verifying that I'm not in the vboxsf group, and then "sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf <myloginname>".  I then ran "groups"16:45
davidmichaelkarragain, but it didn't change.16:45
timbozemanreisio, kinda hurtful, but ya. I agree.16:45
leba2julian-delphiki: and I really would not care a frog about epsxe if it was liek it seems to be: old abanoned. But they had to make another release, without good support. Who understands? If it just works for Windows they should say it.16:45
jmaderoalso does hdparm work with externals?16:45
jmaderothis is a USB external, not IDE or SATA16:45
julian-delphikileba2: yeah, I agree. Sorry I'm not of more help16:45
reisiotimbozeman: dd is simpler, though16:45
reisiotimbozeman: dd if=input of=output; dd if=output of=input16:46
reisiotimbozeman: but you can save time and hassle by complicating your backup schemes more than dd16:46
mcerbrfkill list shows two wireless interfaces: acer-wireless which is Soft blocked, and phy0 which is hard blocked. rfkill unblock doesn't do anything16:46
aarobcIs there a video editor on linux that's basically lightworks, but free?16:47
leba2julian-delphiki: after several searches I found many users moved from that to pcsx-r precisely. But I wanted to see if an emu that can be just run out of the box could work. I really don't ask for too much, but it's frustrating seeing somethign cannto be used at all due to a misserable faulty small detail.16:47
aarobcor cheaper?16:47
timbozemanreisio, save time by complicating your backup schemes with deja-dup?16:47
julian-delphikileba2: yep, and we're not going to be of any help here... I've never used it.16:47
leba2julian-delphiki: already got it. Thanks.16:48
reisiotimbozeman: no, that's just obfuscating16:48
reisiocomplicating is adding things you understand :p16:48
reisioshege: hi16:48
reisioaarobc: probably16:48
ioria!info avidemux16:48
ubottuavidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - GTK version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.5.4-0ubuntu14 (vivid), package size 613 kB, installed size 1969 kB16:48
reisioaarobc: http://alternativeto.net/software/lightworks/?license=opensource&platform=linux16:48
aarobcreisio:  hum, I've tried about half of those, will have to try the rest. maybe will write up my impressions of em and post it somewhere.16:49
mcerbwhen I try to unblock the acer-wireless while listening using rfkill event, it gets unblocked and then immediately re-blocked16:50
mcerbhow do I track down the service that is re-blocking it?16:50
reisioaarobc: which'd you try?16:50
reisiojmadero: yeah works fine16:51
killkshow do I fix locale in ubuntu 14.04 ?16:51
nomad411Hi everyone. I run Ubuntu on a VPS and decided it was time I started worrying aboiut upgrading kernels. :) Is there a mailing list to be informed of the changes?16:52
aarobcopenshot, kdenlive, avidemux, pitivi (doesn't actually work), shotcut (doesn't work).16:52
OerHeksnomad411, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/16:53
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thesebreisio: can i ask you a question about a strange notification?16:54
nomad411Thanks.  What would be a good rule of thumb? Staying behind by 1-2 sub versions?16:54
xboxfuck ya all16:54
jilocasin0afternoon all....16:55
nomad411Niiice :)16:55
reisiotheseb: but of course16:55
killkssomeone please how do I setup locale?16:55
reisioxbox: later, baby, later16:55
thesebreisio: at random times i get a notification type sound from my ubuntu laptop....there is no popup or any other indication of what is going on....for the life of me I can't figure out what in the world that sound means!16:56
reisiokillks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale16:56
jilocasin0I'm looking to replace OS X with ubuntu on a recent Mac.  Can anyone point me in the direction of some information on which desktop environment (mix of hipdi and regular dpi displays) works best with the iMac's displays?16:56
nomad411theseb Hate those, You don,t remember changing settings or adding a new app lately?16:56
reisionomad411: if you see an notice that isn't fixed yet, update16:56
reisiojilocasin0: well, any _can_ work, the big ones probably work out of the box more often16:57
reisioGNOME, KDE16:57
reisiotheseb: probably means your battery reached a certain (lower) threshold16:57
reisiotheseb: and the speakers powered off16:57
thesebreisio: but i keep is plugged in all the time!16:57
reisiobad for the battery16:58
reisiowhat kind of sound?16:58
thesebreisio: well i *do* have a headset plugged in....perhaps the headset causes the noise?16:58
jilocasin0reisio: Thanks, typically I use Xubuntu, but I haven't tried it on mixed dpi displays.16:58
thesebreisio: it is a "brrrrrrring!" like an old style rotary phone16:58
reisiojilocasin0: should just be a configuration issue, if there is ap roblem16:58
reisiotheseb: ah16:58
thesebreisio: or door bell16:58
thesebreisio: ah?16:59
reisiotheseb: dunno, that's very specific isn't it16:59
reisioskype running?16:59
jilocasin0reisio: That's good to hear.16:59
thesebreisio: no16:59
thesebreisio: i did play with google hangouts...could that somehow still be running? doubtful16:59
thesebreisio: skype would keep ringing and ringing until someone picked up...this is just always a single ring17:00
reisiotheseb: oh are you running gooel chrome?17:00
CytonHi Guys - Could you tell me how I make Unity Prefer Calculator of Libre office calc as the first application when I type <super> "calc" <enter>17:00
Cyton(Gnome calculator)17:00
thesebreisio: i was....just switched to firefox for another unrelated reason.....funny you mentioned that because i don't think i've heard that sound since i killed chrome!17:00
reisioCyton: it does gnome's first?17:00
reisiotheseb: yeah think that's chrome nonsense17:00
thesebreisio: YEAH! yer a genius! thanks!17:01
reisiowouldn't surprise me if chromium doesn't have it17:01
reisioCyton: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-edit-dash-application-results17:02
aarobcactually looks like kdenlive will do what I need17:02
reisiokdenlive is a popular choice17:04
reisiowhat is it you need, exactly?17:04
Cytonreisio: unity shows both libre calc and calculator on search17:05
CytonI would like my calculator to be first and libre calc second17:05
Cytonso when I hit enter, it opens the first on the list (calculator) - not the libre calc (which is basically like excel)17:05
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thesebreisio: thanks again...that was awesome...ta17:06
SquarismHey. Does anyon know how to focus on "side pane" in nautilus/filemanager when this is focused application?17:10
Squarismwith hotkey that is17:11
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
krugerI've recompiled the vmlinuz.efi, but i'm unable to boot the dvd in the uefi mode, i'm kicked in busybox shell (initramfs). In bios mode boot fine. Someone can help me, please?17:13
tete_hi, can someone tell me how i can replace sfdisk with dd ? i would like to write the partition scheme of a working raid device to a file and then move that to the new device17:25
tete_so i can reactivate the raid17:25
reisiotete_: what's wrong with sfdisk17:25
tete_reisio, its not available in rescue mode17:26
tete_also, it does not support GPT17:26
reisiono but sgdisk does17:27
reisioactually sfdisk might support gpt now, too, they added gpt support a while back17:28
tete_reisio, thanks for that info, anyway its not what i am looking for17:29
tete_i am now in the initramfs - i have no apt or any other tool except the basics like dd17:29
reisioyou can put any tool you like in the initrd17:29
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tete_reisio, i know17:30
tete_but thats not a solution for me17:30
tete_i would like to create that with basic linux tools17:31
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reisiobasic tools are fine17:31
reisiobut dd is not a partition layout tool17:31
reisiosfdisk/sgdisk are both standard17:31
ioriaparted ?17:32
tete_reisio, with "standard" i mean available in a regular initramfs without modifying it17:32
reisioinitrd isn't even required for the OS17:34
reisiofdisk historically is17:35
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705370/17:35
tete_reisio, if you can tell me how i can do this with fdisk ?17:36
mushirI tried to install elementary-desktop alongside unity on Ubuntu 14.4. I faced some problems so I unistalled it and removed the repository but now I when I open Uget download manger all I have is a blank window17:36
DiplomatHey guys I have a little networking issue. I can ping my gateway, but I can't ping or any domain. Any ideas what might be wrong? I have Ubuntu 14.04 in vmware workstation and I'm using bridged connection to my public network interface17:36
reisiotete_: sfdisk can dump a partition table, and restore it, sgdisk can as well17:37
tete_reisio, yes, we already had that...17:37
reisioyes we did17:37
tete_so you say: there is no tool which comes with a regular initrd to re-create the partition scheme17:37
EriC^^tete_: what's up?17:38
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tete_EriC^^, i rebooted, removed one of my devices (raid5), erased it, plugged it back and started the machine to see how that works17:39
darkadamssay Hello to everybody17:39
tete_but i see no way to recover "easy" the partition layout17:39
tete_except partitioning by hand... but i really dont believe thats how its done17:39
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tete_-by hand+manually17:40
reisioyou could have restored the partition when you were erasing it17:40
tete_reisio, yes i could, thanks for that helpful answer17:41
mushirI tried to install elementary-desktop alongside unity on Ubuntu 14.4. I faced some problems so I unistalled it and removed the repository but now I when I open Uget download manger all I have is a blank window17:42
tete_this is just a test for the case a drive ever fails... but i really can't believe thats how its done that i have to backup the partition scheme somewhere and install it on the device that failed17:42
krugerDiplomat: try NAT connection17:43
mushirhere is the terminal output for uget-gtk :17:43
mushirGtk-Message: Failed to load module "pantheon-filechooser-module"17:43
Diplomatkruger: Well, I need to have a public static IP for that machine so vmware people suggested that i should use bridged17:43
julian-delphikimushir: i'm unsure if elementary is supported here... Looks like something is still trying to load stuff from it17:44
julian-delphiki!elementary | mushir17:44
ubottumushir: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.17:44
mushirIam talking about ubuntu 14.4 !17:44
julian-delphikimushir: right, but you installed elementary17:44
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darkadamsHow can i change my E-Mail in the Main Menue... I told the System that Thunderbird will be my default setting... but when i try starting the E-Mail by using the Main Menue on Desktop... it dont work and i cant find a way to change it17:45
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705370/17:45
mushirjust gui of elementry17:45
darkadamsi use ubuntu studio17:46
julian-delphikimushir: did you 'apt-get install elelemtary-desktop' after adding the elementary PPA?17:46
julian-delphikimushir: have you rebooted after you removed it?17:46
bluesoundHello all. What is major difference between 14.04 and 15.04 ? I'm 100% new to Ubuntu. Have a succesful test install of 14.04 on partition and will now just be doing away with windows. Not sure which one to go for...17:46
mushirthat I did17:46
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest87639
freeroutehi, so according to this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/ReleaseSchedule - because of the DebianImportFreeze, the only chance of requesting a package modification making a request on Launchpad ?17:49
freeroutethe thing I'm talking about specifically, is the inclusion of the +clipboard flag for vim. By default it is off, and needs the gtk version of vim to get the clipboard functionality. - http://kpaste.net/9494b817:49
freerouteso if vim can preferably be compiled with +clipboard flag without gtk dependency, that would be awesome.17:49
patdavidanyone here on the forums-council?17:51
DiplomatWhat is strange is that when I'm using that regular bridge thing.. it can't even ping it's gateway, but when I use that bridge I made then it can ping it.. so I'm confused as hell17:52
patdavidor hugh walker? :)17:52
darkadamsthanks a lot...17:52
julian-delphikidarkadams: what is your question17:52
Picipatdavid: You'd be better off asking in #ubuntuforums or perhaps #ubuntu-community-team if you don't get an answer in the former location.17:52
CyberGabberI'm using BlueFish. When using 'Preview in browser', i got error.17:52
patdavidPici, thank you :)17:52
CyberGabberWhat's the external command for showing it in FireFox?17:53
ioriaCyberGabber, http://askubuntu.com/questions/439502/bluefish-editor-errorfailed-to-create-a-command17:55
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705370/17:56
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texlaI am wanting to buy a new laptop..I will install ubuntu-14.04..It has all the features I want with the exception of the video card..The only one available is :intel hd graphics 5500:will this card be able to run ubuntu graphics18:01
CyberGabberioria: Sorry, tryed that article already, gives error: 'Firefox can't find the server at www.%s.com.', and displays http://www.%s.com/ in adressbar18:01
reisiotexla: yup18:02
texlareisio, Thanks18:03
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ioriaCyberGabber, what the file extension ?18:05
adroit_machineI want to prevent certain applications from accessing the internet. how can i achieve that?18:05
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wileeeadroit_machine, what applications?18:08
adroit_machinewileee, certain application18:08
wileeelol you will get no help here hiding your answers18:08
wileeeand a free ignore18:09
adroit_machineis it really necessary that I have to name the application18:09
adroit_machinewileee, it could be any application using internet18:09
Knight80Hello everyone18:10
Knight80Do you know how to update LibreOffice to its latest version?18:11
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baizonKnight80: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa18:12
Knight80baizon Thank you18:12
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socumbersomeI need to install camlp5 package but when doing `sudo apt-get install camlp5` I got information about unresolved dependency -- ocaml-nox-4.01.0  and doing `sudo apt-get install -f` doesn't fix this. What to do?18:14
MyrkurHi I have a x86 processors but the ubuntu I installed with unetbootin is i686, is that a probleme18:15
root56r56anyonde do you can help me18:15
root56r56i have a problem with port forwarding18:15
adroit_machine I want to prevent certain applications from accessing the internet. how can i achieve that?18:15
baizonMyrkur: i686 is x8618:15
baizonMyrkur: x86 is: 486 586 68618:15
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baizonadroit_machine: block with ufw18:16
baizonMyrkur: so no, its not a problem18:16
Myrkurbaizon: i meant my proc is 64b but my installation is for 32b18:16
adroit_machinebaizon, does ufw have a graphical interface?18:16
Myrkurah ok great18:17
baizonMyrkur: you can install 32 and 64 bit. if you install 32 bit only max 4GB RAM can be addressed18:17
baizonadroit_machine: yes gufw18:17
Myrkurah too bad I have 8g and i'd like to use them all18:17
drmagoo!ask | root56r5618:17
ubotturoot56r56: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:17
adroit_machinethanks, baizon18:17
Knight80Do I have to uninstall the previous LibreOffice version first?18:17
MyrkurSo I better install a 64b version to use all my ram18:17
baizonKnight80: no18:17
baizonMyrkur: that would be a good idea, but both solutions will work18:17
Knight80baizon Thanks again18:18
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705370/18:18
MyrkurBoth will work but well that would waste 4g of ram baizon18:18
baizonMyrkur: yes, thats why i recommend 64 bit for more then 4GB18:19
k1lMyrkur: there is no reason not to use 64bit. except the hardware only supports 32bit18:19
k1land the amount of ram is not the point, since all ubuntus use PAE kernels, which means even 32bit can adress more than 4GB ram.18:20
root56r56anyone do you can help me i know how to do port forwarding but in this router don t work i think18:20
* zzzz00gg drinking18:21
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Myrkurk1l: so should I or not switch to a 64b installation18:24
gogetaMrAristo_, do you mean 64bit?18:25
k1lMyrkur: if you have the choice (because you make a new install anyway) then yes. if its already installed and all set up etc since years. then no18:25
Sagari just made a new VPS with 6GB and 40GB HD, i am looking for a guide to make the VPS configure with apache2 + Mysql to handle 2K+ realtime traffic. ANyone who can help or guide me please, already searched google but didn't found something i am looking for! Thanks!18:26
Myrkurok then yes18:26
Myrkurthanks you k1l and baizon18:26
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root56r56becouse  my port forward  don t work ?18:39
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mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705370/18:41
julian-delphiki!root | root56r5618:41
ubotturoot56r56: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:41
Sagarhi again18:41
Sagari just made a new VPS with 6GB and 40GB HD, i am looking for a guide to make the VPS configure with apache2 + Mysql to handle 2K+ realtime traffic. ANyone who can help or guide me please, already searched google but didn't found something i am looking for! Thanks!18:41
julian-delphikioh man, thats not what i wanted.18:41
julian-delphikiroot56r56: A) don't connect to IRC as root, b) do you have an ubuntu related question18:41
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ioriamojtaba, do you have some KeePassIPC*  in /tmp ?18:44
mojtabaioria: how can I check that?18:45
ioriamojtaba, ls  /tmp18:45
stacks88my ubuntu system 14.04 mailed root user with the message myhostname : Oct  5 21:38:54 : bob : 1 incorrect password attempt ; TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/bob ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -- my question is, what package thats installed on teh system made this happen? anyone know?18:46
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davidmichaelkarrI have a ubuntu 12 vm with working desktop icons, and now I've created an ubuntu 14.04 vm, copying the same "*.desktop" files from the other vm and making sure the associated applications are properly installed.  One of those applications is not showing the icon, even though I've verified the icon is valid and is specified properly in the desktop file, and18:47
davidmichaelkarrI've also verified that double-clicking the icon properly starts the application.18:47
stacks88and also what file do i have to edit to get it to email a specific address, not just the 'root' user on the system. it actually emailed root@mydomain.com18:47
mojtabaioria: no I do not have18:49
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akikstacks88: that could be logwatch18:51
stacks88dpkg -l doesnt show any logwatch installed18:51
stacks88mostly it would be great to figure out what file to edit to change it to instead of emailing root@ to email a specific address18:52
stacks88because those kind of messages sure would be helpful to know about, without having to read the root user mail on every box18:52
erbeplI don't have battery indicator18:53
erbeplcould someone help? thanks18:53
stacks88Looks like it has to do with /etc/sudoers18:53
hecataeerbepl: desktop laptop tablet?18:53
erbepllaptop, toshiba18:54
stacks88Defaults        mail_badpass18:54
erbepli found some sollution in the Internet18:54
stacks88but wondering how to get it to mail to a specific address, or maybe thats not possible18:54
erbeplbut I have some problems with it18:54
hecataeerbepl: lts or most recent ubuntu, bios or uefi?18:55
erbepl14.04 ubuntu18:55
[n0mad]settings > power > show battery status in the menu bar?18:56
erbeplthere is18:56
erbeplToshibas have problem with it18:56
erbeplnot only my18:56
erbeplI've tried acpi -V18:56
erbepland there is information: Adapter 0: off-line18:56
erbeplnothing about battery, when I do acpi -b there is any information18:56
stacks88looks like i jsut had to edit /etc/sudoers and put Defaults           mailto="omgsudo@example.com"18:57
lapinozzHello, how can i get a process PID from its window name using the terminal?18:58
erbeplhere some info, ppl said that it worked on 12.0418:58
erbeplBut i', trying to do first step: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/*18:59
erbepland there is no such file18:59
erbeplalso with BAT018:59
erbeplbrb in 2 min19:00
noahmg123How do I get virtualbox out of my dpkg procedure (or whatever it's called). It's trying to to stuff with it whenever I try to install anything.19:02
lapinozzHello, how can i get a process PID from its window name using the terminal?19:03
auronandacelapinozz: ps aux | grep nameofprogram19:04
lapinozzi want to find pid from WINDOW name19:06
lapinozznever mind, i found it, thx anyway19:09
erbepldoes any body know the sollution?19:09
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ubuntu_user_newHi, I want to run an xrandr command for all users globally, so it applies when they see the graphical login screen. Do you know if there is a file somewhere for such commands?19:27
ubuntu_user_newSo it is run right after the initial X server was started.19:29
davidmichaelkarrI've installed "caffeine" on both a ubuntu 12 and ubuntu 14 vm (along with centos7).  It works fine on the ubuntu 12 vm, but I got an error on startup on the ubuntu 14 vm, and when I run it manually, it says this:19:31
ioriaubuntu_user_new, you can try in ~/.profile19:31
ubuntu_user_newioria yes, but I would like to run it before a user logs in19:32
ioriaubuntu_user_new, put a script in /etc/rc.local19:33
ubuntu_user_newioria, Do you think that would work for an xrandr command? Because when I try to manually run xrandr in a text mode command line, it says "Can't open display."19:36
ioriaubuntu_user_new, no, right19:37
ioriaubuntu_user_new   http://askubuntu.com/questions/63681/how-can-i-make-xrandr-customization-permanent19:38
emadhelmiHi, i have ubuntu 15.04 and i have installed bumblebee on it, how can i know that is the graphci driver is installed on my OS or not?19:39
k1lemadhelmi: why did you install bumblebee and not just use the official nvidia-prime?19:40
godbod is Ubuntu 15 a stable release ?19:40
D-unit@godbod yes19:41
k1lgodbod: 15.04 is the actual short term support stable release, yes19:41
emadhelmiBecause I See that the icons on the left side bar in ubuntu are very bad shaped and i think my graphical driver is not installed correctly19:41
k1lemadhelmi: bumblebee is deprecated19:41
ikoniaemadhelmi: the intel component is default with xorg, the nvidia free is also default, but limited support, the properitary binary is 3rd party provided by the ubuntu package manager19:42
k1lemadhelmi: it was a workaround until nvidia did ship nvidia-prime to support hybrid video cards. which we have now since some time19:42
ubuntu_user_newioria, their solution is to use xorg.conf, but I believe you can't put kernel mode settings into xorg.conf. The only way I know is to use xrandr for this...19:42
ikoniakernel mode stuff is nothing to do wtih xorg19:42
ikoniathats done at boot arguments19:42
ioriaubuntu_user_new, /etc/default/grub19:42
ioriaubuntu_user_new,  maybe if you explain the entire problem ....19:43
ubuntu_user_newioria, right, the problem is this: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/Dithering/ - I must deactivate dithering with "xrandr --output HDMI-1  --set dithering On". They don't provide a kernel command line solution on that page.19:44
emadhelmiikonia, so what should i install?or what should i do?19:44
ikoniaemadhelmi: it really depends on your system and hour you want to use it19:45
ikoniaspecific model of card, and it's support status19:45
emadhelmiikonia, i do not use it very much the reason only i want to install my graphic driver is the bad icons in the left sidebar19:46
emadhelmiand nothing else19:46
schnerfI'm having a very basic problem: My live CD is asking for a username and password. I've downloaded 15.04 twice today, and it seems to be downloaded correctly.19:46
ioriaubuntu_user_new,  you need to enable/disable  dithering  ?19:46
schnerfIs there a known solution?19:46
ikoniaemadhelmi: so I sould say hard set it to the intel mode, and use the default intel drivers in xorg19:47
RNevilleAnyone know how to shutdown a computer just using keyboard keys, without using the mouse? Running Ubuntu 14.0419:47
schnerfubuntu/ doesn't work, ubuntu/ubuntu doesn't work, root/root doesn't work.19:47
emadhelmiikonia, how can i do this?19:47
ubuntu_user_newioria, yes, and that's why I believe I need a way to make it apply for all users - it would be most convenient if it applied at the login screen, too...19:47
schnerfRNeville: open a terminal (ctrl-alt-T, i think)19:47
schnerfRNeville: then type sudo shutdown now19:48
ikoniaemadhelmi: the card switching tool, set it to inetl19:48
Spr1ngsudo shutdown -h nopw19:48
ioriaubuntu_user_new,  the problem would persists with proprietary nvidia ?19:48
emadhelmiikonia, i am new to ubuntu,is this a program?(card switching tool)19:49
ikoniaemadhelmi: nvidia-prime/bumblebee19:49
RNevilleschnerf, thx, hoping just for a combination of key strokes, and not a command19:50
emadhelmiikonia, i enter it in the terminal and i get this massage No such file or directory19:50
ubuntu_user_newioria, proprietary nvidia introduces other problems, so I'd like to use nouveau19:50
schnerfRNeville: not that I know of, then. SOrry.19:50
RNevilleschnerf, thx, anyway19:51
schnerfRNeville: I figured it was "this mouse is broken and I can't unplug it without unplugging... something". Or something.19:51
ubuntu_user_newMaybe Ubuntu's login manager has an init file where you can paste your custom commands into?19:51
RNevilleschnerf, I just like using the keyboard only - if I don't have my hand on the mouse19:51
ioriaubuntu_user_new,  right... http://askubuntu.com/questions/364394/xrandr-startup-script19:52
ikoniaemadhelmi: enter what into the terminal19:52
RNevillealso, like to be able to turn off the computer without setting down and using the mouse19:52
RNevilledon't think I should just push and hold the off buttong - if standing up19:52
ioriaubuntu_user_new,  you could use a .xinitrc file19:53
ikoniaemadhelmi: did you read about bumblebee before you installed it ?19:53
ikoniaRNeville: just bind a hotkey to a script/binary19:53
[n0mad]shutdown now19:53
RNevilleikonia, thx,19:53
RNevillen0mad, thx19:54
[n0mad]ctrl+alt+t to open terminal, sudo shutdown now19:54
RNevillen0mad, thx, again19:54
Zerock|WorkHow can I reload the top bar in Unity? My clock is missing, and I can't reboot at the moment.19:54
RNevilleZerock|Work,  I have the same problem - at times in Ubuntu 14.0419:55
OerHeksZerock|Work, go into systemsettings > time & date, and enable it again?19:55
ubuntu_user_newioria, thank you, I'll try to make a lightdm startup script - but I fear a global xinitrc takes no precedence over users' ~/.xinitrc19:55
OerHeks2nd tab ( clock) show in the menu bar19:55
ioriaubuntu_user_new,  good luck,  come back if this is not resolving19:56
emadhelmiikonia, what should i do?19:56
ikoniawhat do you mean what should you do19:57
ubuntu_user_newioria, thank you, have a nice evening19:57
emadhelmiikonia, no i dont read about it, i just read in the net that for reduce the fan working i can install bumblebee19:57
ikoniaemadhelmi:  I suggest you check out how to use it,19:58
Zerock|WorkOerHeks: The check box is grayed out and checked.19:58
EriC^^Zerock|Work: open the terminal, type restart indicator <press tab a few times>19:59
EriC^^autocomplete indicator-datetime19:59
Zerock|WorkEriC^^: Thank you.20:00
OerHeksEriC^^, seems like an old bug, maybe one should add your solution > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/122836020:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1244285 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1228360 Date/time sometimes doesn’t appear in menu bar, settings greyed out" [Medium,Triaged]20:02
GreenJiantwhat virtual machine freeware can I use with Ubuntu?20:06
EriC^^OerHeks: yeah, sure20:06
auronandaceGreenJiant: virtualbox and qemu are both free and ope source20:06
ikoniaGreenJiant: what about it ?20:06
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox | GreenJiant20:06
ubottuGreenJiant: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.26-dfsg-2ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 15697 kB, installed size 60053 kB20:06
GreenJiantMuch Obliged.20:07
k1lGreenJiant: start with virtualbox that is beginners friendly20:07
lotuspsychje!discuss > BluesKaj good evening20:11
ubottuBluesKaj, please see my private message20:11
godbod bye!20:11
netlarHI all20:19
lotuspsychjenetlar: welcome, what can we do for you?20:19
dekhohey guys!20:20
netlarJust wanted to see if I got irssi working correctly sorry20:20
hecataenetlar: looks like it's working                                          is all text coming through20:21
imthenachomanhi guys. for some reason, every now and then, on reboot/shutdown, it hangs. right now i see the message "all processes ended within 1 seconds"20:26
ikoniaimthenachoman: where are you seeing that20:27
imthenachomanshutdown screen20:28
imthenachomani just forced shutdown with powe button20:28
imthenachomangonna try agani20:28
gefdecueI changed mac in interfaces according to a tutorial, and now i see the eth0 shows the mac i set, and wlan0 shows my real mac still20:28
shazzrWhere should I go to get help with my Hauppauge Nova T USB stick. I can't get it to work with VLC. Can't find any Freeview channels although I scanned everything I can..20:29
ikoniagefdecue: why are you changing the mac20:30
=== Guest1320 is now known as hxm
CyberGabberI'm using BlueFish. When using 'Preview in browser', i got error "Failed to create a command for firefox -remote 'openURL(%p)' || firefox '%p'&."20:31
CyberGabberRight now the external command under preferences is:   firefox -remote 'openURL(%p)' || firefox '%p'&20:31
CyberGabberGoogled and tryed a lot of options, but can't got in working in FireFox.20:31
CyberGabberWhat's the external command for showing it in FireFox?20:31
Moony22is there a way to check if a package is being installed from a different terminal?20:33
tewardMoony22: 'being installed'?20:34
lotuspsychjeMoony22: history on the other terminal20:34
Moony22i mean when i can't access the other terminal20:34
tewardMoony22: history in the terminal, unless you're trying to figure out why `apt-get` or something is returning a lock error20:34
Moony22teward: im running apt-get install with a python script + ssh20:35
Moony22and it's not exiting, but im getting a lock error when trying from a different terminal20:35
k1lMoony22: you can only use the package manager one time at a time20:37
Moony22sorry i'm asking a stupid question k1l, i figured out it was because i wasn't using -y in my script20:37
liannaso hows ubuntu working out for everyone.20:38
lotuspsychjelianna: ask your issue to the channel20:38
liannaoh okay20:39
liannawhat would be a good email client to use for ubuntu to download my emails from my online email source20:39
lotuspsychjelianna: geary and thunderbird are nice20:40
auronandacelianna: thunderbird and evolution are both available20:40
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705370/20:40
liannak maybe i go evolution20:40
fearnothingI've just read a guide on automounting network shares that recommends you create a hidden file in /root and store the credentials there in plain text20:42
fearnothingisn't there a better way?20:42
MonkeyDustfearnothing  try gigolo20:42
fearnothingMonkeyDust, it appears to be GUI based20:43
fearnothingwhat about CLI?20:43
raj_I am suing Zorin OS 9. I am new with Linux. I selected mount option "/" for Installation drive and "/windows" for back up data drive.Though it was fine for some times at first but now everytime Zorin starts it show a message something like20:45
raj_"The disk driver for /windows is not ready yet or not present.20:45
raj_Countinue to wait, or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"20:45
raj_Is there any solution ? please let me know. And is there anything to change "/windows" to default. Please help me.20:45
MonkeyDustraj_  zorin is not supported here20:45
OerHekszorin has its own issues20:46
k1lraj_: try #zorinos20:46
raj_sorry, but as I know zorin is based on ubuntu 14.0420:46
k1lraj_: but its not ubuntu, so please ask them. we cant know what they changed20:46
auronandaceraj_: and ubuntu is based on debian, but you don't go to the debian channel for ubuntu support20:46
raj_can you please let me know if there is any channel for zorin !?20:47
k1lraj_: i already did20:47
krugerraj_: #zorinos20:48
MonkeyDustraj_  type /j #zorinos20:48
chingaois Ubuntu MATE supported on this channel?20:48
auronandacechingao: indeed20:48
lotuspsychjechingao: and there is also an #ubuntu-mate channel20:48
krugerI've recompiled the vmlinuz.efi, but i'm unable to boot the dvd in the uefi mode, i'm kicked in busybox shell (initramfs). In bios mode boot fine. Someone can help me, please?20:48
chingaothanks auronandace and lotuspsychje20:49
* gaccardo is away: I'm busy20:58
k1l!away > gaccardo20:59
ubottugaccardo, please see my private message20:59
* gaccardo is back (gone 00:01:55)20:59
* gaccardo is away: me fui21:00
* gaccardo is back (gone 00:00:08)21:00
kronos003Has anyone here used ZFS? I'm about to purchase a 10HDx5TB storage system, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to go in terms of long term data integrity and decent all around perfomance. I was eyeing  ZFS, but I read that the write perfomance is limited to a single disk. Even with a SSD as a write cache this sounds TERRIBLE - what happens when I'm writing some BIG stuff and blow through the SSD's capacity? My other thought i21:02
auronandace!zfs | kronos00321:02
ubottukronos003: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS21:02
lotuspsychjekronos003: good news zfs gonna be more supported in ubuntu in the future21:03
Saphire Hello, does Ubuntu has a font editor just like google : https://www.google.com/fonts#UsePlace:use ?21:03
Saphire I would like to get the google fonts.21:03
kronos003nice writeup there - I've been reading other places as well21:05
bpromptSaphire:   google editor?  I must be missing it there, I only see a page for support on embedding google fonts21:05
bprompts/google/& font/21:06
OerHeks!info fontmanager21:06
ubottuPackage fontmanager does not exist in vivid21:06
OerHeks!info font-manager21:06
ubottufont-manager (source: font-manager): font management application for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.7-4 (vivid), package size 625 kB, installed size 1334 kB21:06
OerHeks!info typecatcher21:08
ubottutypecatcher (source: typecatcher): Download Google webfonts for off-line use. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2-1 (vivid), package size 86 kB, installed size 426 kB21:08
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YukenI've heard that Lubuntu is switching from... whatever they use to some form of LXDE branch with QT?21:10
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auronandaceYuken: from what i understand razorqt and lxde are essentially combining. but this channel is for support issues21:12
YukenAh, didn't know that it was just for support. Sorry.21:12
k1lYuken: you mean lxde -> lxqt. so lubuntu will follow some day i guess21:13
YukenRufus should be fine to install Lubuntu, correct?21:13
wileeeYuken, rufus load the iso to boot to install21:14
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NoxferoxAhoy =21:20
itsmeI keep getting this error every time I start my system http://imgur.com/LYE0qKl , any idea why ?21:23
wileeeitsme, There a popup with a dropdown with info at desktop?21:24
k1litsme: click "report problem" and then on next window click on "details" to see what causes that report"21:24
MiDOZitsme: Me too :) I read the details, it was that hibernation didnt restore successfully, and it;s a popup wileee21:24
wileeeMiDOZ, you resize swap to fix?21:25
itsmeMiDOZ> : so i need to see what is the problem and then fix it ..21:25
MiDOZitsme: yes21:25
MiDOZwileee: I've got swap space twice the RAM storage = 16GB21:26
MiDOZdefinetly not the problem21:26
bekksMiDOZ: Which is wasting space :)21:26
MiDOZbekks: 4 TB :)21:26
MiDOZtwice is recommended SWAP21:26
bekksMiDOZ: it was, about two decades ago.21:27
bpromptMiDOZ:    16gbs man!  that's about 4 dvds :P21:27
bekksMiDOZ: Where did you get thet requirement from, nowadays?21:27
k1lMiDOZ: that is from the old days, wenn you had like 16MB ram. today you only need ram=swap if you want hibernation.21:27
wileeeitsme, Share the problem with us if needed.21:27
MiDOZMaybe I've got an old story stuck in my head then21:28
MiDOZSwap is resizable,space can be gained back21:28
bpromptMiDOZ:    the extra virtual ram space, is needed IF your system usage, runs out of actual ram, and that'd happen if you run lots of big apps or services or if you only have like 2gbs or so of ram, otherwise, it may not happen at all, at which case, the virtual ram space will never be used21:28
itsmewileee ; yes i will the next time i start up i will check to see the problem instead of clicking cancel21:29
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MiDOZI usually run 4 VMs together for some simulation21:29
bpromptMiDOZ:     and how much ram do you have? 4gbs ddr3?21:29
MiDOZ8 GB DDR321:30
MiDOZit lags a bit too21:30
bekksMiDOZ: So how much RAM do your VMs use, altogether?21:30
bpromptMiDOZ:    so... have you ever checked how much of the swap space it's being used whenever you have the VMs running?21:30
MiDOZI've accumulated around 2 GB each21:30
MiDOZno, never done that b421:31
bekksThat leaves no RAM for your host, which leads to a lagging system.21:31
MiDOZnow the swap comes to the rescue21:31
bekksIt doesnt, since it is about 1000x times slower than your RAM.21:31
bekksYour swap just helps you for avoiding the out-of-memory-killer being invoked.21:32
bprompt!find indicator-multiload21:32
ubottuFound: indicator-multiload21:32
bprompteh?   so hehhe, show it =)21:32
=== danorby is now known as DaNorby
bprompt!indicator-multiload | MiDOZ21:32
k1l!info indicator-multiload21:33
ubottuindicator-multiload (source: indicator-multiload): Graphical system load indicator for CPU, ram, etc.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4-0ubuntu3 (vivid), package size 91 kB, installed size 461 kB21:33
bprompt!info ndicator-multiload | MiDOZ21:33
ubottuMiDOZ: Package ndicator-multiload does not exist in vivid21:33
bpromptMiDOZ:   anyhow, you can just run that, it shows all cpu workloads as well as ram, cached, buffered and swap in use, and it runs on the systay21:33
bpromptsystray rather21:34
MiDOZinstalling, bprompt ubottu21:34
bekksfree -m :)21:34
bprompthehe, that one keeps a visible colored indicator on the systray though =), just a glance and is all :)21:35
bpromptMiDOZ:     but if each VM uses 2gbs.... I guess 16gbs ain't so bad on a 8gbs ram system21:35
MiDOZThat's a great indicator21:36
k1lyou dont want your system to use swap. swap is _a lot_ slower than your ram. so all will be lagging21:36
guest42I just updated my computer [I have the pre released updates as well], and now my computer is locking up at the login screen. I am working on getting a bootable USB stick made [My last one got overwritten with another OS], but has anyone else experienced this, and if so do they know how to fix it?21:37
wileeeguest42, How you tried a previous kernel on board?21:38
wileeeand what release is this?21:38
guest42It's 15.4, and I'm not sure what you mean "previous kernel". It did used to be a windows 8 computer if that is what you mean21:39
itsmewhy there is no Brightness indicator in Lubuntu ? i used to have it in older versions ?21:41
wileeeguest42, At the grub menu your first line is the kernel starting the OS. Second line is access to others that may be onbaord from your install.21:41
charmshow do I fix this? http://imgur.com/QgLEv8B21:41
wileeeguest42, WE have had updates for these lately, this can cause issues, getting to the desktop with one that works is a good start.21:42
k1lcharms: which mint is it?21:42
guest42I've seen the grub text file, but not the grub menu.It has never shown up.21:42
MiDOZ I'll take a look at the resources next time I run the simulation again and see what I need and don't need. :) Thank you! bprompt and ubottu21:42
MiDOZSorry I lot connx21:42
charmsk1l ubuntu21:43
charmsnot mint21:43
guest42I read that you could get in if you pressed and held shift, which I tried, but either I did it wrong or something is wrong in it because I still booted normally.21:43
wileeeguest42, Tap the esc or shift key on starting up to see grub. You mentioned W8 at some point probably esc.21:43
bpromptitsme:   hmm I use lxpanel 0.5.8, and it doens't have an applet for Brightness21:43
k1lcharms: don lie. it says mint in the panel21:43
charmsI use that icon hugh@hbox:~$ cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 15.04 \n \l21:44
charmsI removed the line break21:44
guest42Oh, that was new. Is the grub menu a blue box on black screeen, or was that someething my bios has?21:44
guest42I've only seen grub2's boot, and that was on a different machine21:45
guest42And that didn't work.21:45
itsmebprompt ; it used to have an applet in 14.10 n can i install one ?21:46
ubuntu_freedom_yis ubuntu going to stop using compiz soon?21:46
wileeeguest42, I think you're uefi so I'm not up on all these screens for boot I.E. grub and the uefi boot, excellent help here now on this though.21:46
ubuntu_freedom_yi was reading that it is very important to stop using it, because it is two years old and not supported.21:46
itsmebprompt ; the problem is i cant even controle the britness with my keyboard21:46
ubuntu_freedom_ywhat itsme21:46
bpromptitsme:   are you on mobile or desktop?21:47
ubuntu_freedom_ydo you mean screen brightness doesn't work for your laptop?21:47
ubuntu_freedom_ythere is a grub fix for this.21:47
itsmebprompt ; desktop21:47
wileeeguest42, This was just a starting point to see if a desktop was reachable, others may have others responses as a start.21:47
charmsk1l, I use this https://launchpad.net/~moorkai/+archive/ubuntu/cinnamon21:47
itsmeubuntu_freedom_y  ; what is it please ?21:47
bpromptitsme:    then your monitor/lcd would have a knob for that, use that :)21:47
ubuntu_freedom_ylet me find it.21:47
ubuntu_freedom_yUpdate your Grub file, line no 11 in /etc/default/grub21:48
ubuntu_freedom_yGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash21:48
ubuntu_freedom_ythen run sudo update-grub21:49
fearnothingif you want to create an entire path in one go rather than creating each directory in turn21:49
fearnothingwhat's the right command?21:49
wileeeubuntu_freedom_y, preface with whom you're addressing if you can.21:49
mcerbI still can't get my wifi enabled. Every time I run "rfkill unblock wifi" while watching "rfkill event" I get this: "1444254525.404667: idx 1 type 1 op 2 soft 0 hard 0\\1444254526.100416: idx 1 type 1 op 2 soft 1 hard 0"21:49
mcerbmeaning the wifi interface gets unblocked and then immediately reblocked21:50
itsmeubuntu_freedom_y change line 11 to  acpi_backlight=vendor"  ?21:50
ubuntu_freedom_yitsme no add that line21:50
ubuntu_freedom_yitsme: so, go sudo gedit /etc/default/grub21:51
ubuntu_freedom_ythen edit it, then sudo update-grub21:51
itsme<ubuntu_freedom_y> ye i opned it it !21:51
mcerbcan anyone think of what service/kernerl module might be constantly soft blocking my wifi interface? how would I go about figuring it out?21:51
itsmeubuntu_freedom_y ; so the line 11 should be   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash cpi_backlight=vendor"21:52
ubuntu_freedom_yitsme: http://itsfoss.com/fix-brightness-ubuntu-1310/21:55
ubuntu_freedom_yitsme: yes, but Acpi21:56
rollerhow do I unzip a rar file?21:56
rollerxubuntu 15.0421:56
ubuntu_freedom_yroller: install unrar21:56
rollerthats windows, cant I do it from a terminal?21:56
k1lroller: install unrar package and than use the fileroller or whatever gui xubuntu uses21:56
k1lroller: use the unrar command on cli21:57
rolleri dontknow what cli is, im now in synaptic looking for rar21:57
ubuntu_freedom_yroller: sudo apt-get install unrar21:58
ubuntu_freedom_yroller: from terminal21:58
demhlyrcli is the terminal. commandline interface21:58
HackerIIcli  terminal21:58
rollerwhat I never understood: if I cd to a directory not on my home dir and execute that command you just pasted, will the programm get installed in the directory I chose?21:59
k1lroller: no21:59
ubuntu_freedom_yroller: no, it has nothing to do with where it installs, where you are.21:59
ubuntu_freedom_yyou are generally issuing install command from anywhere in terminal world22:00
rollerunrar "Jose Luis Rodriguez con los Panchos.Inolvidable".rar didnt do anything22:00
k1lroller: apt and dpkg are the same commands that synaptic uses in the background22:01
vtrevhi guys22:01
k1lroller: you need to escape all spaces with \ in front.22:02
k1lroller: on cli you better use tab completion22:02
roller  x             Extract files with full path < how do I add that to the example I pasted?22:04
bekksroller: unrar x...22:04
rollerand why does the command doesnt work without the x?22:05
bekksroller: which exact command, which exact output?22:06
rollerunrar "Jose Luis Rodriguez con los Panchos.Inolvidable".rar22:06
rollerunrar x "Jose Luis Rodriguez con los Panchos.Inolvidable".rar22:07
rollerunrar "Jose Luis Rodriguez con los Panchos.Inolvidable".rar22:07
rollerTHATS The only difference22:07
rollerthe one witouth the x didnt work22:07
bekksroller: Because you need to tell unrar what to do.22:07
rollermazing the ammount of crap windows programmers create for such simple tasks22:08
k1lroller: why dont you use the tab-completion?22:08
charmsk1l what do I do?22:08
rollerk1l, because I dont know how to do it22:08
bekksroller: Windows has nothing to do with it.22:08
k1lroller: you are making it more difficult than it should be.22:08
mcerbhow do I figure out which service is calling rfkill to soft block my wifi?22:08
rollerbekks, i was comparing extracting on a cli and using winzip22:08
k1lroller: write Jose(then press TAB key)22:09
rollerk1l, enlighten me22:09
bekksroller: comparing apples and tires.22:09
k1lroller: you can use the GUI, too22:09
rolleryou mean on a cli and not here, right k1l ?22:09
k1lroller: again: you want to make it the most difficult way possible. so dont blame others.22:09
vtrevhi I am on ubuntu 14.01 ,installed on my laptop,I have a screen connected on HDMI ,would like to know if it is possible to start a new session on the other screen using Ctrk+Alt +F2 and not have an extended desktop22:10
rollerwho am I blaming now?22:10
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k1lroller: you can let the terminal complete paths and filenames and even commands. just use the tab key. it even works here on irc with nicknames. like "roll(TAB)"   and it will make it roller22:11
k1lroller: and i told you already, that you need to install the unrar package and than you can use the gui. like winzp. or unrar or 7zip on windows. the program on xfce is calles xarchiver22:12
rollerthanks a lot k1l22:12
rolleris this what you mean with tab-completion? ~$ cd22:15
rollercd                 cdda2mp3           cdda2wav           cd-fix-profile     cd-it8             cdrdao             cdrkit.cdda2mp3    cdxa2mpeg22:15
rollercd-create-profile  cdda2ogg           cd-discid          cd-iccdump         cdparanoia         cdrecord           cdrkit.cdda2ogg22:15
k1lyes. it works for /path/to/a/file to22:16
rolleri had to press the tab key twice and fast22:17
qstrahlI have seriously screwed up something, can't boot normally, sudo is broken in recovery mode, something is wrong with my FS I think.22:18
qstrahlI've been getting this error here and there: http://askubuntu.com/questions/631362/error-getting-authority-error-initializing-authority-could-not-connect-no-suc but nothing I've seen so far in the way of solutions has worked for me22:19
qstrahlIssues began after my machine froze and totally locked me out; I had to power down, and then this nonsense began.22:20
SchrodingersScatroller: right, twice will bring up suggestions if it can't match it to a single file/directory22:22
cweagansI'm running Ubuntu in a Docker container. In order to make volumes work right when running the container on Docker Machine (local virtualbox vm), I opened a PR against my container that does `groupmod -g 51 staff && groupmod -g 50 www-data && usermod -u 1000 www-data` before installing apache or php. If the uid of www-data (user) is 1000 and gid of www-data (group) is 50. What are the potential negative ramifications (if any) of doing22:22
cweagans that? It feels kind of dirty to be fiddling with user and group ids.22:22
Bashing-omqstrahl: What results with a file system check/repair from a linveDVD(USB) ?22:23
guest42... I think I did something and I'm not sure what. I held f5 in startup, my screen flashed ubuntu several times, some of the startup stuff that is usually hidden showed up,and I just logged in.22:23
qstrahlBashing-om, I managed to run fsck on all disks and it says they're all fine. Dirty bit was set but it ran on all of them with no complaints22:23
bekksqstrahl: did you use fsck or fsck -f ?22:24
qstrahlbekks, Both22:24
ikoniacweagans: look at what it's changing from and too22:24
ikoniayou'll probably find this is just a weak method of "init" your setup22:24
rolleri have a problem then: if I press tab once I dont get anyting. I just ls -l'ed my home directory, tried to tab the "video" directory, but nothing happened. I wrote "vi" and pressed tab., Nothing22:24
k1lroller: its case sensitiv22:25
k1lroller: Video is different from video22:25
cweagansikonia: I'm not sure what you mean? In Docker Machine (running locally in virtualbox), your host home dir is mounted inside the vm with uid = 1000 and gid = 50. That's hardcoded, so you can't change it. Then in the VM, when you run a container and bind-mount a dir from the vm into the container, it still has that same ownership. Without changing the group id and user id, apache/php can't read the files from the mounted volume.22:26
ikoniacweagans: yes, I understand how it works22:27
cweagansikonia: okay, so I'm not understanding what you're saying, I guess. Are you saying that it's not a good idea?22:27
ikoniacweagans: but apply logic, look at what it's changing from and too, and there is your answer of what's changing, then work out the risks eg: security, privileged low UID's etc22:27
Bashing-omqstrahl:  Able to boot from a recovery console ?22:28
cweagansikonia: Okay, let me ask a different way: Is changing the uid or gid going to break anything that I install afterward? I've verified that at the time I change the ids, nothing is using them. Apache and PHP seem to work fine if I install them after changing the ids.22:29
cweagansikonia: I guess I'm more confused about "you'll probably find this is just a weak method of "init" your setup"22:29
ikoniacweagans: it will break anything that references the old UID, or filesystems that are owned by the old UID22:29
qstrahlBashing-om, Yes, into recovery mode -- that's how I'm here now, on the affected machine, unfortunately. But tons of stuff doesn't work in this mode as well.22:29
ikoniait will introduce some security risks22:29
qstrahlBashing-om, For example I can't launch any graphical applications except for the ones that loaded on startup... they just won't start. I can't sudo, and some git commands are failing too.22:30
Bashing-omqstrahl: If one does not remount the file system in "recovery" for r/w one can expect some things not to work . Do you own "YOUR" files in your /home directory ? ' ls -al /home/<username> ?22:31
guest42Okay, so that didn't fix the problem, just gave me a way into my desktop. I also noticed my computer did not shut down properly when I tried to restart it from there, but I forgot if I used shutdown or restart.22:31
qstrahlBashing-om, I remounted as rw. Everything in my home directory is present and functioning apparently normally.22:33
cweagansikonia: okay, the first is not a problem. There isn't anything owned by the old uid or gid in the base image. The second: can you elaborate on that? On the default ubuntu image, the www-data user is uid 33 and the www-data group is gid 33. The staff group is 50 by default. I'm changing staff from gid 50 to 51, www-data (user) from uid 33 to 1000, and www-data (group) from gid 33 to 50. What security implications does this have? Sorry for22:33
cweagans pestering - just trying to understand..22:33
Bashing-omqstrahl: The question was who owns those files in your home directory ?22:33
qstrahlBut for example if I try to use sudo at all it asks for my password and then hangs forever, never completing the command. strace shows zero activity.22:33
qstrahlBashing-om, My user22:34
ikoniacweagans: your owner will be full interactive users,22:34
cweagansikonia: "your owner" meaning www-data (user)? And that's because it's a uid > 100 ?22:35
ikoniamore so because the process will still be changed, but you're now putting it owned by a bind mount from a fully interactive user22:36
cweagansikonia: What could I Google for to find ways of mitigating that risk?22:39
ikoniayou can't really22:40
ikoniayou just have to manage it22:40
cweagansikonia: Okay, how would I learn about the steps that I need to take to manage the risk?22:40
ikoniajust be sensible, and think about whawt/how you're exposiging things to the internet22:41
Bashing-omqstrahl: See if your home dir location is set correctly in the /etc/passwd file, ' getent passwd <user_name> ' .22:42
CytonHI all, can you tell me how to order unity apps when I search22:44
Cytonwhen I do <super> and type calc I want calculator to be first result22:44
k1lCyton: then type calculator22:45
wileeeCyton, add the letters till it does22:45
Cytonis it not possible to change the order?22:45
k1lCyton: its a algorythm that calculates what you might want. so its the same like: no matter what i search in google i want calculator to be the first entry22:46
k1lCyton: think about there is other stuff that might match for calc too22:47
Cytonso there is no recently used ordering?22:48
Cytonor favourite applications?22:48
qstrahlBashing-om, Looks fine to me22:48
k1lit matches program names and tags22:49
qstrahlBashing-om, Worth noting however is that my home directory is encrypted. Dunno if that makes a difference.22:49
Bashing-omqstrahl: Same, encryption but that a big step beyond my skill set .22:50
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jimk1l, hi. I think acetakwas would like to have a conversation with you... he's currently banned due to a connection problem22:51
k1ljim: tell him to come to #ubuntu-ops :)22:52
alebI run python3.4dm -c "from gi.repository import Gdk" and I get "ImportError: cannot import name '_gi'" even though it works ok if I remove the "dm". Any idea why that fails?22:59
ikoniais there a binary in your path called python3.4dm23:00
ikoniawhere is it looking path wise for modules to import ?23:01
=== Hexagon is now known as ExecSlim
guest42Update: I have a new install disk up and the test version running. @Wileee this is where it is revieled that I am a complete newb and don't actually know what I'm doing or looking for.23:06
pyoorHi all.  I'm getting the following error when starting keychain and I can't seem to find out why: /usr/bin/keychain: 1: eval: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string23:07
alebikonia, I had to install python3-gi-dbg23:07
wileeeguest42, Me to in any uefi install or fix, just outline best you can the issue.23:09
majorhttp://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-148071 <= any one see an error to this find command ??23:10
wakeatnightso i run openbox and login via gdm on ubuntu. sometimes (randomly after reboot for example) the keyring doesnt get unlocked23:10
guest42Can you put that in other terms?23:10
wileeeguest42, two parts there, which one?23:11
tonyarklesany idea of a windows vnc client that can successfully connect to vino-server?23:12
tonyarklestightvnc and realvnc both complain about unsupported encryption23:12
guest42The second, the one where you are telling me to outline the issue.23:13
wileeeguest42, Sure, we know hardly nothing really. In general what is there already if a dual boot, you mentioned W8 is relevant, your end goal and what you've done till know, all this if you can to get started, we are patient.23:15
wileeeguest42, What you're looking for is a helper who recognizes something in that info, or any other info.23:17
guest42It's not a dual boot. I cleared out windows 8, I was just mentioning that it was there before in case that was relevant. [I didn't know what you were talking about]. Basically what I know is this: I updated, and now sometime after loading the log in screen [shortly after the beep] it freezes.23:18
Haugli92Does anyone know a software that can show me cpu usage realtime in commad line? I want to print out (57%)23:18
guest42It worked earlier today, but not after I updated.23:18
wileeeguest42, Did you use any graphic drivers from the net like nvidia?23:19
guest42Though I probably should not have updated on that wifi, I know it to be less than preferable, even for web browsing.23:19
guest42I don't think so...23:19
wileeeproprietary is the key word23:19
wileeeguest42, Did the update finish with no errors?23:19
SburUbuntu 15.04.  Brother MFC 6490cw.  Not recognized.  I downloaded what I had in terms of driver ... I thought23:20
guest42Uh, there is a propiratary driver on here, then there is my Bamboo's driver which I installed myself, but has not been working recently23:20
guest42And it didn't report any errors.23:20
wileeeguest42, Again just guessing here, others should see this.23:21
dekhohello all23:22
guest42I checked the software and updates thing, and it says something about firmware for intel CPUs, so that's probably what may or may not be proprietary on my PC.23:23
wileeeguest42, on the live right?23:23
guest42Live disk = the install disk, but letting me play as if it is my OS?23:23
guest42If so then yes23:24
guest42If I run the software updater from the live disk, will it affect the live disk, or is it built to modify the harddrive instead?23:28
guest42No, it looks like it modifies the disk. Darn - I was hoping I could re-run the software update.23:29
Haugli92Im logging for a simple command which will print out (57%) for CPU usage. I have tried alot of different commands, but none is realtime23:32
franklesbyim getting errors when trying to dual boot windows 10 and ubuntu 15.0423:33
franklesbyit doesnt recognise windows 10, it thinks i have windows 7, and all of my harddrive being used by windows is considered blank23:34
vexati0nhelp! for some reason my Ubuntu Server (14.04) is not using .list files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d23:48
vexati0nany reason why that would happen?23:48
wileeevexati0n, What is the outcome of that, that is a problem?23:49
wileeesingle files is the difference, read sam on updates/upgrades23:51
OerHeksvexati0n, one reason could be: those ppa's have no candidates for your ubuntu version.23:52
vexati0nwileee: yes. apt is supposed to read .list files which define additional DEB repositories, so you can add things without messing with your main sources.list file.23:52
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12705370/23:52
vexati0nOerHeks: no, that is not it in this case. "apt-get update" does not even show Ubuntu checking those repositories, much less attempting to find packages for its version. besides, i have many other servers also running 14.04 which all install packages from this same repository.23:52
zykotick9mojtaba: did you ask this same question much earlier today?  i have NO idea on the solution, but I saw someone ask the same question (but it might have been in #debian) several hours ago.  best of luck - if it wasn't you, i just wanted you to know you're not alone ;)23:53
GurkenglasTrying to autocomplete things in the terminal with tab produces badness sometimes: http://pastebin.com/r14g7JRV23:54
GurkenglasIt started when I did "sudo ./configure" in the Haskell GHC package I think? Possibly a lil before or after23:54
GurkenglasIm on xubuntu 14.0423:54
Gurkenglas(thats the guest in a vm, host is windows 10)23:54
=== Eq is now known as Uptime
wileeevexati0n, Did you pop the list of repos there from a saved source?23:55
wileeejust wondering if the permissions are right23:56
mojtabazykotick9: yes, thank you for your advice.23:56
zykotick9mojtaba: sorry there wasn't much "advice" included.  best of luck.23:57
vexati0nwileee, the .list file is created by a central config management server that puts exactly the same file on all the servers. the other servers work, this one doesn't.23:57
vexati0nthe problem is ubuntu is not checking the repository. even if i edit sources.list and add a different repo there, ubuntu does not check it. it behaves as if it is using some older, cached copy of sources.list.23:58
vexati0ni have deleted everything in /var/cache/apt/ as well23:58

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